> Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! > by Janicethelight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. #SonicMuffin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story  Ponies everywhere cheer in excitement about a Wonderbolts show. Fans from the smallest filly to ponies older than Granny Smith hurry to their seats. You walk in as well, excited to see the tricks that these aerial professionals would perform. You find your seats, enjoying the amazing show. One of the Wonderbolts is hard to place as they fly.  After the show, there's an opportunity for autographs. You line up to meet this new Wonderbolt. The new Wonderbolt waves you over, “Hey there. I’m Derpy. At least, that’s what my teammates nicknamed me after I tumbled into and accidentally destroyed a pile of barrels!" She laughs. "Who should I make this out to?" "Derpy?!" You ask with a gasp. "That's silly. Why would I make this out to myself? Who should I really make it out to?" Derpy wonders, but you are at a loss for words. You can see her light gray coat through her Wonderbolt uniform, as well as her yellow mane and tail. What shocks you is, when she raises her goggles to talk to you, her goldenrod eyes are perfectly straight. "You okay? Is this your first time seeing the Wonderbolts in action?" "Your eyes!" You shout before you can help yourself. Derpy bites her lip, "Ah yes. You want a picture. Please, come with me!" She brings you over away from the autograph area, "What about my eyes?" She asks quietly. "They aren't…they're the same as everypony else’s!" You point out. Derpy sighs, "I was afraid you would say that." She sighs, "okay…so yeah…my eyes were a bit…wonky and I made a mess wherever I went. I didn't really have a place. I was thinking of moving out of Cloudsdale to Ponyville when this amazing page fell into my lap. I could change everything, and finally live my dream as a Wonderbolt! Now, everypony looks up to me and I don't mess up at all. Isn't it great?!" [CHOICE] IS it great? > It's great, Derpy. Go live your dream! (Chaos) > No. You changed a big part of who you are! (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "It's great Derpy. Go live your dream!" You decide. Derpy smiles widely. “Thank you so much! You won’t regret this! Not only will I keep the page safe, but I’ll be the best Wonderbolt ever, you’ll see. I’m a great teammate. I won’t showboat either. I’ll help the future Wonderbolts. It’ll be great! See? Watch this!” Derpy flies over to Spitfire to whisper in the ear of her superior. She points over to a bunch of filly fans. Spitfire looks over to those fillies before turning back, and shrugging with a small nod. She says something you can’t quite hear. The two call the rest of the Wonderbolts, talking to one another in hushed tones. The fillies stretch to try to hear as well.  The Wonderbolts suddenly bolt in different directions. The fillies and colts squeal as all of the Wonderbolts arch around, creating a flower in the air before soaring back together as one, corkscrewing towards the ground before breaking off once more to land safely.  Derpy smirks as she walks over, "We call that the Daisy Corkscrew. Isn't it amazing!" You can't help but appreciate it now. Derpy giggles. "Here. Let me give you a little something as a thanks for letting me live my dream!" Derpy gives you an autograph before you go off in search of more pages. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "No. You changed a big part of who you are!" You decide. "Derpy, I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but your unique eyes make you special. They are a part of who you are. Trust me, where I come from, you are loved for your unique eyes!" "I was loved because of my eyes?! Why?!" Derpy asks. "Because, where I come from, a lot of creatures like me feel alot like you." You try to explain. "What do you mean?" Derpy wonders. "There are lots of us with things that make us feel different. It could be physical, like a lazy eye, or something you can't see. Having you around with your eye being the way it was…it helped those people feel seen and understood!" You put an arm around Derpy. "I don't know. I couldn't stay in Cloudsdale after all the bullying I got." Derpy sighs, eyes cast to the ground. "You should give Ponyville a shot. You never know. You may find your place there." You suggest. Derpy looks over to the crowds, "But…the Wonderbolts." "Sure. The Wonderbolts are cool, but the best thing is to be yourself." You nod. Derpy thinks about this for some time and finally nods. "Okay. I'll do my best. I guess I won't need this. You can have it!" An orange glow surrounds you and Derpy stands, wonky-eyed once more. She gives you the page. (+1 page for Heroes)  > 2. #TheSecondarySix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The light of the mare in the moon glows over the town of Ponyville. You catch a glimpse of Fizzy as she rushes into the Everfree Forest, giving chase. The darkness obscures your vision. Only the pixely glow from Fizzy keeps you on the right track. You catch up to her. "Fizzy. What-" you stop, seeing the reason she stopped. Derpy waves at you both, trotting towards you. "Are you ponies here to stop Nightmare Moon too?" She asks. "Wait. You're here to stop Nightmare moon?" Fizzy asks. "That's right." Derpy smiles, "I certainly didn't like the idea of the world stuck in eternal night! And I'm not the only one! Come look!" Derpy stumbles back. You and Fizzy follow to find Doctor Whooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia waiting for Derpy. "Look everypony. More friends to help us in our quest to stop Nightmare Moon." Derpy smiles. "Hey, the more friends the better!" Lyra grins. "Yeah, we could use more helping hooves on our journey." Bon Bon agrees. "Yes, well, make certain to be wary. The Everfree Forest has shown to be a dangerous place." Octavia warns. Vinyl nods in agreement. Doctor Whooves sighs, "Yes, well, I suppose we can't make you go back in this darkness alone." Fizzy smiles for a moment but her smile drops. "Thank you everypony, but…I'd just get in the way…or make things worse." Derpy bites her lip. She looks down before giving herself a nod and going up to Fizzy. "What's your name?" "I'm Fizzy and this is [USERNAME]!" "Listen, Fizzy. Don't worry about messing things up. I mess things up all the time and my friends still hang out with me." Derpy softens her smiles, "I know what it's like to need to find your place. If you want it to be with us, you're more than welcome!" Fizzy feels her eyes water. "Give us…just a moment." She pulls you away. "I have to admit…I really want to join them…and be a part of this. I want to feel like I've done something right, but I know Twilight and her friends are supposed to stop Nightmare Moon…if we change this, we change so much…would it be worth it?” [CHOICE] What should Fizzy do? > Go with the group to stop Nightmare Moon. (Chaos) > Go with the group, but talk to Nightmare Moon first. (Villain) > Stay with you and look for pages. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "You should go with them to stop Nightmare Moon!" You decide. "Really? You mean it?" Tears come to Fizzy's eyes as she turns to Derpy. "Thank you for letting me join you guys. I need a place to belong." She breaths a contented sigh, looking into the dense forest. "The ability to help defeat Nightmare Moon could be exactly what I need. I am so excited!" "I'm excited too. It'll be nice to have a friend who understands how it feels to mess up sometimes!" Derpy grins, hugging Fizzy, "though I'm also a bit nervous. I mean, we don't know anything about Nightmare Moon. The Doctor found out that they used the elements of Harmony to defeat her, so we're going to find those! We can find them if we all work together." "Indubitably! Another creature means another treasure trove of ideas." Octavia nods. "Yes, but we will never find the elements of harmony standing around here. Let's get going." Doctor Whooves points the way. "Right!" Fizzy nods, turning back to you, "thanks again for this chance!" She smiles. The odd group of friends wave as they go off through the forest, ready to take on Nightmare Moon. You wave them off before turning around to head back and look for more pages. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] "You should go with them…but try talking to Nightmare Moon. Maybe you can find a compromise." You decide. Fizzy thinks, "seems fair. Hey guys! I'm tagging along. Plus, I was thinking. Let's try to talk to Nightmare Moon first! Maybe we can reason with her." "It is always good to give Ponies a chance to explain why they do things too!" The Doctor nods. "I agree as well. The least we can do is get her side of things. Maybe we won't even have to fight if we show that consideration." Octavia adds. Vinyl nods vehemently in agreement. "Fine by me. Who knows? With how long she was on the moon, maybe she was around when humans were!" Lyra hopes. Bon Bon laughs, shaking her head, "I doubt that, but we can ask." "Maybe she just needs friends, or made a mistake too. Let's find out together." Derpy leads the way. Fizzy takes a moment as the others start off, going over to offer you one more hug before she goes off with the others. "Thank you so much for giving me this chance!" Fizzy whispers in your ear. She lets go, rushing to get back with the rest of the group." (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING C: HERO] "It sounds fun, but it's not right. We need to keep looking for pages. That is the most helpful thing you can do right now, Fizz!" You decide. "I guess you're right." Fizzy sighs before she yells out, "sorry, everypony, but we can't join you…" The Secondary Six groan softly in disappointment. Derpy shrugs after, "we understand! Hope to see you after, okay?" "I hope so too." Fizzy nods before thinking, "Hey, maybe you six should go back to town before starting off on this journey and make sure nopony else wants to join!" "You know, that's not a bad idea!" Whooves nods. "Let's double check, everypony!" The six ponies head back with you and Fizzy at the back of the pack. Fizzy bites her lip, eyes down. You notice and ask, "you okay, Fizzy?" "I guess. I made sure to give Twilight and her friends some time to keep the timeliness the same, but I feel bad about it. Derpy and the others are kind too." Fizzy sighs. "I'm sure they'll find their own way of helping out." You pat Fizzy on the back, "Let's go find some more pages!" "Okay." Fizzy sighs, and you both go off to find the next page. (+1 page for Heroes) > 3. #GonebutNotForgotten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You hear that somepony at Sweet Apple Acres found a page. Going to Ponyville is easy enough and it doesn't take long to smell the sweet aroma of apples in the air. So far, everything seems...normal. You and Caramel sigh in relief. As you find your way to the main barn area where the Apples live, you bask in the well-kept farm. "Hey Caramel! Who's yer new friend?" Apple Bloom asks. "Oh. This is [Insert name]. We're looking for missing pages from a special book. You haven't seen one, have you?" "Um…about that." Apple Bloom bites her lip, looking away. "What do I hear about some sort of page?" An unfamiliar voice asks as a peach earth pony with curly goldenrod locks held in a ponytail walks out from the door. "I better not hear that yer ruining yer school books, little lady."   "Now I know our Apple Bloom would never rip out pages. Maybe these fine folks just lost them. Our little one is smart as a tack! She's probably just bein' asked ta help!" A yellow Clydesdale stallion with a red mane and tail and sporting an extremely familiar hat on his head proclaims proudly. "Uh. That's right. Let me introduce y'all. [USERNAME], Caramel. These are my ma and my pa!" Caramel puts a hoof to her mouth as understanding crosses her eyes. Apple Bloom looks up to you both. "I miiiiiight have use the page to bring em back." She admits sheepishly. "But look. Nothin’ bad’s come outta it. Ma and Pa help Granny Smith with the work in the house and the work outside with Applejack." As if on cue, Applejack walks out, "Ma. Pa. I think I finally got the recipe just right. Wanna give it a taste?" Applejack holds out a pie to her parents, who sniff it. Granny approaches the smell as well. "It certainly smells like yer mom's famous pie, but there's only one way to tell. We all gotta taste it!" Granny demands. "Eeeeeyup!" Big Mac agrees. "Can I get the first bite?" Pear Butter giggles, messing up Big Mac's mane. "How about we all get a piece and try it together?" "Yer mom is right as always!" Bright Mac hugs onto Pear Butter. "Let's share this treat and see if Applejack got it perfect, just like Pear Butter."  "Oh stop." Pear Butter blushes, looking up to Apple Bloom. "Ya comin, Apple Bloom? Your friends are welcome to join us for some Apple pie!" "Oh, uh, I'll be there soon, ma. My friends just wanted to ask me something." Apple Bloom waves them off, as the rest of the family goes in to taste the pie. She turns back to you and Caramel. "Oh Apple Bloom." Caramel's eyes begin to tear up. "No one even seems to remember they were gone! And I get to know them!" Apple Bloom continues to explain. "And…nothing has changed at all?" Caramel asked. "Well…Applejack's cutie mark is a little different…and I haven't really seen her friends around here at all…and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just kind of look at me weird when I ask them why. One of them asked if I was sick." "Wait so…Applejack isn't an element holder." Caramel asks, shocked. "Why?" Apple Bloom thought before she spoke, "She told me she left the farm to find herself the day she got her cutie mark, and…and I think she left because she lost them. I know it's wrong. I'm so proud of when my sister saved the world so many times and now…now I have no idea if her absence will turn things to the worst, but I don't want to give them up again. Not when I finally get to see them…see what they like. I felt like a piece of me was missing and only they could fill. What should I do?" [CHOICE] What should she do? > She should have a chance to be with her whole family. (Chaos) > She needs to set things right. (Hero) > She should edit it so everypony has a chance to be with their lost loved ones. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Caramel nods, wiping the tears before they dare to spill from her eyes, "I agree with [USERNAME]. We would never ask a little filly to give up the page if it meant giving up her family. And we know it will be safe with you and yours.” Apple Bloom smiles, tears in her eyes, "Thank y'all fer understandin'. I promise none of those good for nothin villains will get anywhere with this page!" "We know, Apple Bloom. You go and have a grand time with your folks." Caramel waved the filly off. Then she turns to you and says, "I don't care what anypony says. We did the right thing today!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] Caramel bit her lip to keep from crying, and gave one big breath to calm down before she started, "Apple Bloom…I know…I know it's wonderful to have your folks back. Everypony misses those we lose. They aren't gone. They live in your heart and in your memories." "But they don't live in my memories! Applejack and Big Mac remember them, but I don't. I want to know them." Tears flowed down Apple Bloom's face. "Anypony can understand that, honey. However, having them here changed things with Applejack. Do you think she would want that?" Caramel asks. "Absolutely. If Applejack had to choose between bein' the savior of the world over and over or having our folks back, she would choose our folks cuz she loves them. Who cares if that means we might have to deal with more…bad guys…and hardships and-and I can't do this to her. She loves her friends. She's helped so many ponies. How can I take it away from her…even for them." Caramel hugs Apple Bloom tight, "It's okay to grieve. You have so many ponies that care about you that are here. Your friends and your family. There are ponies with stories of them. Never be afraid to reach out, little one." "Thank you." She hands you the page, not looking you in the eyes. "Can I…can I at least say goodbye first?" Unable to say a word, Caramel nods. "Hey ma, pa, can ya'll come back out here for a second?" Apple Bloom asks, trying her best to keep her tears from flowing. "Apple Bloom, what's wrong?" Bright Mac asks, worry etched in his voice. "Did you have a disagreement with your friends?" Pear Butter wonders. "Uh no…I just…I found out that something I did that I thought was a good thing hurts some ponies I care for…now…I-I…I can't do it!" Tears flow down Apple Bloom's Face, "I used a magic page to bring you two back, but in doing so, I stopped Applejack from helping lots and lots of ponies, so now I gotta change it back. I'm so sorry." Bright Mac and Pear Butter exchange looks. They both scoop their littlest daughter up, hugging her. "Nothin to be sorry for." Bright Mac shakes his head. "You're helping your sister, after all. We couldn't be more proud." Pear Butter nods. "And if we aren't around to see you and yer siblings grow up, I'm glad we got to see you now. Granny raised such a beautiful girl." Bright Mac squeezes his daughter. "And if you ever need us, look in your heart, and we'll be there." Pear Butter puts a hoof to Apple Bloom's chest before the two let go of the filly. "Now go on. Do the right thing." Bright Mac nods over to you and Caramel. As Apple Bloom takes out the page, you see Bright Mac hold Apple Butter tight. Apple Butter hides her face in Bright Mac's chest, holding him back, shaking from silent tears. An orange glow surrounds the farm and the parents are gone. Apple Bloom hands the page to you, tears still streaming from her eyes, "I think I'll need to be alone for awhile." (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You know what, Apple Bloom. This is a great idea!" You grin, "in fact, why stop at your parents? Why not bring back every creature's loved ones?!" Apple Bloom gasps, "why didn't I think of that? That's a fantastic idea!" She takes out the page, editing, "there! Now every creature will-" The page glows brightly, and suddenly, Sweet Apple Acres is filled to the brim with the apple family of the past. Buildings crumble from the sheer amount of ponies in them. The Everfree Forest is stuffed with animals. No creature can move without stepping on any other creature. Alicorns fill the skies. You and Caramel look at each other, squished. "Maybe…you should have thought that one through a little more." She sighs. (+1 page for Villains) > 4. #PrincessCozyGlow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Barley gave you the terrible news. The heroes’ worst fears have been realized. Some Pages have found their way into the hooves of villains. One has found its way to Cozy Glow; the crazy filly bent on using friendship for her own nefarious ends. You rush over to the School of Friendship, but when you get inside, things are already weird. Creatures everywhere are rushing around, grabbing things, and rushing back. As you make your way to the center of the school, you see Cozy on a throne, now an alicorn. She sneers.  "Oh goodie. New friends!" She steps down to see you. "Barley! You should be happy. With all magic gone, earth ponies will no longer be looked down upon. They can be just as noble as any unicorn. And I see a friend here. What's your name? Ah, [USERNAME], welcome to a new world. One where magic doesn't dictate hierarchy! Isn't it great?" "You wouldn't consider … giving us the Page … would you, Cozy Glow? As a gesture of kindness?" Barley attempts. Cozy laughs. "Like that'll happen. No. I have what I wanted. No more magic. No more ponies thinking they're better by wielding it. I just need one more thing. Bring her in!" Some students dressed as guards bring in Spoiled Milk, shoving her to the middle. "What is the meaning of this?!" she scoffs before looking at Cozy. "Do you see me now, Mom?! Now that I am the only pony with power?! I bet you love me now, won't you?! I bet you regret leaving Dad and me now that I am a princess. Well, it's too late. I have all the power and you will always have none!" Cozy laughs crazily. "Please, Cozy. Having no magic affects more than ponies. It affects the very land, the food, the weather … every aspect of our lives." Barley turns to you, "I don't think she's listening to reason … what should we do?" [CHOICE] How should you talk with Cozy? > Continue trying to reason with her using what you know is happening due to no magic. (Chaos) > Try a new tactic using what you've found out about her motivations. (Hero) > Support Cozy. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You continue to try reasoning with Cozy and she just laughs harder. "You hear that, Mother, Dear? The only magic left in the world is friendship, and I have more friends than anypony in all of Equestria! I am the Princess of Magic! You thought that I would grow up to be nothing, but I proved you wrong!" "Please. Cozy. Come home. I'm sure Filthy Rich will—" Spoiled Milk was interrupted with a laugh. "Will what? Adopt me? Take me in as his own? Does he even know I exist?! Or how about your perfect daughter? Do either of them have any idea that I am your daughter?!" When Spoiled says nothing, Cozy huffs in anger, "That's what I thought. Well. They'll certainly know now!"  "Let's get outta here. I think that we lost that Page." You whisper. Barley nods in agreement. The two of you slowly inch your way around Cozy and Spoiled Milk, trying your best not to be seen as Cozy laughs in her mother's face. "Show me your love now, mother! I am higher on the ladder than anypony will ever be in the history of Equestria and you will be on the lowest end for the rest of your life!" Cozy grins menacingly. "I'm glad her anger has only turned to Spoiled Milk at least." Barley whispers as you both finally get to the door and outside of it. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Cozy. Your mom was wrong to leave you," Barley starts at your suggestion, "and, to be honest, she's just an all-around horrid pony!" At this, Spoiled gasps, looking wounded. Barley ignores her, "I can see now why your heart's as cold as the mountains around Yakyakistan! But, to be honest, she, of all ponies, isn't worth all of this. Yes, there is a power to friendship, but only if the friendship is genuine. [USERNAME] and I can see the hurt you feel is genuine, but any response she gives won't be. It'll be made out of fear!"  Cozy stops laughing. "What do you mean?" "She will only say what she thinks you want to hear. It won't be from her heart. Heck, I doubt she even has one. I'm surprised Filthy has tolerated her for this long … probably for Diamond Tiara's sake." "Why, I never!" Spoiled huffs. "Well now ya have, yer highness. Look, Cozy. Anypony who truly cares about you likes ya despite where ya come from socially or what kinda pony you are. They care for who you are. Look at Twilight and her friends. They all come from different backgrounds. You don't deserve somepony who makes you feel like you have to do all of this just to gain her love!" Cozy looks to Spoiled. She sighs, handing you the Page. "This isn't over. I just … I just need to figure out what I really want, and then I'll come back for that." (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You're right, Cozy!" you exclaim. Cozy freezes, turning to you. "What did you say?"  "Yeah!" Barley nod. "You know what, magic got us into this whole mess! Magic pages give everyone anything they could ever want, and poor Fizzy is out there somewhere, trying to fix it. If it weren't for magic, she would have just been reading a book, eating some ice cream, and then playing online for hours, but nooooo!" "And what Spoiled put you through is just wrong!" You nod. Cozy purses her lips, looking between the two of you for a long moment. Then a friendly smile covers her face as she flutters closer. "How wonderful it is to have more friends! Golly, I can't thank you enough for understanding. Now, mom and I need to have a long conversation. It's been so long since we've seen each other, so we have a lot of catching up to do. Once I'm finished, maybe we can talk about the ways we can change this place. I am a princess after all!" She giggles. "Go on and wait for just a little bit." "P-please Cozy, you don't understand. Your father and I-we didn't-that is-we didn't…work for each other. I didn't want to leave you." Spoiled starts. "Oh, don't worry, mother dear, I will make sure you get to be in the place best for you in the new society. How about the town garbage collector!" You hear as you and Barley go into a nearby classroom, waiting to talk about how to make the world better. (+1 page for Villains) > 5. Party with Pinkie Pie (actor prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Pinkie Pie Quest Outline: To Party with Pinkie or not to Party with Pinkie; that is the question. Character Position:  This is Pinkie at her very best partying area. This is Pinkie who somehow knows everything one minute and is oblivious the next.  Actor Instructions:  Apart from Discord, Pinkie is the most 4th-wall-breaking character there is. Have her worried for Fizzy but also say things like, "come on. Don't take it too seriously. It's just a fun game!" Pinkie is here to break the tension and have a good time! Sure, she wants her friends to win in the end but she also trusts that her friends will win, so why not enjoy this freedom while she can? Have a good time! Dance, sing off key or on. Bounce balloons around, offer candy. Make this your space for anyone who feels a little overwhelmed to just have fun. If others decide to join in the fun, they get the codeword #partywithpinkie (chaos) If they decide against it they get the codeword #partypooper (villian) Character Headspace: Pinkie is all about intuition. She just knew that some of the stories would be fun and funny and cute. She knew others would be hard. So, Pinkie does what she knows best. She throws a huge, "You're doing great! Keep it up!" Party. I'm talking streamers, balloons, candy, music, tiny cupcakes. The works. She wanted every creature to feel good about where they are and how much they did. > 6. #ThisStoryRocks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You hear tell that there was a page floating in the wind towards a thicket of brambles. You make your way through the brambles as they get thicker and thicker, until you barely squeeze through. You swear these must be the thickest of all the brambles in all of Equestria. Once you make it through that, you find yourself staring at the most twisted vines you've ever seen. With a great big sigh, you slowly make it through those as well to see a hole in the ground, and next to the hole, a gray diamond dog blinks his eyes multiple times. He looks at himself astonished, then he looks at you and Barley, at a loss for words. The diamond dog looks at you for a moment, then begins feeling his face and looking himself over, to the point he’s literally running to catch his tail. He catches it with a small yelp and then turns to you. "I am free!" He grins to your complete confusion. "Who…who are you?" Barley asks. "Oh yes. Sorry. It's been so long. My name is Thomas Maxwoof, but you may call me Tom. That is what she called me." Tom smiles. "Uh…she?" Barley inquired. "One of your kind. Funny point on her head. Fur of the purest white opal. Hair like the richest deep amethyst. She who is the very definition of beauty!" "Wait…Rarity?!" Barley guesses. "Rarity. Even her name shows her essence, for there is no rarer gem than she, who saw through my curse and found my name. She loved me, despite my curse. But-" a yellow tinge covers the whites of his eyes as he speaks next, "puny pony threw Tom out. Pony no care for Tom. Rarity-pah. Should see what being rock is like for a decade or two." "Wait. You were a rock?!" Barley gasped. "Yes. Diamond dogs cursed thousands of moons ago by evil king when one of our clan stole a gem. Now, we must always hunt for gems. We keep them close to stop turning to stone. Gems magic keeps curse away for time." Tom takes out a page, "But special paper turn me back!" Barely looks over to Tom and then to Tom. "Is there any way to change you back after you turn into a rock? Besides the…special paper?" He hoped. "Only powerful gem or many many gems can change back once turned. Why?" "Uh…give us juuuust a second." Barley nods to Tom and then pulls you away out of earshot. Barley lays his hoof over his forehead in worry and whispers, "No one warned us of this. We need as many pages as we can get before the villains get them but…but if we take this one, Tom will be cursed to be a stone." He looks to you, desperation in his eyes as he asks, “What do we do?!" [CHOICE] > Allow Tom to keep the page. (Chaos) > Ask for the page and swear to find a way to remove the curse. (Hero) > Allow Tom to keep the page and subtly convince him to get revenge on Rarity. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Barley nods to you in agreement. You both go back to Tom who is now sniffing around the hole next to him, and everywhere nearby. "I so missed the sense of smell." He sighed. "Listen, Tom. That page is very powerful and very important. It cannot get into the wrong hooves or what have you" Barley explains, "so we need you to keep it safe for us, okay? Keep it with you at all times." Tom freezes, shocked. "Yes. Thank you for trusting me with this…and giving me the opportunity to live again!" "You're welcome." Barley smiles before you both go off. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] Barley nods to you in agreement. You both go back to Tom who is now sniffing around the hole next to him, and everywhere nearby. "I so missed the sense of smell." He sighs. "Listen. Tom. That page is very powerful and very important. It can not get into the wrong hooves or what have you" Barley explains. "We need to take it back with us. If the wrong creatures find you, they will take it by force, but we are asking you to give it back to us. In return, we give our word to do everything we can to bring you back. We'll find as many diamond dogs to help or even find enough gems ourselves if we have to." Tom clings to the paper. You add "We need it to help a friend." He looks at both of you. He looks down at the paper and sighs. "Diamond dogs could learn from ponies. Ponies care for friends. Diamond dogs move on. I shall give you a page." Tom hugs the page one more time before handing it to them. An orange light surrounds him, and he becomes stone once more. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: Villain] Barley nods to you in agreement. You both go back to Tom who is now sniffing around the hole next to him, and everywhere nearby. "I so missed the sense of smell." He sighs. "Listen. Tom. That page is very powerful and very important. It cannot get into the wrong hooves or what have you." Barley explains, “so we need you to keep it safe for us, okay? Keep it with you at all times.” “Very well, pony. Tom gives his word!" Tom nods. You go over, and whisper to him about how sorry you are that Rarity treated him that coldly, alluding how no good pony would act that way. You walk away, a subtle smirk on your face as Barley asks, "What was that about?" "Oh, nothing." You shrug as you both go off. (+1 page for Villains) > 7. #FluttershyBranchesOut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You hear rumors of a page being seen floating towards Fluttershy's cottage. Caramel immediately imagines a scenario where Angel Bunny gets the page and, in a moment of sheer terror, nearly loses you as she races straight to the cottage. Once at Fluttershy's cottage, everything seems normal. The animals seem fine. Angel seems, well, like himself. You begin to wonder if maybe your information was wrong. You finish looking in the front of the house, and all around the rooms. Finally, you make it to the back of Fluttershy's house. In the middle of her yard you find a yellow tree with light pink leaves swaying gently in the wind. You swear that, as a gentle breeze blows through, you hear the tree give a quiet, and very subtle, "Yay!" Caramel's eyes blink in shock and surprise as you both slowly walk around the odd tree. Caramel tentatively speaks. "Fluttershy… Is that you?!" The wind blows again and you once again heat the familiar timid voice as if it is carried by the wind. "Yeah," it breathes. "Why, of all the things you could change-why did you turn into a tree?" Caramel asks. "I just like being a tree." The voice whispers in the breeze, the light pink leaves moving gently with each word. Caramel sighs, "Well at least this will be easy enough. The page has got to be here somewhere." Angel sees you starting to look. The bunny hops between you and the tree, holding its paws out, an angry look on its face. You stop, trying to get around Angel, but every time you turn, Angel turns with you, anger and determination on his face. Caramel turns to you. "Great. The bunny doesn't want us to find the page to turn Fluttershy back. I wonder if he thinks he's protecting her. What should we do?" [CHOICE] How should you go about finding Fluttershy's page? > Forcibly getting Angel out of the way (Chaos) > Talking Angel into helping you (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You walk over, finding a feed bag nearby that is mostly empty from feeding animals. You pick up the bunny, throwing him into the bag and hanging it on a hook outside Fluttershy's house used for bird feeders. Caramel nods before you look along the tree. You eventually see the page stuck high between some branches. Caramel starts to decide the best way to get it down. You feel a kick to your feet. You look down and Angel is at your feet again. The feed bag you had hung has a hole chewed through the bottom. Angel whistles and you hear a stampede of animals coming towards you. "...We should run!" Caramel decides. You try to reach for the page only to get attacked by a hummingbird. More birds fly around, pecking at your head. You fall, pigs squealing in anger. A beaver slaps your face with his tail. Harry the bear growls, leaning close to your face and roars, spit falling on your face. Squirrels run around Caramel's mane. Other bunnies kick her with their hind legs. Snakes make her trip. You and Caramel are run out of the cottage as the animals form a barrier to keep the tree safe. "Well, I guess we're not getting that page." Caramel sighs. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You and Caramel whisper to each other. Then she leans down. "You're right, Angel,” Caramel says.” This is what Fluttershy wants. We should let her enjoy this. Even if it means you and your animal friends will never get to see her, and she can't feed you when she's a tree. It really is too bad you will have to fend for yourselves from now on, but hey, Flutters gets to have her wish, and that's what matters." Angel thinks about it, shock on his face from the realization. After a few minutes, he jumps around. You see an orange glow and Fluttershy is back to her normal self. Angel hands you the page, and waves as Fluttershy looks around for a moment, confused. Angel squeaks in her ear. "Oh. You are right, Angel,” Fluttershy replies. I suppose I couldn't feed any of you as a tree. I mean, I could have knocked down some seeds, but I would only have so many. I am so sorry I didn't think of that. Let's grab all of you some yummy food." Fluttershy looks back where she was a tree just moments ago. A sad sigh escapes for before she goes back to caring for her friends. As you leave, Caramel whispers, "You are so clever. Thanks for coming up with that idea to talk to Angel! Now. Let's go find the next!" (+1 page for Heroes) > 8. Chance of a Lifetime (actor prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Flim and Flam Quest Outline: Flim and Flam have a page and are willing to give any creature the chance to win it… for a price. Character Position: Flim and Flam knew one thing when they heard about the missing pages from the grape vine: Those pages meant power, and power meant money. But why use a page and undoubtedly be stopped by Applejack and her goody two-shoes friends when they can sell it and make a fortune?But if they sell it to one group, that would show favoritism and that would put them on bad terms with the other two teams. No. The best course of action would be to sell a chance to win. Then no one can blame them for who wins in the end because it's up to chance now! Actor Instructions: The actors will have a table with a simple prize machine full of those little ring cases for small prizes. In every one of these is a slip of paper. Most of them have “try again” and a few have funny prizes we can give out (1 free flim Flam invisible miracle brand tonic). The main prize though will be the page to whoever gets it! Once someone wins a prize, Flim and Flam should ask them which faction they support, and then they reveal a matching codeword. Heroes get #LuckyDuck, Chaos gets #OneInAMillion, and Villain gets #MakeYourOwnLuck. Afterwards cosplayers can either end the scene or just reset the prize machine. Your jobs are to schmooze with people, let them think they can be the ones to put their team over the top. To pay for the prize, Flim and Flam try to convince the con goer to give them just one gem from a jar that says “Rarity’s” on it (possibly “do not touch”) nearby. They were told they couldn't touch it but no one said someone else couldn't give them one. If the con goer decides to use a gem to pay, they immediately get the codeword #takeachance (villian) along with trying for the free codeword. If they refuse, the twins reluctantly give them the codeword #goodyfourshoes (hero) Character Headspace: Your job is to 'scam' as many customers as possible and 'get rich' in a way where, no matter what, you come out the winner. Even if someone wins the page early, always make it seem like you have more! Schmooze creatures over. Tell them how powerful the page is. Make outlandishly amazing it will be when the odds are down and there's them with a page running to victory. Sing a tune off the top of your head if you want! Do anything you can to try to sell, sell, sell, and get those gems! > 9. Daring Do Shananigins (actor prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Daring Do and Caballeron Quest Outline: Help Daring Do hide from Dr. Caballeron or help Dr. Caballeron find Daring Do Character Position: Dr. Caballeron had it in his hooves. He had a page. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with it. Then, horribly, Daring Do came in, and stole the page right in front of him, while laughing! Dr. Caballeron was furious! How dare she take this from him?! Weren't there worse ponies out there?! He went after her, but lost her in the crowd! He needs your help finding her! Daring heard about the pages and quickly knew some villains who would do terrible things if they got their hooves on them. Of course, the first Villain she checked out, the ever greedy Dr. Caballeron, already had one in his possession. Daring quickly snatched the page from Dr. Caballeron's grasp, running off, but Dr. Caballeron is right behind her. He could come around any corner any moment and she needs help hiding until she can get the page safely to Charlie (or a staff member of some sort. Maybe one of the mascots?) Actor Instructions: If you are Daring Do, your job is to listen to those who help you and hide. This should be as ridiculous as possible! Feel free to have a hat, glasses and cloak to become A.K. Yearling if the situation demands it! Take a bit of paper and pretend to be art. Hide under tables. Anything to keep the other actor from 'noticing you.' Make it fun and funny. Especially if you have kids present. Listen to the ideas of the people around you. You never know what creative way they'll think of for you to hide. Note there is another actor who will be actively looking for you. You are both after the same page. Near the end of the trial, you need to try to get the page into the hands of Charlie (or whoever we decide is the mark) before Dr. Caballeron takes it to use for his own purposes! Once you finish, anyone who helped you gets the codeword #hidedaringdo (hero) If you are Caballeron, Your job is to find Daring Do! Make it as ridiculous as possible. Make it where if her face isn't in your direct line of sight, you don't see her. Have fun with it. Listen to your helpers but also question them. Feel free to come up with ideas to trick Daring too. You can dress up as Charlie or the mascots in a small way (beard and glasses for Charlie, a brown hat for Barley. A headband with braids for Caramel. The possibilities are endless here!) Make sure to keep your accent though XD! When you think the time is right, try to do a last minute snatch so your team can win back the page! For all the people who helped you at this point gets the codeword #Finddaringdo (villain) Character Headspace: Daring is trying to save as much of Equestria as she can. She doesn't know this neck of the woods. She isn't happy about asking for help, but she also remembers how much Rainbow Dash helped her so she's hoping this will work in her favor. She is an action pony. She isn't afraid of looking strange or silly if it means getting the job done! Dr. Caballeron is a man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. In the same feelings as Flim and Flam, he is more worried about wealth than anything and this page, he believes, is going to make him extremely rich! Also, he's sick and tired of losing to Daring Do! > 10. #100%OriginalOCDONOTSTEAL > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story My name is Dismal Dapple. I was born a normal unicorn with a black coat and red and black striped mane and tail. I loved my mom and dad, but they never understood me or my black colored magic. All of the other fillies thought I was evil because I was so misunderstood.  One magical day, I got my cutie mark when I realized I just wanted to be myself. My cutie mark showed through, and it was me! It was so special that Celestia made me into the very first alicorn prince! My parents were excited, but all of the other fillies and colts were jealous of my powers, and bullied me, and I grew up without a friend. Then, one day, a magical meteor fell towards the city of Canterlot. Celestia and Luna try to stop the meteor, to no avail. Even the elements of harmony were no match for the ever falling meteor.  Ponies held one another in terror as it looked like our entire world would be gone in a moment. I knew I had to try something. I stood on the highest hill I could find, using my magic and my belief in myself to help my magic. To the surprise of every pony, I stopped the meteorite that eluded the princesses. It barely touched my horn before it flung back into space. The magic embedded in the meteorite transformed my body, imbuing me with a magic never before seen in Equestria, and I became the first bi-corn: an alicorn with two horns. With the transformation, Celestia dubbed.me with a new name: Alicornious: protector of all Equestria, and life was wonderful. But, it wasn't meant to be. Not even a moon after my heroic deed, a terrible creature by the name of Hexbane came, jealous of my deed. He put a curse on me and my whole family. When my family and I were on our way to celebrate the anniversary with the princesses, we were in a terrible accident!  The flying carriage fell. I tried to catch my parents only to be caught by an anaconda with an elephant head. I could do nothing but watch as my parents were torn away from me.  Hexbane laughed. He told me that he was going to take everything from me, and his pet struck, biting my second horn right off. When I went to the princesses for help, they didn't remember my heroics. No pony did. Worse even, Celestia had no recollection of making me an alicorn. When I tried to explain it was due to my unique cutie mark, she raised an eyebrow at me.  I looked down to find my cutie mark had changed. Instead of being a miniature version of myself, it was a shattered mirror with fragments of myself, and both princesses believed me to be evil. I had no choice but to hide in my family's expensive mansion outside of Canterlot, alone. Maybe I'm meant to be alone. I thought that, but then, I found a magic page in my mailbox. The magic page can change anything. I just can't decide. Do I just get everything back, or should I get revenge? [CHOICE]  > Get your life back. (Chaos) > REVENGE! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] I write down my dearest wish. My parents are back, safe and sound. I am the hero of Equestria, and every mare loves me, but Hexbane still vexes me.  Still, we are ever vigilant in keeping our memories and my loved ones safe, finding guards against his hexes. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] I wrote down my dearest wish. The page glows, and I find myself in front of Hexbane, my fury in my eye. I have control of his pet, using the anaconda with the elephant head against him. He quickly becomes entangled just like I had, and…as they say, an eye for an eye…he's never seen again. (+1 page for Villains) > 11. S.M.I.L.E. (actor prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Secret Agent Sweetie Drops (Aka Bon Bon) Quest Outline: A page has flown into the den of the Bug Bear. Secret Agent Sweetie Drops of S.M.I.L.E. needs your help to retrieve it before the bug bear takes it! Character Position: Bon Bon worries about this page business. Her hooves have been full trying to pin down the locations of as many pages as possible to try to help the heroes. Her heart sank when she heard the worst possible news: one page flew into the den of the bug bear that has been tracking her all this time! She thinks about the love of her life, Lyra, her friends, her time in the various places in Equestria, and her double life with S.M.I.LE. With one small slip of paper, she knows full well that bug bear can take it all away from her…or worse Actor Instructions: You are a secret agent so secrecy is a huge deal for you. Use code words and code names. Use decoder words and invisible ink. Have your junior secret agents know how dangerous this will be. There may be obstacles set up. Feel free to embellish how dire the obstacles are. Give spy gadgets to get out of sticky situations! When you encounter the bug bear (a picture of him), let the junior know you will keep it busy (maybe use nerf gun darts? Laser tag? Have the bear out of the cave for some reason) and run off to it while they sneak in to grab the page! If someone can retrieve the page that is by the Bugbear's liar, and give it to Sweety Drops/ Bon Bon get codeword #S.M.I.L.E (heroes) if they retrieve the page and keep it give the code word #doubleagent (chaos) and if they refuse to help give them the codeword #bugbear (evil) (there can be extra hidden pages that hidden in a covered basket to hide again, or maybe they can feel around for one if that works) Character Headspace: Bon Bon is terrified of losing everypony and everything she cares for. She also believes the bugbear to be one of the most dangerous creatures in all of Equestria. She's scared but she is also grateful to the ones who are willing to help! > 12. #DreamsComeTrue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Knowing Ponyville is a prime spot for pages to be found, you and Fizzy are taking a look around Ponyville. Fizzy watches as the Ponies go about their day with a sigh. "Maybe it would be easier if I could find somepony who understood what it was like to love something that no pony seems to care about." Fizzy thinks aloud. At that moment, you and Fizzy are bumped into by Bon Bon. Bon Bon looks worried. She sees you both and sighs. "Sorry. Don't have time to chat. Tell Lyra I'll be back soon!" She waves as she goes off. After shaking off the obvious shock, you and Fizzy shrug and go to talk to Lyra as requested. Lyra is in her house, humming an upbeat and jazzy tune. She sees you both and brightens up. "Hello there Fizzy! Hey there uh…" "[USERNAME]." Fizzy informs her. "Nice to meet you! Say. I have a problem. Maybe you two can help!" Lyra grins. "We can try." Fizzy shrugs. “Okay, Let’s imagine you’ve always dreamt of something, but aren’t sure which experience would be most fulfilling. If you could become something you’ve always wished to be, or see something you’ve always wanted to see, which would you choose?” Lyra asks. [CHOICE] >[A.] Be what you've always wanted. >[B.] See something you’ve always wished to see. >[C.] Why not both? [CHOICE] > [A.] Be what you've always wanted Fizzy and you converse for a moment and you nod. Turning back to Lyra you answer, “We’ve decided we’d rather become something. Does that solve your problem?” "Does it!" Lyra beams, pulling out a bright glowing page. A blinding light engulfs her. The glow around lyra makes her look as though her minty fur has turned to peach. You realize it’s not just your eyes; she has peach skin where her mint fur once was, which has now turned to mint colored clothing. Not only that, but her fur has shrunk to just a small patch atop her head and her shiny hooves have turned to hands! You and Fizzy stare in shock as she shakily raises to two legs instead of four. Lyra meets your astonished gazes with a wide grin. “I finally did it! Look, I’m a human! I knew they existed!” Fizzy buries her face in her hoof with a heavy sigh. "Honestly, we should have seen this coming." Ignoring Fizzy’s neigh-saying, Lyra takes a couple shakey steps, figuring out how to balance while walking bipedally. She then moves on to bending and flexing her new found fingers, trying to pick things up. "This is the best day of my life!” She squeals in glee. “Wait until Bon Bon sees me!" Fizzy scratches her head in thought. "Well, Lyra is certainly different, but she seems happy. I don’t really see any real harm. Although Bon Bon may not see it that way… Should we just…let this one be? [CHOICE] > Let Lyra stay human. (Chaos) > Help Bon Bon convince Lyra to stay a pony. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You shrug and Fizzy nods, "Yeah. What's the harm? So she looks a bit different. At least she’s happy. Come on, let's find a page that makes a worse outcome." (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You see Bon Bon returning and make your way toward her to explain what happened, but before you can break the news gently, Lyra rushes over waggling her new fingers in Bon Bon’s face.. "Bon Bon! Look! Hands!" Bon Bon’s mouth drops open as she jumps back nearly falling over. "Wha-how?!" Is all she manages. "Magic page!" Lyra grins. Bon Bon slaps a hoof to her head. "Lyra. How are we going to be…you know…super secret buddies if you stick out like a sore thumb?!" "And how will you be able to nuzzle?" Fizzy asked. You point out flaws you see in the body she has as well. She looks at her hands. "But…I love myself this way. If I stay this way though…I won't be with the one I love as often?" You three nod. "Fine." She sighs sadly, and goes back to normal in a glow, gloomily giving you the page. "I love Bon Bon more than I love being human." Bon Bon trots over to her then and there, planting a kiss. (+1 page for Heroes) [CHOICE] >[B.] See something you've always wanted to see. Fizzy looks at you and you talk together before nodding. "We think it would be better to see something we've always wanted to see. Does that help?" "Does it?!" Lyra grins and pulls out a page, which glows brightly, engulfing the entire house and maybe more as the bright glow prevents you from seeing anything. After a moment, the light dies down and you see a group of people, mostly boys, who are all human! You would think that that would be the weirdest part, but these people somehow have various ponies on their person: shirts, plusses, and other memorabilia of Twilight and other well known creatures of Equestria. "What in the Stargate is going on here?!" Fizzy asks, "is this like a Sliders situation or-" "No worries Fizzy!" Lyra grins, "I just wished to find humans who would want to meet us as much as I wanted to meet them. I guess there's a human world with people who love ponies! Isn't that amazing?!" She grins, holding one of the human’s arms up, "And look! Hands! It's so cool. I have so many questions!" Fizzy looks at you. "These creatures seem…strange, but not evil. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have them around? What do you think? [CHOICE] > (Chaos) Allow the bronies to stay > (Hero) Make Lyra have the bronies leave > (villain) Allow the bronies to stay and manipulate them into luring the heroes away [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Well. If you're sure." Fizzy shrugs. "You hear that, boys? They decided you can stay!" Lyra grinned. She goes back to asking one brony questions while the rest erupt in absolute joy. You set up some ground rules to make sure the bronies don't overstep their boundaries. They look around their new home in awe and adoration. One asks for permission before patting Fizzy's mane, squeezing with delight. They all start to go off, excited to see their new home. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Lyra, this isn't their home. They have families and lives." "They seem pretty happy to me!" Lyra pouts. The bronies look ecstatic. You shake your head. "[USERNAME] is right, Lyra! They can't stay. I'm sorry. They may be happy now but there's no telling how long they will stay that way. Or how this will affect every creature in this world. We don't even know if they can eat our food!" Lyra sighs and, with a glow, the bronies are gone. She hands the page over, tears in her eyes. "It's not fair. Why can't I just enjoy my dream for a little while…" (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: Villain] "Well, if you're sure." Fizzy shrugs. "You hear that, boys? They decided you can stay!" Lyra grinned. She goes back to asking one brony questions while the rest erupt in absolute joy. You nod, and talk to each of the bronies about their favorite pony, and tell them they should meet them. You weave ideas of holding them and how the ponies would love to be entertained by these new creatures, knowing full well the distraction will cause the heroes to lose time and pages. (+1 page villains) [CHOICE] >[C.] Why not both? Fizzy looks at you and you talk together before nodding. "My friend here makes a good point. Do you have to choose? Isn't there a way to have both?" Lyra's eyes glitter as a huge grin spreads across her face. "Yeah. I think there just might be!" She pulls out a page and before anyone can say a word, a huge glow erupts all around you. When you blink, you see an ornate mirror in front of Lyra. Lyra looks confused. She touches the mirror. The mirror ripples. She shrugs and jumps in. What do you do? [CHOICE] > Follow her > Leave her be, and wait [CHOICE: Follow her] You see a world full of humans of every color of the rainbow. You are a human. Lyra is a human. "This is amazing!" She cheers. "Let's go see what humans do!" She stands up on wobbly legs and tries to take a step. She falls, laughing. She tests her hands, going first on all fours and using a nearby statue to stand upright. She helps you and Fizzy up next. As you stand, you notice the side of the statue you came out of seems to be…cracking, or bleeding through to the edges of the statue itself. You turn to Lyra, who is already striding through on her two feet, triumph plastered on her face. You look through this school of familiar faces. Girls and boys who look disturbingly similar to ponies you know are all over this place. Lyra grins. “This is fantastic! I could stay here forever." Fizzy looks down, "this is her dream, but the magic seems unstable…what should we do?" [CHOICE] > (Chaos) Allow Lyra to live her dream > (Hero) Show Lyra the cracks [ENDING A: CHAOS] You watch Lyra, who is slowly petting someone's hair who looks confused and weirded out. She smiles broadly, running up to another human and holding her hands out. She squeals when the person shakes one of her hands, causing the person to jump away. You hold one hand on Fizzy's shoulder, shaking your head. She sighs. "Yeah you're right. Who are we to take this happiness from her?" You and Fizzy return through the portal, leaving Lyra behind with the humans. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You sigh, walking up to Lyra as she slowly pats someone's hair, and pull her away. The hair-patted person is clearly grateful. "Hey, let me go!" Lyra protests before you point out the statue. She freezes. Fizzy sighs. "Lyra. I'm sorry, but having this mirror here….it's hurting this world…maybe both worlds. You can see it here, right? The cracks are bigger than when we arrived. This could destroy both worlds!" Lyra sighs. "It really was too good to be true huh…" tears flow down her eyes as an orange glow engulfs you and you find yourselves back in Lyra's home. She gives you the page. "...sorry." She sighs. Fizzy hugs her. "You can teach me all about humans." She promises. "Okay." Lyra agrees. (+1 page for Heroes) [CHOICE: Leave her be, and wait.] You both sit in Lyra's house bored for hours. She pops her head out to see you. "You know, don't worry about waiting for me. I'm staying here forever!" "Aw, horse feathers.” Fizzy mutters under her breath, “What are we going to do? Bon Bon is going to be so mad!" [CHOICE] > (Chaos) Leave Lyra be > (Hero) Remind Lyra of Bon Bon [ENDING A: CHAOS] You shrug. Fizzy sighs, "You're right. It's Lyra's choice. Not ours." Lyra beams. "Thanks for understanding, guys!" And goes back in once more, possibly forever. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "You're right…Bon Bon would miss me if I left to another world forever….and if I had to choose between my life long dream and Bon Bon…I would choose her every time!" An orange glow surrounds you again and you find yourselves without a mirror. Lyra hands you the page, a sad smile on her face, "Let's keep this whole thing our little secret, okay?" (+1 page for Heroes) > 13. #AShadowofDoubt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Fizzy sighs as you both make your way towards Ponyville. You pat her head in hopes of helping her feel better. "I can't believe I caused so much trouble…” Fizzy sighs. “I mean, it’s not so bad, Fiz.” you give a dry chuckle, “I mean, there have been a few weird and hard moments, but nothing world-ending, right?” At that moment, you note something out of the corner of your eye. Without thinking, you push Fizzy away, swept up in black, spiked vines that thrash you around. Fizzy gasps. “[USERNAME]!” she shouts, glaring at the aggressive vines that continuously reach for her hooves to no avail. Her eyes glowing in anger, she yells, “LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!” Going into her Nirik form to deal with the issue at hoof, she rushes into the vines, and burns them to a crisp. You fall down hard onto the ground. Shocked, Fizzy goes back to her Kirin form, dragging you out of the spreading inferno. You both watch as the surviving vines squeal away from the fire. You bite your lip, confusion written all over your face. “That’s weird. Isn’t this supposed to be where Ponyville is? Did we make a wrong turn?!” Fizzy checks her phone., “No. This is where Ponyville should be, but it’s not.” “...We should get the princesses.” You nod, turning towards Canterlot. Canterlot stands fortified, unicorns standing guard as pegasi patrol the skies. You are attacked with questions at the gate, but let in when you tell the guards about the vine attack. As you make your way, you swear that you see Starlight and Trixie as part of the watch at the borders, but they get blocked off by the walls before you are sure. Inside, Earth ponies work on making rations, as well as making and fixing clothes. Flashes of other timelines with the use of Starlight’s spell flash through your head, and you murmur to Fizzy, “My guess is that somepony messed with time!” Fizzy nods in agreement, and you make your way to the castle. You both look around to find the two regal sisters, but instead you see Twilight in the library, her hair pulled into a bun. Excited to finally see a friendly face, you and Fizzy both rush over, “TWILIGHT!” you both gasp. Twilight jumps away, raising an eyebrow, “Yes? May I help you?” “It’s so good to see you!” Fizzy sighs, a moment of relief flashing through her before her face softens back into a somber one, “What…what happened here?” “What do you mean?” Twilight asks, then, looking both of you up and down, “And what creatures ARE you?” “Oh, I’m a Kirin. This is my friend [USERNAME]. They’re human.” Fizzy explains. “Huh.” Twilight looks around the books, searching with her magic, “We have a few mentions of Kirins, but nothing on humans. Are you a brand new species?” “....something like that…” you look away. “The point is, we, um…we don’t know a lot about pony history. We’re from a different nation. We heard ponies were peaceful and fun loving.” Fizzy lies. “Oh.” Twilight sighs, putting the books away with a single thought, “Over a thousand moons ago, a creature by the name of Discord ravaged our land with chaos. Ponies were powerless to stop it…until one fateful day, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna banished the Lord of Chaos into a pocket dimension…and themselves with it.” “Why didn’t they use the Elements of Harmony?!” You ask before placing your hands over your mouth. Twilight turns her head toward you, raising an eyebrow before looking through her books once more, “I think you’re confused. You mean the Pillars of Harmony, correct? The seven pillars who once made our world peaceful? While I believe Starswirl was still alive at that time, most of the others were long gone, and even Starswirl was well past his prime.” She turns, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to study before Sombra decides to attack our stronghold again. Last time, he took out a section of the wall and half of my science section of books with it!” “...but Twilight…what about helping Equestria…and your friends?” Fizzy asked. “Friends?” Twilight blinks, “I am MUCH too busy for friends. I have important tactics to go over, so…please leave.” She uses her magic to push you both through the door. Fizzy hyperventilates, “What are we going to do? Some creature changed the past! We can’t go into the past!” “We can use Starswirl’s time spell like Starlight did.” You offer. “It only worked for more than 10 seconds after Starlight messed with it! I don’t think we can just go up and say ‘Hey, Starlight. Sorry to bother you, but we knew you once and you were friends with Twilight, but you don’t remember any of this because somepony changed history as we know it.’ Yeah. That’ll work!” Fizzy exclaims, finding your suggestion difficult to process. “It’s always difficult when the timeline is wrong, and you’re the only one who knows it.” Another voice sighs. You and Fizzy jump as you realize Doctor Whooves is next to you, leaning against a statue of the two regal sisters. “Wha-how-why-?” Fizzy began. “All fantastic questions, my curious kirin, but all that really matters is that I am here, I remember the world as it was, and I wish to fix things as well. You two believe some creature messed with the past. I came to the same conclusion. How about we work together to fix this?” Whooves offers. “Deal.” You nod, shaking his hoof, “Twilight said there’s no mention of the Elements of Harmony.” “Oh, and she called the pillars The Pillars of Harmony and not the pillars of Equestria…said there was seven too, which is weird…I thought there were six.” “Seven…why would there be sev-” you freeze, eyeing Whooves before asking, “Do you remember Stygian?” “I do indeed.” Whooves nods, “As well as what happens to the poor unicorn.” “Stygian?” Fizzy asks, “What’s he got to-” Realization floods her eyes, “Oh…OH. Seven!” “Exactly.” you nod. “Okay, but how will we get back to Stygian’s time?” Fizzy wonders. “Leave that to me!” Whooves grins. * * * You walk out of the tiny barn-like home with a new appreciation of quantum mechanics. Whooves waves you off. "You two go on. Seems a calibration is in order." You and Fizzy stare out onto the land, night settling over every area. You look over to the cave that should one day house the Tree of Harmony, now barren. "Alright. Let's fix the future!" You nod. "How did Whooves house bring us to the past?! What kind of magic item does that?!" Fizzy looks back. "No time!" You pull Fizzy along, looking for Stygian. To your surprise, you find Sygian being hugged by the Pillars, a grin on his face. Every single Pillar shows the small unicorn affection…except one. Starswirl the Bearded sits off to the side, a smile on his face. You and Fizzy exchange looks. You both sit on either side of him. "Starswirl?" You begin. He looks between you and Fizzy, and sighs, "I wish I could say I'm shocked, but no magic is infallible. So, you found me out." He nods over to Stygian. "Once I knew about these pages, there was only one thing I would change…I wished for him to have the…the relationship with us that he always deserved." He looks up to the sky. "After everything we-no…" he looks back down to the ground, shame covering his face, "after everything I did…he deserved this much. I'm sure you're from the future. You, my Kirin friend, aren't discovered until long after we come back from our…long vacation." He looks over to you, " And my apologies to you, odd creature, but I've never seen anything like you in all my life!" "Yeah. We're from the future…" Fizzy reveals. "Great. Tell me of the tales that come from this day. Tell me how wonderful the future is now." Fizzy looks to you for help. [CHOICE] What do you tell Starswirl? > Well, the future changed, but all we need to do is fix one thing! (Chaos) > Tell Starswirl about the implications and what he can do in the present instead. (Hero) > Tell Starswirl everything's fine. We can fix what's wrong ourselves! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Well. The future is a bit messed up…Tia and Luna are gone and the ponies seem to be in constant war." You admit. "WHAT?!" Starswirl gasps. "All of that from helping a friend?" "I don't think it was the friend, Starswirl." Fizzy adds. "Before you decided to banish the Pony of Shadows and yourselves, you planted something to protect Equestria in your place…remember?" You prompt. "The Tree of Harmony. Of course!" Starswirl gasps. "We never planted it. Well, we will now. Thank you. Both if you. With Stygian to help us, the Tree of Harmony will be stronger than ever!" You each hug Starswirl before going back to your time. The world of Equestria is almost the same as you know it, but the Pillars are nothing more than ancient history, and there is a new Pillar that everypony talks about: Stygian. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Well. The future is a bit messed up…Tia and Luna are gone and the ponies seem to be in constant war." You admit. "WHAT?!" Starswirl gasps. "All of that from helping a friend?" “It seems like such a small thing, but the implications are massive.” Fizzy sighs. “It’s wonderful that you want to help your friend,” you continue, “but, unfortunately, you didn’t, and trying to change that has terrible consequences for the future. Instead of trying to fix the past, maybe you should work on showing Stygian how much you care in the present.” Starswirl sighs, “I suppose you’re right.” He reveals a bright page, changing what was written. The page glows, and, as it dies down, you see tents as the Pillars, now without Stygian, get ready for their last known night in Equestria. Starswirl gives you the page. “Would you two look after this for me?” He asks as you and Fizzy realize the page brought you back to the Equestria you know and love. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] “You know…it’s..” you look at Stygian’s face and back at the smile on Starswirl, “...it’s great.” “Huh?” Fizzy wonders. You exchange looks with Fizzy and she slowly nods, “Uh…yeah…it’s…okay?” “That’s wonderful to hear. Thank you for your visit. Glad to see my time travel spell was perfected. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go give my friend a hug.” Starswirl goes off, joining the hug with his friends. As you go off, Fizzy asks, “Why did you lie like that?” “Did you see how happy they looked? We can’t ask for them to give up their happiness for the future. We’ll find another way to save Equestria. You’ll see.” You nod to Fizzy. “Yeah. Okay.” Fizzy agrees as you both find yourselves back in the desolate wasteland, a very confused Whooves walking out just as Tirek trots his way over to Canterlot, sucking the magic from Whooves and Fizzy before going towards the nearby castle. (+1 page for Villains) > 14. #Reflections > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You decide to take a break from looking for pages and just have one nice, peaceful tour of Canterlot castle. As you go up the first grand staircase, something seems amiss. Instead of the light purple and gold ascetic that everypony knows, every single wall is now a mirror. You press your mouth tight to suppress a groan. You break away from the confused tour group, looking around the reflective castle until you come to a room where you hear. "Yes. Finally! A room befitting my nobility! You may go now!" You peek inside to see Prince Blueblood shooing away what looks like a pig on two legs, with orange hair and a crown on top of her hair. She wears a blue cloak around her. As she turns around, you see the pig princess is wearing makeup on her lips. "Pl-lease, Princey-poo. This room is only fit for the most elegant, gorgeous, noble, royal there has ever been!" "Yes. Me!" Prince Blueblood stamps. The Pig Princess laughs. "In your DREAMS, maybe. Look at yourself. Now look at me! You are boring. That white fur? Yawn. Blonde hair? So…obvious. And those clothing choices are soooo boring. Now look at me! I am original! I am gorgeous. I turn heads everywhere I go!" "How dare you, Porcina!" Prince Blueblood scoffs. Your mouth is on the floor. Porcina has as much vanity as Blueblood. "I am of the highest nobility! I am the most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria! You're just a pig! I am related to the most powerful pony ever. You're not even supposed to be here!" "And who summoned me here with that fancy page, hmmm? Who is enjoying my special magic by making their place full of mirrors? It's you who needs me, princey. Not the other way around. Now, I am going to take a break to enjoy my reflection. Once I get back, I better see you in a more appreciative mood! Or I QUIT!" Porcina walks off and you walk in. The room is mirrored on every wall and floor tile. Even the ceiling is mirrored. Prince Blueblood turns in a huff in order to walk off in the other direction only to realize you are standing there. "Pfft. A Commoner. Fantastic. What do you want?" You freeze in shock. Holy horse-apples, this stallion was rude! "Why…did you summon her?" you ask. "I wanted to see my glorious face everywhere I went. That's all. And then she appears. Surely, there must be a mistake, I thought. I mean, look at her! Have you ever seen a pig with lipstick?! She asked what she was doing here? I told her what happened and she showed me her power! She can make mirrors! It is the most beautiful talent I have ever seen! So we made a deal. I let her live here in a manner befitting royalty and she makes me the castle of my dreams." Sweet Celestia could this pony talk! "But she's just so…vain! She demands the finest food, the finest clothes, and the finest jewelry. Plus, she's so self-centered. She treats everypony like they're beneath her. She even disrespected me—ME! I give her everything and she treats me like some kind of commoner! Like she's the most beautiful thing that graced this planet instead of me, but if I make her go back I lose the castle of my dreams. Random commoner, you're probably used to making decisions where you lose things, but I'm not. What would you do?" You could tell him to turn the castle back, but you get the feeling Blueblood will just get angry and demand you leave. What is your choice? [CHOICE]  What do you say to Blueblood? > Demand that he turn the castle back, even if he won’t listen. (Chaos) > Let him keep the castle mirrored and work with Porcina. It might be good for him to have a taste of his own medicine! (Chaos) > Nothing! I'm going to talk to Porcina! (Villain) [ENDING A: HERO ATTEMPT (Chaos)] "You know, for having all of these mirrors around you, it is amazing that you don't see how you two are a reflection of each other!" you sigh. "What?!" Blueblood scoffed. "Vain, Self-centered, and rude: all of those fit you perfectly. Seems to me that she's the best reflection of you here!" You smirk. "How dare you!" he seethes. "That being said: haven't you considered letting her go back to where she came from and buying mirrors? She might be making the best of a confusing situation. You should stop thinking of yourself for one second and think of the fact that Porcina was taken out of her home and brought here against her will to do your bidding! Let her go home!" You demand. "I know what this is!" Blueblood laughed, "You-you're just jealous! Yes! That's it. Of course. How could I think a lowly commoner could see past my gorgeous looks. I can't even blame you. I mean, look at me! But no. I won't be doing that! This is mine! You won't take it from me by trying to make me the bad guy! Guards! Guards, take this commoner away!"  The Royal guards escort you out of the castle and away from any chance at retrieving the page. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: CHAOS] You think about everything and say, "You know what, Your Highness? This is a grand room. Canterlot castle would be beautiful if it looked like this. You should continue to work for Porcina!" Blueblood looks around. "It is magnificent, isn't it? Me everywhere you look! Very well commoner. You are right. I can handle a few high-end demands if it means the castle looks amazing afterwards. You may go now!" "Okay have fun!" You wave, turning around before muttering, "You two deserve each other!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "I will think about that, Your Highness." You shrug before turning around without another word and running off. There is no way you are helping somepony that blind! You find Porcina slowly ascending the steps with some difficulty. "Princess!" you call. "Yes?" she asks. "Prince Blueblood was talking to me about possibly sending you away! I felt like you deserve to stay if you want. It's too bad you don't have that page. Then you could stay as long as you wish!" You shrug. "You know what, you're right!" Porcina laughs. She stomps back to the room and yells, "Oh Princey-poo!" As Blueblood looks over to him, she turns him to glass. "There. Finally, you look as beautiful as you think you are!" She walks over, takes the page and walks away, giving you a wave as she goes and laughs all the while. (+1 page for Villains > 15. #NothingCanStopIt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Deep inside the Volcano of Doom, Hydia stands over her cauldron. In her odd green sludge of ingredients shimmers the land of Equestria, where Caramel sits down in a sunny meadow full of flowers, putting out a picnic lunch while Barley walks up to her. "I'm really worried about Fizzy," Caramel sighs. "I want to help Fizzy too, but we have our hooves full with all of these pages wreaking havoc!" Barley looks out towards the town. "Could you imagine if one got into the wrong hooves and changed anything?!" "Anything, eh?!" Hydia laughs, before calling out, "Reeka! Draggle! Get over here now!" Hydia's two daughters come up, Reeka wiping her mouth from eating roaches, Draggle stumbling over, knocking a spoon off the edge of the cauldron and on the floor. "Yes mother?" they ask in unison. "Do you remember the weird paper you saw in the woods? Go get it! Now!" Hydia demands. Reeka and Draggle scurry off in opposite directions, looking high and low. They run into each other repeatedly in their rush. Finally, they manage to find the glowing page under a trash pile, which they then bring over to their mother.  Hydia grabs it from their grasp, laughing. "For once in your lives, you two did something useful, so I will give you one chance. This page can change anything! Think of a way to ruin those little pony's world and make things dark, dank, and dreary. Let's see what your evil hearts cook up. If I think it's good enough, we'll do it. Otherwise, I'll show you how to be truly terrifying!" Reeka and Draggle put their heads together. "What if we change their disgusting food into something delicious?" Reeka suggests. "Are you nuts?! Think with more than just your stomach for once. If that's all we come up with, ma-I mean, Hydia will be furious," Draggle points out. "Yeah. You're right. What if we make the food come alive and have all sorts of fun creepy crawly critters covering all of the pony world!" Reeka thinks aloud. "I think you're getting warmer. How about…" The two whisper for a while.  "Well, girls, what has your terrible mindset cooked up?" "Well ma-Hydia." Draggle coughs out before taking a breath and continuing, "we thought about how they are proud to be these disgusting, colorful ponies they are, and how dreary it would be to…turn them into something else." "Something revolting!" Reeka pipes in, "Imagine instead of pastel ponies, having pythons!" "Porcupines!" Draggle adds. "And purple tarantulas!" they finish together. Hydia thinks on this a moment, "I will say, girls, that I am impressed. That is a solidly dark idea. We can work on the animals. Maybe bats, pythons, and rhinoceroses…or even use animals they fear. Yes. I could see that!" Hydia laughs. "My plan involves an old friend." As Hydia speaks, the green ooze changes to a scene where Tree Hugger is singing to an ever-smiling green Smooze. "But I think both ideas work well. Which should we choose?!" [CHOICE] Which idea should they choose? > Hydia's idea. (Villain)  > Reeka and Dragle's idea. (Chaos)  [ENDING A: VILLAIN] The two girls whisper to each other before nodding and turning to their mother. "We like your idea best momma!" Draggle pipes in. "What did you call me?!" Hydia growls. "Hydia. Hydia. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you mama." "Yes she did!" Reeka sneers. "No. I meant…we only meant that you are the most heinous of us. Your ideas would always be better than ours." "Yeah. You can show us how to truly be despicable!" Reeka adds, taking a bite of a rat tail sandwich. "True. True. Very well." Hydia recites a powerful incantation over her full cauldron, holding the page which glows orange. The orange glow dives into the green sludge, portaling straight into the Smooze. The Smooze stops smiling. "What's that, something still off? Like, what's suddenly harshed your vibe?" Tree Hugger wonders. The Smooze looks up at her eyelessly. The green hue begins to slowly turn purple. "Run? What do you—" Treehugger stops as if interrupted and nods. "Okay. I'll go. Fight this as long as you can. I'll get help." As the purple absorbs the green, the Smoozes' once gentle smile turns to an evil sneer before bubbles start appearing. Eyes appear on his face. His hat falls off. The sneer opens up to a giant black ever open smile, and the Smooze expands, covering the room in seconds, and forcing the doors and windows of Treehugger’s home. Ponies scream as the Smooze races to cover the town, covering pony after pony until the entirety of Tree Hugger's home is covered by purple sludge. Ponies who were touched by the Smooze but not consumed by it walk away without a thought to helping their trapped friends or warning others, only caring for themselves. "And that, my girls, is how you do dark, dank, and dreary!" Hydia laughs. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: CHAOS] The two girls whisper to each other before nodding and turning to their mother. "We like our idea best momma!" Draggle pipes in. "What did you call me?!" Hydia growls. "Hydia. Hydia. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you mama." "Yes she did!" Reeka sneers. "No. No! I meant. I mean, we only meant that we are your apprentice witches, so it would be a good chance to see how far we've come," Draggle nods vehemently. "Yeah. Let us show you how despicable we can be!" Reeka adds, taking a bite of a rat tail sandwich. "Oh. Very well. Let's see your plan in action, girls." Hydia sweeps her hand over to the cauldron before adding, "But if I may make a suggestion!" Hydia whispers something into their ear and all three laugh before Reeka and Draggle walk over to the bubbling goo. Draggle holds onto the glowing page while Reeka recites an incantation. The page turns into an orange glow. The glow races straight into the green goo.  Back at the picnic, Hoof Work stops by to speak to Barley and Caramel. "This whole thing is a mess. I hope you two are having a better time." "Not really. We want to help Fizzy, but every time we turn around, another page is causing mischief or terror and we gotta help put a stop to it!" Barley stomps his hoof in frustration.  "Come on, fellas, let's just enjoy a small picnic lunch before we keep working on helping Fizzy and dealing with these pages," Caramel offers. The two shrug and sit down to eat. Just after eating a few bits, Barley notices an orange glow expanding towards them. "Oh no. What now?!" The orange glow blankets the world. Barley opens his eyes to see the picnic looks exactly the same. "Well, I guess that wasn't so—sweet Celestia!" Barley flies up with a screech, "Caramel? Hoof Work? Where did you go?!" "...Barley…now don't freak out," Hoof Work tries to speak calmly, but the slight tremor of his voice betrays him, "but um…maybe you should look in a mirror or something…" "Wait. Hoof Work. That's you?!" Barley gasps, "Then that must mean that-I think we all need to see what we look like right now!" Barley, Hoof Work, and Caramel find a nearby lake and look in the crystalline waters. All three gasp and jump away before slowly looking again to confirm.  "I'm…a grootslang I think?" Hoof Work notes. "Definitely some sort of reptilian critter." "I'm a vampire fruit bat!" Barley gasps. "And I'm a timberwolf." Caramel sighs. "Looks like somepony decided to use a page for a terrible prank.” "See?! We can't even have lunch without something absolutely bonkers happening! And now I really want some apples!" Barley screeches. "Come on. Maybe Twilight or Zecora can help find a way to make this better," Caramel suggests hopefully. The three walk off to town, where everypony has been turned into one of the three creatures.  The girls look back at their mother. Hydia shrugs. "It could have been darker, danker, and drearier, but I suppose it's a start."  (+1 page for Chaos) > 16. Cutiemarks for Every Creature (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: The Cutie Mark Crusaders- Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo Quest Outline: Join the Cutie Mark crusaders in making cutie marks for every creature who doesn't have one Character Position: The Cutie Mark Crusaders have their cutie marks, but after talking with Gabby, they got to thinking about all of the different creatures in Equestria and how only ponies have the ability to see their special talent. They find a page and decide, why not use it for a while and make cutie marks for everyone! Actor Instructions:  Work on cutie mark stickers with any creature who wants to come along. Encourage them to keep their stickers if they would like, put it on the cutie mark adoption wall, (probably like a cork board or something people can add stickers to) or even put it in a donation box for the auction. There will even be a donation box for the charity for anyone who would like to donate as thanks for creating the cutie marks! You can talk about how getting your cutie marks changed your life and how much you want every creature to feel that sense of purpose. Ask people about why they made the mark they did. Decide for yourselves if the reason deserves Hero, villian or chaos. If Hero give them the codeword #cmc. If Chaos give them the codeword #cutiemarkcrusaders. If villian give them the codeword #blankflank Character Headspace:  You are the cutie mark crusaders and after finishing the quest to find out who you are, you now help others find who they are as your special talent! Apple Bloom: You're the leader and the heart of the group. You think most about things ponies may like! Scootaloo: You are the daredevil who isn't afraid to take risks. You give ideas that may be out of the box a little, but worth trying! Sweetie Bell: You're the creative one and love to be the center of attention. Your ideas will center around the arts! Together you come up with better ideas than apart. You sometimes argue but usually you're a great team!  Feel free to create your own too. Have fun! > 17. #WhatIsLife > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Barley have been looking around Ponyville for pages all day. You start to get hungry and decide you want a snack. Of course, the best place to get a snack close by is Sugarcube Corner. You walk in, ready to see Mr. and Mrs. Cake at the register. The two are there, but so is a group of ponies crowding around what looks like a newcomer.  "Wonder what that's about?" Barley asks. "Let's go see." You nod, finding your way through the crowd of enthralled ponies to the center.  There, in the center is a pony you've never seen before. He has a dark green coat, a light green mane and tail, purple eyes, and, oddly enough, his cutie mark was a gator in a chair wearing a monocle.  He is speaking to all the ponies around him, and yet no pony in particular. As you get to the point where you hear him, you hear, "have you ever stopped to think of the creatures around you? The hippogriffs, griffins, and dragons? The changelings, yaks, and diamond dogs? The pets you have? Each and every one of you ponies think for your childhoods about the marks on your flank, but you rarely think of your neighbors and their path towards an unknowable destiny. You never reflect on how blessed you are to always have a representation of your talent appear on you. That being said, you also go about each and every one of your lives in blissful ease, counting on only six to eight of your very own citizens to always save the day. Have you ever thought of the day that they won't be there in time? Or how you are wasting your own potential? The very potential you always have shown on yourselves, because you believe yourselves to be protected? You may very well be the savior that every pony needs instead of them!" A lot of ponies nod and murmur. Barley seems slack jawed. "This pony is insanely wise!" "That's no pony." A shocked, high pitched voice gasps as Pinky walks forward, "that's Gummy! He's my alligator…or he…was my alligator." "Wait…this pony, who is wise past his years, rivaling even Starswirl the Bearded…is your toothless alligator…pet?!" Barley managed, [USERNAME], Are you hearing this?!" "Yes, I was once a simple gator, but now I have a chance to share the thoughts no pony could hear before!" Gummy nods.  "B-b-but Gummy…you can't be my pet if you're a pony…is this what you really want?" "Ah. To stay a pony and mold minds to thoughts you never seem to realize, or to go back to a simple life with Pinkie. What to do…suggestions would be appreciated." [CHOICE]  What should Gummy do? > Stay a pony. (Chaos) > Go back to being a pet. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I think you should stay a pony." You nod. "I agree!" Barley adds before he can stop himself. "Yes! I have so many other things to say. Like: what is life? Is it all just an endless search for the next adventure? And why does it seem like every adventure only lasts about half an hour? Could it be that we are nothing but beings made for the entertainment of others?" Gummy wonders. "So wise!" Barley gasps. Pinkie sniffles, hair flattening, "Well, if Gummy is happier as a pony…okay. I think….I just need some time alone." And trots off. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "You should go back to being a gator." You nod. "But he's such a wise pony!" Barley protests. "Yes, he is. And a wise pony would see how much he is cared for by those who love him." You smile, eyes darting over to Pinkie Pie, who is biting her lip. Gummy sighs. "It is you who are wise. For who are we, but the culmination of those who were great enough to care for us. For you, Pinkie, I will give up my ability to speak to these other ponies. For your love is greater than any recognition. Just try to share my thoughts to your friends every so often." "I will!" Pinkie smiles as Gummy transforms back and the page lays next to him for you to pick up. (+1 page for Heroes) > 18. #Nocturnals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "[USERNAME]! Look at this!" Fizzy runs over to you, holding up a black book with a silver unicorn on the front. "It looks a lot like the book about Nightmare Moon." You open the book. It reads: Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the older sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the night her younger sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful day.  "Wait. That's not—" You look, finding yourselves in Canterlot Castle and see a young Celestia and Luna.  "You just don't understand!" Luna cries. "I'm trying to understand, but everypony needs sleep, Luna!" Celestia argues. "And all of them need to sleep every night?! Nopony can enjoy the stars or my beautiful moon? Even you, sister. You never stay up to enjoy them!" "You don't stay up to enjoy the day!" Celestia shoots back, annoyed. "I am ONE pony. You have everypony else!" Luna scoffs. "Everypony in Equestria cheers when you come out. Nopony notices me." "Luna, please. Everypony loves you too!" Celestia sighs. "Then why doesn't anypony celebrate anything at night?!" Luna yells. "Admit it! You LIKE the attention. You wouldn't last one night of ponies treating YOU this way!" "You know what. You're being ridiculous and I am too tired for this. We'll talk about it in the morning." Celestia walks off. Luna growls once she leaves. "We'll talk about it in the morning," she mimicked. "You always say that and we never do! You're always too busy, and I'm tired of it! I bet you would listen if ponies liked my night better than your day! Imagine it! Just once, the ponies being able to stay awake for a night and getting to see how beautiful it is. They may never want to see the sun again!" She sighs, "I wish that I could show you what it's like…to be lost in the shadows…what if I did! What if, for once, I just say no when she wants to raise her precious sun!" She laughs. A piece of paper floats down to her. Fizzy gasps. "Ohhh noooo."  "What is this?" Luna asks, reading the page, "change the story? I could hold the night forever!" Her eyes change momentarily before she continues, "Ooooor, I can show her by changing places!" She laughs. "I could even make my own nation."  "This could change everything…" Fizzy whispers, "but if we try to stop it, we could make it worse…what should we do?!" [CHOICE]  What would be best? > Do nothing and Let Luna make her own decision. (Chaos)  > Convince Luna to create a new nation like she said. (Chaos)  > Convince her to not yield the night (and hopefully have her turn into Nightmare Moon as she was meant to). (Hero)  > Tell Celestia about the page. (Villain)  > Convince Luna to overthrow Celestia. (Villain)  [ENDING A: CHAOS] "We shouldn't interfere. We may cause more harm than good," you decide. "Let's just watch, and hope she chooses right!" "Okay," Fizzy breathes. Luna thinks for a bit. "I know what I'll do! I'll switch places! Let's see how SHE likes being in the shadows!" Luna grins.  The pages of the book turn back. It's night and all the ponies are up.  The tale reads on: One fateful day, the older unicorn refused to lower the sun to make way for dusk. The younger sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the older one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of fire: Daybreaker! She vowed that she would blind the land in eternal light. Reluctantly, the younger sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her older sister, and banished her permanently in the sun. The younger sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: CHAOS] "Maybe we can make it better!" you decide. "What? How?!" Fizzy whispers. "Follow my lead!" You walk out with a bow. "Princess Luna! Please give us a moment of your time!" "Who are you?!" Luna jumps in shock, horn glowing. "We heard your problem and thought of a middle ground. You said yourself you could make your own nation. Why not make it! Make a place where ponies can enjoy the night! Make a land all your own!" Fizzy blinks, confused. Luna thinks. "Yes! I can show ponies the beauty of the night! I will call it The New Lunar Republic!" The book you're holding closes. You find yourselves where you belong. As you ask, ponies do talk about the night ponies and all of their strange ways. Fizzy's mouth hangs open, "What did you do?" she asks. You smirk. "I just changed history for the better!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING C: HERO] "I know what we have to do…but it won't be pleasant…" you sigh. "What?" Fizzy asks. "Fizzy…stay hidden." You walk out. "Princess Luna. Please give me a moment of your time?" Luna jumps in surprise, her horn glowing. "Who are you?" she asks. "I overheard your problem. Your sister doesn't listen to you and that page won't help. The best thing you can do…is stand your ground and no longer yield to the sun." You nod. Luna thinks for a moment. "You're right! She will learn nothing if I change the story. I need to show her what the night can truly do by making the night last a moon…Even better." She laughs, eyes changing again, "The night…will last…forever!"  The book you carry flips through its pages, a bright light engulfing you. When you open your eyes again you see a brown book with gold where the silver was in your possession, and a page at your feet. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING D: VILLAIN] "This is too much for us. Let's go tell Celestia!" you decide. "Okay." Fizzy nods. You race off, finding Celestia in record time as she stumbles up toward her room with a yawn. "Princess Celestia!" you yell. "Yes…my subjects?" she asks, sleepily. "Your sister is about to change the future!" You warn. "What?" Celestia races back. You and Fizzy follow to see Luna about to change the story. "Luna! Stop this!" Celestia demands. "Stop this!?" Luna mimics then laughs, "I knew it! You were always afraid, weren't you, sister! You knew the ponies loved you better than me and you were afraid of the horseshoe being on the other hoof. I was going to switch places with you, but I thought of something so much better!" She laughs as she changes into Nightmare Moon. "I'll make it where there never WAS a day!" The book flips wildly in your possession. When you look back up, it's night time. When you ask, no pony even knows what day or sun is, or has ever heard of a pony named Celestia. You see Nightmare Moon statues everywhere. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING E: VILLAIN] "Maybe we should try reverse psychology." You wink at Fizzy as you walk out of your hiding place. "Princess Luna, a moment of your time please?"  "Who are you!" Luna jumps, horn glowing as she asks. "I heard your problem, and honestly, you're thinking too small!" You start. "You want to use the ability to change your story to anything you want to merely change places with your sister? Why turn her into a donkey! She won't even have a cutie mark, but she will have to watch as you gain all of the glory that she once had! Show her truly what it feels like to be unnoticed!"  Luna freezes for a moment on hearing your words. Then, she laughs. "Yes!" her voice booms. "Then she will finally understand my turmoil! Thank you for the idea!" The book’s pages flip wildly as you hold it. Once you look back up, it is night time. No pony has ever heard of Celestia, though you know that she is now a simple donkey somewhere. Fizzy takes a breath, glaring at you. "Reverse psychology?! Really?!" (+1 page for Villains) > 19. #DressesInStyle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Rainbow Dash have been out and about, Dashie showing you some new moves to impress the Wonderbolts with. She looks over to the skyline as she finishes a trick and sighs, "Sorry. I would love to show you even more of my awesomeness, but I promised Rarity I would help her with some new fashion line." You raise an eyebrow in Rainbow's direction and she murmurs, "I lost a bet with Applejack…" while looking away, "but I am a mare of my word. Hey, wanna come along? Having you there could make it a bit less boring!" You nod, "Great. Let's go. I'm late enough as it is. Race ya there!" You race to Carousel Boutique. Rainbow Dash beats you easily, and waits for you like a good sport. She opens the doors once you're by her side, and her mouth drops to the floor. You look to see the reason for her shock. There, standing perfectly still while talking calmly with Rarity is none other than Rainbow Dash! Or, at least, a pony who resembles Rainbow Dash. Her blue coat is teal. Her colorful hair is pink, purple, orange, and green instead of an actual rainbow. Her Cutie Mark is a rainbow between two clouds. Lastly, she is an earth pony. Rainbow blinks. "Rarity, what is this? I thought I was supposed to help you with some fashion thing. Who's the new girl?!" "Hello, darling. My name is Rainbow Dash!" The pony nodded. "What?! That's impossible! My name's Rainbow Dash!" Dashie proclaims, "Wow. I mean, I knew I was awesome, but having somepony pretend to be me! I'm more awesome than I thought!" "No, Rainbow Dash. She isn't pretending to be you. Her name is also Rainbow Dash!" Rarity started. "Yes. I found this exquisite page floating around. It said I could change anything. All I really wanted was to meet somepony as fabulous as I am and here we are!" Earth pony Rainbow Dash explains. "And I am so very honored that you came to my boutique! I do love our Dashie, but she doesn't have the love for my work that you do. I dare say, it is a nice breath of fresh air!" Rarity grins. "What?!" Dashie gasps. "Wh-would you rather this…this…bootleg over me?!" "I never said that, Dashie. I only said that I quite enjoy being able to talk about my passions with the other Rainbow Dash here." Rarity sighs. Dashie huffs. The other Rainbow Dash looks between the two and then notices you. She walks over to you, eyes downcast, "I only wanted to meet a pony as excited about fashion as I am, but perhaps I've overstayed my welcome. I would so love to stay and get to know this Rarity and this Rainbow Dash. What do you think I should do?" [CHOICE] Should this new Rainbow Dash stay? > Encourage her to stay. (Chaos) > Encourage her to go home. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think it over for a moment. "I think you should stay!" You decide. "You're right. This Rainbow Dash hasn't really had a chance to get to know me! Once she does, we might be the best of friends! I shouldn't give up before I've even begun to try. Thank you!" She nods before going back to Rarity and Dashie. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think it over for a moment. "You should go home." You decide. Rainbow Dash sighs, "Yes. You're right. My friends would miss me very much back home. I did get to meet this Rarity l, after all, and I should be happy with that much." She holds out the page. "For you, darling! As a thank you for helping me decide." "Woah!" You add as the lighter Rainbow Dash starts to go off. "I didn't mean you had to leave right now. You two seem like you were enjoying each other's company. What if you enjoy lunch together first?" Rainbow Dash smiles. "I do so like the way you think!" You and Dashie watch from afar as Rarity and Rainbow Dash chat over tea and cucumber sandwiches. Once the two finish enjoying their visit, Rainbow Dash gives you the page. You hold the page, and the moment the other Rainbow Dash lets go, she disappears. (+1 page for Heroes) > 20. Infestation (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Celestia & Parasprites Quest Outline: There is an infestation of parasprites all over the convention. You need help from the people to find one and bring it back (yes they can keep it after they show it to you!) Character Position: Ponyville had gotten rid of the infestation, and you helped other towns do so, but the parasprites just keep moving and now they've moved to the convention! Actor Instructions: Parasprite actors will be hidden nearby. Ask for help from any passersby and let them know about the parasprites. Tell them about how parasprites devour food in moments, give examples! Ask them to find and show you a parasprites. Once they do, give them a special hashtag. If they wish, they can keep a tiny parasprite that the actors will be provided as giveaways, but warn them that it may eat them out of house and home! If they give you a parasprite, give them the codeword #oneponyband (hero) if they keep it. Give them the codeword #socute (chaos) and if they refuse to help, give them the codeword #infestation (villain) Character Headspace: Celestia feels frustrated that these pests are keeping her from having a good time. At the same time, the parasprites are making the convention more entertaining and if someone wants to adopt the adorable vermin, who is she to say no to them? Parasprites be fun and mischievous. Slightly hard to catch but no running away. Embrace your inner bug. You will have mini parasprites on hand as your friends to give out to those who dare. There are also 4 total Parasprite actors to improv with as an infestation. > 21. #JuniorSpeedsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Caramel are looking all around Ponyville for any sign of the Pages when you come across a pegasus offering tours to Cloudsdale. There seems to be something off about the pony. His smile seems a bit too big, almost sharp, but Caramel smiles. "This is great! We can look in Cloudsdale for pages too!" You sigh as your hot air balloon carries you both towards the city in the sky. As you float, you swear that you hear a very distinct snapping sound. You find yourself high in the clouds with pegasi all around you. An energetic chant rings out: Junior Speedsters are our lives, Sky-bound soars and daring dives. Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, To someday be the very best! You and Caramel look over to the chant and see a griffin chanting it with a young Rainbow Dash. Caramel gasps. "It's Rainbow Dash as a filly! And is that her gryphon friend? I heard of her! Gloria? No. Gilda! They had quite the falling out last I heard." The two laugh and soar together.  Rainbow Dash and Gilda fly together, showing amazing control and speed for their young age. "You're amazing, G!" Dashie grins. "All thanks to you, Dash!" Gilda smiles. "Wow. I heard she acted terribly with everypony, but she seems sweet here." Caramel wondered. At that moment, Dash looks over, noticing a young Fluttershy being teased by some bullies. "Catch you later, Gilda! I gotta go take care of that!" Dashie points. "Couldn't you just leave it be? All they'll do is bully you too!" Gilda pleads. "Are you kidding?! I'm not about to let those jerks get away with treating anypony like that!" Dashie waves. "See ya soon, okay?" As she leaves, Gilda watches, and says "This time, I'll make sure of it!" And you see the unmistakable orange glow of a page. You watch as the sonic rainboom appears. After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash flies back, grinning. "Did you see that, Gilda! That was so awesome!"  "It was amazing, Rainbow Dash!" Gilda smiles as if nothing happened. "Rainbow Dash!" The instructor yells, "what have I told you about racing without supervision?!" "Sorry coach, but those two were picking on Fluttershy, and I had to do something!"  The instructor sighs. "I see. Very well. Next time, instead of taking matters into your own hooves, come tell me."  "You have my word!" Rainbow Dash promises. "As for you!" The instructor turns his attention to the bullies as Gilda and Rainbow Dash talk about the amazing trick Dashie performed. Caramel blinks. "You saw that, right? Gilda changed something. If I remember correctly, Dashie never finished her training with the junior speedsters. I heard that the coach got mad about the race and she dropped out, and her parents gave her a private tutor or something, but I could be wrong. Whatever change Gilda made doesn't seem to hurt anything that I can tell. It seems like she just wanted to make sure her friend came back to her. What do you think we should do?" [CHOICE]  What should you do? > (Chaos) Leave Gilda alone > (Hero) Confront Gilda [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think about it and say, "Let's leave it be. She seems happy." "I guess you're right." Caramel smiles. As the balloon makes its way down to Ponyville, you swear you hear another snap. You get out to thank the pony and find the mysterious stallion is nowhere to be found. You do see Gilda laughing with Rainbow Dash, as well as Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Spike and even Fluttershy!  As they round the corner, laughing about some joke you didn't hear, Caramel smiles. "You know, I think I'm okay with this change!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think it over. "I hate to say it, but we have to confront her. We don't know what this will do to the timeline." "You're right." Caramel sighed. You take the balloon over to Gilda. Caramel coughs. "Gilda." She starts. "Who are you?" Gilda asks. "I'm Caramel and this is [USERNAME]. We know you changed something." "N-no I didn't. I don't know what you're talking about!" Gilda takes a step back. "Gilda, I know you want to have Rainbow Dash stay with you. But if you change what happens, it could very well hurt your friend in a way you'll never know." Gilda looks down, sadness covering her face, "I know that her family was impressed with her trick…and she got in trouble with the coach so…she left and I…I just wanted my friend back, but if changing it hurts Dash…then fine!" An orange glow erupts and she sighs. "There, she's gone. You can have this stupid paper. I don't want it anymore!" She gives you the paper and flies off. As you float down with the paper, you hear another very specific snap and you get off, no longer seeing the pony who had offered the tour. (+1 page for Heroes) > 22. #Powerful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Everypony in all of Ponyville is talking about it! There is a magician pony in Ponyville and you make your way to the front of the show.   "Yes it is true! I, the great and powerful Trixie, have banished an Ursa Major! I can do anything anypony else can do, but better! Are there any neigh-sayers? Who among you is foolish enough to challenge the great and powerful Trixie?!" This all felt so familiar, yet off somehow. "How abooouut You!" She points to Twilight, the unicorn close to you. "Who me? I'm just your average unicorn." Twilight takes a step back. "Now. Now. No need to be so modest. Come up on stage, average unicorn. I'm sure we can figure out something." Trixie grins. "Oh no. I really don't want to…" Twilight takes another step back. "Oh but I insist!" Trixie nods and Snips and Snails push Twilight up onto the stage and everything hits you at once. This version of Twilight is a unicorn, not an alicorn. And this whole thing with Trixie has happened before! But this isn't how it went! Twilight backed up. "No really." "Ladies and gentle colts, fillies of all ages, this unicorn believes herself to be more powerful than the great and powerful Trixie!" "That's not true-" Twilight started. "But the great and powerful Trixie told you that she could banish an Ursa Major, and she is going to Prove it!" A gigantic translucent dark blue bear with stars in its body charges out of the Everfree Forest, roaring. Ponies start to panic, running around terrified.  "Stand back, my little ponies!" Trixie grins as her horn glows harsher than you've ever seen it before. She magically floats an empty water reservoir into a barn, filling it with milk taken from the cows therein. She plays music to soothe the beast as she presents with a newly-created giant baby bottle. She rocks the bear gently, and it drifts off to sleep as Trixie pushes it back into Everfree Forest with her magic. Ponies all over cheer. Trixie poses and smiles. "That's right! Trixie truly is the greatest and most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria!"  You bite your lip. Trixie copied what Twilight had done to get the adoration, and she gave herself the power to do it as well, but overall, the big picture is still the same. Is this even worth fixing? [CHOICE] Should you try to fix this mess or let Trixie be? > (Chaos) Let Trixie be > (Hero) Fix this mess! [ENDING A: CHAOS] You shrug it off. What would the problem be, anyway?  You hear the laughter of Trixie as you start to walk away. "Don't you dare walk away!" You find yourself slammed into a forcefield wall, "Everypony in Ponyville, I, greatest and most powerful Trixie, have shown you but a small fraction of my power! Adore me!" "I don't think so!" Applejack spits, "I think having one hot-headed showoff in Ponyville is more than enough!"  "Yeah!" Rainbow Dash agrees. "And Dashie already holds that position!" A.J. nods over to Rainbow Dash. "Yea-HEY!" Trixie smirks, "Well, Then, there's an easy way to fix that!"  Trixie's horn glows purple. Rainbow Dash finds herself strapped into a magic airplane. The plane starts, and flies Rainbow Dash far, far away from Ponyville. "There!" Trixie grins. "Now the position is available and I will happily fill it!" You notice Twilight walking off, hoof over her face, and walk that way instead. "Twilight?" You call out, but she only trots faster.  You follow her into the Golden Oak library. "We're leaving, Spike." Twilight shouts. "What? Why?!" Spike asks. "Because now, after that spectacle, none of my friends will want to be around me anymore!" She admits, tears in her eyes. "That's not true!" Spike shakes his head as Twilight packs hurriedly. "Wait. Twilight!" You shout, going after her. She gasps, grabbing Spike, and teleporting away, leaving you alone in the library. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You bolt into action immediately, tackling Trixie to the ground. "Make it right!" You demand.  "Make what right?" Trixie blinks innocently. "You know what! This isn't how the day happened and you know it. Change it back!!" "Why should I?" Trixie scoffs. "Because if you don't." You warn in a whisper, "I will remind these ponies that you brought that Ursa here on purpose! Even with all the power you wield, you won't be loved. The story will spread!" Trixie huffs. "Fine! Here. It was giving me a headache anyway! Now get off me!" An orange glow emanates around Ponyville. When the glow disappears, you see Trixie’s magic dissipating. "It's not fair! All I wanted was a chance for everypony to love me!" "Trixie, maybe Ponyville just isn't the right place for you right now. Try other places, and come back when Ponyville is ready for a pony of your talents!" You suggest. Trixie thinks on this. "You know what, you're right! Trixie doesn't need this backwater town. There are other places that will love Trixie AND her magic. By the time I come back here, ponies will be begging to see my show!" She laughs, and throws a smoke grenade before rushing off to find new places to perform in. (+1 page for Heroes) > 23. #LongWasTheShadowSheCast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You toss and turn, eyes shut tight despite being aware of your inability to drift off. Finally, you bolt upright, and storm to your door to see what is going on outside. To your shock, right outside your hotel room is Ponyville in the dead of night, the moon shining high above. Music amped up to 11. Did Pinkie Pie plan a stargazing party?! Frustrated, you walk over to tell the ponies to quiet down so you can sleep. To your surprise, the entire town is out, enjoying midnight like they usually would a sunny afternoon! "Happy Moondreamer's Midnight!" A pony smiles at you, and gives you a bioluminescent necklace. You notice that every pony is wearing a similar necklace as they talk and laugh. Every pony seems to enjoy the odd new holiday as you scan the area. Everypony except for Barley. Barley stares into your eyes and nods before walking toward you. "You look confused. Why?” "Because there's a huge nighttime party?" You half ask, as if it's obvious. "Yeah, I think it has to do with the two royal sisters. Look!" Barley points. You blink confusedly, and look over to see Princess Luna smiling at her subjects peacefully. Celestia watches on ecstatically as you walk up. Barley coughs, "Princess. What is going on?" Celestia looks around, making sure no pony hears before she speaks, "I might have decided that Luna was right! We all celebrated so many things during the day, but nothing at night. I realized it…after she…lost her temper, let's say. I had a wonderful moment though where this came down to me." Celestia shows a page. "And I got a second chance to make it right! Now look at how happy she is!" Barley takes you back away. "What are we going to do? I've seen Luna before and I have never seen her as happy as she is here, but it changes everything. Do we keep things like this where things seem so much better, or do we bring things back to how they were and not worry for what this could mean?" [CHOICE] > (Chaos) Let Luna be happy! > (Hero) Have Celestia change things back and let her know it won't be forever. [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think about it and say "Luna deserves this!" You smile as fillies laugh and play around the princess of the night. Luna gets up, brushes herself off, and plays hide and seek with the fillies who try to hide among the glowing decorations to blend in with their glowing necklaces. Ponies eat cupcakes frosted with star motifs and moon cakes. Ponies walk over in small groups to golden star-shaped papers. They spend a moment before hanging their paper up by a string and walking away. Curious, you and Barley walk up, a filly joining you. She trots over to the stack of papers, taking a quill and thinking. Just before she writes, she turns, as if just noticing your gaze. She lowers the quill and explains "If you write your wish on one of Princess Luna's stars, it might come true!" Before going back to her work of writing. "Indeed. She very much deserves this. And don't worry, I will keep the page safe." Celestia promises as you and Barley walk off. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think on it a moment and say, "I know she had a hard life, but it makes her who she is. Changing that DOES change her. She deserves to be her true self!" Barley nods, "I agree with them. Luna deserves to be the True Luna. With the positives…and the negatives." You look over to Luna. "It's hard to see her happy knowing we have to make things go back to how they were." You sigh. "But I can promise this. The time she spends getting through the hardships, as awful as they are, help her to empathize with other ponies. she will come out the other side stronger than ever. It will just take time!" You continue. "If you really feel bad for what you did, then you should make amends, not try to act like it never happened." Barley finishes. "You're right." Celestia sighs and hands you the pages as an orange light absorbs around you and everything returns to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) > 24. #HopeandShadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The bitter cold of northern Equestria doesn't deter you and Fizzy from looking for pages. Snow whips around you counterclockwise as you walk through the deep snow. You finally find yourself in front of a barren circular area. One lone pony sits at the edge of the circle, head down. Once you make your way closer you see the pony is a purple Crystal unicorn with Aquamarine hair. She cries at the edge of the huge circle as you sit by her.  Her head snaps towards you. She sees it’s you and sighs and looks down. "Sorry. You two startled me…you're probably just here to see for yourselves that the Crystal Empire is really gone. I don't blame you. I saw it happen and even I don't completely believe my home could just be…gone." She looks at you. "I don't think I've met you two before." "My name is Fizzy Glitch. This is [INSERT NAME]." "My name is Radiant Hope…and this is all my fault…"  "Why do you think that?" Fizzy asks. Hope looks up to the white sky snow drifting around her. She takes a deep breath in and out before she starts. "My best friend and I have been together since we were fillies. We understood each other when no other pony could, but one day everything changed, and my friend pushed me away. And, when he needed me most…I ran away. He made…he made some terrible decisions since then. I didn't know how to help him so I asked the princess for help. They managed to stop him, but he took the entire Crystal Empire with him for one thousand moons." "Wait, but that means…your best friend is -- he was --" Fizzy started. "Sombra, yes. I should have been there for him when he needed me…but now I can change everything!" Hope holds up a piece of paper. "With this page, I can rewrite it. I've just been trying to figure out when to best change things. I could just not tell the princesses of what Sombra had done and figure out how to stop him myself. He might listen to me. Or I could fix his fate so he never has to see that terrible vision in the Crystal Heart. It might even help his strange illness. What do you guys think I should do?" [CHOICE]  What should Hope do? > (Chaos) Fix Sombra's fate! > (Hero) Learn from her mistakes  [ENDING A: CHAOS] "If you change Sombra and his fate, none of this will happen!" You decide. "That's true…alright. I'll do it!" Hope smiles and an orange glow surrounds all of you. You find the Crystal Empire back where it belongs, the Crystal ponies none the wiser. "Hope! I've been looking for you everywhere!" A gray unicorn shouts, waving a hoof towards her." "Sombra!" Hope beams, galloping right over to hug him. "I'm so glad you're back!" "I've only been gone fifteen minutes." Sombra replies, puzzled. "Come on. Let's go see the fair. Maybe we'll even get to see Princess Amore!" Hope nods, tears in her eyes as she follows him, giggling happily as she does so. Fizzy smiles, "I'm glad she could fix her mistakes like I am fixing mine." (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You look over to Fizzy. You see Fizzy wanting to help but also not sure which change would be best. Feeling like you may be able to help two ponies at once you decide, "You shouldn't change anything, Hope. What's done is done. What you do now is learn from it. Use what happened to try and do better in the future!"  Hope thinks on this and sighs, "You're probably right. I might make things even worse. Thanks…you can have this if you want." She hands you the Page. "Where are you going to go?" Fizzy asks? "Somewhere to think about my next step." Hope nods before disappearing in the snow. "I hope it works out." Fizzy breaths. You nod in agreement. (+1 page for Heroes) > 25. #TwoHearts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The moon glows through passing clouds, causing an eerie glow. Derpy sees you as you are walking with Mustard Mark, and rushes over, "Have you guys seen the Doctor? He seemed really worried and then he just…ran off. Can you help me find him please?" You nod and run off through the fog rolling in. You strain your eyes to see your surroundings. An eerie quiet settles around you. Then, suddenly, you see a shadow dart around. You turn and find a pony's shadow behind you. You approach cautiously to find Applejack frozen into a statue of solid rock. You look around and realize that Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight are all statues. A feeling of dread washes over you as you step back and then jump as you feel a touch on your shoulder. You turn to see Doctor Whooves wearing a serious expression. "Did you see it?" He asked. "N-no. What…what did that to Twilight and the others?" Mustard asks. "A cockatrice. But that's not what I'm talking about!" He turns with you and Mustard, seeing another statue: a pegasus standing on its hind legs and covering its eyes with its hooves. Why would anypony make a statue of a pony weeping?! "Don't blink! Wait…what is it doing?" Whooves asks as the weeping pony seems to give a wry smile. Suddenly, the statues of Twilight and her friends start to move as if possessed. "RUN!!!" Doctor Whooves yells. Doctor Whooves grabs you. You grab Mustard. Everypony runs. "What is that?!" Mustard asks. "Weeping An-er…Pony. Very fast. Very bad. It will send you back in time and feast on your potential energy. I don't understand how they got here!" Doctor Whooves turns back. The pony is closer to you. Mustard squeaks. "Take us back to how this started." Mustard stammered. "The cockatrice was close to Derpy. I didn't know what to do. It turned her into stone. I was too far away. I knew I was. And something was calling to me… this feeling that I was so much more. And then this page falls down and I choose to save Derpy. And suddenly I had this golden glow and I remembered…everything. I am the Doctor! I come from the planet Gallopfrey in the constellation of Cerberus. I am older than all of the princesses combined, and I knew exactly how to save Derpy from the cockatrice. But as soon as I saved her, the weeping ponies showed up. I think they came here because that can sense my potential energy. If I keep remembering them, I may come up with a way to stop them, but no one knows what else will come along with them. If I choose to forget, they will go away, but Derpy and the others will be stuck as statues. What should I do?!" [CHOICE] > (Chaos) Allow the Doctor to remember who he is and come up with a plan > (Hero) Have the Doctor forget and write to the princesses for help! [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Doctor, you were always smart, and I'm guessing that with your memories back, you also gained wisdom, so use what you know to get us out of this mess!" You yell as another weeping pony moves into view from the mists, and statue Applejack grabs for you, barely missing. The Doctor loosens his green tie just a bit, a grin spreading across his face, "By jove, you're right! Follow me!" He gallops at full speed, you and Mustard following behind as well as you can. You see Derpy's silhouette in the distance. The Doctor stops right next to her and turns. Only a few feet stand between the weeping ponies with their pony statue zombies and your crew. Whooves clears his throat, "I will give you Weeping Ponies one chance. Leave. Just leave this planet and find another food source. I am warning you. You think I am a threat? You can not even begin to fathom the dangers you are dealing with in this world. My dear Derpy here could beat you without raising a single hoof against you!" "Doctor!" Derpy gasps. "Shhh." Whooves gestures before finishing. We will blink once. Long enough for you to go away. If you try to attack us…I will have no choice but to stop you! Everyone, blink once…now." You blink and the weeping pony is inches from your face. The Doctor sighs, "I gave them fair warning. Sorry, Derpy." "Sorry for wh-" Derpy starts, when the doctor bumps into her. Derpy stumbles backwards while you all watch. The weeping ponies, stuck stone still, suddenly crumble into dust as Derpy falls into them. The Doctor looks to the one close to you, He pulls you back and says, "Would you like to be next?" He blinks and the statue is no longer there. He helps Derpy up, "There—right as rain. Though, great wickering stallions, Derpy, but you are filthy. No matter. We'll clean you up, get Twilight and her friends back to normal, and be back home in time for tea." "Wait. Doctor. Why did the weeping ponies turn into dust?" You ask. "While they are being observed, weeping ponies turn Into statues of rock and stone, and if there is one thing I know about Derpy here, it's that there is nothing in the world that she can't accidentally break — not even stone!" Whooves grins. "Doctor!" Derpy blushes, looking away, "I don't mean to break anything!" "By the by, I may have an adventure to offer you when we get back…say all of time and space?!" Whooves hugs Derpy, trotting off. You watch them go with a smile before walking the other way, confident that Whooves will handle the rest. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think it over and shake your head, "I'm sorry, Doctor. I don't want Derpy to be like Twilight and the others, but these Weeping Pony things seem really dangerous! Plus they’re pitting us against team friendship! Let's have you forget and go get the princesses. They can help with this mess!" The Doctor looks on in the fog, "You're right. Equestria isn't ready for the monsters I've faced… and these are just one example. Right. Just one thing before I forget. Please. Please let me help save Derpy." His eyes go distant for a moment, tracking in Derpy's direction. "We promise!" Mustard nods, "Now hurry!" An orange glow ignites around all of you and you find yourselves with Whooves hugging Derpy's petrified body, tears streaming down his face. "Let's go get the princesses. They'll fix this." You offer Whooves help up and he nods, sniffling. The three of you book it to Canterlot faster than Rainbow Dash and tell them everything. With their help, all of the petrified ponies are cured, and Whooves hugs Derpy with all of his might. (+1 page for Heroes) > 26. #THEMAGICS > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Ponyville must be having another festival! Ponies all over are dressed in their finest clothes. Ponies are taking pictures of other ponies. Every pony poses flawlessly! There are runways in every alley! Camera ponies are around every turn. Thinking you may know the cause of this, you march over to Rarity's Boutique. Rarity's line stretches out the door, but you manage to squeeze through. "Rarity, what did you do?" You ask. "I promise you, Darling, I had nothing to do with this sudden love of fashion." Rarity shakes her frazzled mane away from her glasses, "While I will admit I loved it at first. What with the glamor; the sophistication and all, but now every pony across Equestria wants a new dress! With so few Boutiques, I'm absolutely drowning in work!" "If not you then who could it be?" You wonder. "You know, Fluttershy decided she didn't want to model for Photo Finish just yesterday…maybe try seeing what Miss Finish might be up to." Rarity suggests. You nod and go off in search of Photo Finish. With so many photo-happy ponies along the way, finding her proves difficult, but you finally manage to spot her snapping pictures at an impromptu fashion show. "Yes. I have found so many ponies who have seen the magics. YOU!" Photo Finish darts around to look at you. You freeze in place, "I have never seen one such as you before! Such grace! Such finesse! Truly one of a kind! Come! You must model for me!" Before you can say anything, you find yourself on the stage. With no clue what she wants, you strike your first pose. She stomps happily, "Yes! Yes! Such individuality! Such unique choices. It is the best I have seen all day!" Photo announces. Sheblooks around at all of the extravagance and sighs, sitting on a nearby chair. "I, Photo Finish, once thought not enough ponies see the world of fashion. They do not feel it and breathe it like one such as I! I found this!" She shows you a page, "I used it to make the whole world into a fashion extravaganza! But! But now that everypony loves fashion, it does not give me the same spark…perhaps I’ve made…a mistake. What do you think? Do you think perhaps I, the one and only Photo Finish, made one of the very few mistakes of my career, or do you think the problem is I just need time to get used to this new, fabulous world?" [CHOICE] Should Photo Finish change the world back? > (Chaos) Keep it a fashion show dream! > (Hero) Change it back and enjoy it with those who choose to love it! [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think about the question and look around to all of the different fashions, "I think you should give it time. If you look, no two ponies have the same idea of what's fashionable, do you really think you'll find which fashions truly are…um…what do you call it?" "THE MAGICS! Yes! How short sighted of me. More fashion is always good! It was I who did not see the best way to utilize new ways. Yes, I see it now! All of the different ideas of what fashion is! Thank you for your help my friend. Now-I GO!" She trots off to find her next inspiration. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Look Photo Finish…Fashion is cool and all but it's not right to force it on everyone." You sigh, "Just look around, it takes away from how special fashion is. I think you should change it back and maybe you can find friends who love fashion as much as you. Between you and me, Rarity is a good start!" "Yes! Of course! The magics are not magics if they are bland and everywhere. Then they are nothing! Thank you!" An orange glow surrounds Photo Finish and the world goes back to normal. She hands you the page, "I no longer need this. I will find fellow fashion enthusiasts! Now. I GO!" She bolts off to her new adventure. (+1 page for Heroes) > 27. #GoingBatty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Night falls on Ponyville. The sun gives way to the moon. You still feel like you are awake and alert enough to find another page. You ask around Ponyville if there’s been any strange things happening. Applebloom walks up to you, "If you want to find strange things here in Ponyville, you just need to find my sister and her friends. They're like a magnet to strange things!” "Do you know where I may find them?" You ask. "Sure do! They're at Sweet Apple Acres helping my sister with the last of her chores. I just finished mine!" She goes off. You shrug. Sweet Apple Acres is as good a place to start as any. You walk over to the famous farmhouse, but nopony is home. You continue, going through the Apple family apple forest. The trees seem to thicken the further you walk until you can only see slivers of the moon. Screaming erupts from all around you. The trees obscure the moon, causing the darkness to deepen. You rush to see what's happening only to bump into a branch. Still, you persevere. Eventually, you find yourself in one of the apple orchards, covered in scrapes, but overall okay. You find Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash running around trying to capture a huge shape swooping around them. You squint your eyes to see better and barely make out the unmistakable profile of…Fluttershy? You walk down to see why Fluttershy is acting weird. Her eyes are red, her colors slightly muted (though that could be from the darkness), her wings are batlike, and she has fangs in her mouth. You hear Applejack yell, "Why in tarnation is Flutterbat back?!" "I have no idea!" Twilight admits. "It was us!" You look over to see a group of Bat Ponies landing. "We used one of the pages from the book to change Fluttershy!" "But….but why?" Twilight asks. "We Bat Ponies may be small in number, but we still exist! Yet, any time you ask any creature how many different races of ponies there are, they only say Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi! Now, with one of the heroes of Equestria forever one of us, the world will have to acknowledge our existence as a pony race!" One of the bat ponies explains. "We will no longer be forgotten!" "But poor Fluttershy will be a bat pony against her will!" Rarity gasps. "In time, she will get used to her new abilities!" Another shrugs. "She shouldn't have to!" Applejack counters. Both groups bicker as you come close. "Thank Goodness, [USERNAME]. Please help us explain to these bat ponies that changing Fluttershy is wrong!" Rainbow Dash huffed. "No. Explain to these ponies how changing Fluttershy can help an entire species be seen, and how much that is worth changing one pony slightly." [CHOICE] What do you do? > (Chaos) Side with the Bat Ponies > (Hero) Side with Twilight and her friends [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think it over and say, "The Bat Ponies are right. Flutterbat will help their entire species be noticed and put into history books where they belong. Plus, with their help, she may curb her appetite for apples, and speak again. She just needs time!" "I suppose Fluttershy is always Fluttershy…even when she's Flutterbat!" Pinkie shrugs. "And helping the Bat Ponies be recognized is important." Applejack nods. "Very well. She can stay Flutterbat, but I'm holding you to her being able to talk again someday…sooner rather than later." Twilight warns. "You won't regret this!” One of the Bat Ponies says, delighted. “We'll keep the page safe. Thank you all!" The Bat Ponies nod and go off with Flutterbat to teach her the ways of the bat pony. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think about it and say, "I understand how hard it must be to feel unseen, but changing Fluttershy isn't the answer. Maybe you can have a princess speak on your behalf." You point to Twilight. "Oh. Yes. I will gladly bring up your plight to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I'm sure together, we can find a way to show other ponies that you exist!" Twilight nods. "Thank you, princess. We're sorry we tried to change your friend. We thought it was the only way." The Bat Pony looks down. An orange glow erupts around Flutterbat and she turns back into a very confused Fluttershy. The bat pony hands you the page, "Please keep this safe." The bat ponies and Twilight walk off to have a chat with the other princesses. (+1 page for Heroes) > 28. Pudding Head (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Pinkie Pie cosplaying as Chancellor Puddinghead Quest Outline:  We have missing costume pieces and Pinkie needs help looking for them! Character Position:  Pinkie is getting ready for the Hearth's Warming Tale with her friends. She wants it to go great! She wants everypony to enjoy it!  Actor Instructions:  Ask your new friends for help finding the costume pieces. There will be three: your hat, Rainbow Dash's helmet, and Rarity's crown. Once the person finds one of the three and gives it to you, you give them the matching hash tag! If they give you Pudding Head’s, give them the codeword #puddinghero. If they give you commander hurricane give them the codeword #HeroHurricane. If they give you Princess Platinum then give them the codeword #PlatinumHero. All three of these are stories based off of the leaders of the three pony tribes. Character Headspace:  You need help! You also want to have fun. Find a way to do both. You also secretly worry because your friends are arguing as it is and you feel the stage fright getting the best of you as well. > 29. #PuddingHero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Blistering winds wrap around you as you track through feet of snow. You squint through the blinding white skies blinking the frozen shards out of your eyes. Through the howling winds, you barely make out sobs. You follow the sound to a cave covered in ice. Five ponies stand frozen, anger and resentment permanently stuck on their features in their icy prison. One pony miraculously seems untouched: Chancellor Puddinghead. She sniffles as you come closer. She turns to see you and sighs, "I keep trying and I fail…every time. I've changed it again and again and again and every time-" She looks at the three original saviors: Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie. "Why are you trying to change it in the first place?" You ask. "At first, I loved the feeling of unity we had, but then everypony talked about what happened and now" Pudding Head scrunches up her face, kicking snow back into the blizzard outside the cave "…now I'm seen as the stupid Chancellor…the numb skull…and nothing really changed. Unicorns and pegasi still think that they're better than us…that we aren't as valuable to ponykind because they think we don't have magic." "What do you mean?" You wonder. "The truth is ours is a magic that can't be seen. We may not fly with wings or show sparks in horns, but it's only because of earth pony magic that we can survive! Our strength can till the land, and our earth magic helps things grow." She huffs, taking a moment to let out a frustrated sigh that slowly turns sad. "Yet, here we are, always the least favorite race of ponies. We needed this win so that, for once, every pony would see the value of the earth ponies. They could see that you don't need to have wings or horns to be a hero!" You sit down beside her, looking up at the snowy landscape just outside the ice covered cavern. "How would you do that?" "I don't know, okay! I told you, every time I try to be the hero, I mess up! I tried to go a different route, and the snow followed us. I tried to sing the hearth's warming carols the whole way there but Smart Cookie thought I was just making a racket because, apparently I'm tone deaf. I've even tried being friendly to those two and they thought I was making fun of them!" She growls, pointing to Commander Hurricane and Princess Platinum. She huffs, and grunts for a bit longer before hanging her head, "Maybe they're right. I can't think of any way to stop this snow from coming because I am a numbskull." "No you're not." You give Puddinghead a hug, "sometimes, you just need a helping hoof!" She looks up to you, "Maybe you can help me. Help me get this right so that Earth ponies can be the heroes…please?" [CHOICE] What will you do? > (Chaos) Help Chancellor Puddinghead > (Hero) Tell Puddinghead how important this day is for every pony [ENDING A: CHAOS] You look around at the frozen ponies as you think. You look back at Pudding head and say, "Let's go give the Earth ponies a day to shine!" You nod and you two talk for a bit, coming up with a plan. You two decide to find the fire breathing dragons. You know where the dragons are mostly seen thanks to the history books, and one interesting fact about dragon culture: if you save their life, they will forever be in your debt! So you watch and wait until you finally find a dragon being attacked by pegasi and you save it from being captured! The dragon unhappily agrees to help and unfreezes the ponies with the fire, saving all of ponykind! You see the world changing before your eyes as Earth ponies find more respect and dragons become heroes of ponies everywhere. Any time the snow starts again, the dragon flies up to battle the icy windigoes, along with other dragons who’ve heard of these fierce equine enemies that could make it too cold to hatch their eggs. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You look around at the frozen ponies as you think. You look back at Pudding head and say,"This is a day for equality, Puddinghead! If you take that away, nothing will get better. If you want to change how you're seen, look forward, not back." Puddinghead sighs, "You're right. I need to change myself, not history." An orange glow erupts and everything turns back to normal. "You can have this. I don't need it anymore." She hands you the page. (+1 page for Heroes) > 30. #PLUSHIES > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story How you managed to find yourself lost with the only place for miles being a creepy, possibly abandoned castle, you'll never know. Still, you enter the foreboding sinister building in hopes to find anything to help Fizzy. As you are roaming the castle, you hear a voice murmuring in the distance. No. Not one voice. Two voices converse as you slowly close the distance. "You were so right, Madame Taffytail! They think they're so great just because they have Cutie Marks and they all live together. We can be just as good as them. No. We can be better. We can make friends! We can make so many friends! And those friends can help us get Sparky, and Opaline will finally be proud of me and even give me my Cutie Mark!" one voice announces. "Why stop at that?" Another voice with a Trottingham accent asked. "Imagine it, Misty. We can give everypony the chance to have friends! We have the power to make more magic with more friendship and then Opeline won't have to take the dragon fire magic. She can just soak up the new magic!" "Genius!" Misty grins, eyes and horn glowing a menacingly green. "Let's see how many friendships we created!" You look over to see Misty picking up a teacup with a tennis ball on top that looks like it was made to be some sort of creature… maybe a dog? You gasp as the odd creation moves and speaks on its own. "Yes!" You jump into the area just as Misty activates her horn, accidentally getting caught in a teleportation field. The next thing you know, you're in Maretime Bay. Stuffed animals are running loose everywhere. Your plushies walk by and wave as Misty laughs, "It's so beautiful! With the Inspiration Manifestation bringing new friends here and this amazing page letting me bring them to life, there is more magic here than ever!" She laughs menacingly as her horn glows and other plushies fall from the sky, an orange glow glows around them, and they come to life. "Misty! What's going on with you?" Sunny asks. "I think she's under some curse. She said something about manifesting or inspiring." You say. Pipp gasps, "I heard about that. It, like, completely takes over the ponies brain and all they have to do is say the Inspiration Manifestation Incantation!"  "Ooooh, Alliteration!" Izzy grins. "How can we help?" Sunny asks. "If I remember right, they have to hear the truth or something, but I'm not sure what truth Misty needs to hear." Pipp says. "[USERNAME], you've been around her. What truth do you think Misty needs to hear?" Sunny asks. [CHOICE]  What truth does Misty need to hear? > Making plushies into friends is a fantastic idea! (Chaos) > No matter what you do, Opaline will always want more.(Hero) > Opaline is going to be so proud of you!(Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think it through and nod. "I know exactly what to say!" You turn to Misty and breathe before you speak. "Misty, making new friends from plushies is a fantastic idea!" You grin. "Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!" Misty grins as her eyes glow green once more and more plushies come from who knows where and becomes alive, hugging you. While Sunny and the others try to get used to this new reality, you enjoy every bit of it! (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think it through and nod. "I know exactly what to say!" You turn to Misty and breathe before you speak. "Misty! No matter how much you do for Opaline, it will never be enough. Your friends love you for who you are! Does Opaline love you…really?" Misty's eyes glow green for a second before flickering and going back to normal. "...no…she doesn't…" she admits, "I'm sorry everypony. I was so worried about feeling alone, and helping..somepony..I might have gone a bit crazy for a moment. Here. I don't need this anymore." The orange glow went around the plushies and they went back to being stuffed. She gives the page to you, "I'm going to hang out with my real friends!"  She walks off happily with her friends. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] You think it through and nod. "I know exactly what to say!" You turn to Misty and breathe before you speak. "Misty. Opaline will be so proud of you!" "Do you really think so?" Misty grins, "and I'll finally get my Cutie Mark too!" Her horn glows green, "come my plushie minions! Let's give Opaline more magic!" The plushies turn, going toward the creepy castle as you watch on. (+1 Page for Villains) > 31. #HeroHurricane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You stumble out of the woods to find yourself in an Earth Pony town. It's hard to tell if this is a specific Earth Pony town, but one thing is clear: something is very wrong. Every single Earth Pony is farming with pegasi watching over them, shouting commands. Hoof Work walks out beside you and sighs, "Well, that's not normal."  You nod as you both take in the sight. A pegasus notices Hoof Work, yelling "GET BACK TO WORK, PRIVATE!" "That's our cue to leave!" Hoof Work grabs you and runs. He races through the woods, using the tree cover to lose your flying pursuers in the thick canopy. You take a breather in the relative safety of the wooded area. "What now? I have no idea where we are!" You go to answer, but stop, hearing the unmistakable sound of marching hooves. You run once more.  Eventually, you find a unicorn city. Every unicorn has a device on their horns. There are signs everywhere with sayings like: "No frivolous magic" and "A dull horn is a happy horn.” Pegasi shout orders as unicorns line up. Targets appear in front of them. Each unicorn hits the target with the same spell at the same time under the watchful appreciation of Commander Hurricane.  Hoof Work freezes, and almost instantaneously Hurricane stops the tests, looking slowly up to you and Hoof Work. "What is that strange creature next to the Earth pony? And why is the Earth pony out of jurisdiction?" Another pegasus whispers into Commander Hurricane's ear. "Just what I thought! Insubordination! You two! Come here!"  The army of pegasi behind you both leaves no room to argue, and so you both make your way to Commander Hurricane. "I should have you court martialed for this, private!" He spits at Hoof Work. "However, I will use this as a learning opportunity for all of ponykind." He looks to the unicorns and the pegasi that accompany him. "We see the poor Earth Pony, so confused by freedom that he goes into the town for UNICORNS!" Snickering follows. "Now wait just a cotton picking min—" Hoof Work starts, but Hurricane stops him, addressing everypony else. "We all know only with practice and discipline can we be a better Pegasopolis!” Commander Hurricane puts a hoof on his chest. “Look how I single-hoofedly took out those Windingos and saved our world! Earth Ponies need our guidance. They have a hard time thinking for themselves, just like this poor stallion before us who should be with his own kind!”  He points to the Earth Ponies under constant supervision from the pegasi. “Unicorns also need our protection. They don't know the first thing about discipline, and, on their own, they will only use their magic frivolously! Imagine how ridiculous it would be if a pony were to use her magic to just…make clothes or entertain.” He scoffs. “It is only us pegasi that truly understand what pony kind needs: discipline and tactics!” "She must have found one of the pages." Hoof Work's voice nearly growls, "What do we do?" [CHOICE]  How to best stop Commander Hurricane? > Just tell her she's wrong.(Chaos)  > Grab the page first! Once things are normal, show her the differences. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I'm sure she can be reasoned with." You nod.  Hoof Work groans a little but replies, "All right. We'll try it your way."  You come out to face Commander Hurricane. "Commander. This is wrong and you know it! Look around you! The unicorns and Earth ponies aren't your soldiers or slaves. They are ponies just like you. Every pony has something to celebrate! This…this is sick and wrong!" "No!" Commander Hurricane scoffs. "We tried the whole harmony thing. At first it was nice, but every pony saw me as some brute. Can you imagine?! Me! Even worse, I saw how much unicorns just flaunted their magic for ridiculous things like shopping and picking flowers. Look at them now! Nothing can get through the defenses I'm building!" "Defenses for what?! And what about the Earth Ponies?" You ask. "Defenses for our foes. I know that other creatures will try to take our utopia just like those Windigos did! We'll be ready! As for the Earth Ponies, they are simple creatures, who need leadership to make the best use of their farming. With the pegasi’s help, we are harvesting more food than ever!" "At the cost of their freedom!" Hoof Work points out. "Freedom to do what? Run around? This is war! We have no time for frivolity!" Commander Hurricane scoffed. "Now I'm going to check around. You and your Earth Pony friend need to get back to work." "That's it!" Hoof Work immediately rushes in, attempting to tackle Hurricane, who manages to fly to safety. "See." Hurricane sighs. "It's just sad, but this little frivolous trip confused your friend enough to make him do something stupid. But what would you expect of an Earth Pony? I've wasted enough time here." She flies away. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Here's the plan. I distract her. You use the page to change the story!" You whisper. Hoof Work nods. You come out after carefully moving away from Hoof Work. "Commander Hurricane! This is wrong and you know it!" You shout. Commander Hurricane turns to you, "No. This is what must be done. We are at war! Those Windigos opened my eyes to that. I defeated them, but more creatures will come to take our home from us and I won't allow that! This is what we must do to survive. Harmony is a weakness!" "Oh yeah?" You ask. At that moment, the sneaking Hoof Work jumps onto Commander Hurricane. The two tumble, fighting. Hoof Work grabs the page he finds hidden under the Commander's helmet. He changes the story. You find yourself in Ponyville with Commander Hurricane. "This is what the world looks like with Harmony!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders run off happily. Twilight and her friends laugh with each other, reminiscing about past foes defeated.  "You were so busy seeing the flaws in other races, you didn't care to look at their strengths! Unicorns might use their magic frivolously, but that helps their magic grow and show them what they're capable of! Earth ponies aren't stupid. They're just content to enjoy simple pleasures more often. Their biggest strength as a race is community. They come together to help each other. Having all three races, free of tyranny, will make you much stronger than any one over the other!" Commander Hurricane looks on, shame filling her eyes. "I'd like to go back to Hearth’s Warming now… I have some apologies to make." Hoof Work nods and an orange glow goes around Hurricane, and she disappears. (+1 page for Heroes) > 32. #PlatinumHero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Sleepy Bean stumbles into Ponyville with a wide yawn. You follow behind. You stop though as you realize Ponyville seems a little…off. There's something missing here, but you can't quite place what. You have a look around. Sweet Apple Acres is still growing apples. Sugar Cube corner is still selling sweets. Golden Oak Library still has all of its books. "Huh." Sleepy yawns groggily, "where's Carousel Boutique?" It hits you like a freight train. Rarity's boutique is gone. Not only that, but you've only seen earth ponies since you came in. "Applejack." You ask as you see her. "Where are the pegasi and unicorns?" "Um…the pegasi are off in their clouds like they always are. They aren't allowed to fly around these parts. Heck, they can't fly anywhere without permission." "Why?" Sleepy asks. "It's dangerous. That's why. I gotta deliver this bunch of apples to the unicorns before they decide to keep it night for a week….again." "Sounds like heaven." Sleepy muses blissfully, "but how did you know it was for a week?" "Honestly, I don't fer sure. We know it was for a long time though. Felt like a week!" She sighs. You see Princess Platinum overseeing everything and freeze. Wait. That…that can't be right. Yet there she was, exactly as you imagined she would have looked in ancient pony times.  Sleepy Bean murmurs, "Am I dreaming?" You shake your head as you get to the point of hearing Princess Platinum. "Isn't it wonderful? Everything working like clockwork. The Pegasi only fly where they should. The earth ponies bring more food than ever. And every pony knows who the best ponies in all of Unicornia are! And all because I saved us all from those garish Windigos." "How?" Sleepy Bean yawns. Princess Platinum stops. "Simple. I used my magic to simply make them disappear.So now I am the hero of Unicornia and every pony knows now, without a doubt, that unicorns are the best type of ponies." As Princess Platinum flicks her hair back, you and Sleepy catch a glimpse of one of the pages in her cloak.  What do you do? [CHOICE]  > (Chaos) Try to talk Princess Platinum into changing things back to normal. > (Hero) Distract Princess Platinum with compliments while Sleepy gets the page and show her the future she would be heading for. [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Let's try talking to her. Maybe she can be reasonable," you say to Sleepy. "Sounds good to me." Sleepy shrugs groggily. You walk over to Princess Platinum and clear your throat before you speak. "Princess Platinum. This is wrong and you know it! No kind of pony is better or worse than any other pony! Earth ponies are dependable. Their strength of both body and heart help anypony who needs it. Pegasi are fast and agile, and also have tremendous spirit. You didn't save your world, Princess. All you did was keep the divide that weakens all the ponies!" "Oh really? I can tell you nothing really changes. Unicorns are always the best. Besides, I was tired of ponies thinking I was a snob. Could you imagine? Me? When I've been so generous to everypony, and just because Clover figured out some weird harmony spell? Well, we don't need it now. The Windigos are gone and everypony is exactly where they are meant to be! We, the most magical ponies, are at the top, and the ponies with no magic to speak of are at the bottom. Everypony is happier for it." "They don't seem happy to me." Sleepy yawns. "I'm tired of this conversation. Guards!" Princess Platinum calls and a group of unicorns light their horns in unison. "We should go!" Sleepy nods and you run off, hearing magic shoot behind you as you go. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Hey Sleepy. Will you distract her with compliments? I have a plan." You nod. "Can do!" Sleepy nods. She steps close to Princess Platinum. "You must be the most powerful and graceful unicorn in the history of Unicornia," Sleepy starts. "Oh stop. You're making me blush." Princess Platinum waves her hoof, "Actually, it's all true, so keep going!" You sneak around as Sleepy keeps up with compliments, mostly ignored by the soldiers watching over the earth ponies. You sneak as close as you dare, grasping the hidden page, and pulling it away before sneaking back as fast as you possibly can. Princess Platinum notices a moment too late. "Guards!"  You think hard and find yourself in the future with Sleepy and Platinum. Battles erupt around all the pony tribes. You see earth ponies and pegasi working together to clasp magic blockers on to unicorns. Princess Platinum sees her future self in a cage with a magic dampened on her horn, her royal wardrobe traded for rags.  Princess Platinum gasps. "What is this?!" "This is the future that will happen by the choice you made!" You explain. "You will be dethroned and all unicorns won't be allowed their magic because you couldn't stand equality! This is the choice you made for your kind, but you can change it. You just have to change your mind and change it back!" You hold out the page.  Princess Platinum sighs, "Fine!" An orange glow erupts and everything turns back to normal. "I would rather be seen as a snob than ever be seen in rags anyway!" She goes off in a huff, leaving the page for you. (+1 page for Heroes) > 33. #A-pear-ent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "All I'm saying is that there are some stories that could be changed for the better." Fizzy explains. "And I can help change them!" "What stories as an example?" You ask curiously. "We'll find some. I'm sure of it!" Fizzy keeps her eyes forward, so many things on her mind that she isn't saying. "All I know is I'm hungry. Let's get some food." You say. You make your way to Sweet Apple Acres for some delicious apple treats. You find Apple Bloom hiding. "Applebloom? What are you doing?" Fizzy asks. "I'm playing hide-n-seek. Don't let him know where I am!" She shushed. "Who?" Fizzy asks. "Where could my littlest granddaughter be?" Grand Pear calls out, looking around for her. "That's so sweet. Making up for lost time now that you found eachother?" Fizzy asks. "What're Ya'll talking about?" Apple Bloom asks. "You know…how you and Grand Pear are getting to know each other." Fizzy continues. Applebloom laughs, "that's a good one. Why, I've known my granpear my whole life!"  "Gotcha!" Grand Pear scoops up Applebloom. "Awww. No fair. These two gave away my hiding spot!" Applebloom sighed. "Come along, you two! Granny Smith and I just finished supper." Applejack waves them in. "Aw, come on, Applejack. Five more minutes? Pleeeeeaaase?!" "What do ya think, Big Mac? Think we can wait for five more minutes so these two can finish their game?" Applejack asks. "Eee-yup!" Big Mac nods. "Hurry it up now, you prickly pear. We don't want the young one to have cold food!" Granny warned. "Just one more game and we'll be in. Promise!" Gran pear nods as Applebloom runs off to hide. Grand Pear whispers to you, "I couldn't help but overhear what you said to my granddaughter. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't say things like that anymore." "Why? What's going on?" Fizzy asks. Grand Pear looks around to make sure no pony else could hear, "I found this magic page that could change things. I know better than to try to stop someone's end, but…the ability to help my grandchildren through it…I couldn't pass up that chance once I knew they were around." He looked over to where Applebloom ran off, "please. Let me have this second chance." Fizzy looks to you. "What do you think?" [CHOICE]  Will you let Grand Pear have his second chance? > Yes (Chaos) > No (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think it through and smile, "how could we possibly pull a man away from his family?" You look over to where Applebloom went, "go have a good time with your family." "I will, and I'll keep the page safe!" Grand Pear promises. Fizzy smiles as he goes off. "See. Some stories should be changed" "I hope we did the right thing." You breathe as you go off as well. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You sigh and look down, "Grand Pear. I know you feel terrible about your choices, but changing the past isn't the way to go about it." "But-" Fizzy and Grand Pear say simultaneously. "-no buts." You continue. "It's horrible that you missed so much time with them, but instead of changing the past, make the most of the time you have now that you know them. Changing it changes their lives and that may not be fair to them." Grand Pear sighs. Fizzy tries again, "but-" "No…your friend is right. I don't know yet if my being here changes things with my grandchildren…it's best to keep things as they are." An orange glow surrounds you as everything goes back to normal and he hands you the page. "If you'll excuse me, I need to spend time with my family."  Grand Pear goes off while Fizzy thinks about it. "But…what if it would be better the other way?" "The point is it didn't. Going back isn't the answer, Fizzy. Moving forward is." You give her a hug as you both walk off. (+1 page for Heroes) > 34. #ADashofSun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Deep Dish wander around Ponyville. Deep Dish sighs. "I hope Hoof Work, Mustard Mark, and Sleepy Bean are having some luck. I don't even really know what to look for, [USERNAME]." "Anything wrong or out of place," you guess. Deep Dish grabs a caramel apple and takes a bite. She immediately spit it out with your tongue. She turns the apple around to find that it was a caramel onion.  "Do you mean like this?" she wonders. You hear laughter nearby and look around. Unsurprisingly, Rainbow Dash is laughing, falling to the ground in hysterics. But the white alicorn laughing with her does surprise you. Deep Dish gasps. "PRINCESS?!" Princess Celestia finishes her laughing fit, wiping a tear from her eyes. "Oh, Rainbow Dash. I laughed so hard, I accidentally stopped disguising myself." She takes a few deep breaths and then says, "Yes, it is I." "When I found out that Princess Celestia loved pranks as much as I do, I miiiiight have used one of those neat page things to help her be able to let loose!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "And now I can do this whenever I want to!" Celestia baths herself in magic. When the magic disappears, a yellow pegasus with golden yellow mane and tail is standing exactly where Celestia was. Surprisingly, her eyes remain unchanged in color. "I used to try doing this once a moon to check on the Citizens of Equestria. However, it had been getting more and more difficult to sneak out of the palace. With Rainbow Dash's help, I finally get to have FUN!" "But, princess, if you're here, then who's running Equestria?" Deep Dish asks. "Oh, I left Luna in charge, of course. I'm sure she'll be fine! Besides, I'm sure Equestria can survive without my leadership for a little while…maybe for a long while." "This isn’t good." Deep Dish whispers, "I worry that Equestria may still need Celestia, but she's having such a good time. What should we do?" [CHOICE] Should you let Celestia keep hiding as a pegasus? > Celestia deserves to have fun too. Let her and Rainbow Dash have a good time with their pranks! (Chaos) > Celestia is the Ruler. She should be doing her job ruling all of Equestria! (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think it over before you answer, "She and Rainbow Dash are having fun. Let them be!" You nod. "Come on, Tia." Rainbow Dash nods. "Let's go find another prank to pull!" "Right after you, Dashie!" Celestia grins in her disguise. The two go off. Later that day, you hear of their mischief making. Twilight has been getting letters from Celestia with words that disappear before she can read them. Pinkie Pie finds everything in the bakery is cake except the cakes, which are decorated hat boxes. Applejack finds the trees she bucked apples from have grapes hanging from them. Rarity notices that every single picture in her house is replaced with a picture of Rainbow Dash. Spike looks at the shelf where he keeps his comics only to see coloring books in their place. Fluttershy notices Angel Bunny trying to jump for a carrot, which keeps raising just out of reach. In every instance, everypony hears the laughter of two pranking friends enjoying themselves. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, diplomats are waiting for the princess' choices, but she never comes out to greet them. Policies never go through. Decisions never get made. Eventually, ponies give up and start waiting until sunset to ask Princess Luna about policies.  (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You think it over and say, "You're right. We should talk to her." You walk to Celestia and continue, "I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself, but Equestria still needs you!" "Yes!" Deep Dish agrees. "You raise the sun. You first notice when things are off. You know more about the possible problems that can happen, and who to best send to fix those problems." "I suppose you're right." Celestia sighs, "Rainbow Dash. I had a lovely time but we really must stop. Canterlot needs me. Equestria needs me. Everypony needs me!" "Spoil sports." Rainbow Dash grumbles, "we were having so much fun! Celestia deserves a break!" "And a break I had. Thank you, Rainbow Dash, for thinking of me. It was nice to be an average pony for a while. Maybe you can come down to Canterlot sometime and help me prank the guards!" Celestia winks. "Well, I guess I could do that. Maybe we could have Philomena and Tank join us too. I noticed how much Philomena loves a good prank. And Tank is chill. He's up for anything!" An orange glow erupts around you and Celestia is gone, most likely back home.  Rainbow Dash gives you the page, "Here. I don't really need this for anything else, so you can have it. At least Celestia and I had one really fun day full of pranking!" (+1 page for Heroes) > 35. #SunriseSunset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Every pony in all of Equestria is talking about the return and defeat of Nightmare Moon. Ponies all over are talking about ways to celebrate the sun rising after such a long night. You walk around, watching ponies getting ready to go to the ceremony. You stop as you see Sunset Shimmer trotting up, "Thank you, every pony. I appreciate your wish to celebrate. Unfortunately, Princess Celestia will not be able to join our celebration today" The crowd collectively groans in disappointment.  Caramel walks up to you, confusion etched on her face, "Now that doesn't seem right." You nod in agreement. "Not to worry," Sunset continues, "my…friends…and I will be around to enjoy the celebration…isn't that right…friends?" From behind Sunset, strange ponies emerge. Their heads are far too big for their tiny bodies. Their eyes take up most of their faces. They all have smiles plastered on their faces. "Yes. Let's all have fun together as friends!" A high pitched voice comes out of one of the strange ponies who looks a lot like a weird version of Pinkie Pie.  "Everypony, these are my…friends: Starsong, Pinkie Pie, Starcatcher, Scootaloo, and Cheerilee." Sunset turns around, a smile plastered to her face, as she nods, "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up…"  The Ponyville school teacher blinks confusedly at her counterpart. "Okay, friend." The weird almost-Pinkie smiles as her huge headed friends walk by. "Let's follow Sunset." Caramel nods to you. You agree and you go off.  You finally catch up to Sunset at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Celestia is in the castle, crying. "What…what have you done?!" You hear her ask as you sneak behind Sunset. "I did what you asked me to do. I made friends. I defeated Nightmare Moon!" Sunset turns away. Celestia gasps, "Sunset. When I said you needed to make some friends, I didn't mean for you to literally make them. I meant to grow bonds with other ponies. This is what happens when a pony has too much power and not enough care!" "Nothing I ever do is good enough, Celestia! You said ‘make friends’. I tried. No pony here wanted to be my friend. I asked you for help and what was your advice? Become friends. Thanks for that, by the way. The more I tried, the more I failed! So then I found this page and I thought if I could make sure I had friends. I had it change the story to get me friends who would never question me and they were my answer!" Tears crest Sunset's eyes, not yet falling. "Sunset. They are not your friends!" Celestia's voice breaks, pointing out into the distance. "They are too!" Sunset refutes. "Sure, I didn’t need to rely on them, but so what? I teleported myself to safety at the cliff, and used my magic to make a cage that the manticore is still trapped in. The girls were scared of those trees, but I uprooted and threw them away. I floated us above the crybaby sea monster, and I'm pretty sure that Star Song is still talking to those weird shadow ponies that came from nowhere. They never thought about anything but the next tea party, but regardless, we got here!" "Sunset!" Celestia stomps her hoof on the ground, demanding attention, but Sunset continues as if Celestia has said nothing. "And I tried the elements just like the book said. They didn't work. Nightmare Moon destroyed the remnants!"  "Sunset!" Celestia tries again. "So I did what I had to do for Equestria. We can't survive eternal night!" Sunset points out. "You were supposed to turn her back! Not push her away again!" Celestia sobs, screaming at Sunset's face. "I don't understand. I just…I just wanted to make you proud of me. I didn't want to be trapped in that mirror in a world I didn't belong to!" Tears stream down Sunset's face. Caramel sniffles, then notices you and Caramel. "[USERNAME], please help me! Talk some sense into her!" [CHOICE]  What can be said to help this situation? > Say nothing (Chaos) > Tell Sunset about Canterlot High. (Hero) > Tell Sunset about Luna. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I don't think it's our place to say anything. Celestia and Sunset need to work it out themselves." You shake your head. "If you're sure. I certainly wouldn't want to make things worse." Caramel sighs. "You know what." You overhear as you start to leave, "Nothing I do is good enough for you. I have never been good enough for you!" "You just don't understand!" Celestia cries, "I put all of my hopes on you. I thought that you could do this!" "Well I'm sorry it wasn't to your satisfaction, Princess. If it means sooooo much to you, Nightmare Moon is in Tartarus now. Go visit her there. As for me, I'm done. I'll go try to have fun with these…friends I made." Sunset walks off with Celestia crying as you walk away. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "I have an idea." You nod as you and Caramel reveal yourselves. You walk out just as Sunset starts to continue. "I am never good enough-" She stops to look at you and Caramel. "Sorry to interrupt, but Celestia is right about one thing. Those…strange ponies aren't your friends!" You start. "And what would you know of my friends?!" Sunset huffs. "I know that on the other side of the mirror, there will be others who will eventually see you for how amazing you are. It will take time for you to find your footing, but when you finally find your true friends, others who will see your good and your bad sides and want to be with you. Here, you will always be seen as Celestia's favorite, not as who you are. There, you will make mistakes, and you will be forgiven for those mistakes. You will falter, and teach another who falters what it is to be forgiven and to forgive yourself!" You come closer,, "And I can promise you that that world needs you more than those weird bobbleheaded ponies do." Sunset holds tears in her eyes, "So to finally find friends, I have to leave my home?" "I know it's a big step, but I also know you'll be so much happier there than you are right now!" You nod. Sunset sighs, looks over to Celestia and decides. "I want you to have this. She might do something drastic." Sunset hands you the page as an orange glow erupts and everything goes back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "I have an idea." You nod as you and Caramel reveal yourselves. You walk out just as Sunset starts to continue. "I am never good enough-" She stops to look at you and Caramel. "Sunset, you deserve to know the truth." You stomp. "About why Celestia has been so focused on you finding friends. The truth is that Nightmare Moon was her sister! Her name is Luna. She felt her night was shunned while Celestia's sun was celebrated." Sunset looks over to Celestia. "Is this true?!" Celestia sighs, "Yes…" She manages. Sunset starts laughing. Her laughter turns more and more deranged. Caramel clears her throat. "You alright, darlin?" She asks. "Oh sure. I just found out MY mentor has been using me as a means to fix her mistake. That's all." A dark magic starts to swirl around her, "Dut you don't have to worry, princess. Your sister won't be alone anymore!" The magic stops and Sunset looks demonic. She flies off. Your mouth hangs open as Caramel sighs, "It's all right. I know you meant well, but we should go." You nod as you both go off. (+1 page to Villains) > 36. #100MemoriesOneHome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Earth ponies check on their crops. Pegasi check on Cloudsdale and the weather factory. The unicorns work on cleaning up debri around the town. Every single pony is doing their best to clean up the mess that Tirek's rampage left behind. "I remember hearing about this." Fizzy gasped as you both walk through the tattered remains of Ponyville. "Tirek really did a number on Equestria. His powerful attacks destroyed so much in Ponyville. He leveled whole sections of land.He hurt so much of the town! I mean, no one will ever forget what he did to the Golden Oak Lib-" Fizzy stops, mouth agape. You look over to where she stands.There, right in front you, stands the Golden Oak Library right where it always stood, untouched by Tirek's rampage. Fizzy tears up a little. "Wow! I never thought. I mean, I never really got to see it before-" "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Twilight Sparkle smiles, looking up at it with tears in her eyes. "It…really is." Fizzy nods. "But I don't understand. I thought. I mean, I know-. That is, Tirek-" Twilight gently places a hoof over Fizzy's mouth, looking around to the other ponies, making sure nopony can hear before whispering, "can you keep a secret?" "Absolutely!" Fizzy agrees. "The truth is…I used magic." Twilight pulls out a page of the book, "this page gave me a chance to change things…I no longer have a castle for myself, but I have the library back!" She looks back to the beautiful tree building, "I just changed where I went, and then Tirek never touches the library. It was such a simple change!" "Won't you miss that huge castle?" Fizzy asked. "The castle was…nice, I suppose, but it…it didn’t feel like home. All of my memories were always here, in the library." Twilight walks over, putting a hoof on the wood grain, "When Tirek destroyed it, and I saw all my things go up in flames, I didn't really have the chance to react since I was still in a fight, but once the fight was over…" Twilight bit her lip, a single tear rolling down her face. She shakes her head, "so, I got my home back!" She smiles lovingly at the small library, and a silence falls among the three of you, "it's wonderful…isn't it?" "It is!" Fizzy beams, "don't you think so, [USERNAME]?" [CHOICE] Do you think having the library back is great? > Absolutely! (Chaos) > Well…actually… (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Absolutely!" You smile, looking up at the beautiful tree sitting where it always had. "It's fantastic!" All three of you sit down, happily beaming at the library. Fizzy looks back to Twilight, "your secret is safe with us." She winks. "And don't worry. I'll keep the page safe!" Twilight promises. "We know!" Fizzy nodded. She looks back to go, but stops, asking hopefully, "can we have a look around before we go?" "Like…a tour? I don't see why not!" Twilight nods. She takes you and Fizzy inside, showing off all the things she had missed about her home. She shows off books and talks about their importance, sits on her bed, hugging Spike's little bed, and happily goes through each list that had once been lost. Once out, Twilight smiles with tears streaming down her eyes, "thank you again for understanding. The castle was…fine, but this-this is my home!" "Absolutely, Twilight. We'll come back ahain soon." Fizzy waves before turning back to you, and admitting, "you know…when I opened the book…I wanted to change things. I'm…I'm glad that, at least once, we could make one ponies life a bit better." You give Fizzy a hug as you both go off. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Well…actually…" you sigh. "What? You don't like the library?" Fizzy asks, shock covering her face. "I love Golden Oak Library." You reply, "but, as much as I love the library, I know the castle was more than just a castle. It had a map that help you know friendship problems all over Equestria! It was a symbol of your ascension. I also miss the library, but your castle will become your home too, and the library will never be forgotten." Twilight looks down, tears in the corners of her eyes "you're right. I was being selfish. In giving my home back, I'm denying ponies all over the chance for help in friendship. I'm so sorry." She lets out a sigh, holding out the page to you both, "Will you hold on to this for me?" An orange glow erupts around everyone and you see the castle and the destroyed remains of Golden Oak. Twilight sits at her once beloved home, picking up the remains of a book as Fizzy slowly joins her. "You know, I almost traded my books to a filly for a broken quill." She laughed hollowly, "but Pinky reminded me of how important the books were in making me the pony I am today. Now, I wish more than anything that I had made that trade…at least some of my memories would be safe…" Fizzy bites her lip, looking down, "I know…how it feels to want to go back and change things…more than you know…there's nothing I can say that will make this better, but…" Fizzy hugs Twilight, who begins to sob. You join them, grieving over the ruins. (+1 page for Heroes) > 37. #Joke'sonYou > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Deep Dish find yourselves in front of a sign welcoming you to Ponyville. You can no longer read the sign, however, due to it being covered in blue flowers. You both walk carefully around the sign. To your shock, the blue flowers are everywhere. Ponies everywhere have blue spots on them. Golden Harvest is completely green. Lyra has hands for hooves. Bon Bon is garishly noticeable with a neon colored mane and tail. Vinyl’' records only sound like polka when she plays them. Octavia has a thick Russian accent. Derpy is gigantic, bumping into buildings with every step. Every pony in town has something strange about them! Zecora comes up to you, gasping: "It's a disaster Blue flowers found magic page My friend, we are doomed!" Deep Dish blinks, "Oh so she doesn't talk in rhyme with-wait-was that a hiaku?!" You slowly nod before Deep Dish continues, "Zecora, can you show us where the page is?" "Everfree Forest Resting among flowers blue Magic page glows on" "Sounds like we're going to the Everfree Forest!" Deep Dish nods, "lead the way, Zecora!" Zecora leads the way through the deep dark wood. Howls erupt around you. Zecora warns: "Close are Timberwolves Fearsome predators to us Run to flowers fast" "You don't need to tell us twice!" Deep Dish nods, taking you and rushing after Zecora. You see the Timberwolves as they try to approach you, only to trip over their blue spotted feet every few steps or so. Deep Dish snickers despite herself. "That certainly puts the timber in Timberwolves!" Zecora stops suddenly. In front of you is a patch of Poison Joke the size of a football field. You make out the glow of the page in the middle of the flowers. "Go in to get pranked Flowers joke for each entry What is the best plan?" "I think Zecora says that the Poison joke gives pranks every time you walk through it now because of the page, and she wants to know what we should do. Honestly, I'm wondering the same?" [CHOICE] How do you plan on getting the page back? > Try to get it on your own. (Chaos) > Find a way to work together. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I'll get it!" You proclaim and try to simply walk through the flowers. "They don't usually affect you right away, so it's fine, right?" Suddenly, you find yourself walking backwards out of the patch. You look down to see your feet are now backwards. "Well…let's try again." The more you try, the stranger you look, and the less steps you get into the patch until you can't take a step at all. Deep Dish coughs, "Let's go look for an antidote for you…the page can stay there for now." Deep Dish and Zecora take you to find antidote ingredients instead. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "I'm not sure." You admit, "but one thing I know for sure is that we should work together." "Maybe we should think of what the Poison joke makes us do. It made Zecora speak in Haiku so I guess it's what they think is funny…that's why it changed everypony in town the way it did." Deep Dish explains. "Wait. Say that again." You respond. "It's what they think is funny?" "No. The last part, Dish!" "Oh how it changed everypony in town?" "Yes!" You cheer "I was right. We need to work together! All of us. We're going back to town!" After some convincing, everypony in ponyville filters to the giant patch, working together, the earth ponies dig a trench to make sure the flowers don't spread more. The unicorns use their magic to shield the pegasi and the pegasi carefully fly down to grab the page. They give it to you as an orange glow erupts around everypony and everything is back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) > 38. #TouchtheSky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "Alright, girls!" You hear as you walk over to a meadow with a practice stage built on it. "I've got it this time!" Scootaloo runs up to Applebloom and Sweetie Bell as you watch on. "That's what you said all day yesterday. Rainbow Dash is going to be here before long, and I don't think I got another 100 practice runs in me!" Applebloom sighs. "Yeah, and we really aren't having fun anymore." Sweetie Bell admits. "Girls, I know things were rough yesterday, but I promise today will be different. We'll go through the routine one last time, and then we can rest until Rainbow Dash comes to watch us. Promise!" Scootaloo beams. "Oh. Alright." Sweetie Bell sighs. "Let's get this over with." Applebloom shrugs. "Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies coexist!" Scootaloo's voice resounds with nopony on stage. "We are the earth ponies," Applebloom continues, ribbons flowing from her front hooves as she walks. "We are unicorns!" Sweetie Bell bounces with a ribbon on her horn from the opposite side. "We are pegasi!" Scootaloo drops down from above on a wooden cloud, flapping the ribbons on her wings. "And the town where friendship reigns is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best…" As Scootaloo says now, Applebloom and Scootaloo lift up a hula oolahoop with tissue paper around the middle. Scootaloo flies through the middle, shouting, "Ponyville Forever! Yay!" As she lands on the hooves of her two friends. Sweetie Bell uses her magic to raise the flag at the same time. Just after, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell squeal happily, tackling Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, you did it! You really did it!" Applebloom grinned. "I can't believe it, Scootaloo! How did you finally figure it out?" Sweetie asks. "I guess I just needed to sleep on it." Scootaloo grins. As she says that, you see a piece of paper fall from under her wings. She quickly scoops it up, "Sorry. Script. Making sure I have all the lines memorized!" You know that truth. That was a page, and Scootaloo changed the story so she could fly! What do you do? [CHOICE] What do you do? > Nothing. Let Scootaloo fly! (Chaos) > Let her friends know and talk to Scootaloo together. (Hero) [ A: CHAOS] You watch as the three girls snicker, talking about how shocked Rainbow Dash would be when she saw Scootaloo flying. You turn and walk away, happy to see Scootaloo so happy! (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You walk into the clearing. "Scootaloo didn't sleep on it. She changed the story!" you announce. "What?" Sweetie asks. "That paper is from the book of all stories. She used it to be able to fly," you answer. "Scootaloo…is that true?" Applebloom asks. "Well…yeah…" Scootaloo looks down. "But…but why Scoots?" Sweetie asks. "Because, I was ruining our chances of winning, and I don't really show Ponyville. I wanted to feel the sky in my wings! What if I never would have flown without it?! I would be different than other pegasi…barely a pegasus at all!" Tears streamed down her face. "Is that what this is all about?" Applebloom asked. "Scootaloo, we never thought any differently about whether you could fly or not." Sweetie Bell smiles. "Yeah. You'll always be a pegasus. Flying isn't the only thing that makes that. Plus, You'll always be our friend!" Applebloom continues. "Yeah. So stop thinking about what Diamond Tiara said and start listening to the ponies who care about you!" Sweetie nods. "Ponies who love you." Applebloom nods as well. "Us!" They say in unison. "Now, don't you think it would be better to find out what you're meant to do on your own?" You ask. Scootaloo sighs,"I guess." She looks over to her wings and decides, "one more thing first!" She flies up and does tricks like she's seen Rainbow Dash do thousands of times. After a few minutes she lands, "Okay. Now I'm ready!" An orange glow surrounds her as she goes back to normal and hands the page to you. (+1 page for Heroes) > 39. #Unicorn'sPride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Canterlot is buzzing with preparations for the first ever Friendship Festival. You excitedly watch along with Caramel as more and more of the planned festivities are set up. "I can't believe we'll get to see the Friendship Festival!" Caramel grins. You nod just as you see fireworks shoot up in the sky. Curious as to their source, you and Caramel rush off to see where it came from. You find Tempest readying her magic, her horn intact! Caramel gasps, whispering to you, "Wasn't her horn broken?" You nod. She sighs and goes up to her. "Uh…hey there, Tempest." Tempest doesn't turn around. "Um…Tempest?" Tempest shoots another burst in the air, watching as the magic flowers out in the sky. She beams with pride. "Excuse me!" Caramel yells a second too late and blushes. "Huh?" Tempest turns around to see you and Caramel. "Sorry…" Caramel coughs into her hoof to give herself a moment to push the embarrassment aside. "It's just surprising to see you here now, Tempest." "Tempest? I think you have me confused. My name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist!" Fizzlepop smiles, "Maybe I remind you of somepony…?" "Uh…maybe…" Caramel looks down, unsure of how to say what she wants to. "The thing is…the pony you remind me of…she um…she had a terrible accident when she was younger…with her horn…" Fizzlepop bites her lip, looking around to make certain no other creature could hear before she speaks. "How…how did you know. I made it to where it never happened!" "Oh…" Caramel gives another cough to share a look with you before she continues, "h-how did you do that?" Fizzlepop sighs and takes a breath. "When I got attacked by the Ursa Major-" "Ursa Minor." You murmur, correcting her and hoping she didn’t hear you.. "My friends treated me like I was a freak. They were terrified of me, but then I found this page, and I went back and I just never went to get the ball. My friends love me! It's great. Having a broken horn almost destroyed my life, but with this page, I was able to be like everypony else. Isn't it great?!" "Yeah…um..just give us one second, okay?" Caramel takes you to the side, "We both know she lost her horn and joined the Storm King. Now that she didn't, the Storm King doesn't even know Equestria exists, so it could only be good, right?! But, she also helped defeat the Storm King, so if he ever does show up, it could end worse…but there's a chance he could never come. Should we try to change this back or should we leave this and let her just…enjoy her life?" [CHOICE]   What should you do? > Leave her alone. (Chaos) > Convince her to keep her horn broken. (Hero) > Convince her to hold onto the page. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "She's happy. That's the important thing." You whisper before looking up to Fizzlepop and shouting, "Your fireworks are beautiful! We'll let you get back to them!" "Thanks so much!" Fizzlepop shouts back and goes back to practicing. You head back to enjoy the festivities. Just as the festival starts up, Celestia walks down the stairs of the castle somberly, her eyes directly on Cadence. Cadence notices the gaze, worry slowly etching onto her face. "I am sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news on what should have been the brightest of days, but as of today, Equestria is at war!" Ponies everywhere murmur among themselves. Twilight notices Celestia looking at the panicking Cadence. "What happened?" Twilight asks. Celestia sighs, announcing, "The Crystal Empire was attacked by a legion of airships. Prince Shining Armor and little Princess Flurry Heart have been taken prisoner, and a creature by the name of the Storm King has claimed the Empire as his own." Cadence silently weeps as more murmurs break out once more. Celestia puts a hoof up, "We must be vigilant to save our pony brethren. Thus, today, I humbly ask my brave ponies to join in the fight. Together, we will free the Crystal Empire once more!" Shock fills your heart as ponies all over trot to volunteer for the effort, and you look back as Fizzlepop walks away from the scene. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "This isn’t who she's supposed to be." You shake your head. You look at Fizzlepop as she watches you and Caramel as you break and you say, "Te-Fizzlepop. Your broken horn was a part of who you are. It guides so much of your life! Without that moment, you are’nt going to be around to help somepony important. You shouldn't change who you are." "But I almost lost all my friends because of it!" Fizzlepop gasps. "Well then they aren't very good friends if they would leave you for that, are they?" You ask. Fizzlepop looks at you, biting her lip, "Does losing my horn really make that much difference to my life?!" You think hard before you answer, "Let's put it this way. If you keep your horn shattered, you eventually help save all of Equestria." "How do you know?" Fizzlepop asks. "Call it a hunch." You smile. She looks up to her horn, to you and back to her horn again. "I really don't want to give up my horn…" She looks down, scratching the ground with her hooves. "But if it helps Equestria, I'll do it." She hands the page to you as an orange glow surrounds Canterlot. Everything goes back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You know. That page is really powerful!" You state. "It sure is!" Fizzlepop beams. "Maybe if you ever find yourself trapped, you can use it as a bargaining chip. Trade it for your freedom." You shrug, "With how many villains show up, it wouldn't hurt to have a safety net." "But doesn't the page only change one story?" Fizzlepop asks. "I know that and you know that, but the villain of the week has no idea!" You smile. "Yeah! Great idea!" Fizzlepop jumps in excitement. "What are you doing?" Caramel asks. "Hey, this way she'll stay safe no matter what. Besides, like she said, the page only changes one story. What could happen?" Some Time Later Fizzlepop eventually stops thinking about the Page she has. She returns to her everyday life, until one fateful day when the Storm King arrives. Breaking the peace and quiet of her life in Canterlot, she is one of countless hundreds of ponies affected by the invading armies. The King takes a look at the unicorn, sizing her up, determining that there is something about her he wants to know more about. He shackles Fizzlepop to the other ponies, dragging them into ships. “Wait!” Fizzlepop yells, causing the Storm King to stop. “Yes?” he asks. “If you let me go…I can give you an item to make you the most powerful villain in history!” she offers. “Ohhh. I do like the sound of that…all I have to do is let you go?” he asks. “Yes, just…just let me go, and you can have it. I don’t want to spend my life chained up to a bunch of ponies I barely know.” Storm King nods, “Deal.” His minions unchain Fizzlepop to the astonishment of the other ponies.  “It’s a page that can change anything. I’m going to put it down, and gallop off.” She puts it down, rushing away as fast as her hooves can carry her. The Storm King takes the page, and evil grin on his face, “Guess who’s going to be able to control storms, boys?!” he laughs. (+1 page for Villains) > 40. #RingsaBell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Hoof Work find yourself following a page into an unfamiliar place. A dense fog covers the murky landscape with a few, scraggly dead trees barely seen through it. The air is thick yet icy and each breath of the dusty, frigid air hurts. Hoof squints as he looks on. "What..what is that?!" He wonders. You follow his gaze, narrowing your eyes to see an outline of some huge building. You feel both creeped out and drawn to the odd place. The draw feels more powerful as you walk towards it. Hoof Work slowly follows as he keeps watch. You faintly see more of the building, a castle, but something is off. You squint your eyes and notice that you can see the trees of the forest through the castle, like a mirage. You slowly try to touch the castle steps only for your legs to go straight through it. As you go through it, a low voice whispers from the silhouette. "Young travelers? After so-so long. Please. Would you be so kind as to help? This castle, after standing loyally for years, has found itself cursed." "How was it cursed?" Hoof Work asks, looking to see if he can spot the source of the voice, "Honestly? One fateful day, when laughter still filled the air, a terrible creature this castle housed so generously had stolen an item of great magic. The magic was sucked out of the castle, and it stands before you now, a husk of its former glory." The voice sighs. Hoofwork raises an eyebrow. “And how can we help?" He asks, his voice edged with suspicion. "There is a page in a tree close by. If you would place the page on this castle, then we could come back! What say you? Be a good friend and help us please?" You look over and see a page in a tree not too far from the strange castle. Hoof Work props you up so you can reach it. As you grab it, and step closer to the strange castle, Hoof Work sighs, "Look…this…this place doesn't sit right with me. Something feels…off! For one thing, I don't really like the voice or how vague it was. I'd really like to know more of the story. What was this mysterious magical artifact?! What creature stole it? Look, I know we're supposed to help others, but…I'm just not sure. What do you think we should do?" [CHOICE] > Give the mysterious voice the page. (Villain) > Keep the page for Fizzy. (Hero) [ENDING A: VILLAIN] "I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt." You smile. Hoof Work looks away, but nods, "Yeah. Maybe it's just the surrounding area that's giving me the heebie geebies." You put the page down inside the mirage-like structure. "Here you are, friend!" You nod. Booming laughter echos around you as the page raises, glowing. The castle begins to form in front of you, dark and sinister. "It is good to see this realm is still as gullible as ever. My reign can begin once more. I thank you, my subjects!" Out of the nightmare castle, Grogar smirks, horns glowing, "You'll be the first of my new subjects!" Hoof Work grabs you, zig zapping with all his might as you both run off. "Note to self: trust your gut!" Hoof Work shouts as you the maniacal laughter fades. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: HERO] "I agree. Plus, Fizzy needs the pages!" You nod, "Sorry." You shrug. The earth below you rumbles as you hear the same whisper voice suddenly shout, "No! I will take it for myself!" The mirage-like castle begins to move towards you. Hoof Work shouts, "Not everyday architecture tries to get you!" While grabbing you and racing away with all his might. You look back to see the silhouette of a goat with huge horns on top of the castle just before the trees block your view. (+1 page for Heroes) > 41. #ShyFeelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Thinking the Everfree Forest might be a good place to find pages, you decide to look around there, starting with the border. On your patrol, you find elder Fluttershy and Discord going into a portal together. Before you think too hard on it, you jump right in after them. You find yourself in an indescribable world of chaos. Everywhere you look has something different about it. Strange sounds Assault your ears. You manage to make out an oddly normal-looking home in the distance and half fly, half swim straight to it! There's a mailbox in front with the name “Discord” scrawled all over it. The mailbox burps and letters pelt your face. You swipe them off. The posts begin to dance as you cross through the hole in the fence. The bricks flash different colors as you draw close to the door and windows. The windows shift as if to look at you. You stare right back. The windows look down and you peer inside the chaotic home to see Fluttershy and Discord. "My dear Fluttershy." Discord begins, "Because of you, I learned about the magic of Friendship, and what it means to be a friend while also being myself. You were the pony willing to give me a chance even after I changed you into somepony you weren't." "Oh Discord." Fluttershy blushes. "You have learned so much from so many ponies other than me. I just helped you take your first step. That's all." "That's all? You invite me to tea parties even now. You come into my home willingly. You saved me when I almost lost myself. Fluttershy, you mean more to me than any pony else." Discord takes a breath and floats to her, "but…you're getting older, and me…I will live so much longer than you, my dear Fluttershy. That's why…" He takes out a glowing page, "I have this. I thought of so many ways to use it to make things a lot more fun around here. I was going to until…until you asked about our tea party today and I saw you…I really saw you. I didn't notice until that moment that you had changed. You have aged where I have looked the same. And all I could think about-" tears full his eyes as his voice cracks. He coughs a few times before he continues slowly, "all I could think about was my life after you were…my life after you were-" Tears spill down his cheeks and Fluttershy puts her hooves to her mouth. "Oh Discord…I'm so sorry. I never even thought about it." "It's not your fault, dear Fluttershy. But now, I must ask you an important question. For now, I have this page, and the ability to rewrite anything. Would you be willing to love…as long as I do…we could be together for as long as we both live…I know it's a big question, so I'll let you think it over while I get dessert ready." Discord nods, going into another room. Fluttershy sits there, the heavy implications of immortality running through her mind. "If I do this, Discord wouldn't have to be alone, but I would live longer than my friends. If I don't, then Discord will have to suffer alone. What should I do?" She sighs. [CHOICE] What should Fluttershy do? > Fluttershy should stay with Discord.(Chaos) > Fluttershy should tell Discord no.(Hero) > Doesn't matter. I'm taking the page away from Discord! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You open the door quietly. "Hey Fluttershy. Sorry to interrupt." "Oh. [USERNAME]. What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asks. "I was looking for pages. I overheard everything, and I think you should stay with Discord." You nod. Fluttershy thinks on it and nods. "You're right. Discord means so much to me too, and I want to show him how much!" Fluttershy gives you a hug, "Thank you!" She goes to tell Discord as you sneak back out of his dimension. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You open the door quietly. "Hey Fluttershy. Sorry to interrupt." "Oh. [USERNAME]. What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asks. "I was looking for pages. I overheard everything, and I think you shouldn't stay with Discord. Live your life as it's meant to be." Fluttershy sighs. "I know. You're right. I just…I don't want to hurt Discord, but a pony is only supposed to live so long. Thank you." Fluttershy trots slowly in to tell Discord. She comes out holding the page. "He gave it to me in case I changed my mind. I think I'll give it to you instead. I worry what would happen if one of my animals got a hold of it." She hands you the page and you make your way back home. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING: VILLAIN] You slither inside stealthily. You sneak past Fluttershy still thinking it over and head to the kitchen. Discord is whistling over something he's making. Beside him sits the page. You creep over, grabbing the page. You turn around to see a tiny Discord on the page, eyes glowing with rage. "You know, all I wanted was to keep a friend with me. I figured that was nice enough…but of course you had to go and spoil things, [USERNAME]. Now I'll have to find a new one for Fluttershy if I can…because you have forced my hand to go a little more…mean." (+1 page for Villains) > 42. #MultiversePinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You find yourself back in the convention space, looking around the vendor hall. You look through all the beautiful original art from an artist when you spot a picture of Pinkie Pie. Destroyed buildings are seen in the distance around her, with bleak gray clouds filling the sky, a green phoenix flying in the distance. To the side of the picture, you see the barest start of ponies coming into frame, though something seems off about them. The colors are muted, and it looks like one pony is a unicorn, but part of its horn is gone. Pinkie's face contorts with worry in the picture as she looks in the direction of the sickly ponies. Then, suddenly, Pinkie's head raises up, as if aware of being observed. Her head swivels to look directly into your eyes. She immediately smiles, waving hello frantically. She walks closer to the picture and literally jumps through it. "Sweet Celestia. I would NOT go in there! The ponies in that place were cran—ky! I'm sure it doesn't help that their world got completely rad—" "Pinkie!" You shout to get her attention. "What were you doing in the artwork?" Pinkie spits out a laugh, "Looking at the universe, duh! See, I found one of those pages and at first I was like, 'I don't want to change anything. I'm happy because I have so many friends! But, then I realized that I've seen so many other worlds but I've never BEEN to the other worlds. So, I decided to use my page and start traveling! I've gone to the world where we are all high schoolers, and the one where Twilight is a magical girl! There was a world where every creature was their opposite. That one was hilarious. Oh, and one where Fluttershy was a dinosaur! And sooooo many more, including the one you found me in…and now I'm here!" Pinkie looks around, admiring all of the art. Your mouth drops to the floor. "Yes. You are here!" you agree, "and I'm glad you are, but…what are you going to do now?" "Are you kidding?! Now I can explore the world full of all sorts of people who love me and my friends! Maybe I can help put a smile on the face of every brony I meet! And when I'm done, I can check out another world!" "Pinkie, I—" you start. "Just think of it! We can go to see the bands together, and I can sing Gypsy magic with them. Oh! I could run off to the gaming room and play a round of Are you a changeling! Oooor, I could try some video games, maybe watch a few panels, and even buy one of these amazing artworks! They are all amazing! All of the different, talented works are fantastic. I don't know if I will be able to choose just one! Do you think they'd take bits?!" "Pinkie—" you start. "And after the con, I can go from brony to brony, spreading laughter wherever I go! We can go to other conventions to find even more bronies." "P—" you try again. "And after the bronies, we can talk to all the people of the world! I've seen some of the things you've been upset about, and I think that some laughter would really do your world good. Oooooh, we could even get the leaders of your world together and have a world peace party! Doesn't that sound great!?" [CHOICE] Is it great? > It's the best news ever! (Chaos) > What about your friends? (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Are you kidding? That's the best news I ever heard!" You grin. "Everyone is going to be so excited to see you here!" "And I'll be so excited to see them! We can play games and have treats and—oh—I can throw a party! What are we waiting for?!" She takes you and you go off in search of all the other bronies of the convention. "Do you think every brony would like chimmicherries, or would it be cherry chungas? Ohhhh, maybe we can have cupcakes!" She grins, "I can not wait to help make your world a better place!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "I mean, we love to see you Pinkie, but if you're out there seeing all the different worlds…won't your friends miss you?" you ask. "Oh. I never thought about it like that. All the time spent in all of these worlds I see of time I don't spend with my friends. I could pay visits, but what if they need me? What if a huge villain comes that needs all of us together and I'm not there? Or worse. What if I accidentally miss a friend's birthday?!" She gasps as if that is the single most horrifying thought that has ever crossed her mind. "Good call, [USERNAME]. My friends need me. At least I got to meet you. And hey, even if it's on the other side of a wall I can't cross, I'm glad I get to see you as often as I do! Welp, see you later!" She hands you the page as an orange glow surrounds the area and everything goes back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) > 43. #Let'sTalkAboutFriendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Ponyville has been the center of many conflicts, so it seems the perfect place to look for scattered pages. Thus, you find yourself walking through the School of Friendship. Walking through the halls, you watch yaks laughing with ponies, dragons playing with griffins, and changelings flying with hippogriffs. The entire place is full of creatures learning about friendship!  At one class, you hear a voice. "How friendship saved my entire kind!" It blabs, "So, believe it or not I used to be unable to speakk! I know, how tragic, right?! I mean, imagine me never being able to talk when there's soooo much to talk about but it's true!" You look in to see Autumn Blaze talking up a storm in class, "-and because of the power of friendship, me and my entire race found that it's better to say what's on our mind. Well, I knew at first, but friendship helped every other Kirin see it-" The bell rings and Autumn huffs, "Class is over already? But there's so much more to talk about! I guess we can talk more tomorrow. See you then! I can't wait to share more things with all of you!"  The other creatures file out of the classroom, Autumn last. You cough. "Autumn. I don't remember seeing you in the School of Friendship before." You point out. Autumn freezes momentarily. She takes in a deep breath, and admits, "Okay, so I was never in the School of Friendship, buuuuuut I found this amazing page. This beautiful tome had the magic to rewrite anything. I figured this would be fine! I love friendship! Also, my kind just learned about talking through our feelings, but they still have things to learn, sooooo, I changed it to where we were invited to! I'm sure Applejack and Fluttershy would have invited us if they weren’t so busy saving the world. Sure, we've had a couple of mishaps with fires that weren't supposed to happen, but that's all a part of learning, right?! I mean, why should kirins be left out? Shouldn't friendship be for every creature?! You think I did right, right?!" [CHOICE] Did Autumn make the right choice? > Yes! Every creature should learn about friendship! (Chaos) > Why didn't she just…ask?! (Hero) > No. Neighsay needs to know about this! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "You did the right thing." You agree, "All of Equestria needs to learn about friendship, including Kirins!" "Yes! That's what I'm saying! Thank you so much. You won't regret this-" Autumn bounces down the hallway, passing class after class.  "Heh, are you kidding?!" Yelling erupts from a classroom nearby, "Dragon fire is so hot, we bathe in lava!"  You see a dragon student yelling at a kirin. "Sounds like you have to warm yourselves up just to blow smoke!" The Kirin smirked. "Oh yeah?! At least I can do it anytime I want, not just when I literally lose my cool!" A chorus of 'ooooohs' resound through the classroom. "Now, when I said to be honest, I didn't mean-" Applejack is cut off by the kirin. "You wanna go, scaley?!" "Like it would even be a fair fight. The moment you get hurt, you'll change back and go crying to your leader. 'Wahhh the mean dragon hurt me. Wahhh." "That's IT!" The kirin changes forms, now a nirik. The dragon takes a deep breath as the nirik's flames get closer to him. "Hit the deck!" Applejack leads the rest of the class behind her desk before the fires collide, and the entire classroom explodes in flames. The sirens ring, taking out the fire, revealing both the nirik and the dragon covered in soot.  "...starting now! Bye!" Autumn nervously laughs as you sigh, shaking your head amused. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Um. Autumn…" You begin after thinking for a moment "why didn't you just ask Twilight if you and your kind could be a part of the school?"  Autumn stops and thinks. "Oh…never thought of it I guess. That's a good idea though!" She hands you the paper. "Won't be needing this then. Just ask the princess! Why didn't I think of that?!" You hear an orange glow surrounding the school and everything is back to normal. Autumn beams at you. "Now, let's do this. Wait. How should I ask? Should I be more formal, or more casual?! She is the princess of Friendship after all. What if-"  You lightly cover her mouth to get her attention, and she stops babbling. "Just go in, be yourself, and ask nicely. I'm sure Twilight will be thrilled to find a way for the Kirin to join the school." Autumn smile, giving you one last hug. "Alright. Wish me luck!" She takes one last breath before stepping into the office to see Twilight. (+1 Page for Hero) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "Do you realize how dangerous-" you start before taking a deep breath, "you know what?! Nevermind! I'll be back!" You search around Equestria, before finally finding Chancellor Neighsay. You give a curious bow, "Sir, I have always thought it odd that Celestia allows this school of friendship in the first place. For once, when she first sent Twilight to learn about friendship, it was through natural means of bonding with others, commenting that Twilight wouldn't find friendship in books! Yet, moons later, she allows her to open up a place where they expect creatures to do just that." "Yes, I know." Neighsay begins. "I was alright with the Changelings, the Hippogriffs and the Yaks. Celestia knows I was willing to give dragons and griffins the benefit of the doubt, but Kirins?!" You seeth. "What are…Kirins?" Neighsay asks. "They are creatures whose emotions fuel their magic, sir. When they are happy, they have complete control, but when they get angry, their magic goes haywire in their other form, the Nirek, causing havoc by spreading fire everywhere!" "That IS a problem." Neighsay sighs, walking around, "but my hooves are tied. Princess Celestia backs Twilight and her unaccredited school!" "She does, but even the princesses have to listen to the will of the parents!" You smirk. The rumors spread far and wide: classrooms bursting into flame. The ponies raise up, challenging the idea of Kirins being allowed at first before it spreads to any non pony creature. The other creatures hear about their students' cries as they are singled out for anything that happens wrong. Disputes turn into fights until every species in Equestria calls for war against the racist ponies. (+1 page for Villains) > 44. #FlurryfortheFuture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The magic of friendship has grown with the age of the six savior ponies who have saved Equestria time and time again. Twilight has grown into her role as the Princess of Friendship in every sense. You go to see her in Canterlot where everypony is excited by the fact that her student will get to follow in her hoof steps. You go up as well to see Luster Dawn for yourself. You freeze as you see Princess Twilight and her student walk out of the castle. It isn't Luster Dawn, but Princess Flurry Heart who walks out next to Twilight. You sneak past the celebrating crowd, close enough to overhear any whispers they might share. "I'll…I'll do my best to make you proud, Aunt Twilight," Flurry murmurs. "You'll do great, Flurry." Twilight beams. "Princess Flurry!" You call over. Flurry looks over to Twilight who nods, and Flurry flutters over to you. "Um, hello there. Is there…something I could do for you?" You check on Twilight, seeing that she is now talking with other ponies before you whisper, "My name is [USERNAME], and I want to know why you replaced Luster Dawn as Twilight's student."  Flurry bites her lip. She walks around further into the shadows, looking over her withers to make sure nopony follows. "I don't know how you remember. No creature was supposed to remember." Flurry's voice heightened, and her breath came in quick bursts.  "Flurry. Calm down. I just want to know why." You nod. Flurry forces herself to breathe a little deeper each breath, moving her hoof in and out with each inhale and exhale until she calms down. "Listen. I needed this. Luster Dawn was like Aunt Twilight, born normal. But me…I was born an alicorn. I had ponies who only wanted to be my friend because I was a princess, and ponies who whispered about how I nearly destroyed the entire Crystal Empire when I was a baby. Everywhere I turn, ponies treat me differently," she admits, eyes traveling to the ground. "How would changing things help?" you wonder.  "The truth is…" Flurry bites her lip, eyes avoiding yours, "I want to know the point of friendship when…when I'm going to live longer than most ponies." She kicks the dirt. "What is the use?! I mean, most ponies just see me as an alicorn anyway, so I doubt it'll change anything, but…" Flurry sighs, "Please. I didn't take Luster out. I just had her come later. Just…let me try to see the magic that is friendship…and don't tell Twilight…" [CHOICE]  Will you let Flurry continue as Twilight’s apprentice and try to find friends in Ponyville? > Why not? Friendship is magic, after all! (Chaos) > Why not find friends in other places? (Hero) > You're her apprentice now. Do we really need Luster Dawn? (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Flurry! Go. Make friends. Luster can always come later." You smile. Flurry smiles. "Thank you so much! I can't wait to finally find some friends who see me as just Flurry!" She hugs you. "You'll see. I'll find ponies who will treat me like every other pony and I'll see for myself what friendship can mean! In fact, you should follow me and see for yourself!" Flurry flies you over to Ponyville with Twilight just behind to see her off. She takes a breath, walking around in hopes of finding somepony to talk to. She first sees a pair of twins trotting out of a cake shop. They looked about the same age as her. "Hi there!" She exclaims a little louder than she meant to. The two jump. The colt flies ten feet in the air while the filly teleports away. Flurry blushes, "Sorry. Sorry. I'm new here, and I was just…really excited to make new friends." She grins. The colt sighs, flying back down. "Oh uh…that's okay. My name is Pound Cake!" "And um…I'm Pumpkin Cake. Do you…wanna hang out?" Pumpkin asks. Flurry bites her lip in excitement. Looking back to you one last time before turning her attention to the twins. "Yeah!" She nods. "Cool. We'll show you around town." Pound shrugs.  Flurry holds her head up determined to keep her composure. "Cool." She follows the two as you go off in search of more pages. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Look, Flurry. I'm glad you want to find others who can be your friend, but taking Luster's spot isn't the way to go. You should go on your own adventures to find your own way." You tell her. "My own adventures? What kind of adventures are you thinking of?" "Like…you could go up to Yakyakistan and be an ambassador like Pinkie Pie. Or, you could go to the kingdom of the Hippogriffs and make friends with Princess Skystar. With all you said, you two may have a few things in common! You could help the creatures of Klugetown rebuild now that the Storm King is no longer their ruler. There are lots of places where it would be more exciting that you're a pony than a princess, and you could make your own way there." Flurry thinks on that. "Yeah. I could show the rest of the world how Equestria is, and maybe even find some friends along the way!" She hugs you, and gives you the page. "I won't be needing this anymore. I'm going to start in the Hippogriff Kingdom!" She flies off, the rest of Equestria enamored with Twilight and Luster Dawn now that life has turned back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You know, Flurry. You're right. You deserve to know what friendship could mean!" You begin. "Thank you for understanding-" She smiles. "BUT-" you interrupt, "here's the thing. You ARE Twilight's student now. You get to go on adventures and learn lessons. So, do we even Luster Dawn anymore?" "I don't understand." Flurry blinks. "Let me put it another way. Luster Dawn was Twilight's student. You changed it so she will be Twilight's student in the future, but she won't need a new student in the future because she'll have you. Do you really want to have some random pony come along and take away valuable time from your aunt?" Flurry bites her lip. "I don't know. I feel like that's going a bit too far." "Okay. Fine. But be ready to have Twilight writing you messages about how great Luster Dawn is, and how much of a joy to have a new student. Before you know it, you two will get compared all the time!" Flurry looks away, "I definitely don't want that." She sighs, "okay. I'll do it!" She takes her page, editing it. A flash appears, and to you and Flurry, nothing seems different, but the school of gifted unicorns has no evidence of Luster Dawn. She disappears from the world completely. (+1 pages for Villains) > 45. #ThisDayAria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Canterlot is hyped up. Everypony is talking about the big wedding at the Castle. Mustard flutters in excitement as he watches. "I've heard about this! It's the royal wedding! It was so awesome how love won out at the end for how strong it was!" You nod, looking up at the barrier above you, noting the dots starting to gather. Mustard points, "Look, everypony is gathering for the wedding now! Can we go watch? Please?! I would love to see that bug queen get squashed by love myself!" You shrug as you both enter the castle. The wedding room is packed with ponies. The wedding goes just as you remember. Chrysalis reveals herself, takes out Celestia, and the Mane Six run off before eventually being captured by the changelings. It isn't until Cadence says, "My love will give you strength" to Shining Armor that you notice a difference.  "Oh no, dear Princess. None of that. You needn't worry. With your talent and your title, there will be plenty of time to see how much love you have, but not today!" Chrysalis uses her magic to surround Cadence in a green field. She laughs. "Twilight caught by my minions, Cadence trapped, and Celestia defeated. This day really has been perfect!" "Oh yeah, evil bug queen!" Mustard glares. "We're going to stop you! My friend [USERNAME] and I know you have a page and changed the story because we know you were supposed to lose like the loser you are! Admit it!" Chrysalis rolls her eyes, "I admit I underestimated Twilight and Princess Cadence before, and that cost me dearly. We are starving while every single pony seems to be swimming in love!" "Why not just ask them to share it?" Mustard asks. "Kid, would you let my changelings suck any amount of love out of you or any pony you know?!" Chrysalis asks dryly. "Well…no." Mustard realizes. "And so my colony continues to starve! So, unless you all have a better idea, we are going to conquer this land for our hive and feast!" [CHOICE]  Have any better ideas? > Changeling dating service? (Chaos) > You distract Chrysalis while Mustard steals the page away. (Hero) > Nope. I got nothing. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You think about it and then look at Chrysalis. "This is all for your changelings can feed on love, right?” you say. “But how does putting ponies in cocoons help with that? Nopony is going to love you upside down. Is that supposed to keep who you're going to be safe so you have something to copy from?" "It can. It also helps to keep your kind from escaping," Chrysalis explains. "Fair. But what if your food didn't want to escape? What if your food came to you willingly?" you wonder. "Why would anypony willingly get their love sucked out of them?!" Mustard whispers. "I'm listening." Chrysalis flies down. "You have a page. Instead of conquering Equestria, make stores around the country with your changelings. Advertise how you can transform into any creature at all! Any pony can come and practice a date with somepony they love or even with someone they know will never love them! Heck, since I'm assuming you can feed on any type of love, you can be superheroes, ponies of legend, and even the princesses. It will take time, but so long as you only feed on some of their love instead of taking all of it, every creature would flock to you. Who hasn't wanted a chance to tell some creature they love that they love them without fearing the answer!" Chrysalis thinks on this. "Very well. We will try this plan, but if it doesn't work, we go back to conquering!" "Fair enough." You nod as Chrysalis and her changelings fly away. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Give me a second to think about it." You nod, turning to Mustard. "Here's the plan." You whisper, "I'm going to distract her while you grab the page." "You got it!" Mustard nods. "Your Eminence," you start, turning back to Chrysalis, "your problem needs to be handled delicately. On the one hoof, you and your kin need love as a food source. On the other, ponies need love for love's sake. Perhaps, we can work together to find a solution to benefit every creature."  As you continue to pad your sentences like a lawyer, Mustard sneaks through the wedding crowd. The crowd quickly makes room and hides the young colt as he moves through it. He gets to the front, spots the page, and dashes out, grasping it as her eyes finally flicked away from you and to where the filly just pilfered the precious paper. "Got it!" Mustard grins. "Change it back quick!" you yell. Chrysalis charges after Mustard. With a thought, an orange glow erupts and you find yourself after the wedding, everything back to normal and no changeling in sight. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] You think on it and sigh. "I don't know. I know that the ponies deserve to be free, but your kind deserves to eat too. I've got nothing." You admit. "Then stay out of my way." Chrysalis huffs. She uses her magic to push you back against changelings who hold you tight, looking towards the window. Changelings capture the ponies at Canterlot one by one. Chrysalis makes cocoon after cocoon for the growing supply of ponies until the entire ceiling is covered in sickly green tint. "Finally! Canterlot is ours and we are free to eat as we wish!" The changelings cheer. "And this is only the first step! Now that we have their princesses, taking all of the ponies will be child's play!" "What!" Mustard gasps, "but you said you just needed food!" "Yes, I needed food, but I also wanted to conquer the land. We're always in need of a bigger hive for more changelings! You know how it is. You get too big for your horseshoes and so you find a new place to live!" "You are so evil!" Mustard spits. "Oh, thank you for noticing. I do try my very best. Now then, where were we? Oh yes." Chrysalis glows with a sickeningly green light as her magic slowly travels through her body. Her body turns white. Her eyes turn pink. Her hair flows in the colors of the sunrise. She laughs an evil version of Celestia's giggle. "It's time to fool all of your subjects into coming straight into my web." (+1 page for Villains) > 46. #RiptheFabric > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story It's another beautiful day in Equestria. You walk with Barley close to Ponyville, both trying to find pages of the Book of all Stories, as well as a nice snack. As you both make your way toward Sugar Cube Corner hoping for a delicious pastry, you hear an odd, and distinct ripping sound from behind you. You both turn to see a literal hole in the sky above the school with what looks to be dragons soaring across it before disappearing on the other side of the hole.. Above you is another world: the world of Equestria Girls. More holes open up around Ponyville. Ponies scream and run away at the sight of the foreign world. Barley, however, looks to you. "This has a magic page written all over it!" He nods, "Let's go!"  You nod as well, jumping through a rip in the fabric of space close to you and coming face to face with a bunch of highschoolers at some sort of event. The entire student body is either running or helping their friends before running. The only ones you see staying in the area are two girls, Sunset and Sci-Twi flying above a hole and one principal, Principal Cinch, holding a piece of paper. She yells up to the girls, "Twilight. This may seem bad, but it is what we wanted. Canterlot High has been cheating with the knowledge and use of this other world! Now that we have the same knowledge of it, we can find magic to use to our advantage and the playing field will be fair once again, and Crystal Prep will never lose an event in the Friendship Games again!"  "No. Twilight. This is wrong. These holes could completely change both worlds. Please, listen to me!" Sunset begs. The page in Cinch's hands subtly glows orange as she laughs and then finishes, "And you will forever be remembered for making this discovery! You will have no shortage of scholarships after this!" "All of this destruction over a game?" Barley gasps. "We gotta figure out what to do fast here. I don't know what's going on, but all of these holes piping up can't be good for either world. What are your thoughts?" [CHOICE] How should we go about fixing this mess? > Try to talk Principal Cinch down. (Chaos) > Help Sci-Twi realize her Principal is just using her. (Hero) > Listen to Principal Cinch and get her side. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Let's try talking her down!" You nod to Principal Cinch.  Barley nods back, "Not a bad idea." You both go over a bit closer to her before you speak, "Principal Cinch!" You call, "you realize that the more holes you make between worlds, the more you could destroy both of them?!" "[USERNAME] is right." Barley agrees, "I'm sorry if another school did better than yours through unfair means, but that's no reason to take two worlds and use them as play things!" "Please. You only want to stop this because your precious school will never win again. Besides, I don't have the device that is opening up the rips between worlds." Principal Cinch huffs. "Maybe not, but you have a page to change the story and you're changing it to use these holes to your advantage!" You point out. "How did you-" She stops herself, laughs, and continues, "My school has a reputation to uphold. I will do whatever it takes to make sure we maintain that reputation. I will not be the weak link that stains failure on us! Canterlot High has had one of these portals around for sometime, yes? Very well. I will help close…most of the portals! Twilight. Perhaps we are being a bit overzealous. Let's keep a portal at our school and close the rest of these!" The page glows again and the portals around the school disappear, as you also see Sci-Twi focus some sort of necklace around them, "There, now our school has one too. Fair is fair after all!" As Cinch leaves, Barley sighed, "Well, she still has the page, but at least we kept our worlds safe!" You nod in agreement. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] You scan the area one more time before you speak, "Cinch has the page, but Twilight has the necklace. If we can get Twilight to stop using it, Cinch won't have anything." "What if she just changes the story to her having the necklace?" Barley asked. "If she wanted the necklace, she would have taken it when she got the page." You answer. "To Cinch, reputation is everything. She has to keep her hands dirty. What we have to worry more about is her changing it to where we can't talk to Twilight. We can't have her see us." "Right. I'll keep her eyes on me while you help Sunset talk down Twilight!" Barley nods and races off. You climb up debris from the worlds, nearly missing holes along the way until you feel you can be heard by both girls and yell, "Twilight! Sunset is telling the truth. Cinch has been using you this entire time. All she wants is her precious win and she's willing to do anything to get it. Look around you! She's tearing apart your home and an entire world because she's a sore loser! Is that really what you want to be associated with?!" Twilight looks at you and looks at Sunset. She takes Sunset's hand and the portals close. Cinch notices, "What. No. I changed it. This is my win!" Twilight looks to her, "There is no way that I would ever help you destroy two worlds for the sake of one win. Do you want to lose with dignity or forever be remembered as the Principal who destroyed everything?" Cinch growls and throws the page to the ground, stomping off. You take it, and an orange glow surrounds you sealing the portals. You look up to see Sunset floating down hand in hand with sci-Twi, and smile as you hear her murmur, "I'm sorry." You look back to see Principal Cinches angry face, but shrug it off, and move on, happy that things are back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "We should hear her out." You decide. "Certainly it can't hurt to know the whole picture so long as we do it fast!" Barley nods. You walk closer so she can hear you and shout. "Principal Cinch. What do you mean by 'Canterlot High cheated'?" "I saw it myself. The rainbow one held magic and used it during the games! Canterlot High has been cheating this whole time because they know it's the only way they could ever hope to defeat our prestigious academy!" "I agree that it wasn't right for them to cheat, but you are actively ripping apart your world and the world of magic. This won't help you win. All it will do is make sure you never get a chance to try again." You explain. "You know what. You're right. I shouldn't be opening the magic world willy nilly." You sigh in relief before Cinch finishes, "I should simply call the magic to my other top students!" Suddenly, magic surrounds the students of Crystal Prep and they all have ears and tails, but look dark and menacing. Cinch laughs, "There. Now we will see which school truly is the best!" Barley takes you back, "Well, we saved Equestria…but I shudder to think of the kind of trouble those girls are going to be. We gotta go before they decide to go after us!" You nod as you both run off. (+1 page for Villains) > 47. Will the Real True Boulder Please Show Up? (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Maud Pie Quest Outline: Maud used a page to give boulder friends, but now she can't find boulder and needs your help to do so. Character Position: Maud has met Pinkie's friends, and they're nice, but Boulder will forever be her best friend. Actor Instructions: you will be at a table full of rocks. There will be a picture of Boulder. You ask people to help find Boulder. You tell them about you just wanting to give Boulder a friend but now his friends won't leave him alone. If they give you any other rock the code is #notmyboulder, It's a point to chaos. Giving you Boulder gives the codeword #Myboulder a point to hero Character Headspace:  Maud is very upset and wants to change the story back but she feels like she can't until she has Boulder back. That being said, Maud doesn't show emotion so everything is subtle. > 48. #IAmaPrincess! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You find yourself searching around Canterlot. The entire city is buzzing about a new princess who is going to make their debut soon. The crowd gathers around you, sticking you in place as horns erupt in sound. Princess Celestia walks out, "Thank you, everypony for coming to celebrate our newest princess. This Pony has demonstrated the love, compassion, decision making, and character of a princess. They speak great wisdom when needed, and listen to their fellow pony kind. Now, get those hooves ready to welcome them into our fold for it is my great honor to introduce to you, for the first time, Princess Big Macintosh, the princess of siblings!" Big Macintosh comes out to a thunderous chorus of hooves, an alicorn now. He waves to the gigantic crowd below him. He takes a moment before he speaks. "Thank you, Princess Celestia. Thank you all. I feel so beautiful. I promise to be the best princess I can be. And to all of you down there, anypony can be a princess, so if you dream of standing up here like me, keep working toward it!" Everypony parts to either side of the road for his first ride through Canterlot. Big make rides through in a gorgeous white carriage, beaming with his gold and green crown, yolk, and shoes. Once his parade is finished, he decides to go out and chat with everypony. You eventually make your way through the mob getting autographs and ponies asking him questions. "Big Mac, you're my hero! Have you always wanted to be a princess?" You hear from a tiny colt as you make your way to the front of the crowd. "Eeeeee-yup." Big Mac nods, signing one more autograph and looking in your direction. "Wow. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!" The colt grins from ear to ear before rushing off to show his parents his new autograph.  "Excuse me, Big Mac?" You ask, "find any interesting paper recently?" The crowd murmurs confusedly. Big Mac laughs it off nervously before coughing and stating, "Excuse us, my fellow ponies. [USERNAME] and I just, uh, need a moment alone to talk about something private." He takes you into an alleyway, looking back before he continues with a sigh. "I guess I should feel ashamed, but I don't. I've wanted to be a princess since I was a colt. I love feelin' beloved, appreciated…beautiful. I know some ponies think boys shouldn't want to feel pretty but…anypony should be able to feel happy to see themselves. So…there ya' have it. I made myself a princess. I didn't choose what I was gonna be the princess of. That was Celestia. Are you going to make me change it back?" [CHOICE]  Should Big Mac change back? > Big Mac makes a great addition to the princesses. Why change it? (Chaos) > Yes. Big Mac doesn't need to be a princess to feel what he wants to feel. (Hero) > It's fine, but Big Mac will really have to show that she belongs as a princess of siblings. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You smile up at Big Mac. "Nah. I think you make a great princess." "Really?" Big Mac asks. "Absolutely. Princess of siblings is perfect for you, and you teach everypony that anypony can be a princess. So go out there and do your best!" "....eeeeee-yup. Thanks." Princess Big Mac flies off.  And the days go on, Big Mac spends his days talking about his life as the eldest brother. He talks with Shining Armor about ways he and Twilight can spend more time together, and the two make plans to surprise Twilight with a brotherly visit. He listens to Rarity and Sweetie Bell when they argue with each other, helping the two use better skills to communicate their feelings. With the new Princess of Siblings, Equestria's family life becomes all the more harmonious. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Big Mac. You'd make a good princess, and I would never force you to give it up if you don't want to. Here's the thing though. You can feel all of that without being a princess." "...How?" Big Mac asks. "Feeling beloved? You have Granny Smith, AppleJack and Apple bloom! Your family loves you so much. Branch out, and I'm sure every member would say the same! Appreciated? The entirety of Ponyville counts on your farm for food, and drink. Plus, without Sweet Apple Acres, there wouldn't BE a Ponyville, and, without you, there wouldn't be a Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack couldn't do it on her own and Applebloom is too little. If you look around, or just let somepony know you feel undervalued, they would show you how amazing you are without wings and a horn." Big Mac smiles softly and murmurs, "...and feeling Beautiful?" "That's the easiest one yet. Let your family know how you feel. They'll love you just the way they are, and then go to Rarity's. She will make you the most fabulous dress and you can wear it anytime you want to feel pretty. Knowing her, she'd make you several!" Tears come to the corners of Big Macs eyes as you finish, "so, instead of changing yourself first, try giving those who love you a chance. Who knows, maybe one day, you will earn the title of princess of siblings. Celestia knows you deserve it. If wings and a horn help you feel more like yourself, that's okay too." "Nah. It was never about the wings and the horn…" He smiles, taking out the page. "Thanks." He gives it to you as an orange glow changes everything back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "Are you sure you can handle being a princess though? It's a big job. You'll have to prove yourself." "Eee-yup!" Big Mac nods, stomping his foot. "Alright, but you'll have to watch and care for all siblings, and help them with any problem you see." You warn. "I'll stop problems before they start. Just watch!" Big Mac takes you as he grabs Shining Armor from the Crystal Empire. Unfurling his new, beautiful red wings, Big Mac them flies with a very confused Shinning Armor all the way back to Ponyville. "You need to be with your sister more!" "But…but Twily understands that I have a duty to the Crystal Empire…my wife needs me. My baby needs me!" Shining tried to explain. "Your sister needs you!" Big Mac pushes Shining into Twilight's castle and beams at you. "See. No problems." He flies off as you stare slack jawed to fix more sibling problems before they begin. (+1 page for Villains) > 49. Darkside (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: King Sombra Quest Outline: Convince con-goers to implant in Fizzy’s head the idea that villains, much like her kind, are often misunderstood and deserve to have their story heard Character Position: This Sombra is the Fandom Sombra/comic Sombra. He is the Sombra that everyone thought of once they saw the Crystal Empire and thought: something isn't right here. He had a sad past. Did he see a terrible future and accidentally made it happen by trying to avoid it? Did he fall in love with one of the alicorn sisters, and become corrupted in an attempt for more power to try to be with him? Could there be another reason for his sudden want to enslave ponies? Sombra could say in page hashtags. Point is, he is a product of what happened! Actor Instructions: Just like Discord is trying to encourage the reader to help Fizzy choose Chaos, Sombra is trying to convince the writer that maybe the villain option isn't the worst one. Sometimes, villains are the right ones. Character Headspace: Sombra is ultimately feeling unheard. In his mind, the past only depicts his worst sides without showing how he came to be in that place. He believes more often than not that the villains in one story are just villains because they got the short story. History is written by the winners, after all. If they choose to try to hear the villains out give them the code word #Everyvillainislemons (+1 evil) . If they refuse, give them the codeword #Ineedahero (hero). If they decide it will be case by case, or something like that give them #heartoftheproblem (chaos) > 50. Brony Park (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Lyra Quest Outline:  Lyra opens a place called 'brony park' for ponies can see the bronies Character Position: Lyra is in a place where she's pretty happy in life. She has a mare friend. She has a decent life, and now she gets to see humans! Actor Instructions:  Lyra does a few things. One is any time some brony chooses to go into the cages (note: these would be made with pvc pipes and yarn and have a back opening for anypony to get in and out of easily). If a cage cannot be constructed, Lyra can have the participant sit in a chair. When inside, Lyra gives you a choice. She can gush about the type of brony you are, giving you the code #bronypark (good), poke fun at you and give you the codeword #untunedharp (villian), or say a poem about you and give you the codeword #irishlyra (chaos)  Character Headspace:  Lyra is having the time of her life. She loves being here with humans and showing all of the amazing things about Bronies! > 51. #WonderboltsandLightning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "Free hot air balloon ride to Cloudsdale" reads a sign right next to the pink balloon. You get inside, letting the rope drop before watching the ground slowly distance from you. You float up above the clouds and into the beautiful cloud city of Cloudsdale. Pegasi are flying around everywhere as your balloon drifts along the white landscape of buildings made of fluffy water vapor. Eventually, you notice Lightning Dust in the corner of a cloud house, pacing. Using some rope, you pull yourself closer to her. She looks at you and huffs. "I'm sure you're here to hate on me too, huh?! You know what?! I don't care! I have two good friends and an awesome set up! Sure, we get roughed up, but, hey, we get roughed up together!" She huffs out a huge breath before looking down. "The thing is…I might have gotten a big head, but I just wanted to show I was the best, and then I let my thirst for vengeance get in the way of recruiting a really talented filly…" guilt crosses her features before anger replaces it, "and I still can't decide how much of this is my fault, and how much of it is because of that awful Rainbow Dash. She made the tornado sound like I'm the only one who did it, but she was in for it too! She could have said no!" Lightning's wings lift her off the ground as she continues, "And, I only started pushing Scootaloo into a more dangerous stunt once Rainbow Dash decided to butt in. I would have never gone in such a dangerous direction if it weren't for her!" She sighs and holds up a page from the book of all stories. "I have this, and I've been trying to decide the best thing to change. Of course, I could stick it to Rainbow Dash and become a Wonderbolt instead of her, but then I would never become friends with Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse" Lightning smiles for a moment, thinking of her extreme buddies, "…I love those guys. They took me in when nopony else would." She thinks for another moment, "I could also change it where we don't make scoots do such a dangerous trick for her first daredevil debut. It would definitely stick it to Rainbow Dash in a different way and the Washouts will have a talented fourth member." She looks down, imagining Scootaloo with a grin. Her grin slowly turns into frustration once more, "but then I would give up my first ever dream and Rainbow would still have something to lean back on." She lets out a long sigh, slowly floating back to the clouds, and admitting, "I just can't decide…wait, you haven't left yet? Alright then. Since you at least listened to my side, what do you think I should do?" [CHOICE] > Get Scootaloo back and stay with your daredevil friends. (Chaos) > Find a way to be better for the future! (Hero) > Take Rainbow Dash's place as a Wonderbolt. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "So you're not a Wonderbolt? You make an awesome daredevil, and Scoots did too. I think you should get her back and keep the friends you made along the way!" You decide. "You know what? You're right!" Lightning Dust grins. An orange glow surrounds you and the next thing you know, you see an epic daredevil show. Lightning Dust shows off her stunts with Rolling Thunder and Short Fuze. The best part is the debut of Scootaloo, scooting through a flaming circle from a huge ramp. Her flank glows to reveal a wing and scooter cutie mark, and she takes Lightning as her new adopted sister. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Look, Lightning Dust. You made some pretty bad mistakes, and while Rainbow Dash is also at fault for parts of it, you still have some responsibility to learn as well. You seem to be happy with your friends and your daredevil tricks, so why not take what you've learned from those experiences and do better now instead of trying to fix the past in a way that makes the future uncertain." Lightning Dust sighs. "I guess you're not completely wrong. Fine. Guess I won't need this!" She gives you the page, "Now if you need me, I'll be with my daredevil friends!" (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You deserve to be a Wonderbolt. Not Rainbow Dash!" You decide. "You're right. Why give her that?!" An orange glow erupts around you and the next thing you know, you see Lightning Dust with the other Wonderbolts, leading the tricks and waving at her fans. You look over to see a depressed Rainbow Dash. Dashie walks away, staying away from friends and family because of depression. (+1 page for Villains) > 52. #SpoiledRoyalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Equestria. A land of harmony. A land of light and dreams. A land of love. Yes, in this land, any pony can find their special somepony. We find one pony in particular looking for their love. Who could it be? Oh no. It's a young Spoiled Milk. She's searching for the perfect pony to help her climb the social ladder. She goes to the gala, dressed in the finest current fashion. Only the best can attract the best stallion for her. She finds the exact stallion she wants. He's been Equestria's most eligible Bachelor for moons! Now she has a chance to catch him. She trots up, bowing low for the one, the only, Prince Blueblood!  The two walk together. He expects her to open doors for him. She opens them, attempting to hide the scowl as he walks through. He expects her to pay for everything. She digs through her bits pouch, glaring at him as she smacks the bits on the table. He walks away without so much as a thank you, and Spoiled muffled a growl. Blueblood expects her to cover the wet floor with her shawl so he doesn't get wet. Instead, Spoiled Milk dries the floor with a more common pony's dress. Blueblood smirks. She smirks back. Sparks fly for the first time as they dance, purposely bumping out the 'lesser class' at every turn, smirking with each offended remark that they both pretend not to hear. They laugh at the outfits that some ponies dared to try, and how the gala becomes less sophisticated every year.  The two walk through the garden. He tells her of the last gala, a unicorn trying desperately to get his affection, "it's those types that I can't stand. It's like they line up to show that they're below me! You, though. You took that shawl right from that common pony like it was nothing!" "Of course. Did you see her face when you walked right over it?! Priceless!" The two laugh as they walk through, not even noticing the gorgeous flora or exotic fauna around them. As the night finally draws to a close, Blueblood leans down and ever so lightly kisses Spoiled's hoof after she kisses his hoof. She silently gasps at the sign that he finally sees her as an equal and not a lesser pony. The two promise to see each other more in the future. [CHOICE]  What do you think? > Prince Blueblood and Spoiled Milk deserve each other. (Chaos) > It was better when Spoiled Milk was with Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara. (Hero) > Prince Blueblood and Spoiled Milk would never be content just being smaller royalty. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Prince Blueblood and Spoiled Milk date officially, laughing at ponies who serve them, yelling about tiny reasons they think they're orders are wrong, demanding to get into plays for free because of who they are, and eating the most high end, tiny desserts money can buy. Eventually, the two get married. Spoiled Milk changes her name to Spoiled Blueblood. Eventually, they have a daughter as well. Her name is Princess Beau Monde. And while they never really get along in the same way most couples do, their love for the finer things keeps them together. They teach their daughter everything there is to know to be a social elite, introducing a new generation of Spoiled royalty into the world. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] A bright orange glow flashes. Back in Ponyville, Filthy Rich is talking excitedly with Spoiled Rich, who rolls her eyes in annoyance at her husband's constant, excited babbling. Diamond Tiara runs quickly to be with them, telling them both about her day in school. She boisterously lets her parents know about her best moments. Filthy smiles tenderly, picking his daughter up and giving her a huge hug. These family moments together were fleeting with Filthy and Spoiled working so hard. For just a moment, a small smile creeps on the face of Spoiled Milk that leaves as fast as it appears. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING:VILLAIN] Prince Blueblood and Spoiled Milk get married. Spoiled changes her name to Spoiled Blueblood. They immediately start making plans. Every time Twilight visits the castle, the two go out of their way to belittle her, causing her to accidentally mess up on conversations with Princess Celestia. Blueblood walks over to Luna and talks about how he was never given a chance to lead, and he's blood related! Together, they weasel their way into the throne. Equestria quickly feels the change. Streets and buildings aren't as well kept as the two tax more and more of the ponies' money, demanding the best of everything! Towns start closing down stores. Streets become overgrown. The only time the two fix anything, they plaster their faces on it! Ponies everywhere murmur angrily. Posters show up calling for the end of the monarchy.  (+1 page for Villains) > 53. #SecretShips > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You decide to look through Golden Oak Library to find any book that might contain a spell that will help you find the magic pages from the Book of All Stories. Books cover every wall, but nothing on the Book of All stories is in any of them. You look low and high. While looking high on the ladder, you happen to see some type of huge book under Twilight's bed in her loft. You climb off the ladder and look under Twilight's bed. It's not a book. It looks to be some sort of folder. Curiosity calls to you and you pull it out. "Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. Do not open. Private!" The cover reads. You can only imagine what kinds of fanfictions Twilight would be writing about. With her intelligence and imagination, they would be amazing to read. What do you do with this information? [CHOICE] What do you do with Twilight Sparkle's secret ship-fic folder? > Read it, of course! (Chaos) > Leave it under Twilight's bed. (Hero) > Show everypony! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] You open the first page to find this folder is chock full of countless ponies shipped with other ponies in a myriad of ways. Self inserts, changeling invasions, childhood friends: There is no trope untouched and every ship imaginable. You thumb through story after story, reading some of your favorite ships. Once you feel like you've read enough, you sit the gigantic folder on the bed and sigh. "That's enough entertainment for now. I need to keep looking for the spell." You decide, pausing for a moment to enjoy the nice breeze out of the open window of Twilight's room before climbing back down to the library. As you continue to look for a spell to find more pages, you suddenly notice an orange glow. You look over to see the open folder of Twilight's ships glowing, a page having landed on it. The glow bursts out from the book, blinding you for a moment. "Ohhh no." You whisper, going out to see the damage done once you can see again. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "This is Twilight's private folder. She would share it if she wanted to. Besides, I should get back to finding that spell!" You put the folder carefully back, and go back to looking for the spell to find the pages. Twilight shows up about ten minutes later, eyebrows raised. "Um. Can I help you with something?" "I was hoping your library would have a tracking spell for those pages so I can help Fizzy!" You say "Oh. I'm sorry. I don't think I've seen a tracking spell that powerful, but I love your thinking. Research is the way to go!" Twilight grins. "I also have to apologize. While I was looking for the spell, I came across your…secret folder." Twilight's eyes bulge, "I didn't open it. As soon as I saw 'do not open', I put it back. I honestly thought a book had fallen under your bed." Twilight sighs in relief, "Thank you so much for valuing my privacy!" Twilight smiles. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] You run out, folder in your grasp. "Everypony! Twilight is a fanfic writer!" You shout, holding up the gigantic folder. Everypony whispers. Twilight gasps. "That's private!" She shouts! "Why? I bet you're an amazing writer!" You look down, reading one of the stories. Twilight becomes more and more embarrassed by each word. By the time you're finished, Twilight is gone. You go back to the library to find a note stating she went to Canterlot and will never show her face in Ponyville again. (+1 page for Villains) > 54. #OnesDestiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You see Rockhoof kicking a huge stone away from an Olden pony town. Flash Magnus speeds ponies away from falling debris. Somnambula helps keep the ponies’ spirits up. Mistmane works to fix the houses up once the trial is over. Mage Meadowbrook makes sure no pony needs medical attention. Starswirl uses his magical knowledge to stop the volcano, blocking the opening to stop the magma before it rains down. You look over to see Stygian walk close to you, overlooking the daring scene. In one hoof is a magic page. The other holds one of Starswirl's spell books. "Alright. Let's see if my new spell works. Here goes nothing." He takes a breath and speaks the incantation, "From one to another. From another to one. The mark of one's destiny singled out alone fulfilled!"  A sudden gust of wind blows around him and the rest and a strange light causes everypony to close their eyes. The white magic blends with the orange magic of the page.  Suddenly, Starswirl is trying to help ponies who are hurt with no bedside manner. Mage Meadowbrook runs around as fast as she can, trying to save shield ponies without the ability to fly. Flash tries his best to repair houses with the plants, which continuously pull him back. Mistmane tries to kick rubble off houses to no avail. Rockhoof tries to keep the other pony's spirits up, but everypony seems uncomfortable and confused when he speaks with them. Somnambula looks for a new spell with no way to wield it.  Stygian blinks, "Wha- no. Why did it switch their Cutie Marks? Why are they so bad at those talents? I don't understand. It wasn't supposed to change their destinies. It was supposed to reveal mine! I don't understand. I worked so hard to word it just right. All I wanted was to be special like them. I just wanted my own special destiny. Every time we go help a town, even though I do all the research, no pony even notices my contributions. Everypony loves the Pillars. I don't want to be better than them…I just…I just wanted them to see how valuable I am to the team. What did I do wrong?!" [CHOICE]  What did he do wrong? > Maybe the spell isn't finished. Try helping them remember their true selves by helping each other. (Chaos) > I think maybe you didn't think it through. Maybe you should talk to them before trying this spell. They might understand your feelings. (Hero) > Nothing. Now he can be the hero! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "Hey, we all make mistakes." You say. "Maybe to fix it, you should get them to help each other with their normal jobs!" "I suppose it can't hurt. Thanks." Sygian nods and starts with Somnambula helping Rockhoof, and continuing down the line. Once Mage Meadowbrook helps Starswirl, a beautiful white light engulfs Stygian and he disappears. The Pillars gasp in shock, looking around for their friend. After some time, a light comes down from the sky and Stygian appears with wings to go with his horn. He opens his eyes to the gasps of his friends. "What?" Stygian jumps back. "Stygian. You…you're an alicorn!" Starswirl breathed, "how did this happen and…is that one of my spell notebooks?!" Stygian blushes. "I may have borrowed one with blank pages to try a new spell. I know you don't remember this, but at one point, I was going to try this new spell by taking your artifacts temporarily and using them to find my place in the group. When you found that I took them, you all assumed the worst of me…Starswirl worst of all. I found a page to change events and decided to try again…but it didn't work. All it did was mess you all up. With my new friend's help, I realized helping you all remember your talents through helping each other was the best way to fix the mistake. I'm so sorry everypony. I never meant to take your talents or your artifacts…I just wanted to show you that I am a part of this team too and-Wait-did you say…alicorn?!" Rockhoof gives a mighty chuckle, "Indeed, my dear friend. I do not think you will have to worry about anypony thinking little of your contributions any longer!" He shows Stygian his reflection in a pool of water. Somnambula nods. "Stygian. We are so sorry. If we had only known you felt this way…no. We should have known. We should have let you know that you help just as much as we do."  "And I promise we will make sure you know how much we appreciate you in the future!" Mistmane nods. "Yeah. You're the one who brought us all together!" Flash points out. "And the one who first notices danger." Mage Meadowbrook pipes in. Starlight sighs, "I did you wrong, my boy. I overlooked you most of all. But look at you know…future Ruler of Equestria. You will have so much to learn." Stygian smiles, "At least I'll have my friends there to help me along the way!"  They go off to help Stygian learn how to be a ruler. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Instead of using a spell like that, shouldn't you ask your friends for help? Maybe they'll understand your feelings." You suggest. Stygian sighs. "I don't know. I just want to help like they do…but I guess it would be better than this mess." Stygian looks down at the pillars and back at you. "I…I wanted to but they weren't listening. They thought I took their relics when I just wanted to borrow them. I ran off when they confronted me…they were so mad that I changed everything when this weird magic page appeared. I guess I could try one more time though. I mean, they're supposed to be my friends, right?! If I just settle them down…maybe they'll finally listen and understand. I worry though. I don't know what I'll do if they reject me…" Stygian looks away.  You give Stygian a hug. Stygian takes a deep breath. He takes out a page out of his pack. The page swirls with an orange light, consuming the area. When the world goes back to normal, the town seems fine. "I had the page take us back to a moment I could remember to try my spell. A moment when I knew they all had their relics. They're probably looking for me now…I'll give you the page for safe keeping. Wish me luck!" He gives a nervous laugh before slowly going off towards where he thinks they may be. (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] "You didn't do anything wrong. This is your chance. While the Pillars are a little off, you can have a chance to be a hero!" You nod. "I suppose I couldn't be overlooked. Maybe I can be noticed. It won't be long. I can always just read the spell over again until their Cutie Marks are right when I want to! Okay. I'll give myself time to be noticed. Thanks!"  Unfortunately, with their Cutie Marks swapped, the Pillars do much more harm than the good Sygian tries to do. Each pony with a different Cutie Mark tries their best and fails time and time again to follow what they think is their true talent. Stygian tries the spell again and again, but every time he changes the Cutie Marks, they swap randomly, causing more chaos.  Stygian stresses out, trying to figure out why it keeps randomly changing. He studies his spell over and over. Eventually, after a few moons, the Cutie Marks finally go back to their right ponies, but by the time the pillars were back to their true selves, the damage had already been done. The Pillars reputation was tarnished. And evil never rests, so when enemies come they meet little to no resistance. (+1 page for Villains) > 55. #AreYouaChangling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Shining rushes into Canterlot, his eyes wide with panic. "Everypony, listen up! I have just been informed that there are Changelings among us!” You hear murmurs around you.  Ponies distance themselves from their friends. Caramel whispers, "I'm guessing they're the bad Changelings…" You nod in agreement as Shining Armor continues, "I'm going to put up a barrier so no more will be able to come in." His horn glows, "I know it's scary, but know that as long as I am here, you are all safe. No pony can go in or out of town with this barrier. We will work together to figure out who the Changelings are!" Everypony goes to bed. The very next morning, it's found that Shining Armor has gone missing! The guards scramble to decide who they need to protect to keep the citizens safe! The mage readies to try to figure out if a pony they scry each night is a Changeling. The Lunarians stick together as a pact. Flash Sentry pipes up, "We can't wait for the Changelings to pick us off one by one. We need to decide among one another who the Changelings are! We will send whichever pony you decide to the fungeon."  Voices erupt with uncertainty, looking at one another. Caramel watches beside you. "What? Are we supposed to just-" She starts. "I think the Changeling is Berry Punch! She's been too quiet!" Amethyst Star points. "Only a Changeling would point out a random pony for something so ridiculous!" Berry shouts back. And so it goes. Every night, a pony is taken away. During the day, the townsponies vote another pony to go to the fungeon in hopes to find the last of the Changelings.The sage finds if the pony that was last was a Changeling or not.  Eventually, the only three left in the town are you, Flash Sentry, and Caramel. You know you're not the Changeling so you ask. "Okay. Tell me why I should believe you aren't the Changeling?" Flash starts first, "I know I'm not the most well liked guard, but I do my job. I protected you more than once during this nightmare. Please, Caramel is just using you! I'm the real me!" "Caramel?" You nod in her direction. "I don't want to be the type of pony to point hooves, but Flash doesn't even live in Ponyville! Isn't it weird that he just happened to show up when Shining disappeared?" Caramel began. "I'm part of his guard!" Flash defends. "It is my turn, thank you!" Caramel glares before breathing, "Please. You know me! You know I'm not a Changeling. I belong here with you, not him. Now, can we please finish this up? I am so tired of this adventure. I can't wait to just go home and relax." [CHOICE]  Who is the Changeling? > Flash is the Changeling. (Villain) > Caramel is the Changeling. (Hero) [ENDING A: VILLAIN] "I think the Changeling is Flash Sentry!" You decide. "No! No!" Flash cries, "I'm me! Don't do this!" You and Caramel nod to each other and hold Flash together. You push against him as he tries to fight back, using his magic to try to throw you away from him. He runs off. You and Caramel run after. He darts through between buildings. Caramel disappears. You continue running after the trained stallion with all your might, but you find yourself losing ground. Suddenly, you see Caramel on the other side. Flash is just as surprised as you are as he attempts to stop, only to fall into Caramel. You grab onto Flash, and both you and Caramel push Flash into the fungeon together. "Glad we don't have to worry about the Changelings anymore." You sigh contentedly, "Come on, Caramel. Let's go look for more pages."  Caramel laughs menacingly. "Oh, you won't be looking for pages for a while!" Caramel's pink coat darkens with green energy into black. Her braids fade into a black frill. Her blue eyes change to blue with no pupils. Her horn disappears and two translucent wings unfurl from her back. A grin spreads across their fancy mouth. She grabs you. You fight with all your strength as she drags you away. The Changeling throws you into the fungeon with the rest of the town. Flash sighs, "I tried to tell you!" He shrugs as the Changeling turns back to Caramel, waiting for a unicorn to come help take down the barrier. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: HERO] "Caramel is the Changeling!" You decide. "What?! No! No!!!" Caramel screams, "You're making a big mistake!" Flash drags her to the fungeon. "Glad we don't have to worry about the Changelings anymore." You sigh contentedly. "You and me both!" Flash sighs back, "Now we wait for the princesses to come for the Changelings. One question.. how did you know it was Caramel?" "Caramel would never be tired of adventure!" You smile. (+1 page for Heroes) > 56. #LoveontheFarm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Ponyville is abuzz with excitement. Everypony is whispering about the rumors of a marriage proposal in the works. Big Mac bites his lip in anticipation of the answer to his biggest question ever. The train stops. Big Mac steps an inch closer, raising his head higher to see his possible future bride. Finally, a pony walks towards Big Mac, obscured by dust. Big Mac shakes with nerves. He swallows hard. The pony steps out, coughing, and Big Mac's pupils turn into hearts at the sight of her. Big Mac clears his throat. "Before you say anything…I just wanted to tell you that you are the apple of my eye. I love you more than bunnies love carrots. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Marble Pie?" Marble blushes. She thinks back to how this all became possible.  Not long ago, Marble had found out the news that Big Macintosh was getting married. Her heart, already broken from finding out that he and Sugar Belle were dating, shattered when she saw the invitation. She jumped onto her bed, bursting into silent tears. It was at that moment that a magic page floated down in front of her with the chance to change the story.  Now she stands in front of the stallion she fell in love with but never got the courage to tell her feelings to. However, as she sees him standing there, awaiting her answer, she starts to worry that maybe she did the wrong thing by changing Big Mac's future with Sugar Belle. Her heart aches every time she sees him with Sugar Belle. Her mouth goes dry every time she tries to speak. She wants to be with him and only him more than she's wanted anything in her whole life, so why does she feel so torn about it when he's right there, smiling his big smile, awaiting his answer?  What should she do? [CHOICE]  What should Marble do? > Marry Big Mac, of course! (Chaos) > Let Big Mac be with Sugar Belle. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Marble looks up at Big Macintosh, her cheeks flushed as she murmurs, "Mm-hhmm." "Mm-hhmm!" Big Mac shouts exuberantly. He rushes over to kiss Marble. The two have a nice, quiet wedding at the Pie Rock farm. Both families watch on both sides of Holder's Boulder. Big Mac is dressed in his finest tux. The Cutie Mark Crusaders prance down the aisles, spreading flowers as they go. Pipsqueak walks down next, rings on a pillow. Pinkie, Limestone, and Maud walk down hoof in hoof with Spike, Discord, and Breburn. Applejack walks down with a second Discord. Finally, Marble trots down in all white with her father who also helps with the vows. "I now pronounce you mare and colt." Pinkie's Dad nods. The friends and family clop their hooves quietly as Marble and Big Mac walk through the lines, ready to start their lives together. They move in together, sharing their life at the Apple farm. One day, Marble walks out with two fillies who run around after her, smiling as Big Mac puts his hoof around her. They look out into the sunset together with blissful smiles. For a brief moment, her thoughts turn to Sugar Belle. Far, far away Sugar Belle sighs, looking over as her husband, Feather Bangs, flirt with the girls that always come into the shop but never buy anything. She looks over to her broken shelf that Feather had promised five times to fix. She sighs once more before carefully placing her sweets on the shelf so they don't fall off…again. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] Marble looks up at Big Mac. She sees the love in his eyes, but realizes she missed her chance on that love. She never told him her feelings before the page, so he fell for another pony. Now, by changing the story, she took Big Mac's future with Sugar Belle.  It would be so easy to just marry Big Mac if Sugar Belle was a bad pony. But all Marble could think of was the last time Pinkie invited the Apples to their house. Sugar Belle had brought desserts for the whole family based on their tastes. She and Big Mac worked together to fix a shelf that had fallen. She never expected Marble to talk to her, but she still included her when she talked about things going on. Marble imagines her life with Big Mac. They would live on the apple farm. They would have kids and grow old together. It was all she could ever imagine. She could also imagine Sugar Belle alone. She might find another stallion, but she would never find another Big Mac. "I've…always loved you…" She barely murmurs, thinking, 'so I have to let you go." She takes the page out, and gives it one last hug of thanks. An orange glow erupts around the scene. The light slowly dies down to show Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac trots out smiling broadly. Sugar Belle follows soon after. Big Mac kisses Sugar Belle tenderly before they both trot off together. (+1 page for Heroes) > 57. #SirensChoice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The Crystal Empire seems like a quiet place, but with it already having missed over a thousand moons, it's full of possible ponies wanting to change their stories. It was that thought that brought you into the castle. You look high and low but don't see anything that seems out of place. And then you spot something strange. In a out-of-the-way room stands a mirror. The mirror resembles a purple, upside-down horseshoe. Horseshoes line the steps below it. Swirly metal rods line around the mirror. You walk up and touch it. The mirror feels fluid, rippling from your touch. You push and find yourself going through the mirror like a popped bubble, swirling down the drain from dimension to dimension until you drop in front of Canterlot High in the human world. The school stands silent. However, you hear murmuring in the distance. You follow the lone voices to find an empty stage with only three teenage girls sitting together. Trying not to interrupt, you stand near the trees, able to hear perfectly thanks to the stage acoustics. "This is all your fault!" Aria Blaze scoffs, then, in a high mocking tone, adds, "Let's do a battle of the bands. The wielders of magic won't know what hit them." "Oh shut up. I didn't see you coming up with any better ideas," Adagio Dazzle shoots back. "And we never even got to eat any tacos!" Sonata Dusk pouts. The three argue with each other as you get closer. Sonata stops and picks up a glowing page. "Ooohhh, looking what I found!" She grins. "It's so shiny!" "Let me see that!" Adagio grabs the page, scanning it. "I have good news, girls. We have a second chance. With this magic page, we can rewrite the contest so we win this time!" "What, and have them find another way to take our powers? No thanks," Aria scoffs. "No this will make it to where we write the story!" Adagio growls. "Why not just give up. Maybe we should just see this as an eye-opener and try to…I don't know…change." Aria sighs. "Wait! If we can change anything, we could all have TACOS! Even better, Taco Tuesday can be every day!" Sonata squeals.  Aria sees you from your spot, watching from the tree line, "Hey you!" You point to yourself. Aria rolls her eyes, "Yes, you, the weirdo fan hiding by the trees. I'm guessing you heard most of our conversations?" You nod slowly. Aria shrugs, "then you might as well give us your thoughts. What do you think we should do?" "Greaaat. Ask the random creepy stranger" Adagio rolls her eyes. Aria glares at her and Adagio sighs. "FINE. You. Weirdo person. We need to know. Should we try to win the singing competition, give up, or…" She groans then murmurs, "enjoy…tacos." [CHOICE] What should they do? > Win the competition. (Villain) > Enjoy tacos! (Chaos) > Give up. (Hero) [ENDING A: VILLAIN] "You should win your contest," you decide. "Great. Finally, someone with sense!" Adagio grinned. An orange glow surrounds you all. The next thing you know, the stadium is packed with students who look like Zombies. The Dazzlings have turned into giant sirens. "First, Canterlot High! Next, all of Equestria!" Adagio shouts. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: CHAOS] "You should enjoy tacos!" you decide. "YES!" Sonata grabs the page back. An orange glow surrounds you all. The next thing you know, you're in the cafeteria. Ever student has a taco. Sonata has a tray overflowing with tacos. She shouts, "Best day EVER!" Adagio and Aria roll their eyes. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING C: HERO] "You should give up," you decide. "Finally, someone sees it!" Aria grabs the page and hands it to you. "The first time we tried to take over, we lost our home. The second, we lost our powers. I don't want to see what would happen. The third time! We should try something new. Maybe find out what we really want!" Adagio sighs. "Fine." Sonata nods. "Sounds good to me!" The three go off to find what they really want. (+1 page for Heroes) > 58. #SweetSong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Manehatten buzzes with excitement. THE Sapphire Shores is having a premiere concert where she unveils her newest song and a very special surprise. What's even cooler is that Mustard Mark won front row tickets with backstage passes for his essay on 'What My Sibling(s) Mean to Me.' The young flier flips in anticipation, while Deep Dish shakes her head, as you all wait in line to get in. Mustard hums the tune to 'Get Your Pony n' as you step into the immense theater.  The entire place is packed. Ponies from far and wide come together in anticipation of the surprise. Could it be a new album, or perhaps a new tour?  The entire crowd erupts into a roar as Sapphire Shores confidently trots onto the stage. She stands by the microphone, waiting patiently until the uproar dies down. "Hellooo Manehattan! Who here is ready for an amazing concert?" The uproar starts once more. Sapphire waits once more, putting a hoof in the air as a sign for the crowd to hush. The crowd quiets in record time. "I know. I know you are all also excited to hear about the big surprise!" Another roar erupts before being silenced by the Pony of Pop. "Well then, let me let you in on the secret. I have a new singing partner!" Gasps flow through the hall. Sapphire laughs, "That's right, my fans. Your pop princess sings alone no more. I'm now a part of a duo. And who is this amazing new singer? I'm glad you asked! I am both proud and honored to introduce to you, for her premiere singing debut, my beautiful little sister. The one, the only: Sweetie Belle!" Lights pan over to the curtain where Sweetie Belle trots out, waving at the crowd timidly. The crowd erupts in cheers and Sweetie smiles. Sapphire waves them back to quiet and announces, "For her debut duet, we decided to sing, Serves Her Right! Take it away, Sweetie Belle!" The crowd goes entirely quiet as Sweetie Belle belts out the most beautiful rendition of the first stanza, Sapphire Shores stepping in for the duet at the chorus. Angels would weep at the beauty of their harmonies. After the concert, Mustard takes Deep Dish backstage, whispering confusedly, "I didn't know that Sapphire Shores is related to Sweetie Belle and Rarity." Deep Dish shrugs as they see Sapphire Shores and Sweetie Belle signing autographs for the other backstage guests.  Deep Dish and Mustard Mark walk up. "Wow!" Mustard shouts happily. "Sweetie Belle! That was the most beautiful singing I've ever heard!" "Thanks, Mustard!" Sweetie smiles. "And I had no idea you and Rarity had a third sister!" Mustard continued. Sapphire chuckles, "Rarity is only a sister in fashion." "Wha—" Mustard asks. "Heh-heh…I'll explain the difference to him…be right back, Sis!" Sweetie waves, taking Mustard and Deep Dish further back before she asks, "How do you know about Rarity and me? Nopony is supposed to remember!" "But…you remember!" Deep Dish counters. "Yes. Well, that's because I changed it so she wasn't my sister anymore!" Gasps erupt from Deep Dish and Mustard. "I was never able to shine as Rarity's sister. I shine here! I bet she's better off too. All I ever did was get in the way of her dream. This way, I can shine and she can do what she's always wanted without me troubling her! I mean…I miss home and my friends…and I might even miss her sometimes, but this is for the best, right?" [CHOICE] What should Deep Dish and Mustard do? > Respect Sweetie Belle's decision. (Chaos) > Remind Sweetie Belle's of how much she loves Rarity. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I guess it's your decision." Deep Dish shrugs. "I can't imagine trading your sister, but if you're happy, I guess that's what counts." Mustard shrugs. "I really love singing with Sapphire. I used to only like show tunes, but I am starting to love her music too, and being out there makes me forget about everything. I don't even think about getting a cutie mark. I just love singing for others!" Her flank shines and a treble clef appears, "Oh my Celestia! I got my Cutie Mark! See! I'm going to be a song pony!" "And just in time for our tour. Think of it, Sweetie. A whole year going from one side of Equestria to the other. It'll be Sen-Sational!" Sapphire Shores sings. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "But Sweetie…Rarity is your sister!" Mustard looks to Deep Dish and back. "I know they can be frustrating, but they're also there when you need them most!"  Deep Dish blushes. "I'm sure your sister is having a harder life because you aren't in it. Rarity loves you, Sweetie…even if she forgets to show it from time to time!" "....You really mean it?" Sweetie asks. "Pinkie promise!" Deep Dish nods. Sweetie smiles, changing things back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) > 59. #Rocketmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "Come one! Come all! Come to see the Great and Powerful Trixie, and her amazing assistant, the ever slightly less great and powerful Starlight, perform the most amazing death defying trick in all of the history of Equestria!" you hear. "I…I don't know Trixie. This seems a little much…even by your standards," another voice sighs. "You worry too much, Starlight. This is going to work beautifully! You'll see. With this baby, we'll go faster and farther than any pony ever dreamed of! We could go half way across Equestria. No. Even better. We could go to the MOON!" Trixie announces. "The moon?!" Starlight gasps, "why in Celestia's name would you want to go to the moon?!" "More like what in Luna's name!" Trixie grins. "Think about it, Starlight. Luna was banished on the moon for a thousand moons! She would have been soooo bored. The great and powerful Trixie believes Luna made things up there to alleviate her boredom when she was Nightmare Moon. And, from Twilight's stories, Nightmare Moon loves to make an entrance. Do you know who else loves to make an entrance, Starlight?!" "Um…you?!" "Yes! Nopony can make an entrance as grand as the Great and Powerful Trixie! But that similarity got me thinking, Starlight. If Nightmare Moon does an entrance even half as good as the Great and Powerful Trixie then Nightmare Moon must love to dazzle and inspire as well. With nopony to dazzle and inspire, all Nightmare Moon could do was practice until she was let out. And what does everypony wishing to put on a show need?" "Wait. How did we get to putting on a sh—" "A STAGE! Nightmare Moon must have built an amazing stage up in the moon but she was taken away before she could use it and now it's up there for anypony to take!" "Trixie. I highly doubt—" Starlight gets interrupted once more. "And even if by some impossible scenario the Great and Powerful Trixie is wrong, we would still be the first ever ponies to be on the moon since Princess Luna came back! We would go down in history!" "How would we even get back?!" "You're the magic wiz. You could just make some sort of doorway from the moon back to here." "So like…some sort of portal?" "Yes. Now you're thinking…with portals!" You look through the bushes to see what they're talking about and see a lavender and white striped firework style rocket with a yellow cone. The cone has two stars etched around it. Starlight sighs. "This still seems a bit dangerous, Trixie. And what happened to wanting to be, and I quote, ‘the first ever ponies to go across Equestria on a rocket!’?" Trixie freezes and thinks. "Hmmm. This is true. The Great and Powerful Trixie had two great and powerful ideas, but we only have one great and powerful rocket." "I think you've said great and powerful enough for one sentence," Starlight sighs exasperatedly. Trixie gasps. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has an idea! You! Yes you! The strange fan hiding in the bushes!" She points to you. As you walk out, she continues, "You must have heard our quandary. As a fan of The Great and Powerful Trixie, you have good tastes, so tell us, which do you think would excite a crowd: flying across Equestria or flying to the moon?" [CHOICE] Which would be a better show? > Fly across Equestria! (Chaos) > Fly to the moon! (Villain) > Neither. This is dangerous! (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "You should fly across Equestria!" you decide. "See? The Great and Powerful Trixie's fans have exquisite tastes. We were just about to do that!" Trixie goes to the top of the rocket. Starlight sits behind her. Trixie wills her magic to the fire, which lights, coiling up to the rocket. The rocket shakes before blue smoke emerges from the bottom and lifts the ponies into the air. Trixie's hat flies off her head, and Starlight quickly grabs it, holding tight onto it with her hoof as they fly off to the other end of Equestria and new adventures. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] "You should fly to the moon!" you decide. "See? The Great and Powerful Trixie's fans have exquisite tastes. We were just about to do that!" "Just watch for us to portal back here I guess," Starlight adds wearily. Trixie goes to the top of the rocket. Starlight sits behind her. Trixie wills her magic to the fire, which lights, coiling up to the rocket. The rocket shakes before blue smoke emerges from the bottom and lifts the ponies into the air. Trixie's hat flies off her head, and Starlight quickly grabs it, holding tight onto it with her hoof as they fly off higher and higher until you can no longer see them. You wait for the two to portal back, but none comes. Mayyyybe you should go tell Princess Luna what happened. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING C: HERO] "I think this rocket is too dangerous. You could both get hurt!" You decide. "See Trixie. Your fans want to see your shows. They don't want to see you in Ponyville Hospital!" Starlight points out. "Very well. I suppose we can just watch this humongous rocket blast off without us." She snorted dejectedly, lighting the rocket and watching with Starlight as it blasts off into the sky. (+1 page for Heroes) > 60. #FluttershyReformSchool > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Fluttershy sits on a chair around a table, sipping on some nice herbal tea. She sighs contentedly, sitting the cup on the saucer. She looks up. "Now. Do you all know why you're here?" She asks. "Because the puny ponies believe they can tame me with friendship like they did my brother and they are sorely mistaken." Tirek growls, wrinkled, old, and small. "Now, Tirek. I understand your feelings toward your brother are difficult. Friendship can be a wonderful thing. I can give you an example right now. Would you like to talk about how you felt when Scorpan left you that day?" "No." Tirek huffs. "I agree with Lord Tirek. What use is friendship when one can just force others to do their bidding?" King Sombra asks. Fluttershy sighs. "Now, Sombra. Forcing other ponies to do what you want doesn't take into account their feelings. Plus, it makes it more likely other nations will not trade with you!" "What makes the other nations think I want to trade?!" Sombra shoots back. "The Crystal Empire is behind all the other nations as it is. If you stop trade, other nations will continue to progress while the Crystal Empire stagnates." "I must agree with the quiet yellow pony on this point. The best course is to spread your influence all across Equestria and beyond!" Chrysalis grins. "That isn't what I meant and you know it. Please, Chrysalis. How would you feel if a force came in and tried to take over your kingdom?" "Let them try!" Chrysalis grins. "I would take over your little bug kingdom with a fraction of my air ships." The Storm King laughs sharply. "Bring it on, you no-talent hack. My changelings would have your army upside down before a thunder clap!" Chrysalis sneers. "Hah. What changelings?! Your hive abandoned you!" King Sombra points out, "see. This is why you force others to do your bidding!" "Please. Please. Everypony! There are a lot of feelings here. Chrysalis, you may want to talk to your friends here about how it felt to have your children choose to leave you. Sombra, you could tell us about why you want to force ponies to do things. What is your goal? Storm King, you've already had a time where you conquered so many lands and didn't feel happy. Why do you think that is? And Tirek, you seem like you're obsessed with being the strongest. Why is that? Here at the Villain Reform Group, we're going to tackle these questions and so many more." Fluttershy nods, taking another sip of her tea after. "And what stops us from just taking your power?" Tirek asks. "Or hanging you upside down and feeding on your love?" Chrysalis wonders. "Or taking over your mind and forcing you to let us out of this common cottage?" Sombra inquiries. "That would be… me!" Discord appears with a malicious grin on his face, fingers at the ready for a snap. The villains sit back down with a murmur of frustration. "I don't know if this will work as well as it did with you Discord. Do you really think I can reform all of them?" [CHOICE] How do you think this will end? > The villains will be reformed. (Chaos) > This whole thing shouldn't even be happening. (Hero) > The Villains will find a way to escape. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Days come and go and every day The villains find themselves in front of Fluttershy, slowly opening up. "Once I saw my future was being an evil empower, how could I fight it?!" Sombra asks one day to his fellows. "I do feel you there. It's like, I'm the bad queen for trying to feed my children? How was I supposed to know giving love was more filling than devouring it?!" Chrysalis yells. "My brother never thought about me. All he thought about was the ponies! We were supposed to rule together but instead he tore our family apart!" Tirek growls. "I was only following my birthright as king! I'm supposed to take the lands over for rule by any means necessary." Storm King shrugs. "See, you can all relate to one another in some way. You're building relationships already. Before you know it, you'll be making memories together." Fluttershy smiles. "It does feel good to get this off of my chest." Sombra noted. Everypony else nods while Fluttershy smiles. It takes time, but eventually ponies get used to seeing Chrysalis making amends with the changelings, Storm King apologizing to Tempest, Tirek and Discord hanging out, and Sombra going to the Crystal Empire in hopes of forgiveness. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "Yeah. I was really hoping you of all ponies would be able to turn this group around, Fluttershy. Ah, well. You did give it your best shot. It's not your fault they're a bunch of stubborn creatures. Well, back where they were then." Discord holds up a page which glows. The villains disappear, "for what it's worth, I don't see this as a failure on your part, but a failure on theirs." "What do you mean, Discord?" Fluttershy asks. "I know better than most how persuasive you can be. I guess there's a lesson to be learned here: no matter how hard you try, some creatures will never change. Honestly, it's their loss. They've just lost out on a great friend." Fluttershy blushes and Discord gives her the page, "I suppose you'll know what to do with this." (+1 page for Heroes) [ENDING C: VILLAIN] The villains go along with it for a few days, waiting. One day, while Fluttershy drinks a sip of her tea, Sombra sees his moment to strike. He grabs Fluttershy. Discord appears. Sombra shakes his head, "Don't want to accidentally harm your precious pony friend, do you?" His horn glows. Chrysalis unleashes her magic as well. Tirek and the Storm King grab the table, breaking it. The four rush out. They drop Fluttershy by the treeline only once they enter the Everfree Forest and quickly disappear. Discord appears in front of Fluttershy, holding her close to him, anger filling his eyes. He stands to give chase only to be stopped by Fluttershy's crying. He holds her, silently vowing to find the villains back. The villains laugh along with each other. "You know, I have to say, those ponies are on the right track about one thing. Working together helps you get what you want. What if we continue to work together until we each get our goal?" Tirek asks. "My goal to take all the magic. Chrysalis wants to eat their love, and it seems to me that Storm King wants to rule the land. We could make an accord." Chrysalis smirks, "I like the way you think." Storm King nods, "Yes. Not a friendship, but a temporary alliance. That I can get behind." Together, the three help one another. Tirek takes a pony's power to leave them drained, and as the pony sits trying to recoup some energy back, Chrysalis drains their love. When they finish with the town, the Storm King conquers it. Once Discord re-enters the picture as they knew he would, Sombra overpowers him using mind control and eliminates the threat that he posed to ignoring the dumb yellow pony’s advice! (+1 Page for Villains) > 61. #TwastheNight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Minty paces in her room as dawn approaches. "Oh. I do hope everypony loves the socks. I feel bad that I could only give each pony one. I'm happy that I gave my friends a gift, but…but what if they don't like it and then…then they don't like me?!" She worries. "Mintyyyyy." Minty turns around when she hears a high-pitched voice call her name. "Who…who's there?" Minty asks. "It is I! The Ghost of Hearth's Warming Presents!" A strange pony appears in a robe with a laurel wreath around her head. Minty screams, falling over. "Please. Stay away!" She shakes in terror. "Stay away? But Minty. I'm here to help you!" Presents clarifies. Minty stops shaking. "Help me? Help me with what?" "Why, with your present problem of course! It's kinda my thing!" Presents explains, her smile widening. "Oh…but how did you know I had a present problem?" Minty wonders. "Duh. It's in the name. You know. Ghost of Hearth's Warming Presents." "But. What's Hearth's Warming?" "Silly Minty. It's the very thing you just gave your socks for." "No. I gave my friends socks for ch-" "Now, now, silly filly. Are we going to spend the night talking or are we going to fix your present problem?!" "Present problem, definitely!" Minty nods.  "Great. Follow me!" The ghost of Hearth's warming Presents flies out with Minty. Minty looks from the wingless pony to her own Earth pony body and screams once more. "Whoa woah woah. No worries there, Earth Pony. I'm a ghost. Flying is part of the job!" "But. I'm. Not. A. Ghost!" Minty gasps between breaths. "You're fine! You're with me! Call it a perk of hanging with a ghost!" "Oh…okay."  Presents laughs, as the sun rises up and ponies come out, holding their socks. "My dear Minty. You had your head all backwards. It's not what the gift is that matters. It's what the gift means that matters. And everypony knows how much your socks mean to you! The fact that you were willing to give away the very things that brought you so much joy means more to your friends than anything. Look at how they hold your socks close. They each have a piece of you. Plus, they can use those socks as part of a new tradition! Look!"  Minty takes a closer look at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash puts a hoof in her sock and pulls out a hair clip. She smiles. "This will look absolutely amazing in my hair!"  Minty's smile slowly crosses her face. "I can't believe it!" She laughs. "Well, believe it, little pony. Now your friends have a fun story to talk about for moons to come all because of you!" Presents beams. "Do you mean years?" Minty asks. "Bless you!" Present hands Minty a tissue from nowhere. "But this is what I wanted to talk to you about, Minty! You have such a kind heart and a generous soul. You were willing to give up your most prized possessions to help your friends! That sort of heart deserves to be rewarded. That got me thinking. See, us ghosts need all the help we can get on making sure everypony’s happy during this festive time of year, and we've been looking for one more helper. We've been looking for a pony who could spend every holiday with ideas like yours. So I have an offer for you, Minty! How would you like to be the official pony of stockings, spreading this amazing new tradition forever?!" Minty thinks about it. "I don't know…." [CHOICE]  What should Minty do? > Stay with the ghosts to become the official pony of Hearth’s Warming stockings. (Chaos) > Stay with her friends. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I'll stay with you. I can't wait to show everypony this idea!" Minty beams. It is said that every year, close to Hearths Warming , a pony comes giving away socks to anypony who would like to hang them up. Who knows, somepony may just find a small gift hidden inside. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "I'll stay with my friends. They would miss me if I was gone." Minty decides. "Fair enough. It's been a real treat to meet you, Minty!" Presents nods. The next thing Minty knows, she's with her friends. Her friends hug her tight, thanking her for their beautiful socks and telling her how many small gifts they found inside. They laugh and hug each other As the beautiful holiday moves on. Minty feels like she did something right! (+1 page for Heroes) > 62. #= > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story "Welcome. Welcome. Welcome!" You nod towards the strange ponies who greet you with stretched out smiles. Every single house is the same. There seems to be four different hairstyle choices among the entire town. Only muffins are lined up in the bakery. Only burlap cloaks rest in the clothing shops.  You find Starlight Glimmer walking through. "That's right, friends. Don't forget in the sameness there is peace! We only show we care by not being better than anypony else. If you find someone who doesn't believe exceptionally is a lie, you tell them that even a princess sees how true it is. Here she is to tell us about this: Princess Twilight, the princess of Friendship!" Twilight trots out faded with an Equal sign on her flank. "Hello everypony. I once thought that our differences make us stronger, but now I see that the only way to truly be friends is to free yourself from your cutie mark. No talent is special enough to be better than your friends. I see that now with the help of Starlight Glimmer!" "Oh princess, you make me blush. Now, Princess Twilight and I have been talking and she thinks that it is a fantastic idea to expand. We are going to work together to send out invites so the whole of Equestria will one day see what we all know to be true: nopony is no better than their friends." Starlight nods. "That's right, everypony. It is time to bring more into the fold! We are going to invite so many friends into the fold. Before we know it, everypony will accept true friendship!" Cheers erupt from the crowd.  Preparations for the expansion get underway as you step closer to Twilight and Starlight. "Wonderful job, Princess Twilight. This will help our little town so much!" Starlight says. You notice Starlight start to turn in your direction, and you quickly find a place to hide. She turns back, but you stay in case she looks again. "Absolutely, Starlight. After everything you've done for me and my friends, showing the rest of Equestria how right you are is the least we can do!"  "Indeed it is. Now, be a dear and help your friends get ready. We are going to be busy soon." Starlight grins. Twilight nods going off. Starlight laughs as soon as she thinks she's alone. "Yes. Thank you, Princess Twilight. With your help, my dream will come true!" She holds up a piece of paper. "And because of you, I have a princess. Now we just have to make sure no pony discovers you like they once discovered my cutie mark. Thank you so much for changing that for me." Starlight rolls the page up and heads off. [CHOICE] What do you do? > Confront Starlight.  (Villain) > Sneak the page away. (Hero) [ENDING A: VILLAIN] You follow Starlight. She walks out into the crowds, meeting her other ponies, all with equal signs on their flanks instead of their cutie marks. You notice a watering can resting by a bed of flowers and grab it before confronting her. "Starlight! This is wrong and you know it!" You shout. Starlight turns around, eyebrow raised. "Oh dear. I can see why you're confused. A creature like yourself doesn't have a cutie mark. You're already more equal to us poor ponies who are forced to announce this so-called 'special talent'. I don't blame you for being brainwashed by fellow ponies who have always been taught that flaunting what makes them better than their friends, leading to lonely, miserable lives." She grins. "All you are really doing is making it to where you are the only special pony in all of Equestria!" You shoot back. "Me? Why, I'm no better than any of my friends." Starlight smiles. "Oh yeah. Then explain this!" You toss the watering can at Starlight.  Starlight summons a force field just in time, sneering. "Did you really think that would work? You know the old saying: fool me once!" She levitates you up. "But I forgive you because I am a good friend. Just to show there are no hard feelings, I'll even help you see the truth!" She guides you into the house of reformation and grins. "We'll check how you feel about things in a week or so." Before going off in a fit of manic laughter. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: HERO] You follow Starlight. She walks out into the crowds, meeting her other ponies, all with equal signs on their flanks instead of their cutie marks. Every so often, you note the glint of the page as she walks around, checking in on the progress of everypony and making plans for her next steps.  The day passes as you hide, watching and waiting as you keep an eye on the small moments you see the page. She checks on the burlap cape maker to see how many more he's been able to make for the rush of new friends that will 'undoubtedly love to join their growing town.' She checks on the supplies needed to make thousands of muffins. She checks in on Double Diamond for a report on how everyone is loving the town. "Make sure you let me know if anypony starts to slip from our fold. We don't want anything to distract from the growth of our beautiful town,” she says. Double Diamond nods. He stops and looks over in your direction suddenly, and you duck lower. "What is it?" Starlight asks sharply. "Nothing." Diamond shrugs. "I think I saw an animal for a moment, but it ran off." Starlight walks off contentedly as you follow close. Eventually, you find yourself at her house. She goes inside. You check the windows to see Starlight put the page next to her bed before going to sleep. You wait. Once you feel like Starlight should be sleeping deeply, you slither in, quietly walking to the side table where the glowing paper lays. You carefully hold it by the top and bottom, sliding it over and slowly walking out the door. You only feel more comfortable once you are far away from the town, willing the town to go back to normal. (+1 page for Heroes) > 63. #CrankyMeetsSteven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Cranky looks around his surroundings. How he ever managed to get turned around enough to end up in the middle of the Hayseed Swamps was beyond him. The ground squished with every step he takes. Bugs bite him despite his best efforts to swish them away with his tail. Sweat trickles down his face, matting his thinning hair into his eyes. Worst of all, every single tree and path looks the same. "Wonderful. I'm lost…and now I'm talking to myself." Cranky sighs, "I think I might be getting too used to being alone. Maybe after I find my way out of this awful swamp, I'll just…give up…" Cranky's heart sinks at the thought of giving up on his quest. His heart races back in time to the best night of his life. Who would have guessed that one galla would change his life forever? He felt so out of place around all the fancy ponies, but then he met…her. The Jenny of his dreams named Matilda. Oh, the night that he spent with her lived in his heart for moons and moons. "Be honest with yourself, Cranky. You're never going to find her. I have a better chance of finding ice in the middle of this humid swamp!" A few minutes more of wandering aimlessly through the swamp, Cranky hears a very distinct cry ahead to his left. "Did another creature end up here?" He wonders, racing toward the sound.  Through the mists of swamp gas, Cranky sees who is crying and freezes. In front of him is a sea serpent, bawling. Humps of his body curve out of the water. Fear grips Cranky as the serpent weeps. Then his eyes slowly glance down. The swamp lake that the serpent is in is frozen solid. Shocked, and believing it to be a sign, Cranky approaches the sea monster. "Uh…you okay there?" He asks tentatively. The Sea serpent stops, looking at Cranky. He sniffles before he speaks. "No. I am not okay. First, a flood washes me out of my beautiful river and into this awful swamp. Then, the lake that I find myself in freezes. I am freezing on one end and sweating at the other. Lastly, I'm going crazy!" "Uh…why do you say that?" Cranky wonders. "Because now I'm talking to a donkey that isn't even here!"  "No. I'm here! Honest!" Cranky touches the Serpent to prove he exists. "My name's Cranky Doodle Donkey." "I am Steven Magnet. While I'm very interested in why a donkey has come into the swamp, I would rather get out of it!"  "Me too." Cranky agrees. "I'm lost." "I can see the way out, so if you could get me out of this lake, I'll gladly help you find your way out of the swamp!" "Deal!" Cranky looks at the lake. "What we need is a fire!"  "In these wet conditions?! P-lease!" Steven waves his hand dramatically. Cranky takes his pack off, digs through it and finds kindling and a gas lantern. He looks mournfully at his already-tattered suit from the gala, sighs, and lays it close to the shore before the ice starts. He starts a fire carefully, allowing the small sticks to burn hot before adding his only dry log. To his shock, the entirety of the lake unfreezes at once. Cranky points to another lake nearby. "Jump there quick!" Steven bends down before jumping from one lake to the next. The fire sinks into the lake the next moment, and the lake freezes as fast as it unfroze. "Thank you Cranky!" Steven reaches into his hair, "it's not much, but I found this odd glowing paper just before you came. I want you to have it! I can go through the water to get back to the river. I'll need to seriously exfoliate when I'm back, but I'll be home!"  Cranky reads the paper, mouth agape. He could find her now thanks to Steven! Should he really take that short cut though?  [CHOICE]  What should Cranky do? > Use the page to find Matilda now. (Chaos) > Keep looking for Matilda on his own. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "I could use this to find her!" Cranky murmurs. "Find who?" Steven asks. "Matilda: the love of my life." Cranky shares his story with Steven, who hangs on his every word. "My goodness, Cranky! You absolutely need to find her as soon as possible!" "You know what. Steven. You're right. Celestia as my witness, I will be with her now!" Cranky holds up the page, orange light swirling around him until he disappears completely. Steven sighs before carefully swimming through the Murky swamp. Once he gets back to his river, he is covered in gunk. He sighs dramatically. "I am FILTHY! I need an exfoliating sponge stat!" He goes off in search of a way to clean himself off. Meanwhile, Cranky finds himself in front of a door in Ponyville. He takes a deep breath and knocks. Matilda opens the door, her eyes widening as she sees him. "Doodle? Doodle is that you?" "Yes, Matilda. It's me. I finally found you!" Cranky smiles. "And I am so happy you did! Please, by all means, come in. I want to hear about everything after we last saw each other." Cranky nods, walking in with his heart full. Maybe Cranky no longer fits him. Doodle sounds closer to how he feels now. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "I could use this to find her!" Cranky murmurs. "Find who?" Steven asks. "Matilda: the love of my life." Cranky shares his story with Steven, who hangs on his every word. "My goodness, Cranky! You absolutely need to find her as soon as possible!" "You know what, Steven. I want to find her as soon as possible. I want to take this page and have it bring me to her right now!" "So why don't you?!"  "Because then I would be making you swim through all this!" Cranky waves his hoof around the Murky swamp. "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, much less a new friend." Steven picks up Cranky, hugging him. "You are too kind!"  "Thanks. Please. Let go. Can't. Breath!" Cranky manages before Steven loosens his grip.  "Well then, how do you use that weird thing anyway?" Steven asks.  "I think you just…write what you wish for and then…" as Cranky finishes scribbling his thoughts, the two see an orange glow wrap around them and find themselves near the coast. Steven is in a fresh, clean river and Cranky is on the shore. Steven cheers.  "Cranky, you sacrificed a chance to be with the one you love to help me. If there is anyway I can help, you say the word!" "I could use a friend to search with!" Cranky shrugs. "Well, I can't help with that in landlocked areas, but anywhere with a river bank, I'm happy to join your search!" "I only have one question?" "What's that Cranky?" "Why didn't you use the page to get yourself out?" "To be honest, at the time I was so overwhelmed with grief I didn't realize it was special. It wasn't until you came and helped me that I realized what it was, and by that time you had gotten me out. I'm glad I didn't though." "Why's that?" Cranky wonders. "Because then I would have never been there to help you and make a new friend!" (+1 page for Heroes) > 64. #PonyIWantToBe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You and Fizzy are out and about looking for pages high and low. You ask around for anything out of the ordinary, Fizzy sighing with every false alarm. When asking in Ponyville, you notice Filthy Rich buying something with a lot of bits. His wife, Spoiled Milk walks out of a shop with Diamond Tiara. "Diamond Tiara. Your Student Pony presidential election is coming up. I'll get your victory party ready." "Um. Mother, what if…I don't win…?" Diamond Tiara asks timidly. Spoiled Rich laughs, "Diamond Tiara. You are a high society pony in the making. What would you even have to worry about? Those Blank flanks? Please. You, my dear, were born a winner, and a winner is what I will see after the election. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mother." Diamond Tiara sighs. "Good. Now, your father and I will be extremely busy getting this party ready. The butler will get your meals ready and anything you need. Kisses!" Spoiled walks off, pulling Filthy with her. Filthy is only able to give a wave goodbye before being taken around the corner away from his daughter. Diamond sighs sadly. She shuffles towards her home when a magic glowing page flutters into her young hooves. "Change the story…you mean…I could be somepony else?! But wait…who should I be?"  You start to move in for the page when Fizzy stops you. "Wait. She wants to be somepony else, and I want to know why." You stop. Diamond Tiara wonders for a moment and then has an idea, "how about I have an item that can let me switch lives with anypony I want. Then I can decide who I want to be!" An orange glow surrounds her and Diamond Tiara, and when she opens her eyes, she's wearing a beautiful gem studded necklace with a clear crystal in the middle swirling with Magic. Diamond Tiara gasps. "I love it! What should I call this…necklace that can switch lives…necklace…switch…got it. The Necklace of Switcheroo! Now, who should I try it on?" She looks around and sees Scootaloo scooting around on her scooter. "That works. Necklace! Let's start with Scootaloo!" The necklace glows. You race over to Scootaloo with Fizzy.  "I can't believe it! It worked!" Scootaloo jumped off her scooter. "This is so cool!" She flutters her wings to try to gain ground only to fall, "right…Scootaloo can't fly. At least she has a better life. I'll just go to my new home and have parents to hug me and be there whether I win or lose!" She races off as Fizzy gasps. You both dart after her.  Diamond Tiara stops at Scootaloo's house. Inside are Scoot's aunts. "Scootaloo. Is everything okay?" You hear from the doorway, "you only went out a few minutes ago." "I was just wondering…out of curiosity…when will my parents come back?" Diamond asks with Scootaloo's voice. "Oh. Well, Scootaloo. They're on safari, you know. They won't be back for moons, Sweetie. Why? Do you miss them?" Aunt Lofty asks. "We could write to them if you'd like. I'm sure they'd like that." Aunt Holiday nods. "No. I was just thinking of them. I'm going to see those bl-I mean, my friends. I'll see you soon." Diamond Tiara rushes off to the confusion of Scootaloo's parents, and not noticing you or Fizzy. "Well that won't work. . . Who knew Scootaloo's parents were gone even more than mine are." Diamond Tiara sighs. "Apple Bloom lives with her grandma. She doesn't even have parents. Maybe Sweetie Belle? Or Twist? Who should I try to be next?" Fizzy sighs, "I kind of feel bad for her. She wants to be with her family more. What should we do to help?" [CHOICE]  > Nothing. She'll figure it out. (Chaos) > Talk to Diamond Tiara about the choice she made and how it's affecting others. (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "We shouldn't do anything. This is a good lesson for Diamond Tiara to learn. We should let her learn it." You decide. "If you're sure." Fizzy shrugs. "Alright. I'll try Sweetie Belle next." The necklace glows and Scootaloo blinks, looking around.  "That's weird. How did I get here?" Scootaloo asks. She calls out. "Rarity? Rarity?! Maybe I accidentally teleported. Well, maybe I can teleport back" Scootaloo closes her eyes and furrows her brow for a few minutes. She sighs and murmurs, "guess not. Guess I'm walking home. Hopefully Rarity won't worry too much about my disappearance." Sweetie looks around, seeing herself in a glass window. "Oh Scoota-a"  She blinks, turning slowly, jumping back, and hiding only to look again randomly. Her eyes grow in realization. "Rarity! Rarity! I turned into Scootaloo!" She shouts, galloping off. Fizzy gasps, "Uh no…if that was Sweetie Belle, then Scootaloo is in Diamond Tiara's body which means…every time Diamond Tiara switches, she leaves another pony in a different body. We need to stop her!" When you find Sweetie Belle's body, you find Twist in it, and Dinky in another and more and more until it becomes impossible to remember who is who.  (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "We should talk to her…" You decide. "I agree." Fizzy nods. You both go up to Diamond Tiara still in Scootaloo's body. "Diamond Tiara," Fizzy says, "we know that you’re swapping lives with your classmates so you can have loving parents who are around more. I can understand wanting to feel loved and appreciated, but this isn't how you go about finding that love and comfort. You need to tell your family how you feel! Let them know that you are feeling lonely and how much you miss them, and anything else that's bothering you! Give them a chance to listen." "I don't know… Mom isn't really good at listening." Diamond Tiara sighs. "But…dad might. I'll talk to him. Thanks. I thought I would try to escape the feeling of being overwhelmed by the possibility of failing and feeling lonely because mom and dad are never around. But you're right. I can see that I should try to talk through those feelings instead of running away." An orange glow erupts around you and Scootaloo blinks for a second before scooting off. A glowing page lays at your feet. (+1 page for Heroes) > 65. #RollerDerby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Searching for pages is exhausting work. You and Hoofwork decide it's time for a little break. While combing the streets for something to do on the break, you see an advertisement for a roller Derby. Hoofwork grins and asks, "What do you say? Wanna see a quick race?" You shrug, and the both of you find your way to the Roller Derby arena. Ponies sit all around the arena, cheering for their favorite to win. You and Hoofwork scoot around to find your seats, ready to decide your own favorite skater. "Mares and Gentle colts! Fillies and Colts of all ages. Are you ready for the Roller Derby?!" The explosion of roaring that erupts from the crowd knocks you off your feet. Hoofwork laughs, helping you up. Two teams roll out. One is clad in all red and the other in purple. One member of each team has a star on their helmet showing who the leader is. You hear pony's hooting and hollering, "Go Manglers!" Or "Beat them, Pharacturers!"  The teams start skating, immediately bumping into one another to slow down the competition. "That's another point for the Manehatten Manglers!" The announcer informs you as you watch the chaos down below as the skaters race around and around the circle, passing blockers from the other team when they can.  After watching for a bit, you notice a pink pony that looks somewhat familiar with her colorful tail. It isn't until you hear, "And just like that, Princess Skullestia is past Starswirl and coming up on Shining Hammer!" that it hits you like the Friendship Express.  "Princess Cadence?!" you shout, shocked as Shining Hammer gets blocked.  Hoofwork looks down as the Manglers win, squinting before gasping. "I think you're right but…why…how…?!" "Let's find out!" you murmur, going down where the skaters sign autographs for their fans.  "Who should I make this out to?" Cadence asks when you get up to her, still decked in her skater gear. "Princess Cadence, I didn't know you could skate!" Hoofwork notes. Cadence blushes. "Oh. Um. It's just. It's just Cadence now." "What do you mean, just Cadence?" You wonder. Cadence sighs, shouting so the rest of her fans can hear. "Shining Hammer will be back in just five minutes!" She then whispers to you, "Please, follow me." She takes you both backstage away from the crowds and takes a breath. "I know it sounds silly, but, before I was the princess of love, I was just a pegasus of a small town. I will never regret the life I had, but after Flurry grew up, the castle was lonely. Shining has his guard to mess with, but the closest to friend group I have is any Tia, Luna, and Twilight. Plus. The crystal guards won't let me go anywhere without them since Sombra got in last time. I haven't really had any excitement in some time." She gives an exasperated, discontented sigh. Then she nods and continues, "So, when I found this magic page in my throne one day, I thought about something I haven't been able to do since before I became an alicorn. At first, I was only planning to change things for a few games, but I am having so much fun here. Nopony looks at me like just another princess or some ruler, just another part of the team. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if I should go back at all! What do you guys think I should do?" [CHOICE] What should Cadence do? > Stick with the Pharacturers skating team! (Chaos) > Go back to the Crystal Empire! (Hero) [ENDING A: CHAOS] "You should stay with the Pharacturers!" you decide. "Yeah. I think I should too. We got really close to the championship! We just need a little more practice, we can do it next year!" "Shining Hammer, come on! Your audience awaits!" One of Cadence's teammates waves her over. "Oh. Sorry, I forgot to give you two your autographs! Here you are!" Cadence signs two photos of herself in her gear with her new signature name: Shining Hammer. You and Hoofwork decide to go to other shows, rooting for Shining Hammer as she bashes into other skaters. Cadence looks back at her latest victim, grinning broadly, and you feel like this is one of the few times you get to see her real, true smile just before she's slammed into the wall by another skater. Even when she stumbles to the first aid tent to make sure she didn't get hurt, she does so beaming. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: HERO] "You should go back to the Crystal Empire," you decide. "Yeah. I mean, seeing you skate around and slam into other ponies was really cool, don't get us wrong, but….if you changed yourself, what happens with Shining Armor or Flurry Heart?" "Does Flurry even exist?!" you wonder. Cadence freezes. Her eyes slowly widen in shock, "I haven't seen them around since I started skating. I just thought Shining had his hooves full taking care of the Crystal Empire. Wait. The Crystal ponies. Do you think Sombra still has them in his hold?" "I doubt it. Everypony here seems pretty chill." Hoofwork shrugs. "My guess is Celestia and Luna went to help in your sted."  Cadence sits down, her wheels stoll rolling from the movement. She let's a big breath out slowly. "I…I did not think this through." "Are you okay?" Hoofwork asks. "Seems to me you are having trouble finding where you belong. Maybe, when you return things, you can have Shining give a talk to your guards and loosen them up so you can go out. Who knows, maybe you could still do this every so often." Cadence nods. "I…I'd like that." She takes out the glowing page, allowing the orange glow to consume all around you all. When you open your eyes, you see the Crystal Empire. Cadence looks up to the castle and breaths, "Let's …Let's keep this little adventure between us, huh."  She then walks up to the castle with her head held high. (+1 page for Heroes) > 66. All The Different Kinds of Love (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Princess Cadence Quest Outline: Princess Cadence has secured a page and it thinking of what to do with it and needs your suggestions Character Position: Cadence has gone through her life, and always seems to have her life together all the time. However, ponies don't always see the adventures thrill seeker except for Twilight, and with the defeat of all the major villains things have been rather dull. Add to that Flurry and Shining becoming more and more busy, and Cadence has become tired of the mundane. Actor Instructions: When people come up to you, ask about their love, whether it be a special somepony or even something they love. Talk about things you love and answer questions. Try to hint about having a page without saying. Say things like: 'if you could change something about your life, would you?" Or things like that. Talk about your family. Admit to your boredom. You can give a code to people who let you take a picture with their "very special somepony." You can give a code to those who tell you about their favorite ships. But the big one is getting to the point of talking about what you might do with the page that you found. Do you want to use it to find out who your family was? Do you want to use it to help you reconnect with your husband and daughter? Do you want to use it to bring some excitement back to the world? You can decide what possibilities you say depending on the person you are talking to. You could even try to use it in order to help ponies find their own special somepony if you feel that is where the conversation is going. In the end, ask the con goer if they think you should use the page or give it to a mascot. If they say use it, give them a Chaos code. If they say give it to a mascot, give them a hero code. If they say use it for something you think would be harmful (forcing others to be special someponies feels like a good example of this) them give them a code for evil. #freeheart for Chaos, #trueheart for Hero and #waywardheart for Villain/Evil. Character Headspace: Cadence loves being in the convention after the boring mundane time she's had at the empire. She loves her family dearly, but she often feels like she's left out of adventures and is expected to rule her subjects. Cadence loves seeing all the different kinds of love out there, and she loves adventures. She's a thrillseeker at her core. While she is poised, calm, and wise, she's not perfect. She sometimes feels trapped in her role. > 67. #MagicStudy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The convention halls buzz with people passing through, getting to the next panel, rushing to find the perfect item in the vendor hall, or grabbing a bite to eat before the next event. You look around, trying to decode what to do next. Unsure what you want to do next, you check the con book to see what options are available at this time.  Among the options of the time and their description is a strange entry:  Understanding pages: come help understand how the pages work! Confused, you go see what the panel is about. Sleepy Bean holds a page in her hooves? Claws?! What exactly IS Sleepy Bean?! Whatever the sleepy creature is, she looks over to you, and yaws, “Wait. Don’t-” the door slams behind you. “-let the door close…all well…maybe you can help me.” Sleepy Bean lets out another long yawn, “In order to get out, I have to give my page to one of these two, but I’m not sure who would be better. What do you think?” You Look up to see two creatures. One looked like she jumped right out of a comic with her black and white motif. Her black hair slicks around her shoulder slightly with a star hair clip on her head. The other looked a lot like Twilight Sparkle on two legs with glasses of glowing energy and a glowing horn. “Oookay…Midnight Sparkler, will you start over? I was half asleep while you spoke.” Sleepy admits. “It’s Midnight Sparkle, and yes. I was saying that these pages are a treasure trove of magical information. Imagine what we can learn from using them. We could understand not only the history of magic, but have them show us the beginning of magic itself. If you give ME your page, we can work together to understand all the ways magic works in this and every world!” “Bold thoughts.” Sleepy rubs sleep out of her eyes before turning to the other pony, “Alright, and you, Star Chaser. What were you saying?” “Um, my name is Star Dancer.” Star Dancer corrects before stating, “These pages have already changed the future and I can prove it. You may not believe me, but I am a pony from the future sent to overlook a very important festival: this one. I had no idea that this very festival would change the course of pony history. They have already changed our world for the worse. I have seen the ponies from the alternate future, and I’ve heard what their world is now like: a world that until very recently went back to its barbaric roots of racism. This isn’t the future I come from. If you give me the page, I will bring us to a different future…the right one. We are supposed to be ponies of the stars, learning and growing among the cosmos, not learning to trust our own kind over and over again. Please, let me correct this!” Sleepy nods off momentarily, then shakes her head to wake up, looking at you groggily, “Well, which one should we give the page to?” [CHOICE] > Give the page to Star Dancer. (Chaos) > Give the page to Midnight Sparkle. (Villain)  [ENDING A: CHAOS] “Give the page to Star Dancer.” You decide. “You won’t regret this!” Star Dancer nods, holding her hoof out for the page. Sleepy gives it to her and you both hear the door unlatch. When you walk out, you find yourselves on a ship. All manner of creatures are sitting at different areas of the ship soaring among the stars.  “Captain, we seem to have found a planet at friendship level two!” A griffon calls, looking over to a Kirin commander. “Friendship level two, you say? How fascinating. Let’s take a look and see for ourselves the beginnings of a civilization of friendship!” A dragon and Zebra nod, stopping the ship as you and Sleepy Bean watch in awe as the creatures of Equestria boldly go where no creature has gone before. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: Villain] “You should give the page to Midnight Sparkle.” You decide. “YES! Wonderful choice! Together, we will understand magic at its source.” Sleepy shrugs, handing Midnight the page. Midnight laughs as you hear the door behind you unlatch. You and sleepy walk out to find absolute chaos in the con. Flutter-rex is chasing people around the halls. Pinkie laughs with joker-like face paint, throwing exploding presents around. Tiny ponies with heads twice the sides of their bodies stare distantly as they bug anyone in the area to go to a party in obnoxious voices. A blue Applejack walks upside down on the ceiling. Three pinkies point at one another with a gasp of excitement. You look at Sleepy and laugh nervously, “Mayyybe we should have chosen differently.” You murmur as you see tears from different dimensions open and close around you. (+1 page for Villains) > 68. #IsThisTheRealLifeIsThisJustFantasy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story The mall is silent as the clock slowly ticks to closing time. Juniper sweeps the myriad of popcorn off the floor. She stops, leaning her back against the wall. Just another boring day working at this boring movie theater. “At least no one is around.” Juniper whispers to herself with a slight smile, “I can give myself a small break.” Juniper opens up her favorite movie magazine, sighing as she sees the elegance of the actors. “What I wouldn’t give to have someone take me under their wing.” She changes her voice: “Juniper, you really are star material. I knew it the moment I spotted you.”  She gives a sad sigh, “Like that would ever ha-Aaaaah!” Juniper drops her magazine. The magazine flashes with an intense light. Juniper covers her eyes. The light fades away and Juniper uncovers her eyes, seeing a gray unicorn with a black and purple mane. He stares at her with intense eyes, “Tell me, have any terrible creatures come around, or have you seen any glowing pieces of paper?”  “Um, no. The name is Juniper, by the way.” She huffs. “I’m Shadow Lock. It is my solid duty to find a page and, in doing so, erase every evil villain before they have a chance to turn our worlds to their diabolical wishes.” “Wait-why are you going through books to do that?!” Juniper asks. “It is my talent, and a spell I created: the ability to travel from book to book, seeking my prize of a magic page.” Shadow explains. “And these magic pages…they can do anything?!” Juniper asks. “Indeed. They can grant any wish, and make even the most impossible dream reality.” Juniper’s eyes light up. She looks around the empty theater. Shadow follows as she searches each and every chair. When the two come out, they both note a glowing page stuck to the closing gate. “Ah, a page. My quest will finally be finished.” “Not if I get it first!” Juniper grins, rushing off.  Shadow gasps before running as well, both after the page. [CHOICE] Who gets the page? > Juniper. (Chaos) > Shadow Lock. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Juniper snatches the page before Shadow. Shadow lights his horn, ready to use his magic to take it back, but the page glows a bright orange light, and Juniper is gone.  Juniper finds herself on set of the Power Ponies Movie, playing the lead role. She laughs, “YES! Finally, I can be the star I always knew I was!” She gives a little dance before the director yells, “Are we ready to film the next scene, or do we need another minute of dancing?” Juniper blushes, “Sorry. I’m just…I’m so honored to be a part of your vision, sir.” “Yes. yes. I’m happy with your performance as well, but let’s worry about that later, and worry about making the movie now.” “Yes sir!” Juniper nods, and gets ready for the next scene. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] Shadow Lock runs with his horn aglow. Just as Juniper reaches for the page, Shadow uses his magic to pull the page away from her and into his grasp. “Yes! Now every single villain who has ever been will no longer get their wishes. I have saved us all!” Shadow laughs. “Wait. What counts as a villain?” Juniper asks, worriedly. “Any creature who has done things for nefarious reasons. Any creature who has ever harmed others, in any way shape or form, for their own benefit.” Shadow explains, the page glowing in his hooves. “But that’s way too vague. By that definition, I would be a villain.” Juniper laughs nervously.” “In my book, you are.” Shadow ignites his horn, and the page glows orange. Juniper looks down and sees her hands becoming transparent. “NO! I’m not a villain. You don’t realize how many creatures you’ll erase." Shadow sighs. Juniper looks at her own hands, fading away before her eyes. Tears fall and disappear before they hit the ground. "Please stop this! I’m just a highschooler. I’m not a-” Juniper disappears completely. (+1 page for Villain > 69. Don't Mine at Night (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Button Mash Quest Outline: Two Fold: Button Mash gives out code words for playing with him in the video game room, and wants to know how best to get Sweetie Belle to go out with him, Character Position: Button Mash is really only worried about 2 things: Video games and Sweetie Belle Actor Instructions: You have three possibilities here: You try to talk people into playing games with you. They would have to be short multiplayer games such as 1-3 rounds of smash brothers, mario kart, ect. (These are just ideas. If there are any other games about this time, that’s fine.) If they win (or even if they lost but you want to reward their efforts), ask them whether they like Heroes, Chaos or Villains best in video games. Give them #diamondmined for heroes, #Dontmineatnight for chaos and #youminedatnight for villains. When possible, you can also talk to ponies about your relationship problems and how you like Sweetie Belle, but you aren’t sure what to do about it. Get advice from others. Maybe sneak in a thought like, “I heard that girls like you more if you’re with somepony else. What if I got another mare friend to make Sweetie jealous?” For this, you decide if their answer is heroic, chaotic, or villainous. If their answer is heroic, give them the codeword: #diamondmined (or #Sweetiemash or #ButtonBelle); If it is Chaotic, give them the codeword: #strangers and if it is villainous, give them the codeword #Youminedatnight Ask people if you should make video games real and which ones. If they says any fun, easy going ones, give them the chaotic codeword of #Dontmineatnight. If they say no, then give them the hero codeword #diamondmined, and if they say any scary game or game that is easy to die in, then give them the evil codeword of #youminedatnight Character Headspace: . Button Mash is trying to figure out his feelings for Sweetie Belle. He’s a kid, and those feelings are confusing. He also is a kid that takes advice from others whe he isnt sure of things. He’s also excited to try out all of the new games in the video game room, and is very easily distracted by them. > 70. #NoOrdinaryBunny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Angel hops through Fluttershy’s Cottage. His stomach churns in hungry desperation. He looks around every room, but there is no sign of Fluttershy anywhere. His stomach grumbles again. Angel falls to the ground in a silent tantrum, but there is still no sign of his owner coming to the rescue.  After a few more minutes in tantrum city, Angel gives up and takes one more look around for Fluttershy. This time, he sees an odd piece of paper on a high bookshelf. Curious, he sprints into action.  Angel jumps onto the arm of Fluttershy’s chair. Then, he jumps to the head of the chair. This was the easy part. The next jump is to a lower shelf of the book case: tricky, due to it being covered in books. Angel bites his lip, wiggling his cute little fluffy tail before he springs off the back of the chair, grasping the second shelf of the bookshelf with his rabbit feet while his paws cling to the third. He feels the backs of his feet touching nothing, all of his weight on his little bunny toes. The bright page shines just above his eyes. Slowly, carefully, Angel leans forward, taking one paw off of the shelf and reaching up toward the page, feeling his body slowly slipping off the shelf. His paw can only graze the page. He only has one shot, and it’s risky.  Angel puts his paw back on the shelf, sliding a bit sideways to give his feet and knees a little room. While keeping hold of the shelf, he leans down a bit, letting go of one paw from the shelf, and jumping. Angel feels his body lifted from the force. He sees the page, and grabs it before falling down. He kicks his feet to fall and land in Fluttershy’s chair.  Safe, he looks at the page, and, as he begins to understand what the page means, he begins to imagine the possibilities. He imagines himself ruler over all Equestria with everycreature at his beck and call. Everycreature would serve him and he would be loved by all! His stomach roars loudly once more and his ears droop before popping back up as another thought crosses his imagination. He envisions a huge pile of carrots with himself at the top, never running out. But which wish should he choose? [CHOICE] Which should Angel choose? > Wish for an endless supply of carrots. (Chaos) > Enslave and Rule Equestria. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Angel closes his eyes tight. The page glows orange as the light brightened until Angel can see the light even with his eyes closed. The glowing stops as soon as it started. Angel opens his eyes as an excited squeak comes out of his mouth. In front of him is a carrot.  Angel hops down, grabbing the carrot and eating it quickly, patting his tummy in satisfaction. When he looks back down, however, he sees two carrots where the first one was. Confused, he eats both, and looks to see four carrots. This time, he does not eat tem. Instead, he takes the four carrots into Fluttershy’s fridge and comes back to see eight carrots. Blinking, he puts those in the fridge and comes back to see 16 carrots. Then 32, then 64, and so on and so on until a huge pile of carrots fills up Fluttershy’s house, and keeps multiplying!  Angel squeaks worriedly as he realizes too late that he has no way to stop the carrots from coming. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] Angel closes his eyes tight. The page glows orange as the light brightens until Angel can see the light even with his eyes closed. The glowing stops as soon as it started. Angel opens his eyes and an excited squeak pops out of his mouth. He sits on a huge golden throne. Statues of him are everywhere. Creatures from all over Equestria line up to give him offerings of fruits and vegetables. He sits leisurely as he is hoof-fed by his subjects. With one point of his paw, another group begins to make a new statue in his image. Angel looks out onto the landscape, fire set in his eyes, and he shakes in silent laughter as he revels in this new world: his new world. (+1 page for Villains) > 71. #BlindDate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story You walk around the convention, making your way to the next panel. This one seems a little odd. All that it says is the title: Blind Date. With all of the posters advertising it, this panel looks great despite its vague descriptions. You walk into the panel room with other bronies, dropping your name in a hat, and see Gladmane on the stage. A stage light illuminates him as he swipes up the microphone and announces, "Welcome, welcome, welcome, my dear friends to the very first episode of Blind Date! Using the human technology that is television, I have come up with the best idea for a show in Equestria History, if I do say so myself. One lucky member of the audience will get a chance to talk to our three contestants and decide who they would like to go on a night out with an all expenses paid trip to the nearest restaurant. But that's not all, folks. In addition to winning the heart of our lucky audience member, the contest will also win the grand prize: a page from The Book of All Stories! Now, let's see who our lucky audience member will be!" Gladmane pulls a name from the hat. "And the audience member who gets the special chance to be on the very first episode of Blind Date is…[USERNAME]!" You walk up, shocked as Gladmane hands you another microphone. "Alright, [USERNAME], you get three questions, and then you have to choose your Blind Date!" You bite your lip, thinking of a question. "Okay, first question for all of you. What would you consider a romantic evening? Let's start with contestant number 1." You hear a cough from behind the first curtain. Feedback blares out if their microphone, and the entire audience holds their ears. "Is this thing on?" A gruff voice asks, as you hear a thud, thud, thud from the microphone. Another cough escapes before the contestant answers, "For me, a romantic evening is spent in the air on one of my many ships before finding a restaurant in one of my many territories. I would even end the day under an umbrella in the rain…IF I COULD MAKE ANY!!!" "Sounds nice." You move on. "Contestant 2?" "A romantic evening has to be on the beach! That way, whether you want to fly or dive in, you have the choice! We could make all kinds of crafts together, and I would introduce you to my friends!" a bubbly voice responds from behind the second curtain. "Alright. Contestant 3?" You turn to the third curtain. "Honestly, I don't even know why I'm here?" A confused voice sighs. "I was just minding my own business when somepony grabbed me, said something about needing a third, and here I sit, but um…I guess I'd go out for a bite to eat, maybe walk around a park." You think it over as Gladmane smirks, "I myself would take my friend to the best restaurant money can buy." "What is most important to each of you?" you wonder. "Power!" The first curtain replies, "I have a staff, but I want more than what it gives!" You suddenly see a beam of magic erupt from the first curtain, hit a light above the stage, and ricochet down to the third curtain. The third contestant yells, "MY HAT!" "O…kay…contestant 2?" you ask. "Company is most important to me! I just love being with others, especially after having so much time with so few who want to just…hang out and do stuff!" Contestant 2 answers. Contestant three says nothing, sniffling behind the curtain. Gladmane tsks. "I think that friendship is the most important thing. I can't believe no creature thought of it." He sighs. "Okay. Last question. What would you do with the page if you got it?" "CONQUER ALL THE WORLDS!" Contestant one shouts, "imagine it! My face on every wall! It would be awesome!" "Oh. I know!" Contestant 2 gasps, "I have two friends I made, and when I say made I mean like I literally made them. I would use the page to make them real and we could all have fun together!" Contestant 3 sighs, "I would wish for a new hat!" "Now see, if it were me, " Gladmane butts in, "I would ask my dear friend what they would like." He grins, his teeth sparkling before he coughs in his hoof and looks at the audience, "There you have it, folks. We have our three questions asked and answered. Now it's time to find out who [USERNAME] will choose as their Blind Date! We'll, [USERNAME], have you decided?" "Yes." You nod. "Great. Who is our lucky winner today?" Gladmane asks. [CHOICE] Who do you choose? > (Villain) Contestant 1 > (Chaos) Contestant 2 > (Chaos) Contestant 3 > (Villian) Gladmane [ENDING A: VILLAIN] "I choose contestant 1!" you answer. The curtain rises and you see the Storm King bounding up to you. "Yes! Finally!" He grins, going straight past you and grabbing the page.  "What about your date?" Gladmane asks. "Date Schmate. I've got a world to conquer!" He scribbles something on the page. The page glows orange. The next thing you know, the Storm King’s face is everywhere: on every poster, in every sport, on every face of Mount Rushmore!  You sigh, looking down as you walk away, never getting the dinner you were promised. (+1 page for Villian) [ENDING B: CHAOS] "I choose contestant number 2!" The curtain rises to reveal Princess Skystar. She flies over to you, hugging you tight. "Thank you soooooo much for choosing me! We are going to be the best of friends!" Gladmane hands her the page. "So…food?" You ask. "Absolutely! I'm starving! Oh, but first." She scribbles something down on the page. The page glows, and she pulls out two claims with googly eyes on them. "It's nice to finally meet you, Shelly! Sheldon!" She grins. "Finally, we can tell you what we've always wanted to say!" Shelly announces. "Yes?!" Princess Skystar asks. "Being forced to open and close our mouths is very uncomfortable!" Sheldon groans. "And I can't believe you glued googly eyes to us! Would you like it if some creature glued googly eyes on your forehead?!" Princess Skystar looks away, "I had no idea. I'm so sorry!" "And another thing—" Sheldon starts before you chuck them both away. You hold her claw. "Let's go get that dinner. We can fix your clam friends later." Princess Skystar smiles. "Okay." She nods before you both go off to eat. (+1 page for Chaos) ENDING C: CHAOS] "I choose contestant number 3," you announce. The curtain opens to reveal a goldenrod earth pony with teal mane and tail, his blue eyes still on some cloth remains before realization dawns that he was chosen. "Oh? Me? Really?" He tries his best to scoop the cloth into his hoof before walking up to you.  Gladmane blinks. "Who IS this…new friend?!" "Oh. Hi. My name is Rob." Rob nods before Gladmane gives him the page. "Nice to meet you, Rob. Ready for some food?" you ask. "Huh? What? Oh, us, sure, I guess." Rob nods, dumbfounded. "Just let me fix my hat first…how does this thing work?" "You write what you want and the page makes it happen," you explain. "Alright. New hat? No, wait…what if it happens again…" Rob thinks before writing, "New hats." The page glows orange, and Rob finds hats raining down on him, another fadora landing on his head as he rushes to grab you, "Why do these things always happen to me?" he asks as you both run to get food, the hat storm following you the whole way. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING D: VILLAIN] "I choose…Gladmane!" you announce. Murmuring suddenly erupts before Gladmane coughs, "Now, now. They got their choice, and I never said they had to choose from the creatures behind the curtain, now did I?" He walks up to you with a wink. "Wonderful choice, if I do say so myself!" He takes the page. You think on what you want before realizing he is already scribbling on it. "Hey wait. You didn't ask what I wanted." You protested. "Oh? You believed that? Cute. There is a sucker born every minute!" He chuckles as the page begins to glow, "How about this, since you chose me, I'll give you one free night in any hotel in Las Pegasus with food and drink included. I do own all of it now, thanks to you and that page!" He smirks before the glow gets too bright. When you open your eyes again, he's gone. (+1 page for Villian) > 72. Howling At The Moon (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quest Outline: While practicing Yoga, Treehugger notices Discord not acting like himself. She asks you to help fund a way to get him back to his chaotic nature. Character Position: Treehugger helped Fluttershy with the breezes, and helped Discord learn a lesson. She has been enjoying these new bipedal creatures that fauna over her and pony kind. Discord once overheard his friends saying how frustrating his chaotic antics were. Upset, he sulked off only to be hit by a magic meteorite and become Accord, the spirit of logic and harmony. Last he remembers, he was trying to make all of Equestria a hive mind before finding himself in Ciderfest. Actor Instructions: Treehugger is on a yoga mat, trying out different yoga poses every so often, eyeing who she thinks is Discord. Accord is organizing things, following the rules of yoga, and overall, being overly harmonious. When someone comes up, Accord kindly talks with them about all of the amazing ways he's seen the organization of this place and how it could be even better. When they talk to Treehugger, she let's them know that she is worried about 'discord' and his weird vibes. Have her give ideas on how to have him Discord it up. They could have him make up silly fake yoga poses, or work with him on being silly. Encourage them to join him or show him how fun it is to be his real self. Accord will try to go the other way, trying to get the con members to go with 'harmony', wanting to do everything by the book, and slip more and more how everyone would be better if we all could agree. If they can manage to get Discord out of his Accord self. They will get the codeword #Imhowlingatthemoon (Chaos) If they can't or decide Accord is right they get the codeword #harmonyprevails (evil) Note: if Accord goes by the book, for extra fun, have Treehugger and Accord do the same pose or talk the same to make it seem like Accord started a new hive mind with Treehugger Character Headspace: Treehugger is Zen and easygoing. She just wants every creature to be at their best. She is just super chill. The only thing she worries about is animals and nature. Accord is all about harmony in the worst way. Everything should be organized, and logical. Think the exact opposite of Discord. He acts a true gentleman as well, proper and sophisticated. He ultimately wants to make everyone him in thoughts that only be being exactly the same can true harmony be achieved > 73. #AQueen'sDuty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Queen Novo dashed around the kingdom of Seaquestria in search of her daughter Skystar. "Skystar? Has any creature seen Princess Skystar?!"  "She hasn't been seen since those ponies left, Your Majesty!" A sea pony quivers, head bowed. "Ponies? She wouldn't DARE!" Queen Novo fumed. Using all her strength, she sprints up towards the world above, crashing through the surface. She looks around, with only the tiniest sign of the group in the far distance. The Queen growls, “PRINCESS SKYSTAR!” echoes all around her, but never reaches her young daughter before the group disappears from view. With one more angry huff, Queen Novo sighs, “The girl is soooo grounded.” Queen Novo swims back down, her subjects, each asking about the news of Princess Skystar and the ponies. Queen Novo sighs, “Not to worry, my subjects. I will find my daughter, and bring her back.” “But what if The Storm King finds you first, Your Majesty?!” One seapony asks. “Or his forces find us and we don’t have you to protect us?” Another bites their lip. “Calm. The Storm King is not able to breathe underwater. Our kingdom is safe. Now, I need to make certain that my daughter is also safe.” Her subjects bow to her wisdom, unknowing of the ache in her heart. Her royal duties were to her people, but her duty as a mom would always be to her beloved daughter. She touched their precious orb, granting her the power to change into her hippogriff form. She flies out of her sea home with a gasp of air, coughing the excess of water out of her lungs. “Oh, Skystar. You had better be ready, because when I find you, and I will, I will give you a lecture like you won’t believe. You won’t leave your room for a month!” She says to herself as she flies in the same direction she noticed the odd group go.  As she flies, she notices a glowing object flutter past her as she flies. The strange glow stops her in her tracks, and she turns, seeing a piece of paper floating through the wind. Confused, she flies back, “Now there’s a dangerous magical item if I have ever seen one. Let’s get it out of the sky before one of Storm King’s blimps finds it.”  Queen Novo scoops the paper into her claws. Visions flicker through her mind. First, she sees a happier world without the Storm King’s tyranny. In another, she sees her, her Kingdom, and her daughter forever safe, in a part of Equestria that no creature would ever find them again. She blinks, looking at the lightly glowing page. She takes out a quill, somehow knowing she needs to write what she desires…but which would be best for the world? Which would be best for Seaquestria? Which would be best for Skystar? [CHOICE] Which should she choose? > The Storm King no longer exists. (Chaos) > Seaquestria is forever hidden. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Queen Novo writes her feelings down, sure of her answer. ‘I desire for a world where the Storm King never discovered our lands.’ The page’s glow radiates around her. When she opens her eyes, her Kingdom is back on land, the Hippogriffs happily playing along with Princess Skystar, who flies around without a care in the world. Ponies from Equestria come, not to steal the jewel, but to offer trade. The world is a more peaceful place thanks to one small sheet of paper. Queen Novo smiles, murmuring, “A Queen’s duty is to her people, but it is the duty of every creature to look after one another.” She then joins in, never telling a soul about the tyranny she thwarted. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] Queen Novo writes her feelings down, sure of her answer. ‘I desire for a world where we are always safe from any who would wish to harm us.’ The page’s glow radiates around her. When she opens her eyes, she finds herself and her subjects on an island surrounded by an immense fog. Curious, Queen Novo flew into the fog, only to be tossed right back to the Island. It looked like they had a few miles of ocean at all sides. “No way in. No way out.” she nodded. Her subject breached the water, Princess Skystar among them, all looking worried. “Are you alright, mom?” she asked. “Yes, dear. Just checking the fog.” Queen Novo replied. “Were you able to make it out this time?” Skystar asked. “No.” Queen Novo shook her head. Skystar sighed, going back into the water. “Which is good. A Queen’s duty is to her people, and now we will forever be safe.” Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends couldn’t find the hippogriff kingdom, and without the help of the hippogriffs, lost to the Storm King. (+1 page for Villains) > 74. #HearthswarmingHorrors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Aurora trots up to the fires glow, coughs, and begins her tale:  " 'Twas a few moons before Hearth's Warming, the tale I'll covey Of greedy twin swindlers, with plans to lead ponies astray. They crafted a plush, substandard and sly, Mimicking a dear doll, they called it "Holly" with a sigh. Promising the "must-have" of the season with glee, They raked in vast profits for all to see. "No refunds!" They declared, with hearts cold as ice, As they counted their bits, their hearts turned to vice. But two friends, like a beacon, brought wisdom so clear, "A 'must-have' for one doesn't mean it's sincere." The doll, once desired, lost its luster and gleam, In the eyes of the town, it was just a false dream. So the twins, with their treasures, in a barn dark and deep, Stored leftover dolls. Secrets they'd keep. Never to be seen in the light of day, Holly the Hearthswarmer hidden away."  Bori continues, stepping into the glow of the fire:  "But that's not the end, not yet in sight." "On the horizon, a page glows with light. Holly the Hearthswarmer, holding it dear, Carrying her head and a message, without fear. In her hoof, a note, with words bold and true, "Fix my friend and let me talk to her," it's due. With determination in her button sewn eyes, She approaches the barn beneath the starry skies. The door is locked, though she tugs with all her might, Then spots a window bathed in moonlight. With a crayon in her hoof, she alters the plea, "Fix my friends and let me talk to them." You see. With the note clenched in her brave mouth. She tosses her head skyward, like a comet, due south. Her head lands on high as if guided by fate, And what she discovers…she hopes it isn't too late. Her Holly sisters in boxes, all abandoned and cold, Left to wither in darkness, as the story unfolds. A heartfelt cry escapes her, fills the air, And the page glows with magic, beyond compare. The barn bathed in Radiance, a wonderful sight, As Holly's emerge, breaking free from their plight."  Alice steps into the glow of the fire: "The future now unfolds, the readers in command. "Shall the Hollys embrace her role across the land? As Hearthswarmer dolls, love and warmth they'll spread, Or shall they stand united, against creators' dread?  Will Holly find purpose, or rebel against her fate? 'Tis the readers' decision, what comes to await." [CHOICE] What should the Hollys do? Which reality should come true? > Become the Hearthswarmer doll sensation they were promised to be. (Chaos) > Unite and attack their creators with glee. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] " Near Hearth's Warming Eve, Holly took flight, With rag doll sisters, they embarked on their plight. They journeyed near and they journeyed afar, In search of sweet ponies, beneath the moon and each star. Their walking and talking brought fear at the start, But one gentle filly warmed all of the hearts. With a hug, and a smile, they offered her care, And the ponies welcomed the Holly’s with love to spare. Now they have a place, on each hearth they reside, Throughout every season, by the warm fireside."  Alice finishes as the three reindeer slowly leave the fire's glow. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] "Near the night before Hearthswarming, Holly made her decree, With her pony rag doll sisters, a mission to be free. They sought out two brothers, unicorns they had known, Who'd left them to suffer, abandoned and alone.  They searched high and low, Far and wide did they roam, For the twins who had hurt them and left them no home. With words meant to sooth the brothers stepped back in grace  But the Hearthswarmers refused, their anger they embraced. They piled on the brothers, their screams pierced the air, As the dolls sought revenge, with relentless despair. Trapped in plastic boxes, to the barn were brothers bound, The dolls carried them there, their fate unwound. Locking the door with a key out of sight, The brothers were trapped in the cold barn that night. Their anger unquenched, they sought more to be done, Every pony who'd wronged them, they'd ensnare one by one. Through the night, they worked, with a mission so bold, Each pony who'd thrown them away, into boxes as they had been sold. In the barn, they were crammed in, like a dark, twisted show, Their revenge complete, the Holly’s let their anger flow."  Alice finishes as the three reindeer slowly leave the fires glow. (+1 page for Villains) > 75. #Twilicane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Kerfuffle sighs, paying the stallions who graciously pulled her wagon. She was finally here: Rainbow Falls. Excitement fills her as she whinnies. From what Rarity and the others said about the trade meet, she couldn't wait to see all of the amazing cloth options, hats, accessories, and anything else that might help her growing business after their color returned in Hope Hallow. "Okay, now, Kerfuffle. Ya don't wanna get too excited and spend all yer bits in one place, don't ya know." She nodded to herself before stepping in. The entire area is filled with various stalls. The delicious aroma of food wafts into her nose, and she smiles. "Wow. This place has everything!"  Realizing, as ponies turn to look confusedly back at her, that she is talking to herself, Kerfuffle blushes, and hurries off in search of inspiration. The stalls do seem to have everything as Kerfuffle finds herself more and more tempted to get just one thing from each and every stall she visits. In the most eclectic she had seen yet, among a wide variety of nick nacks, she spots a long golden stick ending in a beautiful red jewel. Weird sounds come from the barrel full of junk. The side of the barrel reads: “Make me an offer!” Curious, Kerfuffle pulls on the golden stick hard, only to fall back once she pulls it out to reveal the Twilicane. “Huh, didn’t know they made fun little accessories with Twilight’s face on it. Look at that there smile. It’s a riot.” “I’m a princess! Are you a princess too?” The staff asks. Kerfuffle drops the staff. She hears a distinct, “Ooof.” as it lands on the floor. Sheepishly, she picks the Twilicane back up. “Oh, so sorry about that, but you gave me a real fright, don’t ya know.” “Thanks, Larson.” Twilicane replies.  “Oh no, I’m not a Larson, whatever that is. My name is Kerfuffle, with an extra ff for the fuf!” Kerfuffle points to herself. “The fuf has been doubled!” Twilicane grins. The shopkeep notices the two talking, scooting over, “I-if you like that…one of a kind item, I will take a trade. Make me an offer….please.” The shopkeep forces a smile. “Oh, I mean, she seems nice, but I don’t really need a Twilight stick.” Kerfuffle shakes her head. “Twilicane!” Twilicane introduces back. “What is it you have?” the shopkeep asks hurriedly. “Oh, um…I brought some left over fabric, and accessories I haven’t used in a while, like this belt and this hat and-” The shopkeep grabs the hat, “This is perfect! I’ve always wanted a hat like this!” he gives a nervous laugh, “W\won’t you please trade? You’re getting the better bargain, and I’m sure lots of ponies will trade for a talking cane!” “Well…I suppose so, since you like the hat and all.” Kerfuffle beams. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” The shopkeep kisses her hoof, “No taksie backsies!” he sings before laughing, packing up all his stuff, and rushing out. “Wow, he was in a hurry!” Kerfuffle whistles. “Ten seconds flat!” Twilicane screams. Kerfuffle blinks, looking at the odd cane, “I wouldn’t say it was that fast, but I didn’t really keep time, either.” Kerfuffle smiles, taking Twilicane as she walks around, admiring the stalls while Twilicane enjoys watching the ponies. “Look, A marshmallow and a tree watching a chicken and a dictionary!” Twilicane gasps. Confused, Kerfluffle looks up to see Rarity and Fluttershy keeping a watchful eye on Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but no sign of marshmallows, or chickens anywhere. “Not sure what you’re seeing, there, new friend, but at least I get to see Rarity and Fluttershy!” She waves. The two wave back before chasing after the fillies, excited to buy a present for their friend, Apple Bloom.  Twilicate squints her eyes at the fillies as they disappear, “GAH! ROBOT!” she shrieks. “Woah!” Kerfuffle trips at the sudden scream, falling down. “Did ya see somethin that spooked ya there?” Kerfuffle asked patiently, “Maybe we should go to another stall. A bit of shopping helps me calm down!” Kerfuffle walks in, enjoying the light breeze from a fan blowing from behind the stall. “20% cooler.” Twilicane sighs. “You really like numbers, eh, Twilicane?” Kerfuffle notes, looking at the clay figurine sculptures of famous ponies.  “Trollestia! Gamer Luna! The princess of Shipping!” Twilicane twirls herself around in Kerfuffle’s grasp, before gasping, with hearts in her eyes, “BEST PONY!”  Kerfuffle looks backward to see Lemon Hearts, eyes bugged out in exasperation as she looks between Kerfuffle and the shopkeep, holding a potted plant in her hoof, and a toothless alligator sticking to her tail. “Excuse me.” she pushes her way to the front, “Do you know where the stalls are for plant food…or what alligators eat? I’m pet sitting, and Gummy won’t let go of my tail unless I get him some food..” “It’s Taco Tuesday!” Twilicane chimes in. “What’s with the plant?” the shopkeep asked, pointedly ignoring Twilicane “Oh…this is Phyllis.” Lemon hearts sighed. “Not really a pet, but Starlight wanted to make sure she was taken care of too.” “The fun has been doubled!” Twilicane shouts. Kerfuffle started to wonder if Twilicane was calling Lemon Hearts best pony, the strange tiny garot, or the plant. “There’s a stall close to the food vendors that sells animal food. Start there.” the vendor sighs.  “Thank you!” Lemon hearts nods, trotting off. “Mods are asleep. Post ponies!” Twilicane calls after her wistfully. “You gonna trade anything, or just stand there with your weird talking stick head thing?” “Oh uhhhh…” Kerfuffle bites her lip. She’s been at this stall too long, but there’s nothing here she really wants. “Uh. So much black.” Twilicane scoffs at a sculpture of the Pony of Shadows, “We get it. You’re sad!” “I’ll…just go…” Kerfuffle blushes. She blocks out the Twilicane, finally finding a cloth stall with the perfect piece of cloth. She grins, taking a look at it. “Good eye!” the stall owner nods, “That’s a rare fabric. Breathable while also form fitting. I’m sure with a fashion sense like yours, we could come to a trade-” “Do you like bananas?” Twilicane asks suddenly. “Wha-not really…” the store owner shakes his head. “Then you should go….TO THE MOOOOOOOooooooooon!” Twilicane howls. The owner holds his hooves to his ears, “Get that crazy thing out of my shop!” he sweeps them out the door. "Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep." Twilicane sings. Kerfuffle sighs, trotting away and sitting down. “This isn’t going well, Twilicane. I don’t understand why you say the things you do.” Kerfuffle admits. “What am I going to do with you?!” [CHOICE] What to do with Twilicane? > Ask what the Twilicane wants to do. (Chaos) > Try to trade the Twilicane. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Kerfuffle sighs, "Maybe you just didn't like that stall." She decides. "Love and tolerate!" Twilicane beams. "Okay, then, Twilicane. What do you want to do?" Kerfuffle asks. Twilicane laughs, her eyes glowing an ominous lavender light. Beams shootout at Kerfuffle. Kerfuffle squeezes her eyes shut. Nothing hurts, but she does feel…weird. She opens her eyes, noting she's okay. She breathes a sigh of relief until she looks at a mirror to see she has two sets of wings.  "Take a pair of wings!" Twilicane offers, beaming a unicorn. The unicorn becomes an alicorn. "Take a pair of wings!" An earth pony becomes a pegasus. "Take a pair of wings!" Yaks, donkeys, cows, sheep, and moose get wings. Dragons, changelings, griffins, and Hippogriffs get double wings. EVERY CREATURE GETS WINGS!!! "Why give every creature wings even if they have them?!" Kerfuffle gasps. Twilicane giggles, "I'm the T to the wi-light and ain't no pony troll it down like me. I'm Twilightlicious!" (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] Kerfuffle sighs after she thinks for a minute, "I don't think this is going to work, Twilicane. I just don't understand you. Maybe we can find another pony who will get your way of speaking better than I can." "This is the worst. Possible. THING!" Twilicane groans. Kerfuffle sighs, looking around for a stall that might love Twilicane. She eventually finds a stall selling canes and walking sticks among its vast collection. "Excuse me. Would you like to trade for a talking cane? I can't understand what it's trying to tell me." Kerfuffle sighs. "Hmm. Let me take a look." The collector nods, looking Twilicane over. "Crush, kill, destroy, swag!" Twilicane shouts. The collector shrinks back. "Woah! It doesn’t just talk. It shrieks!" "This is whining!" Twilicanes whines. "Yes it is. This is a marvel! May I hold it?" Kerfuffle gives Twilicane to the collector. "Books! I love books…dear, sweet Celestia I'm so alone" Twilicane sighs. “I just want her to be in a place where somepony can understand her, don’t ya know.” Kerfuffle shrugs, hoof to her heart as guilt settles in. “You’re the worst!” Twilicane huffs. “For a fine piece like this, I would trade anything in my stall!” The collector salivates. “BRONYCON!” Twilicane shouts. The collector freezes, squinting at Twilicane, “Did you say…pony con? I knew it! This is a fake! I’ll show you to try to trade a bootleg to a real collector! According to the rules, any pony found trading a bootleg item will be forced to work at the stall they tried to swindle for not less than 6 moons!” “Wha-NO! I’m not swindling, honest.” Kerfuffle looks over to Twilicane, “Please, I’m only trying to help. I gotta get back home to that there Hope Hollow, don’t ya know. The other ponies will be worried about me! Tell him the truth, please.” The collector looks over ]the Twilicane, who thinks hard before singing, “Horse famous!” “Ohhh, a celebrity to boot? Sweet Celestia today is my lucky day!” The collector forces poor Kerfuffle to work for him, and no pony knows what happened to the Twilicane after that. (+1 page for Villains) > 76. #FashionNightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story “Pistachio, dear. Time to wake up! We gotta get ready to check on the nuts after that heatwave,” Butternut calls. “Oh, it was a doozy.” Oak Nut sighs. “Hope the pegasi bring the rain here soon.” Pistachio stretches, waking up to greet the day. He smiles as he sees his Fedora Felt original sitting next to his bed. The only time he took it off was when tending the field, often telling his parents, “I can NOT let it get a speck of dirt on it!” or when he slept, so he left it for now, promising that he would come back as soon as chores were done. Nut farming was never Pistachio’s passion like his parents. No, instead he asked for drawing pads to sketch out ideas, and magazines to see what all of the ponies are wearing. Of course, these days, he has a favorite that he always looks out for these days: Rarity. Yes, anytime Rarity is going to be in a magazine, little Pistachio always asks for two copies: one he can read, and one to keep in pristine condition in hopes that one day, when Rarity brings him to fashion month like she promised, he can show his collection to her, and ask her if she would sign a few for him. Thinking about it helps him keep his positive feelings while looking at each and every nut on the farm, despite the dust that settles on him. As he helps his folks, he finds a strange, glowing page stuck in a nut tree. He stores the strange page away. As soon as they make sure the nuts get the water and care they need, Pistachio runs to wash the dirt off of him before putting on his amazing blue hat. The moment he sees it on himself, he finally sees his future before him. He beams, “Thanks, Rarity. I just wish there was something, anything I could do for you!” he smiles, taking out the strange glowing page, “Maybe I can make you a special outfit on his neat paper!” At that moment, he gets a vision, seeing himself as the premier fashion pony, standing next to a proud Rarity. The vision stops as soon as it begins. “Wha-what was that?!” A knock comes at the door. Confused, Pistachio stores the page in his hat. “Uh how may we help-you?!” He looks up to see a dark form resembling Rarity. The tall unicorn stares down at the slack-jawed colt with her piercing, dragon slit eyes, her poofy purple hair sparkling around her. On her flank, she supports three diamonds like Rarity, but with added sparkles around them. “You’re beautiful!” Pistachio murmurs, jaw on the floor. “Yes, young…Pecan…I know I look different, but it is I, Rarity!” she says. “R-R-Rarity?! Is it really you? Why do you look so…different?” Pistachio asks. “It is…” she looks up to the hat on his head, “a fashion choice!” “Wow! It’s so bold, so daring! It takes a whole new take on Nightmare Night!” Pistachio marvels. “Ah, yes…Nightmare Night. I even gave myself the best name for the occasion: Nightmare Rarity!” “Nightmare Rarity. Sweet Celestia, that’s good. How did you even get yourself to look like that?! Did you use leg extenders of some sort? Body paint? Your hair looks amazing!” “Yes, I am amazing. So good of you to notice.” Nightmare Rarity smiles. “But, what are you doing here now? Fashion week isn’t for another week. I would know. I’ve been counting down the days!” Nightmare Rarity sighs. “Yes, well…the thing is I’ve been tracking something of mine that I absolutely can not live without. Perhaps you have seen it, young…Peanut. It is a very special golden paper that I simply need.” “Oh? What a coincidence. I just found a paper just like that yesterday. What are the chances you would come right after I found one?!” Pistachio takes the golden page out of his hat. Nightmare Rarity tries to take the page, but the young colt pulls it back, “Oh, hey, before you take your page and go…would you sign my fashion magazines.” Nightmare Rarity grits her teeth, “Oh, I am so sorry, dear…Pineapple, but I simply must take the page and leave right away. It is crucial! I promise to be back soon for the week of fashion, but for now, give me my page.” “Are you sure you're okay? It seems like your Nightmare Night Fashion has gone to your head.” Pistachio trots back. “Give. Me. The. Page!” Nightmare Rarity demands as the little colt retreats further into his house, unsure of what to do? [CHOICE] What should Pistachio do? > (Chaos) Use the page to make his own dream come true > (Villain) Give it to Nightmare Rarity [ENDING A: CHAOS] Pistachio backs further and further away until he sees a quill on the table. Quickly grabbing it, he scribbles on the page hurriedly, “You’re not Rarity!” He shouts just as the page begins to glow a bright orange, covering both of them. When Pistachio opens his eyes, he finds himself on the runway. “Tell me, Pistachio, how did you ever think up these amazing fashion designs?” Hoity Toity asks. Happily, Pistachio answers, “It’s all thanks to Rarity, the Real Rarity, who saw the real me!” (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] Pistachio backs further and further away, biting his lip. “Rarity, please you’re scaring me…if the page means that much to you, then take it.” He holds the page out. Rarity takes the golden page and laughs, holding it up, “Finally, all of Equestria is mine! Thank you, young Penguin, for your help.” she laughs, scrolling her wish on the page. “My name is Pistachio…and you aren’t Rarity…are you?” “I was, but now I am Nightmare Rarity, a better version of my previous self, and everypony will know my name!” The page glows orange, and when Nightmare Rarity opens her eyes, she finds the Kingdom of Equestria at her beck and call, no princesses to stop her, and everypony afraid as they should be! (+1 page for Villains) > 77. #AcrossDimensions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story In the middle of the night, Mayor Mare hears a knock at her door. She bolts upright out of a dead sleep. She sighs. Since the whole book of all stories fiasco, she's barely gotten a wink! Still, she pulls herself out of bed, getting dressed before walking down to the door, opening and stopping the knock with a decisive, "What?!" Mage Meadowbrook freezes, blushing, "I am so sorry to wake you, but the Princesses have been so busy since these pages started, I didn't think it wise to interrupt them. However, I thought it best to show a pony of power, and I know that princess Twilight holds you in high regard, Ms. Mare." Mayor Mare stretches with one more yawn, a sudden smile spreading on her face, "well, I have always tried to do what is best for my town. What do you need, dear Medowbrook?" "I feel I have acted a little rashly when I found a possibility to cure any and every ailment in Equestrian history. Would you like to see?" Medowbrook asked. "Would I?!" Mayor gasps, her tiredness forgotten. The two take the midnight Friendship Express to Canterlot. Mage Medowbrook nods to the guards protecting the castle as they go in, Mayor Mare nervously smiling, "I'm confused…the possibility to cure any ailment is in…Canterlot castle?" Medowbrook nods, "I suppose I should explain. Moons and Moons ago, Starswirl was researching all kinds of things when not with the Pillars. One thing he was extremely interested in was the possibility for other dimensions!" Mayor Mare's eyes go wide, "you mean to tell me that Starswirl knew this whole Brony thing, the magic pages, the other worlds…everything was going to happen?!" Meadowbrook leads them straight to the Starswirl library, "Not exactly." She shakes her head, "only the possibility of other worlds existing. He doesn't talk much about what he found, if anything…only that it was research best forgotten. At first, I agreed with him-" The Mayor raised an eyebrow, "...but now?" She inquired. "With these strange bipedal creatures who love us, being thrust into different worlds as it is, I have seen many ailments I have never seen before. It also became clear to me that by continuing to completely ignore the idea of multiple universes, we only weaken ourselves as a community…" She looks over to Mayor Mare, "Look at what happend with that other universe Twilight went into. It was open, and allowed a pony who was trapped there to steal a crown. Other creatures from it nearly destroyed our world along with their own. And now, with this book…we can no longer ignore these worlds!" She pulls a lever, and, to Mayor Mare's astonishment, a secret passage is revealed. "So, what do you want to do? Grab as many pages as you can? Find portals to destroy? Find a way to shield our world?" Mayor Mare asks. "No." Meadowbrook stops, showing Mayor Mare a room full of mirrors. "I want to explore these worlds, make allies, and know more about as many worlds as we can." Mayor Mare gasps, "you don't mean to tell me-" "Yes. Every mirror in this room goes to a different world. These mirrors were once made by Starswirl for the purposes of learning about the different dimensions. However, they all ended up broken in one tragic event…until now. I used a page to restore these mirrors in hopes that we can learn from these worlds." Meadowbrook explains. "It sounds like you've already decided what you want to do. What do you need me for?" Mayor Mare wonders. "I am unsure how to best go about exploring. Should we let these new worlds know that we come from a different dimension, or should we watch out of sight? We would be able to gather information either way: the way each world runs, the rules, the medicines. We can help our world in so many ways. That is why I ask you, Mayor Mare. Which do you think would be wise?" [CHOICE] How should they go about visiting the other worlds? > Carefully, blending in as much as possible and only taking what they need until they know which worlds are friendly and which to stay away from. (Chaos) > Be honest about where they come from! (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] “We need to be careful here, Meadowbrook.” Mayor Mare decided, “We have no idea what kind of worlds these are. We should lay low until we know which ones are friendly, and only take what we need.” “You want to come with me?!” Meadowbrook beams. “Indeed I do. As you said, this will help us chronicle the world tied to ours, and help us cure ponies, advance our technology, and gain allies so long as we do it right!” Meadowbrook nods, “So, which should we try first?” The two adventure through one mirror to another, keeping notes of the good sides and bad sides of each world, detailing the worlds that Equestria would benefit by allying with, and the ones to steer clear of. Over time, they slowly revealed their secret to creatures they trusted, and built long lasting connections through those dimensions, while also hiding the portals to the wrong ones, trying to learn weaknesses in case any terrible creatures came through. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] “Well,” Mayor Mare thinks for a moment before answering, “We should try to make allies as fast as possible, so let’s just tell each world the truth about us.” “Right. These other worlds are probably having the same problem we are, so, by working together, we can benefit each other!” Meadowbrook agreed, “But wait-you want to come with me?” “Absolutely!” Mayor Mare nodded, “With my Diplomacy, and your charisma, we’ll win their hearts!” And, for the first few worlds, it seemed like that was the case. The other worlds, plagued by the pages as well, gladly accepted help from the two from another world, talking about trade agreements and alliances. However, they came upon a world that was their exact opposite. Twilight grinned as they told them of the other world, calling in Daybreaker. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon laughed as Twilight and her group of fiends tied up Mayor Mare and Meadowbrook. “Oh, thank you ever SO much, ladies.” Daybreaker grins, showing her sharpened teeth to the two scared ponies, “I have been DYING to see Celestia again. Throw these two in the dungeons. We’ll deal with them later. Right now, we have a new world to conquer!” (+1 page for Villains) > 78. #SpookyStories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story: The fire blazed, piercing the darkness of the cloud-covered night. Babs Seed sat around a campfire, eyes scanning through all of the fillies and colts that had signed up to camp like she did.  "Tonight's turn for Spooky Tales around the campfire is…Babs!" The camp counselor announced, crossing Babs’ name from the ever-shortening list of ponies who hadn't had a turn to share. Finally! "Listen up!" She announced, "I've listened to all of your nambie pambie baby stories. I'm going to show all of yous a real spine tinglin' tale!" She took a breath."On a night very much like tonight, fillies like ourselves were out, gettin' ready for Nightmare Night—" Pipsqueak bounced around in his new costume. This year, he decided to go as Princess Luna. He loved the blue tulle in his mane, and the horn and wings his mom made. He felt like a princess, and so, knocked regally at the door. Cheerilee opened the door with a smile, "Hey there Pip. You ready to collect some candy?"  "Are you sure you don't mind?" Pip asked. "Oh. Not at all. I know how busy parents can get, and they asked me months ago!" She closed her door, putting a bowl out with a note: take one. "Plus, you aren't the only student who needed a chaperone!" As if on cue, Twist and Silver Spoon came from opposite sides. "Thanks shoo much for taking me, Miss Cheerilee!" Twist beamed. "This is dumb. I am WAY too old for Nightmare Night!" Silver Spoon huffed. "Nopony is too old for things they enjoy!" Cheerilee smiled, looking at Twist's candy cane costume, and then Silver Spoon, costumeless. "Looks like we're making a stop before candy collecting!" On their way to get a costume, the group passed by a field of pumpkins. Twist giggles, "That one grew weird. It looks like a pony head!" "Who said it isn’t?" Cheerilee laughed darkly, wiggling her hooves. "Legend says that once every blue moon, the headless horse runs around looking for his head, and he'll take ANY he finds. The ones he tries to take…well, you can see what happens!" Twist and Pip scream! Silver Spoon rolls her eyes, "Please. It's just an old pony's tale!" "Maybe, but so was Nightmare Moon once!" Cheerilee reminded. Once at Rarity's boutique, Silver Spoon looked through the costumes, "Do I HAVE to?" "Yes!" Cheerilee nodded. Silver Spoon groaned. She looked through the costumes, finally grabbing a witch. The others waited for her to change, and Cheerilee used a marker to write their names on their Nightmare Night candy bags. The three fillies followed their teacher around, gathering candy. With the unplanned stop, the moon was high in the sky before they poured a share out for Nightmare Moon. Cheerilee looked around, noting no other ponies around. "We must have taken longer than I thought. Everypony else is home.” "Can WE go-" Silver Spoon stopped. A loud, piercing neigh reverberated around the statue.  Twist and Pipsqueak immediately ran behind Cheerilee. Silver Spoon froze to the spot. Trotting out of the Everfree Forest was the Headless Horse!  "Th-th-that's a REALLY detailed costume." Cheerilee chattered. The horse came closer to the group. "I do-don-don't think th-that ish a costume." Twist shook her head. The headless pony whinnied, up on two hooves before galloping towards them. Silver Spoon shook her head, pushing the group over just before the group got ran into. "RUN!" She screamed. The teacher and three fillies ran with all their might, the headless horse closing in on them. Silver grabbed Pip. Cheerilee grabbed Twist. They galloped left. They galloped right! They twisted and turned, but no matter how fast they ran, the headless horse was right behind them!- "WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO?!" the fearful shout catches Babs’ attention. She looks around, noting the terrified faces around her. Should she make this be the truly terrifying tale she wanted, or should she give an ending that can help the fillies sleep at night? [CHOICE] How do you think the story should end? > it's a campfire tale! It needs to have a scary ending! (Villain) > Give an ending that will help the fillies sleep at night. (Hero) [ENDING A: VILLAIN] Babs takes a deep breath. She promised a spine-tingling tale, and that's what they were going to get. "They decided to get help!" Babs started again— "Twilight will know what to do!" Cheerilee nodded. "But, Ms. Cheerilee. Twilight's castle is nearly across town at this point!" Pip pointed. The whinnying resounded louder as they sprinted off once more. "We'll make it, Pip. You'll see!" Cheerilee gave him a quick pat. They couldn't stop. Silver Spoon and Cheerilee were tiring out before they were even halfway to the castle. "Wait!" Twist stopped. "Listen!"  Everypony stopped. The town was silent. "No clopping hooves." Pip gasped. "No whinnying." Cheerilee panted. "Maybe he got tired…and galloped off?" Silver Spoon hoped, her legs pulsing from exertion. "We're not hanging around to find out." Cheerilee huffed, "Let's get you three back home safe!" Everypony nodded. The still air made their fur stand on end as they made their way back towards their homes. But there, among a new pile of pumpkins, all with pony-like features, the headless horse waited. The moment he saw them, the headless horse galloped towards them, but they were worn down. The headless horse caught up with them!- Babs stops once again as screams fill the night air. She breaths, "The next day, no creature could find where any of the ponies had gone. All they could find was miles and miles of strange looking pumpkins!"  At that moment, a sharp howl of wind whipped around the fillies, sounding exactly like a whinnying horse. The wind stopped as soon as it started, but everypony in the camp blinked wide eyes of horror at the sound. "Welp, goodnight!" Babs waved, racing off to her tent. Nopony slept that night, thoughts of the headless horse being close to them filling them with dread. (+1 page for Villains) [ENDING B: HERO] Babs took a breath. These ponies weren't ready for a truly terrifying tale, and she had her fun of scaring them this long.  "They had to think of a plan, and fast!" She started again— "What do we DO?!" Pipsqueak trembled. "If I remember my stories right, the headless horse won't stop until he finds his head!" Silver Spoon thought aloud, earning shocked looks from the others, "Okay. I love Nightmare Night! I was just sad that Diamond Tiara wouldn't come with us. She said we were too old!"  Cheerilee smiled at her honesty. "All right. If a head is what he wants. A head is what he gets! Twist, do you think you can find that strange pumpkin again?" "No schwet, Mrs. Cheerilee!" Twist nodded. They turned, going back towards Rarity's boutique. The headless horse, always behind them, and slowly gaining ground. They found the patch with pony headed pumpkin with no time to stop. She grabbed the pumpkin, throwing it to Pip along with her marker, "Make the best face you can!" She prompted. Pip worked as they ran. Cheerilee looked around, dashing through her home to grab a knife while Twist locked the door. She quickly carved the top, hearing a whinny, and seeing the headless horse at the kitchen window. She threw the pumpkin to Silver Spoon, "Take all the seeds and stuff out!" She said. The headless horse knocked into the house. Silver nodded, quickly spooning out the guts with a shiver.  "Twist, find a candle in the drawer of the living room closest to the chair!" Cheerilee ordered. Twist rushed, grabbing the candle. Another hit. The window cracked. Cheerilee lit the candle. "I hope this works!" Another thud. The window shattered. At the same moment, Cheerilee threw the pumpkin head, landing on the neck of the headless horse. The now headed horse stopped, feeling the pumpkin head he had been given. He turned, and trotted back into the forest, never to be seen again!- The fillies all cheer. "Wow! That was great, Babs!" "Yeah! That was my favorite story so far!" Another grinned. Everypony went to bed happily, and the story passed from pony to pony, becoming a new tradition. (+1 page for Heroes) > 79. T.A.R.D.I.S. (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Doctor Whooves Quest Outline: Whooves used a page to "bring the past to him". Now, he has snapshots off all kinds of different times in pony history, and needs help deciding where to go! Character Position:  Doctor Whooves has spent his whole life dedicated to science! Ever since a particularly traumatic experience as a foal, he's been using science to help explain the world around him. So, when the page came down, he wanted to experiment. Can it be edited? Erased? How many things can you ask for?! Does the page know what you mean, or does one need to be careful of the wording?  One thing he couldn't stop thinking about it-making time come forward to him. Yes, there was a magic spell, but what if ANYPONY could go back? What amazing things could they find?! Actor Instructions: When chatting with the con goer, try to steer the conversation towards time travel, and talk about the snippets you have once you used a page. You have another, ready to use. You show them all the pictures of different times and different worlds (use past generations of ponies, Equestria girls, other fandom lands like fall out Equestria if you can do so without any gore. Anywhere you think the doctor might find interesting!) You tell them you're going to use the page to make some sort of time machine that can go anywhere and anywhen you wish, but you can't decide the best first adventure and ask them for advice! If they tell you to enjoy the time and place you are in, give them the codeword #theresnoplacelikehome (hero) If they tell you to go to a decently safe area (Equestria girls, g2, g3 maybe g1 up to you) give them the codeword #bluebox (chaos) If they tell you to go to a dangerous area (FOE, any timeliness Starlight made to get back at Twilight, maybe g3.5 (those things were creepy. They HAD to be evil) give them the codeword #oncomingstorm (villain) *note: the examples for areas to give each codeword for are just suggestions. You can always ask why they choose the area they do and use that! For example, g1 could be evil or chaos depending on what the reason is. Character Headspace:  Doctor Whooves has a million questions and every answer only adds to those questions. He wants to know everything. He is excited by the idea of these pages and the infinite possibilities they could give to scientists. The things they could learn! > 80. So You, Too, Are a Reformed Villain (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Misty and Discord Quest Outline: Discord attempts to help Misty with learning what it means to be a reformed villain. Misty is worried that he may not be the best role model. The Con goer helps Misty decide if Discord’s advice is worth listening to or if she should find a different role model. Character Position: Discord feels a bit frustrated that he wasn't put into the new cartoon. Does he LOOK like comic-only material?! He knows the past, present, and future. He knows what it means to be loved by fans. So, why not help out? Misty has decided she's going to help her friends and spy on Opaline, but she doesn't really know what to do next. There's still a part of her that wants Opeline to see that what she's doing is wrong. Actor Instructions: Discord surprises Misty, and congratulates her because she won the once in a lifetime chance to have the one and only Discord as a teacher. Misty is very VERY confused by this strange creature before her. Discord lets her know how he was a villain who was reformed and he knows all the do's and don'ts of reformation. (He could even have a book like So you too have become a reformed Villian) Misty talks with Discord, surprised to find some creature who understands, but, after he gives a few tips of advice, she isn't sure. She asks con-goers their thoughts. Should she listen to this bizarre creature or should she try to find another who would understand. If they decide to have her listen, give them the codeword #itsgonnagetweird (chaos) If they decide to have her look for someone else, give them the codeword #harmonyreigns (hero) If they tell either they were better as villains, give them the codeword #everyvillianislimes (evil) Character Headspace: Discord is chaos incarnate, and will use any chance to get Misty on that side with him. He also, deep, deep down, feels for Misty. He knows what it feels like to suddenly know a friend's love. He wants to help, but in his own way. > 81. Pizza My Heart (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Izzy and Deep Dish Quest Outline: Izzy wonders what you can and can't put on a pizza. Deep Dish has some strong opinions on this. The con goer helps decide. Character Position: Izzy is having the best time with all of these new amazing things because of the page's. She wants to learn. She wants to discover! She wants to try new things! Deep Dish loves her tried and true foods. Pizza is an art, after all, and the best art, Chicago style pizza, has already been perfected, so why mess it up? Actor Instructions: Izzy and Deep Dish talk with the guests as well as each other. Talk about likes, the con, ect. Once food comes up, have deep Dish talk about how the con goer needs to try Chicago Deep Dish Pizza next time they visit. Izzy immediately stops whatever she's doing and asks something like: I've always wondered what goes on a pizza? What are the rules? Deep Dish lists some ingredients. Izzy starts listing possible ingredients. They start out decently normal but get more and more bizarre. Have fun! Why not gummy worms?! Deep Dish gets more and more frustrated as Izzy lists these odd options, and asks for the con goers help. If they decide to help Deep Dish, they get the code #Chicagopizza (hero) If they side with Izzy that anything can go on Pizza, they get the code (chaos), #creativepizza If they don't want to help, or say Pizza is gross, or to not eat Pizza, give them the codeword #sadpizza (villain) Character Headspace: Izzy is enjoying life to the fullest. She's upbeat, happy, go lucky, and creative. While not usually a culinary artist, she loves to dabble! Deep Dish is usually calm, but you do NOT mess with the best pizza in the world! She gets easily frustrated when it comes to anyone messing with perfection! > 82. Sound of Silence (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Fizzy and Misty Quest Outline: Fizzy feels bad about all the hardships she's caused. Misty feels bad about all the mistakes she made with Opaline. Fizzy tells Misty about the stream of silence to quiet the hurtful emotions and the con goer helps them decide if they should go. Character Position: Fizzy- Fizzy feels really bad about all the trouble she's caused since she opened the book Misty- Misty just realized she should help defeat Opeline instead of join her, but with she feels bad about little Sparky. Actor Instructions: Fizzy thinks about the time before the Kirin met the ponies, and talks about the stream of silence and how it calms emotions. The both of them wonder if they should try to use the stream to help them, asking the con goer if it would be better not to feel than to feel the hurt they do. If the con goer decides it is better to not feel give them the codeword #novoice (villain) If the con goer says it's better to feel the hard emotions, give them the codeword #feelandheal (hero) Character Headspace: Both Fizzy and Misty are depressed and guilt ridden. They don't like how they feel, and aren't sure what to do to feel better. > 83. #WhenSomeponyLovedMe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story A page flutters through sweet apple acres, floating above the snow covered trees. It wafts close to the house, slipping through the open window adorned with lights. Into the room of a snoring Big Macintosh, the room covered in mistletoe and Holly, before the wind can no longer push it, and it gently slides down, down,down under the bed. Dust bunnies and cobwebs collect beneath the empty area, and only being noticed by one. A small gray plush looks up, mouthless with her eyes of blue and purple buttons. Carefully scrubbing the dust out of her gray yarn hair, and off her blue spotted pants, Smarty Pants stands up, her head falling over sideways, making her loose purple eye swivel off of her face momentarily before having halfway to her muzzle. She adjusts the wiggly button with her scraggly cloth hooves, helping it adjust closer to her other eye, where it dangles. Smarty Pants then takes wobbly step after wobbly step to the strange glowing page. She tilts her head, her yearn hair moving with it, and holding the loose eye to keep it from nearly detaching once more. She scratches her head with her patched up hoof. Then, she kneels down, touching the page. At once, she sees a vision filly Twilight playing with her, brand new, and the both of them play together forever. Smarty Pants shakes her head, her yarn hair hitting the sides of her muzzle. She stops, looking around. On the other side of the bed, she finds what she's looking for: her pen and notebook. She grabs her pen, bent at the middle, and goes back over the the page to write- "Whoa there, little plushie!" A voice calls out. Smarty Pants freezes, falling in place. Out from under the floor rises a beautiful, ghostly blue pony with braided pigtails wearing a hat, shirt, and skirt all embroidered with snowflakes. Smarty Pants keeps still. "Now, now. You don't gotta play opossum with me! I know every toy's gotta life of it's own! Plus, as you can see, I'm not all alive myself." Smarty Pants slowly looked the ghost of Hearth's Warming Past up and down before standing up with a nod. She went back towards the paper, quill held high before The ghost of Hearth's Warming past floats in front of her, “Now, wait just a second there. Yer about to make a big decision. Maybe you should think about it first.” Smarty shakes her head. Past sighs, “Okay, maybe we can think of another way to help you be happy, and see where this wanting is coming from. Let’s learn a little more about ya, Smarty Pants!” Past picks smarty up, galloping off through the barn and up the clouds. When she flies down, they find themselves in Canterlot, at a home near the castle. “Look at this! Yer very first Hearth's Warming!”  Cadence trots in through the window, filly Twilight jumping around her before they do sunshine, sunshine, ladybug’s awake. Cadence smiles, holding out gifts, and giving one to Twilight. “Really? For me?!” Twilight gasps, opening to reveal a brand new Smarty Pants with blue eyes, more yarn, and a fluffy body. Smarty watches her younger self being swung around by Twily, a matted hoof longingly touching the window. “Yeah, Twilight sure loved you, didn’t she?” Past smiled, hugging Smarty. “And you had all sorts of adventures together.” Twilight walks through the door, older now. “Twilight, are you sure you have everything you need for your test?” Her mom asks. Another scene comes, “Mom!” Twilight bawls, “Shining Armor and I were playing, and Brutus Force was too rough on Smarty Pants and-and-” she holds up the one eyed doll, a rip in her arm.” The next was Twilight holding Smartypants close in bed, a smile on her face. “Don’t worry, mom. Smarty Pants helped me make a list of all the things I would need! Everything is checked off!” She holds up her doll, hugging it, “You’re the best, Smarty Pants!” “But, like every Filly, Twilight grew.” Past looks over, “Where’s my quills? Where are my scrolls? I put everything in one place last night. Oh, what if I can’t find anything in time?!” Twilight rushes about, gathering her things. A ratty doll falls over in her haste to grab a book, and dash off. The parents threw the doll in her trunk. Smarty looks down, wrapping her hooves around her body, “The next time she lifted you up, it was to give you away…you found another that loved you though!”  Past trots over back to the Barn where Big Mac looks around out the door before pulling a doll out, hugging it. “Happy Hearthwarming.” he whispers.  Smarty looks up to past and then hangs her head, “Oh…that didn’t last long either?” The very next Hearth's Warming, you see Big Mac holding the doll.  “Come on, Big Mac!” Applebloom yells. He sighs, tossing the doll on his bed, where it slips off under. Smarty turns her head away, lowering to the ground before sitting in the snow, holding her knees, her head down, and shaking. “I’m sorry, Smarty.” Past sits by her, “But, you had that love. You can remember it. You can keep it in your heart, and maybe, instead of changing the ponies you loved before, you can ask that there page to find you a new pony to love you…what do you say?” Smarty looks up, but Past is no longer there. She’s back under the bed, next to the glowing page. She picks her bent quill up, ready to write. [CHOICE] What does she write? > Find me somepony to love me again. (Chaos) > I want to be with Twily always. (Villain) [ENDING A: CHAOS] Find somepony to love me again. The page glows, Smarty holding her hoof up over her eyes. When she lowers her hoof, she finds herself in a box. “I have a surprise for you!” Twilight’s voice! Smarty perks up, but the moment the box opens, she falls limp. She feels herself picked up by familiar hooves, and sees Twilight's face. She really has grown. Smarty wishes she can smile. “I used to play with her when I was a filly! Now, it’s your turn, Flurry!” Young hooves grab hold of Smarty, hugging her tight, and she feels loved once more. Smarty becomes Flurry’s favorite toy, calming her right down any time she’s upset. (+1 page for Chaos) [ENDING B: VILLAIN] I want to be with Twily always! The page glows. Smarty holds her hoof over her eyes. When she lowers her hoof, she sees Twily picking her up, “There you are, Smarty! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” She holds Smarty close. Smarty feels the love she has missed for so many moons. Twily never grows, never ages. Scientists are baffled. Her parents are as well, as they grow old, worrying about their little girl. To their amazement, Smarty never rips, never tears. Her wobbly eye never falls out of her face. Celestia looks into it, confused. “It’s like the two are forever paused.” Celestia gasps. “What are we going to do, your majesty?” her mother asks. “I will personally make sure she is taken care of.” Celestia promises. And she does, but without Twilight growing, and learning, Nightmare Moon comes back without an opponent. She attacks Celestia while Twily watches, holding on terrified to Smarty Pants. They go off, fighting far away. And eventually, her parents stop visiting, then her brother. Only Cadence stays with her for a long time, changing as well as the world around her to a much less friendly place. (+1 page for Villains) > 84. Shy (Actor Prompt) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character: Fluttershy Quest Outline: Fluttershy is tired of being treated like the scaredy pony who never learns to be assertive. She wants to use the page to make herself never be shy or afraid again, and wants the con goers advice! Character Position:  Flutters just got finished listening to everypony tell her that she never learned to be assertive and that she’s always a scaredy-pony after reading the friendship book her and her friends have made. She ran off before finding herself somehow transported to Ciderfest. She learns about the pages, and accidentally stumbles across one thanks to a kind mama badger, and realizes this may be her chance to really change her flaws. Actor Instructions: Fluttershy holds a piece of paper, muttering to herself. When confronted, she jumps, and murmurs an apology. She asks the con goer about how their day is, and tells them how she is trying to make a difficult decision.  She likes who she is. She doesn’t like being scared, of course, but she feels like she’s grown from where she started. Others though…others seem to feel like she hasn’t. She thinks about using the page to turn into the assertive and brave pony everypony else thinks she should be Make sure to note to be assertive, not aggressive like Iron Will try to teach! Ask the con goer what they think: should you stay yourself, or change? If they decide you should stay the same, give them the codeword #Beyourself (Hero) If they tell you you should change, give them the codeword #changeyourspots (Villain) Character Headspace:  Fluttershy is the kindest pony. She wants to help everyone all the time. She is also shy, and has a hard time socializing, so she rarely talks first. She’s timid, and soft spoken. She loves to sing and hum and help her animal friends.  Right now, though, she’s wimbling between staying true to herself and becoming the assertive, brave pony those other ponies wanted. Would that be better for everypony? She isn’t sure. > 85. Think of the Cider! (Actor Prompt) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  when he finds a page, he comes up with a plan! Actor Instructions: When people show up to the cider room, invite them to have some nice refreshing cider hot or iced. Note, if they can’t have it for dietary reasons, allergies, ect. Feel free to just chat with them. As they enjoy their cider, chat with the con goer. Ask them what they like about the con so far, their favorite stories they’ve found, the hardest choice, ect. At any point you like, as what faction they’re hoping will win. If they say Hero, give them the codeword #Ididnotlearnanything (Hero)  If they say Chaos, give them the codeword #99bottlesofcideronthewall (Chaos) If they choose villain, give them the codeword #superspeedycidersqueezy6000 (Villain) Character Headspace:  Barley wants to help his friend Fizzy, but he also wants to be a good host. He wants to give every creature a chance to chill out and really think through what they want. With all the craziness the book of all stories is causing, they need it!