• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 3,152 Views, 109 Comments

Snap To It - David Silver

Celestia awakens in a strange new place, her back aching with throbbing pain. The diagrams on the wall look like spines, but not pony ones. Was that a place to find help, or was something far more worrying afoot?

  • ...

7 - Secret Agent

Lyra didn't give up, but she wasn't always in Samson's office. She was in town, and that meant she had friends she could go to with her strange ideas. "Guys, listen!" She leaned in with a huge smile. "He has fingers, like a minotaur, but they're all smooth, and so good. We've gotta try it."

Bon Bon raised a doubting brow at her girlfriend. "Did you just trot up to your girlfriend and start gushing about the touches you got from some strange creature like it's no big deal?"

Lyra blinked, stalling for a moment. "No. Yes. Maybe?" She swished her tail with a little laugh. "But it's really nice, and you have to trust me on this."

Bon Bon prodded Lyra right between the eyes. "Did you forget our night jobs? I know about humans. I know about Princess Celestia's plans for them. I also know there are limits to them, both just to be polite ponies, but also much deeper ones. Did you read any of the briefings I've been piling on your desk?"

Lyra floundered awkwardly, scrunching her muzzle in thought. "Uh. Well, they were kinda...dense...and boring...but I read a bit, sure! Wait."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "They are delicate creatures that react oddly when exposed to too much Equestrian magic. If you want Doctor Samson's wonder fingers to hang around, you need to tone down the crazy and ease him into things."

"Fine!" Lyra tossed her mane. "But when you see him work, you'll know I was right!"

"I just need to be in the room for an adjustment, fine." Bon Bon rolled her shoulders with a few pops of various stiff joints. "I planned to visit on my own, for medical reasons. Secret Agenting takes it out of a mare. Besides, you're supposed to be keeping an eye on the guy. It's only natural."

Lyra sagged. "You're just saying that because you're jealous I got a hug before you."

Bon Bon leaned in, brows lowering. "There was a hug involved?" She hissed softly through her teeth. "Do expand on that."

"He hugged me!" Lyra thrust a hoof into the air. "Because I asked for a hug! He did it without complaint and it felt fantastic!"

Bon Bon clopped a hoof to her own forehead. "I swear. Alright, at least it was all your fault. Let me visit him and don't make a mess until we catch up after that, alright?"

"Alright." Lyra tapped a hoof to her chin. "I have an appointment to see him in four days. I can still go to that, right?"

Bon Bon rolled her eyes with a grunt. "Cancel that. No talking to him, or going near him, until after I check him out for any damage you may have caused him already."

"He hasn't broken yet! I'm telling ya, he's a tough customer. You can't just break Samson with a hug. That's silly." Lyra splayed her hooves, waving them gently in emphasis.

"I hope that's true." Bon Bon trotted for the door. "See you later. Be good." She shut the door firmly behind her and made her way through the city, not stopping until she reached Doctor Samson's office.

Samson answered the knock, stepping out of the way for the cream coated pony. "Oh, welcome in, miss...?"

"Bon Bon. I'm Lyra's, uh, good friend, and I heard about your establishment from her, so I was hoping we could get acquainted." She spotted Gabby behind a desk. "Oh, I have an appointment. Verify this."

Gabby looked over at the calendar and ran a finger along the dates. "Mmm, yep, right here!" She tapped at the current day. "Bon Bon, two o' clock!"

"Thank you, Gabby." She gave the griffon a friendly nod and stepped inside. "Let's get right to it. I'm here for a little problem I'm having, and I am told you're the right doctor for the job."

"If it's a problem you need adjusting for, I am." Samson waved towards the back. "This way. You have great timing." He nodded at Gabby on the way past her, leaving the main room. "Now, hop up onto this table." He pat gently at the examination table. "If you want to describe your symptoms, that would help me help you. If there's a part you think is important, let me know, and I'll add that to my examination."

Bon Bon leaped up and settled in. Her eyes wandered over the decor, consisting of both human and what seemed to be various critter anatomies and skeletons. "You don't have a pony one."

"I'm not sure where to get one." He wiped the table down on the places Bon Bon wasn't already sitting. "Now, please, tell me what brought you in."

"It's my back, more than anything. I've been moving a lot lately, and I think I may have twisted something." She arched her back as far as she could in both directions with a series of soft pops and cracks.

Samson hummed with thought, reaching to gently pet along Bon Bon's back in careful touches. "Let's have a closer look. Lay on your belly as straight as you can." He stepped back as she rolled onto her stomach. He examined the shape of her spine and carefully felt along her vertebrae with an investigative press here and there. "I think I can see what you're feeling."

His presses became firmer and more focused, adjusting her with painfully deep pushes into her furry body. "This will hurt at first, but it's worth it in the end. Bear with me."

"I'll...bear." She tensed and gasped with pained groans as Samson pressed along her back, wiggling her around slightly as he forced her into position. "You are a lot rougher than pony doctors."

"I have to be, or it won't help." He shoved a little harder, eliciting a squeak from the pony. "A little bit more." He leaned into her, applying his whole weight to a single point where her back cracked and she let out a strangled scream.

She felt dizzy and stunned, but the pain was just, like magic, banished. It was almost as if the shock of what had just happened was so much her brain couldn't fit the discomfort she had been feeling. Laying on the bed and just existing felt like all she could do for a long moment.

"I know that was rough. Are you alright?" Samson spoke softly, and with concern. His hands moved over Bon Bon, helping to lift her back onto the table properly and shift her slightly off center to avoid pressure on her adjustment.

Bon Bon dared a little smile. "Yeah, yeah. Wow." She shook her head slowly. "The longer we wait, the more I just feel better." She reached back, only to be gently swatted by Samson. "Hm?"

Samson shook his head. "You've had a serious adjustment. Even if you feel great now, I want you to rest, at least an hour."

"An hour." Bon Bon eyed the doctor curiously.

"Let things settle before you go reaching. An hour, at least." He ruffled her mane gentle, an act he'd found a lot of ponies seemed to enjoy and was a shortcut to gaining some connection with them. "You want to feel better, right? Then you have to leave things alone. Give it an hour, and if you need further treatment, we'll see what can be done then."

"An hour? That sounds fine to me. I'll be alright to stand?" He helped her down to the floor where she did a slow circle, perhaps testing how well her body was responding. "You do good work. I can see why Princess Celestia's approved of you."

"She's a nice princess, and very polite. She visits a lot and she's never a bother." He chuckled. "You know, she's been the most frequent visitor I've had here so far, besides my receptionist."

"Hm, interesting." She flexed a little, stretching out her limbs in different ways. "So, you don't have any other patients lined up?"

"I've gained a few regulars." He snapped his fingers in a way only humans could do, among the species Bon Bon had seen. "Like your friend, Lyra. I think she just enjoys it. Some are like that."

Bon Bon smiled with a fond roll of her eyes. "So she's not the only one?"

"Not at all. And she's a regular enough she's starting to make suggestions for me to try, and for other patients to tell me about." He let out a sigh, thinking of the hyperactive unicorn. "Now, is there anything else I can help with? You're all adjusted."

"That's a nice thing to be." She took a seat in the chair across from Samson. "And you've already treated my other need, but, just to be sure, do you do massage therapy too?"

Samson perked at the question. "You're the first pony to ask, but, yes. Besides adjustments, I do massage therapy. The two are often quite related, just more focus on muscles and more skeletal work with the other."

"Then, that's something I'd like to try. My legs are so tired. So very tired. Could you help with that?" She smiled at the human, though she hid the mischievous twinkle in her eye behind an innocent smile.

"Certainly." He pointed towards the front of the office. "Talk to Gabby and she'll get you scheduled in."

Bon Bon started at that. "Not today? Right now?"

Samson shook his head. "Afraid not. I have other patients today. Get an appointment and I'll be delighted to be of assistance."

"That's disappointing. But, if that's the best I can do, I'll take it." She smiled at the doctor. "Thank you for helping me. I'll get that appointment." She started for the front, examining the walls as she went for any further clues on the nature of this doctor. She emerged from the hallway and went over to Gabby to set that appointment.

The griffon looked at her curiously. "Hi! Back so soon? I can schedule you right in, but, well, I just talked to the boss, and we're all booked for today.

Bon Bon waved that away. "Not today, he told me that, but when's the soonest you have, for massage therapy?"

Gabby peered at the calendar, flipping between a few pages before she selected one. "Okay! I have an opening this week. Can you do that day, at that time?" She pointed to the specifics of the day and time.

Bon Bon nodded. "That sounds fine. Is this an authorized Equestrian medical facility?"

Gabby blinked, caught off guard by the sudden pivot. "Actually, yep! Princess C came in here and made a big deal about not charging ponies for medical care, so, yupyup! We're official."

"I see, thank you." She glanced down at the appointment slip, giving a curt nod. "Then, I will see you next week. Have a nice moon."

Gabby pointed at the clock. "It's sunny today."

Bon Bon smirked. "Is it? My mistake." She trotted for the door before she stopped and turned. "By the way, Gabby. Have you received a letter from anypony with special wings in the last few days?"

Gabby blinked with confusion. "Um, no?"

"Just checking." Bon Bon closed the door with a click and made her way back towards the hotel she was using. "Nothing wrong with that human, so far."

She drew a secret communicator from her side and whispered into it, "Contact made with Samson, situation Sea Blue."

"Sea Blue, copy that," came the radio voice. "Continue monitoring for loose tails."

"Will do, Bon Bon out." She tucked the device away and set about the rest of her day, returning to her real duties of being a spy and not a patient.

Author's Note:

Bon Bon is not pleased with Lyra casually getting felt up by a strange male. This is a reason to investigate.

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