• Published 28th May 2023
  • 361 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 7

After obtaining the keys from the warden, Twilight carefully reads through the cell protocol. It's crucial to understand the workings of the prison since they are planning to release a criminal in order to confront them. In her brief study, Twilight discovers that the prison consists of three levels. The first level houses general prisoners, while the second level is reserved for violent and unstable individuals. The third level is where the most powerful and dangerous criminals are held, and Anny was part of this group.

As they approach the cells, the group notices that each prisoner has an individual cell without roommates. The cell doors bear inscriptions containing the prisoner's name, their crime, and their unique music type or power.

Determined to face the musical disharmony plaguing their world, Twilight addresses her friends with a resolute tone. "Alright, girls, we have a mission to accomplish. For the sake of restoring harmony, we must succeed."

Unexpectedly, a voice emerges from one of the level three cells. It belongs to a prisoner wearing a partial mask that covers his mouth, preventing him from using his voice to activate his power. "Oh? Musical Disharmony, you say? I might know a thing or two about that," the masked prisoner remarks.

Curiosity piqued, Rarity approaches the cell and reads the inscription aloud for Twilight's benefit. "This prisoner's name is Azeun, and his crime involved sending several people to the hospital. His music magic is described as parasitic copying."

Intrigued, Twilight steps closer to Azeun's cell and directs her question toward him. "Azeun, if you possess knowledge regarding musical disharmony, we implore you to share it with us. The lives of countless depend on our success."

Leaning nonchalantly against the cell bars, Azeun allows a smug smile to form beneath his partial mask. "I have no obligation to divulge anything to you. Besides, I never imagined I'd be questioned by talking colorful horses. The fortune teller's prediction was right after all."

Applejack, ever direct, steps forward and asserts, "We ain't horses! We're ponies, and it's disrespectful to confuse the two. Now quit ya stalling and answer the question."

Chuckling softly, Azeun's gaze shifts from Applejack to the group as a whole. "I do know who the leader is and even why they seek to cause this musical disharmony. But I don't feel like sharing. I'm cozy in this cell and none can touch me."

"How about a bet? If we beat you in a fight..." Rainbow Dash begins, but before she can finish her sentence, Azeun cuts her off with a mischievous grin.

"Deal. I don't need to hear the rest of the details. I assume it's going to be a 6-on-1? Oh, dear me. I'm a bit out of practice. But I never turn down a challenge. If you can take me on and emerge victorious, I'll gladly share everything I know," Azeun responds confidently.

With their agreement set, the group escorts Azeun to the music stage, where the confrontation will take place. Applejack takes the lead, tapping her hoof on the wooden floor in a steady rhythm.

"1, 2, 3, 4, together we can raise this barn, 1, 2, 3, 4!" Applejack begins singing, her voice accompanied by the synchronized tapping of hooves from the rest of the Mane 6. The harmony builds, amplifying Applejack's music and empowering her unique magic.

Observing their performance, Azeun comments playfully, "Oh! You won't even let me grab an instrument! How tricky!" Undeterred, he rushes to the other side of the stage to seize a violin, determined to counter their efforts.

"Up, up, up, go to the beams! Hammer those joints!" Applejack calls out, and the rest of the Mane 6 join in, their voices blending seamlessly into the song.

As each beat resonates, several wooden beams shoot out from the ground, propelled by the collective harmony. Azeun grunts as he gets propelled backward, crashing into the wall with immense force, creating a substantial crater. Spectral nails materialize, pinning him down.

Rainbow Dash cheers, exhilarated by their success. "Yeah! That was AWESOME! We totally kicked his butt!"

Applejack, however, seems concerned and stopped the song. "Oh, Nelly... I didn't mean to go THAT far... Maybe we should've held back a bit..."

Twilight approaches Azeun, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern. "We can get you healed, but now you must fulfill your end of the bargain. Tell us everything you know."

The mask covering Azeun's face cracks before shattering completely, revealing his expression shifting from pain and shock to a wicked grin.

"It's so nice to finally speak without my voice being disharmonized. You see, my dear ponies, I said if I lose. But I'm not done yet," Azeun declares with a hint of defiance. "Although I must admit, I won't be able to handle another hit like that. And I'm bound, preventing me from using instruments."

Rarity interjects, urging caution. "Darling, don't push yourself too far. You need healing. While we understand your magic talent revolves around mimicking our songs and using them against us, we must remember that together, we are stronger than you could ever be alone. Each of us has a musical talent to showcase, and I have a feeling you won't be able to copy all of them simultaneously."

Pinkie Pie interrupts the conversation, her voice trembling with a sense of foreboding. "Guys... I'm feeling it again... And he doesn't look scared to me..."

"You are right about all that purple-haired horse. I hid my powers so they misinterpreted mine. That isn't my power at all. You forgot one thing. Well, two things really. One. You stopped singing. and two now I can sing." says Azeun.

As the realization of her mistake dawns upon her, Applejack's eyes widen in alarm. She swiftly attempts to resume the interrupted song, desperately trying to reignite the fading magic that once surged through her. The lingering notes hang in the air, intertwining with Azeun's harmonic whispers, creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Azeun's dark melody begins to overshadow Applejack's song, its haunting beauty captivating the senses.

To the horror of the Mane 6, the spectral nails that had restrained Azeun's movements begin to degrade and fade away. Applejack's negligence in maintaining her magic allowed the decay to take hold. Azeun seizes the opportunity, extending his hand to summon a violin that appears to be crafted from bones. It emanates an aura of malevolence.

"As for who the leader is, that would be me," Azeun declares, his voice laced with a mixture of arrogance and triumph. "Mel, being none the wiser, would have never suspected to search among the imprisoned. All I had to do was orchestrate my arrest for a lesser crime. Meanwhile I could continue to pull the strings from behind the scenes."

Without hesitation, Azeun starts to play his violin, conjuring a melody that is both mesmerizing and unsettling. Applejack's song pales in comparison, its once vibrant magic fading under the weight of Azeun's powerful music. As Azeun's composition reaches its crescendo, a spectral figure materializes, wearing a mask that obscures half of its face. It is the previous Master Conductor, a phantom-like entity.

Azeun smirks, continuing to sing as he controls the reluctant Phantom. "Say hello to the previous Master Conductor. You could say he is the Phantom of the Opera~"

The Phantom's expression is one of anger and resistance, clearly unhappy with being summoned and forced into Azeun's service. However, Azeun plays the Phantom's soul song, a haunting melody that compels the spirit to obey. The Phantom, who needs no physical instrument, channels its spectral power through the strokes of Azeun's violin.

In a single swift motion, the Phantom's violin stroke slices through not only the Mane 6's music but also Applejack herself. A spray of crimson and black energy erupts from the wound instead of blood, and Applejack's appearance undergoes a dramatic transformation, aging rapidly until she resembles the elderly Granny Smith.

"W-w-what the buck?! Applejack!" Rainbow Dash cries out in shock and concern.

"You monster!" Twilight's voice quivers with a mixture of anger and fear.

Azeun smirks, reveling in the chaos he has unleashed. "Necromancer, you could even say a musical necromancer. I play the melodies and soul songs of the deceased to wield their powers," he taunts mockingly, fully embracing the role of the villain mastermind he has claimed to be.

Twilight's mind races, her stress levels reaching their peak. The situation has escalated to a dangerous level, far beyond what she had anticipated. The urgency to protect her friends, especially Applejack, consumes her thoughts. She knows she can't flee and leave her companions behind, but she also realizes that she must act swiftly.

"Grrrr! You're going to regret hurting my friend!" Rainbow Dash's voice echoes through the chamber as she channels her anger and determination. The feathers of her wings shimmer with a dazzling rainbow hue as she prepares to unleash her solo performance.

Creating a swirling storm of wind and energy, It was the same thing that had muted Azeun's melody, but it does little to diminish the power of the Phantom's song.

"Just say it already. You're going to 'kill me,'" Azeun taunts, his words striking a nerve within Rainbow Dash. She hesitates, realizing that her initial intention was to deliver a fatal blow. The realization jolts her, causing her to hold back her attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Azeun moves on to the second act of the Phantom's song. Rainbow Dash's wings begin to warp and melt, causing her to spiral downwards, her confidence shattered.

"Two down. I hope you aren't relying on the 'power of friendship' or whatever, because that isn't happening," Azeun sneers, reveling in the damage he has inflicted.

Twilight's mental stability continues to crumble under the weight of the situation. Rarity attempts to sing, only to clutch her throat as if submerged underwater. Fluttershy, in her attempt to hide, finds herself covered in spectral eyes that gaze at her judgmentally, reducing her to a sobbing mess.

"And then there were two," Azeun remarks, his voice dripping with a mix of malice and satisfaction.

"Twilight... Run... Go get Mel..." Pinkie Pie's voice trembles with a combination of fear and concern.

Twilight's inner turmoil intensifies. Logically, it makes sense to seek help from Mel, but ethically, she struggles to abandon her friends in their time of need.

"Who said any of you would get the chance to tell Mel?" Azeun taunts, knowing the futility of their situation. He proceeds to play the third act of the Phantom's song.

A curse befalls the Mane 6, preventing them from ever revealing Azeun's name through any means. Realizing that his captives pose no further threat, Azeun approaches Twilight, who is paralyzed with fear. He shakes her forcefully until she drops the key needed for his escape.

"What a wonderful day outside. Rats are gnawing, spirits are screaming, on days like these, ponies like you should be barn animals mindlessly eating hay," Azeun sneers, reveling in his victory.

"I'm gonna kill ya... Ahhh! Mah back!" Applejack cries out as her back gives out.

Azeun's laughter fills the air as he strolls out, leaving behind a group of broken and cursed friends, their spirits crushed and their hope fading away.

Mel's arrival brings relief to the Mane 6 as he starts cycling through their soul songs, using his magic to undo the damage inflicted upon them.

"Oh, thank you, darling... I felt as if I was drowning," Rarity expresses her gratitude.

"My wings are back... I can fly!" Rainbow Dash exclaims, her excitement returning.

"Thank you, Mel, for fixing us," Applejack acknowledges with a sense of gratitude.

However, Mel's expression is far from happy. He appears deeply angered by the situation they find themselves in.

"What were you all thinking? Level three prisoners are the most dangerous kinds. They are skilled at what they do. I have experience from fighting them myself, which is why I knew you could face Anny. Now, who did you all fight?" Mel's voice carries a stern tone, demanding an answer.

Silence hangs in the air as none of them are able to speak up, the curse preventing them from revealing their encounter.

"I would appreciate an answer. I know you all can talk just fine," Mel persists, determined to uncover the truth.

"We are not able to..." Fluttershy's voice trails off, indicating their predicament.

"... Necromancy. You fought a musical necromancer. That's bad. I thought I dealt with all of them. There isn't even supposed to be one left in this world!" Mel's frustration seeps through his words.

Confusion fills Twilight's mind as she tries to comprehend the implications of what Mel just revealed.

"Necromancy here doesn't mean raising the dead. The deceased cannot return to life. It is considered taboo because it involves stealing the magic and hard work of those who have passed away, exploiting their abilities as if they were one's own... The dead cannot rest, and their honor is defiled. I banish such beings to other worlds that deal with necromancers," Mel explains, his tone heavy with disappointment.

Pinkie Pie remains silent, her usual cheerfulness nowhere to be seen.

"I am sorry. Perhaps I am partially to blame. I knew it was risky to involve others in this matter. But thanks to your team's efforts, I now know that the prison should have been the first place I searched. I will send you all back home to Equestria now," Mel declares with a mix of regret and determination.

"W-what?! You can't do that! Sure, we failed, but we can try again once we are stronger! We nearly had him!" Rainbow Dash protests, unwilling to accept defeat.

"No sugarcube... That wasn't a fight we could have won... The moment he got to do his thing, we lost," Applejack interjects, her voice filled with resignation.

"But... We can still help! Give us another chance!" Twilight pleads, her determination unyielding.

"A ruler must make difficult decisions. You are alive not because they spared you all, but because they didn't know when I might have returned and was in a hurry to leave. I do wish we could continue... But what would I tell Celestia? That I let you all nearly die while attempting to solve a problem that I need to fix?" Mel's sadness is evident in his words.

With a heavy heart, Mel raises his violin and begins to play. The forceful notes carry a mixture of farewell and longing as he teleports the Mane 6 straight back to Equestria, their adventure in the other world coming to an unexpected and abrupt end.

Back at Equestria half an hour before the Mane 6 was sent back.

The ancient evil has been defeated. Celestia and Luna reluctantly thanked Discord and the hero he summoned before sending the hero back to his home world.

"Don't think because you helped once that means you can just do whatever you want now. What is the status of my little ponies?" asks Celestia not happy with the last time she spoke with Discord.

Discord knows he is already in hot waters and decides not to risk angering them, "They are fighting some Necromancer right now. They aren't going to win. But don't worry. Deus ex Machina insures that they won't die. I bet they'll be sent right back home soon."

Luna growls, "We remember asking thee to watch over and protect them. Please do tell us your excuse for why you aren't there right now if this is the case."

"Um...." Discord says gulping, "You see... I'm sort of... Banned from that world. I am actually unable to enter that world myself."

A flash of light appears and suddenly the Mane 6 are there. Their look of defeat are reflected on their faces.