• Published 23rd Nov 2023
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Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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53. #SecretShips

You decide to look through Golden Oak Library to find any book that might contain a spell that will help you find the magic pages from the Book of All Stories. Books cover every wall, but nothing on the Book of All stories is in any of them.

You look low and high. While looking high on the ladder, you happen to see some type of huge book under Twilight's bed in her loft. You climb off the ladder and look under Twilight's bed.

It's not a book. It looks to be some sort of folder. Curiosity calls to you and you pull it out. "Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. Do not open. Private!" The cover reads. You can only imagine what kinds of fanfictions Twilight would be writing about. With her intelligence and imagination, they would be amazing to read. What do you do with this information?

What do you do with Twilight Sparkle's secret ship-fic folder?

> Read it, of course! (Chaos)

> Leave it under Twilight's bed. (Hero)

> Show everypony! (Villain)

You open the first page to find this folder is chock full of countless ponies shipped with other ponies in a myriad of ways. Self inserts, changeling invasions, childhood friends: There is no trope untouched and every ship imaginable. You thumb through story after story, reading some of your favorite ships. Once you feel like you've read enough, you sit the gigantic folder on the bed and sigh. "That's enough entertainment for now. I need to keep looking for the spell." You decide, pausing for a moment to enjoy the nice breeze out of the open window of Twilight's room before climbing back down to the library.

As you continue to look for a spell to find more pages, you suddenly notice an orange glow. You look over to see the open folder of Twilight's ships glowing, a page having landed on it. The glow bursts out from the book, blinding you for a moment. "Ohhh no." You whisper, going out to see the damage done once you can see again.

(+1 page for Chaos)

"This is Twilight's private folder. She would share it if she wanted to. Besides, I should get back to finding that spell!" You put the folder carefully back, and go back to looking for the spell to find the pages. Twilight shows up about ten minutes later, eyebrows raised. "Um. Can I help you with something?"

"I was hoping your library would have a tracking spell for those pages so I can help Fizzy!" You say

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't think I've seen a tracking spell that powerful, but I love your thinking. Research is the way to go!" Twilight grins.

"I also have to apologize. While I was looking for the spell, I came across your…secret folder." Twilight's eyes bulge, "I didn't open it. As soon as I saw 'do not open', I put it back. I honestly thought a book had fallen under your bed."

Twilight sighs in relief, "Thank you so much for valuing my privacy!" Twilight smiles.

(+1 page for Heroes)

You run out, folder in your grasp. "Everypony! Twilight is a fanfic writer!" You shout, holding up the gigantic folder. Everypony whispers. Twilight gasps. "That's private!" She shouts!

"Why? I bet you're an amazing writer!" You look down, reading one of the stories. Twilight becomes more and more embarrassed by each word. By the time you're finished, Twilight is gone. You go back to the library to find a note stating she went to Canterlot and will never show her face in Ponyville again.

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

I got promotion from the creator to make this story!

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