• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 142 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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48. #IAmaPrincess!

You find yourself searching around Canterlot. The entire city is buzzing about a new princess who is going to make their debut soon. The crowd gathers around you, sticking you in place as horns erupt in sound. Princess Celestia walks out, "Thank you, everypony for coming to celebrate our newest princess. This Pony has demonstrated the love, compassion, decision making, and character of a princess. They speak great wisdom when needed, and listen to their fellow pony kind. Now, get those hooves ready to welcome them into our fold for it is my great honor to introduce to you, for the first time, Princess Big Macintosh, the princess of siblings!"

Big Macintosh comes out to a thunderous chorus of hooves, an alicorn now. He waves to the gigantic crowd below him. He takes a moment before he speaks. "Thank you, Princess Celestia. Thank you all. I feel so beautiful. I promise to be the best princess I can be. And to all of you down there, anypony can be a princess, so if you dream of standing up here like me, keep working toward it!"

Everypony parts to either side of the road for his first ride through Canterlot. Big make rides through in a gorgeous white carriage, beaming with his gold and green crown, yolk, and shoes. Once his parade is finished, he decides to go out and chat with everypony. You eventually make your way through the mob getting autographs and ponies asking him questions. "Big Mac, you're my hero! Have you always wanted to be a princess?" You hear from a tiny colt as you make your way to the front of the crowd.

"Eeeeee-yup." Big Mac nods, signing one more autograph and looking in your direction.

"Wow. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!" The colt grins from ear to ear before rushing off to show his parents his new autograph.

"Excuse me, Big Mac?" You ask, "find any interesting paper recently?"

The crowd murmurs confusedly. Big Mac laughs it off nervously before coughing and stating, "Excuse us, my fellow ponies. [USERNAME] and I just, uh, need a moment alone to talk about something private." He takes you into an alleyway, looking back before he continues with a sigh. "I guess I should feel ashamed, but I don't. I've wanted to be a princess since I was a colt. I love feelin' beloved, appreciated…beautiful. I know some ponies think boys shouldn't want to feel pretty but…anypony should be able to feel happy to see themselves. So…there ya' have it. I made myself a princess. I didn't choose what I was gonna be the princess of. That was Celestia. Are you going to make me change it back?"


Should Big Mac change back?

> Big Mac makes a great addition to the princesses. Why change it? (Chaos)

> Yes. Big Mac doesn't need to be a princess to feel what he wants to feel. (Hero)

> It's fine, but Big Mac will really have to show that she belongs as a princess of siblings. (Villain)

You smile up at Big Mac. "Nah. I think you make a great princess."

"Really?" Big Mac asks.

"Absolutely. Princess of siblings is perfect for you, and you teach everypony that anypony can be a princess. So go out there and do your best!"

"....eeeeee-yup. Thanks." Princess Big Mac flies off.

And the days go on, Big Mac spends his days talking about his life as the eldest brother. He talks with Shining Armor about ways he and Twilight can spend more time together, and the two make plans to surprise Twilight with a brotherly visit.

He listens to Rarity and Sweetie Bell when they argue with each other, helping the two use better skills to communicate their feelings. With the new Princess of Siblings, Equestria's family life becomes all the more harmonious.

(+1 page for Chaos)


"Big Mac. You'd make a good princess, and I would never force you to give it up if you don't want to. Here's the thing though. You can feel all of that without being a princess."

"...How?" Big Mac asks.

"Feeling beloved? You have Granny Smith, AppleJack and Apple bloom! Your family loves you so much. Branch out, and I'm sure every member would say the same! Appreciated? The entirety of Ponyville counts on your farm for food, and drink. Plus, without Sweet Apple Acres, there wouldn't BE a Ponyville, and, without you, there wouldn't be a Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack couldn't do it on her own and Applebloom is too little. If you look around, or just let somepony know you feel undervalued, they would show you how amazing you are without wings and a horn."

Big Mac smiles softly and murmurs, "...and feeling Beautiful?"

"That's the easiest one yet. Let your family know how you feel. They'll love you just the way they are, and then go to Rarity's. She will make you the most fabulous dress and you can wear it anytime you want to feel pretty. Knowing her, she'd make you several!" Tears come to the corners of Big Macs eyes as you finish, "so, instead of changing yourself first, try giving those who love you a chance. Who knows, maybe one day, you will earn the title of princess of siblings. Celestia knows you deserve it. If wings and a horn help you feel more like yourself, that's okay too."

"Nah. It was never about the wings and the horn…" He smiles, taking out the page. "Thanks." He gives it to you as an orange glow changes everything back to normal.

(+1 page for Heroes)


"Are you sure you can handle being a princess though? It's a big job. You'll have to prove yourself."

"Eee-yup!" Big Mac nods, stomping his foot.

"Alright, but you'll have to watch and care for all siblings, and help them with any problem you see." You warn.

"I'll stop problems before they start. Just watch!" Big Mac takes you as he grabs Shining Armor from the Crystal Empire. Unfurling his new, beautiful red wings, Big Mac them flies with a very confused Shinning Armor all the way back to Ponyville. "You need to be with your sister more!"

"But…but Twily understands that I have a duty to the Crystal Empire…my wife needs me. My baby needs me!" Shining tried to explain.

"Your sister needs you!" Big Mac pushes Shining into Twilight's castle and beams at you. "See. No problems." He flies off as you stare slack jawed to fix more sibling problems before they begin.

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

Princess Big Mac is a wonderful addition to the mlp character list. I only hope I did him justice for those who most love him.

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