• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,597 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter LI

Diamond Tiara

“So what do we do?” I asked as I stared up at Sunset. I came up to roughly her foreleg as she said it was called.

“Well close your eyes and stand still,” Sunset advised as the three of us nodded. We had already said goodbye to the others and they were all passed out in their respective rooms. “It’s been years at least since I was here last so it might a bit of a rough landing.”

“Okay,” Cloudkicker said warily as I felt Trixie wrap a hoof around me. “I think we’re ready.”

“Yep,” Trixie said as Sunset’s horn glowed and I squeezed my eyes shut. I can’t even describe how teleporting felt. Picture your body dissipating on a physical level.

“That was trippy,” Cloudkicker muttered as I stumbled and pressed a hoof against a wall as we slowly opened our eyes.

“You okay?” Sunset asked as she squatted down and practically pressed her nose to mine. Her blue eyes were much larger as a pony.

“I’m fine,” I answered as I shook my head quickly and looked around the hallways curiously. The halls had gold lining the ceiling trim and floors were polishe bright white marble. Lavender flowers decorated the halls as my jaw dropped slowly.

“Impresssive right?” Sunset snickered as the other two mares looked around in awe.

“You grew up here?” Trixie demanded as Sunset straightened.

“Yeah. Though the wall color has changed, it used to be white not cream colored,” Sunset mused as she looked at the wall closer. “Fascinating, I wasn’t exactly looking at the walls or at the decor when I came to steal the crown.”

“Think your mom is still awake?” Cloudkicker asked and Sunset shook her head.

“Mom went to bed about an hour ago if her schedule hasn’t changed. She gets up early to raise the sun. Normally Mom would stay up late to raise the moon but that’s Luna’s domain,” Sunset explained as we all flicked our ears at the sound of walking as a dark blue pony trotted around a corner and stopped. “Uhm hello there?”

“Hello niece,” The pony sounded suspiciously like Principal Luna as she squealed and the pony galloped at Sunset and hugged her as we all looked on curiously.

“Princess Luna,” Sunset hugged her back and hastily stepped back as she bowed and we all shrugged, following her example rather poorly I’ll admit.

“Bowing is not necessary dear Sunset,” Luna said nonchalantly and waved a wing. “Sister told me you and your marefriends and filly would be arriving tonight. I will be showing you all to your rooms.”

“Thank you Princess,” Sunset bowed her head slightly. “Their names are-”

“Cloudkicker, Diamond Tiara and Trixie. I am well accustomed to Cloudkicker. And formalities are not a necessity with family. Walk with me,” Luna said as we followed the taller mare down the hall. Or well, taller to me.

Sunset snorted and bit her lip as we all looked at her.

“Is something wrong?” Luna asked curiously as Sunset shook her head.

“Nothing I just keep hearing you say no student parking in the faculty lot,” Sunset chuckled as Cloudkicker, Trixie and I snickered.

“This faculty lot sounds like a place of great power,” Luna mused as we all started laughing.

“Oh yes it is,” Trixie giggled. “I wish I could park there. Cheerilee is so lucky, she gets to park her Suburban right by the doors.”

“What’s a Suburban?” Luna asked as some guards in gold armor saluted us and she nodded respectfully to them.

“It’s like a large carriage,” Sunset said after a moment. “That’s the best way I could really describe it as.”

Luna nodded as she stopped and we stood in front of four doors.

“I must get back to my rounds and the dream realm. You all may pick to sleep separately or all together, up to you. I will see you more tomorrow as you all rest. Goodnight,” Luna said as she paused. “Rest well.”

We watched her trot away as she looked back and forth down the halls.

“Your aunt is unique,” Trixie said after a moment. “What the heck is a dream realm?”

“Rumor is she can visit ponies in their dreams and protect them from nightmares,” Sunset explained.

“Wish I had that,” I muttered bitterly as Cloudkicker chuckled.

“So did I back when I was trying to be accepted after the Fall Formal,” Sunset admitted as she rubbed her cheek against mine as I gave her a confused look.

“What was that?”

“It’s called nuzzling. It’s meant to be reassuring and stuff for ponies we care about. Now rooms, where do you all wanna sleep?” Sunset asked as I nuzzled her back experimentally as she opened a door with her magic.

“Together,” Trixie said instantly. “I don’t know anything about this place and I don’t like sleeping alone in foreign places.”

“I’m down for whatever,” Cloudkicker shrugged as they looked to me.

“Prefer to sleep with you for tonight. I can sleep in the room over if you wish,” I said as Sunset shrugged and we followed her into the room she opened the door of.

“This is my old room,” Sunset said after a a moment and looked around. “Wow, all my stuff is still here. My stuffed animal, pictures everything. I thought mom would have moved it all to storage.”

“Wow you had some interests,” I commented and looked at a poster on the wall. “Is that a pony holding a sword?”

“Yeah it was a rock band growing up I liked. I wonder what happened to them. Might have my albums around here,” Sunset mused as we all stared at her large bed. “This is gonna be a bit complicated but who wants to get in first?”

A blue hoof shot up as Sunset rolled her eyes and pulled the blankets aside as she tossed Trixie into the bed as Cloudkicker followed her with a startled yelp and Sunset looked at me.

“I can’t climb up there. Too short,” I grumbled as Sunset tossed me in next and I flopped onto the soft surface. Cloudkickers soft wing rested on her sides as I laid with my back to her as Sunset flopped face first into a pillow.

“Goodnight,” Sunset yawned as I stretched my hooves out slightly.


Trixie let out a snore in response as we all laughed quietly. She could go to sleep in any situation and honestly, I was jealous.

I’d use that ability anywhere. But mainly English class. I hate that class.

Like I already speak it, why do I need it in school?

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