• Published 28th May 2023
  • 361 Views, 13 Comments

Mane Six In the World of Music - Snakes0

Twilight and the rest of her friends get summoned to a world where music is magic. The king of the world or the "Master Conductor" saw that they restored harmony to their world time after time and he hopes they can do the same to his.

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Chapter 11

The Mane 6 followed the river, guided by Cinder's assurance that it would eventually lead them to a nearby city. As they walked, the weight of their recent battles lingered in the air. Each of them carried a sense of doubt and worry about their future encounters with other musicians. However, no pony spoke up about it, and silence enveloped the group. It wasn't until they stumbled upon a hermit that things took a different turn.

The hermit, a weathered and wise-looking individual, noticed the somber atmosphere surrounding the Mane 6. His gentle voice broke the silence, reaching out to them with understanding.

"My... There seems to be quite an air of despair around you all. I know that look. Questioning if you are good enough, strong enough, big enough. But let me assure you, my dear ponies, that you possess monstrous potential within you. Perhaps sharing your burdens with me might help chase away those feelings," the hermit said, his eyes filled with sympathy.

Fluttershy, grateful that someone had finally addressed their concerns, spoke up in a polite and timid tone, "Thank you, kind sir. It's been weighing on our minds."

The hermit smiled warmly, his curious gaze sweeping over the group. "What you all need is to see. You have eyes, yet you fail to see what you can truly do. Merely playing the music is not everything. Many end up wasting their potential that way."

Rainbow Dash, always one to speak her mind, couldn't help but express her skepticism. "Are you saying that you have a way to make us 'see'? We don't want to be pushed around or manipulated."

The hermit chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "I assure you, I have no intention of manipulating you. I offer only guidance. My music allows me to mimic the music of others, albeit at a fraction of its potency. Choose one among you, and I shall use only the music from the chosen one. Then, you shall all face me in a musical duel."

Applejack, ever the cautious one, spoke up, her voice filled with curiosity. "Ya talk a big game, but who are ya? What makes ya so confident ya could win against all of us?"

The hermit's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with a mix of humility and pride. "I am but a traveling hermit. I do not need a name. I once placed 70th in the Master Conductor ballet. Helping those who are lost is why I do what I do. I didn't say I would win. We are doing a battle of the band's style."

Twilight, feeling a deep sense of uncertainty in this unfamiliar world, added her thoughts. "I must admit, I feel lost here. I am the Element of Magic in our world, but this place is so different."

The hermit nodded, understanding Twilight's predicament to some degree. "I see. Play for me. Let us see if these old bones of mine can handle your magical melodies."

Twilight took a deep breath, summoning her inner strength, and began to sing. Her melodic voice filled the air, the hermit raises an eyebrow as he listens. The hermit listened intently, his expression a mix of concentration and appreciation. Once Twilight finished her performance, he stretched his back, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Alright then, my young one. Now that I have heard your music, it's time to put it to the test. Prepare yourselves to watch what I can do with it. Or how do you youngsters say it? Getting freaky on a Friday night?" the hermit said, his tone filled with anticipation.

"No pony says that Darling," Rarity says finding that last statement uncouth.

Fluttershy takes the lead this time and the others join in. No magical effects this time happen which confuses the group and then the hermit plays and yet still no magic. That's when they realize that this is completely different from how they had been facing their opponents. The hermit plays his flute confidently and his skill really shows. He plays Twilight's song but in his own way. After a few minutes, he stops. The Mane 6 also stop. The victor was clear. They had won because their teamwork and combined harmony was worth more than his more skilled performance. Music had decided the victor.

"If I had been marked I would have lost and forced to surrender and comply with whatever conditions were set beforehand. The purple one has a gift that is called an "amplifier". It means any harmony she joins is immediately boosted. Scarily enough that isn't the only thing. You have a 'Unity' skill which lets you connect with and have others work together seamlessly though it is still a work in progress. The final skill she has is the 'Adaptive' skill which means that her melodies can have parts from others and share in that power which again is empowered by Amplifier. If I had to guess... She right now would be in the 50th position on the Master Composter ballot results and if she reached her full potential then the top 25." the hermit rants.

Twilight thinks for a moment before asking, "Suppose there was a Necromancer... What rank would we have to be to-"

"Don't. Any such being in this world that is skilled enough for you to ask "What rank I would need to be at to fight" is one you don't want to fight at all. Because they can weld the music of the previous Master Conductor. His spirit lingers after death upset due to a tragic death which means unlike other passed-away people Necromancers can use 100% of their power. Until the Master Conductor finds peace and leaves expect any necromancer to hold powers equal to him." the hermit warns after interrupting Twilight.

Twilight is shocked, "100%?! So even if we worked together...."

"Now if you all manage to work together and harmonize your soul songs then... Maybe. I don't know. But I don't expect such a being to play fair so don't count on it. If outsiders like you are dealing with these kinds of threats then this world might be reaching its finale... I wonder what Cleft Melody is doing during all of this... Anyway, good luck you strange strange ponies!" the hermit says before leaving.

Rainbow wanting to see what her rank would be calls out to the hermit, "Wait! What place would I be?!"

The hermit doesn't even turn to face them as he continues to walk away, "Placement isn't everything. A stubborn musician will only play what they think is right and will struggle to improve or adapt. All of you have the potential to be... Eh. I'm rambling. I'm just an old no-name hermit who has given up his name. You all already know that you are stronger together. Don't play alone."

The hermit leaves. Now that the group had a chance to see the alternative to a music magic battle they feel better. And being praised by someone in the 70th rank also helped. Twilight always wanted to be productive and as a multi-tasker, she came up with a plan. In the case of having to split up, they would work in two groups of three or three groups of two. And so each day of travel they practiced in small groups. They are getting close to their destination but their rations had ran out.

"I'm hungry... Are you sure there is no more food?" Rainbow Dash asks after her stomach growled.

Twilight saw this as an opportunity to apply what they learned and practiced "Ok girls! This is a perfect time to use our heads and think up a solution!"

Applejack thinks before answering, "Mah music seems to be earth related. And Rainbow's is about the weather. If we add a little bit of your magic then maybe we can get a plant to grow?"

"Worth a shot!" Rainbow Dash says excitedly.

Twilight smiles. She predicted this was one of several possible combinations that might work. Applejack took the lead and Rainbow Dash creates audible whooshes with her wings in rhythm and Twilight sang with Applejack. Their cutie marks glow and their power surges. Plants around the area start to grow rapidly and transform from magic influence. The plants respond to their music and gradually turn into a large apple tree that kept growing and growing even after they stopped as their harmony lingers in the air.

Applejack chuckles, "At least we don't have to worry about being hungry now! That tree is huge!"

And so the group ate and pondered what other possible combinations they could make. This synergy effect was much stronger than when they all worked together implying that they still can't all harmonize at the same time but in smaller groups they can harmonize and truly shine. Their hopes are high and they finally reach a city after following the river. This city was called "Cleft" and the city was structured and built around a massive music academy. They tried to enter but two dragon-masked guards block them. It was similar to Mel's draconic mask.

The first guard holds out his hand as if to stop them, "Stop! Come no closer! The academy is restricted to only students and those with appointments."

"I got this. We are guests of Mel and-" Rainbow Dash starts but gets interrupted by the second guard.

"Show us your ID so we can verify. If you think that taking the form of pastel-colored ponies is going to distract us you are mistaken." the second guard says demanding.

The situation seemed grim as none of them had an answer and they had a feeling there was no way they could sneak in. A young veiled lady wearing a masquerade mask walks up to the guards and shows them her ID. "They are with me. They are part of my project."

The second guard squints his eyes, "What kind of project? Midterms are over."

"A personal one and one that is for extra credit. Did you even read the syllabus? Extra credit projects turned in before the end of the year ring any bells?" the lady says not backing down.

The first guard is getting nervous, "Dude... She is the headmaster's daughter... Do we have to be this thorough with her?"

The second guard shoots a glare at the first guard before looking back, "Do you think this is some sort of movie drama? the whole 'they are with me' act and then they turn out not to be with you and then we get in trouble. It's stuff like that that gives guards like us a bad name and makes us look like idiots. So let us see it. Show me your project and how these random ponies relate to it."

"Fine. Give me a moment." the lady says before turning to the group who didn't even get a chance to say anything.

Twilight realizes that this lady is putting herself into trouble just so she can help them go inside. They all quietly decided to play along.

"They aren't Notes. They are ponies. Real ones. A little bit of music to awaken their animal minds... And I am working on seeing if I can turn/train them into 'amplifiers' to improve melody." the lady says lying as she plans on showing them something big to make it look like her power got amplified. "Ok ponies, With me like we practiced. Three, two, one."

The Mane 6 hearing the word "Amplifier" knows that Twilight is one so they let her sing with the lady. In the sky, a mini-moon made of ice forms. It keeps getting bigger and the area starts to get cold and dark. The lady seems shocked not expecting her power to actually get amplified. The mini ice moon seems to spread a cold chilly melody as well as frost. The two guards are baffled and slightly scared. Suddenly the door swings open and a tall woman with the same masquerade mask as the lady that was helping them and wears long silky white robes.

"ENOUGH! Frost Lunar! What do you think you are doing?! This level of magic is destructive! As your mother and headmaster I order you to stop this!" says the headmaster in a stern voice. "You know what? Forget it! I'll deal with it myself!"

She takes out a handheld harp and with a crushing melody the mini ice moon is shattered and the music effect is silenced. The headmaster glares at the guards waiting for an explanation.

"I was just doing my job! If there is any reason for suspension or any suspicious activity we are to do a full search/investigation! There were these ponies and your daughter claimed that they were for her extra credit project which I don't remember in the syllabus which-" the second guard starts to explain.

"OH! I knew I had forgotten something! Extra credit projects! I must have forgotten to add that! It all makes sense now. All is well in the world. Now if there isn't anything else to keep my daughter from coming in then please let her and her 'project' inside." the headmaster says changing her mood. "Frost Lunar, I'm proud. You are starting to tap into your full power at such a young age! You might just make it up to the top ten in the rankings. I can't wait to hear all about your project. I have to go now. See you tonight Frost Lunar!"

Frost Lunar sighs before turning to the ponies, "WHAT. WAS. THAT?! Are you all Notes trying to get in? Why ponies?!"

Twilight answers quickly, "We aren't Notes. We ARE ponies. Just.... from a different world."

Lunar sighs, "That's the story you are going with? Also I didn't REALIZE you WERE an amplifier. I was going to use my music to create a chill and make it snow! Also why in the world are you trying to get into the academy? If you wanted to get in then you had to have heard of the rules. All forms must be bipedal and humanoid."

"We didn't know that. We figured we could just walk in and.... oh... Now that I think about it..... Maybe we didn't think things through..." says Applejack as she realized that they were just planning on walking in and asking around.