• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,814 Views, 96 Comments

Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

[Displaced and Disassembly] Final part

“You speak like you have met them before? Care to explain?” Kumar asked confused.

“It's another thing from our original world, a game to be more specific, Undertale to be even more specific, basically, long ago humans and monsters once lived on the surface in peace, but after some humans learnt that monsters could get stronger by absorbing a human soul, even though monsters had never absorbed human souls before, let alone kill a human, the humans went to war with the monsters, and won, trapping the monsters underground in mount Ebbot for centuries with a powerful spell forming an almost impenetrable barrier.” Uzi began to explain, pausing to see if Tessa or Kuma had any questions they wanted to ask.

“Undertale…? wait from what you are saying how did the monsters survive?! From the description wouldn't they have run out of food, water, or space underground?” Tessa asked as they walked to the tree.

“You can thank the original royal scientist for their survival, he created a machine called the CORE, it basically used a mote of lava and the ambient magic in the air to create food and other essentials such as electricity, due to this, the food in the monster kingdom would often have a healing side effect, the foods turning into pure magical energy upon consumption.” Uzi explained, pausing to see if Tessa and Kuma were ready for her to continue her explanation.

“Interesting. I would like to see this, ‘CORE’ one day. It will be fascinating to discover how it functions.” Tessa said already thinking of ways on how to help a lot of people and the research the magic and technology will yield.

“Right, and I'm sure Alphys would be happy to tell you all about what she knows about the CORE.” Uzi nodded with a small smile before checking if Kuma or Tessa had anymore questions.

After seeing that the two didn't have any questions at the moment, she continued her explanation.

“After some time, Chara had fallen into mount Ebbot, becoming the first human to fall into the land of monsters, the king and queen adopting them on the spot.” Uzi continued before seeing Kuma had a question so she paused so he could speak his mind.

“Really? Why would they do that?” Kuma was very confused. “Based on the story the monsters had every right to be angry at the humans. They must have had their reasons to not want revenge/justice.” Kuma said, scratching his head.

“Oh, that's easy to explain, it's mainly for three reasons, firstly, the king and queens child, prince asriel had befriended Chara, secondly, Chara probably hated humanity more than any monster could, and lastly, Chara is a child that had nothing to do with the war.” Uzi explained, gaining a strained smile as she spoke the second reason, her left eye going hollow and twitching for a moment.

“True…the crimes of the parents or in this case ancestors should not be passed down to the present generation of humans. But the question is was there anger within the underground kingdom.” Kuma said before Tessa taped his shoulder and pointed to Uzi. Both had spotted her left eye twitching and going hollow but said nothing, wanting Uzi to continue her story about the monsters.

‘sigh' “I'm just… I'm just going to continue the story…” Uzii sighed before shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

“After a while of living underground, Chara had a plan to help all monsters escape the underground, Chara would have to die, her adoptive brother asriel would then absorb her soul, becoming powerful enough to pass through the barrier but not break it, to do that, asriel would have to kill six humans, absorb their soul and return to the barrier, asriel taking Char's body to the surface, and upon seeing asriel with Chara’s body, the humans assumed that asriel had taken Chara’s life, even though it was Chara who planned for her death, the humans then attacked asriel and even though Chara wanted asriel to fight back, asriel didn't, sparing the humans, picking Chara's body back up, and returning back to the underground before dying and turning to dust on a bed of flowers, both asriel and Chara's souls shattering.” Uzi began to rant about the entire story of Undertale as she looked around the Library.

“What a stupid idea.” Kuma said not holding back the bluntness in his voice. “If it was a plan she wanted to enact she had to go into deep detail with both asriel and the king and queen. Because this action and plan directly affected them due to their child being murdered. That alone means having to murder 6 other humans to break the barrier. In all honesty the monsters were in big trouble from the start or if they wanted freedom.”

“I totally agree that it was a stupid idea, I mean, Chara willingly chose to die in a very painful way, eating buttercup flowers, those being lethally poisonous to humans, also, Chara had asriel promise to not tell Asgore and Toriel, the king and queen...I'm… not going to explain what Chara experienced before she died due to the poisonous flowers, I'm not entirely comfortable even thinking about it, and in case you're wondering how Chara even knew the flowers were so poisonous in the first place, Chara and asriel tried to bake a pie for their dad, Asgore and accidentally used buttercups instead of butter.” Uzi continued her rant and explanation as she continued to intently search the library.

“Damn. Stupid indeed. As even with this information on how they died at the very least chara and aerial should at the bare minimum learn some self defense. Hand to hand, or even just use their magic in a defensive way.” Kuma shook his head disappointed hearing the loss of two innocent lives. “Wait…if the monsters are here…does that mean the humans from their world are here as well?”

“I doubt it, the only humans I would expect to be here would be frisk and maybe Chara, Chara essentially being merged with Frisk's soul as a spirit, in the Undertale game Chara basically played the role of the narrator.” Uzi shrugged, still looking throughout the library very thoroughly.

“Let's hope it stays that way and we don't have to deal with frisk or chara human family. Because if we do Uzi you and I might have to dig some very big holes.” Kuma said grimly as he looked around the library. Tessa sat down on one of the small chairs in the library as she had a book in hand.

“Hm, we might indeed, oh, here it is, I knew I saw Twilight take this back to the Library before the fighting.” Uzi exclaimed as she picked up a familiar book with seven multicolored hearts and one upside down colorless heart on the cover page.

“What did you find?” Tessa asked looking back at Uzi.

“The soul book, the one I showed you, I knew it looked familiar and with the arrival of the monsters, it all makes sense, it's a book explaining all the different soul traits and what they can do.”Uzi exclaimed as she pulled out the book.

“It has everything we need to know about monsters and their magic??” Tessa asked curiously.

“Not everything, all it has is information on the souls and the basics on what each soul trait can do, there are 8 soul traits in total, seven human soul traits and the monster soul trait, the human soul traits are depicted here in the book, red for determination, yellow for justice, green for kindness, orange for bravery, cyan for patience, blue for integrity and purple for perseverance, and finally, white for monsters.” Uzi explained as she showed Kuma and Tessa the cover page of the soul book.

Kuma and Tessa both looked at it with interest. “I am curious as to what my soul color is.”

“Same here!” tessa said interested.

Then we are going to need a monster, I would recommend we find either Toriel or Papyrus.” Uzi explained as she placed the book in her backpack.

“How come?” Tessa asked, tilting her head.

“Well, monster magic is one of the only ways to see your soul, a monster can do this either by initiating a soul battle or bringing out your soul with a small part of their magic if given permission, and as for me recommending Toriel and papyrus, it's because they are both quite powerful and kind.” Uzi explained as she looked out of a window.

“Why not undyne or sans?” Kuma asked as he thought at the very least the small skeleton would help for a minute.

“Sans is too lazy and Undyne would definitely want to spar to test your capabilities, and I do not want to fight at all considering I am still technically recharging.” Uzi explained with a shrug as she continued to look out of the window before gaining a soft smile.

“Ok, I found Toriel, follow me!” Uzi exclaimed as she began to walk towards the exit door to the tree library.

The 2 followed the worker drone as they followed close behind pushing past a few ponies. “I am wondering why celestia and Luna haven't arrived yet.”

“Donno, they're probably checking around the outskirts of town and the everfree ... .and Luna got hit and is most likely resting at sweet apple acres.” Uzi explained just before arriving at a group of younger ponies and a large anthro goat monster and small human child with a purple and pink striped shirt.

“Really? Not at the hospital?” Tessa said shocked. “She or her sister got hit with the magic disruptor from the spider tank! Why would they not keep her at the hospital?”

“Alicorns are a lot more durable than the regular pony, and I used the absolute solver program to fix some of the burns and neutralize the magic nullification frequencies.” Uzi explained with a shrug before tugging at the tall goat monster's dress.

Tessa shook her head, “Uzi do you not think I knew that. The lazer was specially made for alicorns to make them useless for a temporary time. In a way they would be weaker than a small foal for at least a week. And in a war or battle that is quite the very long time.”

“Well, I'm pretty sure the main factor in alicorns being so weak after being hit is the nullification of their magic, correct?” Uzi asked with a metaphorical raised eyebrow.

“Correct in reality the laser zaps a large amount of magic from the alicorns leaving them with very little inside their bodies.” Tessa said with a smile.

While Uzi and Tessa argued, Kuma walked over to the goat monster and the human child, both of whom seem to be playing with several fillies and Colts, most likely to distract the young ones from what had just happened a short while ago.

“Well this is interesting. I don't think I have seen a creature like you.” kuma said standing behind the goat monster.

“Ah, you must be the Kuma these young ones keep talking about, it is nice to meet you face to face, I am Toriel Dreemurr, and this is my child, Frisk Dreemurr, they are non-binary.” Toriel spoke, motioning towards the young fillies and Colts playing a young human child.

“They talking about me? I have nearly been here a day? Was it good or bad?” Kuma asked Toriel, holding his hand out for a hand shake.

“It was all good things that were said, they kept saying how the Golems and ‘bearman’ had saved their town.” Toriel chuckled just before Uzi and Tessa walked over to the two of them.

“E-heh…sorry about that, me and Tes over here were just talking about some technological stuff, anyways, it's nice to meet you Toriel, my name is Uzi, this is Tessa and you've already met Kuma.” Uzi apologized with a holographic and embarrassed blush on her face.

“It is quite alright little golem.” Toriel said with a smile as she shakes Kumar's hand and walks to Uzi before reaching over and patting her head.

“I-uh, anyway, if it isn't too much to ask, would you mind showing us our souls? We found a book explaining soul traits in that tree library over there.” Uzi blushed at the head pat before making her request.

“Oh can you not use magic? From the children here they told of a strange purple symbol forming around you at curtain times.” Toriel asked a look of confusion.

“Oh, um, I'm not a monster Ms. Toriel, I'm a worker drone, a robot basically.” Uzi awkwardly corrected, avoiding eye contact.

“Ah I see, forgive me little worker drone correct?” she questioned Uzi.

“Yeah, and the symbol the children told you about is called the absolute solver program, I can't exactly show you it right now as I'm kinda still recharging from everything that happened earlier, a-anyways, would it be ok with you if you were to show us our souls?” Uzi explained and requested with a shy and nervous smile.

“Why yes it would be my pleasure to help you. Do you require me to explain anything about the soul itself or its color meaning?” She asked before she would begin.

“No need Ms. Toriel, we recently read a book about the soul, soul traits and the differences between them. We were just curious about what our souls looked like considering some of us aren't human nor monster.” Tessa explained as Uzi shyly nodded her head in agreement, Uzi having gotten a lot more quiet upon meeting with Toriel.

“Very well then shall we do it one by one or should I attempt to reveal all of your souls at once?” She asked curiously having a soft and gentle smile as the sun shined on her.

“It would probably be best if we did it one by one Ms. Toriel.” Tessa answered as Uzi nodded in agreement.

She nodded, “who shall I start with?”

“I will be the first!” Kumar said, stepping forward.

“Very well, please hold still for a moment.” Toriel spoke before placing her hand on Kuma's chest as a small glow emitted from her hand, Toriel slowly pulled her hand away to reveal a purple coloured heart.

“Wow…what is this strange sensation?” Kumar said feeling like his aura was slowly vanishing from his body.

“It seems you have quite the powerful perseverance Soul here, and your Soul ‘power’ seems to be that Aura of yours, very impressive!” Toriel smiled before returning Kuma's soul to his body, his aura returning with it.

He rubbed his chest with his hand as a purple like glow surrounded his body before vanishing and everyone could see his skin shining a little brighter. “Alright Tessa your turn.”

“Right, these soul traits and individuality are quite fascinating.” Tessa nodded before standing In front of Toriel so her soul could be revealed.

And as Toriel placed her hand on Tessa's chest, the glow returned to Toriel's hand and as she pulled her hand away, a deep blue coloured heart was revealed and floating in her hands.

“Ah, an integrity soul, this trait is quite rare to see, and your soul ability seems to be…oh! Constructs. A rare soul ability for a rare soul trait! How fitting.” Toriel exclaimed with glee before returning Tessa's soul to her body, a blue glow enveloping her hands for a moment before dissipating.

“And last but not least, Uzi.” Kuma spoke with a chuckle, Uzi silently nodding and walking over to Toriel, Toriel having to kneel down as Uzi was about the same height as Frisk.

Toriel then placed her hand on Uzi's chest as the glow returned to her hand, Toriel pulling away and revealing Uzi's soul, everyone except Uzi gasping at its appearance.

“What the fuck am I looking at?” Kumar asked.

“Umm…miss toriel is a soul supposed to look like that?! Because the way my own and Kuma's souls appeared there were no cracks on the soul…"Tessa said worried, “are you feeling ok Uzi?”

Toriel remained silent, “I have never seen a soul appear like this before…not even my children of the past had a soul like this…”

“....so that's what trauma looks like, neat.” Uzi emotionlessly spoke as she looked at her soul, almost as if she was trying to take in every single detail she could find.

“Umm…uzi…do you want to talk about the trauma?” Kuma asked, a little worried for his friend's mental state.

“Eh, I'll be fine, I've moved past it, and I could have guessed that trauma would have a permanent effect on the soul, I also find it interesting that the absolute solver program is being shown through my soul.” Uzi shrugged in her speech, confusing Toriel, Kuma and Tessa as they could not see any hint of the absolute solver program on her soul, only the somewhat fractured orange soul of bravery.

“What are you talking about?” Tessa spoke as she looked at the soul all around trying to see the program.

“...you can't see it? It's kind of obvious with the three arrows pointing out of the soul on the top and lower sides, as well as the dark hexagon in the center of the soul.” Uzi responded, one of her eyes becoming a questioning question mark as she looked at the three organics with her.

All three give her shrugs and shake their heads as they cannot see what the worker drone sees. Tessa was getting a little too close to the soul as she touched it with one of her fingers. “Boop.”

“GAH!” Uzi exclaimed with an uncomfortable shudder as her soul quickly moved away from Tessa's hand.

“That…that felt weird, don't do that again, please.” Uzi asked, still slightly shuddering, her soul shaking in a similar form of discomfort.

“Interesting” Tessa dug through her pockets as she pulled out what looked like a phone and began to type a few things into it. As she typed stuff down she reached her hand open slowly reaching to grab the soul.

Uzi quickly placing her hand between the soul and Tessa's hand, Uzi and Tessa looking a little surprised at how quickly her hand shot out to protect her soul.

“Tessa, please. Just don't.” Uzi asked the human turned anthro Griffin.

Kuma grabbed Tessa by her sides and lifted her away from the soul. “Ok that's enough science for one day.”

“Thanks Kuma.” Uzi let out a sigh of relief as her soul flew back into her chest, an orange and purple glow covering Uzi's hands for a few seconds before fading back to normal.

“Wait, why did you have an orange and purple glow!?” Kuma asked as Tessa kept typing on her phone.

“Probably because of the absolute solver program and my orange soul?” Uzi suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Orange was bravery or justice?” Kuma turned to look at Toriel for info.

“An orange soul is the soul of bravery dear kuma.” Toriel spoke in a soft tone of voice.

“I wonder what my soul ability is?” Uzi muttered to herself with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“Maybe a physical enhancement?” Tessa gave her own ideas.

“Maybe a fusion form as you become a cyborg!! You know…half human half robot.” Kuma said. “You can have human joints and regain your height and more!...wait…I have a question: are you wearing a wig? Or is the hair all natural…”

“Kinda both? It's artificial hair meant to mimic organic hair, it's made of plastic yet feels like the real thing, and for the human form? I doubt it, a soul's power doesn't usually transform the body.” Uzi explained with a shrug of her shoulders before turning to Kuma. “Anyway, I should probably send you back to your world now, right? I mean, with everything calming down here, and you probably have things you need to get done in your Equestria, right?”

Kuma sighed and nodded. “Ya. Don't get me wrong, the time spent here is pretty mellow compared to what I had to do back in my equestria. Besides, you still got my token so you can summon me anytime you want when you want to talk or need someone to help you out in a bind. So don't be afraid to call me Uzi.” Kuma said, taking a knee and extending his hand for a hand shake.

“Alright then, Kuma, thank you for the help here and for saving Tessa from a bad situation. Our contract is complete.” Uzi responded, shaking Kuma's hand with a smile on her face.

“No problem Uzi. Call me anytime.” Be said with a smile as a portal opened up behind him. Letting go of Uzi's hand. He got up and began to walk to the portal. “Later Tessa bye toriel,” Kuma said, waving to both females, the portal closing moments after Kuma had walked through it.


