• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,604 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter LXVIII


After our awkward run in Sunset that made me feel even more guilty and sad than I already was, I stepped outside with a few bags in my wrist with Lyra and Octavia on each side.

“Hey, what’s that?” I asked and pointed to the night sky at a weird orange object in the sky.

“The moon I’d assume,” Octavia answered and scrolled on her phone. “I feel just freaking awful. Sunset looked genuinely heartbroken to see us.”

“Octavia? The moon is behind us. What the hell is that?” Lyra said finally as she tensed up, golden eyes focused on whatever that was in the sky.

Down the street, Sunset, Wallflower and Diamond Tiara stopped and stared up at the sky with confusion on their faces.

“What on earth?” Octavia breathed as a police officer stood next to us and took a picture on his phone. “I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life.”

“It’s a fucking UFO!” Lyra shouted happily and took out her phone. “Oh my God yes. I’m so happy.”

“Lyra, UFOs don’t exist,” Octavia reminded as Lyra started recording.

“Yet one is right there,” the officer commented and Lyra gasped.

“Woah,” I breathed as the orange dot shot across the sky and Octavia’s jaw dropped as Sunset and the other three followed suit.

“Nothing human made can move that fast,” Lyra continued. “Or glow orange like that. Or just hover in one spot. Believe me, I’ve done research.”

“Well, it’s gone now and I suppose we do have credible witness being this officer,” Octavia jerked a thumb his way. “We have to talk about making things up with Sunset.”

“I have a plan,” Lyra reassured us and we gave her doubtful looks.

“This isn’t gonna end well,” I muttered. “I have one too. Meet me in the school basement meeting room.”

“On winter break? Are you insane?!” Lyra shouted after me and I just waved in response.

I walked away to my car, fishing my phone out my jacket pocket and pressed call, listening to it ring three times before Indigo Wreath answered.

“It’s currently ten pm. What’s up?” Indigo sounded groggy as I listened to him sit up.

“Get all the Student Council at school tomorrow in the basement meeting room. We need to talk,” I said as he groaned.

“It’s winter break and Christmas is three days away. You seriously expect people to show up?”

“Yes, it’s an emergency. It’s about Sunset.”

“I’m listening,” Indigo answered and sounded more awake. “If it’s about making things right, I’m all ears. I’ll send out the messages and get people together.”

“Excellent. Have Cloudchaser come,” I looked at my phone. “Oh and either Roseluck, Daisy or her sister Lily attend at eight am too.”

“Cloudchaser was kicked from her position of the weather club and isn’t the leader anymore. Curly Winds and Soarin are,” Indigo commented. “Because of her jumping Sunset and her friends with Flitter at the mall that one day. And why the flower trio?”

“Wallflower is in charge of the gardening club. I overheard her telling Sunset about it but I doubt Wallflower would be interested in attending. We need all clubs represented and the flower girls are the best option,” I reasoned as I sat inside my car and started it. “Tell them I’ll be bringing donuts and chocolate milk paid by me.”

“Ah yes. Bribery by food,” Indigo chuckled as I blushed. “Alright, drive safe. I’m going back to sleep after I text everyone.”

“Thanks. I owe you big time Indy.”

I stood in the center of the room, slamming my hand on the table and everyone looked at me expectedly as I made eye contact with them one by one.



Curly Winds.



Lavender Lace, shockingly.

Indigo Wreath.

Tennis Match.

Blueberry Cake and Derpy since they were acting in Pinkie’s spot on the baking club.

Octavia and Lyra, Vinyl.

Bon Bon.

Micro Chips.

Flash Sentry and two of his bandmates.

“I officially call this meeting to order,” I announced as they all watched me.

“This better be important,” Tennis Match grumbled as she set down her tennis racket and leaned against the pool table with her arms folded against her chest. “I was with my family. What’s this about?”

“It is. I’ll say after roll call. Spitfire?” I looked at my clipboard.


“Excellent. Soarin?”


“Nice to see you again. Curly Winds and Roseluck?” I looked up at the two.

“Present,” Curly Winds raised a hand.

“Here,” Roseluck said as I examined her black leggings and blue coat with a rose on the side. “Why am I here again?”

“Because you represent the gardening club temporarily,” I answered as she gave me a confused look.

“We don’t have a gardening club otherwise I’d know about it,” Roseluck placed her hands on her hips.

“We do. I overheard Wallflower Blush telling Sunset she was in charge but without Wallflower here or wanting to be here, you’re acting till I get in contact with her,” I explained and everyone looked guilty at the mention of Sunset’s name except Lavender who watched with a bored expression.

The only reason she was here was she represented the gaming club along side Trixie but Trixie wanted no part of being here in lesser terms.

“Watermelody?” I called out as she set down a paint brush.

“Present and accounted for,” Watermelody answered as she adjusted her beret.

“Lavender Lace?” I asked as she smirked slightly at me.

“I’m here don’t worry about that. Hurry up because I wanna get back to spending time with Cloudkicker and Alula,” Lavender scoffed as she plopped in a beanbag chair and crossed her legs. “I still have to wrap Sunset and Raindrops gifts.”

“Uh huh. Indigo Wreath?” I said as he set down his cup of milk.

“I’m here.”

“Excellent. Thanks for rounding everyone up,” I flashed him a warm smile and he blushed. It was no real secret he liked me and I was still waiting for him to make the first move.

“Tennis Match?”


“Baton Switch?” I looked around but didn’t see the band leader. “Anyone see Baton?”

“She’s out of state,” Watermelody called out.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I finished calling out everyone’s names, sitting in front of them in my own beanbag as they either stood or sat down.

“So why are we here on winter break?” Lyra broke the silence. “I see this school enough as is.”

“Firstly, Sunset. She’s our top priority of making up how badly we messed up with her,” I answered as everyone excluding Lavender found the floor more interesting. “We’re gonna talk about her mostly. And then the Friendship Games.”

“You mean the games we always lose?” Starlight commented bitterly as she leaned against the wall. “Let’s face facts, we will never beat the Shadowbolts.”

“Shadowdolts,” Flash corrected quickly and she rolled her eyes.

“Can we even talk about making things right with her here?” One of Flash’s bandmates pointed at Lavender and she shot to her feet. “She’s close with Sunset and Sunset would be furious about this.”

“Listen here gerbil teeth,” Lavender sneered and more than one person visibly suppressed laughter. “What is said here stays here. That’s the fuckin rules. Unless it’s gonna hurt Sunset physically, mentally or any other way that betrays my loyalty to her stays here. Don’t question me again or else. Got me?”

“Yes ma’am,” he answered nervously as Flash shot him a dirty look.

“Alright so what ideas do we have?” I asked as Lavender settles into her beanbag again and bit into a donut she had swiped on her way back.

Vinyls face lit up as she waved her hands in the air and pointed to her laptop.

“She’s suggesting a rave,” Lyra translated helpfully. “I don’t think blowing her eardrums out would help Vinnie.”

“Muffins always help,” Derpy suggested. She and Vinyl sat away from Lyra and Octavia pretty much as far as possible. They clearly hadn’t fixed their issues with each other yet.

“Sunset likes chocolate chip muffins,” Blueberry Cake mused to herself. “She always buys them at work.”

“Okay so muffins from Derpy or Blueberry,” I added it to the white board. “Or both. Anything else?”

“If Pinkie was here, she’d know what to do,” Spitfire muttered as she frowned. “But she’s in a really bad spot Maud said. I’m worried.”

If Maud was worried enough to talk publicly about it, then I was worried too. That family usually kept things wrapped up tight if you get me.

“We all fucked up here,” Roseluck grumbled and shook her head. “I called her a demon. She hates me I bet and it’s more than damn near justified. I say we just try one on one till things cool down. It’s important we fix this. It’s not like we’re gonna win the games so.”

“Agreed,” Soarin said.

“So we all agreed to try to get her alone in a way that isn’t cornering her?” I asked they nodded. “And we might win the games this year. Micro, if you will please.”

Everyone focused on the projector screen as Micro pointed at it.

“Athletics are on the rise here. So is our grades in every subject, from Art to Computers. We’re pretty close to the level of Crystal Prep is so our chances our significantly higher,” Micro Chips explained as Starlight gave him a proud smile before kissing his cheek. “Thanks. If I was the Shadowbolts, I’d be pretty damn worried about us this year.”

“We got this,” Spitfire said confidently and stepped forward. “We’re Canterlot Wondercolts. We band together in times of crisis.”

“Funny coming from you,” Blueberry Cake mocked her with a frown. “You personally kicked Sunset from the soccer team and we lost a game because of that poor choice.”

“And I also kicked Rainbow Dash from all the teams. I got a petition to kick Sunset off and I got one to kick Dash off. The only members to not want Sunset off was Soarin, me, High Winds and Cloudkicker so don’t you put that on me,” Spitfire snapped as anger flashed in her eyes.

“It’s just funny since you say we all band together in crisis’ yet you didn’t back Sunset even publicly. Derpy, Vinyl, Lavender and the rest of Sunset’s friends at least had the courage to do so,” Blueberry continued as she smiled. “Sunset hasn’t even talked to Vinyl and Derpy yet they still supported her publicly to the point of Octavia, Lyra and Bon Bon throwing the two out.”

“We thought they revealed our secrets, not because of them supporting Sunset,” Octavia spoke for the first time and Derpy gave her a hurtful expression that made me even more sad.

“Vinyl is your girlfriend and you accused her,” Watermelody said flatly as she glared. “Surprised she’s dating you still. And Derpy is one of the sweetest girls, she’d never do anything like that ever.”

I watched helplessly as the room descended into chaos, everyone turning on each other with the exception being me, Soarin, Derpy, Vinyl and Lavender.

Soarin stepped between Spitfire and Blueberry Cake nervously as Octavia shouted at Watermelody.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I demanded as I looked at Lavender. She started eating another donut and casually watched the chaos.

“Eh, maybe a little bit. Everyone’s too scared to come at me because of Sunset dating my sister and one of my best friends at the same time so I’m safe,” Lavender shrugged.

“She’s dating both Trixie and Cloudkicker?” I gave a stunned expression. I hadn’t know that at all.


I turned to help calm things down when it happened.

“Enough!” Derpy screamed and everyone froze, giving her shocked looks. “This is absolutely fucking ridiculous!”

Lavender choked on her donut as we gave her stunned looks. Derpy has never once cussed in all the time I’ve known her.

“Even I screwed up because I was too heartbroken about my own friends tossing me. Vinyl was the only one to know what I was going through and was there with me along with my sisters and boyfriend. The only way we can make things right is if we stop fighting each other and start working together. So shut the hell up, sit the hell down, eat a damn donut, say thank you to Sophisticata for spending her own money on this and listen to her speak damn it!” Derpy shouted and everyone slumped over on the ground. Even Spitfire willingly submitted and sat down.

“Hello Derpy!” Micro called out and Derpy’s eyes widened before she blushed and hid behind Vinyl.

“I’m so sorry,” Derpy mumbled and her blush her. “I don’t know what came over me. I just hate people arguing, especially friends. We were all friends before anon a miss in here.”

“Yeah we were,” Starlight commented fondly. “We had some good times in this room as a Council.”

“Yeah we did,” Bon Bon sighed as she tucked her legs under herself. “Lyra and Octavia saw Sunset yesterday with this Wallflower girl and a kid so what do you recommend? This is your circus after all Sophisticata.”

“Her daughter,” Lavender said simply and we gave her confused looks. “The kid is Sunset’s daughter.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Flash waved his hand as I tilted my head to the side.

“Sunset was named Diamonds guardian. So therefore she’s legally her mom as of a few weeks ago I think. I don’t remember the exact timing. Case closed,” Lavender finished and brushed some crumbs into her hand.

“Uh case opened!” I shot back. “I had heard about their arrests. It was a pretty high profile case. I didn’t know Sunset knew Diamond at all honestly.”

“I refuse to give any more details to the likes of you all,” Lavender sneered and gestured to us all. “But yeah she does. I faintly remember someone at that assembly saying Sunset was a bad influence on Diamond. When I find them, I will make his or her life a living hell.”

“Please don’t start arguing again,” Derpy pleaded and placed a hand on Lavender’s shoulder. Lavender paused and softened her glare, nodding. “Thank you Lavender. H-how is Sunset and Cloudkicker and Trixie and Diamond Tiara?”

“Good,” Lavender answered as she gave us a distrustful gaze. “We went on a uh trip out of town so to speak. I can’t remember seeing Trixie genuinely happy since middle school. Or Cloudkicker genuinely in love with someone.”

“Trixie isn’t normally happy? What do you mean?” Tennis Match chuckled. “That girl is always smiling.”

“Trixie hides her pain well,” Lavender answered. “Just like Applejack and me.”

Applejacks name made the room seem darker as multiple people scowled, myself included. While I didn’t go after their sisters, I wasn’t about them starting the account.

“I gotta take this,” Lavender looked at her phone and held it to her ear. “What’s up, Kicker?”

The room fell silent as I made out Cloudkickers voice and someone that sounded like either Sunset or Cloudkicker laughing in the background. It did make me happier to hear her laugh after all she’s been through. She was a tough one and I admired that greatly.

“Yeah, I’ll tell her and I’ll head over. Just taking care of business at school. No, it’s not me fighting Rainbow Dash don’t worry. I could easily take her though. Anytime, anywhere,” Lavender boasted with a smug grin. “Just name a place. Fine, fine I won’t start a brawl. Love you too sis, tell mom and dad I’m on my way.”

“Bye Lavender,” Indigo called out with a shy smile.

“See you all around. Have a good Christmas,” Lavender gave a lazy wave. We watched her leave as we all turned to each other.

“Are we sure trying to be friendly with Sunset is a good idea? I still think giving her space is best for now?” Watermelody asked nervously. “We already made her hurt and suicidal. We all saw those cuts on her wrist when she accidentally moved her shirt sleeve. I don’t know about you all, but the mere idea of being responsible of someone taking their own life makes me want to vomit.”

“We’ve talked about it all night and yeah,” Micro Chips answered and pushed his glasses up. “Sitting around doing nothing doesn’t fix our errors. It’s like a malfunctioning phone. Just hoping it will fix itself does nothing. You have to put the work in.”

“I find you comparing this to a broken electronic adorable,” Starlight mused and squeezed his hand as he turned bright red. “Don’t ever change.”

“Alright, you’re all free to go home. Sorry for keeping you here on break and remember, respect Sunset’s boundaries if you do approach. If she says to go away for a bit, do so. Personal space is key in general,” I reminded everyone flatly. “I don’t want to hear any rumors of people harassing her for forgiveness.”

“Why is it mainly females here? Where’d all the guys in charge if the clubs go?” Soarin asked as I shrugged.

“Over half the clubs we have aren’t represented unfortunately today. I tried but most of the clubs didn’t want to attend or were out of state. I respect people wanting to be with their families and I didn’t push. I’ll call them later and fill them in,” I answered as I started cleaning up and idly listened to people walking out.

I tossed the remaining empty donut boxes into the trash can and sighed, jumping up and sitting on the pool table.

“Tired?” Indigo asked as I opened my eyes and smirked slightly.

“Yeah. Look up,” I gestured at the mistletoe I had hung up before he and the others got here. “Well, now you have to kiss me. That’s the rules after all.”

“What?” Indigo Wreath said as I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

“You really are bad at hiding your feelings, you know that?” I gave a quiet laugh as I pulled away and he turned red. “Waiting for you to make the first move was taking too damn long in my opinion.”

He stayed silent as I kissed him again and leaned backwards on to the pool table.

“Uhm this is an awkward position,” he muttered and shifted from where I had pulled him onto of me.

“Relax, we’re just kissing,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “You’re not that lucky, Indy.”

“Hey, me and Roseluck left our bags and-” Soarin froze as Indigo kissed me back and I sighed contently, my eyes flicking to the two stunned and blushing classmates as I turned red. “Actually, I think it can wait until school is back in session. Goodbye!”

The pair bolted and Indigo pulled away briefly.

“Do you think we should stop them or-” Indigo trailed off as I hugged his neck.

“Let them go. You have about seven months of kissing to make up that I missed out on,” I teased and smirked as he blushed again.

“Kinda surprised you’d actually go for me and not Norman.”

“Norman is dating Blueberry Cake, remember?” I pointed out. “And besides, you’re easier to tease and your blush is adorable.”

“I’m never gonna get away, am I?” Indigo asked as I snorted.

“Nope. You’re stuck with me,” I stuck out my tongue and smirked at him. “Now shush and hug me.”

I could probably stay here forever if I could, idly musing to myself as Indigo hugged me back and I smiled slightly.

As long as Soarin and Roseluck didn’t walk back in, of course.

Author's Note:

Long mfing chapter.

The Starlight being used isn't Starlight Glimmer by the way. Apparently no one knows there's a character in EQG that has her first name but looks absolutely nothing like Starlight Glimmer.

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