• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,791 Views, 96 Comments

Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

Chapter 2 A Ponyville tour

After the events of Uzi arriving in Equestria, and the QnA that ensued, everypony, dragon and drone went to sleep.

Now we follow our drone as she awakens

golden oaks library

[worker Drone, Designation: Uzi powering on]

"Ugh, what time is it?" Uzi asked her self as she looked at her Internal clock, after finding that it was 5:17, a bit early, but late enough in the morning to get up, after she had shaken the sleep from her systems, she decided to make some breakfast for the pony and dragon that let her stay at their home, by the time she was finished Twilight and Spike had woken up from the smell of breakfast and coffee, first spike came down the stairs.

"Hmm~ what's that great smell~." Spike spoke with a tired voice as he was still waking up.

Then a few minutes later Twilight emerged from upstairs as well.

"Morning Twilight/Light!" Uzi and Spike spoke at the same time.

"Gmorning..." Twilight groaned as she was usually grumpy in the mornings till she gets her coffee, so she went to take a cup of coffee to properly wake herself up, after Twilight got her much needed morning coffee, Twilight and Spike offered Uzi a tour of Ponyville to get her....and the other ponies used to each other as well as allowing Uzi to get a good map of Ponyville.

When they left the library and started their tour, Uzi quickly found herself getting weird looks from most of the ponies they walked past.

"So Light, where are we going first, and...what's with the stares?" Uzi asked Twilight slightly uncomfortable with the ponies stare.

"Well, they have never seen anything like you, and most of the time when a new creature comes to Ponyville, it usually destroys about half of the town, and to answer your question about where we are going first, first we should go from the edge of Ponyville inwards, so, firstly we are going to Applejack's farm, Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight responds matter of factly.

"Huh ok- wait......Ponyville gets WHAT!?" Uzi exclaimed in shock, Twilight then started to explain the normality that monster attacks had become to Ponyville.

After a while of walking, and Twilight better explaining the normalcy of monster attacks in Ponyville, the pony and drone make it to Sweet Apple Acres.

"This is Sweet Apple Acres, why don't we say hello to the Apples?" Twilight suggests.

"....Y'know, before I got here I would have thought you ment the fruit, but after meeting Southern, now I've just accepted it as her family's name." Uzi spoke with a deadpan as she heard something behind her, as she looked behind her she sees three fillies just before getting tackled to the ground.

"Gah!?" Uzi screamed as she fell to the ground notifying Twilight to her predicament.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ROBOT CATCHERS YAY!!!!!" the three fillies yell in excitement while in a dog pile on Uzi.

"Girls.." Twilight spoke with a slightly stern tone causing the fillies to stiffen and get of Uzi.

"What was that?!" Uzi practically screamed to the no one in particular.

'sigh' " sorry about them Uzi, these three get excited really quickly and tend to do things without thinking." Twilight explained with a sigh.

As Uzi looked at the three fillies she could clearly see that they wanted to apologize.

"So their kids, got it." Uzi spoke having already forgiven them, showing her forgiveness with a thumbs up, the ponies getting confused before she explains the meaning behind the jester.

"Anyway, the names Uzi, what's your names?" Uzi asked the three fillies.

"Oh! I'm Sweetie belle! And this is Scootaloo and Apple Bloom! Nice to meet you!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed with excitement.

"And together we are the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS YAY!!!" the CMC yelled together slightly overwhelming Uzi's audio sensors, as well as confusing the drone a little bit.

"Wait, a cutie what now?" Uzi asked in a deep confusion shocking the ponies.

"You don't know!??!" The ponies yelled at the same time.

"Uhh no? Why, is it something important?" Uzi asks as she tilted her head in confusion.

"R-right, sorry Uzi, a cutie mark is what shows a ponies special talent, take mine for example." Twilight spoke as she showed Uzi her cutie mark, " my cutie mark represents my affinity with magic, our cutie marks are a representation of who we are, do you understand?" Twilight explained to Uzi.

"Ok, yea I got it now, thanks." Uzi thanked Twilight for her explanation.

"So, what're you doing at mah farm Twilight?" Apple Bloom asked the older pony.

"Oh! Right, I was giving Uzi a tour of Ponyville, starting with sweet apple acres." Twilight answered the fillies question.

The three fillies gasp as they heard this news, they quickly huddled together to speak quietly, confusing Uzi.

"Oh! Girls! Maybe we could get our cutie marks as tour guides" sweetie Belle exclaimed with excitement as her friends nodded their agreement.

"Miss Twilight, would it be ok if we toured Uzi?" The CMC asked giving Twilight the puppy face weaponizing cuteness in a way only the fillies could.

"Well... If it's alright with Uzi...." Twilight answered, unable to say no to the fillies.

"Can we?!" The three fillies asked the drone in excitement.

"I... guess it's ok?" Uzi answered in confusion and slight concern.

Twilight quickly noticing Uzi's concern quickly reasured her. " it's alright Uzi, they just get excited really easily."

"...right, well why don't we start ok, bow?" Uzi spoke to Apple Bloom, confusing the fillies.

Uzi noticing their confusion quickly explained herself. "Ah, right, sorry hehe, I tend to give nicknames to those I meet, easier for me to remember y'know?" Uzi explained, while the fillies we're still a little confused they are least knew that 'bow' ment Apple Bloom.

"Wait, if mah nicknames 'Bow', what're their nicknames?" Apple Bloom questioned in curiosity, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads in agreement.

"Scootaloo's one is 'speedy', I donno why but you just seem like the type to go fast." Uzi gave Scootaloo's nickname.

"Oh! Oh! What about mine!" Sweetie Belle asked in excitement.

"Oh! That's easy, yours is 'sweets', as your mane and coat are the same colour as some sweet candy where I'm from." Uzi responded with a warm smile, enjoying her time with the CMC.

The CMC nodded their heads accepting their nicknames and happy they have a new friend.

"Well why don't we show you mah farm, Sweet Apple Acres, the apple families pride and joy." Apple Bloom exclaimed as the trio led Uzi to the farm as Twilight waved bye as she walked back to her home.

"This here is Sweet Apple Acres, it's where ah live with mah sister, Applejack, mah brother Big Mac, an mah Granny Smith, we got the best apples this here side of Canterlot mountain." Apple Bloom spoke with pride in her families farm.

"So, do you just live in the farm or do you have a seperate building to sleep in?" Uzi spoke with curiosity.

"We just sleep in the farm, we find it an easier way to connect with our Earth pony magic." Apple Bloom spoke answering Uzi's question, only giving her another in its place.

"Earth pony magic? I thought only the unicorns and alicorns' could use magic?" Uzi questioned in utter confusion.

Sweetie Belle was the first to answer. "Oh no, all ponies have magic in them, some just show it more than others, while unicorns have the widest range when it comes to magic, the Pegasus use their magic to control the weather and-" Sweetie Belle gets interupted by Apple Bloom

"an us earth ponies use our magic to help nature grow!" Apple Bloom exclaimed in excitement not seeing the annoyed look Sweetie Belle is giving her.

The group spent a couple minutes walking in silence, Uzi decided to end that silence with a suggestion " hey.. if you want to ask me some questions you can, but first, who is this little gal" Uzi spoke having the filly tour guides look at her seeing her petting a dog.

"Oh that's Winona, she's the apple family pet, she helps around the farm too!" Apple Bloom exclaimed happy to see her pet, she went over to Winona and gave the doggo a nice and gentle pet, Winona barked happily at the affection and went back to her dog house.

As the ponies and drone continued the tour, slowly getting closer to apple blooms farm Scootaloo got a question "uhh, do any of you smell that??" As Scootaloo asked this the other ponies wrinkled their noses at the horrible smell, while Uzi was just put on high alert.

"Ok, so, I haven't been in Equestria for very long, so I can only trust my programming and your information, so, what do you think this is?" Uzi asked the terrified fillies as she takes a defensive stance.

"T-theres only o-one creature that smells l-like this, a- TIMBERWOLF!!!" Scootaloo suddenly shouted as a wooden wolf leaped out of the Forrest.

"Wood huh?, Well then, go get the girls, they'll know how to handle this better than me, and don't worry, I can handle my self just fine." Uzi reasured and ordered the CMC, while reluctant, the CMC hesitantly ran to get help.

'sigh' "alright, let's see how I do." Uzi muttered under her breath as one of the Timberwolves lunged at her.

Uzi rolled under the timber wolf kicking it as she passed. "Bite me!!" Uzi yelled as she threw the timber wolf past its comrades hitting a tree and shattering, as the wooden wolf reformed Uzi could see a floating upside down heart being surrounded by the timber wolfs magic as it finished reforming. "....I'll have to look into that later." Uzi muttered as she got back into the fight.

~meanwhile~ in golden oaks library

"Apple Bloom! Where are we going!?" Sweetie Belle asked as she ran after her friend alongside Scootaloo.

"Am going to twilight's library! Sis said that she and the girls were going to the library around this time!!" Apple Bloom spoke as she got to the door and knocked.


"Twilight! We got a letter!" Spike called out as he walked into the library where he found his sister-figure reading a old looking book.

"Oh! Thank you spi-" Twilight is interupted by frantic knocking of the library door.

"It's unlocked!, You can come in!" Twilight called out to the pony that knocked as she reached for the letter, just before she could read it though, the door burst open revealing three very frightened fillies.

"TWILIGHT!TOURGONEBADREALLYBADTIMBERWOLFBADUZIISINTROUBLE!!!!!!" the three fillies screamed at the same time making it hard for Twilight to understand what the fillies said.

"Calm down! Calm down, tell me in a slower pace, so I can help." Twilight said in a calm tone trying to calm the scared fillies.

"Twilight! It's bad really bad!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed in fright.

"Whats wrong, where is Uzi?" Twilight asked in concern as she can't see the drone anywhere.

"Uzi's in trouble Twilight!! Timber wolves attacked us!! She told us to get help!" Scootaloo yelled causing twilight's eyes to widen in shock.


~back to Uzi~

"Heh, you...lot aren't all.. that bad." Uzi panted out of breath but overall unharmed.

The wolves pounced again, while Uzi dodged she got a crack in her visor by the leader knocking some rocks at her.

"Gah! My visor!" Uzi screamed in slight pain giving the wolves a scowl that could rival fluttershy's stare.

Just as Uzi was about to jump back into the action, her legs gave out.

"Gah!...guess I..used to..much..energy" Uzi spoke as she saw a purple shield surround her as well as a voice behind her as she collapsed to the ground, still conscious but unable to move.

"Get away from her!" Twilight exclaimed as she saw Uzi collapse.

The wolves saw the group of ponies and retreated, seeing this as a failed hunt.

'sigh "now that that's taken care of, are you ok Uzi?" Twilight asked in concern for the unmoving drone.

"I-i-i-im ok l-l-light j-just nee-e-ed some res-st-st" Uzi spoke slightly glitching from her lack of energy.

As Twilight was about to pick up Uzi, the drones visor showed a warning and a robotic voice spoke.

[ Warning, warning, energy critically low, emergency sleep mode activated]

'sigh' "she's alright you three, she just needs rest, why don't you go to school, you don't want to be late right?" Twilight spoke trying to get the crusaders minds off of Uzi.

"R-right, bye Twilight!" The CMC said together as they made their way to school.

"Alright, let's get you back to the library." Twilight sighed as she picked up Uzi in her magic, placing the drone on her back and walking to her home.

~golden oaks library a few hours later~

[Sufficient energy regained, powering on]

"Uhhh....What..happened..." Uzi spoke groggily, still sore from the fight with the timber wolves.

"Uzi! Your awake!, We were worried about you!" Many Female voices and one male voice exclaimed at the same time.

"Ugh.. headache!.." Uzi groaned grumpy from her headache.

"O-oh right, sorry Uzi, hehe..." The group apologized to the drone.

As Uzi was cooling herself down from her headache, she noticed a scroll and an old looking book.

"Whats that?" Uzi asked as she pointed at the scroll.

"Huh?, Oh! Oh no, the letter!? How could I have forgotten it!?!?." Twilight exclaimed in terror.

"Letter? From who?" Uzi asked not knowing where the letter came from.

"T-the letter's from princess celestia, she sent the letter earlier today." Twilight spoke as she opened and read the letter

Dear Twilight sparkle

A creature resembling Uzi has appeared before me, please gather the your friends and Uzi and make your way to Canterlot immediately.

From princess celestia.

"...WHAT!?" Uzi exclaimed as she bounced to her feet in shock.

"I guess we go then?" Rainbow dash asked, receiving nods of agreement from everyone present.

As everyone began to leave the library a book caught Uzi's attention.

"Why does that look so familiar?" Uzi asked herself as she looked at the book, the book had an upside down heart shape in the middle with seven hearts within the upside down heart shape, one was purple, one was cyan, one was red, one was orange, one was yellow, one was green and the last was blue, the book was simply titled "soul traits".

"Hey! Uzi you coming or what!?" Uzi heard an impatient rainbow dash call out to her.

"J-just a moment!!" Uzi called out as she put the book in her bag before running out with the others.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will suprise you😜

No spoilers, all I can tell you is it will be special to me.