• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 3,152 Views, 109 Comments

Snap To It - David Silver

Celestia awakens in a strange new place, her back aching with throbbing pain. The diagrams on the wall look like spines, but not pony ones. Was that a place to find help, or was something far more worrying afoot?

  • ...

5 - Earth Patients

Samson had patients on both side of that dimensional divide. He had a human female scheduled that day. He looked between the clipboard that announced this fact and Gabby, smiling and sitting behind the front counter, eager to help. "We have a little problem."

"Hm?" Gabby looked up, still smiling. "How can I help, boss? I'm here to do that!"

Samson chuckled, unable to find fault in Gabby's work ethic. "Humans aren't used to griffons. You're fine once they know you, but we don't want to startle people who are coming for help."

"Oh." Gabby's ears drooped slightly. "I guess I could just hide in the back when humans come."

"That won't work either." Samson sighed, setting his hands on the counter. "If they come in, and you're not here, they'll think something's wrong. We need a solution that doesn't involve hiding you."

Gabby tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm...I know!" She snapped her talons. "I could wear a disguise!"

Samson blinked. "A disguise?" Visions of Gabby wearing a rubber robber's mask over her face came to mind. "That could scare them for other reasons, but I like that you're thinking about this."

"What if I'm just really super nice?" She offered her brightest smile. "I'm ready to greet them with all the hospitality in two worlds!"

Samson laughed at that. "You are very kind. Maybe that will be enough." He glanced at the clock. "We'll try it, and see how it goes."

Gabby bounced eagerly on her chair. She quickly organized the papers there and assumed a ready stance. "They will feel so welcomed, they'll rush to come back again."

The knock came when Samson had already retreated into the back. "Come in," sang out Gabby, almost sparkling with readiness to greet the potentially startled human. "We can't wait to help you feel better."

The woman stepped in, just to start, pausing her progress. "Hello?" She looked at Gabby with undisguised amazement mixed with a thick dallop of terror. "Are-- You talked, whatever you are."

"I sure did." Gabby set down the patient intake form. "You only have to fill out the first part, since you're a returning customer. My name's Gabby! Nice to meet you."

The woman nodded, slowly stepping closer. "I'm... Rosemary. Nice to meet you too." She reached for the form, glancing at it. "You're... A griffon?"

"I sure am!" She almost bounced in her chair, but resisted the urge. "And I work for Doctor Samson, who is super nice, and good at his job. I'm sure he can help you."

"He has before." Rosemary scribbled the quick answers on the sheet. "But, a griffon?" She set the clipboard down in front of Gabby. "A nice griffon."

"The nicest, I hope. If I'm ever not nice, please tell me, so I can get better." She nodded with sureness at the logic of her words.

"That's..." Rosemary took a seat, still staring. "You're a talking griffon, and you're worried about being nice."

"Of course I am. I don't want to hurt anycreature." She took the clipboard and tucked it away in its proper home. "Doctor, she's here and ready when you are," she called out. Straightening herself out, she nodded to Rosemary. "Please, relax and he'll be right out. Oh! Enjoy the magazines if you like."

But Rosemary seemed far more interested in Gabby than any of the outdated magazines on display. "How... How did you end up working for a human?"

"Well, I was looking for work, and I heard he needed help, so I volunteered." She smiled. "I'm a nurse, and I love helping people." She tapped at her beak. "Wait, no. I didn't technically volunteer, since he is paying me." She frowned as she sifted through her words. "I'm more of a, what do you call it, admin assistant? I sort papers and things, and say hello to everycreature that comes in!"

"So you're like a receptionist?" Rosemary's brow furrowed in confusion. "I've never seen a griffon like you before. You're not going to eat me, right?"

Gabby gasped in horror. "No! I would never eat you!" She held her talons to her chest. "I'm a vegetarian."

"Oh." Rosemary relaxed slightly. "I guess that makes sense. Griffons don't eat meat, do they?"

"Oh, they do all the time." Gabby shook her head at the idea. "But we're different. I'm a vegetarian, most aren't. Most of them just eat whatever, but they wouldn't eat anything that asked them not to eat them. That'd be so gosh rude." She waved the idea away. "I'd much rather make friends with things like that."

"That's... I've never met a griffon before." She leaned forward. "Do you know many griffons?"

"I know plenty." Gabby nodded. "I'm from Griffonstone, so I know a lot of griffons. But I'm the only one that works here."

"I see." Rosemary glanced towards the back. "Is Doctor Samson in?"

"He sure is!" Gabby hopped to her feet. "I'll go get him." She vanished into the back with eager sways of her long tail.

It was Samson that emerged. "This way." He led her into the treatment room and got right into business. It was all delightfully normal, but Rosemary couldn't forget who she just had a conversation with.

"Sorry to distract you, but I have to ask. You have a griffon for a receptionist. She's very nice--" Rosemary laughed tensely. "--but she is a griffon."

Samson nodded. "She is. I'm not sure what to tell you. She needed work, and I needed help. We were both lucky to find each other." He smiled. "She's been nothing but helpful."

"I can see that." Rosemary shifted, letting Samson adjust her with snaps and pops. "She's a nice griffon. That's all I wanted to say."

"Thank you." Samson worked busily, flowing between examining and forcing motions to get Rosemary where he wanted to see. "And I can see you've been moving more."

Rosemary smiled gently at that. "I've been taking your advice and getting out more. It was hard at first." She winced at a firm adjustment. "Oof, but I think it's really helping. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Samson stepped back, gesturing to the door. "I'll see you next month."

"I'll be here." Rosemary walked out, stopping by the counter. "Goodbye, Gabby."

"Bye! Oh, you want to set an appointment?" Gabby pointed to a hanging calendar. "So we know when you're coming."

"Can we do the same time?" Rosemary looked to the calendar briefly. "Same date, same time."

"Okey-dokey!" Gabby quickly made notes about it. "And--good, nothing else is taking up that spot, so see you then. Have a nice moon!"

Rosemary made her way out, chuckling softly. "Met a griffon," she murmured, the door closing behind her.

On the Equestrian side, a soft knock came from the door, then a large form poked in, Celestia occupying much of the entry hall. "Is the doctor in?" She nodded at Gabby. "I didn't expect he'd hire a local creature."

"I'm a receptionist!" Gabby hopped to her feet, standing at attention. "It's nice to meet you, your majesty."

Celestia nodded, smiling warmly. "It's nice to meet you too." She examined the griffon curiously. "You are very chipper. He's lucky to have found you."

"I'm lucky to have found him." She smiled at the princess. "I was looking for work, and I found him. He's really nice." She turned to the back. "Doctor, Princess Celestia is here!"

"Princess?" Samson emerged to pause at the sight of the great Celestia. "Oh! Hello there. Did you need an upkeep adjustment? Pain still gone or come back to bother you?"

Celestia shook her head gently. "I am pleased to report that my pain has remained abated since your treatment. It was exactly as the doctor ordered." She winked at Samson, the doctor that had ordered it. "I've come for other reasons." She raised a hoof at his hung price sheet. "That."

Samson came out further to where he could see the price sheet. "Something wrong with that, ma'am--Highness?"

Celestia smiled gently. "I am not your princess. You can simply call me Celestia. But--" Her horn glowed as she conjured images of several ponies; Lyra, Twilight Sparkle, and Moon Dancer, all former students of hers. "Citizens of Equestria don't expect to pay for needed medical care."

Samson frowned. "But I am charging them. They're paying me." He pointed to the price sheet. "That's what I charge."

"And you should be paid." Celestia shook her head. "But not by them." She leaned in closer, easily putting her head far closer with her long neck. "If they are a citizen of this nation, it rests on the nation to care for their basic needs. If the treatment is for their health and well-being, take that bill and set it aside." She pointed off. "--and send it to the castle. I will pay it."

Samson nodded slowly. "I see. So, you're saying that if they are a citizen, and they need medical care, I should treat them and not charge them, but charge you?"

"Yes." Celestia stood at her full height with a smile. "Precisely so. As a doctor, you deserve to be compensated. I am not trying to change that. Do you understand?"

"I think I do." Samson looked to Gabby. "You heard her. Make receipts, but if they're from--" He paused. "What is this nation called again?"

"Equestria." Celestia nodded with satisfaction.

"If they are from Equestria, they don't have to pay, and put it aside to send to the castle instead." Samson turned from Gabby to Celestia. "Does that cover it? And how long should I expect for the turnaround when we submit receipts?"

Celestia chuckled. "We're very prompt. Within the week." She winked at Gabby. "I'm sure you'll have no trouble sending the bills to us."

"I won't!" Gabby saluted with a wing. "I will get started on that right away."

"Very good." Celestia turned to Samson. "But allow me to ask, have my little ponies been kind to you?"

"Kind?" Samson started at the question. "They've been great so far. Some in great need, others small, but all polite, nice even. I have no complaints."

"Then I am gladdened." She turned for the door. "That is all. I'm happy that you've settled in, I just want the proper ponies to actually pay the bill in the end." With regal steps, she was soon outside and her magic glowed on the door as she closed it with a click.

Gabby clapped with a big smile. "I'll have to ask where the patients are from." She paused, humming. "Not the human ones. They're not from Equestria."

"That would be odd." Samson frowned with no thoughts. "I think the only humans are visitors, like me. And we're just visiting. Do we have a patient scheduled today?"

"No." Gabby pointed to the calender. "The next one is tomorrow. A mare named Lyra."

"Lyra?" Samson rubbed his chin. "That's a name I've heard a few times." He had just seen her, but the image hadn't been wearing a nametag, and he didn't know. "I hear she's already familiar with humans. That should get us to treatment that much faster. Be nice."

"Always!" Gabby saluted sharply. "Oh, maybe somecreature will wander in. That happens sometimes too."

"It does." Samson shrugged. "If it happens, we'll be ready." He retreated to the back, leaving Gabby to her work.

Gabby looked up as the door opened about half an hour later. "Welcome! How can we help you feel better today?"

A mint-colored unicorn poked her head in, looking around curiously. "Hello there." She waved at Gabby. "I didn't know they had a griffon here. I thought humans were scared of things with too many sharp parts."

Gabby colored at that, trying her best to hide her claws with minimal success. "The boss is very understanding and appreciates my hard-work more than worrying about what kind of creature I am. Um, so, how can I help you?"

The unicorn advanced on the counter. "That's completely cool. Love it. I'm Lyra." She pointed at herself. "I came to scope this place out before my appointment. That alright?"

Author's Note:

I promise, we'll get to some not-being-a-librarian content soon. Speaking of that, are there specific slices of their life you'd love to see a peering at? I love hearing from you all.

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