• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Airing Grievances

What started as a fun event turned into something Chaotic. The Tournament between Marvel and Capcom was an exciting venture for all those in the audience. The heroes and warriors showcasing their talents, and in their original forms no less.

Then everything changed when Discord's team attacked.

The villains had left their mark, ponies now wondering how the heroes could stop this in the future. This tournament showed that both Marvel and Capcom had formidable opponents, of course it remained a matter of who would be here to protect Equestria.

One such hero, Peter, was sitting in the nursing station, recovering from his fight with Ryu. He had resumed his pony form, as did everyone else once Doctor Strange's magic barrier had been taken down, though it did little to heal his injuries. Fortunately, his innate healing meant it wouldn't be long before he recovered. Right now he was joined by Twilight, the Princess overlooking her husband.

"Ryu wasn't kidding when he said he was training to beat me, he hit really hard," Peter said. "Of course he lost control towards the end, but still."

"That was concerning, but Ryu wasn't the only one who lost control in that fight," Twilight said. "Something happened to you out there."

"Yeah, one minute I'm fighting for my life, the next...I can't even say, that part of the fight felt like a blur," Peter said.

"You were just so different," Twilight said. "Your mannerisms and your eyes, even your magic looked familiar."

"Magic?" Peter asked.

"You did magic at one point in the fight," Twilight said.

"Uh, are you sure it was magic and not some type of Chi attack?" Peter asked.

"It was definitely magic Peter, you and Ryu attempted to attack Cadance," Twilight said. "Fortunately that last punch knocked some sense into both of you."

"This is really unusual," Peter said. "So many things happened at once. Ryu going demonic was just the start. Seems like Discord's just about ready to finally unleash his master plan."

"Yes, he even brought an old enemy of yours," Twilight said. "Well, he had several but you seemed the most shook up about Venom."

"Last time I saw Eddie was ten years ago, back when the Green Goblin was attacking New York," Peter said. "He was in pretty bad shape, I didn't think he'd be doing this again but, here he is now, teaming with Shocker, Electro, Mysterio and those Sirens."

"We know that The Green Goblin is with Discord, I'm ninety percent certain he was attacking as well from beyond one of those portals," Twilight said. "But what's weird is that Cadance felt some magic drained out of her. Discord must have more allies than we expected."

"Considering all the evil Changelings in the crowd, I would say so. I wouldn't be surprised if Chrysalis was among them," Peter said, images of the dystopian future flashing through his mind, the hero holding his head in pain.

"Peter?" Twilight was quick to check on him.

"I'm fine..." Peter insisted. "No time to worry, we need to double time on finding those villains."

"Fleetfoot already set some Wonderbolts to scout ahead, Taskmaster did the same for the Royal Guard," Twilight explained. "The other Nations are going to keep an eye out as well, especially Thorax."

"Was anyone hurt?" Peter asked.

"A few scrapes and bruises in the audience, but no casualties," Twilight said.

"That's good, at least things weren't too bad then," Peter said. "How's Ryu doing?"

"I haven't seen him, but I know he's resting in his room, Sunset and some of his friends went to check on him as well," Twilight said.

"What about Mayday? Is she doing alright?" Peter asked.

"She had a slight scare from what happened, but she said it wasn't too bad because Franklin was there," Twilight said. "He did his best to keep her safe and calm while the Changelings were around."

"Wow, that's brave of him," Peter said.

"Franklin really likes Mayday, and she really likes him," Twilight said. "I know you're worried about Mayday having a boyfriend but, she's going to express interest sooner or later, might as well be with a boy that we know is a good kid."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend still seems like too strong a term for me," Peter said. "Still, I won't get in the way of their love, if it's really there at least."

"I believe it is," Twilight said. "Flurry can agree, she's fully on board with the idea of those two dating."

"Of course Flurry is, she's all about romance," Peter said. "Just like her mother."

"Yeah...like her mother," Twilight said, feeling a bit of envy towards the mother-daughter duo.

"Where is everyone?" Peter asked. "Like our family and friends?"

"Mayday's outside with Trixie, Aunt May, Flurry, Benjy and Starlight," Twilight explained. "Spike and Janet took Logan and the others to help the other ponies and scout for the villains. The heroes from the other worlds are helping too."

"That's good," Peter said. "What about my other friends? The ones I saw in the crowd?"

"You mean Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson and Mary Jane Watson, correct?" Twilight asked.

"So, it really was them, I'm surprised you went and did it," Peter said.

"I've been thinking about it for a while, it's hard because I couldn't easily leave Equestria," Twilight said. "Johnny helped me a bit, he gave me a general idea of where to look so I wasn't scouring across New York City."

"I'm almost surprised you convinced them to come," Peter said.

"MJ wasn't hard to bring over, she said she missed you," Twilight said. "Since she and Harry were married then-"

"Whoa, hold on! Harry married MJ?" Peter asked.

"Oh right, there's a lot you need to catch up on," Twilight said. "But yeah, that's how I got those two. Flash came because Harry and MJ still had contact with him, and he seemed more than willing to come as well."

"That's nice and all, weird since he used to bully me," Peter said.

"Well we've all befriended a bully at one point or another," Twilight said. "Like our friends and Gilda."

"I still don't think Gilda actually was a bully, she told me she was just very annoyed because Pinkie Pie wouldn't leave her and Rainbow Dash alone for five minutes to catch up," Peter said. "Granted she admitted she could have handled that better, which I agree with, but calling her a 'bully' doesn't work. It was just a misunderstanding."

"Interesting choice of words," Twilight said. "I'll be back in a second."

As Twilight went to leave, Peter had one other surprise on his mind, "Was that really Gwen? Has she been alive after all these years? What was with that suit though, it looked like mine, only with a different color scheme."

"Daddy?" Came the voice of Mayday, the little filly making her way inside alongside Flurry Heart, Trixie, Aunt May and Starlight with Benjy on her back.

"Hey kiddo," Peter said as Mayday flew over to hug her father.

"I'm so glad you're okay, you really got hurt out there," Mayday said.

"Yeah, we were so worried about you," Flurry said, hugging her uncle.

"Nothing I can't handle," Peter said. "I've had worse beatings, like all the times I took on Rhino. That's one of my more Take Charge adversaries for sure, I don't always understand the guy but he's still great at getting his Point across regardless."

"Only you can joke at a time like this," Trixie said. "Seriously, that was some really scary stuff near the end."

"You mean the villains, or what happened to me and Ryu?" Peter asked.

"Both," Trixie said. "I don't know Ryu well enough to know if how he acted was normal or not, but I know you were definitely out of character."

"I honestly don't even remember much about what happened, it's like a blur," Peter said. "I've felt this before, but it's been so long."

"It's almost like you had some sort of defense mechanism," Starlight said. "And you said you felt this before."

"Last time I was really angry because of the Capcom Invasion," Peter said. "Everyone was on edge due to the stress of the worlds merging, and a few instances really ticked me off, especially involving that creep Vega."

Trixie shuddered a bit, "I can't stand the thought of that so-called warrior."

"Nothing's gotten you like this since then?" Starlight asked. "What about when me and Loki showed up?"

"What about Mysterio and Annihilus?" Trixie asked.

"Neither of those times did much to me," Peter said. "There was a sense of urgency but not enough to make me lose control."

"What about that Carol lady?" Mayday asked.

"Oh yeah, she was really mean," Flurry recalled.

"She ticked me off but again, I didn't feel that type of anger," Peter said. "Something about fighting Ryu, and seeing that evil form though, maybe it was just a subconscious thing?"

"Subconscious...?" Aunt May had thought of something. "Peter, compared to when the worlds started merging five years ago, to your other fights, how did you feel then?"

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" Peter asked.

"What was your emotional state?" Aunt May asked.

"My emotional state?" Peter asked. "Well, I remember being stressed out about some stuff."

"Was it that future you went to?" Aunt May asked. "I know it's bothered you for quite some time. Since then you've had those Changelings on your mind, and when those bad people showed up from the same world that Ryu did, you think it's possible any negative emotions you've had pent up began to seep its way out?"

"Huh...that could actually be possible," Peter said. "But that doesn't explain now."

"I think it does," Aunt May said. "You've been having trouble sleeping, haven't you?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Peter asked.

"Peter, like I said before, you're for all intents and purposes my son, and I am your mother," Aunt May said. "As such, I have that mother's intuition. I know when something's bothering you. I've noticed in your behavior recently, you seem a bit on edge at points. Plus I did find it curious that Twilight's been letting you sleep in some mornings, usually she has you out of bed very early."

"I only told Twilight about this," Peter said. "I didn't want anyone else to worry."

"It's understandable, your Uncle was like that too," Aunt May said. "I know how much you try to emulate him, but even Ben had to drop the tough guy act with me."

"Was it hard for him?" Peter asked.

"It takes getting used to, but your Uncle loved me so much, and he knew I loved him enough to feel he can be honest with me on a lot of things," Aunt May said. "Just like you are with Twilight."

"Aw, so romantic," Flurry said.

"Still, I'm amazed you knew all this time," Peter said. "Sorry if it worried you."

"I wasn't that worried, because you had Twilight," Aunt May said. "She's a good wife, and I know if you have a problem, she'll be the first to address it."

"Yeah, you're Twilight's problem now," Trixie said.

"Real funny," Peter said.

"Still, to my point, it sounds like something's bothering you again, that might be the reason you had that strange transformation," Aunt May said.

"Has something been bothering you, daddy?" Mayday asked.

"A little..." Peter said. "Sometimes I think about everyone I've known back on Earth, especially Gwen."

"Gwen?" Mayday asked. "Oh, she's a friend of yours from Earth...more than a friend actually."

"You know about this, Mayday?" Starlight asked.

"I have ways of finding out these things," Mayday said. "For starters, daddy should be careful where he leaves his memories."

Peter raised his eyebrow at his daughter, "You're not still looking through that are you? There's some stuff I'd rather you not see."

"Please, I've seen all your superhero battles, I'm not worried about violence," Mayday said.

"It's not just that it's..." Peter had more memories going through his head. "Just please be careful, alright? That's not some show you should be watching."

"Sorry, I just love seeing parts of your life, you're really cool daddy," Mayday said.

Peter bashfully rubbed his head, "Dang it, stop being so adorable. Your cute face might as well be Kryptonite for me."

"Ha! I'm an official weakness!" Mayday proudly declared.

"Am I cute too?" Flurry asked.

"Of course you are," Peter said, rubbing her head. "You're your own special brand of adorable."

"Double the cute, double the damage," Trixie teased.

"Oh Mayday, where are Franklin and Luster Dawn?" Peter asked.

"They're waiting outside with Miss Derpy," Mayday said. “Her husband along with Frankie's parents, as well as Uncle Johnny and his friend Ben to scour the area."

"I see, what about that Jigglypuff?" Peter asked.

"She went to help too," Mayday said.

"Wow, smart little Pokémon," Peter said.

"Uncle Peter, who was that guy with the black suit anyway?" Flurry asked. "Why did he hate you?"

"His name is Eddie Brock, and believe it or not, he was once my best friend," Peter said.

"Oh, was he from your old High School as well?" Starlight asked.

"No, when I was in High School, Eddie was already in college," Peter explained. "He was working at Empire State Labs, we did a lot of science experiments together. We wanted to change the world for the better. But a bunch of things happened, me and Eddie had a falling out and then got mixed up with an old mistake of mine."

"An old mistake?" Starlight asked. "Say, he mentioned something about that suit and Princess Luna, what did it mean?"

"That suit is alive since it's an alien species to our world, and it was bound to Luna," Peter said. "And me at one point."

"You had that suit?" Starlight asked.

"It was not a very pleasant time in my life," Peter said.

"Peter?" Came Twilight's voice.

"Oh, Twilight's back," Peter said. "Hey Twi, find what you needed?"

"Not what, who," Twilight said. "Three Whos to be exact."

"Oh that's why you took long, you went to Whoville," Peter joked.

"Haha, real cute," Twilight sarcastically stated. "Seriously, I got some people to introduce you to, or better said, re-introduce."

Coming into the room were Peter's three friends from Earth, conflicted feelings arising from within the hero.

"Peter, these are your old friends," Twilight said. "Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson and Mary Jane Watson."

"Hey Tiger, that was quite the fight you put on," MJ said.

"Yeah, you ruled in there," Flash said.

"Uh, thanks," Peter said. "Really did not expect to see you three."

"Hey I told you we'd meet up again," MJ said. "I was at your last tournament too, fitting I'd come back for this one."

"Wish I had gotten an invite, but then again, Liz and I were busy," Flash said.

"Liz? Like Liz Allen?" Peter asked. "Is she here too?"

"She wanted to come but someone had to babysit the kids," Flash said. "She said another time."

"Babysit? Kids?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, Liz and I tied the knot some years ago," Flash said. "Got a kid just a few years younger than your daughter."

"Wow, that's great," Peter said. "Uh, congrats on your family Flash."

"Yeah, guess we all lucked out," Flash said. "All of us from Midtown High finally grown up."

"Right...all of us," Peter said. "Does that include Gwen too now?"

"We got worried at the end of your fight, what happened out there?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, some of your old baddies showed up, like even in this world they seem to want you dead," Flash said.

"Flash!" MJ scolded, then turned back to Peter. "Still, seeing Mysterio, Shocker and Electro is one thing, but Venom?"

"I'm just as surprised," Peter said. "Well, more about Eddie, I had a feeling those other three were around."

"Also, who were those ladies?" Flash asked.

"They're sirens," Peter explained.

"Sirens? You mean like the ones in Greek Mythology?" MJ asked. "I shouldn't be surprised; I just saw Hercules out there."

"This world is full of mythology coming to life," Peter said. "Dragons, Hippogriffs, all that stuff."

"Those dragons aren't evil, right?" Flash asked.

"Not anymore," Peter said. "Some of them might be jerks but one of them is my brother-in-law, and he helps keep things smooth between Dragons and Ponies. Plus Ember, their Dragon Lord, is also friendly with ponies, so that's another bonus."

"Okay cool, at least we don't have to worry about evil dragons," Flash said. "Uh, what about all the other creatures in this world? It looks like it isn't just ponies."

"What were those shapeshifters?" MJ asked.

"Changelings, but not all of them are evil, most are good," Peter said. "The black ones with the green eyes, those are evil. The multicolored ones are good. One of them is even a good friend of mine, Ocellus."

"She credits Peter for saving her life since he's the one who pushed for peace between the Changelings and the Ponies," Starlight said.

"That's nice...um, I'm sorry, I don't remember getting your name," MJ said.

"Starlight Glimmer," the mare introduced. "For what it's worth, Peter saved me too. I used to rule over an old village where everyone had to conform to my ideals, I even stole their magic and any means they could have to fight back."

"Oh, you mean like the Sith?" MJ asked, coyly eyeing Peter.

"Starlight never told anyone to give into hate, but...wait, actually, you kind of did," Peter said. "You got them to basically hate Cutie Marks."

"Not hate them, more like give them away," Starlight said.

"Cutie Mark?" Flash asked.

"The mark on our flanks," Starlight said, gesturing to hers.

"Oh...yeah I was confused about that, but I didn't want to say anything since I was afraid someone would see me as..." Flash remembered there were kids present. "Uh...weird for focusing on...butts."

"Yeah...that's why we prefer flank," Twilight said. "I know it's unusual to a human but to put it simply, Cutie Marks represent a pony's natural talent. For most of us in this room, it's a type of magic. Peter's is for being Spider-Man."

"What about your daughter?" MJ asked. "What's her talent?"

"Being the best of both worlds," Peter said, rubbing her head. "Mayday has always been multitalented, that Cutie Mark showed up out of obligation."

"Daddy..." Mayday said, feeling flustered.

"There's a lot to tell you about Cutie Marks," Twilight said.

"But it would take so long," Trixie said.

"And we know you kids came to see Peter," Aunt May said.

"We'll still make time," MJ said. "The three of us should catch up with Peter though."

"Funny, you say three, yet only two of you seem to be talking," Peter said, focusing on Harry. "You haven't said a word since coming here."

"Well Flash and MJ seem very eager to catch up and ask questions, I didn't want to interrupt," Harry said.

"Harry honey, you know you can talk if needed," MJ said. "Peter is your friend too."

"You mean was," Harry said. "Peter hasn't seen us in years."

"And it's happening..." Peter lamented. "Well at least it's only Harry since Flash and MJ seem pretty cool."

"Harry, if there's anything you have to say to Peter, now's the time," MJ said.

"Say what? That he lied to us? Kept so many things secret from me? Including my father?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you know I couldn't tell you everything," Peter said. "Part of being a superhero means Secret Identity. If you knew, then you could be in danger."

"Lot of good that did, you didn't even want to tell me about my father!" Harry shouted. "I had to find out through other means."

"What was I supposed to say?" Peter asked. "Hey Harry, good to see you, by the way your father is a diabolical supervillain that's flying around and throwing pumpkin bombs to terrorize innocent people?"

"It was my right to know!" Harry said. "Then you run off to this place, never even bother to see any of us in the last ten years!"

"Hey to be fair, the first time I came to this world, one day here was like two weeks on Earth," Peter said. "Then Capcom did whatever and synced everything so time doesn't move differently. But when I came back and four years had passed, it was only three months for me."

"Still, you had the other six years to show up and you didn't," Harry said.

"Harry, you knew I went to Equestria five years ago, you could have come with me then," MJ said.

"What would it have mattered? He has a new life here after all," Harry said. "He doesn't need us."

"I swear, my dreams must have some sort of psychic abilities, either that or I just know Harry that well. I hope MJ isn't feeling the same," Peter said. "Harry, I'm sorry, I should have checked on you. I got so comfortable here, and I had such a bad reputation on Earth, I guess I didn't think it'd matter if I went back."

"Well nice that you got comfortable while the rest of us dealt with the consequences that you left behind," Harry said. "You've never been able to properly face your problems Peter, you just hide behind that mask."

"Excuse me, Harry," Twilight said. "When I invited you over, I figured you'd talk rationally to my husband, not berate him."

"You invited me so we can clear the air, I'm doing that right now," Harry said.

"Yes but that can be done without hostility," Twilight said.

"Uh, Twilight, remember what Applejack told Rarity at the Gala," Trixie said. "Sometimes boys need to talk with their fists, even if those punches are metaphorical."

"I know, but I don't want any fighting with my kids or niece here," Twilight said.

"Plus Harry, you know blaming Peter isn't the fair thing to do," MJ said. "He did a lot to protect us when he was Spider-Man."

"It's fine, really," Peter said. "If Harry feels like I let him down, then he should have the right to voice that opinion."

"Wow, you've really grown up Peter," Flash said. "I remember when you were always quick to pick a fight, especially with me."

"Uh, I didn't pick fights, I just stood up for myself," Peter said. "You did bully me a lot after all."

"Yeah, he did, didn't he daddy?" Mayday asked.

"Right, this issue," Flash said. "Peter, I didn't exactly bully you, I just needed to put you in your place."

"Huh!?" Peter said. "What does that mean!?"

"You used to be so snobby, you acted like you were so much better and never wanted anything to do with any of us," Flash said.

"Are you serious? Since I was in High School, all I've wanted to do was fit in with the rest of you!" Peter said.

"Really? Because we gave you plenty of chances," Flash said. "How many times did we invite you to a party or some type of outing and you came up with an excuse not to go?"

"Wow, this hits really close to home," Twilight felt.

"I had responsibilities!" Peter said.

"We all did, Peter, but we still made time for each other," Flash said. "Liz practically threw herself at you and you barely even noticed."

"He's always been dense around girls," Trixie said.

"Trixie! Whose side are you on!?" Peter asked.

"Sounds like your friend here knows what's up," Flash said.

"Did everyone forget that I was a superhero?" Peter asked. "I can't always go to some silly party, I'm too busy keeping everyone safe."

"Silly party?" Twilight recalled how she once said the same thing about Moon Dancer's party.

"Was it always Spider-Man? Because some days I don't even think he was patrolling, in fact you acted like this even before Spider-Man too, for as long as I can remember," Flash said.

"You got bitten by that spider on that field trip to the Science Exhibit," Harry said. "What were your excuses then?"

"Hey I made time for you, didn't I Harry?" Peter asked.

"You only made time to do what you wanted to do for the most part," Harry said. "Probably why you were more than eager to hang out with Eddie Brock, and look where that got him."

"Harry, that's not fair to Peter," MJ said, focusing on the hero. "Listen, Tiger. I know I didn't know you that well at the time, but I could always tell you were a nice person and whatever issues you might have; I want to be able to help. For your sake, and for Harry’s."

"Same," Flash said. "I don't mean to trash on you Peter, but you did hurt us, and I have to be honest about that. I don't want any animosity between us, I want to be your buddy. I didn't always get along with you, but I respected when you made a mistake and tried to make things right. I still haven't forgotten when you took the blame for that big fight we had in front of school.”

"Yeah, you didn't want anyone thinking I got the jump on you," Peter said.

"I know I said that, but honestly speaking, I just felt guilty because you trying to take the fall reminded me that you're a nice guy at heart and I wanted to do the right thing too," Flash said.

"Well, I do appreciate that," Peter said. "I'm really sorry for any trouble I've caused then, I didn't mean to make anyone miserable."

"Eh, a little exaggerated, I mean you bothered us but it's not like you actively hurt us," Flash said.

"Speak for yourself," Harry said.

"Dude, you really need to get over whatever bad feelings you have," Flash said.

"I don't need a lecture from some meathead," Harry said, turning to the entrance. "I'm leaving!"

"Harry! Don't just walk away from this!" MJ said.

"Watch me!" Harry said, storming outside and walking past Johnny Storm.

"Oh hey, it's Harry Osborn," Johnny greeted.

"Oh hey, it's the guy who traded his fancy penthouse for some horseshoes," Harry said, angrily trotting off.

Johnny curiously looked at his hoof, "I don't wear horseshoes bro! I don't think anyone in this world does!" The hero scratched his head in confusion, "What's got him all riled up?"

Inside the tent, MJ looked to be very embarrassed, "I'm sorry about Harry, he's a great guy but he's not always the best at admitting his emotions."

"Something we have in common," Peter said.

"Not his fault," Mayday said. "Sometimes, people and ponies are just too dumb to talk to anyway."

"Mayday, not appropriate," Twilight scolded.

"Looks like your daughter inherited a bit of your old snappy attitude," Flash said.

"Yeah, she's my little firecracker, and I love her for it," Peter said.

"Well, I'm sorry for what you felt before Flash, truthfully I'm no different than Peter," Twilight said. "I remember a friend of mine; she was always so shy, but we liked talking to each other. But the more Princess Celestia gave me attention, the snootier I got, and it got to a point that I blew off my friend's party. The one time she tried being outgoing and I wasn't there for her when she really needed me."

"Sounds like you've learned from that," MJ said. "Just like Peter will take this to heart and be better and even pass this on to his daughter."

"Assuming she hasn't done anything like this yet," Flash said.

"Hey!" Mayday shouted.

"Mayday isn't the most...outgoing girl," Peter said. "But she does have friends that she cares about and does her best to make them happy. It's just harder for her for many reasons."

"It has to do with her being an inter...intro..." Flurry couldn't remember the word.

"Introvert," Starlight said.

"Yeah that," Flurry said.

"Hey, why are you telling everyone my weakness like that!?" Mayday asked.

"Being an introvert isn't bad, Mayday," MJ said. “It just means you think differently.”

"I've been researching introversion, so I can better understand my counselor job," Starlight said.

"Daddy's an introvert too, consider that before getting mad that he didn't go to your silly parties," Mayday said.

“Heh, I like this kid, she’s snappy,” Flash said.

"Look, I don't want to make excuses," Peter said. "Well, I did but not anymore."

"Peter, it's fine if you were this shy dude, I respect that," Flash said. "The problem is that you don't always talk to us about how you're feeling, and when you do blow us off, you weren't exactly nice about it. If you just told us you were uncomfortable, we would have accommodated for you."

"I didn't want to be a bother," Peter said.

"Stop acting like you're some type of burden, dude," Flash said, then turned to the mares. "Is he always like this?"

"All the time, he's constantly beating himself up, mostly over guilt of whatever he's done," Twilight said.

"Man, everything's extreme with you Peter," Flash said. "If you're not extremely snobby, you're extremely worried. You need more middle ground."

"I try but...that's not my specialty I'm afraid," Peter said.

"We'll help you out then, might help your daughter understand herself more," Flash said. "As a father myself, I have some understanding about kids."

"I gotta say, your daughter's so beautiful Peter," MJ said.

Mayday turned her face away to hide her blush, "Thanks Miss."

"You can call me 'MJ'," the girl said.

Mayday turned back to MJ, a strange feeling emanating in the young girl, "You know, something about you feels so familiar to me."

"Well we've met before," MJ said. "Though you were only four so maybe you don't remember."

"It's not that, I just feel like you and I are family for some reason..." Mayday shook her head. "What am I saying? Forget any of that, it's weird."

"No, it's not weird," MJ insisted. "I feel similar. Something about you and Peter just makes me feel like a piece of my life was missing and I didn't even know it."

"Uh, what does that mean?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, but I do feel the need to do whatever I can to help Peter and Mayday," MJ said.

"Right...you are happily married to Harry, aren't you?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight!" Aunt May scolded. "Young lady that was not a proper thing to ask."

"Uh...right, that was dumb, sorry MJ," Twilight said.

"It's fine, I did have a crush on Peter once so I don't blame you for being protective," MJ said.

"You had a crush on me?" Peter asked. "But you're a model! You're super hot! You think I can land a-" a feeling of despair ran through Peter's body when Twilight cast a side eye at him. "I mean, I can land a pretty girl for sure, just look at my wife."

"Oh yes, VERY pretty," MJ said, hoping to ease things as well.

"But seriously, if I met Twilight when she was a Princess, I wouldn't have thought she could like me either, I am just a simple guy after all," Peter said.

"You were also really nice, and cute," MJ said.

"And I would have dated you even if I was a Princess when we met Peter, you should know that," Twilight said. "I'm not exactly high profile, we live in a library after all."

"Right, most princesses get a castle, you get a library," Peter said. "But you love books so much that library might as well be a castle."

"It is my little slice of heaven," Twilight said. "I couldn't handle living in a castle anyway, I'm just not cut out for that fancy life. Even growing up in Canterlot, I was considered dorky. I nearly embarrassed Rarity at a party because of my weird dancing."

"There is nothing weird about your dancing," Peter said. "It's got personality, so it rules."

"You're sweet," Twilight said.

"That all sounds fun," Johnny said, the hero entering the room.

"Oh, Johnny, anything to report?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing, those villains made a clean escape," Johnny said.

"Well what matters is that the ponies are fine, plus our other guests," Twilight said.

"Some of them are worried though, since Discord did show off some of his allies for an invasion," Johnny said. "But personally, I say us heroes can handle him."

"Yes, I believe so too," Twilight said. "I'm still worried about some of the unknowns, I'm gonna have to plan for several possibilities."

"You do that, the rest of us are gonna get ready to sock some baddies," Johnny said.

"Hey if anyone's got this under control, it's The Fantastic Four," Flash said.

"Got that right," Johnny said. "Anyway, Peter, how you holding up?"

"Getting better," Peter said. "Is everyone worried about me?"

"I know my sister was, so was Logan, not that he'd admit it," Johnny said. "Janet and Spike are worried and want to be here to check on you but they want to search the perimeter first."

"When you can, get everyone in here," Peter said. "There's a lot to plan."

"I'll round them up," Johnny said, heading back out.

"Hey, Twilight, it was only Harry, Flash and MJ you brought over, right? No one else?" Peter asked.

"Yes, it was just those three, obviously Eddie Brock was the result of Discord," Twilight said. "Why do you ask?"

"Did you happen to see someone else there? A girl in a suit?" Peter asked.

"I think so..." Twilight said. "The explosions nearby made things a bit difficult but I do recall seeing a quick flash of white. Do you know this girl?"

"I think so, but it should be impossible," Peter said.

"Maybe it's someone Sunset knows," Twilight said. "So long as she's on our side, then I guess that's all we need to be happy with."

"Yeah, good point," Peter said, still feeling a bit concerned.

Meanwhile at Ryu's tent, the martial artist is himself trying to recover from what happened. He was joined by Sunset, Sakura and Roll.

"How are you feeling?" Sunset asked.

"Physically, I think I'll be fine," Ryu said. "I'm more worried about my mental state."

"Right, you nearly succumbed to the Satsui no Hado," Sunset said.

"Don't you usually have a better grip on that?" Sakura asked. "You weren't even fighting anyone dangerous, just Spider-Man."

"To be fair, Spider-Man can be dangerous to a villain," Sunset said.

Sakura raised her eyebrow at Sunset, "Well Ryu-san isn't a villain!"

Sunset furrowed her brow, "I never said he was, I'm just saying that Peter isn't weak."

"I didn't call Spider-Man weak! I just said he's not dangerous!" Sakura insisted.

"Come on, don't start arguing about this," Roll scolded, focusing on the martial artist. "What happened out there, Ryu? Do you know what caused your transformation?"

"I...really wanted to win," Ryu said. "I got desperate."

"But it was just a friendly competition," Sunset said. "You agreed to this before the fight."

"I know, and I should have maintained that mindset," Ryu said. "But I can't accept a loss, no matter how miniscule."

"I'm not too surprised, but Ryu-san, you have to remember that it's not worth it if you lose control," Sakura said. "Remember when you lost control against Sagat?"

"I didn't think he'd ever forgive me for leaving him with that scar," Ryu recalled.

"Ryu, it's good to be competitive, it's good to have that desire to win," Sunset said. "Just don't lost track of who you are as a person to achieve that."

"I'll do my best," Ryu said. "I just hope Peter's alright."

"Peter can take a punch, he'll be fine," Sunset said. "Knowing him, he's probably more worried about you."

"He should be in his own healing tent," Roll said.

"Hopefully the two of us can clear the air," Ryu said.

"Yeah, like that transformation he had," Sakura said. "We all saw his eyes turning green, didn't we?"

"Oh yeah, that was scary," Roll said.

"I think the first time I saw power like that was on Earth back when he was fighting The Green Goblin," Sunset recalled. "He got so angry when Goblin taunted him regarding the death of his old girlfriend, Gwen Stacy."

"So he has his own evil form?" Sakura asked. "That's a bit concerning."

"Don't say it like that," Roll said.

"But it's true, how long has Spider-Man been able to do that?" Sakura asked.

"I think I saw that myself once," Ryu said. "Years ago when The Crystal Empire was at the mercy of Vega, Shocker and Lightning Dust. Back when they had some mind-controlled Avengers fighting for them. He hit myself, Chris and Dante with a sucker punch though, so I don't remember everything."

"He knocked you out!?" Sakura asked.

"To be fair, at the time, I was asking for it," Ryu said. "If you recall, I wasn't always kind to Peter."

"Seems like no one in Equestria forgot," Sakura said.

"No kidding," Sunset said. "But like I said, everyone here can hold one hell of a grudge. I honestly never liked this place much, it's almost like a cult at times, and Celestia has been too paranoid about everything. Traveling the multiverse wasn't a bad thing, it was amazing and I grew so much more out there than I ever could in this world."

"You learn a lot when you travel, more so than staying in one place," Ryu said. "Though I do understand some are content where they are and that's nothing to be ashamed of. But traveling lets you experience many things."

"Different cultures, languages, beliefs," Sakura said. "And different types of food."

"It's fun seeing different perspectives on life, sometimes just reading or knowing about them isn't enough, seeing it firsthand makes a difference," Roll said.

"Seeing your world already showed me so many differences, especially compared to Peter's," Sunset said. "You're both Planet Earth but you're also so different in style. Peter's world feels like a comic book, your world feels like a video game. Given how much of a gamer I can be, it's easy to see why I feel partial to Capcom, not that Marvel isn't fun either, it's full of excitement as well."

"So our world is all video game like and Marvel is comic book like, is that what you got from your travels?" Sakura asked.

"Not entirely, but I did notice something kind of interesting regarding your powers," Sunset said. "Most of the Marvel Heroes got their powers through external means, like Peter and his spider bite, The Fantastic Four with their cosmic cloud, Captain America with the Super Solider Serum, even The Hulk with that Gamma Radiation accident. Tony had to build his suit to gain abilities and King T'Challa goes through some fancy ritual."

"Where are you going with this?" Sakura asked.

"That everyone's so strong because of some external source, almost like divine intervention," Sunset said. "Capcom feels like the opposite. Every Street Fighter I've seen got the powers they did because of training. Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, even you Sakura, you all got these powers through training."

"Huh, so the Fantastic Four needed a cloud and all I had to do was a few push-ups," Sakura said. "Guess that makes me truly Fantastic."

"Pride comes before the fall, Sakura," Ryu reminded.

"Dante was born a half-demon but grew stronger over time with intense training," Sunset said. "Chris is still human but his own training puts him on par with so many great fighters. Morrigan, Felicia, Hsien-Ko, they're not humans and have these abilities normal to them, and still work to get stronger. That's the thing I noticed about all of you in Capcom, your abilities come from you rather than anything external."

"That's interesting, not sure if I thought of it like that," Roll said.

"It's not all one-to-one," Sunset said. "The X-Men were born with their abilities too, granted I don't know how they trained. Logan's powers were enhanced through other means though, he never wanted to go into it but he did tell me his metal skeleton wasn't normal. Plus some in Capcom got their powers externally, like Spencer's arm, which really isn't a power but you know what I mean. Though even he said that he only gets certain abilities after training with his arm. There’s also Viewtiful Joe's V-Watch, but again, some abilities come from experience."

"What about Mega Man?" Sakura asked.

"Well he was built to be strong, and a lot of his abilities were external since he takes powers from other robots," Sunset said. "Most of his development is him feeling less like a robot and more like a human I guess, but he's the closest to Marvel, while the closest Marvel probably has is maybe Iron Fist...Truth be told, I don't know everything yet but it is something I've kept in mind."

"So a majority of their world got abilities through external means, and a majority of our world is internal," Roll said.

"Exactly, it's something I keep an eye out in other worlds," Sunset said. "Goku's powers and abilities come from his own training. Cloud too, he started out normal and then got stronger."

"Cloud needed some Mako energy to achieve that power," Ryu said. "But given his friends, plus allies like Squall and Lightning, I do believe Cloud could have achieved his abilities regardless."

"How would you rank Sonic?" Roll asked.

"Definitely internal, Sonic told me he gets stronger and faster with every fight," Sunset said.

"And Kratos?" Sakura asked.

"His powers seem to be divine based, so external," Sunset said.

"If I may ask, what brought this about?" Ryu asked.

"I'm trying to see where I fit in, so I can get stronger," Sunset said. "If I'm like Capcom, that means I just need to train my body until I reach the desired strength. But if I'm like Marvel, the strength is there, it's just a matter of control. Peter's strong but he might be too strong for his liking."

"Too strong?" Sakura asked. "What are you trying to say?"

"I once asked Superman what it's like to have his powers, he told me it can be a burden because he has to be extra careful," Sunset said. "He feels like he lives in a world made out of cardboard. He has to manage his own strength before he destroys the world by accident."

"Where would you rank Superman then?" Roll asked.

"His strength feels...it's hard to say. Truth be told, I must keep in mind whether or not the person is a human," Sunset said. "Sonic I'm fine with because he is considered an abnormality among Mobians. Goku, similar, since Vegeta said not all Saiyans are capable fighters like him or Goku. I don't know enough about Superman's planet to decide if his powers are internal or external. He does rely on the sun though, maybe it's external."

"This is very enlightening," Ryu said. "Perhaps you should relay this to our friends. My world would find this very enlightening, you might be able to help Peter's world and this can allow this world we're in to understand the other worlds more."

"I plan to, I might even write a book about this stuff," Sunset said. "Twilight can put it on display at her library."

"I'd read that book," Roll said.

"I think many would," Ryu said, then noticed a new guest. "Tifa?"

Entering indeed was Tifa Lockhart, "Hey, I wanted to check on Ryu. His friends are worried, so is Cloud."

"They know they don't need to worry about me," Ryu said. "Nothing I can't shake off."

"Even so, I'd rather just put their minds at ease," Tifa said. "I'll be back later once everyone's done scouring the area."

As Tifa left, Ryu seemed to have a moment of realization, "Alastor was among those villains with Discord, correct?"

"Yeah, Joe seemed really surprised," Roll said.

"Do you think Discord may have recruited more from our world?" Ryu asked. "You mentioned once that you and Rock lost track of Doctor Wily."

Roll's eyes widened in worry, "That wouldn't be good. Teaming up with those other villains could spell trouble."

"Sunset, you seemed to know those girls," Sakura said. "Who are they?"

"I came across them in an alternate world, similar to Equestria, except everyone is human rather than pony," Sunset said. "So all of Twilight's friends for example are human girls."

"That's interesting, didn't expect there to be a world where they are human," Ryu said. "And it's connected to this world?"

"Seems like it," Sunset said. "Though there is one notable difference. On Earth, a human's skin tone ranges from light to dark. Like when I'm on Earth, my skin is light, similar to all of yours. In this particular world however, my skin tone matches my current fur."

"Wait, so you have bright yellow skin?" Sakura asked.

"Exactly," Sakura said. "Same goes for the others. Pinkie Pie for example has pink skin."

"So theoretically, my skin would match the color of my gi?" Ryu asked.

"I'm not sure, this may only affect Equestrians but I won't rule out the possibility," Sunset said.

"Well back to those girls," Roll said. "You met them there?"

"Oh yeah, apparently they tried using their powers to take over a High School," Sunset said. "I know it sounds weird but they needed strength, and that school does have hidden secrets. Twilight and her friends are all in this dimension, a bit different than they are here."

"Different how?" Ryu asked.

"Well for starters, some of her friends are really mean," Sunset said. "And Twilight? She is nowhere near as confident as she is here. I only saw her once in passing but that's it. I did give her a little pep talk right before their Friendship Games but I don't know if it stuck. I haven't seen these girls in nearly six years, and I don't know if time passes there the same way it does here so for all I know they could still be in High School or be much older."

"I can't imagine Twilight Sparkle being less than confident," Ryu said.

"Well in this world, she's never really had a chance to break out of anyone's shadow," Sunset said. "She didn't really think for herself much. Honestly she doesn't do that a lot here either, she can for the most part but when it comes to Celestia, she kind of takes everything she says at face value."

"You really think so?" Sakura asked.

"That's my observation," Sunset said. "Back to the Sirens, I don't know what they're planning, I helped stop them by helping the Rainbooms in a Battle of the Bands, I haven't seen them since."

"This is before you met us, right?" Roll asked.

"Yeah, before any of you came to Equestria," Sunset said. "I was exploring the realms even then. Cool, huh?"

"Very cool," Ryu said. "Well you should let Twilight know what you just told us."

"Yeah, I should," Sunset said.

Outside, many of the ponies looked a bit worried, some shaken up due to the villains arriving and the Changelings attacking. Wonderbolts in the area were quick to reassure the safety of the ponies, some flying around to ensure that everyone is together.

Among them were Rumble and Silverstream, the two flying over the stadium where the fight took place.

"Well this day went from exciting in a good way, to exciting in a not so good way," Rumble said.

"At least everyone's mostly safe," Silverstream said. "A few scrapes and bruises but the heroes did a great job at protecting everyone."

"For now, but those villains will be back," Rumble said.

"You seemed to know some of them," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, the guy in the red and yellow suit is Shocker," Rumble said. "He showed up to Ponyville some years back with a guy named Vega. They absolutely wrecked the place, even I took a hit."

"Sandbar did mention that once," Silverstream said. "He and his family were fine, but it was still a frightening situation for them."

"The guy with the bowl on his head is Mysterio," Rumble said. "He showed up in Ponyville with some other villains once, but Peter and his friends beat him quickly. He managed to return later, alongside some alien thing named Annihilus. He was defeated again, though not without causing trouble. This time around, Ponyville seemed better prepared since the heroes were there to protect the town."

"If I may ask, where were they the first time around?" Silverstream asked.

"In Manehattan, fighting Deadpool," Rumble said.

"Deadpool? Isn't he a hero too?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, but at the time he was a hired mercenary brought in by a guy named Albert Wesker to help with his invasion," Rumble said. "The heroes all went to stop him, leaving Ponyville mostly defenseless. Peter regretted not being there to help any of us, and personally went to deal with Vega and Shocker himself."

"Say, was this around the time Sweetie Belle was hanging out with some villains?" Silverstream asked. "And you kept that secret?"

"She said she met a cool guy and wanted to spend time with him, so I had to cover for her," Rumble said. "I didn't know it was the villains, but it took forever to earn everyone's forgiveness. Apple Bloom was the first to forgive me, she used to hang out with me to kind of ease my worries, even if Applejack seemed to hate it."

"The topic of forgiveness rises again," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, seems like forgiveness is dang near impossible sometimes," Rumble said. "It could be just me though."

"Well I had no problems forgiving you for what you did, and now we're best buddies," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, that makes me happy too," Rumble said.

"Also, what about electric guy?" Silverstream asked. "And those three girls."

"I don't know them as well," Rumble said. "I know Peter has a villain named Electro, and that Princess Luna banished him to the moon. I have no idea how he found his way back to Equestria. Those other girls, I've never heard of them, but they seemed to know Starswirl."

"Then there's those other two," Silverstream said. "Some short guy and a guy who knows Peter."

"I'm gonna go on a limb and say that short guy is an enemy of Viewtiful Joe," Rumble said. "They seemed to know each other, and they were dressed almost the same."

"I was just thinking that," Silverstream said.

"The other guy, I don't really know him either, but I know Peter once told me about a guy named Venom," Rumble said. "Apparently that suit used to belong to Peter, but it made him act so differently than usual."

"Different how?" Silverstream asked.

"He turned into a total jerk," Rumble said.

Silverstream couldn't help but feel confused by that, "A jerk? Peter? He's the nicest guy I know."

"He is, but that suit turned him opposite," Rumble said. "He's not the only one who wore it, Princess Luna did too and she went nuts with power."

"Luna wore it? Wow, this suit sounds kind of dangerous," Silverstream said. "Think it could be why that guy is evil?"

"Probably," Rumble said. "We should talk to Peter about this."

"Rumble! Silverstream!" Apple Bloom called, the girl with her two Crusader friends.

"It's your adorable wife," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, she is adorable," Rumble said, flying down to greet them. "Need something girls?"

"Peter's rallying everyone together, probably to address this whole villain thing," Apple Bloom said.

"He's near one of those medical tents," Scootaloo said.

"Sounds good, we'll be there," Rumble said. "Where's Cumie?"

"Gabby's watching over him, ah think yer brother was there too Silverstream," Apple Bloom said.

"Terramar? Hope he's not too freaked out by what happened," Silverstream said.

"No sign of the villains?" Scootaloo asked.

"None yet," Rumble said. "They just disappeared, no Changelings either."

"I can't believe some of Peter's villains just showed up like that," Sweetie Belle said. "Especially Shocker, I haven't seen him in years. I thought he was dead."

"Shocker coming back is bad, but at least it ain't Vega," Apple Bloom said.

"You think he might be alive too?" Scootaloo asked.

"No way, Peter tackled him out of a castle window, he's definitely dead," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh right, I heard he might have killed one of the villains," Silverstream said.

"Look, whoever shows up, I'll keep all of you safe," Rumble said. "I give you my word."

"Wow, so brave," Sweetie Belle said, giving Rumble a flirty wink.

"Uh..." Rumble turned away in embarrassment, still not having forgotten that uncomfortable incident from the other day.

"Say um, how familiar are any of you with that one villain, Venom?" Silverstream asked, trying to direct the awkwardness away.

"We've heard of him, and saw him in Peter's memories, but that's it," Scootaloo said.

"Peter's memories?" Silverstream asked.

"Oh yeah, I heard Peter had a ball containing his memories," Rumble said. "Not sure if he still does or not."

"If he does, think he'd let us see it?" Silverstream asked.

"I'm not sure, it seems kind of private, so I'd feel weird asking," Rumble said.

"He probably won't mind," Apple Bloom said. "Come on."

Just as they left, Sweetie Belle stopped to rub her sides, confusing Scootaloo.

"What's the hold up?"

"I feel like something crawled on me," Sweetie Belle said.

"Maybe it's a spider, you're gonna become Peter's new sidekick," Scootaloo said.

"Oh ha-ha," Sweetie Belle said, making her exit, unaware that a piece of Venom's symbiote suit had latched onto her.

This whole thing did not go unnoticed by a nearby Gallus, who looked very confused. "Uh, wait, they knew those villains or something? I gotta find the others."

Also nearby Lightning Dust was flying around as well, feverishly trying to find Shocker, "Where the hell are you, Herman!?"

"Dust!" Thunderlane called.

"Huh?" Lightning Dust tuned to face her boyfriend. "Need something Thunder?"

"I think the search is being called off," Thunderlane said. "Everyone's gathered back down below."

"That's fine, they can do that, I'll keep searching," Lightning Dust said.

"Dust, I know this is freaky for you," Thunderlane began. "But don't go too nuts about this."

"Hey I gotta find Shocker, I can't just leave this alone," Lightning Dust said.

"We all want to find him and his team, but clearly he's not around," Thunderlane said. "All the Changelings were rounded up too, I don't think you'll be seeing anymore villains."

Lightning Dust grumbled to herself as she lowered down, "Alright."

Thunderlane went down with her too, patting the mare's back, "You seem so tense."

"I thought Shocker was dead, for him to just come back..." Lightning Dust shook her head. "It's not that I want to hang out like old times, I put all that behind me."

"I get it, you two were friends once, and you did some regretful things," Thunderlane said.

"I helped Wesker take over The Crystal Empire, I helped Shocker and Vega destroy Ponyville, I've done so many terrible things," Lightning Dust said. "Seeing Shocker again just reminds me of all that, and I figured that capturing him and his allies would be a step into making up for what I did."

"Dust, you have nothing to make up, everyone's moved on from that," Thunderlane said. "Now come on, Flitter's waiting for us, and so is Felicity."

"Ugh, what would she think of all this?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Hey, that girl only sees a mother when she sees you," Thunderlane said. "Even if you didn't birth her, that is what you are to her."

"I hope so," Lightning Dust said, following Thunderlane.

Nearby Yona had overheard this all too, "Teal Pegasus friends with bad guys? Should find friends."

Meanwhile in the Marvel World, both Eggman and Wily were seen showing off their models of robots to Dr. Doom.

"These robots here are what I like to call the first wave," Eggman said. "They march into battle, get the attention of the heroes, and a fight breaks out. We've equipped them with state-of-the-art weaponry, from lasers to cannons, some even shoot lava."

"The latter one was my personal touch," Wily said. "In addition we have a flying unit to attack from the air, perfect for those flying superheroes. They have sharp talons for close quarters combat, and can drop missiles to aid in attacks on the ground."

"We even have a defense unit," Eggman said, gesturing to some with shields. "It takes a lot to break through that! Even speed may not be enough."

"Or a Mega Buster," Wily said.

"And to top it all off, we have our ultimate weapon," Eggman said, showing off part of a giant robot. "This machine was modeled after one of my old Death Egg Robots, with Wily handling a lot of creative freedom on his part."

"I would say even your old buddy Reed Richards might struggle with this one," Wily said.

"So, what do you think Victor my buddy?" Eggman asked, though one glare did cause him to retract a bit. "I mean, what do you think, Doctor Doom?"

"I will admit, your work is impressive," Doom said. "You have both put a lot of thought into your designs."

"And this isn't even all of it, there's plenty of variety," Eggman said. "Wily and I are working on giant spider robots."

"Not only is it symbolic for our upcoming battle against Spider-Man, but it also serves as a way to draw ire and discomfort out of heroes from my world," Wily said. "Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante in particular would not find pleasure in this."

"We're also working on burrowing machines," Eggman said. "We can strike from below the ground too! Perfect for getting past any defenses."

"Clever," Doom said. "Your work satisfies me so far, but what matters is the end result. If this can defeat our foes, then I will consider it a job well done."

"Why thank you my good man," Eggman said.

"We look forward to bringing more results," Wily said. "If you want, we can upgrade your Doom Bots."

"Tell Ultron we don't mind helping him with some upgrades," Eggman said.

"My Doom Bots will remain as is," Doom said. "As for Ultron, feel free to ask him but do not expect him to comply."

"Perfectly understandable," Wily said. "We still have much more to work on."

"Very well, I will leave you be," Doom said, making his exit.

"Gotta say, that guy seems like a man of very few words," Eggman said.

"Few words or not, he gets the job done here too, after all he rules over his country with a firm grip," Wily said.

"Reminds me of myself in an alternate dimension," Eggman said. "That version of me though, not very proactive. Don't get me wrong, he got the job done but I feel like he could have done more."

"There's always room for improvement," Wily said.

Meanwhile in another room, Tron is working furiously on her own designs, "I am not letting those old geezers get the better of me. They think their robots are so cool? Well wait until they get a load of what I've been working on."

As she worked, a Servbot got her attention, "Miss Tron, Mr. Prowler is here."

"It's just 'Prowler'," the villain said. "Saying 'Mr.' just sounds weird."

"Do you need something?" Tron asked.

"My gauntlets are malfunctioning," Prowler said, showing it off. "I was practicing out back for our invasion, I made one mistake and damaged them. Normally I'd get The Tinkerer to fix my stuff but you seem just as handy."

"Oh, you came to me? Rather than those geezers?" Tron asked. "Kind of flattered."

"Well they were busy anyway," Prowler said.

Tron furrowed her brow in annoyance, "So I'm the second choice?"

"At least I chose you, I could have just as easily gone back to my world," Prowler said.

"Okay fine, let me take a look at it," Tron said, taking the gauntlets. "This tech looks impressive. How'd you get it exactly?"

"I have my ways," The Prowler said.

"Right, I know what that means," Tron said, getting to work.

Prowler took a long look around the room, "You've been busy."

"Well yeah, we're about to invade a bunch of worlds, I want to be prepared," Tron said. "Wesker expects the best out of his allies, and I aim to go above and beyond."

"That so?" Prowler asked, checking on her Gustaff. "Tell me, how did you two meet?"

"He recruited me because he needed someone tech savvy on his side," Tron said. "It was me or Wily, and he chose me because he saw my potential."

"His teammates sure don't seem to have faith in you," Prowler said. "Or at least that one guy, Vergil, he doesn't hold you in high regard."

"He doesn't hold anyone in high regard, he's just the spoiled son of a great demon general," Tron said. "I'm surprised he's still working with Wesker, I figured he would have betrayed us by now given how much he hates humans. Wesker calls himself a God but I don't think Vergil believes him."

"Better watch out then," Prowler said, checking on some other machines.

"Wesker always says look over your shoulder," Tron said. "Everyone here certainly does. You walk by any of them, they immediately glance at you. Even I can barely trust anyone here."

"That include me?" Prowler asked.

"It's nothing personal, but when it comes down to it, thieves like us do anything we can to get ahead," Tron said.

"Yet, you're helping me by fixing my stuff," Prowler said. "Kind of ironic that we don't trust each other but we rely on each other."

"Alliances exist for a reason, you don't have to like the person, but that person still has use," Tron said. "I just want to be useful to Wesker."

"Why do you though?" Prowler asked.

"...It's embarrassing," Tron said.

"I'm not gonna laugh or judge," Prowler said.

"Still, admitting it is weird," Tron said. "It might also make others think I'm that much more unworthy."

"Just try me," Prowler said. "If I do start laughing, you have my permission to kick my ass."

"That's a dangerous bet, you see all my gadgets right?" Tron asked.

“Just tell me,” Prowler said.

"...Wesker is kind of like a father figure to me," Tron said. "Everything I do is so that he can be proud of me, like a father would be for his daughter. I admire Wesker, he wants something and he goes for it, and I want to be like that."

"Wow...gotta admit, that's kind of wholesome," Prowler said.

"You better not be patronizing me," Tron warned. "My gun's right here, I don't need a machine to beat you up."

"I'm not, because I get it," Prowler said. "Look, I know about family. I got a nephew that I really care about."

"Does he know you're a thief?" Tron asked.

"...Yeah, he does," Prowler said. "It caused a strain in our relationship."

"Is your nephew a big fan of the Spider-Man in your world in addition to all that?" Tron asked.

"Uh...you can say that," Prowler said.

"Sounds awkward," Tron said. "Why do you continue to be a thief then?"

"I have my reasons," Prowler said.

"Right, gotta pay the bills," Tron said. "Personally I just like having the riches."

"I'm sure you do," Prowler said.

Tron then presented him with his gauntlets, "Here you go, try to be careful with these."

"You work fast," Prowler said. "You know, you kind of remind me of the Tinkerer."

"Another old man?" Tron asked.

"Huh? Oh, in my world it's a young woman," Prowler said.

"Is that the only reason?" Tron asked.

"No, it's a little deeper than that," Prowler said. "Like, you're both in a lousy business but neither of you are that bad."

"Hey! I am bad!" Tron said. "I rob and pillages homes! I'm about to invade several worlds! I'm as bad as they come!"

"Alright, whatever you say," Prowler said, making his leave. "Thanks for the help, Miss Tron."

"Real funny, only my Servbots call me that!" Tron said as he left. "I swear..."

"Um, Miss Tron?" The Servbot asked.

"What is it now?" Tron asked. "I have work to do."

"Well, it's just that...do you really trust Mr. Wesker?" The Servbot asked.

"Of course I do!" Tron said. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"Because you said not to trust anyone," The Servbot said.

"I...well yeah but...oooh, don't put so much stock into what I said, I do what I do to earn trust," Tron said. "I know Wesker values me, I just need to keep proving it!"

"Okay...if you say so," The Serbvot said.

Outside, Prowler was passing through the halls, spotting Wesker speaking with Ultron and Kazuya regarding a matter. He took the moment to approach his boss, "Hey Wesker."

"Hm?" Wesker turned to The Prowler. "Do you need something?"

"Not really, just passing through," Prowler said. "I checked Tron Bonne's work area by the way, you should review her work sometime, she's taking a lot of initiative."

"As I would expect out of her," Wesker said.

"You got yourself a good worker there," Prowler said. "You should be proud."

"Proud?" Wesker asked.

"Yeah, she does this because she wants to serve you," Prowler said. "She seems happy to be in your service."

"If she's happy to work for me, that's all that matters, it means she will always obey me and I have less reason to get rid of her," Wesker said.

"What does that mean?" Prowler asked.

"So long as I have her admiration, she will provide endless work for me," Wesker said. "Funny how all I have to do is basically exist for her to want to serve me. Like a true disciple of a God."

"The more machines she makes, the better too," Ultron said. "Maybe she can build something a little better than those silly toys of hers."

"So, that's it then?" Prowler asked. "You know, if you told her that you were proud of her work, it might motivate her more."

"If she needs that type of motivation, then her usefulness would be at an end," Wesker said.

"This isn't a daycare, if she needs someone to pat her on the head, this is not the place for her," Kazuya said.

"I know but..." Prowler tried arguing.

"Listen, you let Tron do her job and you focus on yours, is that understood?" Wesker said.

Prowler groaned in annoyance, "Sure, whatever you say...'Master'."

The thief had made his exit, this causing a moment of concern for Ultron, "Should we be wary of him?"

"It's fine, if he proves to be trouble, I'll deal with him myself," Wesker said.

"Seems like your allies have questionable loyalty," Kazuya said. "Even Vergil has been acting strange lately."

"Vergil will stick by my side, I am one of the few he has some respect for. Besides, if any of my teammates were to act too far out of line," Wesker pulled out a vial. "There's always a quick fix."

"That reminds me, how far along are you with your Uroboros Project?" Ultron asked.

"It's just about ready, I might need some test subjects, perhaps a nearby town," Wesker said. "Or a nearby world, many possibilities after all."

"That there are," Kazuya said, grinning to himself.

Meanwhile in space, Tempest is seen staring out the window of Super Skrull's ship, watching the stars pass by. She saw Sephiroth pass by and called for his attention, "Master."

"Hm? Do you need something Tempest?" Sephiroth asked.

"Your mother came from space, correct?" Tempest asked. "Have you ever seen her world?"

"No, not yet," Sephiroth said. "One day, once I have my Earth as my vessel."

"Once this invasion is over, you plan to carry out that original plan of yours," Tempest said.

"Providing a lack of delay, yes," Sephiroth said. "What of you? Will you join me?"

"I have thought about it, but I still have plenty I want to do in Equestria," Tempest said. "The Storm King's former guards do need a new ruler after all."

"That they do," Sephiroth said. "You must follow your own destiny, Tempest. Whether it leads you to my world, or yours."

"I will," Tempest said. "After this plan is over, we'll all take what we want. Loki gets to settle his score with his brother, you defeat Cloud Strife and take your world, and I will build my legacy after putting the Alicorn Princesses out of power, along with Spider-Man."

"Remember, show no mercy on your foes, and strike them down hard," Sephiroth said. "That will bring you closer to your goals."

"Yes master," Tempest said. "I will."

Back in Equestria, all the citizens were gathered together, each of them talking among themselves. Rumble and The Crusaders had reunited with Wind Sprint and Dinky and they met up with Gabby, Terramar and Cumulon.

Thunderlane and Lightning Dust reunited with Flitter, Cloudchaser and Felicity.

Tony Stark, Pepper and Morgan were with Sugarcoat and Coco, the former Avenger still having his gauntlet equipped.

All of the Royalty were together, Novo looking displeased with what happened while Thorax looked ashamed due to the Changelings invading. Ember seemed concerned for the future of Equestria, and what this could mean for her dragons too.

Gallus had reunited with Yona, and the two were spotted with the rest of their friends. Sandbar was comforting Ocellus, the girl looking unhappy at seeing her former Changeling comrades return with such a vengeance.

Mayday was with Trixie and Starlight, the girl having Luster Dawn, Franklin and Flurry Heart keeping her company, alongside the Jigglypuff.

MJ, Harry and Flash were beside Aunt May, each of them curious as to how Peter would address this.

Peter had everyone gathered around with the Elements by his side, along with the heroes of Marvel and Capcom behind him, joined by Sunset and the heroes of other worlds. "Okay, I know you're all worried about what happened before!"

"You mean your enemies coming back and making our lives miserable? Again?" Gallus asked.

"And now we gotta deal with this whiner," Johnny lamented.

"This whole tournament was a mistake! You all flexing your egos made things worse for all of us!" Gallus said.

"No one forced you to come!" Johnny said. "Also, you're safe, and alive. Everyone is, so why are you mad?"

"Because we almost got hurt!" Gallus said. "Come on, anyone on my side here?"

Very few ponies seemed to agree, some even looked a bit annoyed. Though one seemed to speak up. "I have something to say!"

"Wallflower?" Peter asked. "When did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time!" Wallflower said. "I was even sitting close to your family!"

Twilight shrugged at that, "I honestly did not see you."

"Why would anyone notice you? You're a civilian, not royalty," Johnny said. "Are you just desperate for attention or something?"

"Put a cork in it you stupid candle!" Wallflower shouted, immediately reeling back.

"Wow, okay. So like, next time you're in danger, don't expect me to save your ass," Johnny said.

"Johnny, don't say stuff like that," Twilight scolded.

"Look. I'm just thinking that Griffon there has a point," Wallflower said.

"Oh he does," Came the voice of Indigo Zapp. "I mean, while us Wonderbolts were scattered around trying to find their enemies, these so-called heroes thought it'd be fun to play games with those brutes from Capcom."

"Wow, brutes, so unique," Dante said, stepping to the stage. "Sorry you Wonderbolts were told to do your damn jobs."

"If I may say something," Doctor Hooves said. "I just explained this to another citizen myself but, we were all adequately prepared for the villains showing up anywhere, thanks to those Patroller Robots."

"Those stupid annoying things?" Gallus asked. "Probably gathering data on all of us without our consent."

"Uh, no, what makes you think that?" Doc asked. "That's a completely asinine statement."

"Yeah dude, you're dumb," Laura taunted.

"My point is that at no point did we leave anything to chance," Doc said. "We were prepared not only out there but here. Wonderbolts at the ready, heroes from other realms as guards, sure danger came but we were safe in the end."

"Even if some of those Wonderbolts are complaining now," Johnny said, gesturing to Indigo Zapp.

"Hey don't be jealous just because Fleetfoot sees more potential in me than you," Indigo Zapp.

"Yeah, probably because I'm not in bed with her giving her the time of her life like you probably are," Johnny said.

"What the hell did you just say to me!?" Indigo Zapp shouted.

"Sorry, do I need to slow it down for you?" Johnny taunted.

"Johnny, enough, don't make things worse," Twilight once again scolded.

"Why is everyone arguing about this anyway?" Lyra asked. "It's been said before, but no one got hurt."

"The point is, we could have gotten hurt," Gallus said.

"And like Johnny said, you didn't have to come!" Lyra said.

"Yeah, did you only come to have an excuse to whine to Spider-Mane?" Dinky asked.

"No, my friends made me come," Gallus said.

"No we didn't!" Ocellus shouted. "We asked you and you said 'yes'!"

"Yeah, don't make it seem like it's our fault!" Smolder said.

"Easy, no fighting," Sandbar said.

"What about the villains?" Wallflower said. "They knew and-"

"Everyone knew, but everyone still came, right?" Lyra asked. "There's always going to be danger, that doesn't mean no one can have fun. Why should the heroes always be on duty? They should be allowed to have fun too. If doing a Tournament with Capcom was fun for them, then let them. Plus, it was entertaining, wasn't it? Given all the weird stuff that happens to Equestria, don't we deserve a little time to enjoy ourselves and see something cool? Sometimes we need a break from all the stress in our daily lives, so we should be thankful to Marvel and Capcom for providing us some much-needed entertainment."

"It was a riveting show too, including the pre-battle," Doc said.

"Yeah, we got so see some cool other world fighters," Wind Spint said. "Like Cloud Strife, and that guy with the beard, and that hedgehog."

Sonic turned to Cloud and Kratos, "Looks like we're popular."

"Hmph..." Kratos responded.

"Gonna sign some autographs later?" Terry jokingly asked.

"Not interested," Cloud responded.

"Heh, classic Cloud," Sonic said.

"The point here is this," Trixie said, focusing attention on her. "You all know by now that Peter always prioritizes your safety, and today was no exception. You can complain about the danger but all of you being safe is proof that Peter follows through on his word."

"We have great heroes who will always protect us," Doc said.

"They always risk their lives," Derpy said.

"Peter does so much for us, even when he doesn't have to," Lyra said. "Yes there's danger but there's always going to be danger, Peter is the one who saves us, so shame on anyone who thinks all of this is his fault."

"The villains came after him though," Gallus said. "We'd be safer if he wasn't around."

"Okay kid, want some trivia?" Lyra asked, the mare five seconds away from punching the Griffon. "When Shining Armor and Princess Cadance got married, we got attacked by Changelings. Did anyone blame Shining Armor and Cadance? No, they didn't. They knew there was a potential threat but Shining Armor worked his hardest to protect Canterlot while Twilight and her friends fought off the Changelings."

Bon Bon whispered to Lyra, "How do you remember this? Weren't you and your friends Minuette and Twinkleshine being mind controlled by Chrysalis?"

"Pinkie Pie filled us in later," Lyra whispered back, then spoke aloud, mainly at Gallus. "My point here is that danger always happens. This wedding I mentioned, Peter wasn't even in Equestria yet. So yeah, Peter not being around doesn't mean we're going to be safe, so stop whining like a little brat about Peter already and grow the hell up already!"

"Wow, you're really rude," Gallus said.

"Okay, you know what!?" Lyra looked to ready her magic but Bon Bon was quick to stop her.

"Are you nuts? You could get in trouble for starting a fight!" the mare warned in a hushed tone.

"That kid does not take responsibility for shit, does he?" Bobby said. "He runs his mouth and expects no consequence."

"He can be like that sometimes," Kurt said. "But, he is just a very vocal boy. His concerns are valid too, I do not blame Peter for what happened but to the eyes of many, it can seem that way."

"I know you feel the need to defend him, Kurt, but you can't mean to tell me that this kid has any sense of morality," Bobby said. "What's worse is that he has others on his side."

"Gallus..." Rumble said. "You and I don't get along, this I know. But you really need to think before you speak."

"Hey at least I speak, you apparently didn't do squat when Sweetie Belle was hanging out with villains," Gallus said, this causing some widespread concern.

"Huh!?" Rumble asked. "Who told you about that!?"

"You did, gotta be careful who overhears," Gallus said.

"Rarity's sister hung out with villains?"

"How could she?"

"Is she a traitor?"

"I knew she was suspicious!"

Sweetie Belle started to feel nervous as she slowly backed away, "I...gotta go!"

"Sweetie Belle, wait!" Peter called. Too late, she was long gone. This was terrible, after the Sweetie Belle incident, he did his best to take the fault off her. Thanks to Gallus now, ponies are now suspicious of her.

"What the hell is the matter with you!?" Rumble shouted.

"Oh you stupid asshole, son of a bitch!" Bobby shouted, getting in Gallus's face. "You did NOT just start shit about my little sister!"

"Pretty sure she's your wife's sister, not yours," Gallus said. "Also, I just spoke the truth. Element of Harmony after all."

"This punk-ass little shit!" Spencer said.

"Who the hell does he think he is!?" Chris said.

"Probably some privileged loser," Dante said.

"Doesn't seem that bad to me," Luke said.

"Shut the fuck up, Luke!" Spencer, Chris and Dante said.

"Spider-Mane, what's with this revelation?" Wallflower asked. "Did you know about this?"

"Kind of," Peter said. "I swear it's just a misunderstanding."

"It was!" Bobby said, taking the stage. "Sweetie Belle got tricked by some villains, she never willingly joined for evil."

"Unlike Lightning Dust!" Gallus said.

Lightning Dust's pupils shrank while Thunderlane glared at Gallus, "Someone get that dickhead out of here!"

"No, let him stay, he's being honest," Wallflower said.

"Yeah heroes, hate the truth so much?" Indigo Zapp asked.

"Hey go back to sticking your muzzle up Fleetfoot's ass," Johnny said.

"Oh real mature, Human Jackass," Indigo Zapp said.

"The nerve of this chick," Laura said.

"I respect a woman who speaks her mind," Chavez said.

"Shut the fuck up, Chavez!" Johnny, Bobby and Laura shouted.

"I can tell this girl is a Carol Danvers fangirl," Scootaloo said. "Just like that other girl who's just a discount Mr. Fantastic."

"Burn," Dinky said, hoof-bumping Scootaloo.

"Spider-Mane's even buddies with a guy who started a war between heroes!" Gallus said, gesturing to Steve, the hero merely brushing it off.

"Kid, yer really starting to tick everyone off," Logan warned.

"Seriously, it just sounds like you hate everyone and everything," Wade said. "Who hurt you?"

"You heroes did when you prioritized your grudge over our safety," Gallus said.

"That's bullshit and you know it," Wade said. "None of us are obligated to help you, be grateful that we do. Because you're the type of person who talks shit about someone like Peter, then has the nerve to expect him to save you when you call for help. The worse part? He would save you because he's just that nice of a guy. You know that, and that's why you take advantage. You're just a selfish individual."

"I'm not taking crap from a guy who's a total nutjob," Gallus said.

"Wow, you always have a snarky response, huh kid?" Wade said.

Twilight started to feel some tension in the crowd, a lot of anxiety building up among them. "Uh, listen, everyone..."

"Who else has secrets to hide?" Gallus asked. "Maybe Apple Bloom does? Or Trixie? How about you Autum Blaze, no bad tempers?"

"Excuse me!?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Don't cross any lines!" Peter warned.

"Sorry, if anyone has a bad temper, it's you and that karate guy," Gallus said.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Ryu asked, stepping forward. "I'm right here."

"I hear you guys beat up Smolder's brother, probably for no reason," Gallus said.

"H-hey! Don't tell everyone my family's business!" Smolder said.

"Hey you're the one who wanted to see them suffer," Gallus said.

"Still..." Smolder responded.

"Personally, I'm done with all of this!" Gallus said. "Spider-Mane! We demand change! You are not protecting us the way you could be!"

"Literally, no one got hurt!" Johnny said.

"I bumped my leg trying to run, so I got hurt," Gallus said.

"Cry me a freaking river then!" Johnny shouted. "Listen, we're the ones risking our lives so you can have the freedom to talk shit like you are now!"

"Exactly, don't you dare blame Spider-Mane or his friends for any of this!" Lyra said.

"Quiet, I bet you got some secrets too! I got good hearing after all," Gallus said.

Bon Bon spoke to a radio, "Hey, how quickly can you launch an attack in Griffonstone? Specifically one person's house...what do you mean it's not in the budget? We're at risk of a breach here!"

"I say those of us tired of relying on the heroes gather together, we'll start our own brigade and protect this land our way! Who's with me!" Gallus said.

"Me," Yona said.

"Me too," Wallflower said.

"I'll talk to Fleetfoot about it," Indigo Zapp said.

A few others began to raise their hooves, even Garble and his friends agreed to join.

"Uh, where were all of you when I tried starting the Equestrian Avengers initiative?" Tony asked, getting everyone’s attention. "Like seriously, my main recruits were a baker mare, a skier, a party planner and a girl who basically just became a Wonderbolt."

"They trust me more, because my plans won't ruin Equestria like you tried to," Gallus said.

"Whelp, good luck getting yourself killed then," Tony said.

"Yeah, the rest of you are dumb too," Sugarcoat said.

"Shouldn't you be on our side? You hate Spider-Mane, don't you?" Indigo Zapp asked.

"I never said that, I said he's kind of dumb but that doesn't mean he's a bad hero," Sugarcoat said.

"...Is that an insult or a compliment?" Peter wondered. "Is it a...complesult?"

"Yo, Gallus," Thunderlane said. "I tried this once, it didn't work."

"It'll work for me, I'm smarter," Gallus said, then focused his attention on the rest of his friends. "What about you?"

"No way! I'm not joining," Silverstream said. "You're being cruel to Rumble and I don't respect that."

"Me neither. Even if Garble's joining, I'm not. Especially after the way you embarrassed Sweetie Belle," Smolder said.

"This is silly, I am not taking your side on this," Ocellus said. "Peter saved my life, I am not betraying him."

"If Ocellus says 'no', then I gotta stick by her," Sandbar said.

"Fine, we'll handle this alone for now," Gallus said. "As for the rest of you, mark my words that in time, I will-"

"Shut the fuck up Gallus!" Rumble, Scootaloo and Dinky shouted.

"Seriously, buzz off already," Apple Bloom said.

"No one even likes you!" Mayday said.

"This coming from the girl who cries when someone tries having a civil conversation with her," Gallus said. "No one likes you anymore than they like your useless father you little imp!"

"The hell did you just say to my daughter!?" Peter shouted.

"I'm gonna break your wings!" Rumble warned.

"Let's roll!" Gallus said, leaving with his team. “I hope Cumie's first word is a bad one!"

"Seriously, screw that kid, I'm done being nice to him," Peter said, looking toward his daughter.

Mayday looked very angry at Gallus, but also a bit hurt. She already figured ponies didn't like her, hearing it made her feel worse.

"He really is dumb, isn't he?" Franklin asked, gently rubbing her back. "Don't worry, he won't make it far with this plan. In the end, ponies need your father."

"I know...it still ticks me off though," Mayday said.

"Don't let him get to you, alright?" Franklin said, getting her to look at him. "Even if he doesn't like you, I do. You're very pretty, and I enjoy being around you."

Mayday started blushing again, turning away to hide her face, "I like you too, Frankie."

Peter seemed relieved that Franklin was caring for Mayday. He would be sure to give her a nice hug later himself but for now he had something to address.

"Everyone! I promise that I will find out more about Discord's villains, I will bring them to justice! If you can trust me, I can make it happen!"

"We trust you!" Lily Longsocks shouted, the girl feeling shy afterwards.

"Thanks kid, I appreciate that," Peter said.

"Y-you're welcome," Lily said.

"She's right, Peter!" Sugar Belle said. "Everyone here still believes in you!"

"Those others don't know what they're doing, but you do!" Tender Taps said.

"We got your back, Spider-Mane!" Vinyl Scratch said.

"You can count on us, bro!" Thunderlane said.

Many others vocalized their support, cheering loudly for Peter. Franklin saw that this was bothering Mayday and quickly brought her somewhere private, not without signaling Peter first that he was moving his daughter, to which the hero was fine with.

"Why does Mayday get luck with the guys?" Laura lamented, then focused on Tender Taps. "Maybe I should take a chance myself."

Meanwhile Janet was seen nudging Bucky, "Cute huh? Mayday really likes that boy, just like a certain mare likes you."

"Don't start," Bucky said. "I know how Sugar Belle feels, but-"

"No buts, she's nice, she deserves a date," Janet said. "Seriously, romance is fickle, when you see something good, take it. I see potential in you two."

"I guess..." Bucky said, still feeling a bit insecure deep down.

Steve took center stage as well, "Thank you all for attending, and we're glad you're unharmed. We will continue to be diligent. The villains shall be brought to justice!"

"We'll do everything we can to ensure that!" Logan said.

"All of us will," Cyclops said, gesturing to the visiting heroes. "We can't spend too much time in Equestria, Earth needs us too."

"But we will make it work," Reed said.

"There's nowhere in the multiverse those villains can hide," Strange said. "I will help bring them to justice as well."

"Now, we'll each personally ensure all of you get home safely, as far as Marvel goes," Peter said. "If Capcom or anyone else wants to help, they're more than welcome to."

"We will," Ryu said.

"I am all in for that," All Might said.

"Totally," Mark agreed. "I'll help too!"

"I'll stick with you a bit longer," Master Chief said.

"As will I," Kratos said.

"I don't mind helping out either," Sonic said.

"Just say the word, we'll keep everyone safe and get them home," Goku reassured.

"Thanks everyone," Peter said. "Let's get to it."

Just as they were leaving, Celestia caught the attention of Team Capcom, "A word, please?"

"What is it?" Chris asked.

"I mean no ill will, even if I cannot speak for my sister," Celestia said. "But, I do need to warn you. After today, you may have less faith from many in this world, including my sister and my old mentor. In light of this, it might be better if you limit your interaction with this world."

"Seriously?" Dante asked. "Is it because Ryu nearly lost it?"

"I'm afraid so, it doesn't help that Discord seems to have access to your world as well," Celestia said. "The Capcom Invasion hasn't been forgotten, and your actions at the time still have not been fully forgiven."

"Then give them a chance," Sunset said, getting Celestia's attention. "Don't tell them not to come, help them make amends. You're the one teaching unicorns like me and Twilight about how Friendship is Magic, show it to my friends here! Or are there limits to your teachings!?"

"I don't want there to be, but I know it's difficult when it comes to beings outside this world," Celestia said.

"That's total bullshit!" Sunset said. "Why should this only be in our world!?"

"Try not to lose your patience," Ryu said, then focused on Celestia. "We'll do as you ask then, for now at least."

"I appreciate that," Celestia said, then made her leave.

"Ugh, I hate this so much!" Sunset said. "Between what Celestia just said, and the nonsense of that stupid Griffon, this is why I hate Equestria sometimes."

"Hate's a strong word," Felicia said.

"You can still make things better," Mega Man said.

"Just don't give up," Viewtiful Joe said.

"Yeah, we're still going to help regardless, Peter could use it," Dante said.

"We're here for you," Chris said.

"Stand strong and fight for your beliefs," Ryu said.

"It got you this far," Chun-Li said.

"It will get you further," Spencer said.

"Yeah, you're right," Sunset said. "Thanks, you're all great friends."

"Cause Friendship is Magic," Dante said in a mocking tone.

"Don't even, it sounds so weird when you say it," Sunset jokingly said.

"Kind of hungry, think Thor will let us go back to Asgard when we're done here?" Spencer asked.

"Ooh! I wanna go to Asgard!" Felicia said.

"Me too," Joe said. "But...I also think I should be looking for Alastor."

"We'll find him," Chun-Li said. "For now, let's help Peter out."

In the distance, while Peter was rounding everyone up, Gwen was observing from a nearby building.

"Sounds like you have a lot of trouble Peter," Gwen said. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you lighten your load."

"Don't take all the credit," came a voice. Turning around, Gwen spotted Miles Morales, along with Miguel O'Hara and Peni Parker. "Madame Web wanted all of us for this job."

"We're the ones who ran into Albert Wesker and his allies," Miguel said.

"It's up to us to make sure he and his team don't disrupt the balance," Peni said.

"Yeah, you're right," Gwen said. "Still, when we meet Peter, let me have a little time with him first."

"Totally, we know he means a lot to you," Miles said.

"Just remember, regardless of what happened in his world, or yours, this Peter Parker is married," Miguel said.

"I know," Gwen said.

"It might be some time before we have to take action, so we're all heading back to our worlds until we're ready," Miles said. "If you want to stick around, clear it with Madame Web."

"Yeah, I will," Gwen said. "Alright, let's head off."

Not too far away in town, Franklin was seen checking on Mayday, "You feeling alright?"

"Yeah, better, thanks," Mayday said, glancing up at Franklin. "You're the best."

"It's nothing, really," Franklin said.

"It is, you're always there for me and you watch over me," Mayday said, nuzzling his muzzle. "I feel so lucky to have you."

"Yeah, I feel lucky too," Franklin admitted, blushing a bit. "I...really like you. A lot."

"Me too," Mayday said, making direct eye contact. "You're the best."

Franklin couldn't resist, her face was so cute and adorable that it drove him wild. In a quick instance, he pulled Mayday in for a kiss, taking her by surprise.

Despite how confused Mayday was, she allowed herself to be lost in the kiss, feelings of pure bliss emanating through her body.

Franklin broke away after a few seconds. "Be my girlfriend?"

"Sure thing, boyfriend," Mayday said, returning Franklin's kiss, signifying their alliance.

Their moment of passion did not go unnoticed by Luster Dawn, who was joined by Flurry Heart, "Finally! I was waiting a whole year for this."

"A year? I've been waiting like five," Flurry said. "About time the two kissed. Now I can plan their wedding."

"Wedding?" Luster Dawn said. "But, they're kids."

"Never too early for that, let's go," Flurry said, using her magic to drag away Luster Dawn.

In Tartarus, the villains were recovering from their brief showdown in Canterlot, each of them looking annoyed.

"Didn't expect that to happen," Shocker said. "Bad enough we have Marvel, Capcom and Equestria, we got all these other worlds."

"Discord better have plans for them," Adagio said.

"He says he has something in mind," Electro said.

"He's got Goku Black, doesn't he?" Aria asked.

"Where the hell is Goku Black anyway?" Shocker asked. "If he's on our side, why don't we see him?"

"Looking for Black?" Discord asked, getting their attention. "He's right here."

He showed a portal of the evil God destroying some buildings, with Annihilus by his side.

"So, he's just blowing stuff up," Aria said. "How helpful."

"He's completing his plan, and will soon help with ours," Discord said. "Now, I gotta get Eddie and Alastor settled in."

"Peace out," Alastor said, flying off.

Venom turned his attention to Discord, "Is there a reason you unleashed those monsters on those civilians?"

"Monsters? Oh no, those are Changelings, and I promise there's a very good reason," Discord said.

"We came to help because we were told this world was corrupted by Spider-Man, but I do not intend to attack any innocent people," Venom said.

"Oh I would never harm innocents for no reason," Discord nervously insisted. "Some of them are magic and are quite dangerous. I mean, this same world cast out Adagio and her friends when they just needed food."

"Got that right," Adagio said. "Equestria sucks."

"I just aim to kind of fix things," Discord said.

"What of that Goku Black person?" Venom asked. "And those buildings?

"Him? Oh don't mind those buildings they're empty," Discord insisted. "He just wants to fix his world and make it better. He just needs to clear all the useless stuff out. Before creation comes destruction, that's what Lord Beerus would say."

"Who?" Venom asked.

"Never mind," Discord said. "Still, trust me."

"...We will, for now," Venom said, making his leave.

"Bringing him might have been a mistake," Discord commented.

"What was that!?" Adagio shouted.

"Uh, nothing, tootles!" Discord disappeared.

"Pain in the ass," Adagio said, then noticed Cozy Glow nearby. "Need something kid?"

"Hey, that was quite a party," Cozy Glow said. "I saw from my own portal that Discord had for me."

"It was extravagant indeed," Mysterio said.

"You'll get a chance to join us next time." Sonata said.

"That's good," Cozy Glow said. "One thing though...none of you saw Sandy, right?"

"Uh, no, sorry," Sonata said.

"That's okay, I'll see him again soon," Cozy Glow said. "I hope so."

"You will, we promise," Sonata said, then turned to her friends. "Come on, let's go relay everything to the rest of our allies."

"Yeah, sure," Shocker said as everyone left.

Cozy Glow then pulled out a picture, one of her hugging Sandbar by his hindlegs. It was a cute moment that Jubilee happened to catch on camera. A nice moment where the two of them were very happy together.

"I miss you so much Sandy," Cozy Glow said, placing the picture away. "We'll reunite soon."

She left to make her own plans, Equestria would soon be conquered.

Author's Note:

Link to the above picture. My Friend Sandbar Very talented artist.