• Published 28th May 2023
  • 361 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 8

As the Mane 6 find themselves back in the throne room of Celestia and Luna, their disorientation from the sudden teleportation is evident. The princesses, who had been worried about Twilight's well-being, express relief upon seeing them safe.

"Oh, thank goodness you are okay, my little ponies," Celestia says with genuine concern.

"It is good to see all of thee. Thy absence has affected Equestria, as an ancient evil has awoken," Luna adds, her voice carrying a somber tone.

Twilight, shifting back into "Equestria has a problem" mode, is quick to respond, "What?! What ancient evil? We were just—"

"Oh, but don't worry about THAT. I had someone else take care of the problem. If some Rando Conductor guy can summon you all to solve his problems, then we should be allowed to do the same. And now the job is done," Discord interjects, his nonchalant tone evident.

Rainbow Dash's annoyance is palpable as she exclaims, "Ugh! He is so ungrateful! We literally didn't have to help, but we chose to anyway! And now we aren't good enough for him?"

Applejack joins in, expressing her frustration, "I am just as frustrated as ya. But we did end up releasing a necromancer, so we really are the only ones at fault."

Celestia and Luna exchange a concerned glance, lacking the context of their conversation other than what Discord has shared.

"Princess Cele— I mean Celestia, I know it must have been rough dealing with the ancient evil in our absence, but please... help us return there. Mel is working alone. He is frustrated with us, sure, but I could see it in his eyes. He kicked us out because he is scared we'll get hurt," Twilight pleads.

"B-but... It was dangerous... You heard Mel... He didn't spare us... he was in a hurry..." Fluttershy adds, her voice trembling.

Pinkie Pie, ever the optimist, interjects, "The world is fun and cheerful! I got to make a cake that Mel ate! And the music was great! We lost, but I'm sure we can learn from our mistakes and come back stronger!"

Rarity chimes in, determined, "It isn't like me to leave something I started unfinished. Count me in, darlings."

Before Rainbow Dash can speak, Luna interrupts, "Can somepony PLEASE tell us what is going on? Are we invisible? Does our presence no longer mean anything? This world has its own set of problems, Twilight. You can't simply go to another world at the drop of a hat."

Rainbow Dash proceeds to explain, "World of music. Music is magic. We met the leader of music. We started to learn about ourselves and music through training. We fought a prisoner who was a necromancer without permission. That's about it."

Celestia and Luna are left with more questions than answers, but they refrain from overwhelming the Mane 6 with inquiries at this moment.

"Celestia and Luna won't be able to send you there. I could, but knowing that Fluttershy is against this, I won't do it. Besides, it would be against multiversal rules," Discord asserts.

"When has 'rules' ever stopped you? Isn't your whole motto: 'What fun is there in making sense'? You go to other worlds all the time and even have your own dimension," Celestia retorts, questioning his reluctance.

"It's different this time. I was banned by the ruler there. There is a massive penalty for traveling to a world you are banned from. If you die, then your soul won't go on into your home world's version of the afterlife. Die in a world without an afterlife, and now you are gone beyond salvation," Discord explains, his tone carrying a hint of seriousness.

The Mane 6 realize that their only chance of returning to Mel's world is to convince Fluttershy to speak with Discord about their concerns.

"Girls, I'm scared... Maybe we would just get in his way. I'm worried about our safety. What do we do if we encounter that Necromancer again? Twilight, do you have a plan for that?" Fluttershy asks, voicing her fears.

"No... I don't... Discord, send me and only me there. I understand. You want Fluttershy to be safe. As for the rest of us, we're on thin ice with you, just as you are with us. You don't care—" Twilight begins, but Discord interrupts her.

"No, Twilight Sparkle. I do care. Fluttershy is the only pony who understands. I DO care very much. My antics have nothing to do with me not caring. I know manipulative psychology when somepony tries to use it on me. You all are my first... friends. Mostly just Fluttershy, but still FRIENDS. Very, very, very annoying, sometimes stuck-up, or narcissistic, and rude friends, but still... friends," Discord rants, his frustration evident. Discord has learned from being betrayed several times.

"Twilight... Discord has been trying to change. It wasn't right of you to say that," Fluttershy defends Discord.

"The answer is still no, Twilight Sparkle. Besides, your friends look like they will turn me to stone if I don't take them alongside you. I care," Discord firmly states.

The Mane 6 freeze, realizing that they aren't always in the right, even if they fight for the sake of harmony and all things good.

"Discord, I've changed my mind. I am going back. I'm scared, but the more I think about it... so was Mel. He is kind to the point of pushing others away to protect them, loyal to the extent that he would do anything for his people, honest to the point of bluntness, and uses laughter to reduce tension even when he's stressed. He's generous, as he remains patient even when things don't go according to plan," Fluttershy explains.

"But why risk everything for someone who might be a good guy? Celestia and Luna are great mares. Why, Fluttershy?" Discord questions.

"Because... I know that while I'm getting better and not as shy as I used to be, I have reached the limits of my growth here. Sometimes life will not be kind, and I want to be prepared for that. I could learn a lot from him. The last thing I want is to push others away as a distorted form of kindness," Fluttershy expresses her resolve. But that wasn't entirely the reason. She felt that if she doesn't go then the others might fail if they ended up needing her.

"... Celestia? Luna?" Discord turns to the two rulers who have been silently observing and listening.

"... Three weeks. You have three weeks to do what you must before I have Discord bring you all back," Celestia responds.

"Know that you are all playing a dangerous game, one with no second chances. Death is very real there, and we can offer little help. Honestly, I wish this 'Mel' had chosen Me and Tia, as we are nearing retirement," Luna adds with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Alright... Fine. You win. I'll send you all there," Discord concedes.

"This time, YOU are going with them, Discord," Celestia firmly states, not willing to take any chances.

"No, I actually can't. In addition to being banned, there is an anti-Discord Barrier specifically designed for me. But I happen to know someone who can~" Discord replies mischievously.

"No more games, Discord. Why would we send ANOTHER pony with them?" Luna questions, her tone skeptical.

"Because I maaaaay have accidentally, not-so-accidentally... brought someone from that world to ours. That may or may not be the reason I was double-banned. That someone has become a pony. And that pony is none other than Octavia Melody," Discord reveals.

The group glares at Discord, their expressions filled with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.

"She has been rather content here! She hopped on for a ride, and she should be able to help. In a world of music where one's musical talent is proportional to their magic, she surpasses them all. If nothing else, she can offer them advice," Discord explains, attempting to justify his actions.

After a moment of silence, Celestia sighs. "Very well, Discord. If Octavia is willing to assist them, then let her accompany the Mane 6. But remember Discord, you WILL bear the responsibility for your actions."

Discord grins mischievously. "Oh, don't you worry, Princess. I always bear responsibility. It just so happens that it's an ever-changing responsibility."

The Mane 6 decide to head out as Celestia and Luna start to rant about Discord's decision to allow another being to come with him. Eventually, they arrive at the house she shares with Vinyl. The Mane 6 stood in front of Octavia's house, the sound of music wafting through the door. Twilight took a deep breath and knocked, causing the music to abruptly halt. Octavia, wearing a neutral expression, opened the door.

"Greetings, Princess," Octavia greeted Twilight.

"Um... Can we ask you a couple of questions?" Twilight asked, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

"Of course. Could this be about preparations for the next Gala?" Octavia inquired, her head tilting out of curiosity.

Twilight hesitated for a moment before responding, "Actually, it's about something else. Discord mentioned that he took you from a world of music, and we recently had an experience where music played a significant role in our struggles against a necromancer in that world. We were wondering if you could help us."

Octavia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Twilight's words. "An interesting story indeed. And you believe that I might be from this world of music?"

Rarity couldn't help but interject, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Darling, we're receiving mixed messages. Discord claims that you are from that world. Can you confirm if it's true?"

Octavia paused for a moment before answering. "Perhaps. Assuming that I did come from a world of music and chose to leave with Discord, one might have to consider the possibility that I started a new life, adopting a new identity."

Rainbow Dash couldn't resist pointing out the obvious. "So, in other words, you did come from that world."

Octavia looks at Rainbow Dash, acknowledging Rainbow Dash's observation. "Plausible deniability, I apologize Princess. I am a mare of music, and that is how I choose to live."

The Mane 6 exchanged glances, feeling slightly frustrated by Octavia's intentional vagueness and insistence on being treated like any other pony. Fluttershy mustered the courage to make another request.

"Can you help us find Twilight's and Pinkie Pie's soul songs? Please?" Fluttershy asked, her voice filled with hope.

Octavia paused, her gaze shifting from one pony to another, before responding firmly, "I am Octavia Melody, an Earth Pony who enjoys playing music. Ask again in a way that I understand, I might be able to assist."

Understanding Octavia's desire to be treated like a regular pony, Applejack stepped forward, taking a more casual approach. "Ah, I see what ya mean. So, can you help Twilight and Pinkie find music that truly captures the essence of their existence?"

Octavia considered Applejack's words, her eyes calculating and thinking. "Hmm... Music doesn't always translate events directly, but it is not impossible. Come, let us delve into Twilight's life song, her journey that has shaped her into who she is today."

Twilight took a seat, feeling a mix of vulnerability and excitement. She began to pour her heart out to Octavia, sharing the struggles, triumphs, and personal growth she had experienced. From the pressures of friendship to the weight of her responsibilities, Twilight spared no detail, wanting the music to reflect the entirety of her journey.

As Twilight finished recounting her story, Octavia nodded, her understanding gaze reflecting empathy. "Very personal indeed. I believe I have a song that can capture the essence of what you've shared. Let us see if I can create something akin to the works of this 'Master Composer' you mentioned."

With that, Octavia positioned herself and her cello, her hooves poised above the strings. The music that flowed from her instrument was not as flashy as Mel's, but it carried an undeniable undercurrent of musical magic. The performance started to transport Twilight through the vivid memories of her life, from hatching Spike's dragon egg to her journey through friendship and beyond.

Pinkie Pie bounces up and down, her excitement palpable. "Yay! I can't wait to hear my soul song next! I bet it's going to be the most amazing, fun-filled, party-worthy tune ever!"

Twilight chuckles softly, appreciating Pinkie's infectious enthusiasm. "I have no doubt that Octavia will create something truly special for you, Pinkie. She has a remarkable talent for capturing the essence of our experiences through music."

Rarity interjects, her voice filled with curiosity. "Octavia, darling, how exactly do you go about playing somepony's soul song? We were led to believe it was taxing."

Pinkie Pie continues to bounce with uncontainable excitement, her pink mane bouncing along with her. "Ooh, ooh! I can't wait! I bet my soul song will be filled with laughter, joy, and endless surprises! It's going to be sooo Pinkie-riffic!"

Rarity, ever the inquisitive fashionista, raises an eyebrow and leans forward, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Octavia, darling, I must admit, I'm quite intrigued. How exactly do you go about playing someone's soul song? We were under the impression that it could be quite taxing."

Octavia adjusts her bow and smiles, her eyes sparkling with a mix of passion and expertise. "Ah, playing a song that deeply reflects one's life in great detail is indeed a deeply emotional endeavor. I immerse myself in their experiences, their joys, their sorrows, and everything that makes them who they are. It is a delicate dance between their essence and my interpretation, all expressed through music."

She pauses, a faint hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "But you see, it is precisely this emotional connection and expression of self that makes it my favorite kind of music to play. It allows me to explore the depths of a pony's soul and weave their unique story into melodies and harmonies. It can be emotionally exhausting, but it is also incredibly rewarding."

Rainbow Dash, impatient as always, adds, "Alright, enough talk! Let's get to it, Octavia. I want to hear Pinkie's soul song!"

Octavia sighs from Rainbow Dash's impatience. "Very well, Pinkie, if you're ready, I'll need you to share your most significant memories and experiences with me. Let us create a melody that reflects the very essence of your vibrant personality."

Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkle with anticipation as she takes a deep breath. "Okay! Get ready for a whirlwind of parties, Cupcakes, pranks, and laughter!"

As Pinkie Pie begins to recount her most memorable moments, Octavia listens intently, her hooves poised over the strings of her cello. She absorbs the stories of Pinkie's wild adventures, the joy she brings to every occasion and even the times she deflated feeling down and not overly cheerful. Her story seems to shift and jump around at places as she remembers new things to tell.

With each anecdote, Octavia's cello resonates, producing notes that reflect the exuberance and zest for life that is uniquely Pinkie Pie. The music dances in the air, capturing the essence of Pinkie's free-spirited nature and her ability to find joy in the simplest of moments. At last. The Mane 6 all now have their "Song in their soul" played. Figuring out how to harmonize all together would have to be done in the other world.

They returned to Discord, their journey through the portal marked by the harmonious conversion of magic into glitched-out music. The dissonant tones filled the air, creating a surreal atmosphere as they stepped out into an unfamiliar town. But the moment they arrived, the burning heat assaulted them, causing Twilight to exclaim, "Ouch! Hot hot hot! The air here is too hot for us!"

Rainbow Dash grumbled in annoyance, fanning her wings. "Ugh! First Octavia Melody refuses to answer our questions, and now my wing feathers are about to catch on fire! This is just great."

Just as they were contemplating their next move, a figure appeared before them, gesturing for them to come inside. Though hesitant to trust a stranger, they realized they had little choice. Reluctantly, they followed the figure into shelter.

Once inside, the figure's demanding voice filled the room. "Who are you all? How do you know that name?!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow, trying to make sense of the situation. "What name? Octavia Melody?"

The figure's tone intensified with frustration. "Yes! Her! The Master Conductor's daughter! How do outsider invaders know her name?!"

Rainbow Dash interjected. "Woah, whoa, whoa! Hold on! Are you talking about Mel?"

The figure's words tumbled out, mixed with disbelief. "His name is Mel Ody. You say his name so casually! Who are you horses?!"

Applejack's patience wore thin. "We ain't horses! We are tired of folks calling us that! We are PONIES! And how can Octavia be whatever Mel is?! She's a pony!"

The figure seemed taken aback, they accept the fact that perhaps they have gone crazy. They muttered under their breath, "Oh [curse] me... This is one big fever dream."

Twilight stepped forward, her voice calm and reassuring. "No, miss. My friends are confused. You see, in our world, most beings from outside turn into ponies when they enter. And sometimes, when we ponies go out into other worlds, we can change our forms as well."

The figure seemed to reluctantly accept this explanation. "Alright. I'll just go along with that. So fever dream, pastel-colored ponies, what now? I bet this isn't where you wanted to be. My name is Cinder. Priestess of flame."

Rarity, ever the inquisitive fashionista, raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, darling, but how exactly does being a Priestess of flame relate to music? Isn't the whole point of this world that music is magic? And that tacky red cloak... give it here and I can make it fashionable."

Cinder nodded, a flicker of excitement in her eyes. "Indeed, music of flame. Some of us choose to live close to the extremes, embracing the power of the elements. We learn the melodies that resonate with the fiery essence of our domain. I'm going to ignore that last statement about my robe."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "So, anyPONY with real questions? I always knew I would one day go insane. I might as well embrace it because I'm bored and I want to go out and do something. So what's the plan funny ponies?"