• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,606 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XX


“Ah’m getting real tired of you dragging me to Taco Bells around town Dash.”

Applejack and the rest of us sat at a back table of the restaurant as I lazily sipped my pop, eyes glued to the door.

“She will be here. The manager says she always comes here around this time of say,” I answered as the door opened and a blue girl with darker blue streaks and knee high pink boots walked in. “There she is.”

We watched as Sonata approached the counter and leaned forward to listen.

“Hi!” Sonata chirped eagerly and placed her hands on the counter. “Seven crunchy tacos and a large mountain dew please.”

“Alright, that’ll be fifteen dollars,” a bored looking teenager said as Sonata fished through her pockets and placed down a handful of crumpled bills. “I’m sorry but this is only seven dollars.”

“W-what?” Sonata stammered and looked like she was about to cry. “Can you at least just ya know, overlook it? I’m pretty and all, won’t you do it for the attractive young girl?”

“I’m sorry I can’t. If it was like two dollars off, I would,” the boy said sheepishly. “I’m really sorry. You can order something cheaper if you want.”

I inhaled and stood up, taking a step toward them.

“Hey,” I called out as they both looked over at me and Sonata’s eyes widened in fear.

“Please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry!” Sonata cried as she sat on the floor and hugged herself as I paused as Rarity and Fluttershy stopped me.

“No offense darling but you lack tact for delicate situations like this. Let us handle this,” Rarity said and steered me back to the table.

“None of us are here to hurt you,” Fluttershy reassured Sonata as she crouched in front of the terrified girl and I sat back down with Pinkie and Applejack as the two played football with a piece of paper they had folded up.

I watched Rarity slap down sixteen dollars onto the counter and the guy nodded, taking it before handing Rarity her change back.

Fluttershy pulled an apprehensive Sonata to our table as the two sat down.

“Uhm hi,” Sonata said nervously as we all looked at her. “So you’re not gonna hurt me?”

“No, we just want information,” I answered and leaned back in my seat. “Where are your sisters at?”

“Dagi is at work and Aria is working at her hotel job. We needed work after our pendants broke,” Sonata answered as she looked down. “I babysit here and there. Information about what exactly? People don’t usually come to me for that, they usually visit Adagio.”

“You’re the friendliest of the bunch,” Applejack admitted as Sonata nodded slowly. “And we figured the other two might not like to see us.”

“Oh they hate you,” Sonata said casually. “Especially Adagio. She would have probably killed you if she saw you.”

We all froze and stared at her. I partially hoped she was joking but she seemed dead serious.

“Anyway,” Fluttershy shook her head quickly. “So uhm there’s some drama at our school.”

“Big drama,” Pinkie chimed in. “Like an account posting secrets and divide the school and have everyone hating each other big.”

“And you think I have information about that?” Sonata tilted her head in confusion.

Rarity sat a tray of tacos and a drink in front of the girl as she joined us at the table, Sonata looking at them warily.

“They’re all yours darling. You could use to gain a few more pounds as is,” Rarity pushed the tray as Sonata nodded and picked up a taco before biting into it.

“Do you think there’s a possibility Aria or Adagio started the account as revenge?” I asked as the girl swallowed and tapped her chin.

“There’s no way. They’ve been super busy with work recently and besides, we don’t have a computer or anything at home. Aria doesn’t even really know how to work one in general. What does your pony friend think about it?”

“Twilight?” Applejack asked and Sonata shook her head.

“That name is a curse word in our house now. I mean Sunset.”

We all froze and looked at each other before looking back at the girl eating her tacos.

“We think she’s behind it but Rainbow is covering all her bases after Spitfire gave us the idea your sisters could be behind it.”

“I’m not so sure it is Sunset anymore,” Rarity admitted quietly. “Things are just weird right now. Circumstances don’t add up if it was her.”

“So you just abandoned her?” Sonata gave us a stunned look. “I thought you girls were like super tight and all.”

“So did ah,” Applejack sighed sadly. “She’s thinking it us. A few screenshots of us complaining about some things she did that annoyed us got posted and she saw.”

“Is it you?” Sonata asked as she sipped her pop.

“Of course not!” I snapped as she recoiled in fear. “No, it’s not us.”

“Would you take Sunset back if she had admitted to it?” Sonata asked curiously as we all looked at each other yet again.

We had briefly talked about that possibility and had all pretty much reached the same conclusion of yes.

“Yeah we would,” Pinkie said finally as she started tracing her finger along the table.

“You could always make her forget it,” Sonata suggested as we gave her confused looks. “There’s a girl at your school who is good at erasing memory, she’s done some work for me in the past. Pay her about sixty dollars or so and she will help you with whatever problem you have.”

“No offense but I don’t see how erasing computer memory is going to help us,” Fluttershy pointed out quietly.

I didn’t either in all honesty. But that didn’t stop me from being curious. Someone who was good at computers most likely was in the tech clubs.

“What’s her name?” I asked as Sonata shrugged.

“Blush something, I don’t really remember. You really have to look to notice her, ya know? She likes to hang out at the public library in the comic book sections.”

“Fuchsia Blush?” I asked and gripped the table.

“Who?” Applejack asked.

“The girl who pulled the lever and trapped us under the stage before the final event of the battle of the bands,” I explained as they all nodded.

“No, not her. I know they’re related though. Fuchsia was there a few times but that’s all I know. She’s mainly there on the weekends around four. Look for a green haired girl in a striped sweater and jeans. Really pay attention.”

“And you’re sure she can help us?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Mhm. Wallflower, her name is Wallflower. She really likes plants, that’s how we first started talking. Wallflower Blush.”

“Who the heck is Wallflower Blush?”

“You tell me, she’s your classmate.”

I sighed and looked down. I was getting real tired of chasing down leads like this but it was exciting in a way. Felt like I was a detective.

“Alright thanks Sonata. You know where to find us if you think of anything else.”

“We gonna have to find this Wallflower next week. Ah got a busy weekend.”

I gave a nod as I slammed my head down and Sonata watched as she passed around tacos.

I gave a thumbs up and took mine gratefully. Might as well eat while I’m here.

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