• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 109 Comments

Snap To It - David Silver

Celestia awakens in a strange new place, her back aching with throbbing pain. The diagrams on the wall look like spines, but not pony ones. Was that a place to find help, or was something far more worrying afoot?

  • ...

1 - Ow

Princess Celestia stretched with a wince. Her back throbbed with a pain that refused to go away. She sank miserably to the floor and closed her eyes, trying to dispel it.

When she opened it, she was not in her room, but some other strange one. The air was clean and a little antisceptic. There were diagrams on the wall of spines, but not pony ones at all. She didn't recognize the creatures they belong to, and their presence was not putting her at ease.

A door slid open softly, allowing a strange biped to wander in. "What?" He peered at Celestia about as confused as she looked at him. "I don't remember an appointment... Who left you here, little girl?"

Celestia rose with alarm, just for blinding pain to force a shrill whinny from her as she collapse on the chiropractic table.

The strange creature was on her in a moment, murmuring soft nothings as he stabilized her back. His hands moved to rub along her spine and rump, easing the pain for a moment.

It was just releif, but compared to the pain, it was a rapture. Celestia relaxed under the care, confused, but not entirely displeased.

Celestia gazed up at the strange biped with wide, questioning eyes as his hands worked their magic along her spine and haunches. Though perplexed by her unfamiliar surroundings, she felt reassured by his gentle ministrations that eased her pain.

She let out a soft whinny, arching into the warmth of his touch. Her wings fluttered slightly in growing comfort. She studied her caretaker curiously, taking in his strange appearance so unlike her own kind.

How had she come to be here? And who was this being that radiated such kindness as he tended to her hurts? She longed to ask him, to understand what forces had conspired to bring them together. But for now, she held her peace, letting his gentle touch speak where words could not.

"I won't let you suffer." Had someone just abandoned a horse in his office? "I'll get you sorted out." At the worst, he would see the horse get somewhere safe.

He brushed along her spine and hit her mane. It was voluminous, and motive. It flowed around and through his fingers as if teased by a breeze he didn't feel. It had the colors of a sunset, and smelled like a summer evening.

She was also warm, even her mane. "What a lovely mane."

Celestia gave a little nicker of approval. Her mane was lovely! She delighted in that being made clear, but shifted a little. Did the curious creature have more tricks to abate her discomfort?

Celestia nickered softly as the strange creature complimented her flowing, ethereal mane. She arched her back encouragingly into his touch, hoping he would continue his ministrations. Though still unsure of how or why she had come here, his gentle voice and healing hands were comforting.

She studied him with curiosity glimmering in her violet eyes. What a curious being! Bipedal, with clever fingers and a soothing voice. He radiated kindness and compassion as he tended to her. She wrinkled her muzzle, sniffing curiously at his clothes and skin. An unfamiliar scent, but not unpleasant.

Celestia shifted her wings, relieved to find the pain fading though not yet gone. She whuffed gently at her caretaker, nosing in an effort to convey her desire for him to continue his mystical healing art. Where it not still for the lingering ache in her back, she might have believed herself dreaming. But the firmness of the table beneath her, and the solid reality of this creature before her convinced her this was no fantasy.

She waited patiently for him to resume, hoping too to someday uncover how she had come to this place and been blessed by the mercy of this benevolent being. For now, his gentle ministrations spoke more eloquently than words. She sighed, letting tension drain from her body under his soothing care.

"Now... I doubt you've visited one of me before." He stood up straight and worked out his fingers. "This may feel uncomfortable a moment, but then you'll feel better." He patted her considerable side. Do you understand?"

No words had been shared between them, but her calm demeanor felt like answer enough. He leaned in over her, taking firm grasp of one of her legs with one hand and her lower back he propped with a knee.

"One two..." With a sharp pull, he snapped things out of place. Celestia's perceptions just went blank a moment in shock.

But even more surprising was that when she was again aware of herself, the pain felt... distant. It was there, but it had been chased further away, its howls changed to distant barks. Had she been cured?

"Feel better?" He rubbed gently along one of her ears. "You look better, but we're not done. If you liked that, be calm and let me keep working."

Tentatively, she shifted her weight. The previous sharp, stabbing torment was now little more than a dull ache.

She looked at the creature with newfound awe and gratitude. This marvel had eased her suffering with his bare hands! She whickered softly and extended her neck to nuzzle against his chest. Although she still did not understand his words, his gentle tone reassured her.

Settling once more upon the table, Celestia resolved to place her full trust in this healer. She relaxed into his touch as he rubbed her ear, conveying her assent through gentle nickers and sighs. Whatever magic this entity wielded, she welcomed its blessed effects.

Eyes slipping closed, she yielded wholly to his ministrations, infinitely thankful for his beneficence in assuaging her pain without expectation of reward. She hoped one day to repay his kindness, once she uncovered how she had found her way into his tender care.

"What a lovely horse." He patted her cheek gently. "If I had one, I'd want one like this." He grabbed a strange apparatus that he clicked against her, punching into her deep muscles. What that was doing, she couldn't say, but the click click click was relaxing on its own.

She felt she could trust this strange... doctor? Were they a doctor? Whoever they were, they had already made her feel better than she had all week. She yelped as he dug into her.

Those ministrations were painful, but he seemed to be adjusting her insides, and setting them a little better than where they had begun. He was fixing her directly, not with scalpels, but firm grasps. "So good." Most horses, he knew, were far easier to spook.

That one seemed an angel in comparison, tolerating his work without a complaint. "Someone deserves a sugar cube after this."

Sugar cube? Celestia had a more refined pallette... But one sugar cube wouldn't hurt. She licked her lips, imagining the future treat.

Celestia whickered softly as the kind creature continued his ministrations, deftly realigning her insides with firm but gentle skill. Though some motions caused momentary discomfort, the lasting relief was immense. She felt her pain and tension gradually melt away under his soothing touch.

She studied her benefactor with growing fondness and gratitude, appreciating his patience and care. He seemed to understand her equine nature, touching her with confidence but respect.

Celestia nickered at remembering the offer of a sugar cube. Though her royal tastes tended towards elegant pastries and tea, she would not refuse his humble offering, envisioning it as a symbol of the sweet kindness he had shown in healing her hurts.

She resolved to find some way to reward his selfless aid once she returned to Equestria. For now, she expressed her thanks by relaxing fully under his ministrations, trusting in his healing gifts. Closing her eyes with a contented sigh, she let waves of warmth and comfort wash over her as the last remnants of pain receded.

It was then he found her tail. A pony's tail was part of their spine, and so had to be included in alignment.

Most horse tails did not billow so much. He had to push his hands past that fur and get lose in the cloud of tail fur before he could even find the nub of her dock. He was silent, just amazed at what he was feeling and doing. "You are... very special."

Celestia turned an ear, not ruining the little deception, but wanting to know what the creature was doing back there. That was her back end...

When he grasped the dock to adjust it, she startled slightly, unused to such handling. But no lasting discomfort resulted, just a mild twitching sensation. She sensed no violating intent in his touch - only precise therapeutic purpose.

Settling once more with a soft whicker, Celestia relaxed into his ministrations. She felt immensely grateful for the relief he had brought her, musing that perhaps her arrival here was fortune rather than folly. Never before had she received such attentive, skilled care.

She hoped dearly to repay his kindness someday. For now, she conveyed her thanks through gentle sounds and small motions, trying to make her comfort and trust apparent. She marveled at how fate had entwined them, leading one so versed in equine wellness to tend to an injured princess of ponies.

Truly miraculous. She sighed blissfully, all pain now gone from her body thanks to her mysterious benefactor's therapeutic touch.

His fingers trailed along her spine from the base to the end of the tail. "Mostly... alright." He got his other hand in there to perform only minor adjustments. Enough to make her jump slightly, but no major pains there. "Such a good girl..."

He clapped his hands together gently, drying them of nothing. "Alright, girl. Can you stand up for me?" He clicked at her, bidding her up to her feet carefully. "There you go... Much better."

It was that moment he noticed the big sun of a brand she had. "Don't recognize that one... Huh, not like I have them all memorized..."

Celestia rose gracefully to her hooves at his gentle urging, flexing her body experimentally. To her delight and relief, she felt nary a twinge of the previous agonizing pain. She turned to face him with sincere appreciation shining in her violet eyes.

"That is mine and mine alone. Thank you," she spoke clearly. Surprise flickered across his features at her words, but she continued sincerely. "I am Princess Celestia, monarch of Equestria. I know not how I came to be here, but I am deeply grateful for the healing you have bestowed."

She regarded him thoughtfully. "Might I know whom I have the honor of addressing? And perhaps, if you are willing, you could enlighten me about this realm I find myself in? It seems vastly different from my pony homeland."

Celestia nodded politely to the creature, hoping he would not be too shocked by her ability to converse intelligibly. She sensed great compassion within him and believed if any in this strange land would understand, it would surely be the one who had already helped her so selflessly.

The poor chiropractor flinched back at her words. "Oh, uh... Hi. I'm Doctor Samson, and this is... Earth?"

"Earth? A curious place." She leaned in towards the doctor. "Beyond another mirror, perhaps. I don't want to lose you, so take this." With a glowing horn, she wove a golden needle in the human's hair. "There. Wear that, and I can find you in the future. I make good on my promises."

Dr. Samson blinked in bewilderment as the radiant winged unicorn addressed him plainly. He stumbled back in shock when she lit her horn and magically wove a golden needle into his hair.

"I...wha...you can talk!" He rubbed his eyes before gingerly touching the glimmering thin metal shard. "And you...you have magic? Real magic?" His scientific mind reeled, all his notions of reality crumbling.

Celestia inclined her head graciously. "Indeed, dear doctor. In my realm, magic is commonplace among my kind. As is the gift of speech." She smiled, hoping to reassure him.

"I understand your surprise. My arrival here was rather...unexpected. But now that you have eased my suffering, I must return home." Her horn glowed brighter. "Thank you again for your kindness. The spell I cast will permit me to reunite us, should you be interested in visiting my world one day."

The doctor gaped wordlessly as reality warped around the stunning winged unicorn. With a burst of magical energy, she vanished, leaving only a lingering fragrance of summer blooms.

He stood frozen for long moments before a giddy laugh escaped him. "No one's ever going to believe this!" Shaking his head in awe, he returned to his mundane tasks, fingertips straying occasionally to the enchanted needle in his hair.

Author's Note:

This silly one shot tale was requested by a lovely patron, and so Celestia gets some needed back adjustments!

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