• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Beware the Squirrelanoids

After their LARPing experience with Sir Malachi and Lady Slithereene, the Turtles, the Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends headed back to the lair. Upon returning they discovered Haley was there sitting in front of the TV with Ice Cream Kitty and Chompy at her side.

“Haley?” Jake asked.

“Hey, guys. Where were you?” Haley wondered.

“Have we got a story for you.” Casey replied.

And so they told Haley about what happened with them and their two LARP friends, “Oh, man! You got to enjoy a real adventure like that while I was out dragon training?” she pouted.

“Hey, that's the life of a dragon for you.” Jake reminded her.

“But I still can't believe Malachi lied to us!” Raph fumed.

“Raph, he apologized.” April reminded him.

“And he Pinkie Promised not to do it again.” Pinkie added.

“Yeah, well, he still shouldn't have done it. I'm going to the dojo.” Raph headed for said place.

“Sheesh, someone's got letting go issues.” Eda told the others as Luz and King nodded.

“Well, I get where he's coming from about all this deception. Minus the super angry part.” Luz admitted.

“Whatcha talkin' about?” Trix asked.

“Well, it was on my second day staying at the Boiling Isles, where I was tricked into going on a fake quest.” Luz explained.

“Fake quest?” Spud asked..

“Yeah. This puppeteer demon sent me on a stereotypical quest claiming I was the chosen one. Everyone I met on this 'quest' were just puppets he was manipulating. And it was all to draw Eda out.”

“Eda?” Leo asked her.

“I did have a reputation going for me, and was wanted all around with a hefty bounty on my head,” she admitted., “I helped Luz out of his illusions and helped her see she makes her own destiny just as we all do.”

Leo nodded, “We sure do.

“Always.” Sunset agreed.

“And truthfully, my sister Lilith and I were set up by a fraud as well. And this was before we rekindled our sisterhood.” Eda added.

“I hear ya, Eda,” Applejack replied, “My family and I are always gettin' targeted by these two con artist folks Flim and Flam.”

Suddenly everyone heard Raph screaming in horror, and hurried for the dojo. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey made it into the dojo first seeing Raph frightened for his life.

“Raph, what's wrong?” Leo asked.

“Dudes!” Mikey cried, as Leo and Donnie looked at where Raph was staring at, and they screamed in horror before huddling together.

“Yo, what is it?” Jake asked, as they burst in.

“THAT!” the turtles motioned down to a single innocent squirrel in the dojo looking their way.

"You gotta be kidding me, right?" Eda deadpanned.

"Aww, hello." Fluttershy cooed at the little animal.

"It's just a cute little squirrel." Luz smiled.

Rainbow and Casey burst into laughter, “You guys are wigging out over a squirrel?!” Casey asked between laughs.

“You almost had me thinking Shredder was in the lair!” Rainbow laughed.

“That's not an ordinary squirrel, Rainbow Dash!” Donnie said in a panic much to everyone's confusion.

"What do you mean?" Karai asked.

“You turtles are crazy,” King said, as he crept up to the rodent, “Hello, you little squirrel.” he cooed.

The squirrel suddenly let out a shriek and showed a long tongue lashing causing the others to scream in fear.

"EVIL SQUIRREL!!!" Hooty cried.

"That scared the bajabbers out of me!" Spud exclaimed, cowering behind Shinigami.

“What in tarnation kinda squirrel is that?!” Applejack asked in fright.

“It's a Squirrelanoid!” Mikey answered, “One of the mutants we faced since the mutagen spill!”

“The same mutants you were dealing with while Bebop and Rocksteady were helping me during the Memory Stone incident?” Sunset asked.

“The very same.” Leo confirmed still terrified.

Suddenly the little squirrel mutant rushed forward towards the group, as Mikey called, “Don't let it get into any of your mouths!”

“Why?” Willow asked, until the creature jumped forward and it landed right on Trixie's face.

“GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!” Trixie cried, as the mutant crawled into her mouth forcing itself into her stomach much to everyone's shock and disgust.

"Ew!" Emira winced in disgust.

"Did that freaky thang just force feed itself into her gullet?!" Trix asked, grossed out.

“That is revolting.” Rarity said looking green.

“I'm gonna barf.” Fu covered his mouth.

“Even I wouldn't have eaten that thing.” Hooty added.

Trixie let out a deep gasp of horror before she squealed in fright, flapping her hands, and ran around in a total freak out.

“Oh, the poor squirrel.” Fluttershy fretted.

“Poor squirrel?!” Trixie asked incredulously, “Poor me!" She shouted, before she went back to running around panicking.

“What the titan is going on here?” Amity asked the mutant bros.

“Yeah. Just what is a squirrelanoid?” Luz asked.

Donnie explained, “As you know during the accidental mutagen spill we caused, several canisters of mutagen rained over New York. A squirrel ended up sampling the mutagen and turned into a mutant monster that started leading to more of them.”

“There was more?” Gus asked.

“Much more, but come on, we gotta get Trixie to the lab.” Donnie instructed as the twins grabbed the running Trixie and carrying her off.

Inside Donnie’s lab, Trixie was laying on a table cuffed on both hands and feet to keep her down. Panicked in fear, she jerked her body vividly feeling the squirrel wandering in her guts.

“It’s inside me! It’s inside me! IT’S INSIDE ME!!!!” Trixie wailed.

Donnie placed a custom stethoscope on her chest trying to hear what’s going on inside her.

“Trixie, calm down.” Donnie eased.

“There is a live squirrel mutant inside my stomach!” Trixie shouted, “Don’t you tell me to be calm!”

"What's it doing in there anyway?" Luz asked.

"I'll tell you exactly what it's doing!" Mikey took out a comic and pointed to one of the pictures, "Right now, as we speak, the squirrelanoid is secreting a mucus into Trixie's stomach lining so that when-"

"Not helping!" Trixie snapped.

"Although he's 98% accurate." Donnie noted.

"Still not helping!" Trixie growled.

"Well, you freaking out isn't exactly helping either." Rose pointed.

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one with a squirrelanoid inside your stomach!" Trixie argued, when she suddenly felt her stomach hurt more, which made her freak out more, “Do something! Get it out of me, GET IT OUT OF ME!!!!”

“What’s happening?” Fluttershy worried.

Donnie checked the vibration going on in Trixie’s stomach, “Just as I thought.” Donnie sighed.

“What? What’s happening?!” Trixie asked anxiously.

“No time to explain. We need to perform surgery, stat.” Donnie exclaimed.

The whole group minus the turtles gasped when they heard him say that.

“Are you crazy, Donnie?!” April shouted in shock.

“He’s right, April,” Fugitoid agreed, “The squirrel must be quickly removed out of her body before it could finish its process.”

“You really think you can save her in time, Donnie?” Jake questioned.

“Only one way to find out, but I’ll have to work fast,” Donnie turned to Mikey, “Nurse, fetch me my tools.”

“On it, Doc!” He nodded.

The whole group was unsure of this. They all stared at Donnie, Leo, and Raph who have sinister smirks. They then see Donnie and Raph give a wink at them as a sign to play along. As they all remained silent, Mikey came back pushing a tool chest on wheels while humming a tune. On top of the chest was a tray of all the surgical tools Donnie constructed.

“Hand me that one!” Donnie motioned to a manual hand saw.

Doing as he was told, Mikey passed it to Raph who proceeded to wind it up in rapid speed.

“Oh, no. No, no, no, no! Donnie, don’t do this, don’t do this! Do NOT do this! Please!” Trixie pleaded nervously.

“Don’t worry, Trixie,” Raph easily assured her, “This won’t hurt a bit.”

“Wait, wait, wait! Can we talk this out for a minute?” Trixie cried.

“Hold still. Here we go.” Donnie instructed.

Donnie grabbed his hand saw and slowly began to lower it to Trixie’s stomach.

“NO, NO, NOOOOO!!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! AAHHHHH!!!!” Trixie shut her eyes screaming her lungs out, only to feel her arms and legs uncuffed from the table.

When Trixie opened her eyes, Donnie pulled the saw away from her. She looked at Leo’s brothers who laughed themselves hysterically. Leo snickered a little, though he tried not to be rude unlike his brothers. Casey, Rainbow, Pinkie, Trix, Spud, Fu, King, Eda, and the Twins burst out laughter as well. Even Luz snickered a little too.

“Fooled you!” Donnie sang.

Trixie face was turned red with anger when she realized she had just been pranked, “WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!?!” Trixie angrily yelled.

“We were just trying to help you relax, Trixie.” Raph chuckled.

“Yeah, you should’ve heard yourself scream, girl!” Trix snickered as Spud showed a video on his phone of Trixie screaming, which made the pair laugh.

Fu and King gave a high five to each other. King laughed, "Good one!"

“Totally worth it!” Fu chuckled in agreement

"I should've recorded that one too!" Eda laughed, wiping a tear drop off her eye.

Edric commented, "That was hilarious!"

"I felt like I was gonna wet myself!" Emira agreed her brother.

Unfortunately, half of the group just rolled their eyes and were displeased.

“Okay, I wasn’t really expecting that.” Fugitoid said with deadpanned expression.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Fluttershy frowned.

“Oh, come on, guys. It wasn’t so bad,” Raph scoffed, “Besides, Donnie did that to me once when a squirrelanoid went into my body.”

“And we had a laugh.” Donnie grinned.

“You don’t say.” Rarity said flatly.

Trixie stood up on the table, staring at the turtles fuming. Mostly, Donnie and Raph, “When I get my hands on you, I’ll...” Trixie argued, when suddenly she doubled over and started gagging.

"Trixie?" Sunset asked.

"I- ugh- don't- ugh-feel so good!" Trixie said through gags.

"What's happening...?" Jake inquired.

"Everyone, prepare for extreme grossness!" Mikey advised.

Then right after he said that, Trixie reared back before she threw up four hair balls that rolled into four squirrelanoids.

"Oh, barf!" Haley cringed, "Literally!"

"Disgusting!" Rarity cried.

Fu looked like he was gonna throw up himself, "Extreme grossness is an understatement!"

"Wait, didn't Trixie swallow one squirrel?" Spud asked.

"Uh, yeah," Eda confirmed in confusion, "What the heck is going on?!"

"Astounding!" Twilight marveled. "The squirrelanoid multiplied inside of Trixie! I should be totally grossed out, but I'm just so fascinated!"

"Not really the time to nerd out, Twilight!" Rainbow said.

Pinkie noticed the squirrelanoids started glowing, "Hey, they're glowing! Is glowing a good thing?”

"Bad! Glowing is real bad!" Mikey said in panic.

"Absolutely!" Donnie agreed.

The squirrelanoids hissed and ran off, "Quick, after them! We can't let them get out into the city!" Leo ordered.

"Wait, go after them?!" Trixie asked incredulously, before Sunset grabbed and pulled her along with the others as they chased after the squirrelanoids.

The group ran through the sewers and entered a passageway with multiple tunnels, when Shinigami pointed ahead, "There they are!"

The squirrelanoids hissed at the heroes and quickly scurried into each of the tunnels.

Leo sighed, "Looks like will have split up-"

"Split up?! Leo, don't you remember-" Mikey began when Leo cut him off.

“In groups, Mikey,” he said, before dividing them up, “Twilight, Sunset, Spike, Luz, Amity, Jake, and Rose, you're with me and Karai.”

The group nodded, as Karai continued.

“Casey, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Eda, King, Hooty, Willow, you're with Raph.”

“Rarity, April, Gus, Fugitoid, and Trix, you go with Donnie," Leo said.

“Shini, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Spud, Edric, Emira, Haley, Fu, and Trixie, you're all with Mikey," Karai finished, and they all branched off.

"So, how are we gonna find the squirrelanoids?" Rainbow asked.

"Don't worry, they'll find us..." Mikey said ominously.

"Okay, now y'all are just being creepy!" Trix said.

"Welcome to my world." Raph grumbled, as they all headed off to look for the squirrel mutants.

Mikey's group peeked around the corner of a long curved tunnel. When the coast seemed clear, they proceeded down the tunnel looking all over for the squirrelanoid.

Pinkie popped up in random places from pipes to passageways saying, "No squirrelanoids here! No squirrelanoids here!" Then she popped up from under the sewer water, complete with a scuba mask and snorkel, "And definitely no squirrelanoids in here!"

"Thanks for heads up, Pinkie," Trixie said in sarcasm.

"You're welcome." Pinkie smiled.

"So, Mikey," Edric spoke up, "How exactly did you beat the squirrelanoids the first time?"

"Oh, I used popcorn to lure them into some sewer water and flushed them down the septic tanks."

"So in other words, you didn't actually beat 'em." Fu stated.

"Well, when you put it like that..." Mikey trailed off.

"Don't worry, Mikey," Pinkie put an arm around his shoulder, "I'm sure we'll totally figure something out."

"Way to bring the optimism, Pinks." Spud commented.

Suddenly, a loud terrifying hiss echoed through the tunnel, causing them all to tense up.

"Uh, anyone else heard that ominous hissing?" Fu asked.

"If I say no will that mean it didn't happen?" Trixie inquired out of fear.

"I think it came from in there." Fluttershy pointed toward a passageway.

“We got to go, dudes.” Mikey instructed, as they went down the passageway.

As they walked Haley noticed Emira was looking more nervous than she was, and decided to help her out.

She held a unicorn doll out to Emira, "You wanna hug my Madge the motivational unicorn doll?"

"I'm good, Haley." Emira assured. The hiss came back and she grabbed the doll, squeezing it in fear.

"You're special." the doll uttered.

"Uh, not to freak anyone out," Mikey began in worry, "But the group in my comic heard a noise exactly like that one right before they were ambushed by the full grown alienoids!"

"Too late for non freak outs, dude." Spud noted.

"Dido." Edric added.

"Triple!" Trixie hid behind a trembling Fluttershy.

"Hey, hang on," Fu turned around toward Mikey, "If that noise happened in a comic, how can it sound the same?"

"You know Raph said the same thing once-" Mikey stopped short when he and the others, minus Fu, had noticed something that made their eyes widen in terror. Spud started hyperventilating, Edric joined Trixie in cowering behind Fluttershy, and Emira dropped the unicorn doll as her legs trembled in fright.

Fu spoke nervously, "It's... right behind me... isn't it?"

"Actually, it's above you." Pinkie pointed.

Fu looked up, "Agoo..."

Clinging onto some pipes, was the forth squirrelanoid! Now also fully grown! The mutant stared down at the terrified group before it let out a horrific shriek.

"Uhhh..." Fu said as he fainted on the spot.

The mutant creature dropped down as Mikey cried, “Get it!”

Haley transformed and started spitting fire balls at the squirrelanoid, but the creature shook the hits off and attacked.

“Sprinkle time!” Pinkie threw some sprinkles at the creature and the explosions blinded it.

Spud grabbed a nearby pipe and ran at the squirrelanoid screaming before whacking it in the face. The monster glared at Spud who smiled nervous, before running away from it screaming in fright.

“Shini, can't you, hypnotize it?” Trixie asked the witch girl.

“I don't think my hypnosis can actually work on a wild mutant like this one.” Shini replied.

“So let's stick to what we got! Booyakasha!” Mikey announced, as he and Shini attacked it with their chain weapons tying it up.

“You got it!” Edric cheered.

The squirrelanoid let out a shriek and to everyone's shock, five more squirrelanoids crawled into the tunnel.

“They divided again?!” Emira cried.

“Oh, dear.” Haley gasped, as Fu woke back up.

“And the nightmare is still going.” the animal guardian said sarcastically.

As Mikey and Shini were shocked by the additional squirrelanoids, the one they had bound broke free and joined its brethren.

“Might I suggest a tactical retreat?” Spud suggested.

“Suggestion approved!” Pinkie cried.

“We're out of here!” Trixie threw a smoke bomb at the squirrelanoids blinding them so they could escape and regroup.

Meanwhile in another part of the sewer, Donnie and his group were scoping the place out for any squirrelanoids.

“Stay close, everyone.” Donnie ordered.

“Don't worry, I will.” April answered, as she kept close to Donnie much to his enjoyment.

Suddenly, a loud hiss echoed around that started Gus, making him grab onto Trix. "Ahh! What was that?!" He exclaimed. "Is it the squirrelanoids?!

"Yo, Gus, get a grip," Trix said, prying him off her, "We haven't even found those squirrelanoids yet. So stop freaking out over every little noise you-" The hiss echoed again and scared Trix right into Gus' arms, "AAHHH! FREAKY SQUIRRELANOIDS!!!"

Gus smirked, "Speak for yourself."

"Well, I can't blame you two for being on edge. The squirrelanoids are absolutely terrifying!" Donnie shivered, "Their horrible shrieks, their vicious demeanor, and the fact that they strike when you least expect it!"

"Um, Donnie," Rarity spoke up. "If you're trying to ease our worries, you're failing miserably!"

Just then, Donnie's scanner beeped, "I'm getting a reading. One of them's close-" Two clawed hands grabbed Donnie's head and dragged him into the darkness of a passageway.

"Donnie!" April cried, then she, Fugitoid, Rarity, Trix, and Gus grabbed onto his legs and pulled back with all their might.

“Don't let it take me!” Donnie cried.

“Hang on!” Trix ordered.

After a moment of tug-o-war, they finally pulled Donnie away from the thing that tried to drag him. Then the creature came out, revealing that it was one of the squirrelanoids fully grown. It let out a shriek while a smaller squirrelanoid head on a long neck popped out of its mouth.

Rarity and April screamed at the sight and Fugitoid cried, "Oh, my cog!"

"Now can I freak out?!" Gus asked in fright.

"You and me both, baby!" Trix replied in fear.

The two screamed in fright.

“Calm down. Let's get it while we can!” Donnie ordered, as he readied his bo-staff.

Rarity and April readied their weapons, as Fugitoid readied his arm blasters. The creature jumped at Donnie who fought it back with his staff.

Rarity ran at the beast striking it with her sickles, “Get away from him!”

April jumped and stabbed it with her tanto, before jumping away from it. The squirrelanoid walked off the flesh wound and hissed at her.

“Well, that didn't work!” Gus told the redhead.

“Allow me!” Fugitoid started blasting the squirrelanoid making it back up.

“Ya got 'em! Ya got 'em!” Trix cheered, until the group saw more squirrelanoids appear with one swatting Fugitoid back causing his firing to cease, “Ya don't got 'em!” Trix retracted her cheer.

“There are too many now!” Rarity cried.

“Time to retreat!” Gus called, as he used his illusion magic to make the squirrelanoids think they were surrounded by fire.

“How long until they realize it's fake?” Trix asked.

“Let's not wait around to find out!” April answered, as they ran.

Raph's group was trekking through a hallway with passageways on each side. Rainbow noticed Applejack looking around nervously and smirked.

"Ya scared, Applejack?" She asked coyly, "Cause I'm sure not."

"No!" Applejack rebuffed, "And you're one to talk, seeing as you're shaking in fear."

"I am not!" Rainbow frowned.

"Well your legs are." Applejack pointed down. Rainbow looked and saw her legs were indeed shaking before she held to make them stop, then looked up with an embarrassed smile.

"Whatever!" She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"What's with those two?" King whispered to Raph and Casey.

"Ah this is just one of their little rivalry spats." Raph waved off.

"Rivalry spats?" Willow raised a brow.

"AJ and Rainbow are totally competitive, especially with each other," Casey explained, "They'll compete in just about anything. From dance offs, roller skating, high school clubs, you name it. It's fun to watch sometimes."

"And other times it just get's dull," Raph added, "And you wanna know the funny part, they either end in a tie or both lose."

Eda chuckled, "Now that, I'd love to see! And you know, it reminds me of the rivalry between Amity's dad, Alador, and the head of the Abomination Coven, Darius."

Just then, a loud hissing echoed throughout the hallway.

"Y'all hear that?" Applejack asked.

"The squirrelanoid is near..." Hooty uttered ominously, which made Applejack and Rainbow more nervous.

Suddenly, Rainbow felt something grab her left shoulder and flinched. But then she smirked, "Nice try, Applejack, but it's gonna take more than you grabbing my shoulder to scare me!"

"Uh, Rainbow, I'm over here." Applejack noted.

Rainbow looked and saw that Applejack was standing to her right. Slowly she looked back and saw that a red clawed hand was gripping her shoulder from the shadows of a passageway, "Whaah!" She jumped back. Then out from the passageway, jumped one of the squirrelanoids, now fully grown, and shrieked.

Applejack and Rainbow screamed and grabbed hold of each other in fear. The squirrelanoid was about to strike, when it was suddenly snared in plant vine, then it was body-slammed and flung across the hall. The two Rainbooms turned to a smiling Willow.

"You're welcome." she said cheerfully.

“We ain't done here yet, gang.” Eda motioned to the squirrelanoid that returned after Willow's thrashing.

“It's still one against all of us. We can take it.” Rainbow told them.

“Might wanna do a head count, Rainbow.” Willow replied, as they saw more squirrelanoids following the one they were pursuing.

“There's more HOOT!” Hooty cried in a panic.

“Then let's cut them down, yo.” Casey readied his hockey stick.

Eda went harpy mode, as the others readied themselves. The group attacked the squirrelanoids, as Applejack used her claw weapons to cut one, but the damage wasn't slowing it down.

“Dang, these fellas are tough!” Applejack called, as the one she fought tackled her to the ground but she kicked it off.

Rainbow ran circles around some while striking with her weapon, “Too bad they're not fast enough to keep up!” but Rainbow ended up hitting a wall.

“This is a sewer, Rainbow,” Raph reminded her, “Not as much running space as you'd think, especially with your speed.”

“Right.” Rainbow groaned.

Eda and King tag teamed against a few squirrelanoids using their abilities to force them back, “Man, we got them on the run!” King laughed.

“Just watch it, kid. We don't wanna bring the whole house down on us.” Eda warned him.

Raph fought one squirrelanoid before it pinned him to the wall. Raph screamed as he tried pushing it off, until Hooty stretched in and wrapped around its head squeezing it which gave Raph the opening to kick the mutant off.

“Not bad, Hooty.” Raph admitted.

“I'm awesome, hoot!”

Willow continued using her plant magic to ensnare the squirrelanoids, but they chewed through the vines.

“Raph, I know ya hate to run from a fight, but couldn't we?” Applejack asked.

“I'll make an exception.” Raph admitted, as they through smoke bombs at the beasts and made a retreat.

In another part of the sewer, Leo, Karai, Twilight, Sunset, Jake, Rose, Luz, Spike, and Amity walked through a large passageway, keeping a lookout for the squirrelanoids.

Suddenly a low hiss echoed around them. Quickly, Leo, Karai, Twilight, and Sunset drew their weapons. Jake transformed into his dragon form. Rose readied her staff. And Luz and Amity readied their glyph and abomination magic.

"Where could that mutant squirrel have gone, yo?" Jake asked looking around.

"This is seriously freaking me out," Luz shivered, "This is almost just like the time when I first faced Eda's Owl Beast form."

"Do you think it could've gone anywhere else?" Sunset wondered.

"Doubt it," Leo answered, "These are the only parts of the sewers that are cut off."

"You don't suppose they could have snuck into another sewer system, do you?" Twilight asked in concern.

"It could be possible," Karai admitted, "But just like predators, they probably don't want to draw out any unwanted attention to themselves."

Rose noticed that Amity was looking worried, "You okay, Amity?"

"It's just that, this reminds me of something that happened in one of Mikey's Alienoid comics. The space crew were picked off one by one, until only one of them was left and they had to find a way to destroy the Alienoids," Everyone looked at her baffled, "I read some of those comics before we left," She revealed and everyone still stared, "I was bored, okay?!" she blushed embarrassed.

"Um...sweet potato?" Luz pointed nervously, "There's..."

"It's right behind you!!" Jake shouted.

Amity whipped around and saw the squirrelanoid now fully grown! It screeched at her, making her scream. When it tried to claw her, she ducked aside and Luz jumped in, smacking it with a fire glyph.

The squirrelanoid slashed at the Noceda girl, but she managed to barely dodge and only her shirt sleeve got ripped. Amity then knocked the mutant squirrel away with an abomination fist.

The squirrelanoid hissed and rushed toward the girlfriends, but Jake flew in and tackled into the mutant and began wrestling with it.

"Yo, claws off, nut lover!" The American Dragon said as they struggled. Until the squirrelanoid managed to lift Jake up and body-slam him hard on the ground, before tossing him aside. But as it lunged forward to slash him, Jake spat his fire breath making it shriek and dodge away.

"Ai-yah!" Rose attacked the squirrelanoid next, swinging her staff with the mutant dodging.

Leo, Karai, Sunset, and Twilight readied their weapons and jumped at the squirrelanoid striking it, “I definitely do not miss fighting these things!” Leo growled.

As the squirrelanoid pounced for them, Twilight froze it with her magic and using it flung the creature into a wall. The mutant peeled itself off as Sunset stabbed it with her kuanis. The monster shrieked before swatting Sunset aside.

“Sunset!” Leo and Twilight called.

Karai hissed, as she went snake mutant and lunged at the squirrelanoid wrapping herself around it squeezing it, before sinking her fangs into it. The squirrelanoid shrieked as it spazzed around before getting Karai off.

After Leo and Twilight helped Sunset up, they went to Karai who changed back, “Are you ok?” Sunset asked her.

“Yeah, but one downside about sinking my teeth into something,” Karai began before spitting, “Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.”

The squirrelanoid snarled before it took off down the tunnel.

"After it!" Leo ordered as they followed after it.

They chased the squirrelanoid through the tunnel until they came to a room that had a boarded door. The squirrelanoid was cornered. It turned and hissed at the group. But it didn't attack.

"Gotcha now, squirrelly!" Jake grinned. He was about fly toward it when Leo stopped him.

"Hold on, something isn't right." The turtle leader said.

"Yeah," Karai agreed. "It's not attacking."

"Why would it not attack?" Twilight asked, "It's cornered."

Just then, some green drool dripped down in front of them.

"Or... is it?" Rose wondered in dread.

Slowly, they all looked up. Perched on some pipes were about a dozen more fully grown squirrelanoids, hissing, snarling, and shrieking at the shocked group.

"I think it led us into an ambush." Sunset figured.

"And we totally fell for it." Luz added.

"Aw, man!" Jake groaned.

The group of squirrelanoids dropped down on the group and started to attack. With them being more outnumbered than before, Leo called.

“Fall back!” he ordered, as everyone gathered around him. Leo threw a smoke bomb at the squirrelanoids.

Each group ran down their tunnel before meeting up in a chamber where the tunnels connect, “Squirrelanoids behind us!” Mikey cried.

“They're behind us too!” Donnie cried.

“And us!” Raph added.

“Same!” Leo finished, as they heard the shrieks of the creatures getting closer.

Down all four tunnels came the four groups of squirrelanoids who were ready to finish their prey until they arrived in the chamber and saw no sign of the groups they fought. They all looked around the chamber before they all headed down one of the tunnels together. When they were all gone, the ninjas, Rainbooms, and their friends appeared out of thin air having all been using Luz's invisibility glyphs.

“That was too close.” Twilight sighed in relief.

“I'll never chase another squirrel again!” Spike whimpered.

"And I thought Eda's owl beast form was vicious!" King shivered.

"That was terrifying!" Haley exclaimed.

"No kidding!" Willow agreed.

"W-Well, I wasn't really scared." Rainbow insisted shakily.

"Y-Yeah, me neither." Applejack stated, nervously.

"Squirrelanoid!" Hooty called, making the two Rainbooms scream, "Oh wait, it was just a shadow. My bad."

Applejack and Rainbow glared at the house demon while, Eda, King, and the Twins snickered.

“I know they replicate when inside a host, but how did even more of them come to be?” Donnie wondered.

“Only one way to find out.” Leo answered.

“You mean?” Gus asked nervously.

“We have to follow them.” Leo confirmed.

“Even after we just got away from them?” Trixie asked still shivering.

“If we don't we'll never be rid of these things.” Leo replied, as they quietly followed the squirrealnoids down the tunnel they all gathered together in.

They followed the creatures, making sure to keep their distance and not be noticed. Eventually the peeked around a corner and noticed the mutant squirrels enter a hidden tunnel going down, “Where do you think that leads?” Rose asked.

“Nowhere good.” Rarity suspected.

“I know exactly where that leads.” Mikey spoke up.

“Enlighten us.” Eda replied dryly.

Mikey explained through his comic, “The squirrelanoids must've formed a whole colony under the rule of a monstrous squirrelanoid queen.”

The group looked at Mikey in disbelief, “A squirrelanoid queen?” Amity asked incredulously.

“Mikey, as much as your comic has been right about them so far, it's just not possible.” Twilight said skeptically.

“Besides squirrels don't form colonies.” Fluttershy reminded him.

“Maybe not regular squirrels, Fluttershy. But they're mutant ones.” Mikey reminded her.

“As ridiculous as it sounds, we shouldn't take the chance,” Donnie said, “We need to check it out and see just how many we're actually dealing with.”

“You're not actually suggesting we go down there, do you?” Spud shivered.

"Ah uh! No way am I setting foot down there with those killer freaky things!" Trix refused.

"I'm all for taking risks," Luz began, "But going in there with all those squirrelanoids is crazy!"

“We won't have to,” Twilight replied, “I know how to scope it out from a safe distance.”

“How?” Gus asked.

Twilight smirked, “With this.” she took out her phone and clicked on it. That summoned her drone right to them.

"What's that thing?" Emira asked.

"It's called a drone," Twilight explained, "It's human device that's used for lots of things. For this case, surveillance."

"Amazing!" Gus marveled.

“Good idea, Twilight,” Leo nodded, “We'll use your drone to spy on the squirrelanoids and see just how many we're dealing with.”

“And if there's too much, we regroup and come up with a new plan.” Fu caught on.

“Precisely.” Twilight nodded, as she sent her drone to follow the squirrelanoids.

They looked on Twilight's phone seeing the feed from her drone. They saw the drone made it's way through the tunnel leading to a familiar underground cavern.

“This place again?” Leo asked as the turtles groaned.

“Oh, great.” April sighed.

“What's wrong?” Rose asked.

“This is where we fought a bunch of mutated mushrooms that made us see illusions.” Donnie explained.

“I don't seen any mutant mushrooms,” Jake noted, “But I do see something worse.”

They looked seeing the drone spotted a whole colony of squirrelanoids, “I don't believe it.” Rose gasped.

“A whole colony of them.” Shini gasped.

“Though I don't see a queen.” Trixie looked.

“Let's hope we won't either.” Sunset replied.

Suddenly a single squirrelanoid ambushed the drone cutting off the feed, much to Twilight's dismay, “MY DRONE!!!”

“This just got a lot more dangerous, everyone.” Leo told them.

“We can't risk all those squirrelanoids getting loose in the city.” Jake added.

“You're suggesting we take on that whole colony?” Edric asked nervously.

“We have to.” Sunset replied standing with Leo and Jake.

“Agreed. We can't look the other way.” Luz agreed.

“Does anyone even have an idea how to handle all those mutants?” Gus wondered.

Trixie looked to Mikey, “I don't suppose there's an answer to our problem in your dumb comic?”

“Actually, there is an answer,” Mikey pulled it out, “The crew upon discovering the colony of Alienoids planted a bomb right in the heart of the hive destroying them all.”

Donnie and Twilight pondered on Mikey's words, before getting hit with an idea, “Yes, it might work!” Twilight smiled.

“What've you got?” Eda asked.

“Let's go back to the lair.” Donnie instructed.

“What? And leave all those squirrelanoids down there?” Raph asked in disbelief.

“They're not going anywhere, Raph,” Donnie replied, “Now let's go!” they all took off back to the lair.

When they returned, Donnie, Twilight, and Fugitoid were in the lab working on something, while the rest of them were waiting around in the lair.

“Ugh, what're they doing in there?!” Raph groaned.

“Finding a way to stop the squirrelanoids, Raph.” Leo reminded him.

“Yeah, try and keep up.” Pinkie added.

“I get that, but they could've shared it with the rest of us.” Raph replied.

“And ruin the surprise?” Spud asked rhetorically.

Suddenly the doors to the lab opened, “We got it!” Donnie called, grabbing everyone's attention.

“Got what?” Trix asked.

Twilight spoke, “We present to you the creation to put an end to the squirrelanoids.”

Fugitoid whipped out an capsule bomb with a familiar orange substance inside it, “A retro mutagen bomb!” he declared.

“Whoa.” Gus marveled.

“Retro mutagen is the stuff you used to demutate mutants?” Amity recalled.

“Yes. From April's dad, the entire population of New York...” Donnie began as Mikey finished.

“Even on two certain former bug mutants.”

“So how does it work?” Jake wondered.

Twilight explained, “Just like in Mikey's comic, we plant this bomb in the squirrelanoids lair. Once it goes off it'll demutate all the squirrelanoids.”

“It just might work.” Eda commended them.

“Yeah but one problem, there are so many squirrelanoids there,” Trixie reminded them, “How're we gonna get this in their hive without giving ourselves away. Don't forget Twilight's drone was ambushed.”

“Don't worry, Edric and I got this covered.” Fu Dog explained as the male Blight twin mixed some ingredients they had on them.

“Voila!” Edric declared while holding out a vial, “This potion will produce a sleeping mist guaranteed to keep the squirrelanoids asleep for five minutes.”

“Which should be enough time to plant the retro mutagen bomb in there.” Fu finished.

“I don't like the idea of going into the hive, dudes,” Mikey voiced concern, taking out his comic, “Just like in my the comic, the crew was ambushed by the Alienoids before they could escape and almost fed to their queen.”

“Mikey...” Raph began, as he and Trix shouted at him, “THERE IS NO SQUIRRELANOID QUEEN!”

“Says you!” Mikey shouted back.

“Enough!” Leo shouted shutting his brothers and Trix up, “Queen or not, we don't have a choice. If we don't take out these squirrelanoids it'll only be a matter of time before they decide to go top side, and tracking them will be harder.”

“I still don't like the idea of going into the hive, bro.” Mikey replied.

Eda smirked, “It's okay, Mikey, you don't have to go into the hive if you don't want to.”

"Huh?" Luz and the others were confused.

“Really, Eda?” Mikey asked.

"Have you gone-" Raph was silenced when Eda grew out one of her harpy wings and stuffed it in his mouth.

“Of course. Although... Fluttershy told me that she heard the squirrelanoids say that pizza was the most disgusting food in the world.” she continued.

“I did?” Fluttershy asked, until Eda shot her a wink and the girl caught on, “Oh! Oh, right, I did. They were so rude about it.”

"They said they wouldn't eat that junk if it was the last food on Earth," Eda continued.

“They said what?!” Mikey asked in shock, as he felt anger rise up in him, "Why those jerk-faces!"

And it wasn't just Mikey, but Spud and Gus also frowned in anger, as the illusionist boy spoke up, “That's blasphemy!”

“Oh, no mutated rodent is gonna badmouth this city's best food!” Spud declared, "Those terrifying squirrelanoids are going down!" Then he, Mikey, and Gus took the retro mutagen bomb from Fugitoid and ran out of the lair.

“Charge!" They called.

When they were gone everyone stared for a moment before they all laughed. After spitting out some feathers, Raph admitted, “You're good, Eda.”

“Naturally.” she replied.

“Well, at least they're motivated now.” Sunset noted.

“Uh-huh.” Luz agreed.

“Come on, let's catch up to them before they get too carried away.” Leo instructed, as they followed the three.

Soon they arrived at the cave entrance making sure to keep enough distance so not to alert the mutant monsters.

“Ok, potion time.” Fu said as he shook the potion up and released it. He motioned to Jake and Haley who used their wings the blow the mist through the hive and it started putting the squirrelanoids to sleep.

“Ok, they're asleep. Let's go.” Twilight whispered.

Everyone crept into the lair while sneaking past the sleeping squirrelanoids making sure not to step on any of them or make too big a noise. As Rarity snuck past one she could hear some gurgling in it's stomach that was traveling upward and the mutant let out a belch in Rarity's face making her gag and fanned the stench away.

Casey who was close to Rarity let out a soft laughing fit at what she just got before the squirrelanoid he was close to let one rip with Casey standing right by it's rear taking the full stench making him gag. Seeing this Rarity responded with a mocking version of Casey's soft laughing fit, before the two pressed on.

They finally made it to the center of the lair as Fugioid and Donnie placed the bomb setting it up. Before they could set the timer, Donnie spotted something and whispered, “Wait look.” everyone looked seeing a pool of mutagen.

“Is that?” Emira whispered.

“Mutagen.” Fugitoid confirmed.

“Must've been how the squirrelanoids increased in numbers so much faster than before.” Donnie deduced.

"We should inform Bishop about this once we're done." April stated.

"Yeah, the last thing we need are more squirrelanoids, or worse things." Karai noted.

“Uh, guys, we better set the timer and go because the potion's gonna be wearing off any second.” Fu Dog warned them.

Fugitoid set the timer and they all started to creep back for the exit, until they heard a loud crunching noise, followed by the sounds of beeping. They stopped in their tracks and looked at a flinching Luz before they looked down and saw that... Amity had unknowingly stepped on the remains of Twilight's drone. Apparently, it was still active.

“Wow, Luz is usually the one who goofs up like that.” King noted.

“Or Mikey.” Raph added making said turtle frown.

Then the sleeping potion wore off and one by one the squirrelanoids all began to wake up from the noise and snarled upon seeing the intruders in their domain.

“Oh no...” Luz and Amity groaned.

Before they could move the heroes were surrounded by all the squirrelanoids that began closing in on them.

“Pleasure knowing all of you.” Spud said in despair

Trixie grabbed hold of Raph in fear, “I'm too Great and Powerful to be torn to pieces!!!”

“Get off!” Raph said dryly before pushing her off.

The squirrelanoids were ready to go in for the kill when a loud roar-like shriek was heard. The heroes were scared even more, while the squirrelanoids stopped and turned toward a large dark cave connecting to their lair.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“I don't know, but it doesn't sound happy.” Pinkie answered.

"Or friendly." Willow added in worry.

They looked and saw from the shadows of the cave, two big glowing green eyes opened up an something started to step out.

“What the heck is that?!” Leo asked in shock.

What came out of the cave was another squirrelanoid. But this one was much bigger than the others with a large head and a sharp dagger-like spike at the end of its tail.

“Aahhh! Squirrelanoid Queen!” Mikey screamed.

“By Darwin's beard!” Donnie gasped.

“Mikey's comic was right again!” Luz said shocked.

“You've got to be fronting me?!” Trix said in disbelief.

“How is everything in that comic book coming true about the squirrelanoids?!” Twilight asked confused.

“I'm still asking myself that!” Raph replied.

“That comic knows the future!” Gus declared in fright.

The squirrelanoid queen let out a roar at them, as Fu Dog spoke, “Pardon me while I faint again.” and with that he fainted.

The queen upon seeing Mikey out of the heroes roared louder at him, before giving the other squirrelanoids the signal to attack, which they did.

“Get them!” Leo ordered, as he and his bros tapped into their medallions and the Rainbooms ponied up.

Jake and Haley resumed full dragon form as Eda went Harpy mode, and joined them in battle along with the others.

Leo used his wind magic combined with his swords to blow some squirrelanoids back, while Jake and Haley flew around spitting fire balls onto more of them.

“I've had just about enough of these freaks!” Raph shouted as he channeled his fire magic into his sais and started bashing at some of the squirrelanoids, as Harpy Eda swooped down clawing at more.

“You and me both, Raph.” she replied.

All over the lair, everyone was fending off against the squirrelanoid colony from the turtles utilizing their magic along with the Rainbooms, Casey firing his explosive hockey pucks, Karai going snake mutant on some, even the witches using their own magic against them.

“Guys, if we don't get out of here by the time the bomb goes off we're gonna be stuck in a glass bowl again!” Donnie reminded his bros.

“If that happens, who's gonna take care of you?” Trixie asked, as April and Shini scowled at her, “Just asking!”

While everyone was dealing with the squirrelanoids, Mikey had become the prime target of the squirrelanoid queen, “Hey!” Mikey cried, as the queen almost chomped him, but the party dude used his magic to manipulate the ground below them to launch an earth pillar up under the queen's jaw knocking her off focus, “Dudes, what does the queen want with me?!”

Donnie looking back at the queen pursuing Mikey made a discovery, “Mikey, I'll bet that squirrelanoid was one of the original ones we faced the first time before you flushed them! It just kept on evolving!”

“Looks like she's mad at you for that.” Pinkie noted, before dodging one of the squirrelanoids.

“Just my luck!” Mikey cried, as he dodged the queens tail.

Jake flew around with Haley as they spat more fire balls against incoming squirrelanoids while Eda flew around punching any of the mutants that jumped up at her. Suddenly three squirrelanoids jumped at the three pulling them down to the ground. They got back up only to see they and their friends were all getting backed into a corner.

“What do we do now?” Applejack asked open to suggestions.

“We better do something or we're regular turtles again!” Raph replied.

Trixie looked determined, “Not on my watch!” she used the Magician's Exit and poofed the whole group close to the exit much to her excitement, “I did it! I did it with a whole group this time!” she cheered.

Needless to say everyone else was just baffled, “Again, how the heck did you pull that off?!” Eda asked.

Sunset looked seeing the queen and the squirrelanoids turning in their direction and shrieked, “No time, run!”

They ran for the exit, as the queen and the whole colony pursued them. As they made it for the exit Mikey was grabbed by the queen who started dragging him back.

"Mikey!" Raph exclaimed.

“AHH! Don't let her take me!” Mikey cried.

Raph and Pinkie grabbed Mikey's hands and started pulling him back, “Let him go ya freak!” Raph ordered the queen.

“Leave my friend alone!” Pinkie shouted.

Spike growled as Hooty looked determined, before the two raced to the queen's claws and each bit them forcing her to let go of Mikey.

“Back off, your majesty!” April said in sarcasm before using a psychic wave to push the queen back into the lair with the rest of her fellow squirrelanoids.

"Thanks guys." Mikey signed in relief.

"Don't mention it." Spike and Hooty grinned.

Fugitoid squinted seeing the bomb was ready to go off, “Only three seconds left before it blows!”

Amity quickly used her abomination goo to seal off the cave entrance. Back inside, the queen and the squirrelanoids sat up just as the bomb reached zero. Outside, everyone heard the explosion from the other side and shortly after the sounds of monstrous shrieking from the squirrelanoids fading.

“Did it work?” Fluttershy asked.

“Only one way to find out.” Twilight replied, as she motioned to Amity with a nod.

Amity released the goo to unblock the cave entrance. Upon doing so they were met with an entire group of unmutaed regular squirrels.

“It worked!” Donnie cheered, as everyone sighed in relief.

“Finally.” Fu Dog sighed.

“Now this is more like it.” Raph said.

The former queen squirrelanoid that was a regular squirrel now squeaked to Fluttershy who was listening.

“Translation, Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked.

“She says they're all so sorry for what they put us through. And are grateful we changed them back.” she replied.

And then the squirrel picked up an acorn it had collected and scurried up to Mikey offering it to him. Mikey looked down at the squirrel with some skepticism, before looking at his friends who nodded to accept the peace offering.

Mikey smiled and took the acorn from the squirrel before patting its head, “You know, you're not so bad.” he admitted.

Fluttershy spoke to the others, “After all that's happened I think they deserve to go someplace with clear skies and free space compared to what the city has.”

“I know just the place.” Donnie replied, as he used his portal ray to open a portal leading to a forest.

Fluttershy spoke to the squirrels, “There. You'll be much happier there than down here.” The squirrels squeaked happily before going through the portal before it closed up.

Later on back at the lair, everyone was relaxing and resting after such a difficult day, “I don't know if I'll ever look at a squirrel the same way after this.” Trix said.

“You and me both.” Luz agreed.

“No wonder you were so afraid of them, Mikey.” Applejack said.

“Well, at least we can all be glad we'll never have to worry about the squirrelanoids ever again.” Jake said.

“Um... I wouldn't say that,” Mikey replied, as he held up his comic, “I just got to the end of my comic. While the crew was able to destroy all the Alienoids, one of the offspring survived!”

Everyone stared in complete shock and utter disbelief at the bombshell Mikey just dropped and Fu Dog fainted once again.

Then Jake broke the silence, “Ah, man!” he groaned.

Meanwhile up top, in an alleyway, a sewer lid was slowly lifted up and moved open by a red clawed hand. Two glowing green eyes shone in darkness, and a Squirrelanoid shriek was heard just as the scene froze.