• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 142 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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70. #NoOrdinaryBunny

Angel hops through Fluttershy’s Cottage. His stomach churns in hungry desperation. He looks around every room, but there is no sign of Fluttershy anywhere. His stomach grumbles again. Angel falls to the ground in a silent tantrum, but there is still no sign of his owner coming to the rescue.

After a few more minutes in tantrum city, Angel gives up and takes one more look around for Fluttershy. This time, he sees an odd piece of paper on a high bookshelf. Curious, he sprints into action.

Angel jumps onto the arm of Fluttershy’s chair. Then, he jumps to the head of the chair. This was the easy part. The next jump is to a lower shelf of the book case: tricky, due to it being covered in books. Angel bites his lip, wiggling his cute little fluffy tail before he springs off the back of the chair, grasping the second shelf of the bookshelf with his rabbit feet while his paws cling to the third. He feels the backs of his feet touching nothing, all of his weight on his little bunny toes. The bright page shines just above his eyes. Slowly, carefully, Angel leans forward, taking one paw off of the shelf and reaching up toward the page, feeling his body slowly slipping off the shelf. His paw can only graze the page. He only has one shot, and it’s risky.

Angel puts his paw back on the shelf, sliding a bit sideways to give his feet and knees a little room. While keeping hold of the shelf, he leans down a bit, letting go of one paw from the shelf, and jumping.

Angel feels his body lifted from the force. He sees the page, and grabs it before falling down. He kicks his feet to fall and land in Fluttershy’s chair.

Safe, he looks at the page, and, as he begins to understand what the page means, he begins to imagine the possibilities. He imagines himself ruler over all Equestria with everycreature at his beck and call. Everycreature would serve him and he would be loved by all!

His stomach roars loudly once more and his ears droop before popping back up as another thought crosses his imagination. He envisions a huge pile of carrots with himself at the top, never running out. But which wish should he choose?


Which should Angel choose?

> Wish for an endless supply of carrots. (Chaos)

> Enslave and Rule Equestria. (Villain)


Angel closes his eyes tight. The page glows orange as the light brightened until Angel can see the light even with his eyes closed. The glowing stops as soon as it started. Angel opens his eyes as an excited squeak comes out of his mouth. In front of him is a carrot.

Angel hops down, grabbing the carrot and eating it quickly, patting his tummy in satisfaction. When he looks back down, however, he sees two carrots where the first one was. Confused, he eats both, and looks to see four carrots. This time, he does not eat tem. Instead, he takes the four carrots into Fluttershy’s fridge and comes back to see eight carrots. Blinking, he puts those in the fridge and comes back to see 16 carrots. Then 32, then 64, and so on and so on until a huge pile of carrots fills up Fluttershy’s house, and keeps multiplying!

Angel squeaks worriedly as he realizes too late that he has no way to stop the carrots from coming.

(+1 page for Chaos)

Angel closes his eyes tight. The page glows orange as the light brightens until Angel can see the light even with his eyes closed. The glowing stops as soon as it started. Angel opens his eyes and an excited squeak pops out of his mouth.

He sits on a huge golden throne. Statues of him are everywhere. Creatures from all over Equestria line up to give him offerings of fruits and vegetables. He sits leisurely as he is hoof-fed by his subjects. With one point of his paw, another group begins to make a new statue in his image. Angel looks out onto the landscape, fire set in his eyes, and he shakes in silent laughter as he revels in this new world: his new world.

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

This is where we were asked to try our best to do only villian/chaos stories since the hero options outweighed the other two.

And Angel was the first character that came to mind XD

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