• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Secure the Chalice

In the turtles lair, the ninjas, the Rainbooms, and the Hex Squad were listening to Fu Dog discuss his rivalry with the cat Yan Yan and how they caused some historical disasters.

“Wait!” Twilight spoke up to Fu in shock, “You two sunk the Titanic?!”

Fu chuckled sheepishly, “Yeah. Not one of my better moments.”

“Huh,” Donnie said, “So much for it just being about colliding into icebergs.”

“Hearing you talk about history, Fu Dog, is reminding me of me and my bros adventures with Renet.” Mikey reminisced.

“Who's Renet?” Jake asked.

“Oh, she's a time-traveling friend of ours.”

Suddenly Jake and Fu Dog winced at that whilst groaning slightly, which didn't go unnoticed.

“Uh, something wrong?” Amity asked.

“Well...” Jake trailed as Fu Dog explained.

“Let's just say you guys weren't the only ones who time traveled.”

“Wait, you two did too?” Sunset asked.

“Now this I gotta hear.” Trix asked having never heard of this adventure of Jake's.

Jake began, “See, back then when my dad didn't know our family secret, my mom told me that she wanted to tell him when they were in high school. But she didn't have the heart. So Fu and I traveled back in time so that my dad does know. I mean, come on, I learned the hard way it's not good to keep family secrets."

Applejack sighed, “Trust me, Sugarcube, we've been there.” she motioned to herself, Rarity and Rainbow.

“Anyway, I decided to slip the note in my dad's locker, the one that my mom threw away.”

“And how did he take it?” Rainbow wondered.


Fu Dog answered, “His dad freaked out, which resulted in the two of them breaking up, and if the kid and I didn't fix it, he'd cease to exist.”

Everyone gasped at that, as Donnie spoke, “So you thought you'd tell your dad so that there would be no more secrets, which resulted in him freaking out and nearly changing the timeline. HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!”

“Even I know it's a bad idea.” Pinkie added.

“Trust me, the kid never thinks things through.” Fu Dog told them as Jake glared in his direction.

“Oh like you're one to talk, Mister 'I time traveled and sunk Atlantis'?”

“Wait, you sunk Atlantis?!” Twilight asked in shock.

“How the heck did you do that?!” Luz asked in confusion.

“Well...” Fu Dog started to tell them how he did it, resulting in everyone giving him deadpanned stares.

“You're joking right?” Eda asked rhetorically.

“Trust me, sweetheart, I wouldn't make this kind of stuff up, even if I wanted to.”

“Except the part where you tried to make us think you were a kung fu master.” Spud pointed out resulting in Fu giving him the stink eye before he continued.

“Anyway, whilst we were trying to fix it, Jake's old man caught the attention of the Hunts Clan during that time.”

“The one that Rose was once part of?” Casey asked said girl.

“That's the one.” she confirmed.

Jake continued, “I told my dad who I was, and he fainted when he realized I was part dragon. He ended up being captured by the Hunts Clan so that he would reveal the location of where my mom and her side of the family were.”

Fu spoke, “Anyway, after all that trouble, we were able to save him, but we were also impressed that even without magic powers, he stood up to the Hunts Clan. And during the commotion, he was knocked out, thinking that it was a bad dream.”

“So we were able to help fix their relationship and things went back to normal.” Jake concluded.

“So everything's the way it was supposed to be?” Trixie asked.

“Well, almost,” Haley answered, “It didn't help for the fact that our mom grounded him for two weeks for time traveling on a school night.”

Jake grumbled, “Knew I should've knocked out that guy for taking that picture.”

Fu Dog spoke, “At least you got off easy, the old man punished me after I promised I wouldn't time travel, but it had to be broken when my future self came in. *grumbled* and what's worse, the old man wasn't even thankful that we stopped him from breaking his back when he fell down the stairs back at the 80's.”

Luz blinked, “Wow! You're not gonna believe this, but I traveled through time once too!”

“Wait, you did?” Jake asked.

“Talk about amazing coincidence.” Spud said.

“Yep, I traveled back in time with Eda's sister Lilith. And things didn't turn out so good for us either...” Amity held her girlfriend in comfort.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“We met this guy who lied to us, used us, and tried to sacrifice us to a stonesleeper!”

“A stonesleeper?” Rose asked Eda.

“A creature from the Boling Isles prehistoric era.”

“Oh my goodness!” Rarity gasped.

“That creep sounds as bad as Cozy Glow!” Mikey frowned.

“No kidding.” Sunset agreed.

“So how did you get yourselves out that mess?” Jake inquired.

“Well, luckily I remembered something Lilith told me about stonesleeper's and was able to calm it down. Then we tracked down the jerk and Lilith punched him right in the nose!”

Eda laughed, “Wish I'd have been there to see that!”

As the group laughed a magical message appeared, “What is it?” Fluttershy asked, as Jake and Fu checked the message and looked horrified.

“Bad news, guys,” Fu began, “The old man said Taranushi's Chalice has been located.”

“What?” Leo asked in confusion.

“No time to explain,” Jake answered, “Come on!” he headed for the exit, as the rest of the gang followed him.

Soon the group were in a Broadway theater prop storage looking around. Trixie herself looked around amazed.

“I can't believe it. I'm actually here on Broadway!” she cheered.

“Newsflash, magic girl,” Raph snapped her out of her daydream, “This ain't your big break. We're looking for a dangerous magical item.”

Trixie pouted, “Party pooper.”

“We'll split up and cover more ground.” Jake suggested.

“Agreed.” Leo replied, as they split up and began looking.

As they combed the storage everyone was startled by the screams of Mikey, Gus, and Spud causing them to rush over and found the three looking terrified.

“What's wrong?” Emira asked, as the group looked up and saw the three were cowering at a creepy clown statue.

“EVIL CLOWN!!!” They cried as evil horror laughter echos in the background of the clown statue.

“Yikes!” Luz gasped.

“And I thought Joker was scary.” Raph said in shock.

"What show would need something like this anyway?" Keno asked rhetorically.

Jake sighed, “Come on, we gotta keep looking.” they got back to looking around.

Rarity was suddenly fascinated by some costumes on a clothes rack, “Oh, my. How lovely!”

Applejack who was looking in a box of props noticed her and rolled her eyes, “Rarity, we're looking for a chalice. Not clothes.”

“I can't help it. These costumes are worn by professional performers!” Rarity cheered as Applejack shook her head.

So everyone kept searching through the boxes of props, before King dove deeper, before popping up holding the object, “I found it!” Everyone gathered around as Fu inspected it.

“Yup. The genuine article alright.” he confirmed.

“Nice one, King.” Willow smiled.

“Score one for me!” King boasted.

“So now what?” Edric asked.

“We get this to gramps ASAP.” Jake explained.

“Then let's go.” Luz said, as she picked up the chalice as they headed for the exit where they snuck in from.

Before they could get out, Luz ended up stepping on a ball prop causing her to slip, “Whoa!” she ended up losing hold of the chalice as it was thrown out the exit. Everyone screamed, as they raced out the exit, only to see the object bounced and rolled around an alley before it landed in the back of a delivery truck. The back was closed up as the truck drove off into the New York traffic.

“No!” Jake called, “Oh, man!” the others looked down in guilt.

With no other options, they headed to Lao Shi's shop to explain the bad news to him.

"Okay, before we break the news to gramps, you might wanna cover your ears, cause he is NOT gonna be happy," Jake nervously warned.

"Why's that?" Sunset asked.

"Let's just say this isn't the first time we've royally screwed up." Fu answered.

"Oh, come on," Luz said,"How mad could he possibly get?"

Moments later, Lao Shi was screaming, "YOU LOST THE CHALICE?!" Then he began ranting in Chinese.

Everyone winced at the furious old man, "Madre de Dios!" Luz gasped.

"Yeesh! And we thought Raph had issues?" Donnie said.

“I'm kinda glad I don't know what he's actually saying.” Keno added.

"Do you realize what you've done?!" Lao Shi yelled.

"Well yeah, that's why we're telling you," Mikey noted. Lao Shi snapped at Mikey in Chinese, "Hey! I don't know what you just said, but I feel insulted!" Mikey frowned.

"Alright, Lao," Eda broke in, "If you're done blowing your top off, perhaps you can explain to us why this Chalice is so important.”

Lao Shi sighed, "Very well, come," He lead everyone to the back of the shop and showed them a scroll with a picture of the chalice as well as what looked like evil looking green genie, "Taranushi's Chalice has an evil djinn trapped inside." he explained.

"Wait, there was a genie in that chalice?" Sunset asked.

Mikey leaned in, "Aren't genies supposed to be in lamps and grant you three wishes?"

"Not this one," Lao stated, "When the chalice is filled to the point where it runith over, the djinn will be released and cause chaos and mass destruction!"

"Oh no!" Luz gasped, since she was the one who'd lost it.

"How do you get it back in?" April asked.

"There was a magical incantation that would seal the djinn back into the chalice," Lao Shi went on, "It had been lost for centuries but was later discovered again."

"And you have me to thank for that." Spud spoke up.

"What do you mean by that?" Edric asked.

"Turns out Spud's super gramps knew the long lost incantation." Jake explained.

"My great grandfather was a magician and I'll never forget his catchphrase," Spud then recited the words, "Abibigo Airry Aagee Atomb! He would always say that right before he was laughed off the stage." Amity and Karai gave him deadpanned looks.

"So how did you know that was the incantation?" Karai asked.

"The hard way," Jake began as they explained about the Talent Show, “We discovered that the first prize trophy at our school's talent show was actually the chalice, and we had to get it. But instead of stealing it I competed for it by using Fu Dog for a ventriloquist act.”

“He wasn't originally gonna participate and was supposed to root with me for Spud who was performing magic. This was before we knew Jakey's secret.” Trix added.

“After the events of letting the djinn free and trapping it again, we were gonna bring it back here to the shop,” Fu continued, “Only for us to accidentally leave it behind on the subway.”

“Seriously?” Leo asked dryly. The two laughed sheepishly.

"Sooooo," Mikey grinned, "How exactly did your ventriloquist act go?"

"Well, I'd be glad to show ya, right kid?" Fu nudged Jake who sighed and sat on a stool while Fu put on a pirate hat and eyepatch then sat on his lap, "Hey, whadda call a pirate ship at soho?"

"I don't know, Captain Arr Arr, what?" Jake asked.

"Yo-Ho!" Fu cracked, "Where do pirates go for picnics?" Jake shrugged. "Central P'arr'k!"

"Why don't they serve escargot in Davy Jones' Locker?" Jake asked.

"Cause dead men sell no snails!" Fu laughed.

"He's still really good." Spud noted.

"And Fu Dog is still all kinds of creepy." Trix cringed.

“So now what do we do?” Rainbow asked.

“We got a magic chalice with a djinn sealed inside it picked up by a truck.” Keno explained.

“And we don't know where it went!” Raph grumbled.

“Not quite, darlings,” Rarity spoke up, as she showed her phone to them displaying a picture of the truck, “The truck the chalice fell into is a gala delivery truck, which means it'll be going to a gala somewhere in the city.”

“Huh, clever deduction, Rarity.” Donnie admitted.

“So any ideas what gala it could be going to?” Haley asked.

“I do,” Rarity confirmed, “But it won't be easy to get the chalice through our ninja skills alone. We have to go undercover.”

“Undercover?” Mikey asked.

“As in...” Rainbow asked knowing where this was headed.

“Yes. We need to look the part.” Rarity smiled, as the Rainbooms rolled their eyes knowing what this meant.

Soon enough the Rainbooms, Trixie, April, Casey, Keno, Karai, and Shini were all dressed up along with Jake and his group, and the Hex Squad.

“Oh, we all look fabulous!” Rarity cheered, before noticing Luz's outfit looked like a mix of a dress with a tuxedo, “And Luz, what an... interesting form of attire you've chosen.”

“Thanks. I wore this to my first dance at Hexside.” Luz smiled.

“Where we had our first dance.” Amity added, as the two smiled at each other.

“So what about the turtles?” Gus asked.

“Yeah, I don't think getting all dressed up will hide the fact they're mutants.” King reminded them.

The turtles stepped out, as Donnie spoke up, “True, but we're going undercover times two.” the turtles activated their cloaking tech and took on their human appearances while also dressed up in formal attire.

“Wow!” Luz gasped.

“Wicked!” Spud gasped.

Gus marveled, “It's just like illusion magic from humans, or human-like Turtles.”

“No one will notice we're mutants now.” Mikey boasted.

“Ok, so now that we're up to dress code, can we get to the gala?” Raph asked.

“Right. Everyone, follow me.” Rarity said, as they all headed out.

Rarity led them to one of the buildings where the catering trucks were parked in the garage. Noticing security was out front they had to ninja their way inside.

“It feels wrong we get all dressed up and we don't even go through the front entrance like everyone else.” Rarity pouted.

“Remember, we're crashing this party.” Mikey reminded her, as they walked through a hall trying to blend in with the other guests.

Upon entering the ballroom they waited at a wall acting casual while watching the other guests. Luz was looking right from left, as Twilight noticed.

“Everything ok, Luz?”

“Yeah, it's just this scenario with the gala and us trying to retrieve a magic chalice reminds me of Grom!” Luz stated, then she looked uneasy, "Even the not so good moments."

"Grom?" Twilight raised a brow, "Don't you mean prom?"

"Yeah, that's the Boiling Isles' version of prom." Luz noted.

"Why's it called Grom?" Jake asked.

Amity spoke up, "Grom is short for Grometheus the Fear Bringer."

"The fear bringer?" Fluttershy asked, with a shutter.

"Grom is a shapeshifting monster that lived underneath our school," Amity explained, "And every year, it tried to break out and a student would be picked to battle it before it invaded the town. And our optimistic principal, Bump, turned it into celebration. Or as you would put it, a dance. If the student defeats Grom, their crowned Grom King or Queen."

"A dance where you gotta fight a monster?" Raph said, intrigued, "My kind of dance."

"Mine too!" Casey agreed.

“Same here.” Keno put in.

"That sounds awesome!" Rainbow added.

"I'll say!" Spud put in, "I would totally want to go to that dance."

"You wouldn't say that if you faced Grom!" Luz said, still uneasy at the memory.

"Why's that?" Shinigami asked.

"Grom's called the Fear Bringer, because it can read minds and transform into your worst fear." Amity explained.

"Oooo," Pinkie smirked at Raph. "Then you would have to face a giant cockroach!"

"Please, I'm not that scared of them anymore," Raph scoffed, then turned around a screamed. A giant cockroach was standing behind him. Until it poofed away, revealing it was actually Mikey illusioned by Edric and Emria. They all laughed, "Mikey!"

Still laughing, Mikey and the Twins ran off with Raph chasing after them around the crowd while trying not to bump into anyone. Amity grunted and face-palmed at her siblings mischief.

"So what happened?" Rose inquired to Luz and Amity.

"I was chosen to be the next Grom Queen," Amity answered, "But I didn't want to because my fear was embarrassing. Unfortunately, Bump said I couldn't back out because no one was willing to take my place."

"So I volunteered to face Grom instead!" Luz chimed in.

"You did?" April asked.

"Dang! You bold, girl!" Trix smirked.

"I'll say." Casey agreed.

"Why that's ever so noble of you, Luz." Rarity commended.

"And very sweet." Fluttershy added.

"But I also wanted to prove I wasn't fragile." Luz said.

"Why's that?" Donnie inquired.

Luz and Amity shot a knowing frown at Eda as the Owl Lady said, "Because I called her fragile."

"You did what now?" Applejack asked.

"Seriously!" Rainbow snapped.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised." Karai stated, dryly.

"Yeah, when Luz was saying she wished she could take Bossy Boots place, me and King laughed at her," Eda explained, "And when I caught her training to face Grom, I told her she was always going over and I'd have to bail her out."

"Bad Eda!" Pinkie scolded.

"Take it from me, when you insult someone, it's only gonna make them determined to prove you wrong." Donnie stated.

"And you know that, how?" Eda asked.

"Because Raph here once said he had no shot with April." Mikey pointed at the hot headed turtle, while he had both him and the Twins in a headlock.

"No surprise there." Sunset said, dryly, while Emira used her magic to lift Raph off them and toss him into a table.

"Yep," April confirmed, "So he tried to save my dad from the Kraang by himself to impress me."

"And I did," Donnie interjected, "Essentially. Of course I also ended up unintentionally releasing an extremely dangerous salamander-like alien who nearly destroyed us and Leo, Mikey, and Raph had to bail us out." He added sheepishly.

Luz continued, "And like you said, it made me more determined to face Grom!" She then face faltered, "When I did face Grom, I managed to hold my own for a while, until Grom turned into something I was not prepared for... My mom finding out I lied about going to camp. I was so scared I ran out with Grom chasing after me."

"I was gonna bail her out, when Boots here jumped in to save her." Eda said, motioning to Amity.

Amity sighed, "To save Luz, I had to face my fear."

"And what was your fear?" Jake asked.

Amity didn't answer. "Do you wanna tell them or should I?" Luz asked her girlfriend. Amity nodded and Luz said, "She was afraid of getting rejected by the person she wanted to asked to grom."

"Oh no!" Fluttershy covered her mouth.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," Spud informed, "I've been rejected like a million times by Stacy, but I always remain persistent."

"When I found out, I told Amity that I'd go to grom with her," Luz said, "So we did this amazing dance and defeated Grom. And we both became Grom Queens!" A thought came to her and she turned to Amity, "Hey you never did tell me who you wanted to ask out?"

"Oh! Uh? Let's just say it was someone... ironic." Amity replied, nervously.

Luz then spoke dismally, "But in the end I couldn't face my fears, so I ended up proving Eda right about me being fragile."

"Hey, kid," Eda spoke up, "You've faced worse things than Groom, I mean when Lilith had me imprisoned, you fought through coven scouts, Warden Wrath, and even took on Belos just to save me! That makes you very un-fragile." Luz smiled at Eda's words.

“I hate to break up this moment, but are you sure the chalice is here?” Spike asked.

“Without a doubt.” Rarity confirmed, as she motioned to the chalice that was set up on a pedestal in a row of other chalices.

“There it is. We have to get it.” Jake told them.

"Uh, Jake..." Haley spoke up sounding nervous, "Look." She pointed.

Jake looked to where his sister was pointing and flinched at what he saw, "Aww, man!"

Confused, everyone looked and saw a Chinese woman setting some h'orderves on the banquet table.

"Jake, what's wrong?" Sunset asked.

"Who's that lady?" Luz inquired.

"Our mom." Jake and Haley answered.

Jake groaned, "Just my luck, the chalice would end up right where my mom is working!"

"What's your problem?" Eda asked.

"Yeah, didn't you tell us your mom knows your secret?" Rainbow said.

“Especially since she was born on the side where your dragon powers come from.” Casey put in.

“Even though you said it skipped her generation and went to you instead?” Pinkie finished.

"Yes," Jake replied, "It's complicated."

"Why is it complicated?" Amity asked, getting a bad feeling to where this was going.

"Don't get me wrong, mom's super cool and totally supportive of me and Haley," Jake assured, "It's just that, she also has certain rules for me. Even as the AM Drag."

"What kind of rules?" Donnie asked.

"Well, rules like, no time travel on school nights, no strange magical creatures in the house, and especially, absolutely, no magical shenanigans anywhere near her important catering jobs," Jake listed off, "And now I just broke that rule."

"Whoa, your mom sounds kind of strict." Mikey said.

"That she is," Lao Shi admitted, "Susan means well, but she sees Jake more as a fourteen year old kid than as the American Dragon. Something which she got from me."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked.

"Gramps used to only see Jake as the American Dragon and didn't understand he was also a fourteen year old kid with a life outside of that," Fu explained, "Until Haley perfectly spelled it out for him and Sun, but that's another story."

"Yeah, and I get punished because I sometimes have to break those rules in order to do my job as the AM Drag." Jake went on, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Wait, she punishes you for doing your job?!" Amity asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't say exactly, but sometimes, yeah, and sometimes those rules make my job harder then it already is," Jake answered, "Like when I had to let Stan into the house to protect him from the sun, that time travel mess I told you guys about, and there was a time I had break a lot of rules to save Haley when she got possessed by the by this evil puppet and we both got grounded. For half the year!"

"Don't remind me." Haley grumbled.

"Yikes!" Luz winced.

"Man, that's rough, dude!" Mikey said.

"But I can't say I blame her," Jake added, "I mean, some of those times I deserved it. I was totally overconfident and reckless back then. Also, she made that "No Magical shenanigans anywhere near her important catering jobs" rule because I caused an magical incident that almost destroyed her career."

"What happened?" April asked.

"Well, my mom's catering business was hired to cater the wedding for these two soap opera stars, Thad and Jasma." Jake began.

Rarity gasped, "Did you say Thad and Jasma? Not THE Thad and Jasma who play star-crossed lovers, Jasma Sancere and Thad Rochefort-Chaise?!”

"Uh, yeah..." Jake answered.

"Oh, darling, how positively lucky she was!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Not to mention she was crazy determined not to let anything go wrong with... Thad and Jasma's big wedding!" Fu started to tear up, "After all those two had been through together, they deserved a moment of happiness!" He started crying into Gus' shoulder.

The illusionist smiled and patted the crying dog, "There-there, let it out."

Rainbow spoke, "Especially after what Thad's Polynesian half sister's evil clone did!" She blushed upon realizing what she said as they all looked at her oddly, "Uh, not that I ever watched the show..."

"Oh, that's nothing compared to when Thad discovered Jasma's baby was an evil alien hybrid implanted by a covert agency." Trixie bragged.

"Yo, can we please get back to the explanation here?" Trix interjected.

And so Jake explained to everyone the gremlin incident and what he had to do. Upon mentioning the Hubba Hula song he had to sing, April spoke up, “OH, NO!”

“April?” Donnie asked.

“Something wrong?” Emira asked.

“My dad listens to that song. It's so cheesey and cringy! I hate it!” she groaned.

“Oh, you and me both, April! It's the most lamest song I've ever heard!” Jake explained his distaste.

“No disagreements there. My parents listen to that song too.” Twilight shuddered.

“It's the worst!” Spike groaned.

“So why is it important for catching gremlins?” Karai asked.

“Because the song is so lame, it puts 'em to sleep.” Fu Dog explained.

“It's not that lame.” Lao Shi crossed his arms.

Jake sighed, "I don't wanna repeat that mistake again. Or get grounded again. So maybe we should wait till the gala's over before we grab the chalice."

"Jake, we cannot wait," Lao Shi stated. "The risk of someone freeing the djinn is too high."

Amity meanwhile was frowning to herself. While she could understand Jake's mom's reasons, she didn't like the idea of her trying to control Jake's duty as a protector, as it reminded her of a certain maternal figure who got her friends wrongfully expelled and tried to murder her girlfriend.

"Yeah, but-" Jake began before Amity cut him off.

"We're getting that chalice!" She stated firmly, taking Luz's hand and pulling her into the ballroom.

"Amity's right, Jake," Twilight added. "We have to get the chalice now or we'll have an even bigger problem."

"Fine," Jake relented. "Let's get the chalice.”

“And how do we do that?” Raph asked, “It's not like we can just walk up and take it.”

“I can use an invisibility glyph and snatch it.” Luz suggested.

“But it'll make it look like it's floating in mid air, and the guests will think this place is haunted.” Donnie noted.

“Oooo, I know!" Pinkie popped up, "I'll cause a distraction while you guys grab the chalice."

"Are you sure about that, Pinkie?" Jake questioned.

"Totally!" Pinkie nodded, "Besides, nobody has any other ideas."

"She's got us there." Eda stated.

"But how are you going to distract the crowd?" Leo asked.

"Like this," Pinkie zipped over to the orchestra stage and whispered something to each of the musicians. Then she took the mic and announced, "Hey, everybody!" The people turned and looked at the pink girl as she continued, "What a great night for a party, huh! But do you wanna know what'll make it a REALLY great night? This..." She nodded toward the musicians, who shrugged and began to play, then Pinkie started to sing...

Needless to say Pinkie's performance and dancing had distracted the crowd with some of the guests gawking, and Jake's mom looking nervous fearing this would reflect badly on her. Luz taking a chance started hurrying over to the chalice.

When the song ended Pinkie struck a pose before looking out at the guests who looked disturbed by her performance, until a woman spoke up, "Young lady, this is not THAT kind of party!" A guest stated.

The gala host then noticed Luz trying to take the chalice, "Uh, sorry," she grinned nervous before she raced off.

As for Pinkie, she gave her own nervous smile before she left the stage and regrouped with the others.

"So, I guess my distraction wasn't really all that distracting." she said.

"You got that right, girl!" Trix said dryly.

"It was a good idea, Pinkie," Jake admitted, "Just not the right way to go about it."

"So now what?" Fluttershy asked.

"We must devise a new plan and fast," Lao Shi advised. "Before someone fills the chalice and frees the djinn!"

"Hey, where's Gus?" Luz said, noticing her friend was currently absent from the group.

“Wasn't he right here?” April asked, as they looked.

“Uh, dudes.” Spud motioned ahead, and they saw Gus had made his way onto the stage with the mic and had the orchestra perform something else, as he began to sing.

The guests were once again distracted by Gus, while everyone stared in shock and dumbfounded, blown away by Gus' performance. Then Fu finally spoke up, "I think we've just got our distraction. Agooagoo."

Taking a chance, the turtles slipped out to grab the chalice. Mikey grabbed it, and they hurried back to the others.
Later, Gus arrived looking tired. "Man, that took a lot of concentration!" He said. Then he was suddenly scooped into a hug by Luz.

"So cool!" She gushed.

"You were amazing, Gus!" Amity exclaimed.

"I had no idea you could sing like that!" Willow added in awe.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, boy!" Mikey cheered.

"You got some serious vocal game, Gus." Trix commented.

“And we got the chalice.” Trixie said in relief.

“Yes, we have...” Lao Shi began before getting a good look at it, “This is the wrong one!”

“What?!” the group asked.

“Mikey!” Raph scolded.

“Don't blame me alone! You were there with me!” Mikey argued.

“Guys, enough!” April stopped them.

“So where's the real chalice?” King asked.

Said chalice was actually being filled up by Susan Long who was busy talking with the Gala Chairman, “Mrs. Long, I am very impressed by your catering.”

“Thank you, sir.” Susan answered gratefully.

“In fact, I'm going to recommend you to all my close personal friends. They'll certainly be thrilled to hear about your fine work here.”

Susan was distracted by the chairman's plans to recommend her, she hadn't been concentrating on how much water she was pouring in. Jake looked over and to his horror saw her filling the real chalice without concentrating and saw it was nearing the top.

“NOOOOO!!!” He cried.

But it was too late, the goblet had been overfilled unintentionally by Susan as it began glowing and emerging from the chalice was the djinn.

“Oh, my titan!” Edric and Emira gasped.

“He does not look like the wish granting type.” Pinkie said in shock.

The sight of the djinn scared the gala guests who piled out, as he started started throwing green fireballs around and roaring.

"So much for not letting the djinn escape." Eda stated.

"I can't imagine how things could possibly get worse!" Jake questioned.

"JACOB LUKE LONG!" Everyone looked and saw Susan standing right behind Jake, looking very ticked off.

"It just got worse!" Jake facepalmed.

"You shouldn't say things like that out loud." Pinkie noted.

Jake turned to his mother, "Look, mom, I-" he began, but Susan cut him off.

"I thought I made myself quite clear, no magical shenanigans near my jobs!" Susan snapped, "And you didn't listen!"

"Well yeah, but you see-" Jake tried to explain.

"I don't wanna hear it!" Susan rebuffed. "You are GROUNDED young man! Do you hear me, GROUNDED!"

"Ah man!" Jake moaned and lowered his head.

"I have told you time and time again, but you never listen!" Susan went on yelling at him.

"Jeez." Rainbow winced.

"And I thought Splinter was strict." Raph said.

"I know, right?" Casey agreed.

"It's no wonder he wanted to wait to get the chalice." Emira realized.

"Poor dude." Mikey frowned.

"I feel sorry for that guy." Gus said.

"I knew thee well." Spud took off his hat in remorse.

As everyone watched Jake's mom scold him despite the threat of the djinn happening, Amity was frowning hard at the scene. As Susan went on, her frown turned into a glare, she gritted her teeth, and clenched her fist. Luz noticed her girlfriend's angered look, "Amity? What's wrong, sweet potato?"

Instead of answering, Amity stormed up to Susan and shouted, "HEY! You're the one who let the djinn out and now you're punishing Jake for it?! REALLY?!" Susan, Jake, and everyone else were surprised by her outburst as Amity went on, "Did it ever cross your mind that he was trying not to let this happen? That he was trying to follow your stupid 'No Magical Shenanigans' rule? Or that those kinds rules make his job as the American Dragon even harder than it already is? Of course not! Because it skipped your generation, so you don't known what it's like! Therefore, you don't understand your son's struggles!"

"Whoa, Amity, I never said-" Jake tried to reason, but Amity ignored him.

"Jake told us about all the times you punished him for basically doing his job! You can't make him stop doing his dragon duties or stuff like this will happen!" Amity pointed at the djinn, who was still causing mayhem, "Jake may be a fourteen year old kid, but he's also a magical guardian with a duty and creatures to protect! So with all due respect to you, Mrs. Long, STEP OFF AND LET JAKE HELP US STOP THE DJINN BEFORE SOMEONE GET'S HURT!!!"

Susan stared back in utter shock, as did everyone else.

"Whoa." Luz said.

“That's dropping the ball.” Sunset gasped.

Jake sighed, “Look, mom, we'll talk later. But right now. DRAGON UP!” Jake changed into dragon form and flew at the djinn blowing fireballs his way. Lao Shi and Haley joined in, as well as everyone else.

“Let's go team!” Leo ordered, as he and his bros dropped their cloaking fields revealing their true forms.

“Let's get our magic on!” Mikey called, as the four bros amulets glowered and powered them up.

“Be careful, the djinn can momentarily sap your energies!” Lao Shi warned, as he dodged a fire ball from the creature.

“I think he needs to cool off!” Leo manipulated his water magic and doused the djinn with water soaking it.

“Mah turn!” Applejack called, as she jumped up and delivered a powerful kick at the djinn.

The creature crashed into a wall poofing into green smoke, “You got him!” Pinkie cheered.

“I wouldn't say that.” Willow replied, as they saw the djinn reformed itself.

“Spud, the incantation!” Jake called.

“Uh, right!” Spud was ready to call the incantation only for the djinn to remember what happened last time and started aiming its fire balls at him.

“Protect Spud!” Sunset called, as the Rainbooms attacked the djinn with the turtles, their friends, and the Hex Squad.

As Spud stumbled to say the incantation, Rarity used her magic to block the djinn's attacks, “Someone do something about him?!”

“I got it!” Amity used her abomination magic to encase its hands into slime.

“Alright!” Luz cheered.

The djinn growled as he slammed himself into the floor poofing into green smoke before reformatting himself free of the slime on his hands.

“Well, it sort of worked.” Trixie told them.

The djinn fought around Jake before grabbing him, “Jake!” Rose called, as she jumped up and kicked the djinn making the creature release Jake.

As Karai was dodging shots from the djinn, she called to Spud, “That incantation!”

“I can't concentrate when I'm freaking out!” Spud cried his excuse.

“We'll make it harder for the djinn to find you!” Gus called, as he and the Blight twins used their illusion magic to make it seem like dozens of Spuds were in the room talking randomly.

The sight of this got the djinn confused, but got angry as he tried attacking them all causing them to dispel. As the real Spud was trying to concentrate he grabbed the chalice and spoke, “Ok, time to be a hero!” he ran under the djinn who saw him below before hearing Spud chant, “Abibigo Airry Aagee Atomb!” he announced constantly. Despite the incantation being spoken differently it started to take affect as the goblet glowed and engulfed the roaring djinn sucking it right back inside.

“You got it!” Luz cheered.

“Yeah!” the rest of the group cheered, as they powered down and Jake, Haley, and Lao Shi, changed back.

“That takes care of that.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, but what about this?” Sunset asked motioning to the mess caused by their fight with the djinn.

Susan looked around in disbelief, “I'm ruined.”

“Not yet, you're not, ma'am.” Rainbow replied, as she used her speed zipping around making the place cleaned up, “See? No problem.”

Lao Shi grabbed the chalice, “This is coming with us.”

“We'll be right on the balcony.” Leo told Susan, as everyone retreated to the balcony with Jake being the last who looked over at his mom before following the others.

As they waited, Jake sat down dismally over what happened, “Oh, I am so dead for this.”

“Hey, you did what had to be done.” Raph reminded him.

“Yeah, but every time I do the right thing it always blows up in my face!” Jake sighed.

“Life's never easy, kid. Believe me.” Eda said.

“And you wanna talk about messing up, have we got stories.” Donnie added.

“Like what?” Jake asked.

“Well, our father Splinter grounded us because we unintentionally blew our cover while dealing with our friend Muckman.” Leo explained.

“It was horrible. He even took away the TV!” Mikey cried.

“But we had to fix things, so April managed to distract sensei so we could get out,” Leo continued, “And we managed to make things right and preserve our secret. Splinter was glad we did so, but still punished us for sneaking off.”

“Somehow that's not helping my mood.” Jake said dryly.

Soon the door opened, and out came Susan. Seeing her Jake got up as all his friends stood behind him, “Mom, I am so sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You have to believe me!”

Susan held a hand out shushing her son, “It's ok, Jake. I get it. I keep forgetting you have responsibilities, and I always put so much pressure on you to keep it away from my work. I never experienced your responsibilities as the American Dragon, so I have no idea how hard it's really been for you. I just want you to be careful with what you do. You're my son and I love you. No matter what. And you did save the gala. So it all worked out.”

“It did?” Jake asked.

“But what about the guests?” Fluttershy asked.

“They all thought it was an elaborate stage show and actually enjoyed it.” Susan explained.

“And the chairman?” Rarity wondered.

“Even he was impressed and said he planned on recommending me to even more of his important friends.” Susan smiled.

“That's great, mom!” Jake cheered.

“Well, in a weird way I have you and all your interesting friends to thank for that.” Susan said, before hugging her son. The others watched feeling glad Susan and Jake made up with Pinkie bawling happily.

Amity smiled at the scene, but then she looked down in guilt and walked up to them.,"Mrs. Long, I'm... sorry I snapped at you earlier." she apologized.

"Well, as aggressive as you were, I needed to hear that," Susan admitted, "But I accept your apology, Amity."

"Yo, I just got one question?" Trix spoke up, "Why'd you turn all up and nasty on Jakey's mom?"

"Yeah, I'm wondering that too?" Jake added, "Not that I don't appreciate you sticking up for me."

"We're all wondering that as well." Leo spoke on behalf of the Ninjas.

"From the way you reacted, it looked almost like it was personal for you." Sunset noted.

"It kind of was," Amity looked away before she answered, "Hearing about Jake's issues reminded me about... the issues I have with my own mother."

"Well that makes sense." Luz stated.

"It does?" Trixie looked confused.

"Big time." Eda frowned.

"What kind of issues?" Rose asked.

"My mom, Odalia, isn't exactly a good person," Amity explained, "When I was little, she made me end my friendship with Willow, because she said that us Blights only associate with the strongest of witches, and she considered Willow weak. When I wouldn't do it, she threatened that she would make sure Willow would never attend Hexside again."

Everyone gasped as Applejack asked, "Your mother destroyed your friendship with Willow?!"

"Seriously?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Seriously." Willow confirmed dismally.

"Whoa, sounds like your mom's a really type-A snob!" Keno commented.

"She's worse then that," Emira stated. "Mom's CEO of Blight Industries, and she uses Mittens as a model to showcase each product they make to her investors."

"She does what?!" April gasped.

"For real?!" Trix gasped. "That is some kinda twisted right there!"

“What products does your mom's company actually make?” Donnie asked curiously.

“Well, you know the abomaton Kikimora uses?” they nodded, “That's one of the products, that were supposed to be made for home security until they were adopted into the ranks of the Emperor's Coven.”

“You got to hate when something that was supposed to be made for good intentions are usurped by someone with ulterior motives.” Keno said, as Twilight and Sunset nodded in agreement.

Amity nodded and continued, "One day, after a presentation of the abomaton flopped due to me destroying it when it almost stepped on my Grom photo of me, Luz. Willow, and Gus, mom had them all unlawfully expelled from Hexside."

"Expelled?!" Twilight gasped.

"That is messed up, yo!" Casey glared.

"Yeah it is!" Luz agreed, "When I called her out on it, she told me it wasn't personal, just that they were teaching Amity a lesson in business, which I called applesauce on!" Applejack nodded firmly.

"So we tried a lot of ways to get back into Hexside," Gus chimed in, "And failed each time. On the last attempt, Odalia ratted me and Willow out to our parents and got us grounded!" Jake and Haley were surprised by this.

"After that, I went to her to try and get her to let us back into Hexside, or at least Willow and Gus," Luz said. "She agreed to if I modeled the new abomination products. And that was physically not fun!"

"When Mittens found out, she got Willow and Gus and they went to the presentation to save Luz and me and Em managed to sneak them in." Edric stated.

"We showed up just in time to see Luz test out the last product, the new and improved abomaton," Amity said.

"It roughed me up bad," Luz shuttered at the memory, "When I told Odalia that I'd had enough, she said that the abomaton wouldn't stop until I was completely annihilated!"

"Wait, so your saying that she was trying to have you killed?!" Donnie asked in shock.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Okay, now that for some real twisted right there!" Trix exclaimed.

"But luckily, Sweet Potato managed to save me." Luz smiled at Amity, making her blush.

"As I held off the abomaton, I finally stood up to my mom and made her let my friends back into Hexside, threatening to destroy the abomaton in front of her precious investors!"

"Could you really do that?" Spike asked.

"I was bluffing," Amity confessed, "But she bought it and agreed. So Luz and I made it look like the abomaton beat us."

"Dude... your mom is pure evil!" Mikey declared.

"Yes she is." all three of the Blights replied dryly.

"I heard some parents disapprove of their kids friends and love interests, but that's extreme! Agoogoo!" Fu exclaimed.

Susan hearing this realized how she came off and put a hand on Amity's shoulder, “I'm so sorry yo have to deal with such family problems, Amity. But I assure you I am nothing like that. True I can overreact and make my son's responsibility as the American Dragon difficult at times. But I would never do anything like your mother did to you and your friends.”

Amity smiled, “I can believe that.”

Jake sighed in relief, “Man I need a pizza with all the works after this.”

“You read my mind bro.” Mikey agreed, as everyone else was in agreement.

Author's Note:
  • The Rainbooms' and April's dresses were the ones from Camp Everfree's Crystal Ball
  • Gus' outfit is inspired by the outfit his voice actor, Issac Ryan Brown wore in the his performance of Problem.
  • The rest of the Hex Squad's outfits were the same ones they wore at Grom
  • Amity yelling at Susan Long is based off Haley snapping at Lao Shi for not understanding Jake's struggles or needs in the episode "Being Human".
  • Karai's dress is based off the one 2003 Karai wore at the end of the episode "Still Nobody".