• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,602 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter IX

I yawned as I stretched out on my couch, idly reading my history book as Redheart sat on the chair next to me.

“You know, Miss Cheerilee and Principal Celestia are quite worried about you. You’re lucky I’ve been updating them about you,” Redheart commented casually as she looked at my hand. “What happened to your hand?”

“Accidentally cut it doing dishes,” I said as I turned a page. “It was a pretty nasty cut.”

“Hand, now.”

“It’s fine.”

“I’m not asking, I’m telling you. Hand now,” Redheart glared at me as I sighed and placed my hand in front of her. Redheart slowly unwrapped the bandage as she examined my cut. “Who did your stitches?”

“Cloudkicker did when she came over.”

“A bit sloppy but over all good work. You might need to get it redone at a later date. Come to my apartment and I’ll help you. We’re neighbors after all,” Redheart smiled as I watched her wrap my hand up with a new bandage. “And the cuts on your wrist from after the Fall Formal?”

“Good. All healed. Few scars but that’s it,” I admitted as Redheart nodded. “How did you become a nurse by the way?”

“Served in the Army for four years, they paid for my medical school. Got some good experiences, met some good people and got a dream job,” Redheart answered as she stirred a spoon in the tea I had made for us both.

I hadn’t exactly thought Redheart was the type to serve in any military. That did explain where she got her no nonsense attitude from, especially when it came to students refusing first aid or trying to argue with her.

“You ever think some people don’t deserve to live?” I asked as I looked up from my book. “I’m not suicidal, don’t worry.”

“I’m a nurse. It’s my job to save lives regardless of who they are. It’s not my job to play executioner,” Redheart answered. “But sometimes I will admit, I do have to pick who lives and dies. Did I ever tell you the story about the time a police officer and a suspect came into my ER, both at risk of dying?”

“No,” I said and shook my head.

“If I picked the suspect, the officer would have died and she would have left her kid behind. But if I picked the officer, the suspect would have died and left no one behind because he pushed everyone out of his life after he stole from his whole family to buy drugs. It’s not easy picking who gets to live and who gets to die, it weighs heavily on a person’s conscience.”

“Who did you pick?”

“The officer. And another doctor came in right on time to help save the suspect,” Redheart smiled as she leaned in her chair.

“Just a question. What’s the point of the story?”

“I don’t know,” Redheart answered as she shrugged. “You asked a dumb ass question, so I gave a dumb ass response.”

I tossed my head back slightly and laughed, wiping a tear out of my eye as Redheart chuckled.

“You know, most people would be weirded out by us hanging out,” I said casually as Redheart crossed her legs, still in her blue nurse scrubs.

“I don’t give a damn what people think. We’re friends after all. How old do you even think I am?” Redheart demanded as I turned pale.

I examined the young women closely as Redheart raised an eyebrow slightly. She honestly didn’t look much older than me.

“Twenty seven,” I said finally. “You’re twenty seven.”

“You’re obviously trying to get laid,” Redheart snorted as I gave a chuckle. Most be weirded out by that but I’m eighteen, it’s perfectly okay. With that said, I’m not sleeping with my school nurse. We have a special way of trying to tease the other the best. “But close, I’m twenty six. Joined the army at eighteen. You would know this all if you actually came to school more.”

“What’s the point?” I asked as Redheart maintained eye contact. “If you haven’t noticed, I have a giant target on my back right now. Only you, Cheerilee, Celestia and Luna believe I’m innocent.”

“And Time Turner,” Redheart corrected before she drank from her tea. “He also does.”

I paused as I gave her a startled look as she gave me a smug smile. I hadn’t really been in any of Mr. Turners classes, but it’s nice to have him believe in me at least.

“Okay it’s you, them and Cloudkicker out of a few hundred people,” I rolled my eyes as Redheart grunted in reply. “Not very good odds.”

“The truth is gonna come out. What happens in the dark always comes out in the light,” Redheart quoted as I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s a fucking quote right there,” I muttered as Redheart snorted.

“Damn right it is.”

“You cuss an awful lot for a nurse,” I pointed out as Redheart laughed again.

“All nurses and doctors curse. We see so much shit on a daily basis. Thank fuck I don’t work in the psychological ward, otherwise I’d be driven freaking mad.”

I will admit, I had a huge respect for nurses, especially Redheart. She always was looking out for me or bringing food over when I first got over here. I hadn’t entirely been kind to her but she surprisingly forgave me.

“I’m sorry by the way. I wasn’t always kind to you,” I said as Redheart patted my non injured hand.

“Water under the bridge. What kind of nurse would I be if I didn’t help a person in need. Or pony in your case,” Redheart smirked at me as I turned red.

“I still am angry Pinkie told others without my permission. I’d have been fine if she just added but well, we aren’t friends right now. Possibly never will be.”

“Since I’m not at work, I can say this,” Redheart began casually and sipped at her tea. “Everyone who’s against you can go fuck themselves, especially those girls. I’m gonna have to bitch at Cloudkicker for her sloppy stitching, I thought her mom taught her better than that.”

“You know Clouds mom?”

“Of course!” Redheart answered as she set her cup down. “We served together. Obviously, she and Cloudkickers dad are still active service but we still hang out here and there. If anything ever happens to them, I get custody of Lavender and Cloud.”

I nodded slightly. I didn’t entirely know Lavender Lace that well but Cloudkicker did say she was gonna introduce us properly shortly.

“I gotta get a shower and hit the hay. It was nice talking to you again Sunset. Come over this Saturday for dinner, some co workers might be coming over. Nurse Sweetheart might be busy with her kid but Coldheart will be there as there’s booze,” Redheart commented as she rolled her eyes.

“I’ll probably be there. Not that far of a walk either,” I joked as we both laughed.

I waved as Redheart walked to my door, opened it and left, closing it behind her as I heard it lock.

I stifled a yawn as I turned back to my homework.

Work first, then sleep.

Author's Note:

Fun fact, Nurse Redheart is my favorite background nurses along with Nurse Coldheart.

Redheart definitely needs more stories on here.

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