• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 142 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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62. #=

"Welcome. Welcome. Welcome!"

You nod towards the strange ponies who greet you with stretched out smiles. Every single house is the same. There seems to be four different hairstyle choices among the entire town. Only muffins are lined up in the bakery. Only burlap cloaks rest in the clothing shops.

You find Starlight Glimmer walking through. "That's right, friends. Don't forget in the sameness there is peace! We only show we care by not being better than anypony else. If you find someone who doesn't believe exceptionally is a lie, you tell them that even a princess sees how true it is. Here she is to tell us about this: Princess Twilight, the princess of Friendship!"

Twilight trots out faded with an Equal sign on her flank. "Hello everypony. I once thought that our differences make us stronger, but now I see that the only way to truly be friends is to free yourself from your cutie mark. No talent is special enough to be better than your friends. I see that now with the help of Starlight Glimmer!"

"Oh princess, you make me blush. Now, Princess Twilight and I have been talking and she thinks that it is a fantastic idea to expand. We are going to work together to send out invites so the whole of Equestria will one day see what we all know to be true: nopony is no better than their friends." Starlight nods. "That's right, everypony. It is time to bring more into the fold! We are going to invite so many friends into the fold. Before we know it, everypony will accept true friendship!" Cheers erupt from the crowd.

Preparations for the expansion get underway as you step closer to Twilight and Starlight.

"Wonderful job, Princess Twilight. This will help our little town so much!" Starlight says.

You notice Starlight start to turn in your direction, and you quickly find a place to hide. She turns back, but you stay in case she looks again.

"Absolutely, Starlight. After everything you've done for me and my friends, showing the rest of Equestria how right you are is the least we can do!"

"Indeed it is. Now, be a dear and help your friends get ready. We are going to be busy soon." Starlight grins. Twilight nods going off. Starlight laughs as soon as she thinks she's alone. "Yes. Thank you, Princess Twilight. With your help, my dream will come true!" She holds up a piece of paper. "And because of you, I have a princess. Now we just have to make sure no pony discovers you like they once discovered my cutie mark. Thank you so much for changing that for me." Starlight rolls the page up and heads off.

[CHOICE] What do you do?

> Confront Starlight. (Villain)
> Sneak the page away. (Hero)

You follow Starlight. She walks out into the crowds, meeting her other ponies, all with equal signs on their flanks instead of their cutie marks. You notice a watering can resting by a bed of flowers and grab it before confronting her.

"Starlight! This is wrong and you know it!" You shout.

Starlight turns around, eyebrow raised. "Oh dear. I can see why you're confused. A creature like yourself doesn't have a cutie mark. You're already more equal to us poor ponies who are forced to announce this so-called 'special talent'. I don't blame you for being brainwashed by fellow ponies who have always been taught that flaunting what makes them better than their friends, leading to lonely, miserable lives." She grins.

"All you are really doing is making it to where you are the only special pony in all of Equestria!" You shoot back.

"Me? Why, I'm no better than any of my friends." Starlight smiles.

"Oh yeah. Then explain this!" You toss the watering can at Starlight.

Starlight summons a force field just in time, sneering. "Did you really think that would work? You know the old saying: fool me once!" She levitates you up. "But I forgive you because I am a good friend. Just to show there are no hard feelings, I'll even help you see the truth!"

She guides you into the house of reformation and grins. "We'll check how you feel about things in a week or so." Before going off in a fit of manic laughter.

(+1 page for Villains)

You follow Starlight. She walks out into the crowds, meeting her other ponies, all with equal signs on their flanks instead of their cutie marks. Every so often, you note the glint of the page as she walks around, checking in on the progress of everypony and making plans for her next steps.

The day passes as you hide, watching and waiting as you keep an eye on the small moments you see the page. She checks on the burlap cape maker to see how many more he's been able to make for the rush of new friends that will 'undoubtedly love to join their growing town.' She checks on the supplies needed to make thousands of muffins. She checks in on Double Diamond for a report on how everyone is loving the town.

"Make sure you let me know if anypony starts to slip from our fold. We don't want anything to distract from the growth of our beautiful town,” she says.

Double Diamond nods. He stops and looks over in your direction suddenly, and you duck lower.

"What is it?" Starlight asks sharply.

"Nothing." Diamond shrugs. "I think I saw an animal for a moment, but it ran off."

Starlight walks off contentedly as you follow close. Eventually, you find yourself at her house. She goes inside. You check the windows to see Starlight put the page next to her bed before going to sleep. You wait.

Once you feel like Starlight should be sleeping deeply, you slither in, quietly walking to the side table where the glowing paper lays. You carefully hold it by the top and bottom, sliding it over and slowly walking out the door. You only feel more comfortable once you are far away from the town, willing the town to go back to normal.

(+1 page for Heroes)

Author's Note:

This story came to mind when I saw someone who was upset by Starlight's redemption and wanted her to stay evil. Well, random brony, here you go. Thank you for the inspiration!

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