Marking the Generations – Part Two

by Glimbursts

First published

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

Marking the Generations is a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp as they make a new friend in Misty and meet two ponies from a past generation.

Twilight Sparkle has always done her best for Equestria. As her reign finally ends, she realises her final decision to safeguard Equestria will have consequences. However, let it not be said that Twilight Sparkle ever left Equestria to its own devices.
Calling on Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. She transports them through time to assist the new generation to identify the Elements of Unity and defeat the evil she was unable to alone.

In part two of four, our heroes return to the Brighthouse with information they hope will heal both Starlight and Sparky. Then, there is trouble ahoof as Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing. Their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Will our heroes unravel the mystery of Misty's dreams in time to find them?
Also, what of Opaline now she's lost her Protégé? Are her plans to take over Equestria now on hold for good?
Then, why is Sunny having so many problems with her powers? Will she be able to resolve them or are they lost forever?

Chapter One – Confrontation

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It was a determined Phyllis Cloverleaf who stomped her way up the dirt drive toward the Brighthouse. Her eyes did not waver from the front doors as they slowly got larger and larger. If the stallion she sort wasn’t at the Sheriff's Office, he’d surely be here.

Arriving at the large double doors at last, Phyllis at least remembered her manners and rapped loudly on the door with a hoof. Nostrils flaring, she tried to keep some composure as she waited. Finally, the door opened, however, it wasn’t any of the ponies she was expecting who appeared.

“Oh, hello, Phyllis,” Figgy smiled. “I’m sorry, Sunny and her friends aren’t back yet. Can I help you?”

“Help me?” Phyllis echoed. “You can help me by telling me where Sheriff Hitch is? Our town is overrun with Pegasus Guards. I need to speak with him immediately.”

“He’s with the others. Last I heard they were leaving Zephyr Heights.” Figgy replied. “After what’s happened, I’m sure they’ll be here as soon as they can.”

“After what’s happened? What do you mean after what’s happened?” Phillis questioned. “I saw them on the coverage of the Cutie Blossom Bash. Sunny and Izzy were with the two Princesses watching from their balcony. What else has happened?”

“I…I don’t know. All I know is they are on their way back,” Figgy reiterated uncomfortably. “I’m sorry there’s nothing more I can help you with.”

“Very well,” Phyllis sighed. “Please let Sheriff Hitch know I want to speak to him. I’ll leave you in peace, goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” Figgy replied as she closed the door.

However, as Phyllis turned to leave, she stopped as she saw the Marestream flying towards the Brighthouse. She could hardly believe her luck as it came into land.

Onboard the Marestream, Zipp turned to look at the others with a wry smile. “Looks like we have a welcoming party.”

“What could she want?” Izzy asked.

“I have an idea,” Hitch sighed and turned towards the door as the Marestream landed.

As soon as the door opened, Phyllis walked forward and met Hitch as he exited.

“Sheriff Hitch, where have you been?” she demanded. “The town is overrun with Pegasus Guards we never asked for. They’ve started patrolling as though they own the place.”

“The Guards have arrived because there is a threat to the safety and security of all Equestria,” Hitch replied matter of factly.

“Queen Haven will be making an address later today,” Sunny added as she appeared from the doorway.

Phyllis looked between the pair of them with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. “I closed CanterLogic because I was assured that there was no threat to our safety. That doesn’t mean that the Pegasi should be the ones to now look after the affairs of all Equestria.”

“But we all chose,” Sunny said naively. “We chose that Queen Haven would be the ruler of all Equestria.”

“Not everypony chose that, Sunny,” Phyllis sighed. “Many chose differently and didn’t get what they wanted. It would have been far better if we’d had a three-way council, then everypony would have had a say.”

“Phyllis, I understand your concerns, but rest assured I gave my blessing as Sheriff for the detachment of Guards to come,” Hitch reassured. “We’ve seen this threat up close, and I want the ponies of Maretime Bay to feel safe and secure.”

Phyllis scowled angrily, “If that is the case, Hitch, why are they dealing with issues that are clearly your jurisdiction?”

“Most likely because I haven’t touched hoof with their sergeant yet,” Hitch admitted. “I’ve only just got back. It’ll be my next point of call. Most likely they’re doing what they think is best until then.”

“See that you do, Hitch,” Phyllis replied. “Maybe you should be here doing your job instead of galivanting around with your friends. You still haven’t removed that dangerous magic flower from the centre of town.”

“I’m confident that the flower isn’t a threat, Phyllis,” Hitch smiled reassuringly.

“Oh, are you sure of that?” Phyllis frowned. “I seem to remember it creating a forcefield that was threatening to swallow the whole town. I ought to reopen CanterLogic so we can develop ways to defend ourselves from these magical attacks that clearly must have the Unicorns stumped.”

“Enough!” Sunny shouted suddenly.

She stepped between Hitch and Phyllis, with an almighty scowl on her face. Suddenly, her alicorn powers activated, her wings opening wide giving her a powerful appearance which caused Phyllis to take a step back in shock.

“You gave us permission to turn CanterLogic into a space for the community because it was costing you so much just sitting empty,” Sunny barked. “The useless rubbish you produced at CanterLogic wouldn’t stop Opaline. She’s too powerful! Hitch hasn’t been here because he’s been helping me and the others. We’ll protect Equestria together and stop her. The flower in town is clearly connected to me as the crystal has my cutie mark etched in it. If it were a threat, I’d deal with it. Leave it to me!”

After finishing her angry tirade, Sunny stood panting. Looking down at Phyllis who stood in shock.

“You know, Sunny,” Phyllis said softly. “You’ve always talked of friendship between all of Ponykind but look at you now. You’re not a beacon of friendship. You’re exactly what’s wrong with magic.”

Sunny’s eyes widened in realisation. High above them, the prisbeam blinked. As it did so, Sunny’s alicorn powers disappeared. She took a step back as her ears drooped in shock at herself.

“Clearly, there are always going to be those who think they’re stronger,” Phyllis continued. “Those who think they are above the rest of us. How do those of us with little power defend ourselves?”

“By relying on those with power that they trust,” Sunset said as she stepped forward. “It’s true that hostilities in my time can be linked back to magic in some way. However, the ponies in my time knew there were ponies who would protect them. They relied on the Princesses, relied on Twilight and her friends. Sunny and her friends are the same. Together they will protect Equestria from such powerful threats.”

“And you’re here to help them do that?” Phyllis frowned.

“That was why Starlight and I were sent here by Princess Twilight,” Sunset replied. “If you cannot trust us, trust Princess Twilight.”

“I agreed the Guards should be sent because seeing them patrolling the streets will give many comfort,” Hitch added. “The wellbeing of everypony in Maretime Bay is mine and Queen Haven’s first priority. Hoof to heart.”

“Well, I hope you all live up to what you are saying,” Phyllis sighed. “I look forward to the Queen’s address.”

With that, Phyllis turned and headed back down towards the town.

Sunny stood unblinking as she watched Phyllis’s retreating form get smaller and smaller. She felt numb, not quite believing how she’d reacted.

“Sunny?” Izzy said with concern. “Are you okay?”

Sunny shook her head suddenly and looked at Izzy, her eyes starting to well with tears. “I…I don’t know."

With that, Sunny bolted towards the door. Izzy gasped and hurried to follow. “Sunny, wait!"

“Let her go,” Sunset advised holding up a hoof to stop her.

“But she needs us,” Hitch protested. "Reacting like that wasn't like her at all. I've never seen her so angry."

“I know but I get the feeling she needs a little space right now,” Sunset responded. "She needs to work through things herself. We just need to be there for her when she wants us to be."

“Yeah, just like the town needs me,” Hitch sighed. “I had a feeling Phyllis would get ruffled by the Guards. I just need to thank Grandmare Figgy and see Sparky. Then I’ll go do my job.”

“We’ll take care of everything here, Sheriff,” Zipp replied reassuringly.

Sunset nodded in agreement as Hitch gave them a grateful smile before heading for the door.

“Right, I’m going to make a start on putting the Together Tree research in with what I have already,” Zipp smiled. “I can’t wait to see it all come together.”

“Sounds good. Meanwhile, Izzy, Misty,” Sunset sighed. “We really need to start working on the cures for Starlight and Sparky.”

“Sure, okay,” Misty smiled. “Coming, Izzy?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Izzy sighed as she looked up to the top of the Brighthouse, just able to see Sunny’s nose sticking out from the rail. She sighed again before following the others inside.

Chapter Two – Cures and Memories

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Queen Haven’s first address after being made ruler of all Equestria included everything one would expect. From thanking those who’d voted for the monarchy option to reassuring those who hadn’t. However, it was the news of Opaline’s looming threat that took everypony by surprise. Nonetheless, Queen Haven did her best to be informative and reassuring.

However, in the hours afterwards Pipp found the social media feeds had gone crazy. She sat in the living area furiously typing away on her laptop doing her best to quell any rumours and miss information she saw. She desperately wanted to give her fans good news but slowly came to realise that was actually in short supply. All she had left was the video she’d shot in the Canterlot Library, but it was far from ready to release.

As she typed, she was also doing her best to keep a watchful eye on Sparky as he napped on one of the nearby chairs. A blanket was pulled over him whilst he hugged his favourite cuddly crab toy. This was because Hitch had been true to his word, after seeing Sparky and speaking with Grandmare Figgy he’d made his way to the Station. However, he’d been gone the rest of the afternoon, seemingly the address had the town's ponies coming to see him.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen Misty was busy chopping ingredients whilst Sunset stirred the contents of a pan that sat on the stove boiling away.

“Are you sure this will work, Sunset?” Misty asked unsurely. “It doesn’t seem very magical.”

“Healing magics aren’t always best achieved through spells,” Sunset advised. “Often, it’s nature itself that provides the best cures. Mixed together in the right way, many of Equestria’s plants can be quite magical.”

“Oh, okay,” Misty grinned as she gestured to the pile of ingredients. “Is this enough?”

“Should be,” Sunset smiled. “We just need to wait until Izzy gets back with the book and the other ingredients before we add it.”

As if on cue, Izzy and Zipp suddenly came through the door.

“We’re here!” Izzy announced. “I can’t believe that some of these plants are going to heal Starlight.”

“I just hope the flight to Bridlewood, and back was worth it,” Zipp sighed.

“Did you get a look at the tree?” Pipp shouted. “Please tell me it’s a Together Tree like the others.”

“It’s not the same,” Zipp sighed as Pipp entered the kitchen. “The two we grew have such vibrant coloured leaves and flowers; they look special. The Wishing Tree just has the same ordinary foliage as any other tree, just like I thought.”

“So, do we need to grow one for the Unicorns?” Pipp asked.

“Don’t know yet,” Zipp admitted. “I need to spend some more time going through everything.”

“Sorry for pulling you away from your work, Zipp,” Izzy sighed. “We just really needed the ingredients.”

“And we need that book, Izzy,” Sunset smiled. “Let’s get Starlight back on her hoofs, I hate how long we’ve left her in limbo.”

“Oh, sure here you go,” Izzy replied as she passed the book over. “Isn’t it so convenient that it not only has the oil we need for burns but also the healing water too?”

“Yes, very,” Sunset sighed. “Izzy, did you say there was a pestle and mortar? We’ll need one to squeeze out the oils from the flowers.”

“Oh, yeah, I think there was one somewhere,” Izzy replied looking puzzled. “It’s a shame Sunny’s not here to help. She’ll know exactly where it is. Has she come down yet?”

“No not yet,” Misty sighed. “I hope she does soon though.”

“She will do when she’s ready,” Sunset replied. “Let’s focus on this for now.”

“Okay sure,” Izzy sighed as she proceeded to spend the next five minutes looking in cupboards.

Sometime later, Starlight heard a knock on her door. Before she could reply, Sunset poked her head in and smiled. “Oh, good your awake.”

“Kind of hard to sleep with all the noise downstairs,” Starlight smirked. “Where have you all been?”

“Canterlot,” Sunset replied as she walked in, levitating some books. “What’s left of it anyway.”

Behind her, Izzy and Misty followed. Izzy levitated a bowl of liquid and Misty a set of fresh dressings on a tray.

“I see you found some books then?” Starlight guessed.

“Yep,” Izzy smiled. “You’ll be feeling better in no time.”

“We wish you could have seen Canterlot,” Misty sighed. “It was amazing.”

“The throne room is still there,” Sunset advised. “The public library is completely preserved as well, not sure how given the climate.”

“Good to hear,” Starlight smiled before wincing as Izzy carefully started removing her old dressings.

“Yeah, keep still,” Sunset advised. “I’ll try to take the edge off.”

It took some time but eventually Izzy and Misty had successfully removed Starlight’s dressings. They applied the healing balm they’d created, and reapplied new dressings that had first been soaked in the same balm. They headed back to the kitchen to make more balm for when the dressings needed to be reapplied. Both were excited that they were making a difference.

“Feel better?” Sunset asked as she sat down.

“Definitely, I already feel more comfortable,” Starlight sighed. “So, find any other useful books?”

“Certainly,” Sunset smiled. “But first, you need to see this one.”

She turned the first book so Starlight could see the cover. Starlight's eyes widened as she instantly recognised it.

“The Scrapbook of Memories,” Starlight gasped. “H…how? Does it work?”

“Yep,” Sunset smiled. “I don’t know how given magic was removed from Equestria but it’s still working.”

She opened it carefully and flipped through the first few pages, Starlight grinned with pride.

“Looks bigger than I remember,” Starlight smiled. “Twilight said she wanted to add more to it.”

“I think she has,” Sunset sighed.

Starlight frowned but her expression softened at seeing Sunset’s concerned expression. “Seen something you shouldn’t have?”

“Sort of,” Sunset admitted. “When I returned and saw Princess Celestia again. Twilight added a message after it that took me by surprise.”

“Well, at least it wasn’t something you don’t remember,” Starlight winked. “You still need to add some to it yourself.”

“I want to,” Sunset confirmed. “Even before seeing it here.”

“We maybe ought not to dig too far into it,” Starlight smiled. “Leave that to Sunny.”

“Agreed,” Sunset smiled. “Out of interest, have you written any books?”

“No,” Starlight said with an inquisitive look. “Are you saying I should?”

“Do you know anypony named Zecora or Sunburst?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“Well, Zecora lives in the Everfree Forest and Sunburst is my Vice Headstallion. He's pretty much been my friend since we were foals,” Starlight replied. “Why? Have they written books?”

“You could say that,” Sunset replied.

She placed the Scrapbook down to one side and then turned the next one for Starlight to see.

Zecora’s Compendium of Natures Greatest Remedies. Wow so Zecora wrote a book?” Starlight smiled. “I did mention that she ought to actually.”

“It’s got the remedies that we’ve used just now,” Sunset smiled.

“Ha, I might have known,” Starlight grinned. “Zecora still helping ponies in the distant future. Who would have thought after how she was treated when she first came to Ponyville? Oh, that’s it, I’ve got to get onto her more about writing a book or two, maybe even help her.”

“Now, this one will be very useful,” Sunset said as she moved to the next book. “But I don’t think you should read too much of it.”

“Why?” Starlight asked as she read the cover. “Glimburst’s Anthology of Mystical Curios, Vol II. Who’s Glimburst? I don’t know anypony named Glimburst.”

“Oh, but you do know a Sunburst,” Sunset winked.

“So, we… Oh,” Starlight replied as the penny dropped. “Actually, he’s told me on a few occasions that he’d like help writing a spell book. He said he couldn’t decide which spells to include.”

“Yeah, spoilers,” Sunset replied. “Looks like there’s a series of them, all with spells that could be useful for us. Like to keep track of Opaline. Trouble is, I think I’ll need help casting them, a few are a tiny bit beyond my level now.”

“And pain relief spells aren’t?” Starlight replied with a frown. “Those are quite advanced.”

“Not when you sneaked into a restricted area to get one,” Sunset confessed before seeing Starlight's expression. “What? I wasn’t a model student back then and had a monster migraine.”

Starlight started laughing but it soon changed to a grunt of pain.

“Okay, I think you’re overdoing it now,” Sunset sighed. “Hopefully a few days and you’ll be back on your hoofs.”

“I know I’m going to sleep better now,” Starlight admitted. “I’m a lot more comfortable. Thanks, Sunset,”

“Don’t thank me,” Sunset replied. “Thank everypony, they all helped.”

“I will do,” Starlight replied before drifting off to sleep.

Sunset smiled before quietly excusing herself.

Chapter Three – Magical Mishaps

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It was clear the balcony at the top of the Brighthouse had become Sunny’s preferred place to think. She sighed as she watched the sun slowly sink beyond the horizon, it was beautiful. The sky was lit up in red and yellow hews and those reflected in the glistening sea. The windows of the buildings in Maretime Bay reflected the colours as well.

She thought back to her confrontation with Phyllis and how angry she’d gotten. She couldn’t work out why her alicorn powers activated. She hadn’t called on them and she’d hardly been her truest self.

Her powers just hadn’t been working as she expected recently. The more she thought about it, the more she remembered occasions they hadn’t activated when she wanted them. Activating them to fight Opaline had been a struggle, not only when she’d been trapped under the bubble. Not so long ago it had been so simple, now though the more she thought about it the more confused she felt.

She sighed again before resting her head on the rail of the balcony and watched the sun slowly sink below the horizon.

Sunny beamed as she skated her way through the streets of Maretime Bay. Other ponies waved and smiled back as she passed them. A song was playing from seemingly everywhere around her.

I've heard it enough
I'm callin' their bluff
I'll never get lost in the grey
Go big or go home
Get real or get known
Get ready and raring to say.

She skated around the bandstand and stopped to look out to sea as the song continued.

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (oh-oh-oh-oh)

Sunny beamed with happiness as she looked over towards the Brighthouse. Only to gasp when she realised it wasn’t there. The song faded as she felt her mouth going dry. Instead of the Brighthouse, the familiar Lighthouse she’d shared with her father stood looking over the bay. Eyes wide with a mixture of shock and curiosity, she began skating towards it as fast as she could.

It didn’t take long for Sunny to reach the Lighthouse, the wheels of her skates squealing in protest as she slid to a stop. Eyes wide with astonishment and panting from the exertion she studied the Lighthouse carefully. From the outside, it certainly looked like the one she remembered. Gulping, she reached a skate-clad hoof out to the door and tentatively opened it.

Sunny felt the air escape from her lungs as she entered the Lighthouse, it was just as she remembered it. However, as she looked, she realized that there were details that were different to the last time she’d seen it. To her left was the same photo of herself and her dad but on the coat hooks on the wall beyond were two raincoats, one brown, one purple.

She skated further inside, eyes wide, mouth agape as she took everything in. The more she looked, the more she realised this wasn’t the Lighthouse Sprout had destroyed. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice that made her heart skip a beat. “Sunny, what have we said about skating inside?”

Sunny froze as the lift activated and Argyle descended. His face had a stern look until he met Sunny’s gaze, tears welling in her eyes. The lift had barely stopped, and Sunny shot forward, her hoofs wrapping around her father. She pulled him into a loving embrace as tears streamed down her face.

“D…Dad?” Sunny croaked.

“Hey, hey,” Argyle soothed. “What’s wrong, Sunny Bunny?”

“I…I can’t believe…” Sunny sniffed. “This, this isn’t real. Is it?”

“It’s as real as you want it to be,” Argyle replied softly. “I’m so proud of you.”

“You…You are? But I…” Sunny gasped. “I don’t understand what happened to you.”

“That’s something I can’t explain right now,” Argyle sighed.

Gulping, Sunny finally left her father’s embrace and sat down, removing her skates from her forehoofs. Wiping the tears from her eyes she looked at her father with sorrow.

“Hey now,” Argyle smiled as he placed a hoof on Sunny’s cheek. “You did it, Sunny Bunny. You reunited all of Ponykind, just as I knew you would.”

“You did?” Sunny blinked.

Argyle nodded. “I knew you’d be the one to bring everypony back together. To bring friendship and unity to Equestria.”

“So, what do I do now?” Sunny sighed.

“Be the pony you have always been and never lose hope,” Argyle smiled. “Be somepony everypony else can look up to.”

“I’m no alicorn,” Sunny frowned. “I’m no Twilight Sparkle.”

“No, you’re Sunny Starscout, just be you,” Argyle smiled. “Never lose hope, Sunny. Look to your friends and look to the trees, they’ll help you.”

Sunny gasped as a loud bang suddenly shook her from her slumber. Groaning, she pushed the covers off herself and sat up. She was in her bed, but she couldn’t remember going to bed the previous night. She looked around to see the other beds were empty and sunlight was streaming in through the windows of the Brighthouse.

“It was a dream,” she breathed as tears welled in her eyes.

She sat and let the feelings of sorrow subside as she’d done many times previously. Suddenly, there was another bang which shook the Brighthouse, followed by shouting. Groaning, Sunny got up and started heading downstairs, paying no attention to the tangled mess her mane was in.

Finding the living space empty, Sunny followed the sounds of voices coming from outside and gasped at the scene before her.

One of the couches had been brought outside and placed to the side of the path. Sat on this was a much better-looking Starlight, there were still bandages wrapped around her barrel but it was clear she was well on the mend.

At right angles to the couch, there was a fold-up table. Both Izzy and Misty were working away on this, chopping various roots, vegetables, and flowers.

In front of both the couch and table, there was an open fire pit. A large pot was positioned directly above this with a bubbling translucent liquid within it. Beyond that, sat on the grass, was Sunset. A book was positioned in her lap, a scowl on her face as she studied it intently.

“Will you just let me read the book?” Starlight grumbled. “How can I help if I don’t know what the incantations are?”

“I’ve told you,” Sunset glared. “Spoilers!”

“And I’ve told you, it’s just a spell book,” Starlight responded robustly. “It’s not like it’s a journal of secrets. I’m not going to remember every spell that’s in there.”

“I know your memory when it comes to spells,” Sunset replied curtly. “You’ll remember it.”

“Which will only mean I’ll remember to include it in the book,” Starlight replied crossly. “It’s no different to if I’d found it in the library back home. Which I’ll need to do if I’m to include it in the book!”

Sunny blinked with confusion before she finally spotted Zipp who was sitting nearby shaking her head in dismay.

“What’s going on?” Sunny asked as she approached.

“Ah, glad to see you're up, Sunny,” Zipp smiled. “Oh, this? We’re trying to set up a monitoring spell but it’s not going quite as well as hoped. Starlight is trying to help but Sunset won’t let her read the book.”

“Why?” Sunny frowned.

“Because she’s not written it yet!” Sunset roared.

All eyes fell on Sunset, an infuriated expression on her face as she looked straight at Sunny. Sunny meanwhile looked back with an expression of shock and hurt, one of her legs moving as though she was about to bolt for the Brighthouse.

Sunset’s eyes widened in shock and realisation. “I…I can’t handle this,” she said before suddenly teleporting away with a flash. The book falling to the ground with a thud.

Sunny gasped looking to the others with confusion. “W…What did I say?”

“You said nothing,” Starlight sighed. “She’s frustrated with herself for not being able to cast the spell correctly.”

“Is that what those booms were?” Sunny asked.

“Yep,” Zipp replied. “Each time Sunset tried to cast the spell it kind of, well, blew up.”

“Great big waterspouts kind of blow up,” Izzy replied holding her hoofs wide for emphasis.

Starlight levitated the book to her hoofs and opened it. She quickly read the spell and sighed. “And I’ve already worked out why she was struggling. This spell is old, like really, really old. Part of the incantation is even in old Ponish. It’s no wonder she was struggling, it’ll take me a few goes to even work out what this is saying. I doubt she’s even looked at old Ponish for ages, let alone tried to read it.”

“So, if you’re casting a spell,” Sunny frowned. “Why does that need plants and pots?”

“We’re making a looking glass,” Starlight explained. “We first put the required ingredients together then cast the first part of the spell on the mixture. After that, we cover two mirrors with the mixture before casting the second part. Then, whatever is reflected in one mirror will appear on the other.”

“Woah,” Sunny breathed. “Okay, that is quite clever.”

“I know right,” Izzy beamed. “I’ve got the perfect disguise for the smaller mirror too. Took me most of the morning to make it.”

Izzy held up a bird’s nest which had a small fake bird sitting on top, a small compact mirror set into the bird’s chest. As the wind caught the bird, its little fake wings fluttered. It was clear that from a distance it would look quite effective.

“Pipp and Hitch went to buy a large mirror to use,” Misty added. “In the meantime, we were trying to get the mixture ready.”

“I also know an alarm spell we can add to it,” Starlight explained. “Then, not only will we be able to see Opaline’s castle and watch what’s happening. We’ll know when to watch it too.”

“Sounds brilliant,” Sunny replied with a sigh.

“Doesn’t sound brilliant,” Izzy frowned. “You okay, Sunny?”

“I’m fine, Izzy,” Sunny replied flatly. “I’m just going to go sort this mane disaster out and get some breakfast. I’m glad to see you’re looking much better, Starlight.”

With that, Sunny turned and headed inside, much to the disappointment of the others.

Meanwhile, Sunset had to admit that teleporting away in a huff hadn’t been one of the best choices she’d ever made. She’d wanted somewhere to vent where she wouldn’t upset anypony. However, she didn’t know that many places within this new Equestria. Therefore, the spell couldn’t take her to exactly where she’d thought of and had dumped her out in the nearest place that did.

She groaned as she realised her mistake and took stock of her current situation. She had no idea where she was, just that she was surrounded by trees and woodland plants. Certainly, it was somewhere quiet and secluded. However not knowing where she was wasn’t her main problem. The fact she was stuck up to her knees in mud and currently couldn’t move was.

“Perfect, just perfect. Way to go Sunset,” she commented crossly as she looked around. “At least there aren’t Timberwolves in Equestria now. I think…”

Frowning, she tried pulling one of her hoofs free. However, she gasped as she felt herself sink further into the mire. She took a series of deep breaths, her heart still pounding from the previous angry exchange and knowing that struggling wasn’t the way out.

“I doubt this will be a portal to the human world. Actually, I wonder what it’s like there now? It was already further ahead in technology. It could be even more advanced now Equestria has caught up.”

Suddenly, she felt herself sinking further into the mire again. She shook her head in an attempt to knock the stray thoughts from her mind.

“Focus Sunset," she told herself. “I need to get out of this mess and I’m not trying another teleport, I don’t know what ground is hard around here.”

She looked around and spotted some vines dangling from a tree branch above her. She smiled as she unwound them with her levitation magic before making sure it was tied off securely. Then, she dropped the end down to herself and grabbed it with her mouth.

She pulled hard on the vine, grunting and groaning with effort. Carefully, she wiggled her forelegs and slowly felt the hold on them loosen. It took a lot of effort, but she felt elated as her forehoofs finally came free with a squelch.

She wanted to cheer with joy but knew that letting go of the vine was the last thing she wanted to do. She could already feel her hind legs had sunk deeper into the mud up to her tail. Knowing she’d need more effort to pull them free, she lifted her forelegs to grasp the vine with her hoofs.

Which was when all of Sunset’s hard work was immediately undone as the vine suddenly snapped. She fell back into the mire, her hind legs sinking deeper and her barrel following right up to the shoulders of her forelegs. She was now well and truly stuck.

“Grrrraahh!” Sunset exclaimed.

Taking deep breaths, she just about kept herself from struggling violently in anger. She knew that getting angry again would only make things worse. She closed her eyes and panted, suddenly she felt quite drained of energy. “Now I know how Rainbow felt.”

“Maybe you would like some help?” a voice said suddenly.

Sunset gasped as a Zebra came into view, unhitching themselves from the cart they were pulling.

“Yes, yes please,” Sunset replied hopefully.

“One moment please,” the Zebra smiled.

They went around to the side of the cart and removed a length of rope before tying a noose into the end. Sunset could only wait with anticipation as she felt herself sinking again.

“Hold your hoofs up,” the Zebra instructed as they swung the newly made lasso.

Sunset did as instructed, and the Zebra whipped the lasso around with perfect precision. They got it over Sunset’s head and legs in one go, the rope pulling taught. Sunset grabbed the rope with her hoofs as best she could.

“Okay, hold on,” the Zebra grunted as they started pulling.

Slowly but surely, Sunset began to move through the bog. It took a lot of effort and Sunset did what she could to help. However, eventually, she was pulled free.

“Thank you,” Sunset panted as she lay on solid ground at last. “Thank you so much.”

“It is no problem,” the Zebra smiled. “Always happy to help somepony in need. I am Kendi.”

“Sunset, Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset smiled as she got to her hoofs, noting how she was still covered in mud.

“It is nice to meet you, Sunset Shimmer,” Kendi grinned. “One question, how did you get into such a predicament, I saw no hoof prints leading into the mire. We are quite far from the usual trails too. You were lucky I took the scenic route and heard you.”

“Oh, that would be a teleport accident,” Sunset replied sheepishly.

“Teleport?” Kendi frowned. “I heard magic had returned, but surely such a feat is not possible?”

“Let me show you,” Sunset replied.

Sunset picked up the rope in her magic. She wound it up neatly before teleporting it back to its position on the wagon, much to Kendi’s surprise.

“I didn’t want to try teleporting out of that mess,” Sunset explained. “Not after it got me into it in the first place.”

“Quite impressive,” Kendi replied in awe. “So, if getting here was an accident. Do you know where you are?”

“Not the foggiest,” Sunset sighed. “You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to Maretime Bay?”

“I do. In fact, I am on my way there now,” Kendi smiled. “Wouldn’t you want to get back to Bridlewood though?”

“Not really,” Sunset smiled, placing a hoof behind her head. “I have friends I’m staying with in Maretime Bay.”

“As do I and that is the reason for my trip there,” Kendi beamed. “I am hoping to reunite with the daughter of a dear departed friend of mine. I am an Archaeologist and I’ve been on a long journey searching for treasures of Equestria’s lost past.”

“R…Really,” Sunset replied awkwardly. “You wouldn’t happen to mind if I tagged along?”

“I don’t mind at all, follow me” Kendi grinned as she reattached to her cart. “It is not far and I know my friend would be ecstatic to meet you. Sunny has long dreamt of the reunification of all pony kind, and I am looking forwards to seeing her now it has happened.”

“Sunny? As in Sunny Starscout?” Sunset asked as they started walking.

“Why yes, have you met her already?” Kendi asked.

“I have,” Sunset smiled. “Kendi, you have a lot to catch up on.”

Chapter Four – Practising

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After Sunset teleported away, Starlight decided to abandon the creation of the Looking Glass. She wanted Sunset to complete what she’d started, and it was clear that Hitch and Pipp were taking their time anyway.

Therefore, Starlight had been encouraging both Izzy and Misty to try more magic themselves. She grinned as an orange suddenly appeared on the arm of the couch beside her.

“Well done, Misty,” she smiled. “You are a fast learner, much better than a friend of mine back home.”

“I…I can’t believe I can actually do it,” Misty beamed. “I never thought magic would be something I was good at.”

“Yeah, you’re getting on way better than I am,” Izzy groaned as apple parts shot all over her from another failed attempt.

“Not every Unicorn can cast these spells, Izzy,” Starlight explained. “For some, it’s just not possible. Like Rarity, for example, she’s a master of levitation and she’s got a really cool spell for finding gems. However, pretty much everything else is beyond her capabilities. At least you can do transformations, that’s got to be something you’re really happy about?”

“Oh, it is,” Izzy beamed, her demeanour swapping in a heartbeat. “The unicycling possibilities are limitless now! You’re right Starlight, so what if I can’t teleport things? At least I can be even more creative with the magic that I can do.”

“That’s the spirit,” Starlight grinned. “You just need to keep practising, both levitation and transformation. Then you’ll get better at both and soon the creative possibilities will be infinite.”

“Ooh, okay,” Izzy grinned. “I like those odds.”

“So, what about shields or beams, how hard are they?” Misty asked. “It would kind of be nice if I were able to help next time we have to face Opaline.”

“Honestly, shields are hard and take a lot of practice. Especially if you want to be able to take shots from somepony like Opaline,” Starlight explained. “I studied them for years. I know Sunset did too, she just needed her memory jogging. Beams, we can do but first, you need to practice teleporting. Then you can teleport yourself and that will be really useful in a fight. Let’s move onto teleporting the orange to somewhere you can’t see.”

“Okay, I can do that,” Misty grinned. “I had one idea…”

Sunny was back up at the top of the Brighthouse looking out over Maretime Bay. The sun was glistening off the wavetops as it climbed higher into the sky. She’d forgotten it wasn’t even lunchtime yet!

She squeaked with surprise as there was a flash beside her and gasped as the model of Twilight suddenly appeared. She gasped with desperation as it started to fall, only just catching it before it impacted the floor. She held the model and carefully inspected it before sighing. “What would you do Twilight?”

There was another flash and this time the Scrapbook of Memories appeared just beyond the guardrail. “Aaah,” Sunny cried, quickly grabbing the book before it disappeared over the edge.

After holding it tightly to her chest for a few moments, Sunny held it out to inspect it. She frowned as she spotted a piece of paper caught between the cover and the first page. Opening the cover and removing the paper she realised it was a folded note. Setting the book safely down, she unfolded the note to read it.

To my friend Sunny,

Starlight has been teaching me magic this morning, she says I’m already getting better and better at it. You said that someday I could be doing magic, and I can’t help feeling I’ve had the opportunity thanks to you.

I know you are not feeling yourself right now and I hope that seeing some of the memories from Twilight Sparkle will help you feel better.

I know that you certainly have made me feel better, you’ve been there for me when other ponies were unsure. You defended me, encouraged me, you’ve helped me become the best pony I can be.

I’m happy and proud to be able to call you, my friend.


Sunny smiled as she picked up the Scrapbook. Opening the first page, she placed a hoof under the first image, so the memory started to play. It wasn’t long before she was working her way through the memories one by one.

Later, Hitch and Pipp finally arrived back at the Brighthouse, Hitch pulling a cart which contained the new mirror with Sparky clung to his back. The mirror was large and free-standing, with golden carvings of ponies running around the edge of the frame. The couch, table and pot were still outside but the fire had been extinguished and nopony could be seen.

“Guess they gave up,” Pipp sighed.

“Well, we have been gone for the whole morning,” Hitch groaned. “It really didn’t need to take so long.”

“You are kidding, right?” Pipp replied earnestly. “This is like a present for Sunny so it had to be perfect. I know the Brighthouse appeared, and Sunny says it’s for all of us. But it replaced her lighthouse so it's still basically her home.”

“Yeah, I know,” Hitch grinned. “I’m just pulling your tail. Come on, let's see where they’re at.”

Hitch unhitched the cart before the three of them headed inside. “Anypony here?” Pipp shouted.

“In the kitchen,” Misty called back. “We’re working on another cure for Sparky.”

Hitch trotted over to the kitchen and smiled when he saw the pot on the stove bubbling away. Starlight was sat nearby whilst Misty was crushing flowers to add to the mixture.

“So, this is the latest cure for Sparky?” Hitch asked as he picked up the book they were using. He read the page it was open at before half-closing the book to look at the cover. “Oh, it’s not the Zecora one. Applebloom’s Perfect Potions.”

“Trust me,” Starlight grinned. “If it’s the Applebloom I know, everything she knows was taught to her by Zecora and Twilight.”

“It’s like you’re connected to everything,” Misty chuckled.

“I just know a lot of ponies,” Starlight smiled. “Quite a few other creatures too as well. Like Thorax the King of the Changelings.”

“Changelings?” Pipp echoed looking confused. “Okay, I have no idea what those are and don't want to know. Where are Izzy and Sunset?”

“…and has Sunny come down?” Hitch added.

“Sunny came down this morning when she woke up,” Misty replied. “But she’s gone back to the Crystal Chamber.”

“Izzy’s making a trip to Bridlewood for more ingredients,” Starlight continued. “And as for Sunset, she’s gone to calm down.”

“Calm down?” Pipp frowned. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say she’s always had a bit of a fiery temper,” Starlight sighed. “I’m sure she’ll come back when she’s ready.”

“So, what potion are you cooking up for Sparky?” Hitch asked.

“It’s a revitalization drink,” Starlight explained. “Sparky needs to drink it once each day and hopefully it will give him more energy.”

“We’re making enough to last a week,” Misty grinned.

“Well, you are,” Starlight smirked. “I’m just sat here supervising.”

“I’m glad to see you’re up and about already, Starlight,” Hitch smiled. “I just wish what we’ve already tried for Sparky worked as well.”

“What’s happened to him isn’t as easy to fix,” Starlight sighed. “My injuries were physical and just needed some help healing. Sparky’s had his life force drained. It’s going to take time to find the right cure.”

Misty carefully ladled out some of the mixture into one of Sparky’s cups. Blowing on it she let it cool before she placed the lid on the cup and passed it to Sparky.

Sparky grunted as he accepted the cup, sniffing the spout he then took a small swig.

“Is that good, Sparky?” Hitch asked hopefully.

Sparky licked his lips and gave Hitch a tired smile before he started slowly drinking the rest of the liquid.

“I’ll bottle the rest of it up,” Misty smiled. “Then you can either give it to him either warm or cold.”

“Thanks, Misty,” Hitch smiled. “I know you still feel bad about what happened.”

Misty let out a deep sigh. “I don’t think anything will stop me from feeling bad for taking Sparky to Opaline. I’d do anything to make that right.”

Sparky looked at Misty with wide eyes. Tiredly, he held his little arm out and leaned towards her. Smiling, Misty took the empty cup from him and set it to one side before lifting him from Hitch’s back and into a hug. Sparky returned the hug, nuzzling into her cheek.

“I think Sparky’s already forgiven you,” Hitch smiled. “Don’t worry, I know we’ll all do our part together, hoof to heart.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty echoed with a smile.

“Hoof to heart,” Pipp added with a grin.

“Hoof to heart,” another voice said.

Chapter Five - Reuniting

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Sunny sighed as she closed the Scrapbook of Memories, she was about halfway through but felt she’d seen enough for now. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. She could still feel a knot of emotions deep down but she knew sitting and feeling sorry for herself wasn’t going to make it go away.

As she walked down the ramp towards the living area, she saw the group gathered in the kitchen. She smiled as she saw Misty and Sparky embrace.

“I think Sparky’s already forgiven you,” Hitch smiled. “Don’t worry, I know we’ll all do our part together, hoof to heart.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty echoed with a smile.

“Hoof to heart,” Pipp added.

“Hoof to heart,” Sunny added as she approached. “Thank you, Misty. Seeing Twilight’s memories did help.”

“So, are you okay now Sunny?” Pipp asked earnestly.

Sunny shook her head solemnly. “Not fully, I know you’ll all help me work through it though.”

She held the book out towards Starlight, a small grateful smile on her face.

“You ought to keep it,” Starlight suggested. “Sunset keeps warning about spoilers for our futures. I may have made the first parts, but I know Twilight has added to it.”

“Oh, okay, that does sound sensible.” Sunny smiled. “Has Sunset come back yet?”

“Not yet,” Starlight sighed. “I’m sure we’ll see her soon enough though. She won’t have gone far.”

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock at the door.

“No Way!” Sunny exclaimed.

She ran to the door and flung it open to reveal Kendi and a muddy Sunset. “Aunt Kendi!” Sunny squealed as she pulled Kendi into a hug.

“Hello my dear, Sunny,” Kendi grinned. “I have long awaited seeing you again. I have been told there is much for you to catch me up on.”

“Yeah, I’ll be back in a bit,” Sunset sighed as she walked past. “Just going to wash up.”

Sunset avoided Starlight’s gaze as she made her way towards the bathroom. Starlight grimaced at Sunset’s muddy appearance quickly realising what had possibly happened.

“I’m just going to make sure Sunset is okay,” Starlight explained as she headed after her.

Sunny was beaming as she showed Kendi towards the living area. Kendi grinned as she set her two large saddle bags down before taking a seat, Hitch, Misty, Pipp and Sunny following suit.

“Aunt Kendi, this is Misty, Hitch, and Pipp,” Sunny introduced. “Everypony, this is Kendi, she’s an Archaeologist who helped my dad with his research.”

“I have travelled all over the land,” Kendi smiled. “Seeking artefacts and treasures from the earliest days of Equestria. I was on my way here when I found your friend Sunset in quite the mire. She tells me you all reunited Pony kind.”

“Eee he he, yes we did,” Sunny grinned. “Did you want to hear the story over one of your favourite smoothies?”

“Oh, most definitely,” Kendi grinned. “I would never pass up on one of your smoothies, Sunny.”

“Okay, one round of smoothies coming up,” Sunny smiled as she headed for the kitchen.

“So, Kendi,” Pipp smiled. “How do you know Sunny? I presume she’s not your actual niece.”

“Oh no, we are not related directly but I know her through her father,” Kendi smiled. “Before Sunny came along, he used to accompany me on my expeditions. We have been to many historical sites in Equestria together. Then, when Sunny arrived, he remained at home to look after her. So, I brought objects and information to him. He carried out the analysis on them which allowed me to spend more time in the field exploring.”

“How much have you found out about ancient Equestria?” Misty asked.

“Not as much as I would have liked,” Kendi replied. “I am hopeful that now Equestria is united again there will be more opportunities.”

“Oh, I’m sure there will be,” Hitch grinned. "I've seen you coming into and out of town before but always wondered, where you call home?"

"Wherever I am is my home," Kendi grinned. "I sometimes book into hotel rooms but mostly I camp out under the stars. I enjoy the time on the road."

“One round of smoothies,” Sunny beamed as she walked in and passed them out.

“Okay, that’s got to be a record time,” Hitch laughed. “You must be really excited.”

“Aunt Kendi is here so there’s nothing else to worry about right now,” Sunny grinned. “She always brings the best things.”

“Ah, if you want to see what I bring you first need to provide me with a story,” Kendi laughed. “So, how did you come to reunite Equestria and return magic to the lands?”

Meanwhile, Sunset sighed as she dried herself off after washing off the mud. Showering still felt odd in her pony form. She missed being able to let the water run all the way from head to toe. She’d tried standing on her hind hoofs but still couldn’t balance properly. She exited the bathroom and frowned as she saw Starlight sitting nearby.

“Should you be walking around this much?” she asked.

“Probably not,” Starlight admitted. “But I wanted to check you are okay.”

“What, after blowing up at everypony?” Sunset sighed. “I thought I had gotten to grips with my temper. It’s gotten me in trouble before and so it does again.”

“I saw the mud,” Starlight replied. “I guess you didn’t appear where you wanted to.”

“Heh, not quite,” Sunset snorted. “I was lucky that Kendi came along to pull me out and was heading here. FYI, she’s an Archaeologist, not sure if we ought to be careful with what we learn from her.”

“I don’t think it will be an issue,” Starlight smiled. “You need to stop worrying about it, Sunset. What we learn we learn, if anything it must shape our future, not change it.”

“I’ll try to look at it that way,” Sunset sighed. “I expect you finished the looking glass in the meantime?”

Starlight shook her head. “Nope, firstly because Pipp and Hitch only just got back. More importantly, we couldn’t finish the spell without you.”

“Why?” Sunset frowned. “You’re up and about, you could…”

“No, you started it so you’re going to finish it,” Starlight smiled. “You’re more than capable of doing it. It’s just deciphering the old Ponish the incantation is written in. That's the problem, not your abilities.”

“Thanks, Starlight,” Sunset smiled. “So, shall we go and get it working together then?”

“Definitely,” Starlight grinned.

With that, the pair headed back outside to get the fire going again.

In the meantime, Kendi was sat stroking Sparky as Hitch finished explaining how he’d found him.

“I have only seen dragons in the items I have found,” Kendi smiled. “It is truly special that you have found him, Hitch. I must say, Sunny, your father would be so proud of you,”

Sunny’s ears suddenly drooped, and she looked down with sadness.

Misty gasped moving over to hug her, “Oh, Sunny?”

“I’m…I’m okay,” Sunny replied as she returned the hug. “I dreamt of him last night, which kind of adds to the whole mess I’m making of everything right now.”

“I’m sorry Sunny,” Kendi sighed. “I wish we knew more about what happened to him.”

“We all do,” Hitch replied.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know that part of the story,” Misty sighed.

“Me neither,” Pipp admitted. “You don’t need to tell us though.”

“No, not if it makes you feel sad again,” Misty added.

“It’s okay, Misty,” Sunny smiled as they broke off the hug. “He, well, disappeared. I came back from the smoothie cart and he just wasn’t here.”

“There was nothing to explain where he’d gone,” Hitch added. “No tracks, no sign of a struggle. No evidence at all.”

“It was like he’d just vanished into thin air,” Sunny sniffed. “His glasses and necklace were just left on the side, and he never went anywhere without them.”

“Okay, I think that is enough doom and gloom,” Kendi replied. “Sunny, I want to show you my latest find. I hoped we could discover its contents together.”

Kendi reached into one of her saddle bags and produced a book. The others gasped as they spotted both Sunset’s and Starlight’s cutie marks on the cover.

“Gasping already when I have not yet opened it,” Kendi grinned with satisfaction. “I wanted to do it with you, Sunny. The symbols on the cover reminded me of you.”

Kendi carefully set the book down on the coffee table. Before anypony could say anything more, she opened it to a random page and started reading.

Hey, sorry for not getting back to you. I hope things are going okay at the school.

Things aren’t going well for me right now. I’ve had an accident on my motorbike, skidded off the road in the rain. AJ said it was too wet and I shouldn’t have taken it.

Actually, I need to be honest. I'm…

“Stop! T…That’s enough,” Sunny said earnestly, placing a hoof over the writing.

“Sunny? I don’t understand, what is the matter?” Kendi gasped. “This is fascinating, who are they? Who could they be writing to? Why is it in a book like this?”

“Kendi, there’s more we need to tell you about,” Hitch replied.

“Yeah, lots more,” Pipp added. “That’s getting way personal way quick.”

“Personal?” Kendi frowned with confusion.

“You need to know something important,” Sunny replied.

Meanwhile, outside, Sunset and Starlight were making far better progress than they had previously. Sunset closed her eyes and focused on the incantation. Her eyes opened and she fired a magical blast at the mixture and beamed as it didn’t blow up in her face.

Instead, the translucent liquid flashed before taking on a silvery sheen, like molten metal.

“You see,” Starlight smiled. “I knew you were more than capable.”

“I am when I let you actually help to read the incantation,” Sunset sighed. “I can't quite believe it was just one word I was getting wrong. I’m sorry for getting so paranoid.”

“Pffft, you were just being careful,” Starlight grinned. “Now the Scrapbook of Memories, that’s something I don’t want to dive too far into. You know, I reckon it’s about twice as big as when I made it. I expect that will have lots of our future in.”

“You’re right there,” Sunset replied. “I’ve already probably looked at it more than I ought to. Lucky the memory I saw was one I recognised.”

“Right, so the next thing is to apply the mixture,” Starlight smiled. “The new large mirror is here, but where’s Izzy’s nest?”

“Right here!” a voice called from the path.

As if on cue, Izzy came walking up the path from the town. As well as two bulging saddle bags, she was carrying the nest.

“Sorry, I just realised I had the perfect finishing touches to add to it back in Bridlewood so took it with me,” she grinned. “I’ll get the mirror out so you can cast the spells.”

“It’s no problem, Izzy,” Starlight smiled.

“Yeah, we're only just ready for it so no harm done,” Sunset grinned.

It was a short time later that both doors to the Brighthouse were opened by Izzy and Starlight. Giving plenty of room for Sunset as she levitated the new Looking Glass inside. She had a look of focused determination on her face and grunted as it appeared it was heavier than it looked.

Sunny gasped as she saw them and looked pointedly at Kendi. “Hide the book."

“I still do not understand,” Kendi protested. “What you are saying. It is not…”

Kendi trailed off as she suddenly spotted Sunset’s cutie mark and then Starlight’s. She looked between them and the cover of the journal in confusion.

“Please, Aunt Kandi,” Sunny sighed. “With what happened earlier…”

Kendi held up a hoof and stowed the journal back in her saddle bag.

Meanwhile, Sunset grunted slightly as she carefully positioned the mirror next to the ramp upstairs. Making sure that they would see it from as many angles as possible. Once she was happy, she let go.

“I could have helped you know,” Starlight said playfully.

“I know,” Sunset winked. “But you’re supposed to be recovering,”

“So, is it all working now?” Misty asked hopefully.

“It is, Misty,” Sunset smiled. “I’m sorry for how I blew up at you all this morning. Especially you, Sunny, you asked an honest question and I reacted way out of proportion.”

“I’m just glad to see you’re okay,” Sunny replied. “We were getting worried.”

“So, who are all these new faces, Sunny?” Kendi asked. “I must say it’s wonderful to see you surrounded by so many friends now.”

“Oh, of course,” Sunny grinned.

She went round each of those Kendi hadn’t met yet and introduced them, leaving Starlight till last.

“Sorry for disappearing when you arrived, Kendi,” Starlight smiled. “I just wanted to make sure Sunset was okay.”

“It’s no problem, she did have quite the misadventure,” Kendi grinned. “I do have a question for the pair of you though.”

Sunset and Starlight shared a knowing look.

“No, we’re not going to be a massive font of ancient Equestria history,” Starlight winked.

“So, it is true,” Kendi breathed. “You are from the past?”

The pair looked at each other and grinned before turning so their left flanks were visible. Kendi gasped when she saw both also had cutie marks on that side. “So dual cutie marks are true!” she gasped.

“It’s one of the odd things that’s different,” Sunset replied. “Same as the maps.”

“Oh, how so?” Kendi frowned.

“Take Maretime Bay,” Starlight continued. “We wouldn’t have a clue where it was on a map of the Equestria we know.”

“So many places that have just disappeared,” Sunset added. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was some alternative world.”

“So, could you confirm for me what time you are from?” Kendi asked.

“Just after Twilight became ruler of Equestria,” Sunset replied.

“That’ll be her second coronation,” Starlight specified. “Not her first after she became an alicorn.”

“I am in town for a few days before departing on my next journey,” Kendi explained. “Sunny, my dear, the two saddlebags here contain items I wanted to leave with you to look through. If you are still interested as we’d discussed previously, so much has happened.”

“Of course, I am,” Sunny beamed. “Wait, that sounds like you’re leaving?”

“I’m just going to go and check into my hotel room,” Kendi smiled. “Trust me, I will not leave before I’ve spent more time with you. Plus, I want to work out exactly what questions to ask our time travellers here. There are so many.”

With that, Kendi started getting up. However, Sunny did too and walked with her towards the door.

“I’ll come with you into town. I want to spend as much time with you as I can,” Sunny said. “It’s been too long.”

“I can’t deny that,” Kendi smiled. “A good evening to all of you. I hope to see you in the morrow.”

With that, the others said their goodbyes as Sunny led Kendi outside.

“Feels like Sunny didn’t want Kendi to leave because she didn’t want to go back to how she was feeling before she arrived,” Hitch sighed.

“She’s certainly going through something right now,” Starlight mused. “Exactly what, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

“And be there for her when she wants us to be,” Misty smiled.

“Exactly,” Sunset grinned. “Now, where’s Zipp? She’s got a nest to deliver.”

Chapter Six – Past Stories

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After being summoned from her research, Zipp delivered the nest to its location in a tree overlooking Opaline’s castle in short order. Careful to ensure she was not spotted by Opaline she glided in and out with barely a sound.

The following morning, Pipp was standing in front of the Looking Glass, phone in hoof as she livestreamed. She’d hoped to finally give her fans some good news about Opaline. However, as the livestream continued, she was getting more and more frustrated with the comments.

“Hoofbat99, as I said, whilst this may look like a normal mirror it doesn’t reflect what it sees here,” she explained for the third time. “It’s magically connected to one that is watching Opaline’s castle. I assure you, that is totally possible.”

She stopped and tapped the screen, reading more of the questions her moderators had picked out for her. However, a bell suddenly sounded and the ornate gold calvings around the Looking Glass glowed brightly. Pipp grinned as an image of Opaline’s castle appeared within the mirror but frowned as she spotted Opaline was blasting the barrier with her fire magic.

“Okay, Pippsqueaks, as you can see, the Looking Glass has activated. It’s showing us that Opaline is attempting to break the barrier that’s keeping her within her castle.”

As she said this, both Starlight and Sunset descended the ramp from upstairs. Starlight had removed all the bandages as she’d fully healed. They both stood and watched for a moment before Sunset turned towards Pipp who was getting ready to cut the livestream.

“It’s okay, Pipp,” Sunset smiled. “She’s testing it again, that’s all.”

“Oh, could you explain for the Pippsqueaks what that means please, Sunset?” Pipp smiled. “Oh, and some are asking what the bell was.”

“Sure,” Sunset grinned as she looked into the camera. “So, I’m sure Pipp has already explained what the Looking Glass is and what it’s for. The bell you heard is an alarm that we’ve set up so we don’t have to keep watching it continuously. We’ve connected that to the enchantments we’ve placed on the mirror, so the Looking Glass only activates when we need it.

“So, what’s the Looking Glass showing us?” Pipp asked.

“What we’re seeing is Opaline Arcana is testing the barrier that’s keeping her within her castle,” Sunset explained.

“The barrier is a powerful enchantment that was cast by Princess Twilight Sparkle before she removed magic from Equestria,” Starlight explained without taking her eyes from the Looking Glass. “That is what’s keeping Opaline contained and currently ensuring Equestria’s safety.”

“She’s testing it daily,” Sunset continued. “She’s either trying to work out if the barrier is weakening or she’s gaining power somehow.”

“From what I can tell, there’s going to need a massive change before she’ll be free,” Starlight added. “She’s already tired out and there’s no sign of the barrier braking at all.”

Pipp moved closer so that her stream picked up the image of Opaline. She was stood panting at the doorway before turning and heading back inside the castle and slamming the door.

“I’d say there’s no immediate threat currently,” Starlight continued. “However, we cannot account for whatever plans Opaline herself has.”

“So, everypony needs to be mindful of anything strange you encounter,” Sunset smiled.

“There you go, Pippsqueaks,” Pipp grinned. “We’re going to continue monitoring her and are doing all we can to prepare for whatever happens. Everything is going to be okay.”

With that, Pipp tapped on the screen to transition the stream to a recording of ‘It’s going to be okay’ before turning to Sunset and Starlight. “Oh my gosh, that was so much harder than I expected.”

“Audience giving you a rough time?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, some of the comments were so not helpful,” Pipp groaned. “They thought I was going bonkers or something. I’m so lucky that Opaline chose to come out to make it activate.”

“I still don’t understand what you’re doing with that thing,” Starlight frowned pointing at the phone. “Just looks like you’re wafting it around aimlessly to me.”

“She’s basically broadcasting to the whole of Equestria,” Sunset replied. “You’ve nothing to worry about, Starlight, you were great.”

“Yeah, if you say so,” Starlight replied unsurely. “One thing I think is certain, we’re not out of the woods. At some point either Opaline will find a way to gain enough power to escape or we’ll have enough power to go and confront her.”

“Well let’s hope it’s the latter,” Pipp smiled. “Now, I’ll catch you both later. I’ve got to go see Jazz and Rocky at Mane Melody. We’ve been working on a new mane and tail treatment and have some willing test subjects.”

“Later, Pipp,” Sunset smiled as Pipp headed towards the door. “Don’t make a mess now.”

“Har Har,” Pipp grinned as she exited.

“Right, we’ve nothing much to do, have we?” Starlight grinned. “Why don’t we do some more advanced magic practice?”

“You sure you’re not too rusty after being hurt?” Sunset smirked. “You might have come down to my level.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit, your level is still way above average,” Starlight chuckled before smirking slyly. “Although, you could maybe do with some teleportation practice.”

“Very funny,” Sunset grinned. “Would help if I actually think of somewhere that exists as a target. You set the locations and I’ll keep up easily.”

“Deal,” Starlight smiled. “Final location will be here and then we’ll do some shields, beams and other combat techniques. I think those might be more useful than anything else fancy like transfiguration.”

Meanwhile, Sunny had decided it had been too long since she’d last opened her smoothie cart. Therefore, she’d spent the morning there serving all her regular customers. She’d hoped it would take her mind off things, but it had soon been clear that wouldn’t be the case.

“Morning, Sunny,” Toots smiled as he walked up. “One of your Berry Blast Delights, please.”

“Switching it up I see, I’ll have that for you in just a second,” Sunny replied as she got to work preparing the order.

“I’m glad to see you were open, but I am surprised,” Toots commented as he waited.

“Oh, why?” Sunny frowned.

“Well, I just assumed you’d have too much to do,” Toots replied. “What with the ongoing threat and you being the alicorn and all.”

Sunny grunted as she felt her insides stiffen. She plastered a smile on her face as she completed the order.

“There’s more than just me looking out for Equestria,” she smiled. “Rest assured, Zipp is hard at work investigating to find what we need to protect everypony.”

“Oh, that’s alright then,” Toots grinned as he paid and picked up his order. “I knew you’d only be here if you were able. Surprised, but pleased that you are.”

He put the straw in his mouth and took a small sip that quickly turned into a big one.

“Oh, this is delicious,” he beamed. “Sunny, you’ve outdone yourself again. I hope you’re open again soon.”

“No problem,” Sunny replied through the forced smile. “Happy to be here.”

As Toot’s finally walked away. Sunny gasped as she retreated inside her cart, sitting down in a corner where she knew she wouldn’t be seen. She held a hoof to her barrel and closed her eyes.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” she whispered. “They’re all counting on me, and I can’t…”

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic knock on the counter, Sunny gasped as she felt her spirits lifting. Scrambling to her hoofs, she grinned when she saw Kendi standing waiting.

“Aunt Kendi!” Sunny beamed.

“I hope you are still open, Sunny.” Kendi chuckled. “I am sorry for sending you away yesterday evening. Have you had chance to look through my bags?”

“No, I’ve not looked at them,” Sunny admitted. “I wanted to go through them with you.”

“To be honest, I wanted to share them with you too,” Kendi chuckled.

“I’ll get you your favourite then I’ll close up and we’ll head to the Brighthouse,” Sunny grinned.

“Oh? Don’t you have more customers?” Kendi replied worriedly.

Sunny looked around to double-check, seeing nopony else she shook her head.

“I’ve seen my regulars,” she explained. “If anypony turns up before I’m done, I’ll totally serve them. However, everypony is expecting me to be closed right now.”

“Because of this Opaline pony?” Kendi presumed.

“Exactly,” Sunny sighed as she finished the two smoothies.

She passed one out to Kendi before she removed the ‘open’ sign and replaced it with a ‘closed’ one. She quickly washed up before finally shutting the cart.

“Everypony is expecting me to defeat Opaline. So, they’re surprised to see me doing mundane things like opening my smoothie cart,” Sunny sighed as they started towards the Brighthouse.

“It is clear from the past that no pony ever saved Equestria alone,” Kendi replied. “It is the power of you and your friends combined that will defeat the evil. I’m sure you will see that as we look through my bags.”

Sunny gave Kendi a grateful smile as they continued to walk and sip their smoothies.

After they arrived at the Brighthouse, it didn’t take long for the small coffee table in the living area to be covered in old maps, parchments, and books. Kendi smiled as Sunny enthusiastically looked at each of them.

“So… What of the book from last night?” Kendi inquired.

Sunny frowned as she put down the map she’d been studying.

“It’s a journal,” she replied flatly. “Sunset has one like it in her saddle bag. It’s how she communicates with Twilight.”

“Oh? Is she from far away?” Kendi asked.

“She’s from Equestria but lives in another world entirely now,” Sunny explained before sighing. “Actually no, this feels wrong. Sunset should be telling you this herself.”

“But you didn’t want her to see the book?” Kendi smiled. “How can she tell me about something that she doesn’t know is here.”

Sunny gulped, her mouth having gone dry and sighed. “I…I know, I just don’t want to upset her again.”

“Upset who again?”

Sunny gasped as she turned to see Starlight had walked in the door. She just caught sight of Sunset who was heading towards the kitchen. Both were looking a little tired having clearly had a good practice session.

“Sunset,” Sunny admitted in a low voice.

“Okay, so how would you upset her?” Starlight asked as she took a seat. “Looks like you’ve got quite the haul here, found something that concerns her?”

Sunny squirmed uncomfortably, unsure how to explain.

“I have a book,” Kendi said suddenly. “It has both yours and Sunset’s cutie marks on the cover. Sunny says it’s a journal.”

“Oh, is that all,” Starlight grinned. “We were just talking about that.”

“Y…You were?” Sunny gasped.

“Well almost, we didn’t know it actually existed yet,” Starlight admitted. “But we were just saying we ought to have another pair of journals so we can keep in touch. Weren’t we, Sunset?”

Sunny turned to find Sunset had walked over, two cups levitating in front of her.

“Oh, the journal thing?” Sunset smiled. “Yeah, I’ll have to carry two around but honestly if it means I can keep in touch with both you and Twilight then I’m up for it. Have you told Kendi about my world?”

“Sunny felt it would be best coming from you,” Kendi smiled.

Sunset shot Sunny a reassuring smile as she passed one of the cups to Starlight and took a seat.

“Don’t worry, Sunny, it’s completely fine,” Sunset smiled. “So, it’s technically all intertwined with my not-so-glorious past so I may as well catch you up on that too, Kendi. It will make more sense why I live there then.”

“We’re not a font of all historical knowledge but I agree, it’s story time,” Starlight smiled. “Okay, Sunset first and then my turn. I did promise I’d tell you my story in full, Sunny.”

“Oh, which story would that be?” Kendi asked.

“The village that had been enslaved by the evil unicorn,” Sunny replied.

“Oh, were you one of the villagers?” Kendi smiled.

“Not exactly,” Starlight replied. “But Sunset goes first. Then I’ll tell you the whole story.”

“What story?” Misty asked as she appeared from upstairs.

“Join us and find out, Misty,” Sunset urged. “I don’t think you’ve heard mine either.”

Meanwhile, it was a deflated-looking Pipp who exited Mane Melody. The tests of the mane treatment she’d been developing had not gone at all well. Whilst the final result was extremely good, the process was far too long-winded and costly. So much so that Rocky and Jazz were still working on two of their four volunteers to finish it.

As she turned to head towards the Brighthouse, Pipp pushed those feelings of disappointment from her mind as she saw Peach Fizz, Glory and Seashell walking towards her. Their eyes lit up with excitement and Pipp grinned at her three biggest fans in Maretime Bay.

“Hey there, Pippsqueaks,” she greeted. “How are things today?”

“Brilliant thanks to you, Princess Pipp,” Peach Fizz grinned.

“Yeah, your stream this morning was awesome,” Seashell beamed.

“Thank you for doing it,” Glory smiled. “I was getting worried about all the news reports about the evil alicorn. But it looks like you and your friends are doing everything you can. It makes me feel safer.”

“Awww, that’s so good to hear,” Pipp beamed. “Actually, I am so happy to hear that. It makes it all so worthwhile.”

“Have you heard about Flanksy?” Seashell asked excitedly.

“Flanksy?” Pipp frowned. “Who’s Flanksy?”

“Oooh, we get to be the ones to show you!” Peach Fizz squeaked. “You’ve got to come and see.”

“Yeah, it’s so cool,” Seashell grinned.

The trio ushered a bemused Pipp around the corner. On the side of one of the buildings was a small black-and-white mural of a cat chasing a ball of yarn.

“Different pictures are appearing all over town,” Glory grinned. “I bet nopony has seen them all yet.”

“They’re all signed,” Seashell added, pointing to a small signature.

“Flanksy,” Pipp read aloud. “Okay, I know great content when I see it. Well done, Pippsqueaks. Thank you so much for showing me.”

“Pipp Pipp Horray,” the three cheered.

Pipp grinned happily as she whipped out her phone and began a new livestream. Before long, she was walking all around town with Peach Fizz, Glory and Seashell as they attempted to spot as many ‘Flanksys’ as they could.

In the meantime back at the Brighthouse, both Sunset and Starlight ensured they left no details out as they told their stories. Starlight sighed as she finished explaining how Twilight had convinced her to stop the time loop.

“Wow,” Misty breathed. “So, are you more powerful than Twilight?”

“Pfft, no,” Starlight chuckled. “It was a stalemate. Trust me, Twilight knows more about magic than anypony I know. I’ve learnt so much from her since then. Letting me become her student was way more than I deserved.”

“We both got more than we deserved and learnt so much since,” Sunset added with a grin. “As for the journal you have, needless to say, neither of us wants to read it.”

“Yeah, serious spoilers,” Starlight grinned. “I’m almost tempted to leave some code in it for you lot to decipher.”

“Oh, please no,” Sunny replied. “You know the only one who’d decrypt it would be Zipp and she’s got enough to do with the Together Trees.”

“Yeah, but what does she do after the Together Tree case is cracked?” Sunset chortled with a twinkle in her eye.

“Maybe she helps me identify some objects,” Kendi grinned.

She reached into the second saddle bag and withdrew an amulet and set it on the table.

“This is quite the interesting object,” Kendi smiled. “It looks like it was used to tell when the Sun rises and sets.”

“Not quite,” Starlight grinned, immediately recognising it as the Sun and Moon amulet that Celestia had given Twilight.

“Ah, that’ll be something else odd about this timeframe,” Sunset winked. “We didn’t need something like that to tell us when sunrise and sunset happen. It was perfectly timed to perfection.”

“What? How?” Kendi asked with confusion.

“Dad always told you, Aunt Kendi,” Sunny frowned. “Princess Twilight moved them.”

“And I have always maintained that wasn’t possible,” Kendi giggled. “Maybe Sunset, Starlight, you could explain that for us?”

“You’ve got the answer right there,” Starlight replied pointing to the amulet. “That’s exactly the device Twilight uses. It contained some of Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s magic. When Twilight activated the amulet with her magic it allowed her to move both the Sun and Moon.”

“You know, I’ve never seen Princess Luna move the moon,” Sunset said suddenly.

“Wait? How?” Starlight frowned. “I mean, sure, she hadn’t returned when you jumped through the mirror, but she’s been back a long while.”

“And how much time have I spent in Equestria?” Sunset replied with a knowing smile. “I’ve popped in but never when the Sun or Moon were rising.”

“But what about the Summer Sun celebration?” Starlight asked. “You must have come back for the last one at least.”

“Nope, I couldn’t make it,” Sunset sighed.

“Wait, could we go over that again?” Misty said looking confused. “Who moves what now?”

Sunset gave a small chuckle. “Sorry, Misty, it’s just so normal for us. It’s easy to get carried away.”

“Princess Celestia moved the Sun and Princess Luna moved the moon,” Starlight explained. “When they stepped down and Princess Twilight took over, she used the amulet you see before you to move both.”

“Wow,” Misty breathed.

“You all know the story of Nightmare Moon, right?” Sunset asked.

“Of course,” Sunny replied. “Nightmare Night wouldn’t be right without that story.”

“So, you know that Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna were the same pony?” Starlight confirmed.

“Oh yes,” Kendi smiled. “Princess Celestia had to banish her sister to the moon. Then Twilight Sparkle united the Guardians of Friendship to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring back Princess Luna.”

“Okay, so I popped through the portal before that happened,” Sunset explained. “Therefore, the only pony I’ve seen move the Moon is Princess Celestia as she moved both whilst Luna was exiled.”

“I am sorry, Sunny,” Kendi sighed. “I never believed your father on that one.”

Sunny said nothing in response, the mention of her father had gotten her feeling down again. Sensing this, Kendi pulled another item from the bag.

“Now this one I can tell you about with great certainty,” she smiled. “This is the Alicorn Amulet, an ancestor of mine assisted Twilight Sparkle in defeating a great and powerful sorceress. This was the source of her power. So after her defeat, my ancestor hid it away so that none would find it. Fortunately for me, she saw fit to leave a trail that only a Zebra could follow to find it.”

Kendi grinned as she looked at Sunset and Starlight, only for her face to fall as she saw Starlight was desperately trying not to burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Starlight gasped as she tried to get a hold of herself. “It’s just Trixie would have a field day if she knew you were calling her a Sorceress.”

“Trixie?” Sunset blinked before the penny dropped. “Oh, great and powerful.”

“You… You both know the sorceress?” Kendi gasped.

“She’s my best friend,” Starlight grinned. “She has a travelling magic act and calls herself…”

“…the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Sunset smiled. “Funnily enough, I’m friends with her human counterpart.”

Kendi looked between the pair with a dumbstruck expression.

“Okay, okay story time again,” Starlight laughed.

With that, they spent the rest of the day going through Kendi’s bags and listening to Starlight and Sunset’s stories from their time.

Chapter Seven - Developments

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It was early morning, Hitch groaned as he put the phone receiver down. Ponies were already calling the station asking for updates on the Opaline situation much like they had long into the previous night. His eyes closed and his head started to nod forwards as he began to fall asleep at his desk. Suddenly, the door opened, and a yellow Pegasus with a red mane and tail entered. She was wearing a set of Guard’s armour that clearly signified her rank as a sergeant.

“Gah,” Hitch cried at the sound. “I’m awake, I’m awake.”

“You okay, Sheriff Hitch, sir?” the Pegasus asked.

“Oh, Sargent Skywalk,” Hitch sighed. “Good morning, you’re here early. I’m fine, just a little overwhelmed with the number of calls that are coming in.”

“That’s why I’m here, thought you could do with an extra set of hoofs,” Skywalk smiled. “You know my squad and I are only here to help you.”

“I know, I know,” Hitch yawned. “But I’ll never hear the end of it if I let you do too much.”

“Speaking of, there is something I need to brief you on,” Sargent Skywalk replied with a sigh.

However, she said no more as suddenly there was a banging on the door before it opened to reveal Phyllis. “Sheriff Hitch!” she demanded as she walked in. “I need to speak with Sheriff Hitch!”

“Right here, Phyllis,” Hitch replied trying to suppress another yawn. “What can I do for you?”

“Harrumph, at least you’re here when you are needed this time,” Phyllis frowned. “What are you doing about the pandemic of graffiti that’s infesting the town?”

“The what of where now?” Hitch frowned.

“That was what I was about to brief you on, Sheriff,” Skywalk interjected. “Evening patrols found a new Fanksy mural, the biggest yet.”

“They are not ‘murals’,” Phyllis growled. “They are blots on our town’s buildings and should be removed immediately.”

“Unfortunately for you, Phyllis, that’s not something you can decide,” Hitch replied.

“Then what are you doing to stop them from appearing?” Phyllis demanded.

“Not a lot when I’m on my own,” Hitch replied matter of factly. “I can’t watch the entire town all day and all night and as you’ve pointed out it’s not Sargent Skywalk’s jurisdiction.”

“Point well-made and taken,” Phyllis growled with annoyance before her expression softened considerably. “I’m sorry, Hitch. I’m still getting used to not being in charge of Canterlogic. It pains me that I couldn’t save the company and must now rely on others.”

Hitch let out a deep sigh. “I know, Phyllis, just trust we’re all doing our best okay? Now, where’s this mural, Skywalk?”

“This way, Sheriff,” Skywalk indicated as she held the door open.

The three headed down the main street until they reached the bridge where there was already a crowd of ponies present. Hitch walked past them and under the bridge before looking up at the mural he found on the underside.

It depicted two Pegasi in flight, carrying out a synchronised manoeuvre. Trails were being left behind them, showing each had come from the opposite side of the bridge to where they were now. Hitch gasped as he turned around, it almost felt like he was flying with them.

“Okay, Phyllis, this is not a mess. This is art,” he said.

“Like you said,” Phyllis sighed. “It’s not up to me and it’s not up to you either. Like the rest, it will be up to the council.”

“Indeed,” Sargent Skywalk replied. “And in the meantime, we’ll need to control the crowds coming to view it before they block the street.”

Hitch looked back in dismay to see more and more ponies were arriving. With a sign of resignation, he stepped forward, preparing himself for a day of crowd control.

“Sheriff, if I may,” Skywalk said holding up a hoof. “You’re far too qualified for crowd control duty. Let my Guards handle it so you can focus on more important tasks.”

“You know, you’re right, Sargent,” Hitch replied. “I will take you up on that offer, please see to it that the crowds here are controlled. I want you to ensure that the street remains open to passing traffic. In the meantime, I can make the preparations to put the facts behind this and the others before the council. There you go, Phyllis, that is called task delegation.”

“If it helps, Ms Cloverleaf, the Equestria Guard have already started a recruitment drive for both Earth Ponies and Unicorns,” Skywalk explained. “Whilst it will take time, I’m hoping for the day that all pony kinds are well represented within our ranks and welcome it.”

Phyllis said nothing more in response, after taking one last look at the mural she trotted away. Skywalk sighed and looked back at Hitch.

“Good try,” Hitch sighed. “However, I think it will take more than that to get through to her.”

Meanwhile, Sunny was in the kitchen making everypony pancakes for breakfast. She’d just passed a plateful to a grateful Pipp when Zipp came skidding in from upstairs.

“Aaaah!” Pipp cried as she almost dropped her plate. “Zipppp, don’t do that!”

“Sorry, sorry,” Zipp gasped. “You’ve both got to see this.”

Zipp opened one of her wings and pulled out a book she’d been carrying. She set it down on the counter with a thump. Excitedly she opened it and flicked through the pages until she found the page she’d bookmarked. Gasping with excitement, she turned the book so both Sunny and Pipp could read it.

Sunny scanned the page and blinked with surprise. “Together Flowers?”

“But you were researching trees?” Pipp added. “What have flowers got to do with them?”

“Together Flowers come from Together Trees,” Zipp smiled.

She turned the book back so she could read the pages again.

“Together Flowers grow from the roots of Together Trees,” Zipp explained. “They only grow once all ponies are connected in Unity and grant great power to those in need. The flower in Maretime Bay must be a Together Flower.”

Sunny tensed up as she felt the knotted feeling inside her tighten. “But we’re not connected in Unity,” she sighed. “You saw the argument I had with Phyllis. There are so many ponies out there like her who’ll be upset at what’s happening. Feeling that their voices haven’t been heard.”

“So, we do our best to ensure they feel like they’ve been heard,” Pipp grinned. “Then we prove to them that they have no reason to be upset.”

“Don’t you see, Sunny,” Zipp blinked. “The flowers grant great power, like the Elements of Unity.”

Pipp’s eyes widened with wonder. “Yas, that’s got to be it! Way to go, Sis,” she exclaimed. “So how do we make them grow?”

“Wait, we’re missing something,” Sunny replied. “We need a Together Tree in Bridlewood.”

“Oh of course,” Zipp replied. “The trees have no idea all pony kind is connected because their roots aren’t fully connected.”

“So, let’s go grow one,” Pipp grinned. “Gather everypony and we’ll head there today.”

Sunny sighed and shook her head. “I don’t think it’s quite that simple. We didn’t just grow the trees. They grew because of our friendship and connection. I’m sorry, I don’t feel very connected right now.”

A look of realisation appeared on Zipp’s face but before she could say anything more Misty suddenly appeared.

“I think we’re in trouble,” Misty gasped looking very distressed.

“What? Are we under attack?” Pipp gasped.

“No, no. Not trouble like that,” Misty replied holding up her hoofs for emphasis. “At least I don’t think so.”

“What’s wrong Misty?” Sunny asked with concern having noticed Misty’s messy mane and tired-looking eyes.

“I’ve been having bad dreams the last few nights,” Misty admitted. “But last night, it felt so real. It felt like there was imminent danger.”

“Danger?” another voice said.

They all turned to find Starlight had now joined them.

“Misty’s been having bad dreams,” Zipp explained.

“Dreams can be very powerful, that’s why Princess Luna always used to watch over the dream realm,” Starlight replied with concern. “Has it been the same dream, Misty?”

“It’s been mostly the same,” Misty admitted.

“So, it could be a vision or a memory,” Starlight explained.

“A memory,” Zipp gasped as she whipped out her phone. “Describe it, Misty. Don’t leave out any details you remember. They could be crucial.”

“Why?” Sunny frowned. “Why could they be crucial?”

“She could be remembering how she came to be with Opaline,” Zipp explained. “Especially if there’s danger involved.”

“Okay, okay. Give me a sec,” Misty replied as she closed her eyes. “I…I was little, running through a forest. I was… chasing a bunnycorn but lost it as I rounded a corner…”

“A forest?” Pipp blinked. “Maybe like Bridlewood?”

“Sssh,” Zipp hissed.

“As I looked for the bunnycorn I started getting lost in this blue mist that came from nowhere,” Misty continued. “I remember a big tree which had a door in its trunk. I heard something behind me and when I turned there was a shadowy figure in the mist.”

“Go on,” Zipp coaxed. “What was it?”

“I don’t know,” Misty sighed as she opened her eyes. “That’s it, that’s all I can remember.”

“It’s a vision of the past then,” Starlight replied. “If only Luna were here, she’d be able to decipher it.”

“Losing my way in the mist, that’s been the same the last few nights,” Misty explained. “But the figure, that was new. The feeling of fear and danger it gave me, it was so real.”

Before they could discuss anymore, the door to the Brighthouse suddenly burst open to reveal a panic-stricken Seashell. “Help!” she cried. “Sheriff Hitch, help! We can’t find them!”

“Seashell,” Pipp gasped as she hurried over. “Hitch isn’t here, who can’t you find?”

“Peach Fizz and Glory,” Seashell gasped as tears trickled down her face. “They’re both missing, and we can’t find them…”

To be continued.

Chapter Eight - Searching

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“…I went to the station and couldn’t find Sheriff Hitch, so I came here,” Seashell continued.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Pipp comforted despite her own worried expression. “I’ll ring him now.”

“Where did you last see them?” Zipp asked whilst Pipp got her phone out.

“On the beach,” Seashell sniffed. “Yesterday, after we saw Princess Pipp, we went there to play. We built sandcastles before playing hide and seek. When it was my turn to seek, I couldn’t find them at all. I looked and looked everywhere. Then mum came to find me and said they’d already gone home.”

“So, this was yesterday, and you’ve not seen them since then?” Zipp clarified.

Seashell shook her head sadly. “I went to their houses this morning, but they weren’t there. Glory’s Mum thought they had been staying at mine.”

“You stay at each other’s a lot then?” Zipp asked.

Seashell nodded as Pipp finished her call with Hitch.

“Hitch is rallying search parties,” Pipp explained as she put her phone away. “Seashell, you’ve done really well. Don’t worry, I’m confident we’ll find them if we all search together.”

“Come on everypony,” Zipp said. “Let’s all go and help, the more hoofs the better.”

It wasn’t long until almost the entire town was out helping search for the two lost foals. The fact they were hiding the last time they were seen was at the forefront of everypony’s mind. Therefore, they checked every hiding place they could think of.

The only pony seemingly not looking was Sunny, she was walking down the seafront feeling confused. She’d been with Izzy but Hitch had suddenly asked her to look after Sparky. Now Sunny was alone and unsure where to look that didn’t duplicate where others had been.

She frowned as she spotted two shadows running along the ground and looked up. Zipp and Pipp flew overhead as they searched together. She thought about using her powers so she could join them but the knot inside tightened, making her wince. Then she spotted Seashell standing next to her smoothie cart looking distressed.

“Maybe we should keep her company?”

Sunny turned to find Misty walking up beside her. “I’m not so good at searching,” Misty admitted. “Already lost the group that Hitch assigned me to.”

“I…I don’t know,” Sunny sighed. “I don’t know what help I’ll be.”

“You’ll be a great help, Sunny,” Misty replied, nudging Sunny’s side. “You’ve already helped me so much. Just being there for Seashell will be enough.”

Sunny took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “You’re right, Misty,” she said as she opened them again, a new look of determination on her face. “Moping and feeling sorry won’t help Peach Fizz and Glory.”

As Sunny and Misty trotted over towards Seashell, she gave them a grateful smile as they approached.

“We thought you were with Pipp, Seashell,” Misty said.

“I told Princess Pipp she’d be more help in the air,” Seashell explained. “I just feel so silly for not finding them yesterday.”

“They’ve got to be pretty good at hiding if you didn’t find them,” Misty replied. “It’s not your fault, it’s the aim of the game.”

“We’ll find them, Seashell,” Sunny added. “Why don’t we try retracing your steps?”

“Okay,” Seashell sniffed.

Seashell led them out onto the beach, after walking down it for a while she eventually stopped and looked out to sea.

“This is where I stood to count,” she explained.

“So, you looked out to sea, then closed your eyes and started counting?” Sunny asked.

“Yep,” Seashell confirmed.

“Did you have any idea which way they could have gone?” Sunny continued.

Seashell nodded and pointed towards the Brighthouse. “That way,” she replied. “I heard their hoofs on the sand and their giggles as they ran off. When I finished counting, there were hoof prints, so I knew that was the way to go.”

“Then let’s go that way now,” Misty smiled. “Maybe if we call their names, they’ll hear us.”

“But I tried that last night,” Seashell sighed.

“They likely thought you were still playing then,” Sunny explained. “If they hear us, they’re sure to respond now.”

They headed down the beach towards the Brighthouse, calling Peach Fizz and Glory’s names as they went. However, there was no response.

They soon came to the foot of the cliffs as the headland turned out towards the Brighthouse. Sunny frowned with confusion as she looked around. “I’m sure this area is normally off-limits."

“They can’t have gone that way,” Seashell said pointing further along the cliffs. “It’s too rocky.”

Misty meanwhile looked up and spotted Pipp flying overhead from the direction of the rocks. “Did you see anything that way Pipp?”

Pipp looked down with confusion before spotting them. Banking around, she came into land.

“I took a fight around the headland,” she explained. “I couldn’t see anything for the mist though.”

“Mist?” Sunny frowned. “What mist?”

“You can’t see it from here,” Pipp admitted. “But there’s a blue mist clinging to the bottom of the cliffs around the corner.”

“Blue mist,” Misty gasped.

“Like the mist Misty's been dreaming about!” Sunny cried.

Without another word, Sunny galloped towards the rocks. She jumped up onto one before she started jumping from rock to rock.

“Aaah,” she cried as one of her hind hoofs suddenly slipped.

Grunting she just about caught herself and looked down to see the rock was covered in green algae.

“Sunny, stop!” Misty called earnestly. “It’s too dangerous.”

Panting with effort but with determination in her eyes, Sunny grunted as she tried to focus on her powers to activate them. However, the knot inside her grew tighter and tighter.

“Gaaaaa,” Sunny cried in pain.

“Sunny,” Pipp said worriedly as she hovered overhead. “Talk to us, what’s wrong?”

“The blue mist,” Sunny replied. “Why would Misty be dreaming about blue mist only for some to appear? It’s got to be connected.”

“I did have a strong feeling something bad was happening this morning,” Misty admitted.

“Okay, okay but getting yourself hurt isn’t going to help us, Sunny,” Pipp replied. “Let’s call the others, tell them we’re onto something.”

With that, Pipp whipped out her phone and started tapping away.

It didn’t take long for Zipp to come flying overhead, Hitch and Izzy weren’t far behind running along the beach. Meanwhile, there was a flash on the clifftop as both Starlight and Sunset teleported in and started looking down at the rocks below.

“It’s this way,” Pipp pointed as she joined her sister. “Just around the corner.”

“Stay high,” Zipp advised as she spotted the mist. “I’m going to do a low pass.”

Zipp dove down towards the mist and disappeared as she entered it.

“Zipppp,” Pipp gasped as she lost sight of her.

After a few heart-stopping seconds, Pipp sighed with relief as Zipp emerged from the other side of the mist.

“Don’t do that,” Pipp said earnestly. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“I think I saw something,” Zipp replied as she pointed with a hoof. “A shadow, right there.”

“I’ll tell Sunset and Starlight,” Pipp replied.

“And I’ll tell the others,” Zipp agreed.

Meanwhile, Sunny had managed to carefully make it back to where Misty and Seashell were waiting by the rocks. Just in time for Hitch and Izzy to slide to a stop beside them.

“Oh, come on, where’s the sign?” Hitch groaned. “This part of the beach is dangerous. That sign is always going missing.”

“Maybe it keeps getting eaten by the sea,” Izzy grinned as she held onto Sparky.

Hitch gave Izzy a look of annoyance as Zipp landed.

“I made a low pass through the mist,” she explained. “I could just about see a small shape.”

“And the tide is already coming in now,” Hitch gasped. “There’s no time!”

With that, he bound forward jumping from rock to rock towards the mist. Zipp took to the air again and quickly followed. “Wait, Hitch! I tried that already,” Sunny gasped.

“I have to admit Sunny he does look a lot more agile than you did,” Misty replied.

Hitch did indeed look more sure hoofed than Sunny. His bounds were measured and precise as he made good progress towards the mist.

“I…I need to help too,” Sunny frowned.

She closed her eyes and grimaced as she tried to activate her powers again. “Naaaaah,” she groaned before sitting down and clutching her barrel whilst tears welled in her eyes.

“Sunny,” Izzy gasped.

“Are you okay?” Misty added with concern.

“I can’t use my powers,” Sunny groaned as she opened her eyes sorrowfully. “It feels like my insides are being torn apart each time I try.”

In the meantime, Hitch was making good progress and had turned the corner. However, as the mist suddenly enveloped him, he was forced to slow down. The rocks were obscured and hard to make out which made progress far more difficult. He grunted as he slipped, having accidentally stepped on an algae-covered rock. Then, just as he righted himself a wave crashed into the rocks, sending spray all over him. As he blinked the water from his eyes, he caught a glimpse of movement ahead.

“Anypony there?” he called. “It’s Sheriff Hitch.”

“Help! I'm stuck!”

“Glory?” Hitch gasped as he recognised the voice. “Hold on, I’m coming.”

Hitch redoubled his efforts to make it across the rocks, his cutie mark glowing brightly as he did so. The mist suddenly started to dissipate as he made more progress.

From above, the two Pegasi in the air and Unicorns on the cliff top gasped as the mist suddenly cleared. Finally, everypony could see Glory. Both her hind hoofs were trapped, caught tightly between two rocks. She shrieked in terror as a large wave crashed over the rocks, showering her with water. Almost immediately, another wave loomed high above her but Hitch arrived just in time to shield her from it.

“Help. Help me,” Glory sniffed. “I can’t move.”

“It’s okay,” Hitch soothed, “I’m here. I’m here.”

“Me too,” Zipp replied as she landed on the other side of Glory. “Don’t worry, Glory, we’ll get you out.”

“The tide’s coming in quickly,” Hitch shouted. “You grab one hoof, I’ll grab the other.”

Together, Hitch and Zipp pulled Glory’s hind hoofs as hard as they could. However, it was soon clear they were stuck fast. So, they tried both pulling the same hoof but that made no progress either. All the while, waves crashed over the rocks with increasing frequency and soon they were completely soaked.

“You’re hurting me,” Glory cried at last which made the pair stop.

“We’re getting nowhere,” Zipp grimaced. “She’s stuck fast.”

“The water’s rising faster than I expected as well,” Hitch groaned as he looked down at his hoofs that were now underwater. “I…I don’t know what we can do.”

Another wave suddenly crashed over them. Zipp cried with surprise as she felt her wings being caught by the water as it retreated. Hitch gasped and just about managed to grab her in time to stop her being swept away.

“Whatever we do we need to do it fast,” Hitch groaned.

Suddenly there were two flashes as both Starlight and Sunset appeared.

Sunset positioned herself between the group and the sea before creating a shield around them. More waves impacted but this time Sunset’s shield protected them. Starlight meanwhile appeared behind Glory, a look of determination on her face.

“Get ready to pull,” Starlight advised. “I’m going to split this rock wide open.”

Before they could ask how, Starlight took a deep breath and dipped her head into the water. She placed her horn against the rock that was holding Glory. As her horn started to glow, glowing cracks and fissures started to emanate through the rock. They glowed brighter and brighter before the rock suddenly burst apart in a controlled manner.

Immediately, Hitch and Zipp pulled Glory’s legs, freeing her at last. Hitch grabbed her in his hoofs, ensuring she couldn’t float away.

Starlight gasped as she brought her head back up. Without another word, she teleported all four of them to the safety of the clifftop. However, once they appeared, Starlight began coughing and spluttering.

“Starlight?” Hitch gasped. “You okay?”

“I will be,” Starlight croaked. “Got a nose full of water when the rock burst apart. Gosh that stings.”

Meanwhile, Sunset found she’d been left behind when Starlight teleported the others. The waves were coming in with ever-increasing frequency and were pounding her shield. She gasped as she realised the water level within the shield was lower than that outside. “Okay, that’s not good.”

She waited for a brief lull in the waves before closing her eyes to attempt to teleport. However, as she began to concentrate on doing so, her shield suddenly failed. Before Sunset knew what was happening, she was enveloped in water.

Pipp was still hovering overhead and gasped as she saw Sunset’s shield disappear. Desperately, she looked towards the clifftop, her eyes widening when she didn’t see Sunset there. She looked back towards the sea, frantically looking for any sign of Sunset. Relief shot through her as she finally spotted Sunset’s fiery mane in the waves. She hovered lower and began tracking Sunset as she fought to keep her head above the water.

“Zippppp!” Pipp shouted. “We need to help Sunset! She’s being swept away!”

Zipp ran to the cliff edge, flapping her wings violently to dislodge the water as she did so. She looked out towards Pipp and followed where her sister was pointing. Squinting, she just managed to spot Sunset in the waves before she jumped over the cliff edge.

Zipp’s cutie mark shined brightly as she tucked her wings and legs in as she hurtled down towards the sea. Flaring her wings at the final moment, she pulled up and skimmed the top of the water, dodging incoming waves and rocks. All the while, her eyes tracked where Sunset was, guided by Pipp.

Sunset meanwhile was in full fight for survival mode. It was taking everything she had to keep herself from inhaling too much water and trying to keep her head above the waves. There was no way she could concentrate on casting any spells at all. Even the thought of doing so didn’t even enter her mind. Suddenly, she felt a pair of legs grabbing her from behind. Then, she was being plucked from the sea and lifted into the air.

“Got you,” Zipp smiled as she held Sunset tightly in her hoofs.

With a series of powerful flaps, Zipp gained altitude before banking around and back towards the cliff. Sunset meanwhile said nothing, she coughed and spluttered as she held onto Zipp’s legs gratefully. The others cheered as Zipp carefully deposited Sunset on the safety of the clifftop.

“T…Thanks, Zipp,” Sunset heaved as she coughed up water.

“Sunset, I’m so sorry,” Starlight gasped. “I completely forgot about you in the rush to get everypony to safety.”

“It’s fine, Starlight,” Sunset replied as she shook water from one of her ears. “You had no idea how powerful those waves were getting because of my shield. Clearly, I need to practice multi-casting spells, I used to be so good at it.”

“I’m sure we can work on that,” Starlight smirked. “I’m glad everypony is okay.”

“We’ve not found Peach Fizz though,” Pipp replied worriedly as she landed.

“Glory, was Peach Fizz with you?” Hitch asked kindly.

“She disappeared, just after my hoofs got stuck,” Glory replied worriedly. “I couldn’t see her in the mist anymore. I shouted and shouted but she never came back.”

“So why were you on the rocks in the first place?” Hitch asked. “I know the sign is gone but I’m sure you know it’s not safe there.”

“We got lost in the mist,” Glory explained as tears welled in her eyes. “It started appearing as we ran up the beach. Then there was a shadow behind us, following us, but we couldn’t see what it was. It was tall though, taller than any grown-up. We were trying to get away from it and just kept going. Next thing I knew, my hoofs were stuck, and Peach Fizz wasn’t there anymore.”

“It’s okay,” Pipp consoled as she put her hoofs around Glory. “We’ll keep looking for her, won’t we Hitch.”

“Definitely,” Hitch replied earnestly.

Chapter Nine - Soothing

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As it was the nearest building, both Glory and Seashell were taken to the Brighthouse. After speaking to the search teams, Hitch entered and headed to where the two fillies were sitting in the seating area with Pipp and Zipp.

“So where did the mist start?” Zipp demanded. “How thick was it to begin with? What did the shape look like?”

“Zippppp,” Pipp growled as the two fillies looked more and more distressed under her sister’s continual questions.

“But the mist is the only lead we have,” Zipp replied earnestly. “It can’t be a coincidence that Misty started dreaming about it.”

“Zipp, can I have a word?” Hitch asked motioning towards the kitchen.

Zipp sighed with resignation before following Hitch, leaving Pipp alone with the two distressed fillies.

Hitch sighed as he walked into the kitchen and turned around to look at Zipp.

“I know you mean well, Zipp,” he started. “But those two fillies have been through a lot and are worried about their friend. You’ve got to go easier with the questions.”

“But we shouldn’t be giving up hope like that,” Zipp frowned. “We can still find her.”

“I didn't say give up, but interrogating two distressed fillies like that isn’t going to help,” Hitch replied. “You’ve recorded their accounts of what happened I assume.”

“Certainly,” Zipp replied. “I just need...”

"You’re not going to get any more information out of them than,” Hitch interrupted. “Do what you do best, Zipp, solve the mystery and find Peach Fizz.”

“Along with all the other mysteries that need solving,” Zipp groaned.

“You can do it, Zipp,” Hitch smiled. “No matter what the mystery is, you always get to the bottom of it.”

Zipp took a deep breath, frowning as she bit her lip.

“I’ll take another fly around the area,” she said at last. “Might make no difference but it might also result in something.”

“Sounds good,” Hitch replied. “In the meantime, I’ve got some worried parents due to arrive anytime now.”

With a nod, Zipp headed towards the door whilst Hitch rejoined Pipp and the fillies.

Meanwhile, Misty helped Sunny back to the Brighthouse, Izzy wanted to help as well but she had to take care of Sparky. Sunny was lying on her bed, clutching her rainbow pillow to her barrel as the pain inside her continued. “I couldn’t help,” she moaned. “I couldn’t help at all.”

“But you did help,” Misty replied earnestly. “We wouldn’t have found Glory at all if it wasn’t for you.”

“But I didn’t find her, Zipp did,” Sunny replied, wincing as the pain inside her intensified.

“Only because you were there and realised everything was connected,” Misty replied as her cutie mark glowed. “We were on the beach because you suggested we retraced Seashell’s steps. Then when we heard about the mist you realised it was connected to my dreams.”

Sunny closed her eyes and sighed as she felt some relief like the knotted feeling within her was releasing at last. “I...I suppose I did help."

“Of course you did,” Misty smiled. “You did everything you could. I know you feel you’re not doing enough right now but you don’t have to do everything. We’re in this together.”

“We are,” Sunny agreed. “We’ll all do our part.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty smiled as she placed a hoof on Sunny’s barrel above her heart.

Sunny sighed with relief as she felt a warm feeling flow through her. The knotted feelings within her seemed to loosen even more, even if they didn’t release completely. Finally, she felt better than she had for days.

Misty smiled as Sunny finally opened her eyes and pushed herself up from the bed.

“Thank you, Misty,” Sunny sighed with a small smile. “I…I’m just going through a lot right now.”

“We know,” Misty replied reassuringly. “We’re all here for you. You know that, right?”

“I…I know,” Sunny smiled. “I think I just need to try and remember that right now.”

Sunny slipped off the bed and gratefully pulled Misty into a hug. Misty smiled and rubbed Sunny’s back reassuringly.

“I’m glad to help,” Misty soothed. “It doesn’t matter if you can or can’t use your powers right now. They’re not what makes you, you. We all like you for being Sunny, not Sunny the Alicorn.”

“But, we’ll need my powers to stop Opaline,” Sunny sighed.

“Maybe, but we’ll worry about that when it comes to it,” Misty replied. “Right now, I think we need Sunny the Earth Pony, the one who travelled Equestria making friends and reuniting everypony.”

Sunny gratefully hugged Misty tighter, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, Misty.”

“No problem,” Misty smiled as they broke off the hug. “Did you want to see how good I’ve been getting with my magic? I’m only getting the chance to learn about it because of you.”

“Okay, that sounds good,” Sunny smiled before they both headed outside.

It was a while later that Starlight was walking back towards the Brighthouse. She’d been helping with the ongoing search for Peach Fizz but it had eventually been called off. Sunset had been with her, but she’d said she had something to do in town.

Starlight grinned as she spotted Misty and Sunny, pleased to see Misty was practising her magic.

Misty concentrated on the three oranges that sat on the ground in front of her. With three individual blasts of magic, she teleported each one high into the air. Then, she hit them with three more blasts, transforming each one into feathers which began floating around on the breeze.

Sunny grinned and clapped her hoofs gleefully. “That was amazing Misty, you’re getting really good now.”

“Thanks,” Misty smiled bashfully.

“I’d say you are getting better than good,” Starlight smiled as she approached. “I think it’s nearly time you tried teleporting a live creature.”

“R…Really?” Misty gasped.

Starlight nodded. “First though, teleport those feathers into the crystal chamber.”

“But she can’t see there,” Sunny gasped.

“Exactly,” Starlight winked. “She can’t see there so she’s got to be more accurate with the teleport. If she can do that, then it’s time for a live creature.”

Misty said nothing more as she had a look of concentrated focus on her face. She looked at the feathers as they continued to float slowly downwards. Then, as they grouped together, she fired a blast of magic at them. With a flash, they disappeared.

“Okay, let’s see then,” Starlight grinned.

She stepped between Misty and Sunny, her horn lighting up as she did so. With a flash, all three disappeared.

There was a flash in the Crystal Chamber as the three ponies appeared. Misty and Sunny gasped with surprise as they tried to get their bearings. Meanwhile, Starlight looked around and smiled. “I knew you’d do it."

Misty and Sunny looked and both grinned as they spotted the three feathers were there too. Floating around the Unity Crystals.

“I didn’t aim for them to appear around the crystals though,” Misty replied slightly unsurely.

“The air currents in here naturally circulate around the crystals,” Sunny replied. “Feathers would always end up floating around them if they got in here.”

“So, what should we use for me to practice with?” Misty frowned looking at Starlight.

“Me,” Sunny said confidently. “Teleport me,”

“Errr, no,” Starlight replied. “The best thing to start with in my experience is yourself. Also, only for a short distance within line of sight.”

Sunny sighed and scowled with disappointment, something Starlight immediately picked up on.

“Sunny, it’s not the actual act of teleporting you that’s dangerous,” she explained. “It’s where you could end up.”

“But she’s proven her accuracy,” Sunny argued.

“No, I see what Starlight is saying,” Misty replied. “I’d feel more worried about doing something wrong if I were teleporting you.”

“Exactly, you suddenly have the safety of somepony else in your hoofs and it can be distracting,” Starlight explained. “The main difference is the object you’re focusing on. You won't be looking at something, you’re focusing on yourself and where you want to go.”

“Line of sight,” Misty replied. “So, across the room?”

“Across the room,” Starlight nodded with a smile.

Misty took a deep breath and began to focus, and her horn began to glow. With more encouragement and instruction from Starlight, Misty suddenly vanished with a flash. One second later, she reappeared on the other side of the room.

“You did it!” Sunny cried. “You did it, Misty!”

“I…I did. I did it,” Misty gasped, a feeling of triumph and elation rushing through her.

Sunny hurried over and threw her hoofs around Misty’s neck. Misty grinned and pulled Sunny into a joyful hug as they both laughed and giggled. Meanwhile, Starlight stood back and watched, a smug grin on her face.

“So, just keep practising that,” Starlight grinned. “Once it’s become second nature you can start thinking about longer distances and teleporting others. However, what I can also get you to start looking at is the incantations for Shields. But trust me, that’s going to take a while. I doubt you'll be able to create a successful one for some time."

“Sure, I can do that,” Misty grinned. "I'll continue to work hard and get better and better."

“Come on,” Sunny smiled. “Let’s get a celebration round of smoothies.”

With that, they all headed down the lift and towards the kitchen.

Chapter Ten – Memory Waking

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It was sometime later and Zipp was at her workstation. She’d begun a new board for finding Peach Fizz and grunted as she ran a line of red string from a picture of Peach Fizz to a drawing of blue mist.

“They’re connected,” she muttered as she then continued the line to a picture of Misty. “They have to be.”

“You wanted to see us, Zipp?” Izzy grinned as she and Misty walked over.

“Yeah, you didn’t hear Misty’s dream earlier, Iz,” Zipp replied. “And Misty, I thought it might help if we went over it again.”

“I...I don’t know,” Misty replied unsurely. “With everything that’s happened. I can’t remember that much about my dream.”

“If it’s a memory, maybe hearing it played back will help you remember new information,” Zipp replied hopefully.

Izzy smiled brightly. “Can’t hurt, can it? Not sure how much help I'll be though.”

“I want you to hear it just in case,” Zipp replied. “Pipp thought it sounded like Bridlewood and you know it better than anypony else.”

Izzy’s eyes widened as she let out a long gasp. “MISTY, I completely forgot!” she shouted grabbing Misty and shaking her. “We still need to take you to Bridlewood!”

“I...I’m sure there’ll be time at some point,” Misty smiled as she pushed Izzy off of her.

“B...But you’re a Unicorn who’s never been,” Izzy emphasised. “Wait! Starlight and Sunset have never been either! We have to rectify this immediately!”

“Izzy, focus,” Zipp chuckled. “Listen to this, please.”

Zipp tapped her phone and started the playback of Misty describing her dream. Misty frowned before she closed her eyes as she listened. Then, as the recording mentioned the large tree, Misty's breathing quickened and she tensed up.

“Misty?” Izzy said with concern.

Suddenly, Misty gasped for air as she opened her eyes. “I...I remembered more.”

“Wait, wait,” Zipp urged as she tapped on her phone to put it into recording mode. “Okay, what did you remember?”

“The tree,” Misty replied. “It was huge, large roots, a wide trunk. It was way bigger than any of the other trees. There was this odd door in the side of it, it was ornate with strange inscriptions.”

“That sounds like the Wishing Tree,” Izzy smiled. “It’s the biggest tree in Bridlewood. Not sure about the door though, pretty sure the Wishing Tree doesn’t have a door.”

“Maybe going would help?” Zipp frowned. “I need to know more about this mist and the shadow. Right now, your memories are my only lead, Misty.”

“Did you ask Glory?” Misty asked.

Zipp let out a frustrated sigh, “She’s told me all she can. It doesn’t really help though.”

Misty sighed and closed her eyes, her cutie mark beginning to glow dimly.

“Let’s go,” Misty agreed. “I’m scared about what I’ll remember but we still can’t find Peach Fizz. I’m worried that the mist is connected to Opaline somehow. Peach Fizz could be in real trouble.”

“Yeah, road trip!” Izzy shouted as she put a hoof around Misty. “Fire up the Marestream!”

It was quickly decided that they would all go to Bridlewood together. Therefore it was a full Marestream that was soon making its way through the sky. Hitch was in the rear compartment and had just given Sparky his favourite cup which contained the revitalisation drink. As the little dragon supped the drink thankfully, Starlight sat down next to them.

“Is the drink helping him Hitch?” she asked.

“I think so,” Hitch replied. “He’s a bit more active than he was before, but it’s still a long way off normal.”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised,” Starlight sighed. “I think the ideas of revitalizing and energy restoration were good. But, if I’d been with you I’d have been looking for information on life force renewal too.”

“Sunset never mentioned anything about life force,” Hitch sighed. “I doubt we’ll have a chance to head down to Canterlot again.”

“I wouldn’t hold anything against Sunset for not thinking of something,” Starlight replied. “Whenever Twilight and I had a problem back home, we’d research it together. If anything, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help. Sunset and I were sent here to help you together, I let you all down. You needed two magic experts, not one.”

“It’s not your fault you got hurt though,” Hitch frowned.

Starlight sighed, “That’s kind of debatable. First rule of magic combat, never take your eyes off your opponent…”

Before Hitch could say anymore, they felt the wheels of the Marestream touching down.

“Mares, Stallion and Dragon, welcome to Bridlewood,” Zipp said over the intercom.

Izzy bounded enthusiastically from the Marestream as the door opened. Grinning widely as she stood in front of her little tree cottage.

“Misty, Starlight, Sunset, welcome to Villa Izzy,” she grinned.

“Very impressive,” Sunset smiled.

Starlight inspected the various ornaments adorning the outside of the cottage with interest. “So, it’s safe to assume you’ve made everything yourself?”

“Pretty much,” Izzy grinned. “All Unicycled. Ooh, wait!"

Izzy trotted over to a paper lantern that was hanging from one of the branches. It was covered in sequins and glitter. She studied it carefully, scrunching up her face. "Needs less sequins and more GLITTER!"

Izzy fired a blast of magic at the lantern. However, it didn't transform completely. Instead half the individual sequins transformed into glitter.

"She's getting very good," Sunset commented to Starlight.

"But only levitating and transfiguration," Starlight sighed. "Everything else seems beyond her ability."

Izzy seemingly didn't hear, she continued enthusiastically showing Starlight and Sunset her Unicycling achievements. Meanwhile Misty was looking around at the forest in wonder.

“So, this is Bridlewood?” she breathed.

“Only the very edge,” Hitch replied. “Izzy’s cottage is on the outskirts.”

“Yeah, the trees get too dense further in for the Marestream,” Zipp replied. “So, every time I bring it here, I’m forced to land on Izzy’s doorstep.”

“Don’t be silly, Zipp,” Izzy called from the doorway. “The doorstep is too small for you to land on.”

“Wait, why are we going inside?” Zipp groaned. “We need to take Misty to the Wishing Tree to see if it jogs her memory.”

“Oh, come on, Zipp. Don’t you remember our first time coming here? Why should we take that experience away from them?" Pipp smiled. “Oooh, Izzy, do you still have that tea set? Could I film it?”

Zipp sighed with resignation as she followed the others inside Izzy’s cottage.

It was sometime later that they were finally trotting through Bridlewood. Pipp couldn’t help giving a little squeak of delight as she checked her phone. “My cliptrott is already going viral! Everypony loves your tea set, Izzy.”

“Yeah, it is one of a kind,” Izzy smiled. “I was really in the creative groove that day.”

Meanwhile, Zipp stayed close to Misty as she looked around the forest with wonder.

“Is any of this the same as your dreams?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I don’t know,” Misty replied. “It all kind of looks the same, to be honest.”

“What? The same as the dream or the same the same?” Zipp questioned.

“I…I don’t know,” Misty gasped. “I can’t remember.”

“Give her chance, Zipp,” Sunny scowled.

“But we’re running out of time, Sunny,” Zipp hissed. “We need to find Peach Fizz and the mist is all that we’ve got to go on.”

Sunny nodded understandingly, “I know, but Misty isn’t going to remember if you keep asking her questions like that. Be more sensitive.”

As they walked through the centre of Bridlewood, Misty couldn’t help looking around in awe at everypony. “I’ve never seen so many Unicorns,” she gasped before looking confused. “Or... have I?”

“Wait, Misty, are you remembering more?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I...I don’t know,” Misty replied unsurely. “Nothing specific. Just... a feeling. I'm sorry, Zipp. I’ll tell you if I do. I promise.”

As Misty continued walking, Sunny scowled at Zipp. “Give. Her. Time,” she hissed.

“I am Sunny,” Zipp defended.

Suddenly, Izzy ran up, a box levitating in front of her.

“You’ve got to try these,” she grinned. “These macarons are a speciality of Bridlewood. They’ve been made using the same recipe for generations.”

As Izzy offered the box to everypony, Zipp couldn’t help getting hopeful as Misty took a bite.

“Taste is known to open up old pathways in the brain,” Zipp smiled. “Do they seem familiar?”

“I…I don’t know,” Misty sighed unsurely. “They sort of seem familiar but at the same time they’re so delicious I just want more.”

Misty hurried after Izzy, levitating five more macarons from the box when she caught up.

“They’re familiar to me,” Starlight chuckled as she took another bite. “I’m sure Mrs Cake makes some exactly the same.”

“Mrs Cake?” Hitch blinked. “Who’s Mrs Cake?”

“She runs Sugarcube Corner with her husband, Mr Cake,” Starlight explained.

“I bet that will be where the recipe comes from,” Pipp smiled as she took a bite. “Wait, I'm sure our chef at the castle makes some just like these. He’s always said it comes from an old recipe too. How does that work?”

“Well, Mr and Mrs Cake are Earth Ponies. But their son, Pound Cake, is a Pegasus. Whilst their daughter, Pumpkin Cake, is a Unicorn,” Starlight explained. “They could have both passed the recipe down the generations.”

Sunny gasped and looked confused. “Wait, wait, wait that's impossible! How can two Earth Ponies have Pegasus and Unicorn foals.”

“Regressive genes,” Starlight grinned. "Pound and Pumpkin are Twins."

Sunset couldn't help grinning at Sunny's dumbstruck expression. “Don't look so shocked, Sunny. It happens all the time."

“Wait, so when everypony separated how…” Hitch started before trailing off.

“Yeah, that’s one for another day,” Pipp replied. “I think our detective is stressed enough as it is.”

“Could we keep going please?” Zipp groaned from up ahead. “Nothing around here is helping Misty remember anything.”

Sunny scowled at Zipp who held her hoofs up in exasperation.

“Memory isn’t an exact science, Zipp,” Sunset advised. “We don’t know what will or will not help Misty remember.”

“There’s not exactly any spells that would help either,” Starlight added. “Although can’t you do something with memory back in your world, Sunset?”

“Oh, that’s only if the person in question remembers it,” Sunset replied. “I can’t just fish memories out of nothing.”

“Fine, let’s keep going towards the Wishing Tree then,” Sunny frowned.

As Izzy led them all towards the Wishing Tree they came across a playground. A group of Unicorn foals were playing on the swings, slide and roundabout. As the others trotted past, Misty suddenly stopped and looked at the foals playing. She sat down and began to stare, as though she was in a trance. Then her cutie mark began to shine as she tensed up.

Meanwhile, the others hadn’t realised they’d left Misty behind.

“The Wishing Tree is just up ahead,” Izzy smiled as she looked back. “Wait, where’s Misty?”

“Misty?” Zipp gasped as she looked around. “No, how could we lose her? I need to stay with her in case she remembers anything. I can’t believe this.”

“Back there,” Sunset pointed. “By the playground.”

“Her cutie mark,” Hitch gasped. “It’s glowing, why would it be glowing?”

“She’s not really doing anything empathetic,” Sunny agreed. “She’s just sat there.”

Zipp had already started to gallop back towards Misty. “Misty! Misty!”

“Huh? What’s happening?” Misty asked as Zipp finally reached her.

“You tell me,” Zipp replied getting her phone out. “You remembered something didn’t you?”

Misty blinked with confusion for a few seconds before suddenly gasping. “Yes….Yes, I did! I…I played in that playground when I was a filly.”

“I did too,” Izzy grinned as she and the others returned. “All Unicorns played here when they were fillies.”

Sunset smirked at Starlight, “We didn’t.”

“Don’t you see,” Misty said to Izzy earnestly. “It means I did live here, when I was small.”

“Before Opaline,” Pipp sighed.

Misty blinked and bit her lip as she looked down sorrowfully. “I must have had a family here,” she sniffed. “I remember swinging on the swings, there were others with me. B...But I can’t remember anything more about them.”

“Come on, Misty, think,” Zipp urged. “You must remember who you were with?”

Misty closed her eyes as tears started to well within them before she started crying. “I...I can’t... I can’t remember anymore, it’s too foggy.”

Sunny pulled Misty into a hug. “It’s okay, Misty. I’m here for you, just like you’re here for me.”

“We’re all here for you,” Pipp added. “We’re your friends, so, we can be your family too.”

As she held a still-crying Misty to her shoulder, Sunny shot a scowl towards Zipp.

“I’m sorry, Misty,” Zipp sighed. “I keep forgetting how hard this could be for you.”

“It’s okay, Zipp,” Misty replied as she opened her eyes. “We’re not doing this for me. We’re doing this for Peach Fizz. Let’s keep going.”

Izzy held out a hoof and pointed ahead. “The Wishing Tree isn’t too far now. Hopefully, it will be the one from your dream.”

“I hope so,” Misty sniffed as she broke off the hug. “Thanks, everypony.”

“Anytime,” Sunny smiled. “We’re all here for each other, remember.”

As they continued onwards, it wasn’t long before they finally arrived at the Wishing Tree. Misty looked up at the huge roots and wide trunk in awe and gasped. “It’s huge!"

“Yeah, it is. It’s the biggest tree in Bridlewood,” Izzy grinned. “I told you, remember?”

Misty didn’t reply, she was too busy looking around. She trotted from side to side, her mouth agape. Zipp desperately held her tongue as she spotted Sunny was already scowling at her. Finally, Misty turned a corner and smiled. “It is, this is the tree from my dream.”

“Okay,” Zipp replied taking that as her cue. “So where was the shadow?”

“Urm, give me a second,” Misty replied as she turned and headed away from the tree. “Okay, so I was following the bunnycorn from over here. The blue mist was already all around me.”

She trotted towards the tree and turned the corner again. “Then this was when I lost the bunnycorn,” she explained before continuing around the tree. “Then this was where I saw the door.”

“But there is no door,” Starlight frowned as she looked at the solid trunk.

“And the shadow?” Zipp asked hopefully.

“I…I don’t know,” Misty responded with sorrow. “I…I thought there’d be a door here. I don’t…”

“Let’s look for the door,” Sunny suggested. “How can Misty know she’s in the right place if the door isn’t here.”

Zipp nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that sounds legit. Everypony, fan out.”

They all started heading in different directions. Some went around the tree whilst others headed to those nearby in case the door was there.

Misty however stayed where she was, she looked up at the tree and sighed. “I...I’m sure this is the right one."

As she looked at the tree, she felt something calling to her. Frowning, she stepped forward and placed a hoof on one of the large buttress roots. Suddenly, she gasped and froze in place.

To be continued…

Chapter Eleven – Loyal

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Peach Fizz had no idea where she was, just that she was in a large room she'd never seen before. She grunted as she pulled and tugged on the strange purple glowing leash that was around her neck. She had had enough of being stuck to the strange pool of liquid the other end of the leash was attached to. “Please, somepony, help me! I want to go home!"

“Oh, but this is your home,” a voice said, echoing all around. “Your new home.”

“No, no it’s not,” Peach Fizz replied as she spun right around almost falling into the strange pool. Her horn began to glow as she tried to pull where the leash was attached. However, it had no effect and eventually her horn just fizzled out.

“Funny you thought that would work. I’m your friend, I saved you from the sea and that evil shadow.”

“No, you didn’t!” Peach Fizz shouted. “If you were my friend, you wouldn’t keep me tied up here. You’d let me go home.”

“But I’m so lonely and I’m worried you’ll run away and leave me all alone."

Peach Fizz gasped as she looked up a ramp to see Opaline was standing at the top. She had a smile on her face as she tried to look friendly and nonthreatening.

However, Peach Fizz was having none of it, she recognised her from both Queen Haven’s address and the streams Pipp had been broadcasting. “You’re the evil pony!” she shouted. “I’ll never be friends with you! Let me go!”

The smile that had been on Opaline’s face vanished and turned into a scowl as she descended the ramp. “I’m Opaline Arcana,” she replied. “I’m not evil, I’m an Alicorn. Alicorns are supposed to be loved and feared.”

Peach Fizz scowled accusingly. “That makes no sense. You can’t love and fear somepony at the same time.”

“Oh, but I’m sure you will,” Opaline smiled sweetly as she fired a magical blast at her cauldron pool. “You’ll be a great help now Misty is gone.”

“I’ll never help you,” Peach Fizz replied.

Peach Fizz gasped as the liquid in the pool suddenly changed colour, going from transparent to a golden yellow. She tried to back away from the pool in fear, but the leash went taught. She tugged and tugged but it still held firm, keeping her connected to the pool.

Opaline levitated a cup from one of the nearby shelves and smiled. “Let’s make you a little more loyal, shall we?”

She dipped the cup into the pool. As she raised it up, she grinned at the yellow liquid as it swirled within the cup. Then, she offered it towards Peach Fizz.

“I’m not drinking it,” Peach Fizz growled and swung out defiantly with a hoof.

Opaline scowled as she dodged the cup away. “I can make things very, very difficult for you.”

Peach Fizz gasped as suddenly wisps of purple magical energy appeared around each of her hoofs. She gasped as the one she had raised was suddenly forced to the ground. She tugged, but found they were now locked in place.

“Now, drink,” Opaline ordered as she levitated the cup towards Peach Fizz’s lips.

Before Peach Fizz knew what was happening, the cup was in her lips and the liquid was running down her throat. She coughed as Opaline moved the empty cup away.

“What are you….” Peach Fizz started to say before she stopped.

She looked calmly back at Opaline, all defiance having disappeared from her features. Her previous defiant struggling had also come to an end. Opaline smiled as it seemed her potion had already worked it's magic. “So, who are you and who are you loyal to?”

“I’m Peach Fizz, and I’m loyal to you, Opaline Arcana,” Peach Fizz replied calmly.

“And who is your friend?” Opaline asked.

“I’ve got two friends,” Peach Fizz replied. “Glory and Seashell, they’re my best friends.”

Opaline scowled with annoyance. “So, what am I to you?”

“My mistress,” Peach Fizz replied. “I’ll try my best to do anything you ask of me.”

Opaline’s scowl turned into a smile. “Ah, close enough to what I wanted,” she replied as she released the magic holding Peach Fizz in place. “Now, my darling, Peach Fizz. This is what I need you to do…”

Chapter Twelve – Remembering

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Sunny groaned as she spotted Misty, she’d done a complete circuit of the Wishing Tree and hadn’t found a door anywhere. However, all thoughts of looking suddenly disappeared from her mind as she watched Misty stumble backwards and collapse on the floor in tears.

“Misty!” Sunny cried as she ran over. “What’s wrong?”

Sunny quickly laid down next to her crying friend. She put a hoof over Misty's shoulders and held her close. “I’m here, Misty, tell me what’s wrong?”

“I…I remember,” Misty heaved. “I remember it all now.”

“Remember what?” Izzy gasped as she lay down on Misty's other side. “It’s okay, Misty, we’re here.”

One by one, the others all realised what was happening and came running over. Sunset however hung back and watched, putting a hoof up to stop Starlight from joining them.

"Why..." Starlight gasped.

"Just watch," Sunset advised. "I think this is another moment they need to share together."

“I know what happened now,” Misty continued. “I was in the forest collecting Glowpaz crystals but got lost. The blue mist, it surrounded me and the shadow, it frightened me so much that I lost my way. I ran and ran then suddenly, I found myself outside Opaline’s castle.”

“But that’s miles away,” Izzy blinked.

“I was so scared,” Misty resumed. “When I saw Opaline at the door, she was so inviting. She said I’d be safe with her. So, I went in without thinking. The blue mist transported me. That’s how she got me, that’s how I ended up with her.”

“Peach Fizz,” Zipp gasped.

“She’ll be there,” Misty cried. “She’ll be with Opaline right now and it’s all my fault.”

Misty covered her eyes with her hoofs as she cried harder. Gasping, all the others gathered together to comfort her.

“No, it’s not your fault Misty,” Zipp said reassuringly.

“There’s nothing more you could have done,” Sunny agreed. “You couldn’t force yourself to remember any faster.”

“The important thing is we know what we need to do now,” Hitch added.

“We’re here for you Misty,” Pipp agreed.

“We’re your family,” Izzy added.

Sunset looked at Starlight knowingly. “Do you see them?”

“Their cutie marks, t...they're glowing?” Starlight replied in awe. “All of them together.”

“Yeah, keep an eye on the tree,” Sunset advised. “If I’m right…”

A series of green patterns suddenly appeared in the ground in a circle around the six ponies as they comforted their friend. Suddenly, a shoot of green energy shot through the floor and into the Wishing Tree. After a few moments, the whole tree began to give off a radiant glow before the green shoot continued up the tree. Seemingly travelling from its roots to the very tips of its highest branches.

Suddenly, there was a green flash as the leaves changed colour. From ordinary dark green leaves to a bright vibrant green, the same as the Together Trees in Maretime Bay and Zephyr Heights.

They all looked up in amazement as flowers multi-coloured flowers opened within the tree’s foliage. Some red, some green some blue and others with multiple-coloured petals.

“The Wishing Tree is a Together Tree,” Izzy beamed. “I knew it!”

“It just needed to be woken up,” Sunny gasped. “Maybe Unity isn’t just from being joyful and happy. It’s also from being there for others.”

“Yeah, and we need to be there for Peach Fizz,” Zipp replied. “Misty, you’ve done your part. Now together we’ve all got to do ours.”

“To the Marestream,” Hitch agreed. “Next stop, Opaline’s to rescue Peach Fizz.”

Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay. Sargent Skywalk was sat in the Station going over her patrol reports. She sighed with annoyance; she hated that they hadn’t found Peach Fizz and couldn’t shake the feeling of worry. However, a sudden knock on the door shook her from her thoughts.

She got up from her desk as the door opened, however she inwardly sighed as Phyllis walked in.

“Hello, Mrs Cloverleaf,” Skywalk greeted. “I’m sorry, Sheriff Hitch is not here currently.”

“Again?” Phyllis replied with dismay. “Where is he this time?”

“He’s following up on leads which have taken him to Bridlewood,” Skywalk replied.

“Bridlewood?” Phyllis barked. “What in the world could have needed his attention in Bridlewood?”

“I’m sorry, Mrs Cloverleaf, I am not able to say,” Skywalk answered. “Any information given out could adversely affect the cases that are being investigated.”

“There is no way any investigations would require him to go to Bridlewood,” Phyllis replied crossly. “He’s our Sheriff, we need him here in Maretime Bay.”

“Ponies are free to travel wherever they like,” Skywalk replied calmly. “Anypony could commit a crime in one town then travel to another. Sheriff Hitch has jurisdiction to travel and follow up on cases in any location.”

Phyllis’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “So, who is in charge here whilst Hitch is away?”

Skywalk couldn’t help sighing. “I am, Sheriff Hitch has instructed me to look after things whilst he is away. He doesn’t have anypony else to delegate that task to.”

“Once again, Pegasi are doing the work of Earth Ponies,” Phyllis grumbled. “We clearly need a new Earth Pony Deputy. Confirm this for me then please, if you received new orders from Zephyr Heights that clearly contradicted those you have from Sheriff Hitch, what would you do?”

“Standard procedure would be to inform both superiors of the conflict so they can resolve it,” Skywalk replied calmly. “When my unit was posted here, Queen Haven herself made it quite clear Sheriff Hitch was to outrank us. That is why there’s no captain here, Sheriff Hitch has taken that role.”

“Oh?” Phyllis replied. “You wouldn’t just take one side?”

“Certainly not,” Skywalk responded robustly. “That goes far beyond the whole Earth Pony or Pegasus debate you are troubled by.”

“Damn right I’m troubled by it,” Phyllis growled. “I always looked out for this town, now I’m all but powerless to do anything for it.”

“I’ve seen the council’s response to the Flanksy murals,” Skywalk replied.

“Exactly!” Phyllis exclaimed. “I was outvoted, and they’ve protected them!”

“Mrs Cloverleaf, with all due respect. This is quickly turning into you against everypony else,” Skywalk explained. “It’s clear that you want what you think is best for the community. However, maybe the community has other ideas. You’re a business pony, maybe it’s time for you to find yourself a new challenge, one you can take control of personally and succeed in.”

Phyllis blinked with confusion before letting out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the hoof Sargent. You’re right, I’m the one who’s lost her way. Everything is changing around me so fast, a new challenge sounds like a good idea. Speaking of challenges, how is the recruitment drive going? Have many Earth Ponies been signing up?”

“There have been a few,” Skywalk confirmed. “In fact, the first one has flown through basic training and is due to arrive here shortly. I’m looking forward to their arrival.”

“Oh, well that is good news,” Phyllis smiled. “I’ll try to keep out of your mane.”

With that, Phyllis turned around and headed towards the door. Only to gasp as it opened to reveal Sprout wearing a Guard’s uniform.

“Private Sprout Cloverleaf, reporting for duty,” Sprout said professionally.

He stood to attention, a look of professional determination on his face. Only for it to disappear when he realised his mother was standing in front of him. “Oh, hi Mummy, come to see me on my first tour of duty?”

“Baby?” Phyllis gasped. “I thought you were staying with your Grandpappy?”

“Oh, no,” Sprout smiled. “Grandpappy suggested I signed up to the Guards as a surprise. He knows you’ve been going on about there being no Earth Ponies in the Guard. I flew through the basic training because of my previous Deputy experience from Hitch.”

“Oh of course your Grandpappy would be behind this,” Phyllis groaned, then looking over her shoulder she added. “Sargent, please take good care of my son. I’m sure you’ll be more than capable.”

With that, Phyllis turned back towards the door and headed out of the station.

“Bye Mummy,” Sprout waved.

“Private Sprout!” Skywalk barked. “Attention!”

Sprout snapped to attention and looked directly ahead. The professional demeanour immediately returned upon hearing the order. Skywalk walked over to inspect her newest recruit. The feeling of dread diminished as she saw his uniform was immaculate.

Chapter Thirteen - Market

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It was getting dark as the Marestream streaked across the sky heading directly towards Opaline’s Castle. Onboard, the air of apprehension could be cut with a knife as everypony prepared themselves.

“We need to avoid a direct conflict,” Sunset advised.

Starlight nodded in agreement, “Agreed, you’re not ready. Also, the last battle we had confirmed it, she’s too powerful for Sunset and me. We can hold our own working together, but she’d still win out eventually.”

Sunny nodded gravely. “We'll need the elements and we haven't found them.”

As she looked around her friends, Sunny gulped as she felt her insides tightening again. She didn’t want to admit it to them, but she felt scared. The closer they got, the more apprehensive she felt and the more her insides churned.

Pipp groaned worriedly, “Then what do we do? I don’t want to fight either, but we need to rescue Peach Fizz.”

“First thing we need to do is gather intel,” Zipp replied. “Then we can come up with a plan.”

Misty sighed before looking at the others with determination. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it."

“Misty no,” Izzy gasped. “If you go in there Opaline will…”

Misty interrupted her by placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Izzy, I’m the only one who knows the layout of the place. I'll have to be the one to go in and scout.”

“I agree but I’m coming with you,” Starlight smiled. “I can cast an invisibility spell on us so we won’t be detected.”

Zipp nodded in agreement. “Right, so I’ll land someway off. Then you can both…”

She was cut off as Hitch’s phone started ringing. He immediately squeaked with surprise and began fumbling around. Once he finally had his phone in his hoof, he gasped as he looked at the caller ID on the screen.

“It’s Skywalk,” he said before answering. “Hello Skywalk, what…uh huh…wait, really! That’s excellent news…yes… yes, keep her there, please. I’ll be back as soon as possible... Okay, bye.”

Hitch grinned with glee as he ended the call. “Peach Fizz has been found!”

“But. But. But how?” Zipp stared, only just remembering to keep control of the Marestream. “The mist. Misty’s memories. It all points to Opaline!”

“Skywalk said Peach Fizz just suddenly walked into town,” Hitch explained. “She’s at my office now.”

“Well, I remember being outside the castle,” Misty explained. “So maybe Peach Fizz saw Opaline and ran away?”

“I have been showing images of her,” Pipp replied. “Peach Fizz is one of my biggest fans, she totally would have seen them. She’d recognise Opaline as somepony she can’t trust.”

“Zipp, turn us around,” Hitch ordered. “Peach Fizz is at the Sheriff’s Office, waiting for us to arrive to question.”

“Good because I’m desperate for answers,” Zipp groaned. “Feels like every time I start getting some, more questions appear.”

With that, the Marestream banked around and headed back towards Maretime Bay.

It wasn’t long before the Marestream was touching down outside the Sheriff’s Office in the middle of town. Everypony filed out and gathered in front of the doors.

“What are we waiting for?” Zipp asked.

“That,” Sunny pointed.

Zipp followed Sunny’s outstretched hoof and spotted the Together Tree was glowing with a golden aura. Suddenly, a golden doorway opened in the middle of its trunk. Two curving golden pathways spread out from this, curving down and around the Together Flower that was still blooming at the foot of the tree.

From the doorway, a huge male yak appeared. He had long dark brown body fur and a grey face. He had a large mane which covered his eyes, this and his long beard were black. He had two huge, curved horns that were adorned with various traditional golden ornaments.

“Runcord very excited,” the yak boomed. “Runcord pleased to invite new generation of Ponies to visit Night Market. Night Market has all pony answers.”

“Okay, that’s not at all concerning,” Zipp said sarcastically. “What even is that?”

Starlight looked at Zipp accusingly. "Don’t be rude, he's a Yak. Yaks are our friends.”

Sunny meanwhile looked confused. “So, can we trust him, Starlight?”

“Both White Pony and Orange Pony can trust Yak,” Runcord boomed suddenly. “As Star Pony say, Yak friends of ponies. Runcord been friends of Ponies for generations. Runcord very happy to finally bring back Night Market to Ponykind. All answers inside.”

“I doubt the answers I want right now will be in there,” Zipp responded. “Right now, I need to question Peach Fizz.”

“Fair enough,” Hitch replied. “I’ll leave that in your capable hoofs.”

Zipp's eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, what? Don’t you want to be there?”

“We’ve still not cured Sparky,” Hitch answered. “If there are answers in this Night Market then I need to find them. You’re more than capable of questioning Peach Fizz, Zipp. My being there won’t help.”

Pipp looked at her sister with determination. “Mine might. I want to be there for her, I’m coming with you, Zipp.”

“It’s settled then,” Sunny replied. “Pipp and Zipp will speak with Peach Fizz and then meet the rest of us in this Night Market place.”

With that decided, the group split up. Pipp and Zipp disappeared within the Sheriff’s Office whilst the others headed towards the nearest pathway up to the golden doorway. Other town ponies who were stood nearby apprehensively watched with interest.

Starlight and Sunset were at the front of the group and therefore arrived first.

“So, Runcord, I presume. I’m Starlight Glimmer. Are you descended from Prince Rutherford?”

Runcord smiled welcomely. “Yes, all Yak descended from the great Prince Rutherford. Runcord pleased to reconnect Ponies with many creatures that help run Night Market.”

Sunset grinned happily. “It’s great to finally meet a Yak such as yourself. I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

Runcord bowed. “Runcord, pleased to meet both. Please enter through golden doorway.”

Sunset and Starlight smiled, and each gave a small nod before doing so. Sunny was next and stopped apprehensively before Runcord.

“So, errr, I’m Sunny Starscout. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Sunny Pony special,” Runcord grunted. “But need to remember have special friends too. Sunny Pony will find answers she seeks within Night Market if look hard enough.”

With that, Runcord walked through the doorway. Sunny blinked with surprise before following. One by one, the others followed too.

As they each passed through the door, they felt a small tingling sensation. However, they soon stepped into a huge multi-levelled area, the walls appeared to be made from bark. Large buttress roots supported the higher levels, almost looking like a maze.

All around, there were market stalls as far as the eye could see, each filled to the brim with items. The stalls were each being attended to by a different creature. However, this wasn’t the only thing that had caught their attention.

Sunset gasped as she looked down at herself, she’d known something had changed as soon as she started trying to walk within the Market. Tentatively, she lifted what had been a hoof and looked at what was now clearly a hand. Studying it for a moment, she began flexing her fingers to confirm it wasn’t any sort of illusion.

Sunny's eyes widened and her mouth was agape. “I…Is that you, Sunset?”

Sunset smiled back reassuringly. “Yeah, yeah it’s me."

Slowly, she moved from the kneeling position she’d been in. Getting carefully to her two feet and finding her balance. Looking again, she found she was wearing the same outfit she’d had on when she’d last been at CHS, including her geode necklace.

Misty gasped in wonderment. “You’re so tall."

Sunset looked around at the others as they gathered to get a better look at her. Now she was stood upright, their heads came to around her chest height.

“Oh wow, I always wondered how things scaled,” Sunset smiled before realising everypony’s eyes were on her. “Ah, yes. So, this is what I look like in my world, ta-da.”

Starlight couldn't help looking concerned. “The question is, why did you change? I’ve been to your world and I’m not in my human form.”

Runcord snorted as he walked through the crowd of ponies. When he reached Sunset, he circled her, his huge nose sniffing with interest. “Does Sunset Pony spend lots of time in Human World?”

“Y…yes,” Sunset replied. “That’s where I live.”

“Night Market is not Human World but is also not Pony World,” Runcord explained. “Night Market in own world, portals give those entering the forms they most used to.”

“So, this is another world?” Sunny gasped. “I wondered how all this fitted within the Together Tree.”

“Having Night Market in own world allows access for both Human and Pony along with others,” Runcord explained. “Connection to Ponies lost long time ago, Runcord not know why.”

“You said portals, as in plural. Does that mean we could see the Human World?” Sunset asked.

Runcord snorted and shook his head. “No, mixing Human and Pony directly not good idea. Three portals open. One for each pony town.”

Sunset nodded with understanding, trying not to look too disappointed.

“Stalls here contain many artifacts,” Runcord continued. “Many items lost to Ponykind for generations. Suggest Ponies start looking, who knows what Ponies find.”

In the shadows nearby, three figures apprehensively watched as the group of ponies and single human split up and started looking at the many stalls. They kept their eyes on Sunset as she walked off with Sunny and Misty.

“Well, this is an interesting turn of events,” one of them muttered.

“We knew she’d appear at some point, Aria,” another replied. “I didn’t think it would be the very first time we opened though.”

“So, what do we do, Adagio?” the final one asked. “We don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“There won’t be trouble,” Runcord said as he appeared behind them.

“How do you know that, Runcord?” Adagio replied, hands on her hips as she turned around.

Aria sighed and folding her arms. “Yeah, if this is Sunset Shimmer from the past then she’s bound to think the worst of us.”

“Just like she did at the Starswirled Music Festival,” Sonata groaned.

“That wasn’t her fault,” Adagio responded. “She was specifically looking for someone who was messing with magic.”

“Yeah, good point,” Aria admitted. “Made sense she’d jump to conclusions when she saw three old enemies.”

Sonata sighed and pouted. “Not ageing sucks."

Aria looked back at her sister with a frown. “I don’t remember you complaining about that before."

Runcord smiled reassuringly. “Runcord sure Sunset be happy old enemies have turned lives around. Please be just doing as normal. Lots of work needed.”

“Yeah, we know, Runcord,” Adagio smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the stalls don’t run out. Come on you two.”

With that, the Dazzlings walked off towards the storage areas right at the back of the market.

Meanwhile, Sunset, Sunny, and Misty were looking at one of the many stalls. Suddenly, they heard a noise above them and looked up. A small creature came floating by with a tiny pouch clutched in its legs.

Sunset stared and she gasped in wonder. “I’ve never seen breezes before. I've only ever read about them. But I thought their magic didn’t work outside their home unless they’re in a group.”

“This pocket world is enchanted to activate their magic,” the female Minotaur stallholder explained. “They help by carrying smaller items to and from the stalls.”

“This is amazing,” Sunny gasped. “I never realised there were so many different creatures.”

“It is a shame Equestria has been cut off for so long,” the Minotaur replied. “I’m pleased to be here to serve you.”

Sunny grinned as she looked at the many items in wonderment. However, her eye was suddenly drawn to another stall. “I’ll be back in a moment,” she said to the others. “I’m just going to go take a look at those berries over there. The muti-coloured jam looks interesting too.”

“No problem,” Misty replied as she continued looking. “We’ll wait here.”

Sunset gave a smile and a wave in confirmation as she turned to the end of the stall. She blinked in surprise as she saw the many familiar-looking posters.

“Those are posters from the distant past,” the Minotaur explained before pointing to one of a motorbike. “This is one of the many machines that Humans like you used to use to get from A to B.”

Sunset couldn’t help giving a knowing smirk in response as she studied the poster more closely. Spotting a date in one corner she grinned as she realised it was from around her time. “What would you like for it?”

The Minotaur smiled, “For you nothing at all, It’s on the house.”

“Oh, really?” Sunset blinked with surprise. “Are you sure?”

“Perfectly,” the Minotaur smiled as she took the poster down and rolled it up. “Take it with our compliments.”

“Thank you,” Sunset grinned as she took the poster before turning to where Misty had been standing. “Did you find anything, Misty? Misty?”

Sunset frowned with confusion as she suddenly realised Misty wasn’t there. She looked back at the Minotaur with worry. “Did you see where my friend went?”

“No, I didn’t,” the Minotaur replied. “However, your other friend is returning with quite the basket full.”

Sunset turned to see Sunny trotting back over. A basket full of berries and a few jars of jam held in her teeth. She placed it on the floor when she arrived.

“I can’t believe these awesome fruits,” Sunny smiled. “I can’t wait to see what smoothies I can make with them. Wait, where’s Misty?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset replied worriedly. “She was right here and now she’s disappeared.”

They both looked around, but there were so many stalls, and the Night Market was quickly becoming very busy. There were ponies everywhere, and it was clear that just finding one was going to be very difficult. They looked at each other with worry as they started looking for their missing friend.

To be continued…

Chapter Fourteen – Seeking

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For a large Yak, Runcord could live up to his running name. Misty was quickly finding this out as she struggled to keep up as Runcord weaved his way through the Night Market.

“Blue Pony follow,” Runcord reaffirmed. “Runcord have important information for Blue Pony.”

“You move really fast for such a large, erm, creature,” Misty commented.

Runcord only grunted as he continued on his path through the avenue of stalls, weaving this way and that between the many Ponies of all kinds that were now frequenting the market.

Finally, Runcord turned a corner behind a large tree root and abruptly came to a stop. Misty skidded to a stand, almost running into the back of the large furry Yak that was now standing before her. Misty blinked with confusion as Runcord remained completely still, despite all the rush to get there. However, before she could say anything a light blue Breezie floated down in front of Runcord, carrying a large ornate key.

“Yes, this is one,” Runcord grunted before taking the key. “Thank you.”

The breezie only nodded before fluttering away. Runcord grunted and turned around towards Misty, holding out the key. “This is for Blue Pony. Blue Pony should take key.”

Misty gasped as she took the key in her hoof. Turning it around with interest at the strangely familiar patterns. “W…what is it for?”

“For door,” Runcord grunted as though it was obvious. “Is enchanted key for enchanted door. Will take Blue Pony for one round trip to where Blue Pony most wants to go.”

“Where I most want to go,” Misty echoed as she stared at the key intently. “But where is the door?”

Hearing no response, Misty looked up and gasped as she found Runcord was no longer there. “Wait, Runcord? Where did you go? What door?”

She turned around and around as she tried to see where Runcord had gone. However, she suddenly gasped as she realised, she’d been so focused on following she had no idea where she was either. “Runcord?! Sunny?! Sunset?!" she shouted. "Oh, hay bales. What do I do now?”

Meanwhile, Sunset and Sunny had been searching for Misty. Whilst they hadn’t found her for the seemingly endless sea of ponies, they had run into Hitch and Sparky.

“So, she just disappeared?” Hitch asked.

“We were both distracted,” Sunset admitted. “She could have spotted something and wandered off. There are so many ponies here, finding her is all but impossible.”

“She’ll likely spot you, Sunset,” Sunny smiled.

“What? Why?” Sunset frowned before looking down at her human body. “Oh, of course.”

“I bet you’ve got a much better view over everypony too,” Hitch smiled.

“Actually, that is true,” Sunset smiled as she suddenly shot an arm in the air and started waving. “Zipp, Pipp, come over here.”

Hitch and Sunny blinked with confusion as Zipp and Pipp both suddenly appeared from the crowds. Following behind them was Peach Fizz.

Pipp gasped as she looked at Sunset with awe. “Sunset? Is…Is that you?”

“Yep,” Sunset grinned as she gave a twirl. “Meet Human me,”

“Okay, that is both awesome but also quite unnerving,” Zipp replied. “I don’t even want to try balancing on two hoofs like that.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t think we’ll be seeing you all transform,” Sunset winked. “It’s something to do with this being another different world. Like a pocket dimension. Also, they’re not hoofs, they’re feet and it’s not as hard as you think.”

“Oh, you would go and do this when there’s no signal here,” Pipp groaned. “How am I supposed to stream this?”

Sunset grinned as she struck a pose. “You’ll have to make do with some photos then!"

Pipp’s eyes suddenly twinkled, and she was soon snapping away. She even started shooting some video.

Meanwhile, Sunny turned her attention towards Peach Fizz. Kneeling down towards her kindly. “How are you, Peach Fizz?”

“I’m fine now,” Peach Fizz replied. “It was so scary though.”

“She doesn’t remember many details,” Zipp sighed. “But it sounds like Misty was right, she appeared outside Opaline’s castle and then ran away.”

“It’s amazing you managed to find your way back then,” Hitch replied as he rubbed Peach Fizz’s head.

“I used what we’ve been learning at scouts,” Peach Fizz replied simply.

Her eyes suddenly lit up as she spotted Seashell and Glory in the distance who were with their parents and her father.

“I don’t think there’s any reason to keep her,” Zipp sighed.

“I don’t either,” Hitch agreed. “Let’s return her to her father.”

As Hitch, Zipp, and Peach Fizz started to go, Sunset frowned as she put a hand on her geode. She reached out and touched Peach Fizz as she passed by. Immediately, her mussels stiffened, and her eyes went completely white for a second.

Peach Fizz noticed nothing as she continued to follow Hitch and Zipp. However, Sunny looked at Sunset with concern. “Sunset, w...what? What was that?”

“My geode’s power,” Sunset advised as she held her head and gasped for air. “I wasn’t sure it would work.”

“What power?” Sunny blinked.

“Reading minds,” Sunset advised. “It was strange though; I don’t think Peach Fizz is lying when she says she appeared outside Opaline’s Castle. But…I’m not sure I saw everything.”

Sunny said nothing more as she watched Sunset continue to hold her head.

In the meantime, Misty was making her way through the market. She’d placed the key on a ribbon around her neck to ensure she didn’t lose it. However, she was very aware that she still couldn’t find any of her friends.

“Oh, they’ll be so worried,” she moaned. “I didn’t think Runcord was taking me so far from them. This place is so big.”

Suddenly, Misty felt even more confused, she wasn’t surrounded by stalls anymore. She turned around but didn’t find any behind her either. “Oh, Haycakes! How’d I end up here?”

“How indeed?” a voice said.

Misty gasped and spun around in shock. “W…Who’s there?”

Suddenly, she found three humans standing before her, each holding large boxes in their arms.

“This area is off limits to customers,” one of them with orange hair advised. “It’s the route to the storage areas.”

“I…I’m sorry,” Misty gasped. “I had no idea. I’ve gotten completely lost and can’t find my friends at all.”

“Sounds like an honest mistake,” the human replied. “Follow me, I’ll guide you back to the main market.”

“But we’ve got to get these fossils to the fossil stall, Adagio,” one of the others replied.

“Which is why you’re both taking yours straight there, Sonata,” Adagio growled. “No sense all of us getting waylaid but we can’t leave one of our valued customers lost and confused.”

Misty grinned with relief, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Adagio smiled reassuringly. “It's no problem at all. This way.”

With that, the group split up. Aria and Sonata headed one way with their boxes whilst Adagio led Misty in the other direction.

Meanwhile, the others had all gathered together again, aided by how easy Sunset was to spot.

“So, Peach Fizz didn’t go into the Castle?” Zipp asked.

Sunset sighed, looking unsure. “I don’t know. I saw her getting lost in the mist with Glory. Jumping from rock to rock. Then there was just static for a few seconds before she was running through the countryside, away from the castle.”

Pipp smiled with relief. “Away from the castle. That’s got to mean she didn’t go in, just like she said.”

Starlight however didn't look so sure. “I don’t like that static though. Have you ever seen static in a memory before, Sunset?”

“No, I haven’t,” Sunset admitted as she held the side of her head. “She’s the first pony I’ve ever read the mind of though.”

“You’ve never used that power in your Pony form then?” Zipp asked.

Sunset shook her head. “No, it’s the power my geode provides me with. I don’t have it when I’m in Equestria.”

“Reading minds isn’t exactly easy to do,” Starlight advised. “You’re technically starting to get into the realms of dark magic. Trust me, playing with ponies’ minds isn’t something you want to be doing, it doesn’t usually end well.”

“Yet another of Phyllis’s key propaganda pieces busted then,” Sunny muttered.

“Right, so we need to keep an eye on Peach Fizz,” Hitch decided. “I’ll have to get Skywalk on that.”

“Okay, next problem then,” Zipp sighed. “We need to find where Misty’s gone to.”

“Let’s split up into pairs then meet back here in about five minutes,” Sunny suggested.

They all agreed and started walking in different directions. However, none realised Sunset had walked off alone, still holding a hand to her head.

Chapter Fifteen - Findings

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Sparky sighed as he clung tightly to Hitch’s back. A spot he hadn’t moved from since Hitch had collected him from the Sheriff’s Office. The place they were walking through was filled with bright lights and colours, and lots of interesting smells too. Sparky was sure some of the latter would be quite tasty, but he didn’t feel like he had the energy right now. Therefore, he was content to lay and rest as Hitch walked around with Starlight.

However, as Hitch turned a corner, Sparky suddenly caught sight of something. There, manning one of the stalls, was another Dragon!

Hitch gasped as he suddenly felt Sparky sit bolt upright. He turned his head around just in time to see Sparky jump from his back. He landed on Starlight’s back before jumping off onto the floor before he began running off towards one of the stalls. “Sparky!” Hitch called. “Where are you going?”

However, Sparky didn’t respond. He ducked and weaved through multiple pony legs as he made his way eagerly towards the stall of fossils. Hitch and Starlight were soon in hot pursuit as they struggled to keep up.

“He’s not moved like this since before his run-in with Opaline,” Hitch gasped.

“He’s spotted something that’s for sure,” Starlight replied. “I think I’ve seen what it is too.”

Sparky whooped as he bounded up onto the stall, paying no mind to the display of fossils as many were knocked over. Then he jumped directly into the arms of a very surprised-looking lilac female dragon.

“Oh, hello,” she gasped. “Where did you come from little one?”

Sparky cooed and gurgled happily as suddenly shimmering energy began flickering through his scales. The dragon gasped as she felt her own energies fluctuating.

“I’m sorry,” Hitch called as he and Starlight arrived. “I don’t know what’s come over him.”

“It’s fine,” the dragon replied. “I presume you are his guardians.”

Starlight's eyes widened in shock and she shook a hoof. “Oh no, nonono. Hitch is Sparky’s guardian. I’m just a friend, I’m Starlight.”

“I am Whisper,” the dragon replied. “Please, tell me how you came to have him. His dragon energy is so low.”

“I found his egg on the beach,” Hitch explained. “So, I took care of it, and then him once he hatched.”

“His energy was drained by an evil alicorn named Opaline Arcana,” Starlight explained. “She used something called the Dragon Stone.”

Whisper gasped as her eyes widened in shock. “The Dragon Stone. T…That can’t be.”

“So, you’ve heard of it?” Starlight asked confidently.

“O...Only rumours,” Whisper replied. “However, if they are true. If this Opaline has it then she could take the energy from all dragons. The Dragon Lord must be warned as soon as possible.”

“Are you able to get a message to him?” Hitch asked.

Whisper sighed and shook her head. “I cannot, I have no method to do so and cannot leave the market.”

Starlight frowned at this but said nothing whilst Hitch scratched Sparky’s head with a hoof.

“At least Sparky is looking better now he’s with another of his kind,” he sighed.

“Oh, I cannot take him from you,” Whisper replied. “The energies I can provide him now are just a stopgap. For him to fully recover you must travel to the Dragon Lands.”

Whisper smiled at Sparky’s overjoyed expression as she placed him on Hitch’s back.

“Also, it seems he is quite attached to you,” she added. “It would be foolish of me to attempt to sperate you.”

“So how do…” Starlight started.

“Starlight! Hitch!” Misty cried from behind them.

Hitch and Starlight turned and grinned as they saw Misty appear. Adagio smiled as she disappeared behind the fossil stall.

“Misty!” Hitch grinned. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“I’m sorry, I was following Runcord and got lost,” Misty replied before holding up the key around her neck. “Runcord gave me this.”

“A key,” Hitch frowned before Sparky jumped up onto his head.

“Sparky!” Misty gasped. “He looks so well now. Did you find a cure?”

“Only a temporary one,” Starlight replied before gasping and turning around. “Whisper, did…wait where did she go?”

Starlight looked around with confusion. Whisper had disappeared.

“Who’s Whisper?” Misty asked.

“A dragon,” Starlight sighed as she turned back. “She gave Sparky some of her energy.”

“But to fully cure him we need to take him to the Dragon Lands,” Hitch explained. “She said we ought to warn the Dragon Lord about the Dragon Stone as well.”

“Okay, then that’s what we’ll do,” Misty replied confidently. “Where are the others?”

“We’re supposed to meet up with them shortly,” Hitch replied.

“Oh, that’s good,” a voice said. “I’d like to have a word with Sunset Shimmer.”

Hitch and Starlight gasped as Adagio reappeared, this time without the box she’d been carrying.

“Everypony, this is Adagio,” Misty grinned. “She showed me the way back and helped me find you.”

“It was no problem at all,” Adagio smiled. “That box needed to be here anyway. Whilst we had to take the scenic route whilst looking for you it’s all worked out in the end.”

“Adagio, this is Hitch and Starlight,” Misty introduced.

“A pleasure to meet you both,” Adagio grinned.

Starlight frowned and looked at Adagio with suspicion. “So, Adagio, why would you be wanting to speak to Sunset?”

“Let’s just say we’re old acquaintances,” Adagio explained. “I just wanted to speak with her, and let her know my sisters and I are still around and doing well.”

“Follow us,” Hitch grinned. “We’ll take you to where we’re meeting everypony.”

As Hitch led them through the market and back towards the meeting spot. Starlight walked at the back of the group, she wanted to keep an eye on Adagio. However, she suddenly gasped as Runcord seemingly appeared from nowhere beside her. “Starlight Pony, Runcord have important matter to discuss, please, follow.”

“Oh?” Starlight replied cocking an eyebrow. “Just me or everypony?”

“Just Starlight Pony,” Runcord replied. “Will not take long.”

“Hitch, can you make sure everypony waits for me at our meeting place?” Starlight called. “Runcord wants a word with me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Hitch replied as he continued onwards, chatting to Misty and Adagio.

“Fine Runcord,” Starlight smiled cordially. “Lead the way and let’s have a chat.”

Runcord gave a smile and nodded before making his way through the market. Starlight trotted behind confidently, she thought a quick teleport to the meeting place was all she needed to prevent herself from getting lost.

However, as Starlight followed Runcord through an archway, she felt a trembling through the ground. Turning back, she gasped as she realised the path behind her wasn’t there anymore. Looking around, she quickly realised she was in a small room. All on her own with Runcord.

“Okay, what are you up to Runcord?” Starlight frowned as she took a ready stance. “First you get Misty lost and now you’ve trapped me in a room. Trust me, this won’t end well if you’re up to something.”

To be continued…

Chapter Sixteen – Discussions

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As Starlight stood before Runcord she couldn’t help feeling a little apprehensive. He’d said he wanted to talk, but she hadn’t expected that would mean walking into a space where there was seemingly no escape. She watched him carefully, slightly uneasy by the fact she couldn’t see where he was looking for his black mane which covered his eyes.

Suddenly Runcord smiled and spoke in a completely different voice to his own. “Now, now, Starlight. Why is it always threats with you?”

Starlight recognised the voice and gasped with surprise. She stared back at Runcord, mouth agape. “D…Discord?”

There was a sudden flash which caused Starlight to close her eyes. Then, as her vision cleared, instead of seeing the large Yak form of Runcord, Discord was standing before her with his arms held wide, a huge grin on his face.

“Ta daaaa,” Discord smiled. “Yes, Runcord is my alter ego. Do you like my hobby?”

“Hobby?” Starlight gasped. “What hobby?”

“Running the Night Market of course,” Discord beamed. “Oh, Twilight used to enjoy it so much here. I’ve saved so many lost and wondering creatures too. Like Whisper, or Adagio and her sisters. Did you know those three can’t return to Equestria?”

Starlight blinked with confusion, the continual battering of information making her quite disoriented. “Can’t return? But she’s a human?”

“Not originally, she’s one of the sirens that were banished from Equestria by Starswirl,” Discord explained. “Then, Sunset, Twilight, and their human friends defeated them back in the day. Now they’ve turned their lives around, just the same as you, I and Sunset.”

Starlight smirked, “Okay, so you brought me here to share that or is there something else?”

“What, straight down to business is it?” Discord replied with mock hurt. “No chit-chat or friendly banter?”

“I’d say this is our level of banter,” Starlight grinned. “You’ve clearly got something you’re desperate to tell me.”

“Oh, nothing specifically,” Discord replied with a wave of a paw. “More that I felt it was time for another pep talk now you’re back on your hoofs. Well done on finally getting the third tree established. It took you a while.”

“You do know that’s not something Sunset or I can do,” Starlight replied. “If you’re handing out praise, let’s get Sunny in here and get you introduced.”

“Oh nononono,” Discord replied shaking a pawed finger. “I told you, they’re not ready to meet me yet.”

“But they have,” Starlight replied simply. “You’ve spoken to them today. You’ve even played some of your games with Misty.”

“No, Runcord has,” Discord replied. “I’ll make my own introduction when it’s time. Sunny especially isn’t ready.”

Starlight frowned and looked puzzled, “Okay, so how is she not ready?”

“Well first of all she’s lost her powers,” Discord frowned. “Or has the fact she’s managed to get herself tangled up in a knot slipped your attention?”

“She’s just dealing with some personal issues,” Starlight replied. “However, what are we supposed to do about that if she’s not ready to face them?”

Discord crossed his arms and smirked. “And here I thought you were a Councillor. Maybe it’s time you did some counselling?”

“Headmare actually,” Starlight corrected. “Also, you cannot counsel somepony if they are not ready to accept it.”

Discord grunted with annoyance. “Look, she’s basically lower than level zero right now. She’s got to at least be level one before I can start helping her.”

Starlight's eyes widened. “Ha! Opaline is far from a level one enemy. Even Twilight couldn’t defeat her.”

“No, she couldn’t,” Discord agreed looking grave. “Twilight’s biggest regret was never finding a suitable successor like Celestia did. Each time she thought she had, something unexpected happened. She ruled Equestria for as long as she could, but even Alicorn Princesses don’t stay around forever.

"Opaline was a threat that appeared well after Twilight had passed her best. She had to make some very, very tough decisions that she’d never need to in your timeframe.”

Starlight sighed and looked down with realisation, “She...She didn’t have her friends....” She pondered those words before smiling with confidence. “She may have needed to make tough decisions but she’s still looking out for Equestria. Didn’t you make a promise?”

Discord frowned with confusion. “What?”

“Last time we spoke,” Starlight smiled sweetly. “You said you’d promised a mutual friend that you would help Sunny.”

“Yes, and I will,” Discord replied. “When she’s ready.”

“But maybe you’ve got it wrong,” Starlight grinned. “Maybe you’re not supposed to help her gain power or skills. Maybe you’re supposed to help her overcome her current issues.”

Discord looked back at Starlight with a dumbfounded expression. “Well, I….sort of….have an idea of what could be wrong,” he said as he scratched the back of his neck with his claw. “I have been watching her since birth. Seen her struggling to get her ideas of unity and friendship accepted by the Earth Ponies.”

“There you go then,” Starlight smiled triumphantly. “You assumed you needed to train her. Maybe that’s actually what Twilight sent Sunset and me here for.”

“Okay, okay fine,” Discord replied. “I’ll unknot her. However, I’m doing it my own way and you’re not allowed to get upset.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Starlight grinned. “So, anything else you want, or can I head back? I kind of don’t want to miss Sunset meeting this old enemy of hers.”

“Oh, I’m sure you won’t have missed it,” Discord replied knowingly. “All I’ve got left to say is you need to look at the trees more carefully. They’ll show the way to go.”

With that, Discord snapped his clawed fingers. Starlight gasped as she was suddenly enveloped in a blinding flash.

Blinking to clear her vision, Starlight suddenly found herself back in the middle of the market. “Oh, goodbye then, Discord,” she muttered. “See you later.”

Looking around, she walked a short way before spotting Sunny and the others with Adagio. They were right where they’d said they would meet. As she approached, she became acutely aware that Sunset wasn’t with them.

“There you are Starlight,” Hitch grinned. “Have a good chat with Runcord?”

“More importantly, have you seen Sunset?” Sunny asked.

“So, yes had a good chat with Runcord and no I’ve not seen Sunset,” Starlight replied with a hint of concern in her voice.

Suddenly, a gong rang out throughout the market and everypony looked at each other with confusion.

“That means it’s closing time,” Adagio explained. “When you see Sunset Shimmer, please do tell her that the Dazzlings send her our best. Explain that we’ve turned our lives around here in the Night Market.”

“Don't worry. we will,” Misty smiled. “Thank you for helping me again, Adagio.”

Adagio smiled. “It was no problem at all. Until the next market.”

With that, Adagio began walking away as other creatures began ushering the ponies towards the exits.

“Runcord hope ponies had a good time,” Runcord’s voice boomed out. “Please be exiting through portal you entered by. Then Ponies return to town they left. If wrong, you have long walk home.”

“Well, that’s easy then,” Pipp smiled brightly as they walked towards the portal. “We should either find Sunset on the other side of the portal or she’ll come out after we do.”

“As long as she gets the right one,” Izzy grinned before she gestured to the basket she was levitating. “Have you seen all these awesome supplies I found? I can’t wait to get even more creative.”

“They look brilliant,” Pipp grinned. “I’ve found loads of natural ingredients for my beauty lines too. I’m working on a new one currently. Potions by Pipp, oooh it’s going to be epiiic.”

One by one they headed through the portal to Maretime Bay and on the other side looked around expectedly.

Zipp frowned with annoyance. “Well, that's not worked. Sunset’s not here."

Pipp smirked and poked her sister with a hoof playfully. “Impatient much, I thought you were a detective. She's not here so we just wait for her to come out then."

However, Hitch looked around with concern. “Wait, where’s Sunny? I thought she was right in front of me?”

“She was,” Starlight confirmed. “I was behind you, Hitch. She walked through the portal just before you did.”

"So, where is she?" Misty asked worriedly.

They all looked back in shock as the pathways suddenly started to disappear. Runcord appeared in the golden portal and gave a quick wave of a hoof before retreating. The portal in the tree trunk disappeared immediately after.

As the others began panicking, Starlight couldn’t help frowning with annoyance.

Chapter Seventeen – Guiding

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“Hello? Is anypony there?”

Sunny looked around with surprise and confusion. She was sure she’d just walked through the same portal that she’d entered the Night Market. However, instead of being in Maretime Bay, she was in what looked like a large crater. All around her was a huge vertical cliff face, the ground curving up from where she stood to meet the bottom of it.

She walked around her basket of berries in a circle. A feeling of apprehension welled inside her as she suddenly realised, she was completely alone.

“Where are the others?” she muttered. “Wait, where’s the portal gone? I’ve only just walked through it, and it’s already disappeared.”

She was right, the portal that she’d emerged from had already vanished. She looked up at the huge cliffs that circled her, quickly realising there was no way to climb them. At the very top of the cliffs, she could just see an outline of trees, silhouetted against the moon as it shone from above.

“It’s still dark then,” she frowned. “Maybe the others were deposited elsewhere? I’ve got to find them.”

She reached into her saddle bag and withdrew her phone. Only to groan as she realised there was no signal. Suddenly, she heard a voice which made her squeak with surprise. “Funny you’re thinking of your friends before yourself. There’s hope for you yet.”

“Who’s there?” Sunny demanded. “Where are my friends?”

“Don't worry, your friends are quite safe in Maretime Bay. As for me, we have a mutual friend.”

Sunny gasped as she spun around, unable to determine where the voice was coming from as it echoed around the cliffs. Remembering she was in this on her own, she panted for air as her eyes widened in fear.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to scare you,” the voice cooed. “Are you that unsure of yourself nowadays? What has happened to the Sunny Starscout who was full of hope?

"The one that was always so sure of herself that she never gave up on what she believed in, no matter what others told her. The pony who reunited all of Equestria and saved magic.”

Sunny gulped, her mouth and throat feeling dry. She looked to where she’d left her basket only to see it wasn’t there anymore. Her eyes widened and she desperately looked around for it.

The voice chuckled lightly, “Oh, don’t worry about your haul from the market. I’ve made sure it’s safely deposited in your smoothie cart's fridge. Can’t have those delicious-looking berries going bad, can we? Oh, and the Zap Apple Jam is positively delightful. I’m sure you’ll enjoy that. You’ll find Granny Smith’s instructions for that in your basket once you return.”

“You’ll let me go then?” Sunny asked.

“Let you go? You can go whenever you like, it’s not like you don’t have wings.”

Sunny gulped as she felt the knotted feeling inside her tighten. “I’m an Earth Pony. I can’t fly.”

“You are no ordinary Earth Pony. You’re Sunny Starscout. There’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Sunny gasped as the echo finally stopped as she heard her name. She turned around to see a creature standing before her. One she remembered from the stained-glass window in the old Canterlot Castle throne room. One she remembered from the Scrapbook of Memories. “You’re Discord. Y…You’re still alive.”

“Nahahaha, that’s so funny,” Discord chuckled. “Why is the fact that I’m still here so surprising to everypony? I’m the lord of chaos. Like I told Starlight, I was around for millennia before I met her, and I’ll be around for millennia to come.”

“Starlight?” Sunny gasped. “She knows you’re still around? You’ve spoken to her?”

“Most certainly,” Discord smiled. “She suggested I give you a helping hoof.”

“Aaah,” Sunny cried with surprise as she felt something on her back. Discord’s goat hoof had disappeared and as she spun around, she realised it had appeared on her back.

As she spun, the hoof was dislodged and fell to the floor. There was a flash as it landed and disappeared, reappearing reattached to Discord’s leg where it belonged.

“My you are jumpy aren’t you,” Discord commented. “Must be all those negative feelings all knotted together.”

“How…How do you know?” Sunny asked.

“I’ve been watching,” Discord replied as a pair of binoculars appeared before him.

Grasping them with claw and paw, Discord looked into the binoculars. His eyes appeared in the ends before disappearing. Sunny blinked with surprise as one eye appeared on either side of her, the pupils following her as she backed up.

Discord grinned as the binoculars disappeared and his eyes returned to their normal positions. “Let’s make this simple shall we? I brought you here, but you are no prisoner. You are free to leave whenever you wish.”

He pointed to the sky before continuing. “Just fly straight up and you’ll see the prisbeam. You know what’s at the foot of that particular rainbow.”

Sunny scowled as she looked pointedly at Discord. “I can’t fly, not anymore. My powers are gone.”

Discord gave a reassuring smile. “No, they aren't. You’ve just knotted them up and you can unknot them.”

Sunny scowled as she turned. “No, they’re gone,” she sighed before starting to walk towards the nearest cliff face.

“Let’s get a little visual representation then shall we,” Discord replied.

With a flash, he disappeared and reappeared floating in front of Sunny as she walked. She squeaked with surprise as he tapped her on the forehead with his claw. Suddenly, she felt something around her legs.

“Wooah,” Sunny cried as she flopped to the ground and landed on her side.

Looking down to her hoofs she gasped. All four were tightly bound together with golden orange ropes, the same colour that her horn and wings normally were. Grunting, she tried to free herself but quickly found she was unable to do so. “What is this? Why have you tied me up? You said I wasn’t your prisoner.”

“You’re not,” Discord replied with mock hurt. “Besides, I didn’t tie you up, you’ve tied yourself up. I just moved where you’d tied the knots. Only you can untie yourself.”

Sunny grunted as she tried to free herself again. However, she made no progress. As she started to think it was a hopeless task, she felt the ropes tightening.

Discord watched with interest as he floated around her. “Here’s a hint, it’s not struggling that will free you.”

“Then what will?” Sunny replied with a hint of desperation in her voice.

“Hope,” Discord replied simply.

“How can I have hope right now?” Sunny demanded. “I don’t know where I am. I’m here against my will. I’m tied up. And all the while I’m being told I’m not a prisoner.”

“I’ve told you how to get home,” Discord smiled. “You’re here because you need a helping hoof to untie yourself.”

“Then…Then help me.” Sunny pleaded.

Discord grinned with glee as a large armchair appeared which he promptly sat on. A clipboard appeared in his paw which he studied intently for a moment before tapping on it with his claw. “I’ll start with the easiest one, it’s actually one you've overcome before.”

“Which is?”

Discord smirked with glee. “The Alicorn. In other words, how everypony thinks you are special.”

“I’m not special,” Sunny sighed. “I’m no different to anypony else.”

“Being special is debatable,” Discord replied. “What did your friend Pipp tell you about fame?”

Sunny blinked with confusion before suddenly remembering a conversation she’d had with Pipp. One she’d had just after reuniting the Unity Crystals. Spotting her change of expression, Discord clicked his clawed fingers and a window appeared.

Pipp and Sunny were walking away from the ruins of the lighthouse, just after Sunny had transformed for the first time.

“This is going to make you famous Sunny,” Pipp smiled.

“What is?” Sunny smiled back.

“This, and these,” Pipp giggled flicking Sunny’s horn and ruffling her wings. “Ponies are going to look up to you, they’ll put you on a pedestal and expect the world from you. So, you’ve got to know how to handle them.”

Sunny frowned with confusion. “Okay, so how do I do that?”

“Most important thing is don’t worry about how others think of you,” Pipp replied. “Keep your private contacts private. Just because some random pony says they’re your friend doesn’t actually mean they are. Just be yourself, don’t change because you think others want you to.”

“Thanks Pipp, I’ll keep that advice in mind,” Sunny smiled.

Sunny closed her eyes as the window disappeared and a feeling of relief washed through her. “Don’t worry about how others think,” she echoed. “Don’t change because you think others want you to.”

Sunny gasped as she felt the ropes loosening, she experimented again but realised they’d need to loosen a lot more before she’d be free.

“You see, you can free yourself,” Discord encouraged as he ate popcorn from a large striped bucket. “Now, let’s speed this along by grouping the next things together. Shall we?”

“What things?”

“They’re best summarised by others getting hurt. Starlight, Misty, Glory, to name a few recently. What did Hitch tell you when you went camping?”

Sunny frowned with confusion. “Camping?”

“When you were foals,” Discord clarified. “You went on a trip together; you Hitch and Sprout.”

“One we weren’t supposed to,” Sunny remembered. “And we weren’t foals, we were older than that.”

Discord smiled and clicked his clawed fingers again and the window reappeared.

The campfire was burning brightly as the sun sunk below the horizon. Hitch grunted as he tied a bandage tightly around Sprout’s hind leg.

“I’m sorry, Sprout,” Sunny sighed. “I didn’t think you’d follow me.”

“That was the aim of the game though,” Sprout grunted with annoyance. “Follow the leader and you were the leader.”

“Doesn’t mean you should have followed her over those rocks,” Hitch responded. “You know Sunny’s more agile than you are.”

Sprout only grumbled in reply as he looked down at his broken hind leg. Hitch had done a good job of bandaging and splinting it.

“So, what now?” Sprout asked.

“We head back,” Hitch replied. “First thing in the morning, we head back and fess up.”

“I’m going to be in so much trouble,” Sunny sighed. “I just wanted to find Ponyville so badly. Now I’ve gotten Sprout hurt. I’m never doing anything that will get others hurt again.”

“Pony’s get hurt all the time, Sunny. If you beat yourself up about it, you’ll never be able to do anything,” Hitch replied knowingly. “You can’t put cotton wool around everypony. The important thing is we’re still alive, bones will heal. I want to be a Sheriff someday so I can protect everypony. But I know ponies will get hurt. I just want to do all I can to help them if they do.”

Discord clicked his fingers, the window disappeared again and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. “So, who was angrier? Phyllis or Argyle?”

“Phyllis of course,” Sunny chuckled as she felt the ropes loosen again. “I get it now. The ropes are linked to my feelings. Could we do this without me being literally tied up?”

Discord gave a snort of laughter. “Oh no, it’s too late for that. My magic is chaos magic. Moving your knotted feelings to your ankles was easy. I can’t even fathom how to make them go the other way.”

“Thanks,” Sunny muttered as she flexed her hoofs again.

“So, recap. What have you just learned?” Discord grinned.

A chalkboard appeared and he got ready to write on it. Sunny smirked as she spotted ‘Don’t worry about how others think,’ and, ‘Don’t change because you think others want you to’ written on it.

“Ponies are going to get hurt and I cannot stop that,” Sunny replied. “The important thing is to protect everypony as best I can.”

Discord grinned as he wrote on the board. “Exactly! Which leads onto what’s next.”

“Which is?”

“Everypony is relying on you and expects so much."

“No,” Sunny responded robustly.

Discord looked back with surprise, “No?”

“Everypony isn’t relying on me alone,” Sunny answered. “They’re relying on me and my friends. We’ll defeat Opaline but we’ll only do that together.”

Discord smiled, “Then why are you beating yourself up so much?”

“I already answered that one,” Sunny sighed. “It was because I’m the one that’s been given Alicorn powers. But that doesn’t mean I’ll do it all on my own. I’ve seen Twilight’s scrapbook, how she relied on her friends so much to achieve what she did. I can do the same.”

Sunny couldn’t help smiling as the ropes felt even looser. Surprisingly she found she still couldn’t unravel her hoofs from them. However, she did find she was finally able to move enough to sit upright.

“I don’t know what Starlight and Trixie always used to complain about,” Discord grunted. “This counselling thing is easy. You’re practically doing it yourself.”

Sunny smirked as she gestured to her hoofs. “Only because you’re making me. What’s next?”

Discord clicked his fingers and a picture of a pony appeared. “Phyllis Cloverleaf. Specifically, that little argument you had outside the Brighthouse.”

Sunny gasped, the bindings suddenly becoming tighter. She closed her eyes and focused on stopping the feelings from resurfacing. She didn't want to undo the progress she’d made. “I was out of order."

“Oh? What makes you say that?”

Sunny sighed as she opened her eyes, looking down sorrowfully. “I was intimidating. I used my powers to create fear in her. That’s not what they’re for.”

“But that’s exactly what they’re for. Amongst other things they create fear in your enemies. Take it from somepony who knows what being on the receiving end of the Elements of Harmony feels like. Truthfully, after that, I always got tingles when I saw those necklaces around Twilight n Co's necks."

Sunny scowled and looked pointedly back at Discord. “No, Phyllis isn’t my enemy,” she responded robustly.

Discord chuckled as he snapped his pawed fingers. “You could have fooled me."

Sunny gasped as images of her many activism activities appeared all around her. From putting up posters to standing on corners with placards. Then, bigger than the rest, all her gatecrashing of Canterlogic’s events.

“Seems to me that Phyllis Cloverleaf embodies the very things that you’ve spent your life campaigning against,” Discord explained.

“She’s still no villain,” Sunny argued. “She’s somepony who cares for what she believes in. The same that I do.”

“Exactly, but what you both believe in are opposites. Then you won, and she lost.”

Sunny closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. “M…Maybe that’s true,” she admitted. "She…She's needed to readjust.”

Discord gave an honest smile. “Many who lose their way have to. You’re looking at one.”

Sunny gasped as she opened her eyes and looked directly at Discord. “Of course, you reformed.”

“Just like Starlight."

“And Sunset,” Sunny gasped. “All three of you had challenges to overcome after you reformed.”

Discord grinned as he clicked his pawed fingers and another window appeared, the image within made Sunny gasp.

Sunny is standing with her alicorn wings flared wide. Nostrils flaring, she looked down at Phyllis Cloverleaf.

“You know, Sunny,” Phyllis said softly. “You’ve always talked of friendship between all of Ponykind but look at you now. You’re not a beacon of friendship. You’re exactly what’s wrong with magic.”

Sunny’s eyes widened in realisation. High above them, the prisbeam blinked. As it did so, Sunny’s alicorn powers disappeared. She took a step back as her ears drooped in shock at herself.

“Clearly, there are always going to be those who think they’re stronger,” Phyllis said. “Those who think they are above the rest of us. How do those of us with little power defend ourselves?”

“By relying on those with power that they trust,” Sunset said stepping forward. “It’s true that hostilities in my time can be linked back to magic in some way. However, the ponies in my time knew there were ponies who would protect them. They relied on the Princesses, relied on Twilight and her friends. Sunny and her friends are the same. Together they will protect Equestria from such powerful threats.”

“Sunset’s right,” Sunny gasped. “And you’re right too.”

“Oh? How so?”

“She didn’t lose her way, but the world has changed around her. Out of anypony, Phyllis has probably got the most adjustment to do. She’s used to being in control. In charge of the biggest company in town. But she’s lost all that now. Canterlogic is gone and Phyllis has no purpose.”

“It’s not just you she’s been arguing with,” Discord replied as he clicked his clawed fingers. “Seems she’s already on her way.”

Phyllis and Sargent Skywalk are standing in the Sheriff’s Office, it’s clear they’re in the middle of a heated discussion.

“Once again, Pegasi are doing the work of Earth Ponies,” Phyllis grumbled. “We clearly need a new Earth Pony Deputy. Confirm this for me then please, if you received new orders from Zephyr Heights that clearly contradicted those you have from Sheriff Hitch, what would you do?”

“Standard procedure would be to inform both superiors of the conflict so they can resolve it,” Skywalk replied calmly. “When my unit was posted here, Queen Haven herself made it quite clear Sheriff Hitch was to outrank us. That is why there’s no captain here, Sheriff Hitch has taken that role.”

“Oh?” Phyllis replied. “You wouldn’t just take one side?”

“Certainly not,” Skywalk responded robustly. “That goes far beyond the whole Earth Pony or Pegasus debate you are troubled by.”

“Damn right I’m troubled by it,” Phyllis replied. “I always looked out for this town, now I’m all but powerless to do anything for it.”

“I’ve seen the council’s response to the Flanksy murals,” Skywalk replied.

“Exactly!” Phyllis exclaimed. “I was outvoted, and they’ve protected them!”

“Mrs Cloverleaf, with all due respect. This is quickly turning into you against everypony else,” Skywalk explained. “It’s clear that you want what you think is best for the community. However, maybe the community has other ideas. You’re a business pony, maybe it’s time for you to find yourself a new challenge, one you can take control of personally and succeed in.”

Phyllis blinked with confusion before letting out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the hoof Sargent. You’re right, I’m the one who’s lost her way. Everything is changing around me so fast, a new challenge sounds like a good idea.”

Sunny smiled with relief. “That’s exactly what she needs. She needs a new challenge, and I ought to help her in any way I can.”

“So, how is Sunset right?”

Sunny looked at Discord with determination. “My friends and I are the ponies that others can trust. We’ll defeat Opaline for those who cannot defend themselves.”

Sunny smiled as she felt the bindings loosening further. She lifted her forehoofs, finding that they were free to move wherever she wanted. However, she frowned as she still saw the golden orange ropes running from each one to the others. She tried to pull them off, but they seemed stubbornly attached.

“There’s one thing left,” Discord said seriously. “The one thing that you’ve not yet overcome.”

Sunny looked back at Discord with confusion. Then, after a moment, a look of calm understanding appeared on her face as she realised what he meant. “Dad?”

Immediately the ropes began tightening, Sunny gasped as she felt her hoofs being pulled back together again. She nearly toppled back on her side but just about managed to remain balanced in her seating position.

Discord sighed and looked at her gravely. “You won’t be able to use your powers to their full potential unless you forgive yourself."

Sunny frowned and shook her head. “Then I’ll have to stay tied up."

Sunny gasped as the ropes tightened again. This time there was no stopping herself from flopping back down onto her side. She grunted, finding they were now just as tight as when they had started. Then, through the chair legs, she spotted the twenty empty popcorn tubs that lay beyond.

“Enjoying the show then,” she muttered before gasping and looking pointedly at Discord. “Show me!”


“Show me what happened to my Dad!” Sunny demanded. “If you do, then I’ll know it wasn’t my fault.”

Discord thrust his arms out wide in exasperation. “You weren’t there! How could it possibly be your fault?”

Sunny grunted, her face screwing up into an almighty scowl. “You won’t show me."

“It’s not that I won’t. It’s that I can’t,” Discord clarified. “Your father disappeared, why do you think he’s dead?”

“Because he’s gone,” Sunny sighed as her scowl melted away. “He’s gone and I wasn’t there because I was selling smoothies. Selling smoothies I didn’t need to sell.”

Discord couldn’t help smirking as he sat back in the chair. A pipe suddenly appeared in his paw which he proceeded to blow bubbles through. “Smoothies you didn’t need to sell you say. Why?”

Sunny sighed, “Because we didn’t need the money. I sold smoothies because Dad suggested I did it.”

“You were doing what your Dad told you to do then?"

“Of course,” Sunny blinked as tears started to well in her eyes. “I’m so stupid. I opened the cart because Dad suggested it.”

Discord smirked confidently, “So, suggested it that day or to begin with?”

“Both,” Sunny gasped as the ropes began to loosen again. “He got me the cart to begin with and said I should sell my smoothies. Then that morning, I wasn’t going to go but he convinced me that I should.”

Sunny sat upright again before wiping her eyes. “He knew, he knew something was going to happen.”

“That’s a question for another day,” Discord replied gravely. “The important thing is what he always told you.”

“To stand up for what I believe in,” Sunny breathed.

“Which you did,” Discord beamed. “And that gave you hope. Hope you should still have now. After all, he only disappeared.”

“So, what you’re trying to say is, Dad isn’t dead?” Sunny deduced.

“I’m saying you shouldn’t just give up,” Discord said knowingly.

Sunny looked down and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. "You're right."

Suddenly, the golden orange ropes disappeared with a flash. Still with her eyes closed, Sunny got to her hoofs. Then, she jumped a few feet in the air before there was an almighty flash as her wings and horn appeared. Landing on her hoofs, Sunny panted lightly before opening her eyes. She flexed her wings and looked gratefully at Discord.

“Thank you, Discord,” Sunny smiled. “Starlight was right, you were an excellent councillor.”

“Maybe helps that I’ve been watching,” Discord smiled. “Also, I made a promise that I would help you when the time came. Starlight just advised me when that should be, that’s all.”

Discord beamed as he finally stood up from the chair and pointed to the sky. “Now go! Your friends are waiting and you’ve new challenges awaiting.”

“Stop by the Brighthouse soon,” Sunny grinned as she took to the sky. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“Oh fine, I won’t,” Discord shouted back. “See you soon.”

Discord waved as Sunny streaked upwards, eventually, she crested the top of the cliffs and trees before disappearing. Discord grinned, feeling quite satisfied with himself. He took one last look around before clicking his pawed fingers and disappearing.


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Peach Fizz grinned as she opened the door to Opaline’s castle and walked into the throne room. A large basket was levitating beside her, full to the brim and then some.

“Oh, my darling, Peach Fizz,” Opaline cooed. “You’ve returned and brought me presents. Did you get everything that was on the list?”

“Almost,” Peach Fizz replied. “The biggest one, I couldn’t get that.”

“Oh?” Opaline gasped. “Why was that my dear, what happened?”

“I only saw her once,” Peach Fizz explained. “When I tried to release the spell like you told me, nothing happened.”

Opaline frowned as she walked over to Peach Fizz. “Put the basket down dear and let me check.”

Lighting her horn, Opaline placed it on Peach Fizz’s. After a few seconds, she pulled back, a puzzled expression on her face.

“Well from what I can tell the spell released successfully. Are you sure you did exactly as I told you?”

“Yes, Mistress Opaline,” Peach Fizz said sadly. “I’m sorry if I’ve failed you.”

Opaline levitated the basket up towards her before rifling through it with her hoofs. She smiled happily at the contents. “It’s okay my darling, Peach Fizz. You’ve done so well bringing me everything else. It must have been very difficult. We’ll try again with the spell. I must have a new herald to enact my plans.”

Peach Fizz sighed and looked down sadly, “Am I not enough then?”

“You’re an excellent help in your own way,” Opaline smiled. “Far better than Misty was before she left. I should have made her more loyal ages ago. My new herald needs to be powerful. They need to retrieve things that will be far too dangerous for one such as yourself.”

“Like what things?”

“Dragons,” Opaline grinned wickedly. “To overcome that accursed barrier which traps me here, I need the power of all the cutie marks. To get that, I need more dragon fire and to get that…”

“You need Dragons,” Peach Fizz blinked.

“Exactly,” Opaline beamed. “I’ve pretty much taken all the little dragon has. Therefore, the next place to go will be the Dragon Lands themselves. Now there are three Together Trees, the dragons will be awakening. Sunny Starscout and her friends are still providing me with everything I need.”

Suddenly, the door to the castle opened with a thud.

“I have come as requested,” a monotone voice said.

Opaline and Peach Fizz both turned to look at the owner of the voice.

“Oh, Peach Fizz, it seems you haven’t failed to find a herald after all,” Opaline grinned menacingly.

Peach Fizz gasped with surprise and confusion, “B...But that’s not Starlight Glimmer."

“No, it’s the next best thing,” Opaline smiled ominously. “Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset stood rigidly in the doorway. The whites of her eyes had turned completely purple, and she had a vacant expression on her face.

To be Continued in: Marking the Generations – Part Three.