• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

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Meeting Gramps

The next morning at the lair, the Rainbooms and the Hex Squad had bunked with the turtles which didn't feel as bad to the witches since they were used to so many different types of terrain and areas in the Boiling Isles. After Jake, his friends, Haley, Fu, Karai, Shini, and Keno arrived, the groups decided to understand more about magic on the Boiling Isles.

“So we've seen what magic you all do, but how is magic classified on the Boiling Isles?” Donnie asked.

Eda spoke up, “Well, Donnie, our 'Illustrious' Emperor Belos created the coven system for categorizing magic into specific types. There are nine main ones with hundreds of others beneath them. Hexside and other institutions train young witches and others to prepare them for membership when they decide to select their chosen coven. But once you pick and are branded with the coven mark, that's the only type of magic you can use from then on.”

“Right,” Sunset recalled, “Belos isn't about variety.”

“None of us have been branded by a coven mark since we're still students, but we do specialize in a certain field of magic.” Amity explained.

“Such as?” Leo inquired.

“Well, I specialize in abomination magic,” the witchling explained, “Abominations are golem-like creatures created through a purple ooze substance that can be found on the isles.”

“After seeing what you and your ooze magic can do, it's mighty impressive.” Applejack commended.


“And that robot Kikimora was riding seems to utilize that same magic.” Twilight recalled.

“The Abomaton,” Amity explained, “Robots made from abomination ooze that were incorporated into Belos' ranks.”

“Whoa, imagine if mutagen was harness like the abomination goo.” Mikey suggested.

“I think we'd rather not picture it.” Sunset replied.

“To incorporate such machines into ones army.” Fugitoid gasped.

“Well, we've had our fair share of robot problems before.” Twilight admitted.

“What do ya mean by that, Twilight?” Rose asked.

“Well, after so many adventures and fights against mutants, Equestrian Magic, and even aliens in various locations, I realized we can't be everywhere at once. Even if we split up there's no telling how strong whatever the problem is for whomever in one group can deal with. So I decided to create my own robot just like Donnie created Metalhead, only on a far more intelligent level.”

“Hey!” Donnie said feeling insulted.

Twilight continued, “At first things were looking well, my creation Twira was helping us in dealing with problems. But then she started becoming too smart for her own good taking drastic action that threatened lives and our own just to succeed in what she was programmed for. Eventually she became too sentient and intelligent she felt mankind was beneath her and that it didn't deserve her protection.”

“She even went so far to try and nuke the planet.” Mikey added.

“Luckily we stopped her before she could.” Sunset said in relief.

“Dudes, that's heavy.” Spud gasped.

“But why would she do that?” Luz asked.

“Well, when I created her I programmed her with a little bit of my own intelligence in her,” Twilight explained, “Unfortunately, as she kept evolving and adapting that part of me in her only saw logic and facts. Sometimes it even scares me to think if I never had friends would I have turned out like that?”

“No way, Twilight,” Rainbow spoke up, “You'd never be so smart you'd think you're better than everyone.”

“Yeah, that's not like you at all.” Spike assured.

“Thanks, guys.” Twilight smiled.

“This goes to show, sometimes progress isn't always a good thing.” Jake said.

So they decided to steer away from the terrible memory, and continued to get to know more about the witches magic, “How about you, Willow?” April inquired.

“Well, I specialize in plant magic. At first I was also in the abomination track because my dads said it provided with good opportunities. But with help from Luz Principal Bump impressed by my knack for plant magic switched me to the plant track.”

“We have a friend named Wallflower Blush and she would really like your magic.” Pinkie smiled.

“Really? Another plant lover?” Willow asked.

“She sure is.”

Keno turned to Gus and the Twins. "So what can you guys do?"

"Oh, well you see, we're-" Gus was cut off by the Twins.

"It's more fun if we show you..." Edric started.

"We just need a volunteer?" Emira added.

"A volunteer for what?" Jake asked.

"Probably something lame?" Raph remarked.

The Twins grinned mischievously at each other before they each drew a spell circle. Then in a poof, something happened to Raph and everyone stared at him.

"What are you all looking at?" Raph asked. Then they all started snickering and trying to keep themselves from laughing, while some like Mikey, Luz, Pinkie, Haley, Rainbow, Trix, King, Eda, Shini, and Casey burst out laughing, "What's so funny?"

"Uh, Raph, you have the head of a turkey... again," Donnie said.

"What?" Raph asked, and Rarity showed him his reflection in her compact. And to his horror, Raph saw he indeed had a turkey head! "Aaaaahhhhh!" He ran around screaming, "Not again! Not again!"

"You, guys!" Amity face palmed.

"Oh snap!" Mikey said. "Gobble gobble, son! Like a turkey do!"

"Calm down, Raph," Gus called. "It's only an illusion!"

"A what?" Raph crashed into a wall, the turkey head vanishing on impact.

"The Twins and I are in the illusion track at Hexside," Gus explained. "Although I skipped a few grades."

"You skipped a few grades?!" Twilight asked, intrigued.

"Why's that?" April added.

"That's because Gustapher here, is an illusion master!" Luz explained dramatically.

"Well, I'm not one to brag," Gus went on. "But I once laid a massive illusion over a whole graveyard to scare way some Glandus jerks who tried to steal these galder stones. But boy did it take a lot of concentration!"

"Oh, you scared some Glandus students did you?" Emira asked.

"Tell us more?" Edric added.

"Don't get any ideas, you two!" Amity warned.

"I would," Gus began, looking past them. "But, I think you guys are a little busy at the moment..."

Then right after he said that, the Twins were grabbed by a very angry Raph.

"You're mad at us about the turkey head thing, aren't you?" Emira stated, nervously.

The next thing the Twins knew, they were hurled right into the pool of water nearby. The Twins submerged dripping wet and frowning as Edric said, "Yep, he's mad."

"Dude," Spud said to Mikey. "Your bro's got some serious anger issues."

"I could tell you stories, man." Mikey said.

Fugitoid turned to Luz, “So, Luz, what do you specialize in at Hexside outside your glyph magic?”

“Well, when I enrolled at Hexside I learned I could only take one track and yet I wanted to try more than one. When I got caught using a crystal ball Bump sent me to the detention track with others. He wanted us out of the way because an inspector was coming and wanted the school to look perfect.”

“Oh, dear. That doesn't sound nice.” Fluttershy said.

“It's whack, that's what it is.” Trix agreed.

“While in the detention I track I learned the others there also wanted to learn more than just one, so they took me to a secret room where they learn what they want. When we discovered the inspector was actually a basilisk draining the students and the staff of their magic, we worked together to bring it down. Even though Bump berated us for breaking rules he still decided to award us by letting the other kids study more than one track and allowed me to study all nine.”

“Well, at least your options are open.” Donnie admitted.

“Bump's a real nice guy once you get to know him.” Gus admitted.

“Yeah Bump may be all about the rules, and I'm all about breakin' them. But we have a mutual desire to help young witches.” Eda smiled at Luz who smiled back.

Jake got up, “Well, come on, yo. It's time you guys met my gramps.”

“The one whose been training you to be The American Dragon?” Trixie asked.

“One and the same.” Fu confirmed.

“After gramps gave me a loud talking to about exposing my identity he calmed down and I explained things carefully, and now he wants to meet all of you.” Jake told everyone.

“What do you think, Leo?” Twilight asked.

Leo nodded, “If Jake's grandpa wants to see us, then we should accept the invite.”

“You will definitely want to. After all he knew Chang better than anyone.” Jake explained.

“Then let's go.” Rainbow announced, as they all headed up top.

As Jake and his group led the Rainbooms, Hex Squad, and the ninjas through the city, the turtles were sticking to the shadows. They stopped outside a shop as Luz read its sign.

“Canal Street Electronics.”

“This is HQ.” Fu said.

“Spent a lot of time training at this shop, and also doing work around it.” Jake added.

“Not bad.” Donnie admitted.

“Well, let's go in.” Jake said, as he showed the group inside.

Once inside the witches of the Boiling Isles looked around in wonder, “Whoa, check out all this stuff.” Gus marveled.

“I wouldn't touch the merch unless you plan on buying.” Fu warned him.

“Yo, Gramps, I'm back!” Jake called out.

“Coming!” came an old man's voice.

Everyone saw stepping out from the back was Jake's grandpa Lao Shi. The sight of him left the ninjas, the Rainbooms, and witches surprised.

“Dudes, he's even shorter than the other Master Splinter.” Mikey whispered to his bros who shushed him.

“Welcome honored guests, I am Jake's Grandfather Lao Shi, but you may also refer to me as Grandpa.”

Leo approached, “A pleasure to meet you, sir. I trust Jake told you everything about us all?”

“Indeed so, Leonardo. My condolences on the loss of your father. From the way my grandson told me what you said about him he was truly a loving father and a wise sensei.”

“He sure was.” Sunset confirmed.

Lao Shi turned to the witches, “So you are the magic users of the Boiling Isles?”

“That's us.” Luz confirmed.

“Astounding,” Lao Shi marveled, “I had heard only rumors about the Boiling Isles from old texts, but I never imagined it would truly exist.”

“Well, it does.” Eda answered.

“Come, let us enjoy some tea.” Lao Shi suggested, as they followed him.

Soon they were all gathered around enjoying some tea, while learning more about the situation from Lao Shi, “So uh, grandpa,” Twilight began, “The enemy you're after Chang was actually thought to be on your side?”

Lao Shi sighed, “Yes. Decades ago, I met Chang at a dance club where we exchanged dance moves and witty banters.”

“They were shootin' off so many it was a gold mind to pick up ladies.” Fu Dog laughed as the others looked disturbed.

"Probably all too corny ones." Karai suspected.

“Though it was short thing we kept it professional since then,” Lao Shi continued, “She eventually became a member of the Dragon Council while using it to hide her true loyalty.”

“And where did her loyalties really reside with?” Amity wondered.

“Our oldest enemy, the Dark Dragon.” Lao Shi answered wearily.

“Dark Dragon?” Raph asked.

“Sounds dark.” Mikey said.

"He's supposed to be one of the most dangerous threats to the magical underworld." Rose explained recalling her own lessons.

Fu spoke up, “No one knows who he is or where he came from. Only that he was consumed by powerful Dark Magic. Only gramps has ever faced him and survived.”

“That's awesome!” Rainbow commended the old man.

“It was a long time ago.” Lao Shi brushed it off.

“The council felt the Dark Dragon was gone for good, but gramps thought otherwise.” Fu continued.

“That is why I insisted on training Jake myself.”

“Yourself?” Rarity asked.

“Turns out the council has a thing that family shouldn't learn under family.” Fu explained.

“Well, who better to train one than your own family?” Mikey asked rhetorically.

Jake spoke, “When Gramps and I were summoned to the Island of Draco for a Dragon Summit Chang and the council wanted to test my skills and if I failed they would reassign me a new trainer.”

“Why would they do that?” Willow asked confused.

Fugitoid spoke up, “It's something I learned from Principal Celestia and the faculty at CHS. There is no such thing as bad students, only bad teachers.”

“Sometimes that isn't always the case.” Sunset replied knowing Princess Celestia was truly not to blame for how she originally turned out before.

“During Chang's test, me and my opponent were captured by the Dark Dragon, but we worked together and escaped.”

“It was then I was certain we had a spy in the ranks.” Lao Shi noted.

“And that spy was Chang?” Eda asked.

“Yes. In fact when we went to investigate in the sewers she led me right into a trap set up by the Dark Dragon, the same way she did the first time we worked together.”

“The first time?” Raph asked in shock.

“So Chang was working with the Dark Dragon even that far back?” Applejack asked in disbelief

“Correct. Thanks to the efforts of my grandson, his friends, and several others Chang was imprisoned.”

“Why would she do something like that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Like the Dark Dragon, Chang truly believed that our kind was meant to rule all.”

“Sounds like this lady is worse than how Cinch was.” Rainbow said.

“Well now your former allie is in league with monster hunter Abigail Finn, whom we've met before.” Donnie explained.

“And without a doubt Kikimora our enemy is also in league with them.” Eda added.

“With their knowledge combined they could do some real damage.” Twilight explained.

“Agreed. Which is why I support the alliance you have all forged with my grandson and granddaughter.” Lao Shi said.

“We'll do what we can to help you look for Chang.” Luz promised.

“They'll never get past us, Hoot!” Hooty cheered.

“Bring them on!” King pumped his paws up.

“And I would like to know more about Equestrian Magic from you all too.” Lao Shi spoke to the Rainbooms.

“We would love to talk shop.” Pinkie answered with a grin.

Luz spoke up to Jake, “By the way, Jake, I've been meaning to ask, how do you and your friends know about Sunset and the Rainbooms?”

“Because they're a rock band.” Jake explained.

Luz did a double take before speaking to the girls, “Wait, you girls have a band?!”

“Oh yeah. And we're awesome!” Rainbow boasted making Rarity and Applejack roll their eyes.

“Ya got that right. These girls rock!” Spud agreed.

“I listen to their songs all the time!” Haley put in.

“You know I was part of my own bad too,” Trixie boasted before looking sheepish, “But it didn't last too long.”

“Any chance we could hear you girls?” Emira asked.

“Sure thing. We'll just need to set up somewhere.” Applejack said.

“And get our instruments back at the lair.” Rarity added.

“Leave that to me.” Rainbow said, as she zipped off.

Later on, everyone was on the roof of the shop where the Rainbooms set up their instruments with everyone sitting before them.

“Human music sung by actual humans?! This is the best day of my life!” Gus cheered.

“Mine too!” Haley agreed.

“Let's see how these girls rock it.” Eda kicked back.

“I'm so excited!” Hooty cheered.

And so the Rainbooms began jamming and singing

(Good Vibes)

The Am Drag Crew, the Hex Squad, the Turtles and their friends enjoyed the performance, while noticing the Hex Squad were really getting into it.

Luz caught Amity tapping her foot to the beat and gave her a knowing smirk. The witchling blushed and looked away, "They're... good," she admitted, sheepishly.

“I know.” Luz agreed, as Amity blushed.

When the Rainbooms finished, the group got up and applauded while cheering, “It's even better in person!” Trix cheered.

“So much better.” Spud agreed.

“Not bad, girls.” Eda clapped.

“We try.” Pinkie smiled.

“They always know exactly what to play to really get ya, right here.” Mikey patted where his heart was.

“Skara would love you girls.” Willow told the Rainbooms.

“Who's Skara?” Twilight asked.

“She's a friend ours from Hexside, she's part of the bard track.” Gus explained.

“There's someone else who'd love you girls. Right, Eda?” King nudged Eda who cleared her throat.

“No comment.”

“Who are you talking about?” Donnie wondered.

“Eda's "special friend", Raine Whispers.” Luz said cheekily.

“Who also happens to be head witch of the bard coven.” King teased.

Rarity spoke to the older witch, “Why, Eda, it sounds like this Raine is very special to you.”

“We go back.” Eda admitted while trying to keep a straight back.

“Very back.” Hooty spoke only for Eda to back-fist his face, “Ow, hoot!

Jake smiled watching the groups interact as Lao Shi stood by his side, “I know it was reckless of me to reveal my identity to them, gramps.”

“Yes, but that doesn't matter now. What does matter is you and your new friends must do what it takes to find Chang and bring her in as well as those she's allied with.” the old man instructed.

“And we will. Trust me, we will.” Jake confirmed.

Author's Note:

Twilight's story of the robot Twira comes from this ENG Story Equestria Ninja Girls: The Rise of Twira by PoNyFICTIon12