• Published 28th May 2023
  • 361 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 13

Frost watches as Twilight hums and levitates around 20 books and starts to speed read, "How can you even read like that? Telekinesis is rare. Like only .001% rare. There isn't a single person with telekinesis in the world that isn't well-known! Just who are you ponies?! I refuse to believe you aren't a Note!"

"Hm..... No. It's hard to believe, but we come from another world. We are ponies. But if Mel is a "Note" then why would everypony err... I mean everyone confuses us for one? Wait..." Twilight says before having a revelation, "Wait! Notes are Shapeshifters!"

"I guess you really must not be from this world if you didn't know that. But no matter what form they take part of them will be draconic. Notes are exclusive to this world. They are descendants of both dragons and sirens and with the best traits of both. They often are the best singers or playing instruments. The dragon mask you see isn't a mask but actually their face." Frost explains.

"Hol' up! So them 'Notes' are like a race of Changelings minus the eating love bit and are on the dragon side instead of buglike?" Applejack says now understanding.

Frost says something after she has concluded something based on her observations while she talked with them, "Right now you ponies are taking all our common sense logic and throwing it out the window. I can sense a scarily powerful harmony synergy from you all. If done right... No... That's silly... Blasphemous to even suggest... But... It might even surpass even Mel... Our Current Master Composer. But there is no way you all could pull that off. The record for the highest number of members that could harmonize in sync is 5."

"Why not darling? A band can harmonize. So can a choir. So why would the limit be 5?" Rarity asks.

"Soul Melodies. The music of one's soul can harmonize with the soul melodies of others. Mostly two lovers or really close family."

"Stronger than Mel? Everyone says he is super duper strong! How strong is he? Tell us!" Pinkie says while bouncing up and down.

"Rumors say he hasn't even used his full power but his power rivals the evil chaos deity called Discord who invaded this world a long time ago. Mountains were moved and the sky turned purple for a time from their clash. Ultimately Mel chased Discord out and sealed the way back."

"D-did Discord k-kill anyone?" Fluttershy says nervously. In Equestria Discord claimed he never killed anypony, but she wanted to know if Discord was hiding something.

Frost sighs as she is impatient "Those who saw him claim he alters the land and the sky but wouldn't ever take a life. But back to business. I need that power that the purple pony had. An amplifier. I need to be able to crush the magic my mother used to keep those people on loop. But I'm afraid she is still too strong... And if she catches wind of what I will do then she can interrupt. Someone has to keep her distracted. I know her routine and even her guard."

"Darling, is there no way to convince your mother to see the error in her ways? It appears to me you took the violent approach first." Rarity points out.

"She never listens. She is so focused on me living up to her expectations that anything else I say is irrelevant."

Rainbow Dash speaks her mind, "If it were me I'll be so cool that she'd be impressed. She wouldn't put you on a loop. Only a psycho would."

"I considered that already. But nothing I have done so far is enough. I never seem to be enough! I get praised, but she always then pushes me to do more!" Frost Lunar shouts before calming down, "No. I thought about it. I will shatter her spell even though it will render this school venerable. It can burn for all I care."

"I changed my mind. There ain't no way I'm helping with this. It's destructive and ya can't just go with the violent option without trying other options first!" Applejack says with conviction. She is the element of honesty and while she is on board with defeating bad guys she isn't on board with this plan.

"So you want me to go up to my mom and be like 'Hi, mom. I think your plan is bad. Stop it please' and she is going to magically stop? What girly children's show are you all from?" Frost says starting to consider options to use the group even against their will.

"Um... Miss Frost... If you haven't talked with your mom... Then how could she know how this affects you?.... At least try talking with her... I-If she doesn't listen... T-then you can at least say you tried... I-it doesn't hurt to try to be kind..." Fluttershy says nervously as her lingering melody magic allows her to sense the moods of living beings and is worried about Frost's intentions.

"Then I want a promise. If she doesn't see reason then you all will go along with my plan without question." Frost says firmly. "And where the heck is that pink pony?"

"I'm baaaack~ I brought the headmaster telling her that you have a super duper surprise for her!" says Pinkie Pie as she enters the library.

Walking in behind Pinkie Pie is the headmaster, "I'm excited to see what new powers you want to show off this time! Your growth and watching you grow is what makes me, a mother proud."

Frost Lunar gives the mane 6 a death glare before turning to her mother. She sighs as she might as well speak her mind. "Mom. Stop this. I was fine when you were pushing me and pushing me... But I'm never going to be perfect in your eyes. But for the last ten years, you have been pushing that onto everyone!"

Frost's mother looks around at the mane 6 and decided she was going to have a one-on-one with her daughter. She takes out a harp and plays a few notes which stop time for her and Frost. It was a taxing melody that doesn't allow for her to attack.

"Frost, I am the headmaster. It is my job to make everyone the best they can be. There is nothing worse than seeing someone who should have been happy with their lives and get what they deserve, often fail because they weren't pushed to greatness."

"Yeah. Say that to those you kept frozen in the loop so their melodies would be preserved. Are you just going to do that to me too?" Frost says aggravated.

"... No. Frost. Those students wanted to pursue a life that won't bring them happiness. One of them even wanted to work at a PIZZA restaurant! If I don't preserve them at their best then... They'll be doomed to live unappreciated."

"So if I'm not a 'good girl' are you going to do the same with me, mother? It is YOU who decided what YOU wanted me from MY life! I'm my own person! So are they! Life has no meaning if there is no way to fail! You were once thought of as a failure too and you worked hard to prove them wrong!" Frost says with tears rolling down her eyes.

"No... No... I... I wouldn't do that do you... You ARE your own person... I am just pushing you to be the best you can be... You are the one who has decided your view must be the only one... It was because I was considered a failure that I know that the fate I went through shouldn't have to be the fate of others if I could help them... Azeun assured me this was for the best."

"Mom. That event shaped you. It made you determined to shape your own life. Don't take away that from them. Sure some of them are lazy and might live poor lives, but they might have a chance to rise again. Azeun might have been in the top ten Master Conductor candidates... But you choose the way you want to live. But you won't understand will you?"

Frost's mother sits down on a chair and thinks about her daughter's words, "What was I thinking? I'm sorry. I was played a fool. He assured me with honeyed words and twisted my views that this was justified... Frost... I am sorry. I was so caught up in all of this... Frost... I love you. I am sorry if I pushed you too hard or made you feel like you had to be something you didn't want to be. I just wanted to be the best mother I could be."

"... I am sorry too. I... Didn't think you would listen to reason... I was plotting to destroy the Conductor's seal so that you couldn't sustain the loop spell... Songs do have to end so that new songs be played by the same person."

"You were going to do that? Frost... That would put everyone in danger. You would have been marked by the laws of music! I am your mother. If you want to talk with me and tell me how you feel then I would drop everything to be there for you. I was in a meeting when the pony called 'Pinkie Pie' told me that you were in a bad place."

"That yellow pony was right... They were all right... I shouldn't have assumed the worse and talked with you first..."

"They have names. I'm surprised you didn't ask them yet. I looked them up. The yellow one is Fluttershy, the orange one is Applejack, the blue one is Rainbow Dash, the purple one is Twilight Sparkle, and the white one is Rarity. But... All that matters now is that you spoke your mind and showed me the error of my ways. Thank you Frost Lunar... My sweet daughter." the headmaster stops playing the harp and hugs Frost who hugs back.

Time resumes and the Mane 6 see them both hugging. They didn't hear a word of the conversation but they could tell how it ended. The headmaster's robe seems to expand and encompasses the whole school as she undoes her loop spell as she plays soft and loving notes from her harp.

"Fluttershy... Applejack. You were right. I should have gone to her first... I was so caught up in thinking the worst that I planned something dangerous and destructive. Thank you all... The stability of the school can finally return to normal though it will take time." Frost says as she bows her head in an apology.

Twilight gets excited, "Girls! I think we managed to solve another stability problem! Though not exactly how we expected it to go!"

"Stability? Well, I'm glad that it... What... No... NO!" the headmaster began as she started to back away. "That madman is free?! Twilight Sparkle. I must remain here to protect my students and continue my work as headmaster and mother. If you really are miracle workers who restore harmony... Then go north...."

"Uh... Miss. Lunar? What in tarnation got ya so scared all of a sudden?" asked Applejack.

"The reaper who dresses as a jester is free. His presence is almost as bad as Discord's was in this world. Discord may have even been related to how he came to exist. He is a being made of both pure chaos and disharmonic melodies given form. But... If you can harmonize your... hmm... What does Frost call it? 'soul melodies' I think. If you can manage four then I think you could stop this madness. You'll know who they are and it'll be impossible to miss the location now that reality is going to start warping." the headmaster says.

"Wow! This is moving really fast! I haven't even got time to throw a mother-daughter rekindling party yet!" says Pinkie Pie.

"There is no time for parties. You all must go. Don't engage in the reaper's games. Don't fight against his music magic but do a battle of bands format. He is too dangerous to fight normally. I wouldn't normally rely on talking ponies from another world but I have a feeling this has to happen. And thank you all for helping me see reason." the headmaster says.

The group smiled and then left. They have a new mission though they have a bad feeling that this next encounter might end up being more dangerous than when they fought Azeun.