• Published 25th Apr 2023
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Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

[Displaced and Disassembly] part 3

"S-SHE'S NOT MY CRUSH?!" N yelled causing Uzi to giggle before giving Twilight her shield generator and grabbing her railgun as the group are teleported to Ponyville and are surprised at the sight of the town.

Many buildings are destroyed and the group are surprised to see Timberwolves protecting ponies from what appears to be robotic versions of the wooden wolves, there also appears to be a human wearing a purple and blue striped shirt protecting the foals and timber wolf pups.

Kuma frowned and looked around at the destruction as he stepped forward as a bizarre blue aura surrounding his body. On both N and Uzi screens it showed the following text. 'Warning abnormality detected proceed with causation'

Twilight and the rest of the ponies looked shocked at all the destroyed homes. "What the buck happened here!?" Twilight yelled horrified.

Luna and the few royal guards that followed had their weapons ready, and Luna's horn began to glow with magic. Kuma spotted the group. "Ok everyone! Two groups! Those that protect the pony's and those that combat the wolves!" Kuma yelled as he got into a springing position both his legs tensing up as the veins in them looked like they were about to pop out. "SPIRIT!!" He yelled out before in an instant cracks formed on the ground as he ran forward at an inhuman speed leaving a huge dust cloud covering the group.

Uzi's POV

"Right! I'll go fight the robot wolves to the left, N, you got the right, Luna, Twilight and pinkie, you go protect whoever you can find, Fluttershy, talk to the Timberwolves and find out as much as you can about the situation!" Uzi commanded as everyone gave a nod and set off to either protect or fight, as Uzi were about to run off to the robotic wolves to the left, she saw a red knife suddenly lodge into the side of one of the wolves heads.

"Whoa!" Uzi shouted and looked towards where the knife came from and saw that the knife came from the everfree forest as she saw a human girl wearing a green sweater with a pale yellow line across the middle, the girl's eyes glowed a bright red as she held more knives in the air ready to fight.

Kuma's POV

Charging forward, Kuma with inhuman speed jumped into the air and was aiming to smash right into the robotic wolves. "AAAAAHHHHH!!" He let out his battle cry as with one swift motion smashed right into 3 robotic timberwolves and launched them straight into houses. He smiled and looked at the damage before turning his attention to the rest of the wolves.

Taking a stance before speaking, "you wolves want to take this village!! Then you are going to have to put me down!!" Kuma yells as he raises his right leg high in the air before slamming it straight down into the ground, a loud slam echoing throughout ponyville as kuma aura lets out nothing but malaise at the wolves. "Let's see if you robots still have your animal instincts."

Fluttershy's POV

Fluttershy flew by the battlefield in a panic to reach to Timberwolves and ponies, when she reached the wooden wolves, she saw several injured and scared Timberwolves and ponies.

"W-whats going on?!" Fluttershy yelled in alarm, one of the Timberwolves stepped over to her and began to growl to Fluttershy, telling her everything she needed to know.

"A-alright, let's get you all to safety, o-ok?"
Twilight's POV

Twilight was in a panic running around looking for princess celestia and spike. But when Kuma and Uzi took action she had to wait rushing over to the hurt ponies that were being protected by the Timberwolves. Once there she began to activate her magic, "ok everyone keep together!" She yelled as she surrounded the whole group with a magic dome surrounding the group protecting them from the robotic wolves.

Twilight kept the barrier up as the wolves crashed into it trying to get at the ponies and other wolves. 'Spike please be ok.' She said to herself as she hoped he was with the princes.
Uzi's POV

"Who the heck are you?!" Uzi shouted to the human girl as she dodged an attack from the robotic wolf.

"Me? I am Chara Dreemurr th-"the human girl now known as Chara gets interrupted.

"The demon who comes when you call their name right? If so, then I'm going to need your help." Uzi spoke as she began to charge up her railgun.
Kuma's POV

Kuma growled as he was struggling a little bit. Constantly throwing wolves into one another. Lifting his legs up in the air before slamming it down right into the wolf's skulls smashing them to pieces. "God damn! These robotic wolves are more annoying than the regular timber wolves!" He said angry as one of the wolves managed to sneak up on him and bite his right arm.

Anyone seeing this would think its jaws went through his skin but in truth it was far from the truth. His arm was glowing and the wolf's teeth looked like they couldn't penetrate the skin. Tha is to kuma aura surrounding his body like a shield this wolf wouldn't be doing any damage. Grabbing the wolf he hurled it right at a group of wolves in front of Uzi and a human. "UZI WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" Kuma yelled, unsure of the new arrival.
Uzi's POV

"FIRST FALLEN! UNDERTALE! NOW IS NOT THE TIME!" Uzi shouted as she used the absolute solver to rip the metal off of one of the metallic wolves, only to be surprised to find a timber pup within.

".... THE HECK?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF EGGMAN SHI-CRAP NOW?!" Uzi shouted as she quickly grabbed the timber pup and brought it to Fluttershy.

The pup howled and struggled in Uzi's arms as it was apparently set free from its prison. The timber pup began to bite her metallic fingers as it struggled. Kuma and the first fallen human where covering Uzi as they let her rush to fluttershy.

As Uzi was about to get the timber pup to Fluttershy, she saw Kuma get hit by a sudden kinetic Lazer and was sent flying towards Uzi so she threw the pup towards Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy! Timber pup incoming!" Uzi yelled as she readies herself to catch Kuma with her shield generator, Uzi pushed a few buttons of the generator causing it to spark to life as it formed a dome shield for Kuma to safely land in.

"Aaahhhhh!!! In coming!!" Kuma yelled loudly as he was falling at an incredible fast speed. Kuma had no idea what was under him as he landed.


"Ow…" kuma said landing directly onto Uzi shield generator.

A few seconds after Kuma lands on the shield, it begins to crack.

"....uh oh.." Uzi, spoke before the shield shatters and Kuma falls and lands on top of something metallic, Cold, and small?

Kuma groans as he stays on the ground for a little bit not hearing the muffled screams coming from underneath him. "Well…that was painful…" slowly getting off the ground as he got to his feet as he began to stretch and pop his back. "What did I land on?" He asked, confused.

"Not what, who." Uzi spoke as she sat up from a hole in the ground shaped exactly like her.

"...note to self, figure out how to make shields stronger…ow." Uzi groaned, making a digital reminder for herself as she got up.

Kuma yelped as he soon rushed and helped Uzi out of the small hole. "Uzi! I am so sorry! Are you ok!? Do you need a mechanic!?" He worried about her damaged screen, and a few dents she had to do to his landing.

"I'm good, if the absolute solver program can replace entire limbs and even give me new ones then it absolutely can just fix these dents and cracks, let's just focus on the fight." Uzi spoke just before everyone heard loud thumps coming from the everfree forest.

Kuma got ready to charge, tensing up his legs. "Got any idea on what sent me flying?" Kuma asked Uzi as he looked at the everfree forest. "I can sense something big and strong coming from the everfree…" Kuma said, turning to face Uzi. "Your gun ready?"

"...yea, I got my gun ready, whatever is coming from the everfree seems to be the, I guess 'alpha' of these timber-golems, it also sounds pretty big…" Uzi spoke as she readied her railgun.

As Kuma and Uzi stood ready they would soon spot the ground shaking a bit with rocks and pebbles bouncing up and down. A strange sound of stomping could be heard as multiple large feet struck the ground at a rapid speed getting closer and closer to ponyville. "Not big…huge…" Kuma said with a smile, tensing his whole body ready to attack the…'alpha' as Uzi put it.

Just as Kuma and Uzi thought they could see whatever was coming from the everfree, they saw a massive red Lazer come from the monstrous machine, the Lazer flew above their heads and as they turned around to see what it was aiming for, their eyes widen when they see Luna falling out from the sky with a large burn mark on her chest.

"LUNA!!!" In the sky with a swift motion celestia was flying right at her sister and catching her. Celestia landed and layed Luna on the ground to see how bad the injury was.

A few of the royal guards who were not busy dealing with the wolves rushed to their prince's side. A few used their magic to try and heal Luna but it was as if their magic wasn't affecting Luna at all. The red burn mark on her chest was still there and seemed to be growing due to their magic. "Stop!" Celestia yelled, spotting how bad the wound was and how its condition was worsening with the royal guards magic.

Uzi seeing this, became enraged, she used the absolute solver to pick up entire trees and throw them at the remaining timber-golems.

"Oh, you are going to PAY!!" Uzi shouted in rage.

Kuma stepped forward. "Uzi calm yourself! I know you are angry but don't let your emotions consume you. I am angry our allies are hurt believe me but right now. But you can't let your rage get to you! Check on the princes. and aid the rest with evacuation." Kuma spoke trying to calm Uzi down as the situation is bad already we can't let it get any worse.

Uzi took a deep breath before turning around and looking at Kuma.

"Right, I'll see what I can do, make sure whatever that is doesn't get out of the everfree ok? Use the trees as cover, though I guess that was your plan, right?" Uzi spoke in a roughly contained anger as she ran towards the princesses to help in any way she could.

"Not at all…" Kuma smiled as he began to walk to the everfree forest but stopped at a small clearing. The clearing itself was a small space in between ponyville and the ever free forest. A space free of trees, bushes, and rocks. Nothing but dirt and grass separating both locations. "The plan was to get this thing in the open…so we know what we are going to have to battle…" he said as he waited for the 'alpha ' to show itself.

"Right… you do that, I'm going to check if anyone needs help!" Uzi shouted as she ran off to find anyone who may have been left behind or got lost in the chaos.

Before Uzi could react something really fast flew past the worker drone. So fast Uzi was left spinning like a beyblade.

Kuma waited but soon looked behind him to see Celestia with an angry expression on her face. "Kuma…"

"Princes Celestia…"

"I assume whatever is coming towards us is responsible for my sister's injury?" Celestia asked no emotion in her voice.

"Your guess is as good as mine…" Kuma said as both the princess and bear man had the same information.

Celestia stepped forward, getting into her own battle stance, " go aid Uzi! I will deal with this!" She said rage in her voice as she will be the one to defeat the creature that hurt her dear sister.
Uzi's POV

After I shook the dizziness from my head, I ran over to princess Luna and scanned her to get a better view on her condition.

"....huh, that's weird, the inner energy fluctuations within her body are disrupted, having the energy like this would make it difficult for a creature to heal and use any inna- oh, magic nullification, smart." Uzi spoke as she used the absolute solver program to grab several items around her and began making a small medical machine.

As I worked a loud popping sound went off to my right. Turning my head I saw Kuma standing there, "what the…?"

"What!? Of fuck!! Bitch! NOT COOL!!" Kuma turned around yelling at the ever free forest.

"..... ok, I guess?" Uzi spoke, confused as she finished her device and turned to the medical ponies.

"Ok, this should stabilize Luna until the effects wear off and Luna is able to properly heal herself." Uzi tells the ponies who nod and take Luna to safety as Uzi sees N just decimating all the timber-golems in the direction of sweet apple Acres, and it seems like the farm is being used as a shelter.

Kuma looked in the direction where N was, "are you sure it is safe for him to be going crazy like that? He might hit someone with friendly fire." Kuma spoke with Uzi as he watched luna get dragged away with a few royal guards.

"It should be fine, I'm More worried about why he has the CMC on his back…." Uzi spoke as applebloom bucked one of the timber golems from her farm all the way to the everfree. "Did…..did you see what I think I just saw?" Uzi asked as she watched dumbstruck on the fillies unnatural strength.

"Ok when this is over we need to talk with applejack's family! That is not normal! And we may have found out why these wolves are attacking ponyville." Kuma said as he began to make his was over to twilight.

"Right… I'll check if anyone needs help over at the-ACK!!" Uzi shouted as a beam of green electricity blitzed past Twilight and Kuma hitting Uzi in the shoulder, Kuma ana Twilight looked at Uzi in worry before seeing her silently cursing at the universe muttering curses at some entity called 'Robo-jesus'.

Twilight was the first to react as she rushed to Uzi and Kuma's side, "are you ok!? Uzi do you have any idea where the princess is!?" Twilight asked worried for her friend but also for her teacher.

"Sunny's fighting something huge in the everfree, and don't worry about me, I'll heal, just need to figure out where my arm went." Uzi answered as she looked around the area.

"We need to find it fast or plug up your injury!! You are leaking!!" Kuma yelled pointing to my sholder as lots of oil was leaking from my injury.

"Right, right…uh…ok, I got it." Uzi spoke as she ripped the sleeve of her jacket off of her remaining arm and wrapped it around where her other arm should be.

"Now……where did my other arm go?" Uzi spoke as she back handed a timber golems that tried to jump at her from behind.

Kuma and Twilight provided cover for Uzi as they helped her look for her missing limb. "Will you need a doctor or mechanic to reattach your arm?" Twilight asked Uzi as she was using her magic to scan the area for a metallic arm.

"Not really, my arm will just kinda….reattach by itself? Absolute solver can do alot ok?" Uzi answered as she heard N yell out to her.

"HEY, UZI! IS THIS YOURS?" N yelled as he held Uzi's arm in the air.

"N throw it here!" Kuma yelled as he had his ants in the air.

N smiles, "ok!" He throws my arm. It spun non stop like a boomerang. It got closer and closer until it slaps twilight in the face.

"OW!!" Twilight screamed holding her reddening cheek.

"THANKS N!! CHECK IF YOU CAN FIND ANYPONY ELSE HERE OK?!" Uzi shouted as she picked up her arm and reattached it to her body after removing the cloth preventing her from leaking the oil within her metallic frame.

"Also, you good, light?" Uzi asked the magic mare.

Twilight frowned and looked at Uzi, "I'm ok but do you have any control in your arm?" Twilight asked.

"I should in a few seconds, it just needs to link with my main systems." Uzi spoke as she used absolute solver to scan her arm.

Uzi's arm began to go crazy moving all around as the solver began to link it back with her systems. Kuma and twilight watched the metal repair itself.

"And….there we go, back to normal." Uzi spoke as she finished reattaching her arm.

Kuma suddenly yells, "GET DOWN!!" Instantly before I was pushed to the ground, Kuma landed next to me as soon as twilight screamed. She was covered with a strange green aura before she began to be dragged off in the direction of the everfree forest.

"HOLY- WHAT WAS THAT?!" Uzi shouted as she stood back up and prepared her railgun and absolute solver.

"No idea! But we got to help Twilight!" Kuma yelled as he picked me up off the ground and put me on his back piggy back style. "HOLD ON!" Was all he said before he began to run with inhuman speed as we chased after Twilight.

"WE'RE COMING TWILIGHT!!' I shouted as I held onto Kuma, using my absolute solver on my legs to help keep a grip.

When we got to where Twilight was being dragged to, what they saw shocked them to their very core, a massive metallic tank with what appears to be weaponized metallic spider legs, easily twice as tall as the trees of the everfree forest, and it had Twilight being brought into its cockpit.

"What the fuck is that thing!? It looks like a spider and a tank fused together!!" Kuma yelled as he put me down on the ground. We both watched as twilight was being dragged closer to the cockpit. "Where the hell is celestia!? Kuma yelled, causing me to look around for Celestia.

"Uh…there! Under that thing!" Uzi shouted as she pointed underneath the spider-tank.

Celestia was on the dirt ground unconscious, her white coat was covered in a mixture of dirt and blood. Some of her fur even seemed to be burnt. Her crown on the ground broke as blood can be seen leaking from her nose and mouth.

"I'll try to find a way inside while you get celestia out of here and distract that thing." Uzi spoke as she hid behind a tree before she pulled up a screen with absolute solver and began to scan the metallic spider.

The screen began to work for a bit before it stopped, "error error unable to finish scan."

Kuma watched as Twilight was pinned to the ground with one of the spider tanks limbs. "Uzi anything!? Kuma yelled at me as he got in a running stand ready to charge at the spider tank.

"Uh..The joints on the legs are weak spots! That's about all I got from the scan!" Uzi shouted before she used absolute solver to lift the leg pinning Twilight to the ground.

"I'm not going to be able to hold it up for long! Get Twilight and princess celestia out of here then we can think of an attack plan!" Uzi shouted as she kept a keen eye on the tank.

Kuma nodded as he charged at the spider but aimed for its leg. Soon there he reached under and grabbed both twilight and celestia. However while doing so the spider bot soon noticed and began to use its other legs to try and stab kuma. "OH SHIT!!" He yelled as he moved left and right at one point even having to drop both ponies on the ground to catch 2 sharp spider legs aiming for his head. Using his aura to amplify his strength he held the spider tank in place. "UZI!! GET BOTH OF THEM!!" He said as he had managed to get both twilight and celestia out from under the tank.

"RIGHT!!" Uzi shouted as she used absolute solver on her arms and legs to quickly run over to the two ponies and get them out of the area.

The spider tank would begin to BEEP loudly as its mouth began to form a dark blue glow. Soon a small laser blast was shot directly at the worker drone.

"....oh crap." Uzi spoke before she got hit by the Lazer, undamaged but knocked out.

Celestia and Twilight soon were dropped on the ground as the absolute solver was turned off due to Uzi being knocked out.

"UZI!!" Kuma yells as he growls as his body begins to be covered with a dark blue aura. "Whoever this belongs to they better be ready for an ass licking of a lifetime!!" He yelled as he soon let go of the arms he was restraining and charged at the center of the spider tank as he rammed his large body at max speed pushing the tank back as its feet dug into the ground to stop the movement.

The tank began to swipe one of its legs at Kuma but was intercepted by a large beam of magenta magic severing the leg as well as melting a part of the tank's side.

The severed leg was then lifted in the same magenta magic.

"YOU!" 'thwack' "DO!" 'Thwack' "NOT" 'Thwack' "HARM! 'Thwack!' "MY!" 'thwack' "FRIENDS!" Twilight shouted as she continuously bludgeoned the tank with its own mechanical spider leg.

The constant clash of metal on metal was heard but twilight using the spider's own ripped limb was hardly doing any damage. The spider tank's head changed color from blue to red as it began to glow and before long shot a red laser at twilight.

Only to be blocked by a purple bubble shield that was slowly shifting to a fiery red as twilight's mane and tail burst into flames and her cote became a peachy white.

Twilight glared at the tank with a gaze that could rival the 'stare' as she used her magic to pin the tank to the ground by using its spider-like legs against it as she buried the legs themselves into the ground, leaving the tank partially immobile before Twilight's magic flickered and vanished as she passed out.

Kuma watched as twilight fell to the ground. "The fuck did I just witness…my version of twilight was never like this…" he said confused before rushing over unconcious team of Uzi, Twilight, and celestia and began to run carrying them all over his sholder as he began to run in the direction of the apple family farm.

"...ugh…what..what happened? Feels like I got hit by a builder of magnets…….I got hit by an emp…didn't I.." Uzi asked as she slowly came back online.

"No idea!! All I know is that you got hit with a blue laser before it deserved electricity all around you." Kuma said as she kept on running and after a while managed to get to the apple family farm.

"Ugh, what happened to light anyway…she wasn't knocked out last time I was online…" Uzi asked as she looked at twilight in confusion and concern.

Twilight was out cold. She layed in Kumas' arm lip and looked like a dead body. She had her eyes closed as her horn seemed to be letting off smoke.

??? POV

"GAH! Get out of this stupid hole you…you tank!...oh, mother and father are going to be so angry with me…what was with that unicorn? None of the other unicorns showed nearly that much power….and that worker drone….she had the same power as Cyn…" ??? Complained in worry and concern as they desperately pressed several buttons causing the tank to shake its buried legs.

Kuma's POV

Running as fast as I can as I ran through a tail leading to a big red barn. I smiled as I began to charge faster, "ANYONE NEAR THE DOOR GET AWAY NOW!!" I screamed before slamming my large body against the 2 big red doors to the farm. Both doors broke apart as they fell to the ground as dust and dirt from the ground was kicked up into the air. "ANYONE HERE!?" Kuma shouted before he placed the ponies and drone onto the ground.

"Eeyup." Big-Mac answered as he looked at Kuma and the broken doors with an annoyed expression.

Before Big-Mac could say anything else, a loud ringing noise sounded from the everfree forest before a feminine voice could be heard booming from the same direction.

"Ugh! Is this button going to work?! Wait. GAH! This is just the speaker button! Why does a tank even have a speaker button?!" The feminine voice shouted before the noises from the everfree forest went silent.

"That voice….I know that voice…" Uzi spoke as she looked at the everfree forest with a sad expression.

Kuma put all three down, "is there a doctor here? I saw ponies heading to this location for shelter to hide!!" Kuma said, looking around, putting his hands on Twilight and Celestia's neck to see if they had a pulse. Kuma heard the voice before turning to Uz, "a pony? Or a drone?" He asked.

"Neither, she's a human, well, she should be, I don't know how she is here in Equestria, we need to find N, now." Uzi spoke with urgency as she began to walk out of the farm after checking that her systems were all at 100% efficiency.

"If there is a doctor here these 2 need medical attention stat!!" He yelled as he soon left Celestia and Twilight inside the barn before walking out with Uzi walking past the broken doors. "Just to let you know ahead of time I am not going to pay to fix the door." He said smiling at the worker drone.

"...of course you aren't." Uzi rolled her eyes as she used absolute solver to lift the fractured remains of the barn door and several parts from defeated timber-golems to construct a new door.

"Now, if I were a wholesome murder robot, where would I be?" Uzi muttered as she looked at Ponyville with a contemporary expression.

"I may have an idea…" he turns back to the barn and walks to the ponies. Looking around and smiling, "adult ponies!! Where are all your children!! Where are your foals hiding!!"

"....why didn't I think of that.." Uzi face palmed as she turned back towards the farm.

An old green pony walked forward, "now listen here! Why do you need to know that dearie?" Granny Smith asked with a questioning eye.

"I'm looking for a friend, he looks like me, just a little taller and is yellow instead of purple." Uzi explained as she pointed to herself.

You mean a lot taller!! Hahah!" Kuma laughed as he held his stomach. His right hand went to pat Uzi head.

"... Am I really that short?" Uzi mumbled as she crossed her arms with a pout.

A few ponies rushed up to Celestia and Twilight as they began to do the best they could to patch them up. While Big Mac walked up to Uzi and began to give her directions to the clubhouse the CMC hung out. "You got it? He asked as he pointed to the north of the apple farm. "Also before you go you should know that rainbow dash is with all of them with a few other ponies to protect the foals."

"Are you sure that is a good idea? Not to judge but rainbow dash doesn't seem like the best person to give responsibilities to. Her pride blinds her. Hell I am sure she might even try to challenge the tank all by herself thinking it is nothing before she realizes how big a threat it is." Kuma asked, a little worried having fought the rainbow dash from his dimension.

"In that case we should probably head over there, right? Also, thanks for the directions B-Mac" Uzi asked as she began towards where she was told where the clubhouse would be.

"Yep!" Big Mac said with a smile.

"Go with them Mac! If what this fat bear said is true! Then you should go with them to get there as fast as possible!" Granny Smith said with a smile.

"Hey! I am not fat!! It's all muscle!" Kuma said, growling and crossing his arms angry before looking away. Granny smith smiled and winked at Uzi.

Uzi chuckled, picking up on the old ponies jab at Kuma for the short comment on her, she then decided to focus on getting to the clubhouse so she and Kuma followed Big Mac into the orchard.

Both of them ran past tree after tree as they both followed big mac, "how far is it from the barn!?" Kuma asked before jumping and grabbing an apple before taking a large bite out of it.

"Hey, I think I see it over there!" Uzi shouted and pointed to the left, as Kuma looked at the direction Uzi pointed to, he saw what looked to be a Christmas tree, if a Christmas tree consisted of several foals climbing a very concerned murder robot, Uzi couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of N's situation.

"What the fuck do you think he did?" Kuma asked, grabbing more apples to eat, not caring about the dirty look Mac was giving him. "My bet is they are trying to push him over like cow tipping or the CMC convinced the foals to disassemble him so they can get cutie Marks as mechanic's." Kuma said with a smile remembering the short yet chaotic encounter with the CMC the first time they met.

"...if that were the case, they would have done that with me, I met them earlier today, before I found your token, they were giving me a tour of Ponyville, Timberwolves attacked, normal ones that is, my facial screen got damaged, come to think of it, that might have been when absolute solver first activated as when I woke up, my facial screen was fixed." Uzi responded with a deadpan as she walked over to N and the foals.

"Alright, what's going on over here?" Uzi asked with a sly smirk at N.

N was laughing as he was trying to get the young goals off his body. "Hey! Calm down, I am not a Junglegym!" Kuma sighed as he just watched the weird display.

"Alright everyo-pony, climb down from the robot, I need to talk to him, it'll help stop this …situation." Uzi spoke in a friendly yet authoritative tone.

"Ok Ms Uzi!" The CMC spoke before getting all the foals to climb down from N…..and then they ran towards Big Mac and Kuma.

"So, what did you need me for, Uzi?" N asked in confusion after letting out a slight sigh of relief.

"Well, you know the voice from that dark forest over there? That voice belongs to a human named Tessa, you used to know her before you got turned into a disassembly drone and had your memories wiped, I think that if Tessa saw you, she would be distracted long enough for me to sneak into the tank she is driving and get her out of it." Uzi explained as N tilted his head, a little confused but having a feeling that she was right.

"Um, ok! I'm up for anything." N nodded his head as Kuma walked towards the two Drones.

"Jezz that was easy …I mean he didn't even hesitate or think of anything wondering if this was a lie or not…N, I worry for the team you once worked with…" Kuma said, confused on how the murder drone took the information so easily. Mac chatted with applebloom as Sweetiebell and Scootaloo tried to get Kuma's attention.

"Oh, it's fine! I'm just confused as to how Uzi knew I apparently knew the person controlling the tank, I mean, I know I used to live with humans, but none of the specifics." N answered with a nervous chuckle, having completely forgotten about his fellow disassembly drones.

"Let's just hope the other drones and humans are nice like you, if not Uzi you and I might have to start digging holes ready for bodies." Kuma said with a smile, already thinking of ways to kill a few humans and robots. Chuckling at a few ideas.

"Oh, we're definitely going to need a graveyard, spare Tessa though, I know she's good, she is probably only working for these baddies out of fear of what they could do to her or loss of familial love." Uzi agreed with a short laugh of her own.

"Um….what?" N asked, confused and a little worried.

"I will explain everything to you N…unlike you, we humans have mixed emotions and some can be instilled due to fear, trauma, or longing for acceptance by our parents…but sometimes the parents are nothing but abusive assholes that need to be put down 6 feet under." Kuma said, clenching his fist. "Uzi, can you explain a little bit about Tessa? Like who she is? And what she might be doing here?" Kuma asked curiously.

"To be frank? I don't know why Tessa is here, as in, in this world, my best bet for why she is attacking? Fear, or she's being tested for her loyalty, I don't know. As for Tessa herself? She is one of, if not, the only human who treated us drones like actual people with emotions and feelings and all that wholesome stuff, if she is here attacking this town right now, which we know she is, she is either doing this out of fear and obligation, or it's a situation of 'its either you or me.'." Uzi explained as she stared at the everfree forest with a concerned expression on her face.

N looked a little worried as Kuma stepped forward and looked in the direction of the Everfree forest. "So this Tessa is only attacking because she is being forced to? And if she had to make a choice herself she would never do this?" Kuma asked, wondering if Tessa should be given a chance.

"Most likely, when the Tessa of the show reunited with N, the first thing she did was run up to him and hug him like he was a plush bear." Uzi answered with an amused frown at the memory.

"I see but the real question is, if this Tessa is similar to the show? Or has she changed?" Kuma asked as he began to think, "for all we know she has been here for years…and what about her parents? Are they good or bad parents?"

"We never actually see Tessa's parents but, if locking your child in her own room with a chain locked around their ankle doesn't make you a bad parent then I don't know what will." Uzi shrugged before turning to N.

"So, you ready to meet your human friend for the first time that you can remember?" Uzi asked with a slight smirk.

Kuma just had a shocked look on his face, "unless the child is possessed by the devil or has a personality or mindset similar to Michael Myers I have little reason to believe they are good parents." Kuma said clenching his fists wanting to meet the parents personally.

N looked a little worried as he scratched the back of his head, "will she even remember me? Or will I remember her…what if I don't like what I remember?" N asked Uzi

"...some things you won't, some things you will, one thing I know you will like, you J and V all were friends before you became disassembly drones, and Tessa was the human you fo- three, were assigned to look after." Uzi exclaimed after a moment of hesitation.

"Anyway, let's go down to the tank thing, ok?" Uzi exclaimed with a small smile as she began to walk towards the everfree forest after making sure that none of the foals would follow them.

Kuma and N followed behind as Kuma walked a bit faster and whispered to Uzi, "you were withholding information from N…were you going to say four drones?" Kuma asked quietly enough so N couldn't hear.

"...Cyn, she…. she's the reason N can't remember anything from before he became a disassembly drone and….. probably massacred the humans for fun… and she might be the reason for absolute solver even existing in the first place…" Uzi whispered as she kept walking, wanting to end this fight sooner rather than later.

"How strong is she? Because if she is similar to a worker drone all we need to do is catch her off guard and destroy her body completely." Kuma said, giving an idea. "Besides we might have a chance to permanently destroy her as this location is full of magic not tech. Which means if CYN was here that means she has to start from the bottom. The only tech I think exists in the Mlp universe is steampunk tech and roller coasters and amusement parks.." kuma said thinking trying to remembers memories from the show.

"Cyn isn't like other drones….she…I honestly don't know what exactly she is but all I know is that it isn't very easy to kill her, if her body is damaged, she could just transfer to another drone, or any kind of tech near her…" Uzi shuddered at the thought of Cyn possibly transferring into her systems.

" Is there a way to stop her? Like stopping the program? Or if we turn her off can we reboot her? Or just upload a virus and erase her?" Kuma asked seriously, worried about this enemy.

"Well, it's likely possible that she is completely offline, the only time Cyn is mentioned is in N's memories or by V talking to the original Uzi when she went all zombie drone." Uzi recounted as she looked back to check if N could hear them.

"What do you mean offline? Like she has free will and can't be turned off?" Kuma asked, confused as there was a lot of information missing.

"More like the opposite, I don't really know if it was the case or not but it's likely that Cyn created a singularity similar to a black hole where she, N and the others used to live, shutting down her systems completely and killing many humans and drones alike." Uzi responded before looking ahead, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Kuma looked worried, "let's hope she isn't here…maybe we will get lucky and she was destroyed and the humans she killed in the house were teleported here?" Kuma said wanting to try and give an option that was not to doom and gloom. "But if the way you described Tessa family goes…we may be in bigger shit then Cyn." Kuma said thinking about both options.

"Right, let's just focus on Tessa for now." Uzi spoke as the trio walked past the gates to Sweet Apple Acres and towards the everfree forest.

As the three walked past the gates they could see the hole where the tank was trapped, now barren. The tank was gone and there was no noise coming from PonyVille.