• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,603 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XXI

I opened my door as I picked up the blueberry pie I had spent a few hours making as I walked across the hall to Redhearts as my door slammed shut and I verified my key was in my pocket as I strode into my friends apartment.

“Hey,” I said and Redheart looked up from her stove.

“Oh hey Sunset. The others are in the living room. You can set that anywhere,” Redheart smiled and I set the pie down. “Thanks for coming, I’ll be out shortly.”

I gave a thumbs up as I walked into the living room area. I recognized Coldheart and Nursery Rhyme sitting next to each other, Coldheart holding a beer and Nursery with a water.

I didn’t recognize the plump pink woman with light purple and white hair and the thin blue women with green hair.

“Hey Sunset,” Nursery smiled shyly as I sat next to Coldheart as she nodded at me.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Pretty good, that’s Sweetheart and Tendercare. Sweetheart is in charge of the NICU, Tenderheart is in charge of psychology ward and all that fun stuff,” Nursery Rhyme pointed at the two in quick succession. I should have probably read them name tags and I would have figured out their names.

Sweetheart placed her hand on her stomach and waved at me with her free hand as Redheart came in and tossed me a beer. I gave her a grateful nod as I took the cap off and took a sip.

“How much longer till it’s out?” Tenderheart asked as she gave me a smile as well.

“Any day now,” Sweetheart answer as Coldheart grinned at me.

“Sweetheart here is gonna pop out a kid any day now. Then she’s gonna be spending a food few days in the ward with Nursery looking after her.”

“Congrats,” I tipped my beer at her and she gave me a grateful look. “What’s the gender?”

“Don’t know, husband and I want to be surprised. Redheart and the others were very happy for me.”

“Still are,” Tenderheart nudged Sweetheart with a smirk.

“I have a question. Why do like four of you all have Heart in the end of your name?” I asked as they all paused and Tenderheart shrugged.

“Fate I guess. Ever think about becoming a nurse? You got the attitude for it I heard based on what Red told me.”

“I saw that video of you and your friends fighting in the mall. Was a tad impressed,” Coldheart winked at me and I blushed. “Remember when me and you used to fight all the time as kids, Red?”

“I remember you losing,” Redheart snickered as I laughed along with the two others and Coldheart rolled her eyes. “You really need to come back to school Sunset, Principal Celestia is gonna show up on your door step one day.”

I hated to admit it but she had a point. It was pretty nice being away from school for the last few weeks. And of course, my friends. They were somewhat keeping me up to date about what’s going on. Apparently Principal Celestia was just suspending people left and right for starting drama or insulting me. Surprised it held up and she didn’t get yelled at.

“I’ll come back in two weeks. I got some work to do this week. Primarily making money and all.”

I knew I technically had my gold and all still, but I really liked playing my guitar for crowds. It was fun and plus, it was always cool meeting the random people who play with me.

“You can’t run from problems forever,” Tenderheart said quietly and I got the feeling she was more softspoken of the group. “I’m technically a psychiatrist so I’m telling you this, you should probably come visit me sometime. The mind is my playpen after all.”

I paused and processed her words. I’ve never really seen a psychiatrist, not even back in Equestria. Never really saw the point of them. I always assumed seeing a shrink was a sign of weakness but well, Tenderheart seemed nice enough.

“If you don’t like hospitals, I can always visit you at home,” Tenderheart offered and I nodded weakly. “After dinner, I’ll give you my number.”

“Same, you seem nice,” Nursery Rhyme said and the other two chimed in with their agreement as Redheart smirked at me.

“I’m thirty four and I can definitely confirm you’re not even gonna talk to half these people from your school when you’re grown up. I think I only talk to two people from high school and my husband is one of them,” Sweetheart said as she took a sip of her water.

“Well I plan on keeping in contact with Cloudkicker, Trixie, Lavender, Diamond Tiara and Redheart. They’re my friends, they’ve been the only real people outside the principals to help me with all this shit.”

“Oh I have opinions about that,” Tenderheart said and for the first time tonight, I saw a flash of anger in her eyes.

Nursery Rhyme clenched her fist as Coldheart handed me a shotglass with whiskey and I shrugged, taking a shot.

Technically, if we go by pony years, I’m of legal age to drink. Redheart surprisingly never turned me in for drinking underage here. Probably because she liked having someone outside of her work to hang out with.

“Well, at least you have them, right?” Nursery offered. “It’s good to have friends. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for Redheart and the other nurses in this room.”

“Why must be you all be so damn wise and shit?” I grumbled as they all laughed.

“We’re adults,” Coldheart said simply as she took another shot. “Wait, why are we getting drunk before eating? I’m gonna get shitfaced before it’s even ten pm, what the hell.”

I burst out laughing as Coldheart giggled. She was a bit more fun when drunk, to be honest. She was usually more strict at times than playful.

“Alright well enough alcohol for tonight. I’ll be back,” Redheart said as she stood up. “Well, for us. Sweetheart is naturally being kept away from alcohol until she’s not pregnant anymore.”

I shrugged, stood up with the others and followed her.

Next time, I should ask to bring Blossomforth up here. She might like the company.

Author's Note:


Fun fact, Tenderheart appeared only once in the entirety of FIM.


I just realized how much Nurse Sweetheart looks like Diamond Tiara, holy shit.

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