• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 3,154 Views, 109 Comments

Snap To It - David Silver

Celestia awakens in a strange new place, her back aching with throbbing pain. The diagrams on the wall look like spines, but not pony ones. Was that a place to find help, or was something far more worrying afoot?

  • ...

4 - Apple a Day

A knocking came, right on time. It was his first actual appointment made for an Equestrian client. "Come in."

A pony nudged it open with their face, then held it open for their bright red friend. "Howdy there."

"Ayup." The larger of them, the red one, nodded towards Samson. He pointed to himself, standing in the main room. "Big Mac."

"Applejack," completed the smaller one, female. "We're siblings, Apples, both of us. Now, we done heard all kindsa nice things 'bout this place. I wanted to know, what could ya do for healthy farmin' ponies, like us? Is this another fancy city waste a time?"

Samson set his hands on his desk. "You came a long way just to ask if the trip's worth it. Why didn't you ask while you were setting the appointment?"

Applejack rubbed at her warmed cheek. "Well... Figured you didn't wanna be bothered on the phone long."


Applejack nodded at her brother as if he had just said some profound truth. "So, whattaya say?"

"Besides treating immediate spinal-muscular issues." Samson stood up, leading them towards the examination room. "We are a preventative service. They come to get adjusted so that things don't go wrong in the future. So, to knock the ball back in your court, what problems are you experiencing right now, if any?"

Applejack scoffed at that. "Me? Ah feel fit as a fiddle jus' after bein' polished!"

Big Mac pushed forward. "Nope."

"Nope, you have no problems?"

"Nope." He pointed back at his own rump and gave it a shake for emphasis.

Samson smiled at that. Big Mac was, in a way, far more like the horses he'd dealt with on earth, quiet and less able to express themselves what was wrong. Still, this one was pointing, already a step up. "Let's get you on the table. Applejack, this'll start with a basic examination and adjustment."

At his pointing to the price board above, She craned her head to have it a look for. She whistled softly. "Ain't cheap... But if mah brother wants it..."


She sighed, digging out coins to place in Samson's waiting hand, where it vanished away a moment later. "Treat 'em right."

This was a new sort of pony for Samson. This one was tough, with every inch of him being a wall of muscle. If they were a horse, he'd guess they were a well bred draft horse, ready to haul heavy loads easily. "I'm just looking, with my fingers. Don't mind them as I see what's working, and what isn't. If it hurts, let me know." A big difference from ponies and horses. A pony could just say when they were uncomfortable.

Samson gently ran his fingers along Big Mac's spine, searching out any signs of muscle tightness or skeletal misalignments. The stallion flinched slightly as the doctor's careful prodding encountered a particularly tender spot above his left hip.

"There we go," Samson murmured. "Found an issue already. Looks like this side's hips aren't lined up quite right."

He glanced up to meet Big Mac's green eyes. "I'm betting that translates to stiffness and soreness hauling heavier loads, doesn't it? Probably feels worse at the end of a long day working."

Big Mac blinked calmly back at the strange bipedal creature, then gave a slow nod of confirmation. "Eeyup."

From her seat nearby, Applejack leaned forward, squinting with concern. "Ya say his hips ain't squared up proper? Well fiddlesticks, small wonder he's been wincin' come evenin' time."

She watched the doctor resume his examination of her brother's robust frame. "Can ya fix 'im up good as new, ya figure?"

"I can certainly try." Samson carefully mapped out the network of muscles and joints comprising Big Mac's hips and thighs, determining the precise realignments needed. "Now just relax for me, big guy. This may feel and sound a bit odd, but I promise it'll help get things smoothed out again."

Bracing himself, he applied a few swift, firm adjustment presses. The stallion flinched and sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden odd sensations, but quickly relaxed again at Samson's reassuring pat.

"There we go...easy does it..." Checking his handiwork, Samson gave a satisfied nod. "I'd say that's significantly more aligned now. Give me a holler if any lingering soreness crops up again though."

He glanced to Applejack with a smile. "I think your brother will be feeling his oats again in no time after a little rest."

The farm mare grinned widely. "Well butter my butt n' call me a biscuit, ya done worked some real magic here, doc! Can't tell ya how much I 'preciate ya squarin' up my kin."

She stood and clapped Big Mac's shoulder fondly with a hoof. "C'mon now Mac, let's getcha home an' kickin' back them heels!"

Big Mac tossed his head at Applejack, standing again. "Nope?"

Applejack turned an ear back. "Me? C'mon now. We only got so many bits, and ah ain't hurtin' nowhere. Let's save them bits in case you need it again."

Big Mac lifted his great shoulders. "Ayup." Apparently agreeing with Applejack, they made their way out with a parting wave.

Samson sank back into his seat with a smile. "This is nice..." He was treating humans and ponies and leaving both happy. His bank account also approved of the whole thing. "Nice to help."

Samson leaned back in his desk chair, feeling a glow of contentment. Maybe this really could work out - maintaining his practice on both sides of the dimensional divide, easing suffering wherever he found it.

Humans and ponies weren't so different after all. Both simply sought relief from the myriad strains and pains that befell mortal flesh, whether frail or sturdy. He could offer that relief with his caring touch.

The faint click of the portal knob turning drew his gaze. Ah, back to Earthside for a while then. But soon enough Equestria would call once more, offering up new friends and experiences. For now though, it seemed his home realm needed him as well.

Rising with a smile, Samson opened the door to greet what patient awaited now beyond, prepared to soothe hurts with strong but gentle hands. Later that day, a gentle knocking came from the Equestrian side.

He hurried over to flick that knob. "It's open."

"Wow!" The one that came in was not a pony. She wasn't even half a pony. She was half though. Half bird of prey, half lion, and all smiles. "This is just amazing!" She twirled in the office, taking it in. "I am... Oh! I'm Gabby, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Samson offered a hand, soon accepted. She had a firm, but not too firm, grip. "How can I help you today?"

"I... was actually looking for work." She scratched her cheek awkwardly. "You're a doctor, right? I'll be your nurse!" She somehow worked up an extra-bright smile. "I will greet your patients with kindness and a smile. I'll help them, and you. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Samson blinked. He had meant to get a receptionist, but... "How are you at typing?"

"Typing?" She inclined her head sharply, as only a bird could. "I didn't expect that question, but I'm okay at it. I've done a job or two with that. Did you need me to type?"

"My work has a lot of paperwork, especially where I'm from. If you can help me tame that paperwork, then we may have a deal."

"You're the best!" She grabbed Samson, hugging him tightly. It was a curious thing, being hugged by her. He knew she was a female, but her body gave so few hints of it in the press. She was a strong androngynous creature with a female voice. "Where do I start?"

Samson smiled kindly at the eager griffon, gently returning her enthusiastic hug. Her powerful taloned forelimbs gripped fiercely, but her fluffy feathered chest and sharp beak afforded little overt clues to her gender. Yet an undeniable feminine energy radiated from his new volunteer nurse.

"Well first, let me show you around and we can discuss your duties." Samson gestured about the office interior. "As you can see, at the moment paperwork is ah...a tad out of control."

He indicated the mound of haphazard forms and folders burying his desk. Insurance documentation from Earth patients mingled messily with colorful flyers and pamphlets from Equestria. Post-it notes clung for dear life amidst the teetering towers of treatment reports, handwritten appointment logs, supply invoices and more.

Gabby gasped dramatically, raising both forefeet to her beak. "Sweet Celestia, it's...it's..." Her amber eyes shone with wonder. "The most wonderful mess I've ever seen!"

Clapping her talons together, she strode decisively to the desk and cracked her knuckles. Bracing herself, the eager griffon pressed both paws beneath the middle of the towering stacks and heaved with all her might. Reams of paperwork went flying in a chaotic burst as she grunted with effort.

"Just...just gotta...get this...this sorted!" Gabby huffed amidst the swirling white flurry now surrounding her. One final forceful flap of her wings and the last forms settled in haphazard drifts about the office floor. She dusted her paws, grinning in triumph.

"There! Now I can start organizing!" Whipping out a notepad and pen, she began scrutinizing the scattered documents, brow furrowed in concentration. "Lessee...treatment reports go here...invoices there..."

Samson smiled, watching her already dutifully working. "We should go over a few things. Your payment, to start."

Gabby perked. "Oh, right!" She slapped her forehead. "I forgot all about that part."

"It's an important part..." Samson patted her shoulder gently. "How does five bits a day sound?"

"Like a dream." She clapped her hands with a little giggle. "I'll take the job!"

"One more thing. Two, actually." He raised one finger that became two. "First--" He lowered a finger. "Does Equestria have paperwork when it comes to hiring, firing, and such like that?"

Gabby stroked at her beak. "Not that I know of? I've been hired a lot of times, and we just shook hands, or hooves, and called it a day."

"Great, we did that." One less headache to deal with. No employee taxes to be worried about. "Second!" Up went the second finger. "Equestrian rules are that you can't come to my world. So long as you stay in my office, it should be fine, but when I close for the day, you have to go home, to Equestria. In the morning, I'll let you back in."

Gabby pointed to the front. "I saw your hours. Okay! I didn't plan to live here. I have an apartment not far from here." She began to clap with building excitement. "That's two, and we did both, so I'm hired?"

"You're hired." Samson nodded firmly. "Here's your first day." He put a five bit coin in her eager hand. "Nice to have you aboard."

Gabby's avian eyes sparkled as she clutched her gleaming pay. "Yes, captain!" She gave a mock salute, feathered appendages fluffing proudly. "I won't let you down!"

Racing to the desk, the eager griffon set to work sorting scattered stacks of rainbow-hued flyers, pamphlets and brochures while humming cheerfully to herself. With practiced talons she neatly filed document types together, wielding staplers and hole punches like a warrior with precision tools.

Before long, orderly categorized piles took shape across the desk and surrounding shelves. Gabby surveyed her progress with a pleased nod. "There! Now to tackle those intimidating stacks..."

Flexing her powerful shoulders, the dutiful nurse hauled over one mound of insurance forms and invoices. Meticulously she began referencing dates, patient names and ID numbers to file each sheet correctly. It was almost like solving a wonderful riddle!

As she filled various cabinets and drawers, Gabby's keen eyes darted periodically to her new employer. What sort of being was he, so alien yet kindly? She had only glimpsed a few humans during brief jaunts to Canterlot, usually from a cautious distance. They seemed such peculiar creatures. But fine folk if Princess Celestia welcomed them.

Samson certainly felt friendly enough, and his magic skills at banishing pain warranted respect. Gabby hummed happily as she worked. Yes, this would be a great opportunity to understand humans better while assisting a compassionate healer. Win-win!

"Hey boss, quick question!" She fluttered up some stray coins from the desk into one talon. "Should I set some kinda petty cash drawer up? Y'know, for little incidentals and such?"

Samson started with surprise. "I've been working with myself for so long, I never really thought about that.." He curled his fingers to his chin. "Having an employee will require a few changes..."

Author's Note:

Gabby joins the office workforce! Her smile is another thing your bits gets you!

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