• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,790 Views, 96 Comments

Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

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[Displaced and Disassembly] part 2

-2 hours earlier_Copper-9-

'sigh' "no worker drones in sight…how am I going to prove myself to V now?" A tall robot asked itself as it crushed an old worker drone head, as the drone finished drinking the oil from the head they saw a strange glow under their feet.

The glow started off small under his feet. The tall robot could be stepping on a worker drone head. However, that idea was soon scrapped as the glow got brighter and bigger as a large circle with strange symbols on it surrounded his whole body as the glow got brighter and brighter. Soon being too much for N's robot eyes/sensors to handle blinding the robot.

When the drone could see again they were somewhere they didn't recognise, there was no snow, destruction or drones to be seen.

"Where am I?" The drone asked itself as it looked around the room, finding it to be some kind of castle.

Before the drone could think of answers for his situation he was suddenly surrounded by multiple equine like creatures all of them pointing sharp spears at him. "HALT CREATURE!! Who are you!? What are you!? And what are you doing here!?" One shouted in an authoritative tone.

"Wow! What type of drones are you? I've never seen equine models before, so realistic too.." the drone says as he squints his eyes, kneeling down to their eye level staring at them in silence before suddenly springing up and holding out his hand.

"Disassembly serial designation: N at your service!" The drone now known as N spoke with excitement.

"N so just a letter is your name?" one Guard Asked Curious as To how pathetic of a name/nickname that was for a pony. "Regardless, you are trespassing in the royal throne room!! Which means we must detain you until further notice.!" One of the guards said as a few were ready to bounce on N, while a unicorn guard pulled out some handcuffs.

"... Detain?" N says as he tilts his head in confusion.

"Yes!" One said as one large earth pony tackled N to the ground as the unicorn began to restrain his arms with the handcuffs.

"Huh?... How are these supposed to detain anyone, they're made from such fragile material." N questioned, tilting his head in confusion as he accidentally broke the handcuffs. "uhh oops?" N chuckled nervously.

"He is resisting arrest!!" One guard yells as the entire group of 6 royal guards all take action and jump on top of N's body. 4 Restrain his arms and legs while the other 2 began to began To examine N clothes to see if he is carrying any weapons.

"W-wow!" N exclaimed as he got tackled to the ground, after a few seconds to get his bearings he extended his wings and shot up, hovering above the ground with an X on his eye sensor's.

"What was that for!" N shouted annoyed.

"He has Wings!! Pegasi!! Take to the skies!!" The leader of the group said as 2 pegasi spread their wings and took to the air spears in hooves as they charged after N. One pulling their spear back and thrusting forward as their weapon managed to strike N on his head where a yellow orb was.

When the spear hit, N's display went black and N fell to the ground, but, only seconds later he got back up pulling the spear out of his head as it healed, the light that got hit is now flashing red as N's display showed the word rebooting.

As this Was Happening the doors to the throne room split open and in came walking the leader of Equestria, Princess Celestia herself. She was having a conversation with her younger sister Luna before both sisters came to a stop and spotted the situation with the guards and the strange creature on the ground leaking a strange yellow liquid.

"What has happened here!?" Celestia yelled out in shock as she and her sister wondered what they just walked into.

As the sisters were talking with the guards N had Finished rebooting. "Huh? Wow, that was weird haha" N laughed to himself as he put the spear still in his hand on the ground.

The group of ponies all took a step back at the display. The strange creature did the impossible. Being stabbed through the head with a spear and walking it off as if it was nothing. "What is this creature!?" A guardsmare asked.

"Oh! I'm a Disassembly drone, why do you ask?" N answered the question that wasn't pointed at him.

The 2 unicorn guards decided to restrain the drone…with their magic using it to pin N down on the ground by his legs. Celestia seemed very confused. "How did this creature get into the throne room?"

"We don't know your highness." One guard answered as they did their best to restrain N this time.

"Why do I feel so heavy and what is this glow all around me, it looks so cool!" N asks in wonder, not knowing what magic is.

"Do you not know what magic is, young one?" Celestia asked the drone as she walked forward but stayed behind the guards.

"Magic? Like…. Teleportation magic?" N asked with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes but that is only one spell that one can perform with the power of magic." Celestia answered.

"Sister, dost thou think this is a friend of uzi?" Luna asked her sister in the olden tongue.

"Possible…Mr. N was it?" Celestia asked, trying to be polite. "Do you know a drone by the name of Uzi?" She asked, remembering the letter sent by her faithful student twilight.

"Nope! The only drones I know are J and.. V hehe…" N answered and blushed as he mentioned V.

Celestia noticed this and decided to press on for more information. "Care to explain who these two are?"

"Oh! Sure! They're my greatest friends, and I kinda maybe have a crush on V…wait I wasn't meant to say that!? PLEASE DON'T SAY ANYTHING!?" N answered in a panic at his slip up blushing profusely

Both pony sisters giggled at N's slip up. "Your secret is safe with us." Celestia spoke with Luna nodding in agreement.

"A-anyways J, I don't know as well, b-but we still are great friends hehe…" N continued with a slightly less energetic tone.

Celestia and Luna both picked up on this, having the idea that these friends…aren't so good to N.

"Sister, shouldn't thou send a letter to your faithful student?" Luna asked her sister, trying to speak modern tongue.

"Yes. Please keep N busy while I send a letter to Twilight, sister." Celestia told Her sister as she began to leave the room to send a letter.

"Huh? Umm where is she going..wait…HOW AM I IN THE SUN!?" N exclaimed in a confused panic.

"What dost thou mean our mechanical friend" Luna asked in confusion, slipping into the olden tongue.

Celestia used this destruction to gallop out of the throne room and to her personal chairs to send a letter to Twilight hoping they would arrive soon with their new friend.

"O-oh, w-well Disassembly drones usually burn in the sun, so we usually explore at night." N explained, still slightly panicking, giving the ponies still in the room quite the shock.

The guards got in front of Luna acting as a meat shield as the group braced for the exploration not knowing if he would explode or not.

"I h-have no idea why I'm not b-burning right now." N exclaimed, slowly falling back into major panic.

The unicorns decided to surround N with a magic barrier surrounding him like a small dome. "Well if you explode at least this barrier will protect us." One guard said.

"E-EXPLODE!? What gave you that idea!? We only burn in the day light…….R-right?" N exclaimed now almost at a panic attack.

"We can not be certain. Hast thou seen any other drones like yourself be exposed to sunlight?" Luna asked, trying to get an idea if N has seen a drone like himself die in the sun.

"Y-yea, me J and V did, but only for a second! M-mainly because it h-hurt…a-lot." N explained flinching at the memory.

"We see…" Luna said as that wasn't a lot of information to go off of. "Forgive us but for right now, we believe that thou should stay inside the barrier for the time being."

"That's alright, however don't you think it would be best to move me out of the sun?" N asked, still anxious to get out of the sun's rays.

The guards and Luna look at each other. Without saying a word as if they were having a conversation. With a nod they began to lead the still captured N out of the sunlight.

"Thank you.." N thanked the ponies as he started to calm down.

After a few minutes they were now inside the castle garden as N was completely exposed to the equestrian sun. The sunlight hitting N body, its warmth touching uis robotic skin, his systems showed no signs of overheating, malfunctions, or danger.

"... y'know… I never thought I would be able to experience this… it's nice." N spoke with a small smile…. As he made the mistake of looking directly into the sun.

"GAH!!" N exclaimed as he shielded his eye sensors from the sun's light.

The ponies outside the small dome tended up ready to teleport the robot away or reinforce the shield strength if needed. "Aren't thou ok?" Luna asked N

"MY EYES!!" N screamed in a comical manner, getting a slight chuckle out of the younger members of the guard.

Luna and the guards keeping a dome around N let out a sigh of relief. "Release him…" Luna gave the order and soon the magical barrier surrounding N vanished.

"Just when I thought It wouldn't hurt me anymore…." N complained with a crying emoji appearing on his face, the group soon went into a bit of small talk to get to know each other.

The guards stayed silent but listened carefully along with watching N's habits and how he acts. Luna did most of the talking but also talked about topics to get N to talk more about himself and his crew. She could tell that either he was hiding information or was having a hard time remembering his past.

As the day was approaching sun down, princess celestia returned to the throne room telling Luna that Twilight and her friends would be getting here in a few minutes, the solar guards being replaced with the lunar guards as their shifts ended.


A few minutes later


As the door to the throne room opens, Twilight, Pinkie, Uzi and Kuma get into a fighting stance while Fluttershy hides behind them.

Kuma smiles as he cracks his knuckles and stretches a little bit, "I can't wait to enact some justice!" Remembering what Uzi had told the group on the train and wondering how many robots died at the hands of drones.

"Yea! I'm gonna- huh?" Pinkie starts before seeing the drone…playing go fish?

".....why did I not see this coming from him…" Uzi deadpanned.

"Ummmm….uzi do the Murder Drones Have the ability of mind control?" Kuma asked, really confused.

"...no, N's just really good at making friends… even if they were rocks." Uzi answered the question, lowering her fighting stance.

Twilight spotted the princess Luna and rushed over to her. "Princess Luna!" Twilight called her friend.

The group of guards, drone and lunar princess turned their heads to look at Twilight, Pinkie, Kuma, Fluttershy and Uzi.

Kuma stepped forward blocking Uzi from being spotted as he kept a calm look while making eye contact with he murder drone.

"Hm? Oh! Hi! Who are you? My name is Disassembly Designation N!" N introduces himself as he holds out a hand to Kuma.

Kuma reached out and shook N's hand as he did. It showed that his hand was a lot larger than N's own hand. "The name is Kuma. But don't you mean your name is Killer N? Murderer of hundreds if not thousands of innocent worker drones?" Kuma said as he kept a tight grip on N's hand not letting go, giving him a death glare as he stared daggers at the disassembly drone trying to get a feel of his personality.

"Oh.. I.. didn't really do much of….that, it was mostly my squad mates, we needed the oil to survive, as well as our…what's the word?....oh! Right, instincts!" N explained as he tilted his head having already explained his reasoning to the guard whilst playing the card game.

"So say for example if you saw a drone right now no questions asked you would go crazy and attack them for their oil? Or would you be able to overpower your instincts?"

"At the moment, I would have no need to attack anyone, just before I got to this…planet? I had gotten enough oil to last me a couple weeks." N explained as he gave a smile.

Twilight looked a little worried As she walked Over To Luna who was currently watching the situation unfold. She observed Kuma's interaction with N.

"Haha, wow, you are very tall Mr.Kuma, even taller than Ms.Luna and Ms.Celestia!" N exclaimed as he shook Kuma's hand as every creature within the room heard a mechanical version of a Timberwolves howl.

"Yes…I am 8'8 ft tall. " the human bear said, as he shook the robot's hand. He smiled having an o.k. feeling about the murder drone but also his instincts telling him the robot is ok and showing no threat.

"...did…..did anyone else hear that? I mean, I only heard that because of my audio sensors but…. It sounded like a….. robot wolf?" Uzi spoke as she looked in the direction of Ponyville in confusion, the howling continued making Uzi feel an unsettling chill go down her robotic spine.

A few of the other ponies looked around, a few could barely hear the howls while others didn't at all. Kuma let go of N's hand as he walked over to the window and opened to try and listen better. "The howls seem to be coming in the direction of ponyville. Strange those howls must be super loud if they can reach canterlot."

"They……the howls… they aren't natural… they sound… distorted?… almost like… I.. I don't know actually….. I don't like this…" Uzi spoke as her hands shook in worry, the ponies looked at Uzi wondering what she was talking about.

"Interesting, how do you know they sound different; Lady Uzi?" Luna asked curious as she had no idea what was the difference other than the louder howls from the past.

"I…..I don't know… the howls, their… distorted? Like…. It's not… organic… oh no." Uzi spoke as her eyes hollowed in realization.

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked, confused as fluttershy was hiding behind her. Pinkie pie looked like she was about to cry.

"They sound like they are in so much pain…" pinkie said with a frown as her main deflated a little.

"H-hey, Kuma? What usually happens in a displaced's world?" Uzi asked the bearman as she looked at him with hollowed eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" Kuma asked as he looked back at the group. "Because I don't know if you can handle it, Uzi." Kuma said with a serious tone looking down at the girl giving her a serious look.

"Y-yea.. I kinda need to know, cause, well… I'm detecting disassembly drone level tech from the direction of the howls." Uzi spoke as she looked back in the direction of Ponyville.

Kuma sighed and he knew this conversation was coming, "Ok everyone listen up I am only going to say this once! So pay attention." Kuma yelled in the room, getting everyone's attention of who wants to hear.

".....right, for those who don't want to wait, please go to Ponyville and protect the town, it might be under attack soon, N, I'm going to need you to help these ponies against whatever is going to attack these ponies, can I trust you with this?" Uzi asked as Pinkie pie, Luna, and N nodded and left through Luna's teleportation magic, Uzi, Twilight, Celestia Fluttershy and a few guards look to Kuma awaiting his explanation to Uzi's question.

Watching the ponies leave and the portal closing he clapped his hands and looked back at all the others. "Ok! Here is the full explanation of the displaced. Displaced are people like me and Uzi. We went as characters or OC'S from a fandom, tv show, game or movie. We possess their powers, skills, and abilities just like the real characters. However, once the character is displaced they are sent to a version of equestria…hey celestia, twilight have you ever heard of the multiverse theory?" Kuma asked as he started the explanation at the beginning so everyone can understand what a displaced person is.

"Yes, we have heard of it, I was the one to teach Twilight here multiverse theory, are you implying what I think you are?" Celestia answered and asked as she and Twilight looked at Kuma with surprised curiosity, whilst Uzi listened hoping that her suspicions were wrong.

"Yep…displaced people are sent to different versions of equestria. These versions of equestria can be altered sometimes slightly and sometimes quite radically. Example instead of ponies you are all humans or robots. In another equestria is controlled by demons and Angel's, in another equestria is in a steam punk timeline. Or in another universe Uzi is Evil and summoned an evil version of me to help take over the world. Kuma spoke up giving a few examples before getting to the main event. "But this is all to say that some displaced universes of equestria have similarities from the displaced characters' world."

Kuma dug through his pockets in his pants before pulling out his phone and turning it around showing a picture to the ponies and drones. "A good example is a displaced where a guy is dressed like Nemesis from the game Resident Evil. That version of equestria had its own version of an evil corporation named Umbrella where at face value the corporation was made to preserve the health of the people. But in truth
Umbrella's true purpose was weapons development. And one of the many were bioweapons turning people into monstrosities." Kuma said, showing the logo of the umbrella corporation and of nemesis.

The cooperation logo looked like a red and white umbrella. Nemesis on the other hand looked like a mutant human, his skin looks rotten, as if it was going to fall off, a large scar over his face, he was wearing a black trench coat and in his arms a very large bazooka.

"Hm…if that's the case…ugh! JCJenson (IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!) Is here…and probably…attacking Ponyville…buck!...why did I say buck!?" Uzi shouted in annoyance and confusion

"If that is true the question remains is it a pony version or have humans traveled to this world and made the company under our noses." Luna asked Kuma and Uzi.

"Why the hell did you say buck Uzi? Didn't the worker drone you cosplayed as curses a lot?" Kuma asked the worker drone, confused.

"Bite me! I don't know?!" Uzi shouted as she was also confused at her strange vocabulary.

"Hey! Don't use that language with me you little shit! I was just asking a basic question!!" Kuma yelled at Uzi.

"Ok daaaad." Uzi spoke with playful sarcasm as Kuma's response helped calm her down somewhat as she then responds to Luna's question.

"Oh, and I have no idea if it's ponies or humans leading…… whatever is happening in Ponyville at the moment." Uzi continued as she returned her gaze to Ponyville.

Kuma gave Uzi a death glare as Luna began to place and think. "Is there any chance that it contains both human and pony?" Luna asked curiously.

"I…. I don't know actually, I didn't even think about that, though, we probably should head down to Ponyville now, the others are probably still fighting, whatever is down there." Uzi spoke as Luna nodded and began to prepare her magic to teleport the group to Ponyville.

Kuma walked up to both Uzi and N. "Hope you both are ready for a fight! We have no idea what or who is down there. Uzi have your gun charged and ready. And N if your friends show up will you fight with us? Or with them?" Kuma asked the drone.

"Hm? Oh! I'll probably fight J, but don't expect me to fight V as well, cause I won't." N spoke, answering Kuma's question as Uzi walked up to him.

"Don't worry bud, we won't make you fight your crush."