• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 476 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Fifteen - Findings

Sparky sighed as he clung tightly to Hitch’s back. A spot he hadn’t moved from since Hitch had collected him from the Sheriff’s Office. The place they were walking through was filled with bright lights and colours, and lots of interesting smells too. Sparky was sure some of the latter would be quite tasty, but he didn’t feel like he had the energy right now. Therefore, he was content to lay and rest as Hitch walked around with Starlight.

However, as Hitch turned a corner, Sparky suddenly caught sight of something. There, manning one of the stalls, was another Dragon!

Hitch gasped as he suddenly felt Sparky sit bolt upright. He turned his head around just in time to see Sparky jump from his back. He landed on Starlight’s back before jumping off onto the floor before he began running off towards one of the stalls. “Sparky!” Hitch called. “Where are you going?”

However, Sparky didn’t respond. He ducked and weaved through multiple pony legs as he made his way eagerly towards the stall of fossils. Hitch and Starlight were soon in hot pursuit as they struggled to keep up.

“He’s not moved like this since before his run-in with Opaline,” Hitch gasped.

“He’s spotted something that’s for sure,” Starlight replied. “I think I’ve seen what it is too.”

Sparky whooped as he bounded up onto the stall, paying no mind to the display of fossils as many were knocked over. Then he jumped directly into the arms of a very surprised-looking lilac female dragon.

“Oh, hello,” she gasped. “Where did you come from little one?”

Sparky cooed and gurgled happily as suddenly shimmering energy began flickering through his scales. The dragon gasped as she felt her own energies fluctuating.

“I’m sorry,” Hitch called as he and Starlight arrived. “I don’t know what’s come over him.”

“It’s fine,” the dragon replied. “I presume you are his guardians.”

Starlight's eyes widened in shock and she shook a hoof. “Oh no, nonono. Hitch is Sparky’s guardian. I’m just a friend, I’m Starlight.”

“I am Whisper,” the dragon replied. “Please, tell me how you came to have him. His dragon energy is so low.”

“I found his egg on the beach,” Hitch explained. “So, I took care of it, and then him once he hatched.”

“His energy was drained by an evil alicorn named Opaline Arcana,” Starlight explained. “She used something called the Dragon Stone.”

Whisper gasped as her eyes widened in shock. “The Dragon Stone. T…That can’t be.”

“So, you’ve heard of it?” Starlight asked confidently.

“O...Only rumours,” Whisper replied. “However, if they are true. If this Opaline has it then she could take the energy from all dragons. The Dragon Lord must be warned as soon as possible.”

“Are you able to get a message to him?” Hitch asked.

Whisper sighed and shook her head. “I cannot, I have no method to do so and cannot leave the market.”

Starlight frowned at this but said nothing whilst Hitch scratched Sparky’s head with a hoof.

“At least Sparky is looking better now he’s with another of his kind,” he sighed.

“Oh, I cannot take him from you,” Whisper replied. “The energies I can provide him now are just a stopgap. For him to fully recover you must travel to the Dragon Lands.”

Whisper smiled at Sparky’s overjoyed expression as she placed him on Hitch’s back.

“Also, it seems he is quite attached to you,” she added. “It would be foolish of me to attempt to sperate you.”

“So how do…” Starlight started.

“Starlight! Hitch!” Misty cried from behind them.

Hitch and Starlight turned and grinned as they saw Misty appear. Adagio smiled as she disappeared behind the fossil stall.

“Misty!” Hitch grinned. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“I’m sorry, I was following Runcord and got lost,” Misty replied before holding up the key around her neck. “Runcord gave me this.”

“A key,” Hitch frowned before Sparky jumped up onto his head.

“Sparky!” Misty gasped. “He looks so well now. Did you find a cure?”

“Only a temporary one,” Starlight replied before gasping and turning around. “Whisper, did…wait where did she go?”

Starlight looked around with confusion. Whisper had disappeared.

“Who’s Whisper?” Misty asked.

“A dragon,” Starlight sighed as she turned back. “She gave Sparky some of her energy.”

“But to fully cure him we need to take him to the Dragon Lands,” Hitch explained. “She said we ought to warn the Dragon Lord about the Dragon Stone as well.”

“Okay, then that’s what we’ll do,” Misty replied confidently. “Where are the others?”

“We’re supposed to meet up with them shortly,” Hitch replied.

“Oh, that’s good,” a voice said. “I’d like to have a word with Sunset Shimmer.”

Hitch and Starlight gasped as Adagio reappeared, this time without the box she’d been carrying.

“Everypony, this is Adagio,” Misty grinned. “She showed me the way back and helped me find you.”

“It was no problem at all,” Adagio smiled. “That box needed to be here anyway. Whilst we had to take the scenic route whilst looking for you it’s all worked out in the end.”

“Adagio, this is Hitch and Starlight,” Misty introduced.

“A pleasure to meet you both,” Adagio grinned.

Starlight frowned and looked at Adagio with suspicion. “So, Adagio, why would you be wanting to speak to Sunset?”

“Let’s just say we’re old acquaintances,” Adagio explained. “I just wanted to speak with her, and let her know my sisters and I are still around and doing well.”

“Follow us,” Hitch grinned. “We’ll take you to where we’re meeting everypony.”

As Hitch led them through the market and back towards the meeting spot. Starlight walked at the back of the group, she wanted to keep an eye on Adagio. However, she suddenly gasped as Runcord seemingly appeared from nowhere beside her. “Starlight Pony, Runcord have important matter to discuss, please, follow.”

“Oh?” Starlight replied cocking an eyebrow. “Just me or everypony?”

“Just Starlight Pony,” Runcord replied. “Will not take long.”

“Hitch, can you make sure everypony waits for me at our meeting place?” Starlight called. “Runcord wants a word with me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Hitch replied as he continued onwards, chatting to Misty and Adagio.

“Fine Runcord,” Starlight smiled cordially. “Lead the way and let’s have a chat.”

Runcord gave a smile and nodded before making his way through the market. Starlight trotted behind confidently, she thought a quick teleport to the meeting place was all she needed to prevent herself from getting lost.

However, as Starlight followed Runcord through an archway, she felt a trembling through the ground. Turning back, she gasped as she realised the path behind her wasn’t there anymore. Looking around, she quickly realised she was in a small room. All on her own with Runcord.

“Okay, what are you up to Runcord?” Starlight frowned as she took a ready stance. “First you get Misty lost and now you’ve trapped me in a room. Trust me, this won’t end well if you’re up to something.”

To be continued…