• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

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After the misunderstanding, the Rainbooms, the Turtles and their friends, along with team AM Dragon, and the Hex Squad retreated from the warehouse and went up to another building's roof top.

“Ok, we're all in the clear that we're not each others enemies?” April asked everyone.

“Agreed.” Sunset confirmed.

“Yes.” Leo agreed.

“Sure thing.” Jake nodded.

“I guess so.” Luz admitted while still surprised at seeing the non humans from the Turtles and Jake still in dragon form.

“So let's get some intros, yo!” Mikey insisted.

Leo nodded, as he stepped forward, “My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael.”

“Hey, those names are Italian!” Spud realized.

“Not just Italian, bud,” Fu Dog continued, “They're the names of some of the greatest Renaissance painters in history,” Jake gave him an odd look, “What? I appreciate art from time to time.”

“Well, you're right. We were named after Renaissance painters.” Leo confirmed.

“It was our father's favorite passion.” Donnie explained.

“And he's a rat.” Mikey finished making the other two groups look confused.

April stepped forward, “Anyway, I'm April O'Neil.”

“Casey Jones' the name, vigilante's my game.” Casey boasted.

“A vigilante?” Jake asked.

“You mean you take the law into yur own hands?!” Trix asked in shock.

“Mostly because the problems around here are too much for the cops to deal with.” Casey replied.

Karai spoke up, “I'm Karai Hamato.”

“And I am Shinigami. But call me Shini.” she smiled.

Spud blushed, “Whoa. Now that we're not fighting I can see these two are darkly gorgeous.” Jake and Trix gave Spud dry reactions.

"No kidding." Gus agreed, as Willow shook her head.

Sunset spoke up, “Anyway, I'm Sunset Shimmer.”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Applejack.” she tipped her hat.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Rarity, darlings.”


“And I'm Pinkie Pie!”

Luz whispered to her friends, “I think she and I could be good friends.” Willow, Gus, and Amity rolled their eyes amused.

“And I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” the girl introduced dramatically.

Trix blinked, “Wait, hold on! Your name's Trixie?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Because that's my name!”

“Wait, you're also Trixie?”


“But I thought I was the only one.” Trixie said in surprise.

“I feel ya.” Trix patted her shoulder.

Spud gasped, “Wait a second, I recognize those names,” he turned to his friends, “Dudes, they're Canterlot City's Rainbooms!”

The Rainbooms?” Jake asked in surprise.

“Well, this is turning out to be a treat, a-goo-goo!” Fu cheered.

“A dragon knows about us?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Well, actually...”

“Hey, kid, what would gramps think?” Fu Dog warned Jake.

“This is for a good cause, Fu. Anyway, I'm Jake Long, the American Dragon.” he posed.

“American Dragon?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Jake!” came a new voice, as the group saw a little pink dragon with black pigtails flying in, “I got here as soon as I can. Back up is here! So who're we fighting?”

“A little late for the party, Haley.” Jake replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Chang got away, but we ran into others.” Jake motioned to the group.

The little dragon named Haley looked to them, “Are those giant turtles, and are those the Rainbooms I like to listen to?”

“One and the same.” Fu confirmed.

“And who's this little one?” Rarity inquired.

“This is my little sister Haley.”

“Oh, you're so cute!” Pinkie cooed as she hugged her.

“Pinkie Pie's hugging me!” Haley cheered.

“Anyway these are my friends Spud, Trixie, and Rose.” Jake continued.

“Nice to meet you.” Rose greeted.

“And of course, Fu Dog.”

Fluttershy got down to Fu Dog's level and pat his head, “Aren't you a sweet looking one?”

“Oh, I love the head pats.” Fu panted.

“Your dog talks?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I ain't your garden variety pooch, sweetheart. I'm a magical guardian to Jake here. Surprised you all ain't so much more shocked seeing a talking dog since well, we're not really supposed to.”

Spike walked over, “That's because they're used to it. Name's Spike.”

“Your dog talks too?” Spud asked in surprise.

“Is he your guardian?” Jake wondered.

“Well, more like my assistant.” Twilight admitted.

“Better than you calling me the focus of your one research project. Honestly I would've preferred being called pet.” Spike replied.

“Oh, our turn! Our turn!” Luz spoke up, “I'm Luz Noceda, and this is Eda Clawthorne. Or Eda the Owl Lady.”

“Owl Lady?” April asked.

“You betcha, red. And I am the most powerful witch there is!” Eda declared.

“Not as much from before!” King snarked making Eda frown.

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy gasped, as she rushed over and scooped King up, “And who is this cute little guy?”

“That'd be King.” Luz replied.

“Oh, what a sweetie!” Fluttershy nuzzled him.

“Great, just what I need another Luz!” King groaned.

Hooty stretched out from his backpack, “Hoot-Hoot! Hiya!”

“What is that thing?” Karai asked in shock.

“A bird demon?” Mikey asked.

“This is Hooty, and he's the security for my home, but he insists on joining us.” Eda explained.

“It doesn't feel fair I get left out so much. Hoot-hoot!” Hooty pouted.

“Anyway, these are my friends Willow and Gus,” the two waved, as Luz put an arm around Amity, “And this is Amity, my awesome girlfriend!”

“Oh, Luz!” Amity blushed while giggling.

“Ya know, they do look cute together.” Mikey told his bros.

Ed and Em then nudged Amity to introduce them. Amity sighed, “These are my older twin siblings, Edric, and Emira.”

“Hi!” the two greeted.

“So now that we're all on first name bases, can we get some insight on all of you?” Donnie asked the other group.

"Okay. I don't even know where to begin, but, you see..." Luz began, when Pinkie suddenly interrupted, speaking fast paced.

"You guys are from a magical realm called the Boiling Isles where witches and demons coexist," she pointed at Luz, "And you're from another human realm but destroyed your only portal back home to keep it out of the hands of this evil guy named Emperor Belos and have been working to build a new portal back before he invades your home!" Then she pointed at Jake, " And you're a shapeshifting Dragon, part of a world-wide group of dragons who act as guardians of the magical world and protect all kinds of magical creatures from the mortal world. And you're here to track down this rouge Dragon called Chang, who escaped from prison, and have to stop her before she does something really really bad!" She finished with a squee.

Luz, Jake, and all their friends stared in wide eyed, dumbfounded shock, while Spud said, "Wow, that was incredibly spot on accurate."

"What?! Huh?! How did you know all that?!" Jake asked, in surprise.

Luz gasped, "Are you psychic?"

"Of course not, silly," Pinkie replied, "April's the one who's psychic. That was all just a hunch."

"A HUNCH?!" The two parties exclaimed.

"But that's not! I mean you can't! How can you even!" Amity stammered.

"Okay, hold everythang!" Trix said. "You mean to tell us, that you accurately guessed their backstory and Jake's backstory, on a hunch?!"

"Pretty much." Pinkie shrugged.

"Dang, that girl is some kind of weird," Trix said.

"That's what my other dimensional counterpart once said." Mikey noted.

Jake continued to blink in surprise, “Well, that just blew my mind.”

“But what do you mean April's psychic?” Rose asked.

“It's a long story.” April confessed.

Mikey then blinked, “Dudes, I just realized something.

“What is it now, Mikey?” Raph groaned.

"Amity sounds exactly like April!" Mikey explained, pointing at the purple haired witchling.

"Hey, now that you mentioned it, Rose sounds exactly like Amity!" Luz noted.

"Huh, come to think of it, April sounds exactly like Rose," Spud put in, "That is weird."

The three said girls looked annoyed and spoke in unison, "What? That's ridiculous! I sound nothing like her!" They froze and looked at each other in shock, "Okay, that was freaky. Hey, cut it out! Stop that! Your proving their point! Antidisestablishmentarianism! Seriously? Ugh!"

Everyone looked disturbed as Pinkie said, "Freaky deaky!"

"Freaky is right!" Trix agreed.

Eda and Fu on the other hand just burst out laughing.

"Now that's what I call comedy!" Fu said.

"I wish I had recorded that," Eda added.

Just then, they were beaned by Rose's sandals, splattered with abomination goo, and blasted by April's psychic wave. The three girls gave annoyed frowns before Jake handed Rose's sandal back.

Eda wiped the goo off her face, "Touchy."

“No kidding.” Fu agreed.

“Uh, I don't know about all of you, but maybe we should take this discussion someplace else?” Applejack suggested.

“Hmm...” Leo pondered.

“Leo, are you serious?” Raph asked sensing what he was thinking.

“It's plain to see that our enemies have crossed paths, from Abigail Finn to this Chang Dragon Pinkie mentioned in Jake's backstory, and I got a feeling that short person and her flunkies came from this Boiling Isles Luz and her party came from.”

“Short person?” Willow asked.

“Kikimora!” Luz frowned.

“You guys met her?” Gus asked.

“Yeah. She and these scouts were interrogating innocent people for information on someone they were looking for.” Leo explained.

“Which we can assume it was you guys?” Karai asked the Hex Squad.

“More or less.” Eda shrugged.

“We'll have to discuss things someplace else,” Leo explained, “We'll go to our place.”

“You guys live here in New York too?” Jake asked.

“Born and raised, Jakey.” Mikey smiled.

“Well, we weren't actually born in the city.” Donnie corrected.

“Save the accuracy, Donnie.” Rainbow replied.

“We'll go back to the lair and try to understand where each of you are coming from.” Sunset explained.

“And hopefully we can use the information together to find our enemies.” Twilight added.

“Then let's go!” Jake said before Rose stopped him and her sister.

“Maybe you two should change back?” Rose suggested, as Jake nodded before he and Haley were engulfed in flames and became human again.

“Whoa, you're human too?” Casey asked.

“Well, a little bit of both.” Jake admitted.

“It's in our blood.” Haley explained.

“Come on, teams. Let's move!” Leo ordered, as they took off.

Author's Note:

The bit with Amity, Rose, and April plays off the fact that all three are voiced by Mae Whitman. And the scene itself was based off a scene from DuckTales 2017 episode The Beagle Birthday Breakout! where Huey, Dewey, and Louie all spoke at the same time.