• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

A Needed Change

After a long and very busy day, Peter was back home and sleeping. All the excitement that day had really worn him out, but unfortunately, a good night's rest wasn't in his future.

Peter was laying in bed, once again haunted by his dreams. He was standing in the same dark room, once again in his human form, seeing nothing but a void as he frantically turned around.

"No, not this again..." Peter lamented. "Hey! Anyone there!? Hello!?"

"Peter..." Gwen said, the woman suddenly appearing behind him. "Looking for me?"

"Looking for anyone nearby," Peter said.

"You're still so confused, poor Peter," Gwen said, almost mocking the boy.

"Gwen, why am I still here?" Peter asked. "Aren't things getting better? I saw Harry, Flash and MJ today, I should be on my way to putting this behind me."

"You think it's that easy?" Gwen asked. "Harry wasn't so excited to see you, was he? You know that, it was that moment you realized that everything you worried about was coming true."

"No way, MJ was happy to see me, and so was Flash!" Peter said.

"For how long?" Gwen asked. "Were they truly happy? Or was Harry the only one honest? He may have said what they wanted to say for all you know."

"That can't be," Peter said. "You're lying to me!"

"You say that, but deep down, you fear it to be true," Gwen said. "That's why I'm still here after all, because you know that this will never end. How can you atone for your own sins when you've left nothing but scars behind?"

"I can atone! I will! I have to!" Peter said.

"No Peter, you can't change your mistakes," Gwen said. "People have died because of you. People like your uncle, the man who raised you like a son. Because of you, he's gone, forever. Your aunt must be so lonely."

"She's not, she has us!" Peter said.

"Yes, the little ingrate who got her husband killed over something as petty as money," Gwen said. "And that's only the start."

"Yeah, don't forget about us, Peter," Came the voice of Rainbow Dash, only she had a metal wing and looked much older. She was joined by a version of Applejack, Dinky Do and Trixie. "You couldn't save us either, could you?"

"Oh wow, you're actually here, and here I thought you forgot about me," Peter sarcastically lamented.

"That future existed because you weren't there to save anyone," Future Applejack said. "You and yer little time travel games."

"Going back in time didn't exactly change anything, did it," Future Trixie said. "We all suffered, and that can never change."

"No matter how much you try to help, someone pays the price," Gwen said. "Just ask Betty Brant."

Peter turned to the side, seeing an image of his Daily Bugle Co-Worker with her dying bother, "Please! Someone help! He's been shot!"

"Betty?" Peter asked.

Betty angrily turned to the hero, "It's your fault Spider-Man! You did this to him!"

"Betty, I'm sorry!" Peter said. "I wanted to save him!"

As he stepped forward, he stumbled over something. He turned to see the body of a very familiar woman, one that twisted his stomach.

"Ch-charlie?" Peter asked, the hero once again panicking. "No! That was an accident!"

"Doesn't change what you did to her," Gwen said. "You took her life Peter, you can never undo that."

"No amount of Time Travel will fix your mistakes," Future Rainbow Dash said.

"Ugh! That's enough!" Peter shouted. "I'm done with this! Just get out of my head!"

"Losing it already, Spider-Man?" Came the voice of the Green Goblin, his presence replacing everyone else. "Even in this world, everyone hates you. Your presence is bringing trouble after all."

"You!" Peter shouted, lunging to attack, but the villain disappeared. Soon more began to surround him.

"The end is near, Spider-Man," Aria said.

"Your life will come to a pitiful end," Mysterio said.

"We're going to destroy everything you hold dear," Electro said.

"The Armageddon is coming," Adagio warned.

Venom then grabbed Peter by the head, lifting him up, "You knew our return was inevitable, no amount of running will keep you from us!"

"Get off!" Peter shouted, throwing a punch, only for everyone to disappear. He turned around until he came face to face with Wallflower Blush.

"You could have gotten us killed today! It's only a matter of time before it happens!"

"I would never let that happen!" Peter said.

"It will, because you're nothing but a plague," Wallflower said. "We're better off without you in Equestria."

As she too disappeared, Peter spotted Ryu in the distance, the fighter looking distressed,. "Ryu!? What's wrong!?"

Suddenly the fighter turned demonic, glaring at the hero, "Bring him out."

"Huh? Bring who out?" Peter asked.

"You know who! Bring out your true form!" Evil Ryu shouted.

"I don't get-" Suddenly Peter started to feel dizzy, then felt like his body was about to burst. The hero keeled over, holding his stomach as something began to emerge from his back, bursting out of him and stepping onto the ground, leaving Peter panting and gasping for air.

He turned around and spotted an evil version of him, blood trickling down his body as his eyes glowed demonically.

"This power...it's incredible!" the evil Peter said, holding his hands out. "I can do anything I want! I can destroy all those who oppose me, the world could be mine! Everyone will suffer hell's wrath and I burn the world and shape it into my image."

"You can't!" Peter said. "That's not how we use our power! We must-"

The evil Peter grabbed his good counterpart by the throat, lifting him into the air as the symbiote overtook his body, "You've been a nice guy for far too long, Peter Parker. Why are you still holding back? You have the strength to kill those who oppose you! Let their blood stand the lands as you stand triumphant over their rotting corpses! You know they deserve it! Why are you living as a servant in a world you should be King of!? Wasting your power on pitiful responsibility, when you know that power can be used for so much more."

"N-no! We can't!" Peter struggled to say.

"If you refuse to listen to reason," the evil Peter reeled back. "Then you've outlived your usefulness."

"No! NO!" Peter struggled to escape.

"I'll see you in hell, Peter Parker," the evil Peter said, about to strike when suddenly, everything disappeared, and nothing but white light remained.

Peter was back in his pony form, feeling a bit relieved, "Is it over?"

"It is," Came Luna's voice, the mare flying over to Peter. "Your dreams still haunt you."

"It's the same thing, it starts with Gwen and then...things just spiral," Peter said. "It's so weird, today I thought I saw Gwen too, I don't know if this is messing with my reality, or if I took that bad of a beating from Ryu. Though that Gwen was too nice to be the one in my dream."

"I understand you're still feeling confused, things were very stressful today and it seems like you still have not fully registered what happened," Luna said.

"I don't think anyone has," Peter said. "It feels like we're losing control. First Ryu acts weird, then those villains led by Discord showed up, and now that kid Gallus is trying to be Nick Fury."

"You leave that to me, if he acts out of line, I can easily have him arrested, just like Thunderlane," Luna said.

"I'd feel bad if that happened though," Peter said. "Hopefully he realizes he's being dumb and calls this off, same with his followers."

"The followers part is a bit troubling, I do not appreciate that some of them are Wonderbolts," Luna said. "I must also speak with Ember about Garble, if he causes more trouble, I will not have mercy."

"Maybe I can try reasoning with them one more time," Peter said. "Still, this stuff gives me such a headache."

"It's understandable," Luna said, gently caressing Peter's face. "Just know that I am here for you, and I will always be there when you need me."

"Thanks, I really appreciate that Luna," Peter said. "You're one of the first friends I made here, so I'm glad I haven't screwed that up yet."

"I can say the same," Luna said. "Let us talk for a bit, it might put your mind at ease."

"Sounds good to me," Peter said.

Meanwhile Twilight, who was woken up by Peter's constant stirring, was seen rubbing her husband's head. "I think he's calmed down, still this gets me so worried. I hope I didn't add to his stress by bringing his friends." Twilight shook her head. "No, he needs this, he needs the closure."

The following morning, Twilight was getting her breakfast along with Peter, Aunt May having made a special omelet with spinach and cheese.

"Good to have some protein to start the day," Peter said.

"That mixed with some coffee can help," Twilight said, grabbing a cup.

"Oh wow, it's your first of many cups today," Peter teased.

"Hey, I don't drink that much coffee," Twilight insisted. "Maybe two or three cups, but that's it."

"Coffee's so counterproductive anyway, plus if you're not careful, you're going to develop an addiction," Peter warned. "Then again, that ship may have sailed."

"I told you, it's not an addiction!" Twilight insisted. "Now stop being a pain."

"Twilight, maybe Peter's right, you should drink more tea," Starlight said. "Tea always works out well."

"Starlight, you spend half your day drinking Hot Cocoa," Twilight pointed out.

"It's not for me, it's for anyone that comes into my office," Starlight said. "Most ponies tend to prefer hot cocoa over tea."

"Such silly bickering," Trixie pointed out, then noticed Mayday flying over and grabbing some breakfast. What seemed unusual was the harmonious smile on her face, mixed with some humming. "Someone's in a good mood."

Mayday placed her breakfast down, happily pouring some juice, then grabbing her toast on the side as she sang aloud, "Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile, fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine..."

"Uh...that's new, Mayday normally doesn't sing aloud," Peter said.

"Well she is a pony, maybe it finally clicked that bursting into a song at random moments is a key part of the culture," Trixie said.

"All these years and I never fully understood that," Peter said. "It can be infectious though."

"So, Mayday..." Starlight said, getting her attention. "You seem quite happy this morning."

"Hard not to be, life's pretty amazing," Mayday said. "Especially when it's such a nice day outside, you can hear the birds whistling a pretty tune as the cool breeze graces all of Ponyville."

Peter immediately raised his eyebrow, "Who are you and what have you done to my daughter?"

"I'm still me, daddy," Mayday said. "Just with a better lease on life."

"Alright, spill it, what's going on with you?" Trixie asked. "Your happiness doesn't seem like your typical nature. The most I've seen you happy is when you have a new experiment to work on. But this is a different happy."

"I don't suppose this has to do with Franklin Richards, does it?" Starlight asked, Mayday immediately blushing upon hearing his name. "Yeah, something tells me it is."

"We want details," Trixie said.

"Details?" Came Janet's voice as she walked in with Spike and Hope. "What's happening?"

"It's nothing, really," Mayday insisted.

"Oh come on Mayday, I thought I was your favorite Auntie," Trixie teased. "You know you can tell me anything, especially when it comes to Franklin Richards."

"Hey, I'm her favorite Auntie," Janet said as Spike placed Hope on her chair next to Benjy. "But seriously Mayday, what's going on?"

"Girls, enough, don't bug Mayday about this," Peter said. "Granted it is kind of curious that she's acting this way. Thinking about it, she was in a great mood yesterday, kind of surprising considering what happened."

"Come on, was yesterday really that bad?" Janet asked. "So you and Ryu turned into monsters and tried to kill each other, so a bunch of villains showed up and tried causing trouble, so a bunch of ungrateful dickwads decided to rebel against you despite the fact that you're the one who's been saving their lives for the last ten years, but I guess that doesn't matter since you haven't done anything lately to maintain that respect. It's just another day of the week for us Spidey, Mayday knows that, and she's not going to let it affect her good mood."

"Yeah...her very good mood," Trixie said.

"Wow, you girls really are relentless in your pursuit of knowledge," Spike said. "Still, I do like seeing Mayday happy, the more the better."

"Yes, personally I think that's more than enough," Twilight said.

"But we still want to know the details," Trixie said. "We know it's about Franklin Richards too."

"Weren't you and Franklin alone together for a bit?" Starlight asked. "Did anything happen?"

"...It's kind of embarrassing to talk about," Mayday said.

"We won't laugh," Janet said. "Come on, tell us."

"...Alright, I'll just say it," Mayday said, then blurted out really fast. "FrankieandIaredating!"

Peter's eyes widened in disbelief, "You and Franklin are WHAT!?"

"You understood that?" Trixie asked.

"I'm from New York, I'm used to hearing people turn several words into one," Peter said. "Mayday, you're dating Franklin?"

"Dating!?" Janet asked as she, Starlight and Trixie surrounded Mayday. "You two are dating now!?"

"Does this mean you're boyfriend and girlfriend?" Starlight asked.

"Did you two kiss?" Trixie asked.

The three girls continued bombarding Mayday with questions, the girl placing her hooves to her ears as she closed her eyes in a panic, "Too much! Too much! Please stop talking!"

"Girls! Enough!" Peter scolded. "You're making her uncomfortable!"

All three sheepishly backed away, regretting their actions and hoping they didn't go too far.

"Looks like we got too carried away there," Janet said. "Are you alright?"

"Just give me a few seconds," Mayday said, taking some breaths to calm herself down. Once it passed, she opened her eyes. "Alright, I think I'm good."

"We're really sorry," Starlight said, gently rubbing Mayday's mane. "We just got a bit excited."

"Yeah, we'll dial it back," Trixie said, doing the same.

"Thanks, I'm good," Mayday insisted.

"I must admit though," Aunt May said, bringing attention onto her. "Hearing that little Mayday has a boyfriend is rather surprising."

"Yeah totally," Peter said. "I can't believe you two want to date."

"Is that weird?" Mayday asked.

"It's not weird honey," Twilight said. "It's just a bit surprising. Well maybe not too surprising since you do like Franklin's company. Still, to hear that you have a boyfriend at your age."

"How did it happen exactly?" Peter asked.

"He pulled me aside, made sure my feelings weren't too hurt, told me he liked me and then..." Mayday's face turned bright red before admitting this next part. "Then...he kissed me."

Peter nearly keeled over from the shock, fortunately Twilight was there to make sure he didn't stumble too much, even if she had to hold back her shock.

"Oh, so you two did kiss," Trixie said.

"He actually kissed you?" Peter asked.

"Just a bit," Mayday said. "It was really nice."

"That sounds so adorable," Starlight said. "You're a lucky little girl, Mayday."

"Yeah...so lucky," Peter said, feeling awkward. "Still can't believe he actually kissed you."

"Huh? Is it that weird?" Mayday asked. "I'm not too ugly to kiss, am I?"

Peter immediately shook his head, "No way! You're the prettiest girl in the world. Franklin's lucky he got to kiss you. I'm just surprised he actually had the guts to do it."

"Same here, he seems like a pretty shy kid," Spike said. "Must have taken him a lot of courage to kiss Mayday."

"Well, it sounds like they're dating now," Trixie said. "How do you feel about this, Peter?"

"Honestly, I can't say I'm entirely confident about this," Peter admitted. "But, if it makes Mayday happy, then I'm fine with her being Franklin's girlfriend...or marefriend, whatever it's called."

"You mean it daddy? Frankie can be my boyfriend?" Mayday asked.

"Yes, he can," Peter said. "BUT...I want to set some rules. For starters, kissing is fine, but limit it to three seconds, and no cheating the system by breaking the kiss just to resume it. Second...limit it only to kisses, maybe hugs, but that's it. Third...you know what, I'll just relay everything to Franklin. For now, just play it safe."

"Sure thing, daddy," Mayday said.

Twilight checked the time, "Oh, I'd love to hear more about Mayday and her new boyfriend, but I really need to go." She grabbed her breakfast and rushed out. "Bye everyone!"

"I'll meet you later, Twilight!" Starlight called, making her way back in. "She was in quite the hurry."

"Given what happened yesterday, I think she wants to check up on the attendees," Trixie said. "Make sure there's no bitterness or anything."

"Seems a bit silly, not like she's responsible for their personal feelings," Starlight said.

"Well she is the Princess of Friendship," Trixie reminded. "It's kind of her job to worry."

"Twilight is very dedicated to her role," Peter said. "She does take on too much responsibility with it though, she can't act like she's personally responsible for every pony in Equestria."

"You do the same thing," Trixie said.

"Uh, do I?" Peter asked.

"Yes, you act like the saving grace of Equestria, that if you do nothing, then everyone will die." Trixie said.

"Well yeah, if I don't act, others die, not something I can leave to chance," Peter said. "Look, this isn't about me, it's about Twilight."

"Just keep an eye on things, and they'll be fine, Peter," Aunt May said.

"Will do," Peter said.

"And also, if you see Franklin, try not to turn into an overprotective father," Aunt May said. "It's good that you watch over your daughter, but you have to trust that she made a good choice, and we both know that Franklin Richards is a good boy. His parents raised him well after all."

"Uh, yeah, I suppose he is," Peter said, though still looked visibly worried. "Franklin's a good kid, I just hate seeing Mayday growing up so fast."

"And don't worry about your daughter growing up too fast, she's still going to be your little girl, just like you're still my little boy," Aunt May said.

Peter raised his eyebrow in confusion, "Did she read my mind or something? Hey, May! Babble, babble, babble!"

Aunt May saw that Peter was making intense faces as he tried to communicate with her telepathically, "Peter? Everything alright with you?"

"Yeah, you're being weirder than normal," Trixie said.

Peter shook it off, "Never mind it. Thinking about it, maybe I should check on the citizens in town, make sure they aren't too shook up."

"Sure thing Peter," Starlight said.

"I'll be back soon," Peter said, making his own exit.

Spike had finished setting down some food for Hope, "Janet, I gotta go see Ember later, and I don't know how long my meeting will take so I might not be home until later tonight."

"That's fine, do you need me to go with you though?" Janet asked.

"It's probably going to be boring, and I know how much you hate that stuff," Spike said. "Thinking about it, you can use this time to go see Hank."

"Huh? I'd rather you were there with me for that," Janet said.

"I think you can handle it," Spike said, handing over a radio. "If things get too awkward, call me."

"Uh, sure," Janet said. "Thanks Spike."

At her Friendship Center, things looked normal for Twilight, the girl grateful that there wasn't much of a commotion. She checked to see what classes were going on. Tender Taps and the cheerleaders, Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof were doing a class together. The culinary class was coming along great too, as was the sewing and yoga.

In an indoor gym, she could spot Sugar Belle and Double Diamond speaking with the still visiting MJ and Harry while Flash was lifting some weights alongside Bulk Biceps.

"So you two tried joining The Avengers?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, just like Tony Stark mentioned yesterday, how he started the initative, but not many seemed interested in joining," Sugar Belle said. "I stayed because I wanted to be stronger."

"That and you developed a crush on Bucky Barnes," Double Diamond said.

"H-hey! Be nice!" Sugar Belle said.

"It's fine, nothing wrong with crushes," MJ said. "So, not a lot of other recruits?"

"There were recruits, but the training was too much," Double Diamond said.

"Being a hero is not easy," MJ said.

"Yeah, especially not for Peter," Sugar Belle said.

"It's never been easy, but Peter never gave up, that's what makes him admirable," MJ said.

"What was he like on Earth?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Awkward, jittery, good natured, occasionally snappy, but all in all, a good guy," MJ said.

"Yeah, sure," Harry sarcastically commented.

"Be nice Harry," MJ said. "Now, what was I saying?"

Twilight let the group be as she went about her business. She remembered the first time she met Peter, he was very awkward and full of puns, but had that sadness in him due to the tragic moments in his life.

She wished to be there for him then, even more when he went to that future, he came back feeling even more stressed out for a bit, and full of regret.

"If everypony knew how much Peter sacrificed, maybe they'd be more understanding of him," Twilight felt. As she thought more, she couldn't help but remember Strange's warning. This Peter may not be her Peter, especially due to the time travel. Twilight did not believe it, she was sure this was her Peter, though had some doubts. "If this wasn't my Peter? Then where did he go? No, this is definitely my Peter, it has to be. His memories and mine are the same, everything adds up. Strange doesn't know what he's talking about. It was just stress from Ragnarök, that's all. This Peter is mine, and that will never change."

Outside Peter was trotting through town, keeping a close eye on everything. The citizens seemed to be going about their own business, even those who were at the event.

"Either everyone really is cool with this, or they're just good at hiding their worry," Peter mentally noted.

As he passed by Sugarcube Corner, he caught the attention of a pair of couples.

"Hey! Peter!" Lyra said, the mare being joined by Bon Bon, the two having just left the store with Doc and Derpy.

"Oh, good to see you four," Peter said.

"Good to see you to, Peter," Derpy said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Peter insisted. "Mostly." "How about you?"

"We're doing great," Doc said. "We just finished grabbing some snacks. Muffins here really wanted her...muffin."

"I love my muffins," Derpy said.

"I got myself some coffee," Bon Bon said, holding a cup.

"Coffee? Weird, I don't remember this place selling coffee," Peter said.

"It does go great with the pastries," Lyra said.

"Still, you're really doing good? You're not bothered by yesterday?" Peter asked. "With the whole me losing control, Ryu losing control, then those others who wanted to rally against me?"

"Just seems like another day of the week," Bon Bon said. "Listen, there's a reason most of us side with you Peter. When things get bad, you're the one everypony trusts to save them. I'd like to think ponies aren't dumb enough to take heroes for granted."

"You'd be surprised how often that happens to heroes back home at times, especially me," Peter said. "A guy made money off of slandering me."

"Yeah, we've heard about that," Lyra said. "Twilight's mentioned it a few times."

"You don't have to worry about that here," Doc said. "The good ponies in town respect what you've done for us. Some of us took longer than others I will admit, but the end result is the same."

"If me, Doc, Vinyl and even Thunderlane can admit we screwed up in thinking the worst of you, then there' a chance for others," Bon Bon said. "You're a great guy Peter, maybe you're not perfect but you do a lot more than anyone else does to keep everyone safe."

"Well their safety is all that matters," Peter said. "Anyway, I gotta go check out the rest of town, make sure everyone else is fine."

Peter trotted off, leaving the four to themselves for a moment.

"Think Peter will be alright?" Derpy asked.

"I think so, but something tells me he's a bit bothered by Gallus and the others," Lyra said.

"I got some 'friends' around to make sure that nothing happens," Bon Bon said. "For now let's just continue showing Peter we support him."

The four made their leave just as Apple Bloom, her son and Scootaloo passed by.

"Sounds like Peter was just here," Scootaloo said.

"It also sounds like he's bothered by what happened," Apple Bloom said.

"This is Gallus's fault, why did he have to be such a jerk to Peter and the other heroes?" Scootaloo asked. "They risked their lives to save everyone and he still found something to complain about? Then he wants to blame the heroes, the ones actually keeping us safe."

"Some folks do see the heroes as public servants, which is absolutely terrible," Apple Bloom said, stepping inside. "Ah don't understand Equestria sometimes."

"Tell me about it, we're supposed to be friendly, not judgmental," Scootaloo said, following Apple Bloom.

Inside Sugarcube Corner was Sugarcoat, the mare drinking some coffee with some pastries nearby. Lily Longsocks and Carrot Crunch were there, eating some cookies and enjoying a milkshake, chocolate for Lily and strawberry for Carrot.

At the counter, Wade was seen cleaning the tables with help from Pound and Pumpkin, before noticing the Crusaders.

"Oh hey, good to see you two," Wade greeted.

"Howdy Wade," Apple Bloom greeted. "Howdy to you too, Pound and Pumkin."

"Hi," the twins greeted.

"So, what are you here for this time?" Deapdool asked. "Cookies? Donuts? A large catering thing for your family?"
Just some crepes, three of them," Apple Bloom said.

"Three? Is your son gonna eat a whole one by himself?" Wade asked.

"Of course not, the third is fer Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, yeah that makes more sense," Deadpool said. "I just realized she's not with you."

"Yeah, ah went by her house this morning, she said she ain't feeling well," Apple Bloom said. "Plus, given what happened yesterday, ah don't think she wants to be in public right now."

"Oh yeah, when that big secret of her hanging out with villains became public knowledge," Wade said. "But I don't think a lot of them blame Sweetie Belle, she was young when it happened and she clearly didn't know any better."

"They did take over the Crystal Empire while she was with them, so that type of association does hurt her image," Scootaloo said. "Still, she is not in the best mood."

"Ah hate what Gallus did, it was so petty," Apple Bloom said.

"Well that's life, some people are so miserable they only feel better when others are miserable too," Deadpool said. "That way they can be miserable together and never deal with their problems."

"You think ponies will turn against Peter?" Scootaloo asked.

"I doubt it, if New York can stick by Spider-Man despite the Daily Bugle slandering him, then Ponyville can stick by Peter," Deadpool said. "If Thunderlane couldn't get a lot of ponies on his side, Gallus won't have much luck."

"Well, he did have Yona, those dragons, and some Wonderbolts," Scootaloo said. "Plus some other random ponies."

"Look, stop worrying so much, Peter will be fine," Wade said. "When duty calls, he'll be there, saving lives like he always does. On top of that, he'll have me and the other heroes as backup."

"Ah don't doubt that, but ah wish he wouldn't be taken fer granted," Apple Bloom said. "It's almost like some ponies would be happy if Peter left and never came back."

"Can't control what others think, but you can control yourself," Wade said. "Seriously, ignore the jerkwads and focus on what's important. If I know Spidey, he's already feeling kind of down about this. You can help by just being happy. Keep up that smile and it will give him the sense of security that he needs."

"Smiles always help," Pinkie Pie said, bringing out some food for display. "It turns away the dark, stormy clouds that rain sadness in your heart."

"There you have it," Wade said, focusing back on the Crusaders. "If a bunch of background characters want to make a fuss, that's on them. Just keep being happy and Peter will be happy."

"Yeah, we will," Apple Bloom said. "Now, about those crepes?"

"I'll get right on it," Pinkie said.

This conversation did not go unnoticed by Sugarcoat as she continued reading a newspaper. "Spider-Mane, always on ponies' minds. Quite the interesting guy."

Even Lily seemed a bit worried when she overheard the conversation, something Carrot immediately noticed.

"Hey, if you're worried about Spider-Mane, then don't," Carrot said. "He's never let anyone bring him down."

"I know..." Lily said. "Still..."

"Just keep supporting him, it makes him happy," Carrot said.

"I will," Lily said.

Back outside, Peter passed by the house he was having built for the quarter of Silverstream, Ocellus, Gabby and Smolder, the latter two standing just outside.

"It looks about ready," Gabby said. "Think we can move in soon?"

"If we see Peter then..." Smolder then noticed the hero. "Oh wow, he's actually here."

"Hi Peter!" Gabby greeted.

"Hey girls, curious about the house?" Peter asked, inspecting it. "It might be ready as early as tomorrow."

"That's so great! I'll go pack my things then!" Gabby said. "Smolder, you should do the same."

"Yeah, the sooner the better," Smolder said. "Being back home is too tense, especially after Garble decided to 'rebel' or whatever."

"Sorry your brother got dragged into that," Peter said.

"Despite what anyone says, you didn't do anything wrong, Peter," Smolder said. "Garble made his own choice."

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about Gallus acting the way he did," Gabby said. "He's supposed to be an ambassador to the Griffons, and...yeah, this happened."

"Like I said, I don't believe in the Ambassador stuff," Peter said. "Smolder and her friends came to enjoy Ponyville, not be political representatives. Save that type of stuff for your village leaders."

"Still, Gallus may not realize this, but this is why Griffons have a bad reputation," Gabby said. "My village is known for being mean spirited and selfish, and what Gallus did isn't helping."

"I know you're worried, but this is why it's important for ponies to know that one Griffon's personality is not symbolic of an entire village," Peter said. "You can help though, Gabby. Keep being you, the kind, generous and loving Griffon who likes putting a smile on the faces of others."

"Peter, you're flattering me too much," a now flustered Gabby said.

"Sorry, I know how awkward compliments can be, I just want you to feel better about all this," Peter said.

"You're the one we should be trying to make feel better though," Smolder said. "Gallus said those mean things about you, and worse, he upset your daughter."

"Mayday will be fine, she's a tough girl," Peter said. "And don't worry about me, I've been slandered before. It's no big deal."

"But Peter..." Smolder insisted.

"I'm fine, I really am," Peter said. "I gotta check on the rest of town, see you girls later."

"Bye Peter," Gabby said. "We look forward to participating in so many great Ponyville things, like the songs!"

"Oh right...the songs," Peter said as he trotted off. "I still can't get used to that, not sure if my friends have. Heh, imagine someone like Johnny bursting out into song, he has the ego for it."

In the Wonderbolts Academy Room, many of the cadets were seen gathered around a piano, one that Rainbow Dash was laying on, cheering while Johnny played the instrument, singing a song for them.

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane," Johnny sang. "You broke my will, but what a thrill."

Rainbow Dash held her hoof up to signal to the others, "Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!"

Fleetfoot came into the room as the singing continued, the mare looking slightly displeased.

"I laughed at love, cause I thought it was funny. You came along and you moved me honey," Johnny continued. "I've changed my mind, this love is fine!"

"Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!"

Indigo Zapp and her team followed shortly after, all of them curiously glancing at Johnny.

"Kiss me, baby," Johnny said, getting a kiss from Rainbow Dash while still jamming on the piano. "Ooh, feels good. Hold me, baby!"

While everyone kept singing, Sam Wilson had walked into the room to join Fleetfoot and company. "Whoa, seems like a party. Is this normal?"

"Not really, only when Johnny Storm is around," Fleetfoot said. "We take our Wonderbolts job very seriously."

"Hey nothing wrong with trying to have a good time, and this song is pretty fire...no pun intended," Sam said. "Plus isn't Equestria all about the whole bursting into song thing?"

"Not in The Wonderbolts, it's important for us to stay levelheaded," Fleetfoot said.

"I agree that's important out in the field, but off duty, having a bit of fun isn't a bad thing," Sam said. "Even Cap and I liked to goof around a bit during The Avengers. Like seriously, say 'On your Left' to him and see how he reacts."

"Uh, sure," Fleetfoot said.

"Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!"

Everyone started laughing out loud, from Cloudchaser, to Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails, to Angel Wings, to even Rumble and Silverstream.

Johnny took note of the oncoming Avenger, "Yo! Falcon! Didn't expect to see you here!"

"Fleetfoot invited me, asked me if I wanted to join her little club," Sam said.

"That's surprising, didn't think you'd want to join after everything with The Accords," Johnny said.

"Well Soarin got me into the idea before he retired, plus things are all fixed up now so it shouldn't be too bad this time around," Sam said.

"It's gotten better for sure," Rainbow Dash said. "Still, it'd be great if you joined."

"Yeah, you always were pretty cool," Johnny said. "Could have used your skills during the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament."

"Hey someone had to keep Crossbones from trying to demolish downtown Manhattan while you were away," Sam playfully stated. "Besides, it sounds like you did fine without me there."

"Yeah, but it would have gone much smoother," Johnny said. "Of course all our teammates were pretty great."

"Except America Chavez," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah screw her, seems like Capcom has their own pain in the ass with that doofus Luke Sullivan," Johnny said. "Are heroes really getting worse in both worlds?"

"I'm afraid so, but I'm there to keep them in line," Sam said. "Not without help from others, like Black Widow, Hawkeye and She-Hulk. Quake's been helping too, and Darkhawk's really stepped up lately himself, everyone trying to fill a void."

"Not like The Avengers don't go back to Earth when needed," Rainbow Dash said.

"Got that right, I guarantee if someone like Ultron shows his face, everyone will be ready to go fight him," Sam said. "Of course no one's heard from him in forever but we won't be any less ready."

"Got that right," Johnny said, trotting over. "So...Indigo, kind of surprised to see you here. I thought you'd be off with your 'new' group."

"New group?" Sam asked.

"After the tournament, some villains led by Discord showed up to boast," Johnny said. "They caused a ruckus but the heroes kept the attendees safe."

"That wasn't enough apparently, a few of the bystanders blamed Peter for all this, mainly since some of them were his regular villains," Rainbow Dash said. "Which included a creep called Venom."

"So because of that, one griffon dude named Gallus decided to rally everyone against Peter, including some of these mares here," Johnny said, gesturing to Indigo and her team.

Sam turned to the four, "Is this correct?"

"Well, that griffon had a point," Fleetfoot said.

"What point did he have? Blame the heroes when things go south? That's really backwards logic," Sam said.

"He's still mad about the thing with the Accords, so he blamed Tony Stark and Steve Rogers too," Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait, this kid was talking shit about Steve?" Sam asked, then turned to Indigo. "And you backed that up!?"

"H-hey, I have nothing against Steve Rogers, he's a cool guy," Indigo nervously insisted. "If it makes you feel better, that whole thing was Tony Stark's fault."

"Don't give me that," Sam said, then turned to Fleetfoot. "I don't like what I'm hearing here."

"I assure you that I will not allow any of my cadets to fall into vigilantism," Fleetfoot said. "And I certainly will not allow any slander to come to Spider-Mane's name."

"Better not, Peter's a good kid, and always does his best to help everyone," Sam said. "He ain't perfect, but no one is. Still more effort than most people give. If the heroes kept everyone safe, that's all that matters. Anyone ungrateful for that better check themselves in the mirror."

"Yes, of course sir, we would never approve of Spider-Mane slander," Fleetfoot insisted.

"Amazing how quick she is to say whatever she needs to say just to look good," Johnny mentally criticized.

"In any case, when I checked with Celestia this morning, she gave me fair warning about this too, so you have some backup in that regard," Fleetfoot said.

"What would you have said if Celestia didn't care then?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Regardless, I'm not entirely turned away from this idea," Sam said. "I don't mind lending my assistance to The Wonderbolts."

"Are you really joining us?" Came the voice of Silverstream, the girl joined by Rumble.

"Sure am," Sam said. "I don't plan on doing any shows but I don't mind giving tips when I can. I may not be a Griffon normally, but I can still fly back home. They call me 'Falcon' for a reason after all."

"This is cool, you're the closest we have to a Griffon Wonderbolt," Silverstream said. "I don't think we've had one before."

"Well technically Gilda was an honorary Wonderbolt, she could totally join full-time if she wanted to," Rainbow Dash said.

"I wonder if Gabby would want to join?" Silverstream said. "Having some more non-pony Wonderbolts could be interesting."

"Give them the opportunity, but don't just start picking any of them just to fill out some checklist," Sam said. "Skill matters most after all."

"Oh yeah, Johnny did tell me something similar," Silverstream said.

"Nothing wrong with being proud of where you're from, just remember that you're not defined by what you are, but rather who you are," Sam said.

"I can say with confidence that Silverstream really earned her place in the Wonderbolts," Rumble said. "If more Hippogriffs join, that's great. But to me, Silverstream will be more than just the first Wonderbolt Hippogriff, she's going to be one of the best Wonderbolts in history."

"Aw, you're so sweet," Silverstream said, placing her foreleg around Rumble. "I have you to thank for that too, you're one of the reasons I try so hard, so I can keep up with an amazing flyer like you."

"You two seem pretty close," Sam said.

"Yeah, Silverstream's my best friend, almost like a big sister to me," Rumble said. "Weird because I used to dislike her."

"Take it from me, someone you once found super annoying can turn into your best friend just like that," Johnny said.

"I like the comradery here, even more reason to stick around," Sam said. "So, any other grand flyers I should know about?"

"Angel Wings is pretty cool," Johnny said, then called to the girl. "Yo! Angel! Come meet Sam!"

"Sky Stinger! Vapor Trail! Wanna meet an Avenger?" Rainbow Dash asked. "At least one that isn't trying to fight you?"

"Hey! CC!" Rumble called to Cloudchaser. "Come meet Falcon!"

Back down below, Susan was in front of the Parker-Sparkle home with an eager Franklin by her side. "You seem happy."

"Uh, well yeah, I'm always happy to see Mayday," Susan said.

"I bet you are, especially after hearing how close you've gotten with Mayday," Susan said.

Franklin blushed at hearing that, "Mooooom..."

"It's fine Franklin, I think it's sweet that you and Mayday feel this way about each other," Susan said, knocking on the door. "Just treat each other nicely. Girls can be delicate, but I'd like to think I raised you well enough to know how to treat one."

"Just love and care for her, right?" Franklin asked.

"That's the basics, promise you'll come to me if you have any questions," Susan said.

"I will," Franklin said.

Starlight had opened the door to see the two, "Oh, hello. Good to see you both."

"Good to see you too, Starlight," Susan said.

"Hey, Starlight, is Mayday around?" Franklin asked.

Starlight nodded, "Yeah, I can go-"

"Frankie!" Mayday shouted, flying over and immediately locking herself into a kiss with Franklin. "Mwwwwaaah!"

"Whoa..." Franklin said, a bit amazed by the affection. "That was nice."

"Well she certainly isn't shy about her feelings," Starlight said. "Might change if she's somewhere public."

"Let's go on a date!" Mayday said.

"Where?" Franklin asked.

"Anywhere," Mayday said, pulling her boyfriend. "Come on! Let's-"

"Mayday, wait up," Starlight said. "You know your father wouldn't be comfortable with you going off by yourself."

"I'm not, I have my dear, sweet Frankie with me," Mayday said.

"Still, you need a chaperone," Starlight said. "Fortunately, I'm up for the task."

"Good, then hurry up so I can date my boyfriend!" Mayday said.

"Mayday, that wasn't polite," Franklin scolded. "I am very willing to take you on a date, just be a little patient and I will properly reward you."

"Yeah, alright," Mayday said, the girl doing her best to stand still, but was feeling quite fidgety.

Starlight couldn't help but find this adorable, seeing Mayday barely able to contain her excitement was precious to her, "Just give me a minute."

"I should go see Aunt May," Susan said. "You two wait out here for a second."

"Oh I am not going anywhere, I'm too drawn to this hunk of a boy," Mayday said, glancing affectionately at Franklin.

"Wow...it's like she turned into a whole different filly," Starlight said.

"Honeymoon phase," Susan said, then whispered. "Plus, given how reserved she is, being excited is quite stimulating for her, so she might be a bit unlike herself."

"Is that an introvert thing?" Starlight asked.

"I'm no expert despite being married to one, but Reed can be similar at times when he's excited about something," Susan said.

Outside Mayday's loving gaze toward Franklin intensified, "Anyone ever tell you that you have a really nice-looking mane?"

"I think Sweetie Belle did once," Franklin said.

"Well, I like it more," Mayday said. "I also like your eyes, and your smile."

"I like yours too," Franklin said. "You also have a-"

Mayday quickly cut him off with a surprise kiss, "Heh, got ya."

"Oh yeah, you sure did," Franklin said.

"I'll be taking quite a number of kisses from you, so be prepared," Mayday said.

"I'll avoid eating anything that gives me bad breath then," Franklin said.

"So...I believe you were still complimenting me," Mayday said.

As the two were talking, a pair of ponies from the Friendship Center walked by.

"Oh lookie, the daughter of Spider-Mane," one said.

"Is that her boyfriend? Didn't know boys could be into little weirdos," another pony said.

This did not go unheard by either Franklin or Mayday, the young girl looking bothered by the statements while the boy looked ready to get back at them.

Just before however, Susan opened the door, the mother of two now joined by both Starlight and Trixie. "Alright, we're ready."

"Those jerks lucked out, but next time..." Franklin looked to Mayday, seeing his girlfriend looking sad bothered him. He lifted her by the chin and gave her a kiss to make her feel better. "You're the best."

Mayday slowly started to smile, "Thanks Frankie."

"Well how about that, Mayday has a boyfriend at her age, and I'm still single," Trixie said.

"Didn't you say you didn't care?" Starlight said.

"Well I don't, but it's just weird that not many stallions have tried to court me," Trixie said.

"Tender Taps did, and you turned him down," Starlight said. "He's a younger guy too, I think you should have gone for him."

"He's too young, I'm not that desperate," Trixie said, then shook her head. "I mean, I'm not desperate at all! Now are we escorting these two or not?"

"Sure, while we're at it, let's see if either of us get lucky," Starlight teased.

"Hey if you want to date, then ask out Sunburst," Trixie said.

"Uh...we're just friends," Starlight nervously insisted.

"Love is confusing at any age it seems," Susan quipped.

At this point, Fluttershy was seen flying over to Thunderlane's house, joined by Laura.

"Now remember, we're just here to see Lightning Dust, don't swear revenge on Gallus or anything," Fluttershy said.

"Why must you ruin my fun?" Laura asked.

"Because I don't want you getting into trouble, young lady," Fluttershy warned. "If you retaliate with violence, you're going to make your world look worse. You need to be bigger than Gallus is."

"Unfortunately size doesn't favor my genetics," Laura teased.

Fluttershy glared at Laura, "Do I need to take you back home?"

"Uh...no," Laura said, nervously looking away.

"Good," Fluttershy said, knocking on the door.

Thunderlane answered it, pleasantly surprised by his company, "Fluttershy, Laura, what's up?"

"Hello Thunderlane, we're here to see Lightning Dust," Fluttershy said.

"She should be in the living room, talking with her Washout buddies," Thunderlane said. "Come with me."

Inside Lightning Dust is seen bragging to her teammates Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse. "I'm totally good with weights on my back. Remember when I told you about how I flew Laura through the cold Tundra to fight Loki?"

"The one he conveniently escaped from?" Rolling Thunder asked.

"He knew we would thrash him," Lightning Dust said. "He's lucky Peter got to him first when he showed up in Canterlot last year."

"Dust, Fluttershy and Laura are here to see you," Thunderlane said, gesturing to the mares.

"Hey, what's up!" Lightning Dust hugged them both. "Laura, I was just telling these two about the time we went to go fight Loki."

"Is that true? I'm having doubts," Short Fuse said.

"It's very true, Laura said. "Loki got caught, then somehow escaped."

"It still feels like hogwash to me," Rolling Thunder said.

"Suit yourself, but even Spider-Mane himself will tell you of my brave exploits," Lightning Dust said.

"Speaking of him, how are things with you after that punk Gallus blabbed to the world about you being friends with villains?" Laura asked.

"Most ponies already know that, I really don't care what he has to say," Lightning Dust said. "I made my mistakes, and they're behind me."

"Still, what he said yesterday, it really, REALLY pissed me off," Laura said.

"Laura, mind your anger," Fluttershy warned, then turned to Lightning Dust. "I just hope you know that no matter what happens, you will always have a family that loves you."

"Yeah, I know," Lightning Dust said. "I got you two, I got Logan, I got Rina. I even got these two knuckleheads."

"Hey! Who are you calling 'knuckleheads'!" Short Fuse asked.

"I especially have my main squeeze Thunderlane," Lightning Dust said. "And his daughter, who's pretty much my daughter now. She actually calls me 'mama', it's freaking adorable."

"Mama!" Came Felicity as she trotted over to Lightning Dust.

"Ha, told ya," Lightning Dust said, picking up the girl. "I didn't squeeze this girl out of me but that doesn't change the fact that she's basically my daughter now. I'm gonna teach her to be as awesome as her mama is."

"This is cute, I'm happy you found a good guy," Laura said, then turned to Thunderlane. "And the best part is that since you didn't break her heart, I won't have to torture you."

"...Wow, what a sense of humor," Thunderlane nervously said.

"I like this one," Rolling Thunder said.

"Save the compliments for when I actually do something cool," Laura said. "Which won't take long."

"As long as you're fine, and we don't have to worry," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, you're good," Lightning Dust said. "I appreciate it though, and even though he's not here, I bet Logan was just as worried."

"You know Logan, he cares but can be too embarrassed to show it," Fluttershy said.

"Sounds like a big softie under that hard exterior," Rolling Thunder said.

"You nailed it," Laura said. "Still, Thunderlane. What do you think is gonna happen to Gallus?"

"Well if he doesn't cut this crap out, he's going to get arrested," Thunderlane said. "Same with anyone by his side."

"Hey if Indigo Zapp and her team get fired from the Wonderbolts because of this, I just might consider letting them join The Washouts," Lightning Dust said.

"Start them on the bottom, make them clean our gear," Rolling Thunder said.

"Give them a hundred laps each morning," Short Fuse said.

"Pfft, they're Wonderbolts, a hundred is nothing," Rolling Thunder said. "Five hundred might be better."

"Make it a whole thousand," Laura said.

"I'll figure it all out," Lightning Dust said. "Since you're here, stick around for some drinks. We got some root beer."

"I don't think I'm a soda type of girl," Fluttershy said.

"Pfft, you so are," Laura said. "We can stick around for a bit."

"I'll make sure Logan gets some too," Lighting Dust said. "Alright, let's whip it out."

Also at this time, First Base was seen making his way up to the Carousel Boutique, holding a bouquet of flowers. Nervously he knocked on the door. "Alright, just give the flowers, and-"

Bobby was the one to answer, the hero looking unhappy, "Oh it's you, what is it?"

"Hey Bobby, right?" First Base asked. "I'm here to see Sweetie Belle."

"She's at her parents' house, and she's not feeling well," Bobby said.

"Oh...it's not that bump, is it?" First Base asked.

"Fortunately for you, it isn't," Bobby said. "Don't think I forgot that though."

"I'm really sorry for everything that happened that day," First Base said. "I know Sweetie Belle probably means a lot to you."

"Uh, 'probably'?" Bobby rhetorically asked. "She's my wife's little sister, I love her like if she's my own sister, of course she means a lot to me. I'm a family-oriented guy."

"Yes, of course, I bet you learned great family traits from your own family on Earth," First Base said.

"Do not talk about my family on Earth," Bobby warned.

"Right, of course," First Base said.

"Bobby, what's going on?" Rarity asked, seeing that First Base was here. "Oh, you're First Base."

"Yes, I came to see your sister because I want to formally apologize for what happened," First Base said. "Plus, I did hear unsettling rumors about her."

"Yes, very unsettling," Rarity said. "I don't know if my husband told you but she's not here."

"Yeah, he said she's at your parents' house," First Base said. "And that she's not feeling well. I hope she's alright."

"She'll be fine, my parents will be going away again soon so she'll be coming by tomorrow," Rarity said. "They were going to leave sooner but my mother was too worried about Sweetie Belle's injury."

"If I were you, I wouldn't go near her dad," Bobby said. "You think I'm ticked off? Her dad may be normally chill but that goes out the window the moment either of his little girls is hurt."

"Bobby, please be nice, First Base did not mean any harm," Rarity said, then took the flowers. "I'll give these to her, but come by again tomorrow and see if she's feeling better."

"I will, thanks ma'am," First Base said, then made his leave.

"You're way to nice sometimes," Bobby said to Rarity. "That kid did more than just hurt Sweetie Belle after all."

"What happened afterward was an accident, I do not blame First Base, or Rumble for that matter," Rarity said. "Things just happen. Everyone makes mistakes, like we did fighting our friends."

"Oh yeah, one more thing that punk Gallus whined about," Bobby said. "I bet he and Puerto Rico Chavez would get along great in the privilege department."

"Bobby, my dear," Rarity said, gently stroking his face. "You clearly have a strong love for your family and friends, and that's one of the reasons I fell for you. But please don't let this anger plague your heart. Just keep doing right by those you love and everything will work out."

Bobby returned the affection, gently stroking Rarity's face as he brought her in for a kiss, "I'll do my best."

Meanwhile in the Capcom World, Sunset was seen angrily striking some punching bags at their base's gym, the girl was not relenting and was more than eager to bring pain.

Chris and Dante could not believe this girl's intensity. While she's always been determined to get better, it seemed like she was outright angry this time.

"Man, you think she's still mad about yesterday?" Dante asked.

"Given that Celestia basically wanted us to stay away from her world, I wouldn't doubt it," Chris said. "Didn't help that those others rallied against Peter."

"What happened was just ridiculous, when things go wrong, you don't blame the ones that are trying to keep you safe," Dante said.

"I can understand their worry though, part of a hero's job is to prevent a crisis before it happens," Chris said. "But that's just not always possible."

"Kind of glad I'm not a hero," Dante said. "I don't want to deal with that type of pressure. I have enough responsibilities from my pops, I don't need to add to it."

"Well, many do look to you as a hero," Chris said.

"If they want to call me one that's fine, but I'm not going to outright be one," Dante said. "Anything I do is for my own self-interest more than others. Out of the two of us, you're more of a hero since you actively go around keeping everyone safe from B.O.W.s."

"I don't want others to suffer like I had to when my friends were killed by monsters, or the citizens of a town that did not deserve what Umbrella did to them," Chris said. "You however, I'd like to think you don't want anyone to suffer like you did when your mother was killed by Mundus."

"Eh, I guess I wouldn't want to just do nothing, but again, I'm not a hero, I'm a mercenary," Dante said. "Pay me to kill a demon, and that's what I'm gonna do."

"SHORYUKEN!" Sunset shouted, punching the bag hard enough to break it.

"Does she really need to shout that every time she does an uppercut?" Dante asked. "That's not how Ryu's move works."

"Let her have some fun," Chris said.

Sunset wiped some sweat of her head, "That was great." She grabbed a water bottle and chugged most of it down, using the last bit of it to dump on her head to cool herself off. "Hey boys, either of you want to spar?"

"Whoa, you're still a long way from being a match for me," Dante said. "You can probably take Chris on though."

"Real funny," Chris said, then focused back on Sunset. "Hey, are you feeling alright? You seemed really intense there."

"Just really getting into the workout," Sunset said.

"Still, you were pretty upset," Chris said.

"Is it about Celestia?" Dante asked.

"There isn't a problem I can't handle without my fists, just like you guys," Sunset said. "If you can push feelings aside, then I know I can too."

"Sunset, we've told you before, we're not good role models for dealing with grief," Chris said.

"It's not even a big deal anyway, so Celestia said something stupid, so Starswirl is a total dickhead, so those whiney bitches decided to complain about Peter," Sunset listed, both Chris and Dante amazed by her choice of words. "I'm good. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the shower, catch you two later."

As Sunset left, a concerned Chris turned his attention to Dante, "This is starting to worry me."

"Yeah, she's acting so much differently these days," Dante said. "But, is that really a bad thing? She's toughening up. Not bad considering how so-called peaceful her world's supposed to be."

"I'm all for her sticking by her beliefs, I just hope she's not getting carried away," Chris said. "Still, this proves that we're not the best role models."

"Leave the role model stuff to the superheroes, Sunset's old enough to decide who she wants to be on her own," Dante said. "What we need to focus on now is finding out more about why Alastor was with Discord, and if this relates to Wily and that Eggman guy."

"That and see if we find Wesker and your brother," Chris said. "Come on."

In the main monitor room, Chun-Li is going over a plan, "I've been searching through portals in Equestria, wherever I can, hoping to find any sign of Discord and his team. Alastor joining him may be proof that he's coming to our world to recruit."

"Which means that this problem affects us too," Leon said.

"Exactly, given that Albert Wesker, Vergil, Tron Bonne and Juri Han were seen escaping a detainment facility not too long ago, and haven't been seen since, it's possible they may have aligned with Discord," Chun-Li said.

"Would they really?" Mega Man asked. "Wesker seems too proud to do that."

"We can't count that out," Chun-Li said. "To make matters worse, some reports we have indicate that Urien is collaborating with Sigma, and Sigma did have contact with Doctor Wily. Given that he and Doctor Eggman from Sonic's world have also disappeared, they too may be involved in this alliance."

"We still don't know for sure how this lines up," Zero said. "This could all just be one massive coincidence."

"Until we know for sure, we want to continue doing sweeps of this world, Marvel and Equestria," Chun-Li said. "We've contacted Nick Fury and he is sending out who he can to keep an eye on things. I've even asked Crimson Viper to assist as well and-"

"Wait, hold on," Spencer said. "You talked to Crimson Viper? I thought you hated her."

"I don't 'hate' her, I just disagree with her on a lot of things," Chun-Li said. "in any case, Strider Hiryu did most of the talking."

"More like all of it," Strider said.

"My point is that we just need to contact Equestria next, and I do believe Celestia is taking initiative," Chun-Li said. "The problem is, she might kind of mistrust us because of...you know, reasons."

"Reasons like our friend Ryu nearly losing control at the tournament?" Morrigan pointed out, gesturing to the martial artist.

"Was that really necessary to say?" Chun-Li asked.

"I know it's harsh but pretending that it isn't a problem is counterproductive," Morrigan said. "I trust Ryu, but it's understandable that others don't."

"Wow, didn't expect Morrigan to be the voice of reason here," Spencer said.

"Hey, just because I'm a succubus doesn't mean I'm unintelligent," Morrigan said.

"Yeah, she's good with her brain-smarts," Felicia admitted.

"I suppose she is," Chun-Li said. "And she does have a point, things did get bad for Ryu."

"And Spider-Man too," Spencer said.

"I can't explain Spider-Man but yes, it did get bad for him," Chun-Li said. "Still, we know both of them are willing to help. Not to mention we have our allies from the other worlds, including three of our top representatives. Cloud Strife, Kratos and Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Hey there," Sonic said, joined by the other two.

"What about our other allies?" Hiryu asked. "From worlds like Namco and SNK?"

"Don't you worry about them, Terry Bogard is willing to help, as are Ling Xiaoyu and Paul Phoenix," Chun-Li said. "If anything we can bring back heroes like Lloyd Irving and Yuri Lowell."

"Oh yeah, thanks to Sunset, we got plenty more allies during Ragnarök," Spencer said. "Even if Doctor Strange worried about it, I say it worked out in the end."

"I can always get some friends too," Sonic said. "And I think Kratos knows that electric guy."

"You are speaking about Cole MacGrath, correct?" Kratos asked. "I may convince him to join our side with relative ease given his own loyalty to Sunset Shimmer."

"Didn't take long for Sunset to make friends, the power of being Equestrian," Sonic said.

"What about All Might, and that kid who calls himself 'Invincible'?" Cloud asked.

"We'll get them too," Chun-Li said. "But I do agree with Strange that too much could be risky, so let's start small."

"Everyone in this room is a great start," Viewtiful Joe said. "Capcom's already top of the multiverse when it comes to power. Uh, no offence to our three guests here."

"Not a competition with me," Sonic said.

"I am not bothered," Kratos said.

"I couldn't care less either," Cloud said.

"We'll get as many allies as we can get," Chun-Li said. "I will contact other warriors like Zangief, Honda and Karin."

"Keep the newbies on standby too," Spencer said. "Rashid and Laura proved themselves at the Tournament for sure."

"Just try not to invite Luke," Mega Man said.

"I know he's a pain but if he can be of help then I might have to consider it," Chun-Li said.

"I can contact Claire," Leon said. "Maybe Sherry and Jake too."

"I'll contact Nero and V," Trish said.

"Morrigan, are you gonna ask your sister to come?" Felicia asked.

"I'm not sure if she'd want to," Morrigan said.

"At least get Hsien-Ko again," Viewtiful Joe said. "I'll let Silvie know about this plan too."

"Cloud, I trust you'll relay this to Tifa and Barrett," Chun-Li said.

"Sure," Cloud said.

"I'll get Tails, Amy and Knuckles," Sonic said. "Maybe I'll invite Sally too, she's good with planning."

"That's good," Chun-Li said. "Say Kratos, do you know anyone who can help?"

"I know a few, I will see if any of them are available," Kratos said.

"What about your son?" Leon asked.

"...I am unsure," Kratos said. "Atreus is skilled, but I do not know if I will be comfortable sending my son into danger."

"That's fine, I won't ask you to do that," Chun-Li said. "He's still young right? He shouldn't have to fight."

"My advice, let's find Goku," Spencer said. "Getting to his world is simple enough."

"Is he still here?" Leon asked. "Or did he go back home."

"He went to another world to train," Chun-Li said, checking the monitor and showing a portal. "There he is, with that boy Naruto."

Near the edge of Konoha, Naruto is seen running at Goku, "Let's check your senses. Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Naruto created several clones and rushed a Goku, the Saiyan standing with his eyes closed. Using his reflexes, he dashed through the clones and hit the real Naruto, destroying the clones instantly as the young man got sent flying back.

"Ow, that kind of hurt," Naruto said. "Still, this is good training. Getting used to newer types of opponents will help me hone my skills better."

"That trick was really neat, my friend Tien can do something like that too," Goku said. "He might benefit from training here himself."

"I'm all for seeing more of your friends," Naruto said. "Come on, I'm not done yet."

Back in the Capcom monitor room, Leons seemed to be slightly impressed, "Those two are at a whole different level."

"Got that right," Chun-Li said. "The multiverse is full of people with incredible skills. That's why we travel, to learn new ways to fight and new ways to live."

"Sunset Shimmer certainly is taking that to heart," Spencer said.

"Is she getting better?" Trish asked. "Dante said she's still got a ways to go."

"She's improving at a modest rate, but it's gonna take her years to be a master," Spencer said. "Right now, she just has her magic."

"We'll of course keep her part of this operation," Leon said. "For now, let's start planning."

Time had passed by, it was getting late. Rumble was seen having flown back to the farm alongside Silverstream while Apple Bloom was seen speaking with Scootaloo. Surprisingly they were joined by Laura, Tender Taps, Smolder, Gabby, Lily and Carrot.

"Little party going on here?" Rumble asked.

"Hey Rumble, we were just talking about stuff," Apple Bloom said. "Things related to Peter, the drama from yesterday, and Sweetie Belle."

"I spoke to Lightning Dust, she's cool with the bullshit she went through," Laura said. "I'm still not happy about it."

"I don't blame you," Rumble said. "Well Gallus lost some allies, no way Fleetfoot is letting those Wonderbolts join him."

"Good, less trouble fer us," Apple Bloom said.

"It really sucks though, Peter doesn't deserve this," Smolder said.

"Got that right, but convincing everyone is hard," Silverstream said. "We gotta figure out a way to really help Peter. He deals with a lot, he doesn't need this on top of that."

"I'm never forgiving Gallus for this," Silverstream said. "He's a terrible friend."

"Don't give up hope, my brother saw the light, maybe Gallus can too," Rumble said.

"I'd like to think so too, too bad he had a terrible idea," Gabby said. "Trying to act like we can do the heroes' jobs."

"Actually, the idea itself isn't bad, just the execution," Rumble said.

"What does that mean?" Scootaloo asked.

"Gallus is doing this to spite Peter, he wants to defame him," Rumble said. "But, he is not totally wrong about the fact that it did get dangerous and ponies could have gotten hurt."

"Uh, did you just agree with Gallus?" Smolder asked.

"I'm not gonna be ungrateful to the heroes or anything, they did step up and save everyone, but everyone was clearly scared, so anger is understandable, but Gallus is continuing to instill fear that heroes are useless," Rumble said. "What he wants to do is go vigilante, and if he fails, then it's going to destroy hope. One way or another, the heroes look bad."

"Do you have a way to fix this?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, I'm going to start my own group, and try to be a hero too," Rumble said. "Not a Wonderbolt, a proactive hero who goes out to stop crime and stuff."

"...So you want to do what Gallus did," Smolder said.

"Yes, but differently," Rumble said. "I want to show everyone that the heroes aren't a curse, that they're an inspiration. Peter is a big reason why I want to be a better pony, he inspired me from a young age to always pursue when things are tough. I want to show him that even now with these villains coming, I haven't lost faith, and that I am going to do what I can to keep my friends and family safe. I am going to become a true hero, not to spite Peter, but because I respect him enough to follow his example."

"That is a great idea," Silverstream said. "Showing the heroes that they've inspired others to become heroes is a great way to preserve their legacy and to instill proper belief in others."

"That's a neat idea," Scootaloo said. "I'm actually down to try that."

"Yeah, me too," Gabby said.

"I'm game," Smolder said.

"Wow, you got some followers," Silverstream said. "Or should I say, we got some followers. You know I would fly with you into a fight."

"I can always count on my best friend," Rumble said.

"Well, this plan sounds nuts, which is why I want to be part of it," Laura said. "You'll need someone with experience."

"Um..." Lily got their attention. "I can...I'm not for fighting. But I can help in my own way."

"You're really strong, aren't you?" Scootaloo asked. "I bet we can find use for your powers."

"It doesn't even need to involve fighting," Rumble said.

"That sounds great," Lily said.

"Well it sounds like y'all need to plan," Apple Bloom said. "Why don't you stop by Rumble's house. Ah gotta pick Cumie up from the farm."

"Think you can get Remy to join us?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'll see if he's willing to give pointers," Apple Bloom said.

"Can't wait to see how Sweetie Belle responds to his," Smolder said.

"Yeah, she'd be surprised," Rumble said, thinking of the girl. "I hope she's okay."

In her house, Sweetie Belle was laying in bed, trying to rest but she felt so much worse than before, like if her body was changing. "What's happening? Why do I feel this way?" She sat up, checking her head, "I feel so hot too, am I wearing something hot? I don't remember putting anything on before going to bed." She took off her covers and to her shock, she found the black symbiote suit growing on her body. "Wh-what's happening!"

She immediately freaked out and fell out of the bed, panicking as she felt like she was being overtaken.

"Sweetie Belle, are you alright up there?" Cookie Crumbles asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think so!" Sweetie Belle said, still panicking.

"Well let me know if you need something," Cookie Crumbles said.

Sweetie Belle checked a mirror, seeing the suit still growing on her, "This looks familiar, where have I seen it? Is it going to eat me?"

"There is no danger..." a voice was heard saying in her head.

"Wh...what's happening?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Wait...this suit, it looks like what I saw yesterday, that guy who was hurting Peter."

"What you have now is derived from there, after the fight, a piece of that fell off, and latched onto you for safety," the voice said. "This is not life threatening, and no harm will fall onto you. If you accept this presence, then you can have all you desire. You are now the master, I shall obey your commands."

"New master...?" Sweetie Belle asked, the girl intrigued by the idea. "So, I can do what I want with this suit then?"

"Anything you desire," the voice reassured.

"Well...it does look nice, can I style you how I want to?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That is more than possible, visualize your style and it shall take hold," the voice said.

Sweetie Belle imagined her look, the suit covering her entire upper body, leaving her lower body completely uncovered as part of the suit turned into boot-like shoes for her. When she was done, she checked the mirror, posing almost seductively, proudly showing off her flank as the black suit complimented her soft features.

"I like this look, I actually look sexier than Felicia Hardy," Sweetie Belle said. "I would love to show Peter and Rumble soon."

"Be weary of Peter Parker," the voice said. "He is not always one to be-"

"Hey! Don't you start!" Sweetie Belle scolded. "Peter is a sweet boy, I won't let anyone, not even this new suit slander him. If you want to stay with me, you're gonna have to appreciate Peter, is that understood!?"

"Uh...yes, of course," the voice said.

"Glad to know," Sweetie Belle said. "Now, I do like this suit, but I do have a few rules to set in place. For starters, come off during the night. You can stay on during the day, so long as you don't bother anyone. Also try not to freak out my friends, and another thing-"

The suit started to wonder if latching onto Sweetie Belle was a good idea, but for now, there was very little choice in the matter.

Elsewhere, Sandbar is laying in bed in his room while Ocellus seductively crawled over him, the Changeling girl looking down at him.

"Are you ready for some fun, my sweet little Sandbar?" Ocellus asked.

"Got that right, I've been looking forward to this all day," Sandbar said.

"Oh good, because I want to make this night extra special for you," Ocellus said, taking Sandbar in a kiss.

Sandbar broke away a second, gently stroking her face, "I feel so lucky to have you."

"As do I," Ocellus said, taking Sandbar in for another kiss as the stallion groped all over Ocellus's body.

Outside, Gallus was flying up while Yona looked around, the girl worried about getting caught.

"You sure we should be here?" Yona asked.

"For the last time, yes! Now stop worrying already!" Gallus said, heading to the bedroom window. "I just gotta talk to Sandbar and..." Upon looking inside, his eyes widened in shock as a blush appeared on his face. "Whoa..."

In his room, as Sandbar got ready to take things to the next level, he noticed Gallus staring inside, the stallion freaking out. "What in the world!?"

"Huh? What's wrong, did I hurt you?" Ocellus asked. "I wasn't stealing your magic by mistake, was I?"

"No, it's...it's..." Sandbar pointed to the window, Ocellus turning around to spot Gallus.

"Uh, you two look busy, so I'll come back later," Gallus nervously said. It did not alleviate the anger Ocellus was feeling. "Crap..."

"Gallus!" Ocellus flew outside, grabbing him by the chest. "What...were you DOING, peaking into Sandbar's window like that!?"

"I swear, I didn't know you were in there, I would never watch you two make-out," Gallus said. "I have standards after all."

"I am going to destroy you for this!" Ocellus shouted.

"Whoa, all this time and I've never seen you this angry," Gallus said.

"Why wouldn't I be? Do you know how embarrassing this is!?" Ocellus shouted. "How much of me did you see."

"No more than usual," Gallus said.

"Ocellus!" Sandbar called. "Please try not to hurt Gallus, he didn't mean to do something so dumb!"

"What he said," Gallus nervously insisted. "I just needed to speak to Sandbar, after that, he's all yours."

"...Fine," Ocellus let go. "You have five minutes, then I want him back."

"Duly noted," Gallus said, flying down.

"Why Ocellus in your house? You two dating?" Yona asked.

"Y-yeah, dating," Sandbar shyly admitted.

"But don't dates happen in food places?" Yona asked.

"Uh...well..." Sandbar saw Gallus coming down. "Yo, Gallus, did you need something?"

"Well, kind of," Gallus said. "So my plan to prove that I can do better than the heroes is going well. We haven't stopped any villains but you can't expect progress so soon."

"Yeah, sure, I guess," Sandbar said.

"I was curious though, we don't have a lot of places to stay, so if we needed to, could we crash in your place?" Gallus asked.

"Tonight? I have company over," Sandbar said.

"I mean other nights, not even full time, can't stay in one place too long after all," Gallus said. "Flower Wall is letting us stay at her place too but it gets boring there pretty fast."

"You mean Wallflower?" Sandbar asked.

"Isn't that what I said?" Gallus asked.

"No, you said Flower Wall and...never mind, if you want to stay here once in a while that's fine, but don't drag me into your group, I made my stance clear on that," Sandbar said.

"You're good on that, I know you're not that strong anyway," Gallus said.

"Dude, don't be a jerk," Sandbar said.

"Eh, sorry, too harsh," Gallus said. "Still, I appreciate this, bro."

"Hey, are you sure this is a good idea? I don't want you getting into trouble," Sandbar said.

"Don't worry, we got this," Gallus said.

"How sure are you?" Sandbar asked.

"Dude, trust me," Gallus said, flying off. "Well I'll leave you to your romance."

"Bye Sandbar," Yona said, making her leave.

"...That was weird," Sandbar said.

"Is he gone!?" Ocellus asked.

"Yeah, he is!" Sandbar said.

"Good, now hurry up and rut me!" Ocellus said, heading inside.

"...She's so weird when she gets like this, but even transformed, Changelings do get starved for love," Sandbar said as he went inside. "Tomorrow she'll be back to normal."

Meanwhile Peter was on his way home. Though as he trotted, he could have sworn someone was nearby. He checked around. "Someone there?" No immediate response, "My Spider-Sense usually warns me of danger, if it's those villains I would know. Then again, Eddie is with them, and that suit tends to avoid my Spider-Sense. I gotta be extra careful."

As he continued to trot, he heard someone land nearby and got into a stance. "Discord, if this is you, show yourself!"

"Not Discord..." came a feminine voice. Stepping out was the familiar girl in the white spider suit. "It's me."

"Huh? Wait, I remember you," Peter said. "You were at the tournament. Who are you though?"

"If I tell you, promise you won't freak out," his fellow spider said.

"That's a bit ominous, but sure," Peter said.

Slowly, Spider-Gwen removed her mask and pushed her hood back, revealing her true identity to her alternate dimension friend. "Hi Peter."

Peter squinted his eyes for a second, "Gwen? No, it can't be you, can it? There's just no way, I mean, you're supposed to be-"

"Dead?" Gwen interrupted. "Yeah, in your universe at least."

"My universe?" Peter asked. "What's going on?"

"Do you remember that over ten years ago, you went on a multi-dimensional trip?" Gwen asked. "Where you ran into other Spider-Men? Including one named Miguel O'Hara?"

"Yeah, I remember that," Peter said. "Wait...are you from a universe where you're Spider-Man? Er, Spider-Woman?"

"Technically I go by Ghost Spider," Gwen said. "Anyone who knows my secret just calls me 'Spider-Gwen'."

"Ghost Spider? Does Ghost Rider know you took his name?" Peter asked. "Better hope he doesn't challenge you to a staring contest."

"I'm not worried," Gwen said. "But still, I've missed you Peter. It's been so long."

"Well, I missed you too," Peter said. "How and why are you here? This is all so confusing."

"You can thank Madame Web," Gwen said.

"Oh, that old lady? Haven't seen her in years," Peter said.

"Actually, it's a successor," Gwen said. "Her name's Julia, and she...well she can tell you her story."

"Another Madame Web?" Peter asked. "Wow, how some things change. Wait, if you're here, are there other Spider-Men? Or Spider-Women?"

"You'll see them later, probably," Gwen said.

"Well I still have a million questions, for starters, what did you mean when you said there's more than Discord to worry about?" Peter asked.

"I'm going to assume you know a guy named, Albert Wesker," Gwen said.

"Wesker? What does he have to do with this?" Peter asked.

Before Gwen could answer, a voice was called out, "Peter?"

The hero turned around and spotted his wife, "Oh, hey Twilight."

Twilight took note of Gwen, "Who is she? Wait, weren't you at the tournament?"

"Yeah, that's me," Gwen said. "Peter, who is this?"

"My wife, Twilight Sparkle," Peter said. "Twilight...this is Gwen Stacy."

"Hello, nice to meet you," Gwen said.

Twilight could not believe her eyes and ears, the girl was so surprised she ended up fainting from the shock, much to Peter's worry.

"Twilight!?" Peter shouted as he checked on her.

"Holy crap, I did not expect this," Gwen said, checking as well.

"Uh...this is so awkward," Peter said, lifting her up. "Can we take a rain check on this?"

"Sure, I'll head back to see Madame Web, I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, sounds nice, probably," Peter said, making his leave. "See you later."

Gwen groaned in frustration, "Well that was awkward." She made her own leave, knowing that this feeling wasn't going away. "Didn't even get to finish telling him about Wesker, hope that guy isn't causing too much trouble, same with Discord.

In Tartarus, Discord is seen flipping around, still frantically searching for something, "That Maximoff girl really knows how to evade someone's sight for several years. Something's suspicious about this."

"Discord," Adagio said, making her way over with her group.

"What is it?" Discord asked. "I'm busy."

"Since Spider-Man knows about us, shouldn't we be doing something?" Adagio asked. "I kind of want to start this invasion."

"We mustn't keep the audience waiting too long after teasing the grand show," Mysterio said.

"Uh...yeah, soon, I guess," Discord said, searching around.

"Amazing how you can just flip through dimensions," Shocker said.

"It's kind of cool actually," Cozy Glow said. "Oh! Can you see what Sandbar's doing?"

"Of course I can," Discord said, showing off his location. "See he's..."

The moment Cozy Glow saw what was happening, the girl immediately fainted.

"Cozy!" Sonata shouted in worry. "My poor little baby!"

"The hell?" Electro asked.

"Damn Discord, she wanted to see what he was doing, not who," Shocker said.

"How was I supposed to know?" Discord asked. "Look, I need to find someone, but everywhere I look, I just find something useless. Like this Rumble boy here, talking with his little friends, and there's Peter...looks like Twilight fainted too. And there's...is that a white suit? Eh, it's probably nothing."

"Can you see other worlds?" Electro asked.

"Of course, that's how I keep tabs of Goku Black, see?" Discord said, showing an image.

Trunks was clashing with Goku Black, trying to strike him with his sword but the mighty being was dodging with almost little effort.

Forge tried blasting from the side but Black z-vanished and appeared beside his opponent, kicking him toward a building.

"Hey you bastard!" Cable shouted, the man standing beside Bishop. "Eat this!"

Both men opened fire, but black had blocked the bullets and sent a blast their way. He focused back on Trunks, catching Domino beside him.

"I got your back," Domino said, aiming her gun. "We'll take this punk out."

Psylocke appeared behind Black, her psionic blade out, ready to fight as well. "Your tyranny ends now."

"Impressive technique," Black said, showing off his own blade. "Nothing compared to me of course."

Trunks huffed a bit before noticing something at the corner of his eye, "What the? Is that some monstrous horse?"

Discord flipped again, showing other parts of the multiverse, including Sunset Shimmer speaking with Sakura and Roll about something.

"So I charged up my power and..." Sunset felt strange. "Wait, did a dimensional portal just open?"

Discord flipped once again, showing more portals across the multiverse. "See, infinite possibilities. Like here in Marvel space. There's The Guardians, there's the Nova Corp, there's Loki."

"Loki?" Adagio asked, seeing the God of Mischief alongside Tempest and Sephiroth.

In his ship, Loki took note of his observers, "Don't look now, but I do believe we have an audience."

Tempest and Sephiroth did look, just stealthily.

"Shall we do something about them?" Sephiroth asked.

"Perhaps, but soon," Loki said. "Some of them look Equestrian, so we know where they are."

"Equestrian?" Tempest asked, the lady looking interested. "That's good."

"Um, Discord?" Adagio said. "Can they see us?"

"I doubt it, this particular ball is to show a one-way look, not an actual portal," Discord said. "It'd be so embarrassing if I used the wrong spell, wouldn't it?"

"Uh...why are you saying it like that?" Adagio asked.

"Like what?" Discord asked, flipping the ball again. "You always sound so suspicious; don't you think you can try trusting me just a little bit more?" The ball landed and showed a vision into Castle Doom. "After all, we're going to be working together a lot."

"Is that Discord?" Vergil asked, who was standing beside Wesker, Ultron, Vomi, Kazuya, Eggman, Wily and Doom.

"Um...Discord?" Aria said.

"The fact that we aim to take over not only Equestria in a matter of days, but the entire multiverse, at least immediate since the multiverse is infinite, yet you still don't trust me," Discord said. "Here I thought you were better than the others."

"Hey, Discord," Shocker tried to warn.

"I could have gone with Doctor Doom or Albert Wesker, but I stuck with you, didn't I?" Discord asked. "I could have easily controlled them, I just had to play to their egos, since they're so big."

"Excuse me, Discord!" Mysterio said, taking note of the increased annoyance on the other side.

"I mean, I hear they want to show up a year after the invasion, because they know what would happen if they showed up now," Discord said. "They'd lose."

"DISCORD!" Adagio shouted.

"Hm? What is it?" Discord asked, seeing everyone point behind him, noting that Wesker and his allies have spotted them. "You know, I may have used the wrong spell after all, how strange."

"Why are you saying it so casually!?" Electro sked.

Discord gestured to Wesker and company, "You're dreaming this." Then immediately turned off the portal.

Wesker turned to his team, "Find them."

"Well I should be off, good-bye," Discord said, making his leave.

"...Is this going to go badly for us?" Electro asked.

"That's a strong possibility," Adagio said. "We need to come up with a plan and fast."

"Not like they know exactly where we are," Sonata said.

Suddenly the portal began reopening, courtesy of a device Doctor Doom had, the sinister sorcerer glaring at his foes.

"Did you think you could escape us!?" Doom said.

"Shit! Close it!" Electro shouted.

"How?" Adagio asked.

Seconds later, Martin came by and blasted Doom's machine, shutting down the portal.

"Not sure where you came from, but glad you came," Electro said.

"You could have done that too," Martin reminded.

"Oh, right, guess I panicked," Electro said. "Well as long as-"

Suddenly the portal opened again, courtesy of Dormammu, the Dreadful villain sinisterly glaring at the group, "Found you."

"We gotta run," Shocker said, sending some blasts alongside Aria and Electro to keep the rival villains at bay.

"Where do we go?" Sonata asked, carrying Cozy Glow.

Suddenly Eris popped by, "Hey, having trouble?"

"Get us somewhere safe!" Shocker said.

"Sure, there you go," Eris said, opening up a portal.

"Wait, where does that lead?" Electro asked.

"Who cares, just run!" Adagio said, everyone hopping through.

"I'll round everyone else up," Eris said as the other villains began making their way over. "Sorry I can't stay, but I will see you around later."

"Don't even think about-" Vergil called but too late, Eris disappeared. "Who was that wench? Is that the same species as Discord?"

"Never mind that, keep on their trail," Wesker said as the rest of his allies followed. "They won't escape."

"Equestria is ours!" Tron said. "So are the other worlds!"

"I ain't letting anyone step on our turf," Prowler said.

"Time for some fun," Juri sinisterly commented.

While the heroes continued to deal with their own problems, the villains had problems of their own. It was a rivalry to decide who gets to rule.