• Published 28th May 2023
  • 361 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 6

"So now it's just me and Pinkie who haven't heard our soul song yet," says Twilight.

"I am afraid I have reached the limit of soul performances for the day. The strain of playing the song of the soul of someone or somepony still living can mess with or confuse your own soul. That's soul fatigue. Not many in this world can do one soul music performance of another, and fewer still can do multiple ones in a day. I am going to have to change up the training as I recover," explains Mel.

Pinkie's ears droop slightly. "Aw! I wanted to hear mine!"

Mel's expression softens. "I understand your excitement, Pinkie, and I promise you will have your turn. We'll continue the soul performances once I've rested and regained my strength. Your soul song is just as important, and I'm looking forward to experiencing it."

Twilight's concern is evident as she speaks. "Oh... Why didn't you tell us about the strain? We don't want you pushing yourself too hard, Mel."

Mel offers a reassuring smile. "Because you would worry about me. Trust me, I know my limits. I don't want this disharmony to last longer than it has to, which is why I've been pushing you all so hard. But I appreciate your concern. It means a lot."

Applejack steps forward, offering her perspective. "That's mighty kind of ya, Mel, but take it from me. Ya can't push yourself endlessly, even if ya think ya know your limits. We're here to help ya, so let us do our part too."

Mel nods gratefully. "Thank you, Applejack. You're right, and I'll keep that in mind. We're a team, and together we'll navigate through this."

Rarity interjects, her voice filled with determination. "Absolutely! We'll support you every step of the way, Mel. Just as you're helping us discover our soul songs, we'll be there for you in whatever capacity you need."

Rainbow Dash, though still processing the information, speaks up. "Yeah, Mel. We've got your back. We're not ones to sit idly by while you shoulder all the burden. We're in this together, remember?"

Fluttershy's gentle voice carries a resolute tone. "If there's a chance to bring harmony to your world, Mel, then count me in. I may be scared, but with my friends by my side, I can find the courage to face any challenge."

Pinkie Pie bounces up and down, her enthusiasm undeterred. "Don't worry, Mel! We're ready to help however we can. And when the time comes for our soul songs, I'll be the bounciest, happiest participant ever!"

"Anyway, I am short-staffed right now. I only had Thomas to help train you. In the end, all the other people I trust are out there searching for the source of the disharmony," says Mel.

"What exactly are we talking about when ya say disharmony? Ya still haven't given us a straight answer," says Applejack, her curiosity evident.

Mel takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "It's hard to explain. You see, this world itself is akin to a song. In fact, the reason for this world's existence isn't because of a big bang but because of the song of creation. And someone is trying to change that melody, to alter the song. To alter the song of creation is to alter the fabric of reality. My brother and I already have some ability to manipulate it, but what's happening now is on a much larger scale. Cities will fall, and worlds will kneel if this disharmony continues unchecked."

Rarity raises an eyebrow, seeking further clarification. "I can understand the concept, darling, but what exactly causes this change to occur? Is it the work of a single individual or something more complex?"

Mel nods in understanding. "In most cases, one person can't fill the role of an entire orchestra. One lone melody can't change the tides of music. But if enough people who support the natural order of things were to stop or enough people resist it, then the balance can be disrupted. It's a collective effort, a collaboration of disharmony that threatens to unravel everything."

Rainbow Dash, growing impatient, interrupts. "Ugh... Just tell us who to clobber! We're not exactly musicians, you know."

Mel chuckles, appreciating Rainbow Dash's straightforward approach. "Good. I want that attitude for the next part of training. As I continue to recover, I'm taking you all down to the cells where we hold criminals. If we're going to face those who disrupt the natural order, we might as well have some experience dealing with them."

Pinkie Pie, always looking for an opportunity to bring joy, chimes in excitedly. "Can we throw a party afterward? There's been a distinct lack of parties since we got here!"

Mel smiles, amused by Pinkie's enthusiasm. "Yes, Pinkie Pie, we should have enough time for a celebration once we've completed the training. But for now, let's focus on the task at hand."

With Mel leading the way, the group traverses through the town, eventually arriving at a seemingly ordinary building. However, upon entering, they find themselves in a vast concert hall, the battleground of this world. They are greeted by the warden, who guides them to the stage where a prisoner awaits, clutching a violin. The prisoner is a thin, pale girl with long black hair.

"So I get even better rations if I beat these colorful ponies?" the prisoner asks with a sly grin, receiving a nod from the warden.

"Greetings, my little ponies. My name is Anny. How about I play you a song?" Anny says, her smile taking on a slightly eerie quality.

The mane 6 starts, humming, tapping, or singing their soul's song but they don't all line up together harmonically, and likewise, their magic is unstable.

"... Cute. Six cute colorful ponies cutely trying to make cute music. I HATE CUTE," Anny sneers as she plays jarring notes that build suspense and tension.

"Come on, Sugarcubes! Follow my lead!" Applejack encourages.

"I think I should start us off, as the melody could use some high notes!" Rarity suggests.

"Ugh... No one but you wants an opera, Rarity!" Rainbow Dash grumbles.

Anny's smile widens as she watches the disarray among the Mane 6. The tension in the air fuels her enjoyment.

"How about I help you all with the opening?" Anny suggests, her voice dripping with mocking malevolence.

Anny infuses her music with magic, creating an aura of dread that permeates the room. The atmosphere becomes tense, and a sense of something unnatural fills the air. The Mane 6 instinctively take a step back, their previous disagreements forgotten.

"N-no thank you... Y-you can stop..." Fluttershy stammers, her voice trembling, but Anny's grin only grows wider.

"Girls! We can't do anything if we don't work together! When have we ever beaten a foe by ourselves? Let me connect you all together, and let Applejack lead this time, and someone else the next!" Twilight urges, desperately trying to maintain their unity while trying to keep her cool.

"Drown in the tension. Plead and beg, but none will help you!" Anny taunts, reveling in their disarray.

Twilight attempts to speak or sing, but the suffocating dread stifles her voice, reducing it too feeble squeaks. Only Rainbow Dash, the embodiment of bravery, refuses to succumb completely. She looks around at her friends, curled up in the fetal position, and a flicker of determination ignites within her.

"You! How dare you?!" Rainbow Dash shouts, her voice cutting through the oppressive atmosphere.

"Oh? Aren't you brave? Crack, crack, crack. Even your willpower will not last forever and is degrading. I don't even have to lift a finger," Anny taunts.

Rainbow Dash knows Anny's words hold some truth. It has come down to a solo performance, and Rainbow Dash realizes that it's up to her to break free and save her friends. In response to her loyalty her cutie mark glows and Rainbow Dash knows exactly what to do.

"Shreddin' up my latest tune~, there's nothin' you can do to beat me! I'm so good that you can't defeat me!" Rainbow Dash sings confidently, her voice soaring.

Her wing feathers glow with vibrant rainbow colors as she takes flight, circling around Anny with lightning speed. The tornado she creates whips up a gust of wind, drowning out the dissonant notes and stifling the sense of dread that had filled the room.

"Step aside now, you're just gettin' in my way. I got sick chops you could never hope to play~" Rainbow Dash taunts, her voice a mix of singing and mockery mixed with a hint of narcissism.

Anny hastily resumes playing, desperately trying to regain control of the music. But Rainbow Dash's swift aerial maneuvers disrupt her rhythm, leaving Anny struggling to keep up. Rainbow Dash feels a surge of power coursing through her, fueled by her unwavering confidence. With a powerful flap of her wings, she unleashes a barrage of rainbow-colored energy feathers, obliterating Anny's violin in a dazzling display of light.

"This can't be! I was winning! I'm not going to lose to some... PONY who is so insecure that she has to paint her mane rainbow colors!" Anny shouts in frustration and disbelief.

Rainbow Dash smirks, her eyes gleaming with determination. "When it comes to making music, I'm the ruler~ You wish you could be 20% cooler!" she says finishing her performance, her voice filled with conviction.

With a sudden burst of energy, Rainbow Dash creates an explosion akin to a sonic rainboom, propelling Anny across the stage. The force of the blast sends her tumbling, and the medics on standby quickly rush in to attend to her.

As the commotion subsides, the rest of the Mane 6 stand in awe, their expressions a mix of surprise and admiration. They had witnessed Rainbow Dash's incredible display of skill and bravery, and they couldn't help but feel inspired by her unwavering self-assurance.

"And for your information, this is all-natural. Maybe YOU are the one so insecure that you can only get a kick out of making others feel lower than you," Rainbow Dash asserts confidently, her voice ringing with pride.

Mel walks into the room, applauding the performance with genuine admiration.

"You understood what I was trying to teach! It usually takes outsiders days, if not weeks, to learn to do what you just did. You're a natural!" Mel exclaims, a smile playing on his lips.

"Hehe! It was nothing! Hardly even a challenge!" Rainbow Dash boasts, puffing her chest with pride.

Mel's expression turns serious, his voice firm. "No, it was. Despite being the first to discover your music magic as an individual, it came at the expense of your friends not being able to learn their lessons. Remember, harmony is stronger than an individual. Are you going to go out by yourself or with your friends?" Mel's words are meant to humble Rainbow Dash and remind her of the importance of unity.

Rainbow Dash's confident facade wavers for a moment as she takes in Mel's words.

"That was still mighty amazing, Dash. Can I try to lead next time?" Applejack interjects, offering her support.

Rainbow Dash glances at her friends and then back at Mel, realizing the truth in their words. "Oh... yeah... Sorry about earlier... Perhaps I should explain to them how I did all that?" Rainbow Dash suggests, seeking approval from Mel.

Mel sighs, their tone a mix of exasperation and understanding. "Are you asking me, or are you going to do it? Pretend I'm not here. I might not always be able to tag along. I have duties as a ruler," he responds.

"Ugh! A yes would have been fine," Rainbow Dash grumbles, slightly frustrated.

Mel's gaze softens, and they speak with a hint of vulnerability. "I want to hold you and cheer you and tell you just how awesome you are, but pride comes before the fall. I will do everything in my power to ensure all of you make it through this. However, if even a single one of you dies, then I will send the rest of you back home," Mel states, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Rainbow Dash sighs, understanding the weight of Mel's words. "Okay... but seriously... wouldn't it be good if I at least tell them how I did it?" she asks, a mixture of determination and frustration evident in her voice. Mel sighs. "Alright, I hear you. But still! A yes isn't that hard!" Rainbow Dash retorts.

As Rainbow Dash continues to explain her newfound understanding of her soul's song and its transformation into magic, the rest of the Mane 6 listen intently, absorbing the knowledge and reflecting on their own experiences.

"I see! If we all sing or make music, it restores our magic, but the strongest magic comes from within! Perhaps the magic of friendship is still there, just accessed differently!" Twilight exclaims, a spark of excitement in her eyes as she connects the dots.

Pinkie Pie, always one to celebrate, pulls out a cake from seemingly thin air and throws a spontaneous victory party. "Woohoo! This calls for a celebration! Rainbow Dash, you're so amazing! And Twilight, you're gonna be super duper mega strong once you tap into your soul's song!" Pinkie exclaims, her enthusiasm infectious.

Rarity, with her keen perception, offers her perspective. "Well, in a way, we all already know our soul's songs. The music is within us, and we understand ourselves on a deep level. All we have to do is express it. That's the music of the soul. I don't see why we have to wait for Mel to strain himself when we already have the answers," Rarity suggests, her voice filled with confidence.

Applejack nods in agreement, chiming in, "Ya know, Rarity, ya make a good point. I reckon given enough time, I could have figured out that performance on my own. I think Mel was just speeding up the process for us."

Fluttershy, meekly offering her thoughts, adds, "Um... it's complicated... We all have parts of ourselves that we hide or struggle with to some degree. Maybe it's best that we trust in Mel's performance, where nothing is hidden." Her voice carries a hint of uncertainty.

Rainbow Dash considers their perspectives and responds, "It doesn't hurt to try. Besides, if we get it wrong, Mel can always correct us. We're learning and growing together."

Twilight ponders for a moment, weighing the options. "Hmmm... It would be safest to let Mel guide us, but I have a feeling he'll be thrilled to see that we've figured it out on our own. Let's give it a shot and see where it takes us," she suggests, the determination evident in her voice. "Ok. My defining traits are that I organize and make plans. I try to listen to all sides. And when push comes to shove and it's a high-stress situation I will always pull through at the end!"

They all nod agreeing.

"And you are an egghead!" Rainbow Dash adds unhelpfully.

"I am not an egghead for loving books! I read that line in a book." Twilight says slightly annoyed by the comment. "I know! I think I got it! I just need to work on the final bits! I just need that little push! Since there is still a little time left in the day we could try training on one more criminal!"

Rainbow Dash smirks confidently. "Twilight, remember, we've faced incredible challenges before, and we always find a way to overcome them. We're capable of more than we realize. Ever since we got here it was Mel this, Mel, that. I get it. He is powerful, but we are 20% cooler."

Applejack chimes in, reflecting Rainbow Dash's determination. "She's got a point, Twi. We can't keep relying on Mel all the time. We gotta learn to trust in ourselves and each other. And if we're gonna grow and get stronger, we need to push our limits."

Fluttershy musters the courage to interject, her voice trembling slightly. "I-I understand what you're all saying, but... maybe it's best to wait for Mel's guidance. He knows this world better than any of us."

Pinkie Pie trembles, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is a bad idea... It's... my Pinkie Senses are tingling, and they're telling me something bad is going to happen. I can't explain it, but... I'm really scared about this."

"Pinkie Pie. What EXACTLY do your senses say this time?" Rarity asks knowing that Pinkie Pie's senses always have some sort of meaning and logic behind it.

"Fear..." says Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash chuckles, "It's probably the prisoner's fear after we kick their butts! We'll get a head start on our performance by making them have to run over and open the instrument case and assemble it."

"Now hold on a minute. That's playing dirty!" says Applejack disapproving of Rainbow Dash's tactics.

"Oh! I see! Hehe! If it's their fear of us kicking their booty then that's a good thing!" Pinkie Pie says doing a complete 180.

And so the Mane 6 goes to the warden's office. The Warden was sleeping and so they woke him and asked him for keys to the cells. The Warden knowing they were with the Master Conductor assumes they were acting in his interests. If they had been normal people he would have taken this situation a little more seriously and strictly, but he was disarmed by the cute pastel colored ponies talking to him. After some head pats to each of them he gives them the keys.

Author's Note:

Red flags everywhere. I have lost count.