• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,616 Views, 453 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

The Magical Heroes

The heroes and Sir Malachi were wandering through the sewer in search of Sir Malachi's staff now in the possession of Lady Slithereene who intends to make illusion into reality.

“Be careful my brave companions,” Sir Malachi warned them, “Lady Slithereene is not to be taken lightly.”

“Yeah, and neither has any other enemy we've encountered.” Rainbow added.

“Don't worry, Sir Malachi, we'll secure your staff.” Luz promised.

“Yeah that Lady Slithereene ain't gonna no what hit her.” Trix put in.

As they continued on, Lady Slithereene continued to watch them, before speaking to herself, “So sure of themselves. We'll I'll give them something to show what they're up against.” she snapped her fingers.

Back with the heroes they started to hear snake hissing sounds, “Karai, are you nervous or something?” Trixie asked her.

“That's not me.” Karai replied.

“Oh, no.” Sir Malachi gasped.

“What is it?” Gus asked.

“We got company!” the wizard mutant pointed down the tunnel, as they saw snake warriors armed with swords and shields emerge.

Mikey and Spud screamed in panic, as they others looked in shock, “Oh, man!” Jake gasped.

“They're Lady Slithereene's snake warriors!” Sir Malachi explained.

“Everyone, spread out and take 'em!” Leo called, as they did so.

Leo and Karai drew their swords and fought a bunch of the snake warriors, until one tried to strike behind them, only for it to get roasted by Jake who used his dragon fire.

“Whoa! I still got my fire?” Jake asked, until an idea came to mind, “Let's see. Dragon up!” he shifted into dragon form still wearing his knight armor, “Oh, yeah! Dragon Knight's in the house, yo!”

Luz and Amity were fighting in sync with their magics. Luz used a light glyph to blind the snakes leaving them wide open for Amity to launch abomination slime pinning them against the wall.

“This would make a killer side-story to Azura.” Luz told her girlfriend.

“It definitely would.” Amity agreed.

Applejack and Trix being the archers along with Mikey were launching arrows all around at the serpentine warriors. Rainbow ran circles around her opponents while cutting them down, before getting caught in the tail grip of one of them.

“Let me go!” she demanded.

The snake was ready to strike its prey until Shini used her hypno staff on it making it release Rainbow and back off.

“Nice, save, Shini.”

“No problem.” she replied, as they rejoined the fight.

They kept fighting the snake minions, until they were all knocked into a pile before they disappeared.

“That was intense.” Gus gasped.

“We got a lot of weird creatures back home, and yet these guys still make it look new.” Eda added.

Suddenly appearing before them was an astral form of Lady Slithereene, “Very impressive heroes.”

“Lady Slithereene.” Sir Malachi gasped.

“That's her?” Fluttershy asked.

Leo stepped forward, “Alright, Lady Slithereene, we're giving you one chance. Return Sir Malachi's staff and surrender peacefully. And we just might show you mercy.”

Slithereene laughed, “You really think I'm going to roll over and show my belly like that? You are very foolish.”

“Yeah he does have moments like that.” Raph agreed, making Leo frown at him.

“Still I commend you all on your bravery and skills, but it matters not. You stand no chance against my powers.”

“Odds have never stopped any of us before.” Sunset warned her.

“And it never will, ever.” Rose added.

“Well, if you insist on going further, I won't stop you. But be warned, for those warriors were not my worst monsters.”

“There's more?” Willow asked in worry.

“Much more. So be weary, heroes!” she laughed, as her illusion faded.

“When I find snake eyes I'm gonna bust her up so hard!” Casey promised.

“Where to, Sir Malachi?” Fugitoid inquired.

“This way.” Sir Malachi instructed, as they continued down one tunnel.

As they continued through the sewers, Pinkie spoke, “What kind of other creatures you think Lady Slitereene has at her command?”

“Nothing good, I'll bet.” Donnie replied.

“I could worry less about whatever that snakey sorceress throws at us. For not only am I the Great and Powerful, I am also the Unscareable Trixie!” Trixie declared.

After she said that, the wall behind her slid up to reveal huge figures in the shadows. Trixie slowly turned around just as the figures jumped out with loud roars. With a shriek of terror, Trixie shot into the air and landed into Trix's arms.

“So much for the Unscareable Trixie.” Fu joked.

“No kidding!” Trix chuckled, before dropping the frightened girl.

Fluttershy looked at the imposing figure as it reminded her of someone, “Slash?!” the others gasped, as the figure stepped out revealing it to be a monstrous turtle creature that did look like Slash only more angry looking and ravenous. Following him were several more just like him.

“Uh, please tell me that Slash has a bunch of twins who look really threatening but are actually really nice?” Trixie asked Raph.

“Nope.” he responded.

“And they don't look nice either.” Eda noted.

Suddenly Slithereene's voice echoed, “Attack my turtle ogres!”

The turtle ogres roared, as they went on the attack, “Game on!” Raph called as he swung his battle ax at one knocking it back but shook it off, “Ok, new plan.” he jumped aside to avoid its strike.

“If they wanna use raw muscle, then this is my kind of fight!” Applejack used her geode and started punching through some of the turtle ogres, but they started to pick themselves back up for round two.

Willow used her plant magic to summon a flower monster with eyes on each petal to attack one of the turtle ogres. When three more came at her, she summoned vines to whack and ensnare them.

Rarity slid in, "Hold them steady, darling!" And she threw her gems at the turtle ogres, encasing them.

"Nice one, Rarity!" Willow said.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Diamonds really are a girl's best friend!" Rarity beamed.

Suddenly, they heard a cracking sound and turned just as the turtle ogres broke out of the gems. However, just as one swung it's weapon down, Hooty popped up, blocking the attack.

"Hoot hoot, hello. And goodbye!" Then he wrapped around the turtle ogre and tossed it away. When another tried attacking him, he wrapped his body around its arm and made it hit itself with its own weapon, "Hoot, stop hitting yourself! Why are you hitting yourself?" Then the house demon made it smack away the other turtle ogres. "Why are you hitting them?"

"Wow, Hooty's kinda impressive." Spike admitted.

"Yeah he has his moments," King whispered to Spike, "Don't ever tell him I said that."

"Goongala!" Casey called as he, Raph, Karai, and Leo fought the turtle ogres with their weapons.

Then Jake flew in carrying Rose before he tossed her toward one of the turtle ogres and she nailed it in the face with a kick. Then she lept off it and grabbed hold of another, using her momentum to slam it to the ground.

Jake fought some turtle ogres with his martial art skills and quipped, "You chumps really burn me up!" And blasted them with his fire breath.

Karai and Rose ended up back to back with turtle ogres on each side. Then the two smirked to each other. "Double team?" Rose asked.

"You know it!" Karai grinned and the two tag-teamed against the turtle ogres.

“Mage's ready?” Twilight asked as Luz, Trixie, Amity, Spud, Donnie, and Gus readied their staffs and cast a spell of energy knocking the turtle ogres back.

“Down for the count!” Spud cheered, they saw their opponents get back up, “Or not.”

“Leave this to Ed and me.” Emira said, as they used their magic to make multiple copies of them running around the Turtle Ogres.

The monsters tried attacking the many copies of Edric and Emira, but only ended up hitting illusions which was starting to infuriate them.

“They are not looking happy.” Rarity gasped.

"Then maybe these will slow them down!" Sunset threw out her magic cards and summoned a small tornado that swept them up and scattered them around.

The turtle ogres got up and roared. "Now it's my turn!" Fugitoid threw his dice and rolled a twelve. Then an owl bear appeared and attacked the turtle ogres.

Hooty looked at the owl bear and gasped, "Uncle Clancy?!"

“My turn!” Pinkie waved her staff conjuring firecrackers before the turtle ogres and upon exploding they were getting disoriented.

April, and Eda started sneaking around the monsters setting up tripwires that caused the turtle ogres to start tripping over each other.

“Alright!” April cheered.

“That'll show 'em!” Eda smirked.

The turtles ogres pushed themselves off the other roaring, before getting back up.

"Okay, boys, you wanna play?" Eda grinned and transformed into her harpy form. Then she swooped in and snatched one of their maces

The owl lady then flew around the turtle ogres from all directions, striking one with the mace then another, before she knocked one off it's feet with an upper swing.

"All yours, April!" Eda called, then April blasted them with a psychic wave.

Four came at them, when Leo leapt up and knocked one down with a drop-kick. Jake flew in and tail lashed another. Then Luz jumped in and threw in two ice glyphs to summoned two pillars to knock down the last two.

The turtles ogres pushed themselves off the other roaring, before getting back up, “Man, these guys don't know when to quit!” King groaned.

“You thinking what I'm thinking?” Fu asked him.

“Yeah!” King jumped into Fu's arms as the animal guardian held him like a gun.

“Back up, jacks, this thing's loaded! I'll letcha have it!” The turtle ogres roared and came closer, “Okay, I warned ya!” he pulled King's tail down like a switch, making him fire his sonic howls and blasting the turtle ogres away making them back up towards the end of the tunnel that led to a pit making them all fall down it and disappear.

“And we thought Hun was a tough turtle.” Casey told the others.

“Way to go Fu and King!” Jake pumped a fist.

“You two showed them.” Mikey high fived the two.

“It's what I do.” King boasted.

“Hey, you hear something?” Hooty asked.

“Besides your voice?” Raph asked rhetorically.

“I hear waves.” the owl house demon spoke.

“Down in the sewers?” Spud asked.

“I hear it too.” Sunset listened in.

“This way.” April said, as they continued on down another tunnel.

They followed it to the end where they discovered a whole sea of water, “No way!” Leo gasped.

“A whole sea in the sewer?” Jake asked in disbelief.

“This can't be.” Donnie said equally confused.

“Remember, Slitereene can turn dreams into reality.” Malachi reminded them.

“So how're we gonna cross a whole sea?” Trix asked.

“By boat.” Spud answered.

“Spud, don't be ridiculous. We don't have a boat.” Amity replied.

“I know, so we'll use that one.” Spud pointed to a boat on the water all tied up to a pipe.

“A boat!” the Rainbooms gasped.

“That's some coincidence.” Donnie noted.

“Yeah.” Gus agreed while eyeing the boat.

“Well, at least we have something to cross the water with.” Fu said.

“Then let's go!” Trix called, as they got on board the boat that was big enough to accommodate them all.

“So who's driving this thing?” Eda asked.

“This is my department.” Fugitoid stepped up.

“It's true, he is a boat merchant and captain here.” Mikey agreed.

“And he's worked with ships before, both at sea and in space.” April put in.

Fugitoid went to the helm, and addressed his crew, “Trim the sails and shove off!”

The group did as they were instructed by their captain and soon they set sail to sewer parts unknown.

As their ship sailed down, Applejack started looking green, “Oh, geez. I'm feeling seasick now!” she leaned over the ship and retched much to the others disgust.

“Water is getting choppy.” Luz agreed.

“Well, we can't turn back now.” Leo reminded her.

Fluttershy looked down into the water seeing her reflection feeling a sense of peace. But as she looked closer she could see the water while choppy looked as if it was moving and not like regular wavy motions.

“Hm?” she wondered, as she put her finger to dip into the water only for the water to grab her hand making her scream.

“Fluttershy!” Sunset and Twilight cried, as the group saw her trying to get pulled overboard.

The turtles, Luz, Jake, Rose, and Casey grabbed Fluttershy pulling her back into the boat, “What's got her?” Casey asked.

“The water!” Fluttershy answered.

“The water?” April and Amity asked, before seeing a tendril of water latched onto Fluttershy's hand.

“Hold still!” Applejack ordered, as she fired a magic arrow at the tendril breaking it off from the water, as the part latched onto Fluttershy's hand turned into regular water.

“What was that?” Trix asked in confusion.

“Guys. I don't think this is ordinary water were sailing on.” Gus feared.

The group looked and saw the water was actually alive and started rocking their boat, “Oh, not again!” Applejack groaned, as her face turned green.

Tendrils of water rose up from the supposed sea and started trying to whip at the group, while many of them were able to swat the tendrils away with their weapons, the mages casting spells to repel them, but some of the tendrils managed to damage the ship.

“If the boat keeps taking too big hits we're gonna sink!” Fugitoid warned the group, as he tried steering through the sentient water.

Jake spat dragon fire at a water tendril making it evaporate but it only sent more at him, “Well, someone better think of something fast!”

Fu suddenly spotted a sewer valve connected to a pipe, “Jake, there's a valve!”

Jake spotted the valve caught onto what Fu Dog was hinting at. He spread his wings and flew right to the valve, “Time to flush this fool!” he turned the valve a few times, and suddenly the watery monster started sinking as it drained into the sewer vents below them.

When the water was drained they saw the supposed open sea area was back to looking like the sewer, “Man I am not liking that snake's tricks!” Raph grumbled.

“Don't let her get to you, Raph.” Sunset warned him.

“Well, at least the water creature's gone.” Luz noted.

“Yeah, but doing that lowered the tide, and the sewer tunnel's all the way up there.” Donnie motioned upward.

“We can fly you guys up.” Jake offered, until Willow spoke.

“Allow me, Jake.” the girl used her plant magic to conjure a beanstalk that kept growing as the heroes rode it all the way up to the level where the tunnel was.

“Way to go, Willow!” Mikey cheered.

“I knew you could do it.” Amity commended her as the girl smiled.

“We need to go this way.” Malachi instructed while motioning down the tunnel.

“Easy, we don't know what else could be there.” Leo told the group.

“I can handle this.” Fluttershy said, before whistling which summoned an army of sewer rats.

The sight of them almost made Rarity and even Casey jump, but they held it together, as Fluttershy spoke to the rodents.

“Could you all scout ahead and make sure that it's safe for us?” the rats nodded and scurried off down the tunnel.

“Wow, it's like Fluttershy's the Rat Queen.” Mikey joked.

“Don't even go there.” Raph replied.

Soon the rats returned and squeaked to Fluttershy who translated, “They say there's nothing up ahead. At least none they can tell.”

“Well, it's better than nothing.” April told the others, as Fluttershy dismissed the rats.

“Then let's move in with caution.” Leo instructed.

As they followed the tunnel, Donnie had a realization, “Guys, I think this tunnel leads us right to the Under City.”

“That's where your sensei fought both he Rat King and Super Shredder?” Jake recalled.

“That's right.” Leo confirmed.

“I am sensing a presence in there.” April concentrated.

They entered the Under City and looked around, “Whoa.” Luz gasped.

“Look at this place.” Spud gasped.

“Be careful everyone,” Donnie explained, “The platforms around here are unstable, and the drop below is a thousand feet.”

“Yikes.” Amity gasped, as she Willow and Gus looked down. Seeing the cloudy air covering the darkness below.

“Where's Slithereene?” Trix looked around.

“Closer than you think!” she hissed, as the group saw Slithereene slinking around a stone pillar, “Welcome travelers to my domain!”

“You have weird taste in places.” Eda looked around.

“It's over, Slithereene, we beat your monsters, now give back Malachi's staff!” Twilight ordered.

“Fools!” she hissed, “Did you really think those snake warriors, turtle ogres, and living water were my best monsters? Oh, no. I saved the best for last.”

“What do you think her best is?” Trixie asked Rainbow and Applejack who had no clue.

They started to hear a slithering echo from all around the Under City, when eyes fell on Karai she answered, “Not me.”

Fluttershy looked down into the chasm, “Everyone. There's something down there.”

The group glanced downward before emerging from the chasm was a giant snake that looked half as big as Tohka, which got the heroes panicking.

“GIANT SNAKE!” Mikey screamed.

Slithereene laughed, “Now face the fury of my pet! Attack!” she hissed an order, as the giant snake lunged its head at the group who dispersed avoiding it's snap.

“Did you see the fangs on that thing?!” Trix cried.

“Now what?!” Raph asked.

“We bring it down!” Leo called.

“But this place is gonna fall apart!” Luz reminded him.

“Then some of us will have to go airborne.” Jake said, as she held onto Rose.

“We're on it.” Amity said, as she, her sibs, Gus, and Willow used their own palismans on their staffs to fly, while Luz used Owlbert with Eda flying with her in harpy mode.

“No holding back even if it shakes the place up.” Leo instructed everyone as the ninjas powered up their medallions as the Rainbooms ponied up with their geodes.

The Snake attacked again trying to snap, as Applejack held its jaw opened with her hands while she stood on its lips keeping it from closing.

“Oh! Its breath is worse than Rainbow's from drinking a six pack of my family's cider.” Applejack gagged.

“Mean!” Rainbow called.

Fugitoid blasted the side of the snake's head allowing Applejack to get out from its mouth. Sunset used her tarot cards and summoned a storm god.

“Strike it!” Sunset ordered, as the summoned storm god delivered a thunder clap at the giant snake.

Gus while flying around noticed the wall behind the snake took more damage as opposed to the snake itself, “Huh?”

Jake flew around spitting fire at the snake before flying away as it tried to chomp him, “He definitely needs a dentist!” the American Dragon called.

Harpy Eda swooped in scratching at the giant reptile's head but King who had rode on her back noticed not a mark, “Huh, must be hard scales. Well, let's see how he likes this!” King used his sonic howl on the giant snake making it shake it's head around but still looked like it didn't do as much damage.

Amity and Luz decided to take the fight to Slithereene and landed by her, “You're dealing with us, Lady Slithereene!” Luz warned her.

“Oh, joy.” Slithereene replied, as she got into a stance.

Amity and Luz tagged team with Luz using her glyphs and Amity with her abomination magic. Slithereene hissed as she slunk closer and attacked the two girls.

Before the snake person could attack Rarity used her power to conjure a rock wall, “Gain some distance, you two!” Rarity called.

“Thanks, Rarity!” Amity called, as she and Luz went back to regroup, only for Slithereene to get over the wall and continued to attack.

As Gus flew around seeing the twins use their magic to make more copies of themselves to distract the giant snake, the turtles, and the others were attacking the beast from the ground level. He suddenly saw a reflection of blue light on the serpent's scales and gasped.

“So that's it!” he gasped.

Slithereene reached Amity and Luz again as they engaged in combat with Sir Malachi flying in pecking at her.

“I want my staff back!” he squawked.

“Back of buzzard!” Slithereene swatted him away with her snake tail before turning back to Amity and Luz, “Now you're mine!”

Gus flew down blocking her path, “Not today snakey!” he concentrated and released a blue shockwave causing the snake to disappear, and reveal they weren't in the Under City at all, but another part of the sewer. And everyone's LARP attire and weapons disappeared making them back to normal.

“What the?” Leo looked around.

“What happened to the Under City?” Spike looked around.

“And the snake?” Spud added.

“Did Gus really defeat it all by himself?” Trixie gasped.

“Dat boy's got mad skills!” Trix commended.

“Thanks, but there never was a giant snake, nor were we in the Under City,” Gus explained, “It was all an illusion by Slithereene herself.”

All eyes fell on the snake person who spoke like a regular person, “Very impressive skills, boy. You managed to see through it all. And because of that, the quest is complete and you and your party have won.”

“Won?” the group asked.

“Wait a minute,” Leo began before they turned to Sir Malachi who looked sheepish, before he made his staff reappear in his possession, “Sir Malachi, what's going on?”

“My apologies, my friends, but you were once again partaking in another LARP illusion set up by me and my friend Slithereene here.”

“Friend?” the turtles asked, as Slithereene approached.

“Yes. Milton and I are friends. And as for this, I am also a mutant like you guys.” she confessed.

“Huh, how about that?” Donnie asked surprised.

“So how'd you end up like this?” Eda asked, as she and Jake powered down.

“This was about a year or so ago, I was just Silvia Concrin; high school student. And I don't mean to boast but I was quite popular. A regular queen bee, you might say.”

“Just like Regina.” Casey reminded April and Shini who nodded in agreement.

“But what many didn't know about was I had a secret love for larping. But to keep others from ever figuring that out I used to bully others to keep up the appearance I was just the popular girl. But then one of my victims discovered it and exposed my secret and I lost the popularity and respect I commanded from so many others.”

“Ouch.” Jake replied.

“To further spite me, the one who outed me put a live snake into my bag that ended up slithering up me. I panicked and ran outside wanting to get it off, when suddenly this canister of green stuff hit me and I turned into this.”

The turtles looked sheepishly, while April looked at them crossing her arms with a smug look, as Slithereene continued.

“Because of this I fled to the sewers where I eventually met Sir Malachi and we ended up bonding over our love of larping. Though I lost my popularity and respect, along with becoming a mutant it did give me the chance to not hide who I was and be who I wanted to be.”

The Rainbooms, and the others started feeling for Slithereene, as Sunset put a hand to her shoulder, “I get where you're coming from.”

“You do?”

“I was also a popular queen bee, but all I wanted was others to worship me and be scared of me. But when I learned to be better I also felt I was alone when I lost my bad girl rep. And yet I still had friends to help me through that time,” she motioned to the other Rainbooms, “And thanks to them I was once again loved by my school and not feared.”

Slithereene smiled, as Applejack spoke up, “So this was all set up by you two?”

“Guilty.” Sir Malachi admitted.

“And nothing was real?” Luz asked.

“It was all an illusion.” Slithereene explained.

“In other words, Malachi lied to us?!” Raph asked in outrage.

“You promised you wouldn't force us into something like this again.” Leo reminded the sparrow mutant.

“Technically, I didn't actually force you, when this was more of which Slithereene's idea.” Malachi justified his excuse.

“Your idea?” Karai asked the snake girl.

“Yes. Malachi told me about the turtles and how much fun it was larping with them. So I came up with an awesome live action Mazes and Mutants campaign and wanted the turtles and you all to play with us.” she explained.

“But it wouldn't have been as fun if you knew it was all a game, so we orchestrated it so Slithereene was a cruel snake sorceress who stole my staff and needed you guys to help me.” Malachi added.

“Still you lied to us!” Raph shouted, only for Leo and Applejack to hold him back.

“He had the right too!” Pinkie spoke up.

“What?” Raph asked.

“You don't just tell someone a quest is really a game. It ruins the fun.” Pinkie explained.

“She's got ya there, dude.” Spud agreed.

“And you can't deny it was a lot of fun.” Luz put in as others started agreeing with her.

“So how come I could smell that snakes breath and feel like it was gonna eat me?” Applejack asked the two illusion larpers.

“It was only as real as you made it out to be.” Malachi explained.

“So I wanted its breath to smell that bad?” Applejack asked confused.

“Sounds like it.” Twilight noted.

Leo sighed, “Alright, Malachi, Slithereene, we'll forgive you both for lying to us. But please next time if you want us to do something like this just ask.”

“Yeah, no need to set up an elaborate hoax.” Sunset added.

“Ok, we promise.” Slithereene replied.

“Hold it,” Pinkie spoke up, “You have to Pinkie Promise. Both of you.”

Slithereene was ready to hold out her pinky finger, only for Malachi to speak to her, “Not that. A special pinkie promise known to them, that once you make you cannot break.”

Pinkie nodded, as she and Sir Malachi acted it out, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Slithereene seeing this enacted the promise out herself sealing it, “Promise sealed.” she said.

“And should you brave warriors need us, we shall be there!” Malachi declared, as he and Slithereene vanished in a mist.

“Well, that was fun wasn't it?” Mikey asked.

“Ya know, it really was.” Trix admitted.

“Well, at least I got to punch things.” Raph added.

“Come on, team. Let's go.” Leo said, as they headed off to get back to the lair.

As they walked they were unaware of a squirrel in one tunnel that upon close up of the rodent revealed it had glowing red eyes