• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,815 Views, 96 Comments

Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

[Displaced and Disassembly] part 4

In the everfree forest with Tessa.

“Ugh… nothing works! What did that unicorn even do?!” Tessa shouted in annoyance before the tank detected movement on its left most side.

The screen to her right showed that 3 individuals were getting closer and closer to the robot. “Great!! Just bloody great!!”

As Tessa tried to ready the defense mechanisms, she didn't notice that one of the individuals began to leave the group and fly up to the front screen view.

“Um.. hi! I'm N… but you probably already knew that ha ha….ha.. a-anyways, your name's Tessa…right?” Tessa heard a familiar voice that made her freeze in place as she slowly turned towards the front most screen.

On the screen it showed a familiar looking drone. He was a bit taller and had wings but…his hair, voice, and innocent look in his eyes was so familiar as if it was truly her long lost friend.

“...N?” Tessa softly spoke to herself, not believing what she was seeing as she slowly put her hand on the screen.

As the screen showed tessa the murder drone it also beeped and soon showed 2 individuals hiding in the distance taking cover behind a tree and a large bush.

However, Tessa was Merely focused on the murder drone flying In Front of her tank, Tessa was speechless, not knowing how this was even possible.

“It…. It really is you….how..?” Tessa asked herself as she continued to observe N’s ramblings.

The murder drone just stayed there with a worried look on his face as he looked back at the forest, “are you sure this will work?” N said to the individuals behind him.

“Well, she hasn't done anything yet so, yeah! I'm pretty sure.” Uzi spoke as she held one of her hands behind her back, using absolute solver to slowly integrate her systems into the tank.

“Uzi, are you sure what you're doing is a good idea? I mean if that tank is from the human world then doesn't that mean that where could be fire walls, viruses, and other defenses in place to make sure whether it be magic or machine to not take control of the tank?” Kuma asked curiously.

“I'm not trying to take control of it, I'm only integrating myself into it so it recognises us as allies so it will let us in, then we will find Tessa and have her talk to N.” Uzi spoke, not looking away from the tank for a moment.

Kuma gave Uzi a questioning look, “what if that thing is completely manual to operate?” Kuma asked as he was wondering if Uzi's plan would work.

“Then the automatic defenses just won't attack us, I've seen how this thing fights, it doesn't fight like someone is controlling it, it feels much more automatic with its attacks.” Uzi reasoned, continuing her integration with her right hand, watching as N continued to talk to the tank…. About puppies…. Uzi facepalmed with her other hand at this.

N was still on the ground talking to the spider tank. He was mostly talking about his favorite dog the golden retriever. The tank didn't move at all but all 8 of its eyes seemed to be looking directly at the murder drone talking.

“-nd the baby Golden Retrievers are just the CUTEST little things I've ever seen! I mean, there are so many different organic life's here on this planet! Can you believe it Ms.Tessa? Because I can't!” N exclaimed excitedly, Uzi flinching as N called Tessa, ‘Ms.Tessa’.

Tessa stopped as she heard her best friend call her…’Ms.Tessa.’ “w-what did you call me…?” Tessa said with the sound of pain in her voice as inside the tank her eyes began to tear up. The name ‘Ms. Tessa' was seeming to have an effect on her.

“...this isn't good.. Kuma, be ready for anything…” Uzi worriedly warned, beginning to expedite her attempts to interface with the tank.

Kuma got down low and was ready to charge at the tank. His aura skyrocketed as his body was covered in a dark silver like glow. “We told N to call her Tessa right?” Kuma asked Uzi, wondering once this is over to beat some sense into N's head.

“..we did, but with N being as polite as he is, I'm not surprised he added the Ms, to her name…” Uzi grumbled in slight annoyance as she continued to interface with the tank.

“Question? Do we need to keep N alive?” Kuma asked as he got ready as the tank legs began to move as its eyes glowed blood red with one turning yellow.

“Yes ... .mainly his torso, anything else is fine to get damaged due to the regenerative capabilities of disassembly drones.” Uzi explained, knowing Kuma’s…. Less than joyful view on N.

“So his chest and stomach got it…I am going to crush his head when this is over…” he said angry as the spider tank opened its mouth as a red laser cannon began to charge up and point right at N.

“I KNEW IT!!” Tessa screamed as the tank began to move, “I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU WEREN'T THE REAL N!! JUST LIKE BEFORE!! THIS IS ANOTHER TEST FROM MOTHER AND FATHER!!” She said as her voice echoed loudly from the tank. As she spoke, Uzi, N, and Kuma could feel the anger, Fear, sadness, and despair in her voice. It even sounded like she was beginning to cry.

“Before..?... Test?... What does sh-...oh..oh they did not.” Uzi muttered to herself in anger just as she got a buzzing sensation from her right hand.

“Uzi…” Kuma asked his voice calm but Eyes showing complete malice.

“...I’m in, I can get into the tank now, wanna fight the tank with N, or go in and get Tessa instead?” Uzi asked, shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

“...Uzi…tell me about Tessa's parents…” as Kuma asked the question N screamed as the laser cannon fired blasting off his lower half clean off.

“Blue blood but 37.68 times worse, and neglectful of their children ... .but that was only from the… half a minute? They were on screen.” Uzi explained as she used her absolute solver to drag N into a bush while he regenerates his lower half.

“You're not getting away that easily!!” Tessa screamed as the tank began to turn and chase after N.

“I think it might be best if I go in to get tessa…” Kuma said as he looked at the tank.

“Right, smart idea, she could EMP me while I'm in there, I'll help N out here, you might have an easier time there than me.” Uzi agreed to Kuma’s strategy, focusing more on statistics than anything else since Kuma asked about Tessa's parents.

“It's Not just that! I am the only one here that looks the closest to a human, right now, Tessa needs more than a friend, she needs a hero to show her that she is no longer alone…that her parents can't hurt her any more. And that moving forward…she can live her life how she wants to live it.” Kuma explained, knowing what it's like to feel trapped, having been petrified for a thousand years in his world.

“Right, you're right, just trying to… I don't know, find the best outcome?” Uzi shook her head as she heard Kuma’s reason for wanting to enter the tank.

“Alright let's do this!!” He said before screaming could be heard in the distance as when both Kuma and Uzi turned to look N was screaming his head off as the tank chased after him firing shot after shot at him.

“Ahh!! I am sorry!! I am sorry!! Ms. Tessa please stop!!” N screamed as he rushed into a large pile of bushes. Trying to lose the tank.

“Right, I'll see how I can help N, see you in a bit, hopefully with Tessa with you…save her, K?” Uzi spoke before rushing after N.

Kuma nodded as he began to charge at the tank moving through the trees and bushes trying to make sure he was not spotted while looking for an entry point.

The tank in question was seen firing a laser along with using its metallic spider legs to swat, strike, and stab the bushes, “stop calling me that you stupid piece of scrap metal!!”

Uzi watched as Kuma got closer and closer to the tank and snapped her fingers, opening the doors just as Kuma leaped towards the tank, allowing Kuma to leap right into said tank.

Kuma's POV

Growling and slamming onto the cold metallic floor of the spider tank. I got up from the ground shaking my head as the door to the spider tank closed. “Good I am locked in. No backing out now.”

“GAH?! Where did that second one even come from?!” Tessa shouted in exasperation.

Kuma sighed before taking in a deep breath before yelling, “TESSA!!!”

Just as Kuma shouted Tessa's name, everything froze, the noises of the tank becoming silent, Kuma could no longer feel the tank moving, everything had just froze, as if time had stopped.

“Tessa! I know you can hear me! My name is Kuma! I know you don't know me! But I just want to talk!” Kuma said, trying to calm the girl down and to stop attacking his two drone friends.

Suddenly, a hologram appeared In Front of Kuma, what Kuma wasn't expecting however was for the hologram to have talons instead of hands and feet, feathers instead of hair and a beak instead of a mouth.

“How…how did you even get on my tank..?” Tessa asked with genuine confusion evident on her face.

“Wow! You're a griffin!?” Kuma said shocked before shaking his head. “No wait, that's not important right now. What is important is that you stop attacking my friends!” Kuma said standing in front of the hologram. His human body being completely visible to the hologram as the only non human aspects was his bear heRs on his head and bear tail.

“Well that's certainly….. different, I don't recognise you, you don't work for the organization… Do you.” Tessa, now found to be an anthro Griffin, spoke in a slow realization.

“The fuck are you talking about? I don't work for any organization… at least not anymore… What or organization are you referring to?” Kuma asked curiously as he decided to sit down and try to show he was no threat to tessa.

“...a human not part of the organization…. Huh, who would have thought.” Tessa spoke, mostly to herself before pulling up a holographic screen next to her hologram.

“The organization, Encoders, is an organization built on mechanization and world domination, as you probably already know, we… ahem, experimented on Timberwolves and turned them into our state of the art timber-golems, now that I've answered your question, I have one of my own, why are you here, and do you have anything to do with the worker drone and the copy of my best friend?” Tessa monologues before asking Kuma two very important questions.

Kuma listened and soon spoke, “first that's two questions. Second, I am here to stop you. Because I know this is not what you want. And yes I have something to do with the worker drones.” Kuma said before getting a serious look on his face. “Now let me ask you a question… Do you surrender?” Kuma smiled as he looked at the hologram, “because we can do this the easy way. Or the hard way. The choice is yours.”

“Right…’sigh’ look, in case ya didn't know, if I loose here I'm back ta square one, what's square one you may ask? Target practice, except I'm not exactly the one shooting if you catch my drift, so, yeah, hard way it is.” Tessa spoke, much too nonchalantly for Kuma to be comfortable with.

“Besides, you're in my tank right now, I could just have the walls close in o-” Tessa's threat is interrupted by Kuma punching straight through the wall beside him with an unreadable expression on his face.

“If you thought I was an ordinary human…” Kuma removed his hand from the wall showing a huge hole in the wall, “you are completely wrong!” Kuma spoke his voice low as he looked into the hologram's eyes. His own eyes empty of any emotion as he got ready to charge.

“I- ok, I see your point but ...what exactly am I supposed to do if I were to hypothetically surrender? I doubt the ponies will be very accepting of me after what I've just done and I definitely wouldn't be able to go back to the Encoders.” Tessa asked after taking a moment to process what she had just seen.

“Well for starters surrendering and offering an apology would slowly help. Next surrender the tank and explain to the rules of this land what your organization does and what their plans for the future are. Because let's face it with robotic timber wolves, spider-like tanks, lazers, and attacking towns I am pretty sure your organization does not have the best interests of the other species living here.” Kuma spoke as he did not get out of his position to charge if anything were to happen he needed to be ready.

“If you do all that I am sure the princess will go easy on you. Maybe some community service, and a little friend building and the ponies should forgive you. Also…they can even get you a home and protection from anyone that might try to hurt you.” Kuma said that last part with a grin.

“... I- highly doubt that, but, before I make my decision, I have one last question, what's with the N bot?” Tessa asked in what seems to be hesitation, sadness, fear and anticipation in her voice, all masked by an overtone of annoyance that Kuma could easily tell was forced.

“No idea… from what I was told he was once a regular robot but something happened. Something or someone made him into a bot to kill. He has slaughtered hundreds if not thousands of worker drones in order for him to survive as his new programming and upgrades require a lot of oil. So he had to kill, slaughter, and murder with two other drones in order to survive on an abandoned planet.” Kuma said not holding back on the details.

“... It really is him, isn't it… alright, you win, I surrender, even if I didn't, you and the dr- your friends would have beaten me regardless.” Tessa spoke as she deactivated the tank and a few minutes later, Tessa walks over to Kuma through the varying hallways inside the tank.

“Good.” He reaches over and grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder as he carries her and begins to lead to the door he entered the tank with. “to be honest. I thought I was going to have to destroy the tank from the inside out. Grab and rip you out of the control room and possible have to keep you in a psych ward” kuma said as he punched the door to open it.

“...yeah, I can see that.” Tessa shrugged her shoulders as she followed Kuma out of the tank.

The door opened as celestia's bright sun entered the tank as kuma covered his eyes. “God damn that's bright!!”

“What do y- ow. Ok yeah, bright… Ow.” Tessa responded in confusion turned slight retinal pain.

“Ok tessa time to fly!!” Kuma yelled with a smile as he grabs Tessa by her sides and throws her out of the spider tank.

“W-Wai-” Tessa shouted before being thrown off the side of the tank, screaming as she flailed in the air before spreading out her wings, gliding for a few seconds…before hitting a large tree with a comical thud.

“Oooo!! That had to hurt!!! Umm…tessa? Are you ok…? Are you dea?” Kuma asked hoping she was ok before jumping out of the tank landing on his feet before running after her and stopping at the tree she hit.

“I'm…. I'm good, just don't know how to fly with these things yet, I can glide through.” Tessa exclaimed, rubbing her head with a slight groan.

Kuma offered his hand to help her up. Helping Tessa to her feet, Kuma held her hand and began to lead the way, “Uzi!! N!! Where are yall at!? I better not find both you making out in a bush!!” Kuma yelled, smiling evilly.

“WHAT?!” A voice shouted in the distance, when Kuma looked over to where the voice came from, he could see…. Uzi hanging from a tree, tangled in branches and vines with N sat at the base of the tree, arms dislocated and regenerating.

Kuma chuckled as he let go of Tessa's hand and began to walk to the tree. Stepping on N leg crushing it before he began to climb the tree, “sorry N.” Was all he said as he moved his large body up the tree. As he climbed up the tree began to shake non stop until he sat down on the branch Uzi was hanging onto, “what's hanging Doorman?”

“Oh, you know, just riding on N’s back as we dodged a Laser from the mechanical tank before it shut down, it's nothing to worry about.” Uzi spoke sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she was shaken by Kuma climbing the tree.

N smiled as he looked up, “well at least we are alive and in working condition!” N said as his arms and leg was regenerating very slowly.

Kuma slowly inched closer and closer to Uzi as the branch shook from Kuma's weight. He reached out to try and grab, “give me your hand! Before…”


Kuma looked back to see the base of the large branch cracking. Tessa seeing this took a couple steps back.

“. . . Oh no.” Uzi exclaimed before the branch snapped in half, causing Uzi and Kuma to fall to the ground, thankfully missing N by a few centimeters.

Kuma groaned as when he slammed to the ground a large dust cloud of dirt was kicked off the ground. “Did I land on anybody?” He asked looking around, spotting N and Tessa where ok before looking down and getting up hoping he didn't crush Uzi again. “Please don't be dead! Please don't be dead!”

“I'm….good..ow.” Uzi groaned, sitting up from her position on the ground and shaking her head, frowning when she saw that she was still tangled in vines.

“Need a hand?” Kuma asked snickering a bit as he was holding N's damaged hand to Uzi.

“...yeah, I'm too low on battery to use absolute solver right now.” Uzi accepted Kuma's help as a low battery warning flickered, replacing her right eye for a moment.

“Wow…wait how do you recharge? Don't you need oil or something?” Kuma asked as he dropped N's arm and began to rip off the vines that were tangled around uzi.

“Both oil and electricity, why do you think worker drones sleep?” Uzi spoke, eyes closing for a moment before blinking back open, letting out a small yawn.

“Wait so when you sleep do you recharge automatically? Or do you need to be plugged into something?” Kuma asked, confused, throwing the vines to the ground.

[Worker Drone, Designation: Uzi powering off] Uzi is interrupted as she powers off before she can finish her sentence.

“Don't worry, she'll recharge automatically.” Tessa spoke suddenly, making her presence known to N.

N looked at Tessa before smiling and waving, “hey! Nice to meet you…who are you?” N asked, confused.

Kuma sighed as he grabbed Uzi and carried her in his arms, “that's the girl that was piloting the tank.”

“Me and Kuma here had quite the…. Enlightening, talk..” Tessa spoke, examining N’s arms before making small repairs with a portable toolkit attached to her waist.

N looked a little worried and turned to face kuma who only gave him a nod, “she is cool and she will be accompanying us back to the town to apologize.”

“Oh! Well then, it's nice to meet you face to face Tessa!” N spoke as Tessa finished fixing his left arm and moved onto his right arm.

“The pleasure is all mine.” She said with a smile, “but…so you do not remember me? Or another girl named Tessa?”

“Nope! But I do get headaches whenever I think about how I don't remember anything before arriving on copper-9 as a disassembly drone!” N exclaimed while rubbing the back of his head with a large smile on his face.

“What about drones named J, V OR…” tessa took a moment taking in a deep breath before speaking the last name, “a drone named Cyn?”

“Oh, I know J and V, they arrived on Copper-9 with me, although I don't remember anything about a drone named Cyn.” N answered honestly, lingering on the name V for a moment longer that usual.

Kuma gave him the side eye as Tessa sighed and scratched her arm, “I guess your memories were altered…or deleted…”

“Possibly! But I do know I have back ups to all my memories….I just…..can't access them by myself, also, shouldn't we be heading towards the pony town now?” N exclaimed, then questioned as Tessa finished fixing his other arm.

“I guess we can.” Tessa said looking back at the tank, “what should we do about the tank?...leave it here?” She shrugged.

“Maybe, oh! Why don't we give it to Ms Celestia and Ms Luna! I bet they would like a closer look at the tank's technology!” N excitedly exclaimed, before picking Uzi up and carrying her on his back.

“Yeah, more like they will have their scientists do the work…or make twilight do it.” Kuma said with a smile as he held Uzi in his right arm and scooped up N with his left as he began to walk to the tank.

“Twilight? Is she the pony that was with you and….Uzi was it?” Tessa asked as she followed Kuma as he walked past the tank and towards Ponyville in search of a proper place for Uzi to recharge.

“Ya. The purple unicorn that gave your tank a beating.” Kuma said smiling at the memory of twilight going crazy on the tank.

“She really did, the damned thing shut down for a few minutes, and I even had difficulty getting it back out of the ground, that mare sure has powerful magic.” Tessa spoke as the four of them reached the exit to the everfree forest.

“You have no idea…but with her strong magic she had a very weak mind and will.” Kuma said, closing his eyes and thinking of his own version of twilight.

“Hm? How so?” Tessa asked, before a light blue glowing spear appeared inches away from her neck.

“What the fuck!?” Kuma yelled before looking angry as he spotted the individual holding a light blue spear.

“You! You were the one who sent these things here right? The voice from the tank?!” A tall, blue scaly skinned woman in Knights armor shouted, her yellow eyes glaring right into Tessa's soul.

“UNDYNE! CALM DOWN! LOOK, THE NEW HUMAN IS WITH THEM! MAYBE THAT MEANS THAT MS. BIRD SURRENDERED!” a new voice shouted from behind the blue woman, the voice soon revealed to be a skeleton wearing a red scarf, red gloves, red boots and a white armor piece with a symbol on where the heart would be, the symbol being an upside down triangle underneath an equal sign.

“PAPYRUS!! WHAT DID I SAY!? I TOLD YOU TO STAY HIDDEN AND BE READY TO GIVE ME COVER WITH YOUR MAGIC IF THEY ATTACK!!” undyne yelled at the skeleton with anger in her voice.

Kuma gave Uzi to N, “hold her and if a fight breaks out you get out of here and rush to the town.” He whispered to the muder drone before waking up besides Tessa. “I am sorry but who the fuck are you!?”

‘sigh’ “the names Undyne, captain of the monster royal guard, us monsters just recently got back to the surface thanks to the pu- frisk, thanks to frisk.” Undyne answered, punching in between her eyes.

“NYEHEHE, AND I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! IT IS SO NICE TO MEET YOU, NEW HUMAN!” Papyrus shouted in excitement, visible sparkles appearing in his eye sockets.

“First I AM NOT A HUMAN!!” Kuma points to the bear ears on his head as they wiggle around. “Second, if that is true shouldn't there be more monsters here!? And third what the fuck makes you so great!? Did you defeat a powerful monster? Slay a creature no other could!? Or did you defeat the king or the highest ranking knight in the guard?” Kuma asked as he slowly reached for Tessa, hoping this little…chat would distract them long enough so he could get Tessa away from the spear.

“O-oh, EHEM, THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS GREAT BECAUSE…um…OH RIGHT! BECAUSE I AM BEING TRAINED BY THE CAPTAIN OF THE MONSTER ROYAL GUARD! NYEHEHE!” papyrus exclaims as a shorter skeleton walks over to the small group.

“hey, paps, why don't you go and help the kiddo, I heard they needed ya.” The short skeleton spoke, pointing over to a group of ponies and what appears to be a human child wearing a purple and pink sweater.

“BUT OF COURSE! THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL GO WHERE THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS NEEDED, THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME SANS!” Papyrus thanked the short skeleton now known as sans before running over to the group of ponies and the human child.

After watching Papyrus arrive at the group of ponies, Sans turned to look at Kuma, Sans's eye sockets now hollow and pitch black.

“no need to be so rude, now is there? buddy.” Sans spoke in a slow and deep tone of voice.

“Sorry friend. But where I come from, lots of people with his mentality or god complex are the very first to die.” Kuma said, looking at the short skeleton before walking up closer to him as the height difference was shown as the bear man towered over the short skeleton and was a full foot taller than undyne.

“Tell me friend…I am guessing that the tall skeleton is a family member…so tell me this is he training to be a part of an army or something? Because if he is then you better give him the talk about him having to fight, to kill, and more. Because the way I see it, that tall skeleton has no idea what the hell war or combat is.”

Kuma spoke as his words held no emotion as his eyes showed experience of death and combat. N looked a little worried and held Uzi tightly, his wings deployed and ready to fly away if needed. Tessa was backing away slowly, inching closer and closer to the spider tank.

‘sigh’ “look, if I'm being honest, paps ain't nothing but harmless, sure, he is very skilled, but he won't kill anything with a soul, that being said, no, he isn't really being trained for that kinda stuff, bro's really just being taught how to cook, it's undyne's way of keeping paps safe and happy.” sans spoke, his eyes still hollow before sans closed his eyes, opening them with a small white orb in the middle of his eye sockets.

“eh, with that said, the names sans, sans the skeleton, now-” sans spoke with a shrug of his shoulders before seemingly disappearing into thin air.

“-don't you know how to greet a new pal? turn around and shake my hand.” sans spoke, reappearing behind Tessa.

“Eep!” Tessa yelped as she turned around and backed away from sans. “What the hell!? Did you just teleport!? Can you also use magic!?” She said worried.

N’ own digital eyes widened in shock at what he saw, “wow…” was all he could say.

“yup, all monsters can, now don't leave me hanging here, shake my hand and let's be pals.” Sans spoke as he held out his hand towards Tessa.

Tessa was very hesitant before slowly reaching her own hand out. “If I shake your hand I won't die right?”

“hehe, nah, just trying to greet a new pal is all.” Sans chuckled, still holding out his hand towards Tessa.

“Sans isn't death!! Even if he was, he would get a fired within the first day…” undyne said that last part quietly

With a silent gulp, Tessa reached out her hand, and the moment it came into contact with Sans's outstretched hand-

A very long fart sound was heard coming from the skeleton's hand.

“Tessa what the hell!?” Kuma yelled before going to cover his nose.

“hehe, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick, it's always funny, anyways, I should get going to my bro, and a word of advice? Even think of hurting papyrus…" Sans chuckled before closing his eyes, opening them to reveal a navy blue eye that radiated otherworldly magic.

“A N D Y O U ‘ L L B E D E A D W H E R E Y O U S T A N D” Sans spoke in a clear warning before teleporting papyrus and the ponies the tall skeleton was helping.

“That sans knows how to talk. But he should know that what he is asking for is impossible. No matter how hard you try, everyone gets hurt now and then.” Kuma said, shaking his head before checking on Tassa. “You alright Tessa?”

“Y-yeah, that jus- just took me off guard.” Tessa nodded her head, fear still in her eyes and yet, Tessa chuckled at the whoopie cushion trick.

“If he tries to hurt you, tell me. I know that both me and him are very calm and reasonable people.” Kuma said clenching his fists as the veins in his arms could be seen.

“Trust me, you Don't want to fight sans, mainly because he would be too lazy to actually fight back, and he often gets really protective of his brother, I once accidentally swore In Front of papyrus and sans was just… there, sans was in a meeting with Asgore just before that and he was just suddenly behind me, so yeah, don't target papyrus, and even though he may not look it, papyrus is an excellent fighter, he was kind of the main reason most of this town here isn't completely destroyed.” Undyne sighed as she looked towards where sans and papyrus had gone to, papyrus playing with several foals.

Kuma walked up to Undyne, “Explain, why sans wont let his brother grow up?” Kuma asked, crossing his arms. “From the way I see it he is a bit overprotective. And from the way things are going I am guessing you were all trapped somewhere? What if the world was a horrible place? Lots of people swearing, or murder all over the place, or even war? What will he do? Because the way I see it papyrus is not ready for tragedy.”

‘sigh’ “look. I get your worried about papyrus but, he isn't as naive as he looks, he acts like that so it's easier for others to be friends with him, and just because he doesn't kill, doesn't mean he isn't skilled, and before you say ‘he’s going to have to kill eventually’, he knows that, he's a protector, not a fighter, so lay off him, will ya, you barely know us, and we barely know you, so we shouldn't be so quick to judge each other.” Undyne sighed, visibly trying to relax her posture.

“I am not worried about him, I am worried about the others I am surrounded by. Next I never once said that if he doesnt kill he is weak. I am just curious as a lot of military or guard duties have you in battle, wars, and so much more which can cause you to be surrounded by death and suffering. From the way I saw it he may be trained but is naive. But I guess time will tell. I just pray that when push comes to shove he will be strong enough to make the tough choices.” Kuma said walking back to N.

“Like I said, papyrus isn't as naive as he looks, and trust me, us monsters know the consequences of war, us monsters being trapped under a mountain for generations because of a war between humans and monsters, but yeah, I see your point.” Undyne spoke with a respectful nod before walking over to a nearby building and lifting large chunks of rubble and moving it out of the way without as much as a single sweat.

“Hey Nick, do you want me to take Uzi from you?” Kuma asked N as he held his arms out to take the sleeping drone.

“Sure, I could help out in cleaning this place up, and maybe get to know some of these…monster people?” N spoke as he gave Uzi to Kuma before opening his robotic wing and flying up into the sky to see where he could help out the most.

Kuma sighs as he begins to walk with Tessa into the destroyed town. Ponies were out and about starting to repair and fix their damaged homes, clean up destroyed fruits and foods, and families reuniting with others after being separated by the attack. Kuma turned to Tessa and whispered, “do not mention anything about the tank, we will talk about that with twilight first.” He said looking around trying to make sure no one heard him.

“Alright, but first we should find a Pegasus to provide us with a thunder cloud, it will help speed up Uzi's recharge time.” Tessa nodded before checking how far along Uzi has recharged so far, Uzi being at 22% battery.

“If we wake her up right now will she be ok?” Kuma asked, confused as they walked to find Twilight.

“Yes, but she shouldn't use the absolute solver program, it'll mess with her recharging process.” Tessa nodded to Kuma as they neared a somehow undamaged tree with a door on the front labeling the tree as the Golden Oaks Library.

“What would happen if she did? Would he run out of energy faster? Would she break?” Kuma asked a little worried as he saw N flying through the sky trying to help ponies.

“No, it would just stop her from recharging until she powers down again.” Tessa spoke before powering on Uzi.

[worker Drone, Designation: Uzi powering on]

“....five more minutes mom….” Uzi spoke as she slowly woke up, before shaking her head and realizing where she is.

“What happened when I powered off?” Uzi asked as she stood back on the ground.

“I got into a fight. Tessa and I ate N. And we are taking you to Sugarcube Corner to be cooked and eaten as well.” Kuma said smiling before bursting out laughing at what he said.

“....wow, really helpful there..” Uzi deadpanned before looking around to see several monsters, ponies and N working on repairing Ponyville.

“Oh right! The monsters! I almost forgot about them, hm, I wonder where Alphys would be, she would get along great with Twilight, Tessa and me…” Uzi exclaimed before the three entered the Golden Oaks Library.