• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 3,152 Views, 109 Comments

Snap To It - David Silver

Celestia awakens in a strange new place, her back aching with throbbing pain. The diagrams on the wall look like spines, but not pony ones. Was that a place to find help, or was something far more worrying afoot?

  • ...

2 - Invitation

Doctor Samson had many other clients, largely animals. He adjusted ponies, dogs, cats... Cats were interesting, being such flexible creatures by default. Most were brought by attending humans, worried for the health of their furry companion. Some of them were almost as furry.

But he did his best to get their bones and muscles back in order. That was his job. His line of work didn't usually involve a lot of physical mail, but one arrived.

Doctor Samson,

I hear you can cure pain where others fall short. Equestria needs your talents! At least, I do. I can't get there, but the princess owes you, so she can get you here. I'll pay! My daughter really needs some help, and I've tried everything else at hoof.

I Just Don't Know What Went Wrong,
Derpy "Muffins" Hooves.

Part of him laughed it off, but he hadn't forgotten the princess. But he also had no way to contact her. How did he use that gift? Who could know?

So he put that aside and got back to work. At least until another letter arrived, and another. The fourth had a very royal seal on it.

Dear Doctor Samson,

I have been informed that news of my recovery has spread, and with it, rumors of your talents. My faithful subjects have been pestering you, and for that, I apologize. There are two circles below. Please fill in the one that better matches your feelings and I will see that it is done.

Princess Celestia

There were two empty holes, with some words over each. Forbid ponies from contacting him, or visit Equestria to tend to the hopeful ponies. There were terms. If he went, he'd be given an office and a house and a stipend enough for a 'comfortable life' to be kept in addition to anything earned performing his practice.

But it would mean the office he was already in would be in trouble. He frowned with consideration. He just had to fill in one of the holes with a pen and make a choice, but both felt awfully permanent in their own way.

Princess Celestia had been kind, and if she was any hint, ponies responded well to techniques used on horses, so he could do it, he felt sure of that. He clicked on a television in the office and the news steriley noted that the world, was, indeed, still quite on fire.

It... was probably silly anyway, but if it worked? He scribbed the go circle, filling it with his pen mark. He'd regret it forever if he refused, left wondering what could have been.

He didn't even get to finish putting his pen down.

The entire office came with him, landing with a soft thump somewhere new. He rolled, seated on a wheeled chair. "The heck?" He stood up and went for the window, peeking out past the blinds to see a brightly colored cityscape of ponies trotting along towards whatever they had in mind. He had visited Equestria. Or moved to it?

A soft knock came from the front door and he jumped in surprise. "Jeeze... Get it together." He took a soft breathe and marched to it. "We're not open yet," he called as he opened the door.

A golden-armored.... soldier? of a pegasus saluted with a wing before backing to the left. Behind him, Celestia stepped forward. "Are you safe, your things?"

Samson took a moment to look around the office, then back to Celestia. "A few things fell over, but I've seen far worse. Did you... just yank whole office? It's part of a building!"

"It's alright." She stepped inside, dominating the room with her bulk. "You have full control over your presence here." She directed to a knob that hadn't been there. On one side of it had a cheerful pictograph of a smiling pony. On the other, a simply grey circle. "Just turn that. and you, and the office, will be in the right place. You can hear knocking from either world, so creatures can reach you, and you can go as you please."

Samson rubbed the back of his head. "That... is actually amazing. If it does that, that covers the office, and I can stay in my own house. Why'd you even offer that?"

Celestia smiled radiantly, as was her fashion. "Because it felt polite. You don't have to accept that. Stay in your Earth home, or allow us to arrange one for you. You are welcome either way. Now, I should be away. I'll scare away the ponies that could use your help. I'll be certain they know where to find you." She turned, just to pause.

"Oh." She lifted a hoof to direct at the city outside. "That is Canterlot. If you look, you'll see a castle, that's mine. If you have need of me, go there and ask for me. I hope things go well for you and those that come for you."

She left, door closing behind her. Samson laughed a little tensely. "Well... I signed the paper." And he could go back and forth... That was a... win? He dug out his phone and checked. It had a single bar, but it had a bar, which was more bars than he had expected. "This won't be so bad. I can set some ponies straight, sure."

He just had to make a price sheet that worked for them.

He went to the door and flipped the sign over to 'closed' and stepped out. "Time to get a lay of the economy." He locked up the office and turned to face the bright equine landscape. "Be kind to me."

He needn't have worried. That they were curious about him was the worst he had to face as he browsed shops and services, checking out their prices. The most awkward thing was when a pony decided sniffing him was just the thing to do, and that felt more like a curious horse. Amusing, not terrifying. He pushed them away, softly but firmly, just as he would a horse. "Easy there."

Equipped with the power of knowledge, he was able to type up a basic price sheet and print it out. He put it beside his human one. The human one was clean and clinical. The pony one was colorful with a leaping horse. He had gone through the effort of Photoshopping a cutie mark on that horse for the finishing touch.

Yep, ready! "Bring on the first client."

A single knock, and the door opened. "Doc." A pegasus wandered in, a light cyan in shade. "You gotta help me. I'm Zephyr Breeze and I can't work."

"Can't work?" He looked over the pony. Unlike Celestia, Zephyr seemed mussed and his mane didn't flow. A glance confirmed Zephyr was a male. Samson gestured up at his price sheet. "Tell me what's bothering you and I'm sure we can do something."

Zephyr turned his eyes upwards, scanning the price sheet. "Oh, not cheap..." He curled on himself and got out a bag. His wings quickly got out some coins and set them down. "It's, uh, sharp? Right around here." He pointed towards his lower back with a wing. "Can you help? I don't wanna be fired!"

"So tell me more about this pain," Dr. Samson prompted gently, gesturing to the area Zephyr had indicated on his lower back. As the pony nervously explained his symptoms, the chiropractor began carefully inspecting the site of discomfort, fingers probing with practiced expertise for any misalignments.

He offered reassuring smiles whenever Zephyr winced, even as his mind sorted through likely diagnoses and gentle manipulation techniques to try. This certainly wasn't how he envisioned his day going when he'd woken up in his Earth apartment that morning. But as Zephyr gazed at him anxiously, he felt that same instinctive caring that had first drawn him to practice medicine.

"Well, let's get you up on the table and see if I can't help get things realigned..."

So he led Zephyr up onto the large table. It was designed for humans, to be clear. Animals, usually, didn't tolerate its use. Ponies were not animals, at least no more than a human was. Zephyr slid right up and even put his snouted face in the right spot. Samson ran his down carefully to a specific spot on Zephyr's back. "This will make a sound, a loud sound, and it may feel odd, but it's part of the process."

"Whatever you say--" His words were cut off with the loud crashing clunk of the table beneath him, leaving him to fall against it, a sharp sudden adjustment in his posture. "Woah, what was that?"

"Forcing your spine to adjust for us. It'll take a few more times. Relax, let it happen." Samson raised Zephyr up with the angled table. "We're putting things together, one little step at a time."

Zephyr winced at the loud cracking sound, feathers ruffling instinctively. But the doctor's calm, reassuring demeanor kept panic at bay.

"O-okay Doc, I trust ya..." He resettled himself upon the table as guided, taking deep breaths to stay relaxed per the instructions.

Another sharp adjustment made him jump, but already that stabbing pain in his back seemed a little less fierce. Dr. Samson sure knew his stuff! Zephyr found his initial anxiety fading to curiosity and hope.

"So this is really gonna fix me up all nice? Cause I wasn't kidding 'bout needing to keep my job..." He trailed off, distracted by the strange implements and charts decorating the clinic walls.

"Hey, what's that pointy clicky thing do? And those pictures of weird skinny horses - are those humans? Boy they look funny!" His eyes shone with innocent fascination at these alien things.

"Oh, those are me, or things like me." Samson grabbed the tool Zephyr had pointed at. "And this helps me make smaller adjustments in specific places. It's not just your spine that needs a little love." He pressed it firmly against various parts of Zephyr's back, clicking it with thumps as he forced things around carefully. "Feeling better? You feel like you're relaxing."

"Oh, yeah.. Actually..." Zephyr started to roll, but Samson had a hand on him, stopping the motion. "Not done?"

"Not done, but if you want to roll." He let Zephyr flop on his side. "Put this leg." He tapped at one. "Down. Keep the rest of you facing the same way."

It was a new thing. A horse couldn't even make that motion.

Zephyr showed a pony could. They had far more human physiology, which meant he could use human techniques he'd normally leave at home when a horse was involved. "Now this will have a feeling, so be strong for me, but relax."

Samson moved in aside Zephyr, leaning over them and grabbing firmly. With a sharp twist, he bent Zephyr's entire body in a new angle for just a moment, letting the shocked Zephyr flop awkwardly. "Wow... That... Wow..." With sparkling, dazzled, eyes, he took a shaking breath. "That was intense, doc..."

Zephyr blinked dazedly up at the doctor from his awkward sprawl across the table, hardly believing the sudden intense realignment his body had just undergone. He experimentally stretched one wing then the other, marveling at the sensation.

"I gotta admit, I wasn't sure 'bout all this at first," the pegasus confessed. "All you otherworldly types seem so...well...weird!" He flushed, hoping that didn't come out too offensive. "But horsefeathers, I think you actually fixed me right up!"

He gingerly rolled off the table, landing gently on all fours. To his delight, that persistent ache that had plagued him for weeks seemed to have vanished completely. Zephyr capered around joyously, all hesitation gone now.

"Wait 'til Mom and Dad hear 'bout this! And my sis - she's gonna want ya to work your magic on her for sure." His eyes shone with gratitude as he regarded the doctor who had eased his misery. "Seriously, thanks a million, doc. However can I repay you for this?"

"You already paid me." He patted Zephyr on the back as they headed for the door. "But I suggest you come back to keep things properly aligned. Up to you, I suggest weekly, but biweekly or monthly is also an option that can work."

"Uh... Gotta check on that..." Laughing tensely, Zephyr made good his escape.

Samson returned to behind his desk with a content sigh. So began his practice on Equestria.

Author's Note:

I was asked to make this one shot less of a one shot, so here we are! What pony comes next? Or maybe some other drama/wonder?

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