• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Romance at The Gala

That night in Equestria, Peter laid in bed alongside his wife. While Twilight seemed to be slumbering peacefully, Peter was tossing and turning in his bed.

Eventually he sat up, bitterly getting out of bed as he trotted downstairs, "Maybe a glass of milk or something will help..."

He went downstairs toward the kitchen to open the fridge, grabbing a carton of milk and pouring a glass, quickly chugging it down.

"Alright," Peter put everything away and the moment he turned around, he came face to face with a familiar blond woman.

"Hi Peter."

The hero leapt back, confused by the sight before him, "Gwen?" Strangely enough, his former girlfriend Gwen Stacy was standing before him, even more odd was that she appeared to be human. "What are you doing here? How are you human?"

"Human?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, I mean clearly I'm a pony and..." Peter looked toward his hoof, instead finding fingers. "Huh? What's going on?"

"That was a nice ceremony today, wasn't it?" Gwen asked. "That young farm girl who sees you as a big brother. That young stallion who idolizes you and wants to live up to your example. You always were there for them."

"Well of course, they're family to me," Peter said.

"Family, we could have had one, couldn't we?" Gwen asked, some gust in the room rising. "You and I could have had what they had! Why weren't you there for me when I needed you!"

"You know I tried," Peter insisted. "Gwen, I care about you, I never wanted anything bad to happen."

"But you did, you let it happen, you let him take me..." Gwen said, her eyes turning red as her voice distorted. "For someone who is willing do so something nice for strangers, you sure did a lousy job of protecting your girlfriend!"

“Gwen, wait,” Peter pleaded.

"You'd rather help a former villain than help me, why should that mare, the same one who took over a village because her feeling were hurt get a better chance than me!? "Gwen shouted, the room shaking. "Why did a tyrannical night princess get more attention from you than a girl who's always been there for you!?"

"Gwen, you know it's not like that!" Peter said, struggling to keep his balance.

"I was just one in a million, wasn't I?" Gwen asked. "It didn't take you long to move on, to that foolish unicorn."

Peter furrowed his brow at that last comment, "Hey, I will not let you say anything like that about Twilight! I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, and I still miss you, but I had to move on!"

"Sure, you moved on, you're great at moving on when a girl you claim to love dies," Gwen taunted, floating closer to the hero. "Just as that future rebel, I bet you enjoyed that night with her, much more than you're willing to admit."

"NO! I didn't!" Peter said.

"Face it, you act righteous, but deep down, you're just a shallow man who will always fail the ones he loves," Gwen said. "Be it your aunt, your wife, or your two precious children. How long before you fail Mayday!?"

The ground before Peter broke, the hero falling through a vortex of sorts, his life flashing through, from losing his uncle, to the symbiote, to seeing his friends drift apart and losing Gwen before landing in the middle of the dystopian Changeling ruined town.

There he spotted his house, destroyed with nothing left, aside from the very wedding necklace he gave to Twilight, Mayday's gadgets and flowers and Trixie's hat.

"No..." Peter said, falling to his knees. "Not again!"

"Your enemies will never be gone Peter," Gwen's voice said as lava erupted from the ground. "No matter how hard you try, there will always be danger. Sometimes, all it takes...is One...Bad...Day." Gwen suddenly appeared behind him, spooking the hero. "Then, it all falls apart."

"Peter..." came the voice of the sinister Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen moving in with her army.

"You!" Peter shouted, fury in his eyes. "You took them from me!"

"No Peter, you did this to yourself," Chrysalis taunted. "It was all your own curiosity."

"You brought everything upon them, Peter," Gwen said. "All the enemies who have come, they came for you." Coming into view were enemies of his such as Shocker, Mysterio, Martin Li, Scorpion, Vulture and Rhino.

"You can't escape your past, Peter," Martin Li taunted. "It will always come back for you."

"Think about this poor child, Spider-Man," Mysterio said, gesturing to a saddened Cozy Glow. "Imagine where she might be if she didn't get caught in your plights."

"Cozy Glow?" Peter ran to the girl. "Cozy, believe me, I didn't want anything to happen to you!" He tried getting her to look at him, only a blank stare.

"You can't save anyone..." Cozy said, the girl disappearing as the world around him began to shift.

Peter confusingly looked around, trying to grasp control of the situation. "It's not real...I've gone through this. Sombra put me through it, Mysterio did, I am not letting anyone get to me!" He angrily clenched his fists. "You hear that! I am not letting anyone get to me! No one can-"

"Poor Peter," came the voice of Wesker, the villain appearing right beside him. "Consider this, nothing bad would have happened in Equestria, if you hadn't escaped to it. I wouldn't have come after you, neither would my comrades. Your town would not have been destroyed, your friends wouldn't have been hurt, if not for you."

"That's not true!" Peter shouted.

"Isn't it?" Vergil said, appearing beside him. "You fool, your existence brings nothing but trouble! You are a threat to all those you claim to love! They'd be better off without you!"

A familiar and unpleasant cackling laugh was heard in the background, that laugh belonging to his old foe, The Green Goblin. "Try as you might, Peter. Despite all you’ve done for them, eventually they will hate you, and you will have nothing!"

Goblin threw a bomb that blasted Peter through a warp hole, the boy again falling and this time imagining the terrible realities that these villains could bestow. Losing his friends, his family, his world, everything crumbling as Peter desperately tried holding himself together.

"Peter!" A voice called out. "Peter! Can you hear me!?"

This voice was different, unlike the others, it was more worried, the boy frantically looked around. "Who's there!?" He looked some more, placing his hands on his head, "WHO'S THERE!?"

"Peter!" At that second, Luna appeared in the distance, the mare frantically calling to him, "PETER!"

Seconds later, Peter was struggling some more, but this time another voice was trying to get his attention. "Peter, wake up!"

Peter quickly sat up, his heart racing and fully covered in sweat, checking his body to see what he was. Pony form, and no sign of any injury. "It was...a dream?"

"Peter, are you alright?" Twilight asked, her foreleg resting on his shoulder.

"I'm fine...I think," Peter said.

"Was it a nightmare?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah...weird one too," Peter said.

"You've had quite a few of those, especially in the last week," Twilight said. "What was it about this time? Your uncle? A villain? ...That terrible future?"

"...It started with Gwen, then it just got weird," Peter said.

"Peter..." Twilight brought her husband in for a reassuring hug. "I really worry about you sometimes."

"It's fine, not the first or last time I will have a nightmare," Peter said.

"It isn't fine," Twilight said, gently stroking his face. "It's been like this for years, and it really got worse after that Dystopian Future. I really wish you would take Logan's advice and talk it out more. You have friends and family that are here for you."

"They have their own problems though," Peter said. "Logan definitely, I mean the guy has like a couple hundred years worth of trauma. I don't want to bug him with mine."

"Peter, you need to stop acting like you're a burden," Twilight said. "Logan cares about your wellbeing. We need to fix this. You would help any of us in a heartbeat, at least let us help you."

"...I'll think about it," Peter said.

Twilight groaned in frustration, "I just want to help you, it's a wife's duty to care for her husband."

"...Am I a good husband?" Peter asked. "Am I good father too? Am I even a good enough person?"

"Is this about what Gallus said?" Twilight asked. "Applejack filled me in. Listen, I know you've made a mistake or two but it's alright not to be perfect. You still do more good for us than bad. Honestly I'd have to think really hard to come up with anything bad you might have done."

"Can't be that hard," Peter said.

"Peter, enough, you know I hate when you talk down about yourself," Twilight said. "How come everyone can see what a wonderful person you are yet you can't? If I still had fingers, I could count on one hand how many people actually seem to hate you, but even if I grew an extra two arms I wouldn't be able to count all the people whom you matter to. Important people too, those who actually took the time to get to know you."

"You flatter me," Peter said. "Still, I have to be the best I can. I am their hero and I have to set an example, that way no one has issues and can live in peace."

"Peter, you are not responsible for everyone’s happiness," Twilight said. "Some people are just miserable and take it out on others. Stop worrying about the negativity. You saw how happy Rumble and Apple Bloom were today, because of your efforts, and soon you're going to be doing something nice for more of my Friendship students. That means more than a few grumps here and there."

"Man, what would I do without you?" Peter asked.

"You never have to wonder," Twilight said. "I love you."

"I love you too," Peter said, sharing a kiss with his wife. "I really do mean it, I hope you know that."

"Of course I do," Twilight said, then got another kiss from Peter.

He then laid her down and kissed her more, holding it for as long as he could, laying over her and keeping it locked in. Before long he longed for more of her, spreading his kisses across her face and neck, Twilight gladly taking in the passion.

That passion led to a night of intimate romance for the two, Peter needing to feel the physical love from his wife, and to offer his own. Twilight of course did her part, she too thrived off the love she felt, Peter was always there to ease her worries and she did what she could to ease his.

Times like these, Twilight liked to soundproof her room too, after all, while Peter was normally gentle, sometimes she needed a little more, and she would rather her loud moans not be heard across Equestria, let alone her own house.

"I wonder how often Fluttershy does this for Logan?" Twilight wondered during her own passion.

Her question was inadvertently answered as in their own home, a messy maned Fluttershy was happily sleeping in her bed while Logan, still awake, just had a lot on his mind. Some nights, he just couldn't sleep, usually from restlessness or his fear of nightmares, and the fear of hurting Fluttershy, again.

This was different though, as Logan feared something was wrong. It's been peaceful the past year in Equestria, but for Logan, it didn't feel like living in a Happy Ending, rather it felt like a temporary release. Danger was on the horizon, he had to be diligent to protect his family, especially the mare beside him.

Logan turned to Fluttershy, the mare whom hours prior he had demonstrated his physical love toward, gently stroking her mane. He was motivated to keep her safe, and would go through hell to ensure that very safety.

That same night in Latveria, Doctor Doom was sitting on his throne at the head of a table as his robot minions had brought out some drinks for his guests. To one side, from the Dark Dimension was Dormammu, to the other side was the Ultimate Android, that being Ultron.

Also present was Kazuya Mishima of the Namco world, and of course, was far from the only out of world guest, for at the other end of the table was Albert Wesker, the leader of his own band of villains, joined by Tron Bonne, Vergil, Juri Han, Vomi and The Prowler.

"Wesker, it's been a while since I've heard from you," Doom said, glaring at the scientist. "I must ask, for what purpose did you want this meeting?"

"Five years," Wesker began, confusing Doom. "It's been five years, since we teamed up to raid this world, five years since we came close to taking over both this world, and mine, and it has been five years since my encounter with that Friendship Loving arachnid."

"You refer to the invasion of the Land of Equestria," Doom said. "The world where Spider-Man retreated to after his battle against The Green Goblin."

"What purpose do you bring this topic up, Wesker?" Dormammu asked.

"Once, I had retreated to Tartarus after a messy incident," Wesker said. "That’s where I came across The Green Goblin and many allies. They were planning a big invasion that is believed to be around this time, but of course, you already know this."

"Where are you going with this?" Doom asked.

"Are you commencing with our plan?" Ultron asked.

"We are just about ready, my team has been doing what they could to prepare for this day," Wesker said. "I just hope you have been doing the same."

"You question me?" Doom asked.

"Not at all, but we are a team, and a good team coordinates among their allies," Wesker said.

"We may be allies, but I wouldn't call us a team," Doom said. "Don't think that just because we have the marginalist of interest doesn't mean my faith is in you, especially after our last team up."

"Victor, I know our plans went bad last time, but it would be of poor interest to just give up after one slip-up," Wesker said.

"Give up?" Doom asked, slightly offended. "Doom does not, 'Give up', but I am a very busy man with a lot on my own schedule. Any time I offer to you is valuable time I could be using to further my own agendas. If you are not assisting in my vision, you are wasting valuable time."

"You seem so full of yourself," Juri said, her comment irritating Doom.

"Juri! Shush!" Tron scolded, then nervously turned to Doom. "Don't mind her, that's just her way of being friendly. It presents a more friendly atmosphere."

"Do I look like I care for your so-called friendliness!?" Doom shouted, a bit of arcane energy sparking around him and freaking Tron out as the girl quickly latched onto Vergil.

"Get a hold of yourself," Vergil said, prying Tron off and focusing on the villain across the table. "Victor, you know us well enough to know that we would not be here if there was nothing of value we had to offer. You're not the only one who's time is precious after all."

"Just tell us what you have planned, no vagueness," Dormammu warned.

"The plan is straightforward on the outside," Wesker said. "We will strike when Discord strikes, it will be us who will reign supreme over our enemies. Victor, Equestrian magic is within your grasp, you can use it to further your ambitions of domination, while I become one step closer to my own goals, to recreate my world in my own image."

"How do you plan to intercept Discord?" Ultron asked. "Do you have ways of looking in?"

"Of course, my world does excel in multiversal travel," Wesker said. "As we speak, a recent ally of ours is monitoring Equestria with his own state of the art security robots."

"State of the art?" Vomi asked. "He got that design from my world; it is what my late husband used to spy on those Saiyans."

"I am fully aware Vomi, but in science, sometimes you might need to borrow an idea or two," Wesker said. "Something I myself have done. If not for Umbrella, I might not have gotten the idea for Uroboros."

"Who is this ally?" Doom asked. "From your world, perhaps?"

"Yes, alongside a friend from another dimension," Wesker said, calling to the door. "You may come in now, gentlemen."

Making their way into the room were a pair of mustache-bearing scientists. One elderly man in a lab coat and another in a red coat and a pair of glasses.

"This is a surprise," Kazuya said.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you from my home world, Doctor Wily," Wesker said, gesturing to the old man.

"Greetings Victor Von Doom, I have heard of your exploits, and I must say, I am quite amazed at your scientific prowess," Wily said.

"And next to him is a man from the world of Sega, Doctor Ivo Robotnik," Wesker said.

"I thought his name was 'Eggman'?" Juri asked.

"That's more of a nickname, feel free to call me either," Eggman said, before turning his attention to the men before him. "It's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, I have heard a great deal about your exploits."

"Doctor Wily and Doctor Robotnik here have had experience teaming up in the past, albeit briefly," Wesker said. "Wily here is an enemy of a robot who calls himself Mega Man, and in one of their battles, found themselves stranded in the world of Sega. That is where Doctor Robotnik came in and the two pulled their resources together."

"Until that blasted hedgehog got in my way!" Eggman said.

"Hedgehog?" Dormammu asked.

"His arch nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog," Wesker said. "He is what his name suggests, a hedgehog. Do not let that fool you, his speed is said to be God-like."

"He can excel light speed and the speed of sound," Eggman confirmed. "Much as I hate to admit it, he is a very formidable adversary."

"I concur, once myself and that accursed blue robot landed here, that hedgehog was quick to show up and thwart my plans," Wily said. "Of course I ran into Eggman and we both tried a plan to turn all of those creatures into robots, though things fell apart."

"Honestly I used to put critters in robots as a form of battery life but Wily here had a great idea," Eggman said. "I hardly considered roboticizing, though I have heard that versions of myself in the multiverse have done such a thing."

"Turning flesh beings into robots?" Ultron asked. "That is quite a remarkable feat."

"Why thank you," Wily said. "You look to be a great model yourself."

"Oh yes, who created you?" Eggman asked.

"Doctor Hank Pym, he intended for me to protect humanity, but from my experience, humans were too...shall we say, inept at keeping themselves safe," Ultron said. "I suggested wiping out humanity as the one true way to save them, better than them living in misery."

"Why wipe them out when you can improve them?" Wesker said. "That is the key to Uroboros."

"I say just replace them with demons, a far superior lifeform," Vergil said.

"We'll compromise," Wesker said. "But with Wily and Robotnik on our side, that will further assist in our scientific endeavors."

"I look forward to working alongside you, Albert Wesker," Wily said. "It was a shame that I've missed out on so much, but better late than never. With me on your side, your tech prowess will reach insurmountable heights, and with my dear friend Ivo by my side, it will increase tenfold."

"Honestly I'm surprised you didn't recruit him sooner, I mean your biological science is alright, but sometimes you need a good tech worker by your side," Eggman said. "In this case, two."

"Excuse me, did I suddenly turn invisible?" Tron said, getting their attention. "Wesker already had a tech person, me. After all, maybe Egghead there doesn't know who I am, but surely you know me, Wily."

"Of course I know you," Wily said. "You're Tiesel Bonne's bratty little sister."

"Bratty!?" Tron shouted, standing up. "I'm not that little girl you once met, I'm a grown woman with my own track record of amazing inventions."

"Ones that are swiftly dealt with by the Mega Man of your timeline, is that correct?" Wily taunted.

"Oh you're one to talk, you lose to your Mega Man practically every week, a small one at that, at least the Mega Man I know is an actual man," Tron said.

"Tron, enough," Wesker said. "Sit back down."

"Why are you even hiring these guys, Albert?" Tron asked. "I'm supposed to be your sole tech support! You don't need these old fossils, Wily could probably croak of old age any minute now."

"I'm not that old, I only look older because of what the stress did to my hairline," Wily said.

"Please Albert, just let me handle this stuff, I don't need help!" Tron insisted.

"Tron, you are a very intelligent young woman," Wesker said. "But, even you can only do so much on your own. We are going against powerful forces and we need any ally who can spare time."

"Then let’s try to get better allies, I mean we can try asking Sigma again, or Urien," Tron said.

"Do not worry about Sigma, I managed to talk a little sense into him," Wily said.

"I'm surprised he has interest given that his Mega Man is dead," Vergil said.

"Ah yes, according to talk I've heard in my world, he perished during Ragnarök, alongside many formidable allies," Wesker said.

"Yeah, even Cammy," Juri commented. "What a waste, she was a very pretty girl. Nice boobs too."

Wesker raised his eyebrow at that remark, but brushed it off as Juri being her usual odd self, "Well the fact that Wily here managed to get Sigma on our side is very telling of his contributions. Of course our ally count does not end there, after all, there is at least one more man who wants to return."

"Oh great, let me guess, is it Bison?" Juri asked.

"I know how you feel about him, but we have a job to do," Wesker said. "It helps to have as many allies."

"You know what they say, the more the merrier!" Eggman said.

Juri glared at the scientist, "Can it."

"If you really need assistance, the guy who gave me my gear can help too," Prowler said. "Scientist type like Tron and the old men here."

"Hey, who are you calling 'old'?" Eggman asked.

"Tron, are your brothers coming too? Juri asked.

"Tiesel says he's ready to go, though I'm a bit worried about bringing Bon," Tron said. "He might not be ready for something like this."

"Honestly I don't even think your older brother can handle this," Vergil said. "He's barely above Alastor in terms of competency."

"Hey, my brother's great and you know it!" Tron said. "He's one of the reasons I became the woman I am today."

"You say that like it's something to be proud of," Vergil commented, much to Tron's annoyance.

"Let us not quarrel among ourselves," Wesker said. "Vergil, I know the Bon Brothers can be a bit...zany, but they do produce results. They have earned their reputation on Kattelox Island."

"They've also grown soft," Vergil said. "They're no longer the fearsome pirates they once were. I'm honestly surprised you still have Tron. Unlike us, she lacks a warrior's instinct."

"Huh? I am so a warrior," Tron said. "I can fight too!"

“How about striking a foe down?” Vergil asked.

"Well...yeah, I totally could," Tron said.

"Please, you cannot fool me," Vergil said. "I've seen that look in your eyes when our enemies fall, it's a look of empathy. Your soft-hearted tendencies outshine your malicious intent. While it is true that you can rob a person blind, the same cannot be said for doing what you must to survive."

"I'll have you know that I've tried to destroy Mega Man," Tron said.

"Oh yes, Mega Man Volnutt, the love of your life," Vergil said, earning a blush from Tron. "You know another reason Wesker likely wanted Wily's help? He wants someone who's ready to do what he must to win, just like Wily would."

"Why thank you Vergil," Wily said.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not fond of you myself," Vergil said. "I've seen how you beg for your life when facing defeat. For all I know, Eggman is the same."

"Hey, if I've done that, it's to distract the hero," Eggman said. "You gotta be willing to do any dirty trick in the book to survive."

"Exactly, I would never earnestly beg for forgiveness, because I never feel apologetic," Wily said.

"We're wasting time," Vomi said. "Wesker, I suggest moving on with the strategy portion. We want to be ready to intercept Discord."

"Right you are," Wesker said. "It is a plan that will require all of our efforts. Everyone on this team serves a purpose."

"Just be sure to pull your weight," Dormammu said. "Anyone who slacks off or endangers the mission will suffer at our hands."

"One concern," Prowler said. "If this Discord guy is all seeing, how do we know he's not listening in on us right now?"

"If we were, we would know," Vergil said, casting an angry glare to the side. "And he would suffer."

In Tartarus, Discord, who had stumbled upon this group while searching the multiverse, was quick to close out of that situation. "Well, this might be a tad bit troubling."

"What's wrong?" Tirek asked, getting Discord's attention.

"Oh nothing," Discord said. "Just planning for our big move. Oh and remember, we must retrieve Grogar's Bell, shame it has not been found yet, that artifact was hidden well."

"Perhaps it truly is a myth," Tirek theorized.

"No, it's real, I'm sure of it," Discord said. "Grogar was just really good at hiding his stuff."

"Well rest assure, we will continue to roam Equestria," Tirek said.

"Eh, it might not matter, we're due to strike soon," Discord said. "Oh well, some things were not meant to be. Our grand plan is underway, just be ready to do your part."

As Discord vanished, a sinister Tirek flashed his fangs, "Of course, I am more than prepared."

A few days had passed, and it was time for a big event, that being The Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight, Peter and their friends were all in attendance for the event, each of them dressed in fancy attire befitting a party such as this."

"Once again, wearing a tux," Peter said, checking over his attire.

"You look handsome in it at least," Twilight said, wearing her Princess Dress and tiara. "Of course you always look handsome regardless of what you wear."

"Even if I'm not wearing anything?" Peter teased.

"Oh that's easily my favorite," Twilight teased back. "Less clothes to hide your cute butt."

Peter awkwardly blushed at his wife's daring compliment, "You know on the bright side, I do feel cool wearing this, I feel like a secret agent." Peter did agent style pose. "Call me, Double O Spider."

"You are such a dork," came Johnny's voice, the well-dressed hero walking alongside his own wife.

"Pfft, you're just jealous because you don't look like me," Peter said.

"Yeah, sure, that's it," Johnny sarcastically replied, then noticed Mayday not too far off walking alongside Luster Dawn. "Mayday came too?"

"Luster Dawn wanted to come to the Gala, since we're allowed to bring guests, Mayday chose to bring her best friend from Equestria," Peter said.

"How is Luster Dawn anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I know you were trying to educate her a bit, Twilight."

"I tried giving her advice on how to socialize more, but she's almost as reclused as Mayday is," Twilight said.

"I don't see anything wrong with Luster Dawn," Peter said. "She's just picky on who she talks to, just like Mayday. But in a way, that drew them toward each other. You always wanted Mayday to have more friends, and she has one that she likes enough to hold onto for a year."

"I was hoping that if Mayday did make a friend, it would bring her out of her comfort zone," Twilight said. "Not encourage it."

"Mayday has two friends, three if we count Flurry," Peter said. "She's happy with who she's friends with and they're both really nice to her. Remember, Quality over Quantity, two real friends are better than a million fakes."

"He's got a point Twi, I mean you didn't make all the friends you did just for the sake of having friends, did you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, I made friends with you because I came to trust and rely on you," Twilight said.

"That's what Mayday's doing," Rainbow Dash said. "Sometimes Twi, you gotta think less like a Princess of Friendship and more like a mom. Mayday's happy, and that's all that matters."

"Well, she is very comfortable around Luster Dawn," Twilight admitted. "I guess you're right. But still, if I can't help my daughter, how can I help anyone else?"

"You can't fix what isn't broken," Johnny said. "Not everyone wants a million friends Twi, even I know that."

"Even Fluttershy barely extends past her Friendship circle," Peter said, gesturing to the mare beside Logan.

Twilight recalled that Fluttershy had herself called her on this situation. The truth was that no matter how hard she tried, Twilight could not grasp why worrying about the amount of Mayday's friends was a bad thing, even Celestia felt she should have plenty of friends, that foundation is the Harmony on which Equestria is built on.

It wasn't long before everyone was inside the castle, Twilight and her friends were gathered with Peter and his hero allies, Trixie and Starlight were conversing near a punch bowl, Laura had gone to catch up with Lightning Dust while Autumn Blaze had gone around, enjoying the sights.

"My very first Gala," Autumn said, looking around in awe. "It's...a little less exciting than I thought, guess it's this town's culture."

"Quite so," came the voice of a nearby cellist. "Hello, I am Octavia Melody."

"Autumn Blaze," the Kirin introduced. "Kirin Ambassador, though Peter would tell me that I'm more than just that."

"Peter? You mean Peter Parker," Octavia said. "Yes, I do know you, I've seen you both at events together, usually showing the Unity between Ponies and Kirin."

"It all started with The Accords, Tony Stark wanted Kirin Grove on board and I was asked to be their representative, since I'm fun and perky," Autumn said. "At least that's what my leader Rain Shine says."

"Right, The Accords, that led to an unfortunate outcome, which resulted in Tony Stark retiring," Octavia said. "Such a shame, many in Canterlot seemed to value Tony Stark, especially one mare in particular. She valued Tony’s entrepreneur skills, with him done, many who have trusted him enough to invest in The Accords suffered some financial loses. Or so I heard, I don't actually live in Canterlot, but I do perform here regularly."

"Oh you don't live here? Funny you seem fancy enough to be a citizen," Autumn said.

"Well I did grow up here, much like Princess Twilight Sparkle," Octavia said. "I moved to Ponyville years ago, I am roommates with a DJ."

"A DJ?" Autumn asked. "Ooh! Is it DJ Pon3?"

"Familiar with Vinyl are you?" Octavia asked. "She is pretty popular, she certainly brought attention to Mayday Parker-Sparkle's birthday party. Too bad she had to cut it short."

"Oh yeah, it got loud, and Mayday absolutely hates loud noises, it gives her a headache and major anxiety, something Peter himself said he's gone through," Autumn said, then noticed a shocked look on Octavia's face. "Oh boy, did I talk too much? I probably shouldn't have said anything, Mayday's very sensitive about that and I don't think Peter wants me babbling."

"It's fine, I'm a friend of Peter as well, and I shouldn't be too surprised," Octavia said. "I remember when Peter chewed out those so-called Friendship Students about it. Honestly some of them didn't even seem to understand or care, like what did they learn at that school?"

"Probably why Peter wanted it revamped," Autumn said. "Like he says, Friendship can't be learned in school, it must be learned in life."

"A statement I wholeheartedly concur with," Octavia said.

"Ahem," came the voice of Tender Taps, the two mares looking his direction. "Ladies, I am here to offer one of you a lucky chance to be my date tonight."

"Date?" Autumn asked. "Uh sorry, I'm not good with dates, maybe Octavia."

"Sorry, no, I don't date just anyone," Octavia asked.

"Oh well, I'll keep looking then," Tender Taps said, trotting off. "Let me know if you change your mind."

"That was odd, thought slightly understandable," Octavia said.

"Well since you're here, let’s go see Peter, he'll be so happy to see you again," Autumn said, leading Octavia away.

Nearby however, a familiar pony with a purple striped mane had overheard the conversation, "Loud noises huh? Didn't expect to hear anything that big." Aria continued to scout around for more information.

Also in attendance was Rumble and Apple Bloom, the newlywed couple enjoying a night at the Gala.

"Aren't you glad I'm a Wonderbolt?" Rumble said. "It gets us tickets to one of the best parties in Equestria."

"Not to rain on your parade, sugar pie, but ah got mah own invite too, so I'm not yer Wonderbolt guest," Apple Bloom said. "Not that ah would have minded either way."

"Oh right, ponies love you for being a Cutie Mark Crusader," Rumble said. "So we're both here on our own accolades."

"Where are the other Wonderbolts?" Apple Bloom asked.

"They should be here, it’s Soarin’s last night as Captain," Rumble said. "Spitfire might be around too."

"Shame Soarin has to retire, he seems like a great leader," Apple Bloom said.

"He is but it's stressful for him," Rumble said." He did a great job of taking the help though, though things did shift a bit, especially when it came to cadets. They had to reaudition for Soarin so he could get an idea of their style, but I'd say he picked pretty much everyone Spitfire liked."

"Was there anyone he didn't pick?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Probably a few, guess they goofed on the second try," Rumble said. "I hear some were a little...obnoxious though, especially one mare but it proves that Soarin made the right call in the end."

"Rumble!" Silverstream called as she flew over.

"Hey partner," Rumble said, bringing her in for a hug. "Glad you made it."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss my chance to come back," Silverstream said. "So, how's married life?"

"Like a beautiful dream," Rumble said, placing his foreleg around Apple Bloom. "Being able to wake up next to this beauty daily is about as great as you can imagine, even more actually."

"Aw, yer too sweet Rumble," Apple Bloom said, kissing her husband's cheek.

"That reminds me, your Honeymoon suite is nearly set up," Silverstream said. "You should be able to come by soon."

"Awesome, just gotta confirm my absence with The Wonderbolts and then comes paradise," Rumble said. "Though with my new living arrangements, I'm already in paradise."

"Speaking of living arrangements, Silverstream, are you moving to Ponyville soon?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ah think Peter and mah family have been busy with something."

"He's having a house built for us," Silverstream said. "Me, Ocellus and Smolder are gonna live there, along with that new girl, Gabby."

"You know Gabby well?" Rumble asked.

"Yeah, she's nice, you've met her too once, haven't you?" Silverstream asked.

"Once or twice, but she was more interested in talking to Apple Bloom," Rumble said.

"Yeah, me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had to convince her that Griffons can't get Cutie Marks," Apple Bloom said. "She was kind of bummed out about it, but we did make her an honorary member of The Cutie Mark Crusaders, which cheered her right up."

"That was really nice of you to do by the way," Rumble said, kissing his wife's cheek. "I love your thoughtfulness."

"Gee Rumble, yer awfully affectionate, and here ah thought you didn't like being mushy in public," Apple Bloom said.

"Well it's only Silverstream here, and I trust her with my life," Rumble said. "Not an exaggeration, we fought battles together, she even saved me once."

"You would have done the same," Silverstream said.

"Say, what about Sandbar, Gallus and Yona?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are they moving in?"

"Well, the issue is that the house may not have enough rooms for too many of us," Silverstream said. "Peter could always expand it but so far, none of them have expressed interest. Ocellus and Smolder are moving in because they wanted to buy a house together in the first place, meanwhile it was difficult for me to leave Mount Aris due to my aunt being so overprotective after The Accords. Sandbar already lives in Ponyville, while Yona and Gallus haven't talked much about it."

"Honestly I'm surprised it's not just the six of you, thought y'all were inseparable," Apple Bloom said.

"We are, but we can't do everything together," Silverstream said. "Like how Princess Twilight loves her friends but they all have their own thing."

"Apple Bloom here had a hard time understanding that once," Rumble said.

"Ugh, Rumble!" Apple Bloom scolded.

"It was a long time ago, you've gotten better obviously, otherwise I'd have to marry Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle too," Rumble said.

"It wasn't even that bad!" Apple Bloom insisted. "Don't exaggerate stuff!"

"Aw, you're cute when you're annoyed," Rumble said, kissing her muzzle. "You're my angry little apple."

"You wanna sleep on the couch, tonight?" Apple Bloom asked. "Or the barn, I can make it more uncomfortable."

"The most uncomfortable thing is sleeping anywhere without you next to me," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom groaned in annoyance, "Dang it, stop being so romantic, I'm trying to be annoyed at ya!"

"I can't help it, your beauty is too radiating," Rumble said. "You're my morning sun glistening in my eyes to motivate me for the day, except you motivate me for life."

Apple Bloom turned away, her face very red now. "I hate how flustered you make me feel."

"Wow Rumble, where'd you even learn this romantic talk?" Silverstream asked.

"From a romance book that I borrowed from Twilight's library," Rumble said. "During my bratty phase, I was worried about pushing Apple Bloom away, so I romanced up to keep her in my forelegs."

"Now that's commitment," Silverstream said. "I really wish I could have a guy like you."

"You can..." came a voice, Tender Taps appearing right beside the two. "How would you like to date me?"

"Uh..." Silverstream wasn't sure how to react.

"She's busy Taps, talk to her later," Rumble said.

"Oh well…" Tender Taps said, tapping away.

"You know, speaking of romance, how are Sandbar and Ocellus doing?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Very well, they're a total match and it's nice seeing them date," Silverstream said. "Maybe Sandbar will move in with us, so he can be with Ocellus more."

"I'm just curious as to how they're reproduce when the time comes," Rumble said. "Like, can Ocellus even get pregnant?"

"I'm...not sure actually," Silverstream asked. "Wow, that's gonna be quite a surprise."

"We'll worry about that later, let's go find Soarin," Rumble said, making his leave, unaware of a familiar girl with blue hair and fur to match.

"Wow, so much romance...uh, but I have a job to focus on." Sonata continued to diligently spy.

Meanwhile Peter was still talking it up with his friends, or rather was listening somewhat patiently to Bobby's boasting.

"Yeah Rarity here's been top of the line in fashion for about twenty weeks in a row," Bobby said. "That's like five months. Hoity Toity wishes he had that type of momentum."

"Well to be fair, he has maintained this even longer," Rarity said.

"Back when there was barely any competition," Bobby said. "You and Coco give him a run for his bits, and you constantly come out on top."

"Well all credit goes to my hard-working staff," Rarity said. "Lily Laces, Starstreak and Inky Rose have all done so well."

"Plus being married to a famous superhero really helps your stock too," Bobby said. "After all, everyone wants to wear what the top guy is."

"Pfft, since when are you top guy?" Johnny mockingly asked. "You barely did shit in the Accords and once that fell apart, you were just kind of 'there' again."

"Hey, there have been accidents, such as avalanches, fires and floods, and guess who's there to save ponies' asses?" Bobby asked. "That's right, me."

"Pretty sure most of that is Peter," Johnny said.

"It's not a competition," Peter insisted.

"Bro, you wanna take this outside?" Bobby asked, trying to sound tough. "Give you a rematch from our fight last year?"

"Hey I'm all for settling it once and for all," Johnny boasted.

"Ahem, maybe don't fight, we're all supposed to be friends here," Rarity said.

"Oh let them fight Rares," Applejack said. "There are times where you gotta let boys be boys, and sometimes boys talk through their hooves."

"Seems undignified," Rarity said.

"It's fine Rarity, I won't clobber Johnny," Bobby said. "Don't wanna embarrass him in front of his wife."

"Tch, yeah, okay dude," Johnny said.

"Okay yourself, bro," Bobby said.

"What was that dude?" Johnny asked.

"You heard me bro," Bobby said.

"Dude!" Johnny shouted.

"Bro!" Bobby shouted.



"Hey, Dude, Bro, chill," Peter said. "Especially you, Bro."

"Why? Dude started it," Johnny said.

"Lets make sure that isn't the situation, I don't think I can handle that level of annoyance," Twilight said, then took note of some new arrivals. "Oh! Shining Armor! Cadance! Flurry!"

"Hey Twiley," Shining Armor said, greeting his little sister.

"Peter! Good to see you and your friends," Cadance said.

"Mayday! Luster!" Flurry said, flying in to hug the two fillies. Luster Dawn was happy to return the hug, Mayday seemed less enthusiastic.

"Glad you could make it," Peter said. "I know it's not always easy leaving your Empire."

"It's fine, we borrowed some of Tony Stark's old robots to keep an eye on the place, they'll alert us if there's any trouble," Cadance said.

"Personally I'm not fond of them, bad memories but I guess if they can be of better use then why not give it a shot," Shining Armor said.

"Plus Reed and Doc made much needed improvements," Cadance said.

While the adults spoke, Flurry turned to Mayday, "So...where is he?"

"Where is who? Franklin?" Mayday asked. "He's not here yet."

"Aw, well when is he coming?" Flurry asked.

"I don't know, ask Uncle Johnny," Mayday asked.

"Come on, you should know where your boyfriend is," Flurry said.

"I can't keep track of..." Mayday's eyes widened. "BOYFRIEND!?"

"Mayday, inside voice!" Peter said.

"Flurry called Franklin my boyfriend though!" Mayday said.

"Aw, does wittle Mayday already have a boyfriend?" Bobby teased. "Is there another wedding in our future?"

"Put a lid on it!" Mayday shouted. "I don't have time for your crap!"

"Mayday, language," Peter said.

"For a really shy girl, she loves telling Bobby off," Remy said.

"Shows how familiar he is to her ah guess," Applejack said.

"Frankin's my friend, nothing more, nothing less," Mayday said. "I most certainly do not have feelings for-"

"Oh, hello Mr. and Mrs. Richards," Fluttershy greeted upon seeing the two. "And hello Franklin."

"Hi Miss Fluttershy, and everyone," Franklin greeted, then took note of one girl in particular. "Hi Mayday, you look really nice, your dress is very pretty."

Mayday couldn't help but stare at Franklin, between his gelled hair, his tux and most importantly, his eyes that sparkled to her. Her face was turning a small shade of red as she glanced at the boy before her.

"Uh...Mayday?" Franklin asked. "Hey, are you feeling sick, your face is red."

"Huh!?" Mayday quickly shook her head. "Uh no, you must be seeing things.

"I guess?" Franklin said, then reached into his pocket. "I got something for you." Franklin placed a white rose on her head. "I got you something. I was gonna get red because I thought it matched your pink streaks better, but Uncle Johnny was insisted that white would match the occasion."

"Oh wow...I love it," Mayday said, her face turning red again. Feeling herself getting flustered, she quickly moved the subject along. "Hey, lets go take a walk, I need some fresh air."

"Is that alright with your parents?" Franklin asked.

"You're good," Peter said.

"Great, let's go take a walk then," Franklin said, heading off with Mayday.

"Heh...once again, Franklin renders Mayday speechless," Flurry said. "First the wedding, now this. It's so obvious that Mayday has a crush on him."

"How do you like that Peter?" Johnny said. "Soon you and I will be in-laws."

"Let's not rush things, I mean they're only kids," Peter said. "But it does seem like Mayday likes him. Kind of worried, I thought I'd have a little more time before she started crushing on boys. She's growing up too fast."

"Sometimes time does fly by, Peter," Logan said. "But that won't mean yer daughter won't need you, especially in times like these. Just remember to be there fer her."

"Oh I definitely will," Peter said.

"Plus, it'd be totally great if those two hooked up," Johnny said. "Franklin's got some really neat powers after all, once he fully masters them, he'll do a bang up job at protecting Mayday. I mean he's always looking out for her now."

"Yeah...say Reed, Sue, how well does he control his powers now?" Peter asked.

"He's still learning but I have his abilities under control," Reed said.

"Yeah, Reed's been doing a great job so far, nothing to worry about," Johnny said.

"Not wrong there," Peter said.

"Plus, Franklin knows that with Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility," Johnny said, surprising Peter a bit. "He looks up to you, bud. Your mantra really helps out more than you think."

"That's so sweet," Twilight said. "Franklin's a nice boy and if Mayday is developing a crush, I'm glad it's on him."

"Speaking of crush though, what's with the white rose?" Peter asked.

"Lets just say that if Mayday ever reads up on flowers, she's in for a nice surprise," Johnny said.

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you even know," Susan said.

"Hey I read...sometimes," Johnny said.

"You can thank me for that," Rainbow Dash said. "Thanks to me, Johnny knows that books are awesome too."

"Eggheads," Bobby taunted.

Rainbow Dash glared at the ice user, "I will cream you."

While this was going on, a nearby Adagio was listening in on everything, keeping tabs on any info that might be dropped.

Peter felt a bit strange at the moment, almost sensing the presence of danger. "Hey, anyone get the feeling that-"

"Spider-Mane!" came the voice of Blueblood, the prince placing his foreleg around Peter. "So good to see you, my friend!"

"Oh, hey Prince Blueblood..." Peter said, nervously inching away. "Surprised to see you here. Actually no, that shouldn't be a surprise since you're a prince."

"Honestly I was tempted to skip out, but I just had to see a good friend of mine," Blueblood said, then took note of Cadance. "Ah, cousin, you've made it too."

"It's nice to see you, Blueblood," Cadance said.

"Hi Uncle Blueblood," Flurry greeted, getting the stallion's attention.

"Flurry, you cute little thing," Blueblood said, petting her head. "You look more and more like your mother each day, you will growing into a very beautiful princess."

"Aw, thanks," Flurry said.

Blueblood turned his attention to Twilight, "My fellow royalty, how goes your endeavors regarding that old school of yours?"

"It will come back soon, but it won't be the same this time around," Twilight said. "Less of a school, more recreation. Classes do exist, like art, music, dancing, even pottery, as well as religion taught by Kurt Wagner."

"Basically what the School of Friendship should be, without the grading," Peter said.

"I see, well I should hope your old students will be happy to return," Blueblood said.

"Well most, the problem is that there are no dorms this time around, at least not yet," Twilight said. "The Dorms were funded by the EEA, and since this isn't one of their schools per say, they won't fund much this time around. A lot of the rebuilding is my own personal investment."

"With help from Tony Stark, he left her plenty of bits to work with, as a way of apologizing for any inconvenience," Peter said.

"Tony did feel like it was his fault the school got shut down," Twilight said. "I don't fault him, I know it was an accident. Plus Peter did say that the school could be better."

"And it can be, plus Friendship can still be taught, just not in a classroom," Peter said. "And it's optional. Even without the dorms, ponies and creatures from all over can come by at their own leisure, it'd be like a vacation spot. Making friends at their own pace, plus learning a bit about Equestrian culture helps too."

"You are a wise stallion, Peter Parker," Blueblood said.

"Here's hoping some of those students finally stop hating Peter," Johnny said.

"Pardon, there are those who still dislike Peter?" Blueblood asked.

"Oh totally, like this one pony who said it's Peter's fault she doesn't have friends because the school shut down and she never had a chance to really learn," Johnny said. "This same girl was in the school for months and barely made friends. It wasn't Peter's fault that she was a literal wallflower. She just expected the school to magically give her friends or something."

"Ah, I see," Blueblood said. "The poor filly."

"Pfft, poor filly, like I said, she hates Peter," Johnny said. "She won't say it out loud but I can see her behavior, the way she casts glares, judging him in secret. Honestly a lot of ponies have been doing that lately, they don't want to speak up but they will show that they don't trust us, real pain in the ass."

"It all started with those nutjob students who gave Mayday that fright too," Bobby said. "Then a few wanted to whine because Peter called them out. Like, come on, at least own up to your mistake."

"Oh yes, I recall young Mayday having certain issues, especially with her sensitive hearing," Blueblood said. "Where is she by the way?"

"She's with her boyfriend," Johnny said.

"Not her boyfriend, not yet," Peter was quick to correct. "But she is with a friend of hers."

"Well as long as she's having fun, I know she isn't the most social girl but that's fine, everyone's different," Blueblood said. "Even I'm a bit different, and I'm perfectly fine with that. In fact, I pride myself on my uniqueness."

"That's a good thing to do," Peter said. "You're a cool guy, Blueblood."

"As are you," Blueblood said.

"You know, I'm surprised you two are even friends," Bobby said. "I thought you'd probably be too vain to like Peter there, Blueblood."

"I'm not surprised you would think that, I know you have a low opinion of me," Blueblood said.

"After how non-gentleman like you were to my wife years back," Bobby said, gesturing to Rarity. "I have good reason to be."

"Wasn't that ten years ago?" Peter said. "Like, Rarity, you've forgiven him right?"

"I have," Rarity said. "I still won't forget how I was treated."

"Seriously?" Peter said. "Forgiving someone is pointless if you won't give that someone a chance to change. Also Bobby, it's good to have Rarity's back but you shouldn't be mad for her. I mean are you still mad at Johnny after the two of you took different sides in the Accords conflict?"

"No way, we worked it out," Bobby said.

"Then work it out with Blueblood," Peter said. "Seriously, don't hold grudges, it's not worth it. Stuff like that could poison your mind, and I'd rather you guys not end up like certain enemies of mine, or even me on my worse days."

"Good point, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be like Victor Von Doom," Johnny said.

"Who is he?" Blueblood asked.

"Arch enemy of me and my family," Johnny said.

"He's also an old friend of mine, but an unfortunate situation drove us apart," Reed said.

"Is there any hope of you two one day salvaging your old friendship?" Twilight asked.

"It would be nice, but I fear the likelihood of that has unfavorable odds," Reed said.

"Hey if he's gonna freak out because my sister chose you then he's not a good friend," Johnny said.

"It's deeper than that Johnny," Reed said. "You know the story."

"I know the dude freaked out over the tiniest cut on his face then acted like you did something to permanently damage his looks," Johnny said. "Again, not worth your friendship."

"Wow, imagine being that much of a narcissist," Blueblood said, checking his reflection on a nearby glass to fix his mane, to the confusion of the others nearby.

"Peter! Twilight!" Came a familiar voice. Everyone turned to see Sunset Shimmer trotting over, not alone either.

"Sunset, you made it!" Peter said. "Oh, and you brought some friends."

Sunset turned to the group behind her, consisting of Ryu, Chris, Dante, Chun-Li, Strider, Spencer, Cloud and Tifa. "Sure did, I tried keeping it small."

"Well it's nice to see you all here, and all dressed up," Peter said. "Dante, that's a nice coat."

"It was my dad's," Dante said, the half demon having his hair gelled back for the occasion. "Had a bit of a fancy side to him."

"I can tell," Peter said.

"Mega Man should be here too, he's off with his sister Roll," Sunset explained.

"Yeah, I wouldn't call them brother and sister given how excited Roll was to be his date for this thing," Dante said.

"What even is their relationship?" Spencer wondered.

"It's complicated," Chun-Li said.

"Goku's also nearby, he went to find the food," Sunset said.

"Ugh, Goku's here too?" Twilight asked. "He's not gonna pick a fight with anyone, is he?"

"Give him some credit," Sunset said. "But yeah, that's pretty much it for us. Oh, and Doctor Strange came too because he wants to be sure that no incursions or anything happen. That one moment in Asgard really freaked him out. Not that I blame him."

"When did everyone even get here?" Peter asked. "I don't see them."

"We arrived a few minutes ago," Ryu said. "Celestia gave out a lot of invites, to show good faith."

"She likes us better than Luna does, that's for sure," Spencer said.

"All our years in Equestria, I don't think we've been to this type of party," Chun-Li said.

"It's top of the line, basically the party you want to be invited to," Twilight said.

"Fer the most part, it can be tricky getting accustomed to being around these..." Applejack tried thinking of a phrase. "What's the right word?"

"Elitists?" Bobby said.

"Snobs," Remy added.

"Upper crusts," Johnny chimed in.

"Right, it's hard being around that," Applejack said. "But it's still nice to hang out with friends."

"But, if it were up to me, I'd promote this thing from party ,to par-tay," Pinkie said. "Unfortunately I'm no longer allowed to mess with the music act."

"Bunch of jealous prudes," Wade said.

"Well moving on, who else is here?" Sunset asked. "Where's Mayday?"

"With her boyfriend," Johnny said.

"Dude! Stop saying that!" Peter shouted.

"Boyfriend?" Sunset asked. "She has a boyfriend?"

"No, he's just a friend," Peter again explained. "It's Franklin, Reed's and Susan's son."

"Oh, that nice little boy," Sunset said. "It's cute that he and Mayday have become such good friends. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if that friendship blossomed into romance."

"I won't deny that possibility," Peter said. "For now, it's not something that should have a lot of stock placed on it."

"It's happening uncle Peter," Flurry said. "I can sense these things, one day Mayday and Frankie will find true love with each other."

"Uh, sure Flurry," Peter said. "One day, but not today."

"It's understandable that you're a bit worried," Chun-Li said. "My father was a bit protective in my youth."

"So was mine, he was really cautious of Cloud," Tifa said.

"Why? I wasn't into you," Cloud said.

"Sure you weren't," Tifa teased, Cloud turning away in annoyance.

"Peter," came Luna's voice, the mare trotting over.

"Oh, hey Luna," Peter said.

"May I have a word with you?" Luna asked. "Just us?"

"Uh, sure," Peter turned to Twilight. "I'll be right back."

"Alright," Twilight said.

"It will not be long, enjoy your evening," Luna said, then glanced at the Capcom Warriors. "And try not to break anything."

"We'll do our best to resist our urges," Dante sarcastically responded as Luna left with Peter.

"Still hates us," Spencer said.

"We were rivals with Peter once, and she's very loyal to him," Ryu said.

"Yeah, but it was like five years ago, Peter's moved on, why can't she?" Dante asked.

"Why were you rivals with Spider-Mane exactly?" Luster Dawn asked.

"Come on Luster Dawn, you remember what I told you," Flurry said. "Marvel and Capcom were fierce rivals who ultimately settled their competitive sides with a tournament that Uncle Peter won. They've been rivaling for years."

"Since the days the X-Men participated in our Street Fights," Chun-Li said.

"We did take the rivalry too far, which is why Luna hates us," Chris said. "Hell we once sucker punched Peter just for the sake of it."

"That's mean," Luster Dawn said.

"We have a lot of regrets..." Chris sheepishly admitted. "Since then we've been hoping to make things right."

"None of us were ourselves, the shift in dimensions may have affected our personalities," Twilight said.

"Yes, Sunset's explained that theory," Chris said.

"I've noticed it myself, each time I enter a new world, my body feels like it's adjusting, and it becomes a bit stressful," Sunset said. "Even the warriors I summoned during Ragnarök admitted that they felt similar. Thankfully it was in the middle of a battle and they worked out whatever was in their system, but even others admitted to feeling tense after the battle."

"Yeah, like that War God with the beard," Dante said "He looked like he was ready to hurt someone, even long after the fight ended."

"Then he ended up being a very chill guy," Spencer said.

"So, you're not bad anymore though, right?" Luster Dawn asked.

"We were never bad in the first place but I we do respect Peter now," Dante said.

"Yeah, they're all nice now," Flurry said. "Capcom has cool warriors too, like that pony with the bat wings. Oh, and there's one really cool guy named Guile, if he were here, you'd like him."

"Oh, is he not here?" Luster Dawn asked, turning to the now awkward warriors.

"Yeah, where is he?" Flurry asked.

All the other ponies in the area could feel immediate tension, knowing full well what happened to Guile, along with many others.

"He...couldn't make it," Chun-Li fibbed. "Maybe another time."

"Aw, where is he? On a mission?" Flurry asked.

"Sure...lets go with that," Chun-Li said, earning a look of curiosity from Luster Dawn.

"Hey, Flurry, Luster, go see if you can find Mega Man," Twilight said.

"Alright," Flurry said, leading Luster Dawn away. "Wonder if he brought that taller version? I could have sworn I saw more."

As the two fillies left, Twilight turned to Chun-Li, "You know you're gonna have to tell her eventually."

"I know, I don't even know why it's so hard, not like she knew him well," Chun-Li said. "It's just that...even I'm still not over what happened to him, Cammy or any of our friends."

"Barret still blames himself for not being able to protect, Cid, Vincent or Yuffie," Tifa added.

"Jill still misses Carlos," Chris said. "Funny, you'd think by this point we'd be used to losing allies, considering I've lost many good friends in Raccoon City."

"But, experiencing losses prior doesn't make new ones easy," Chun-Li said. "No loss there made me forget about my father."

"Or my mother," Dante said.

"If Peter were here, he could tell you about loss," Twilight said. "But he'd also tell you that you have to try and be happy, because that's what your friends would want."

"Peter lost his uncle, right?" Chris asked.

"Yes, and his old girlfriend," Twilight said. "I will admit, I do feel like Peter himself holds in a lot of pain just to be strong. It worries me."

Logan's ears perked, not that he's surprised, he knows Peter struggles a lot more than he lets on.

"Peter seems like the type to shoulder too much on his own, and that is detrimental to his mental health," Ryu said. "It's like you said, he desires to be strong, likely since he's a superhero. But he's still only human."

"I tell him that but, it's not enough," Twilight said. "What do you do when you're feeling upset? Do you talk to anyone?"

"...I handle it my own way," Ryu said, briefly breaking eye contact. "You don't need to worry about me, focus on helping Peter, he needs it the most."

"Get him to pour his heart out," Chris said. "Really get deep in."

"Let him know not to be ashamed of his past mistakes, because it doesn't define who he is," Cloud said.

"If he needs to shed a few tears, let him, hell encourage him, it might go a long way," Dante said. "That's the best part about being human after all, freedom of emotion."

"We've been meaning to do some mental healing but Peter just keeps putting it off," Twilight said.

"Then be firm," Chun-Li said. "You gotta show a bit of tough love."

"She's right, we need to get to the bottom of this, Twilight," Logan said. "You don't want Peter living with regrets."

"If you don't want to outright force him, then ease him into it," Sunset suggested. "Play it by his level."

"That sounds great, and something each of us can stand to do," Applejack said.

"Huh? Why us? I don't have trauma," Bobby said.

"Bullshit," Logan said.

"But I don't need to talk about my feelings, I'm a man, not a woman," Bobby said.

"Wow, macho much?" Chun-Li teased.

"If I have issues, I'll settle it in a fight," Bobby said. "Just like any of you Capcom warriors would do, settle it like men."

Chun-Li raised her eyebrow, "Uh, that statement better not include me, I'm a woman after all."

"But his brash statement gives me a marvelous idea," Blueblood said. "How about a rematch from five years prior. Marvel vs Capcom."

"Uh, where are you going with this?" Logan asked.

"Just leave it to me, I'll get everything set up," Blueblood said, immediately departing, despite protests.

"Uh...well, looks like we're fighting again," Dante said. "I think."

"I didn't agree to this," Remy said.

"Same, but I'm not against it," Bobby said. "You know, I've gotten stronger since last time, this is the best chance to prove it. By kicking Capcom ass."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Iceman," Dante said. "You're tough but I doubt you'd last against any of us."

"Hey man, I'm freaking powerful when I want to be," Bobby said, generating some ice. "Like, you wouldn't believe the shit I can do nowadays, what I could do all along. I held back last time; this time I know you can take it."

"We've gotten stronger too," Chris said.

"Let's worry about that later and focus on the party," Sunset said. "Say, is Thor here? I'd like to see how he's been doing lately."

"He might have gotten an invite, I don't think he came yet," Twilight said. "We'll look for him later."

"So..." Rainbow Dash began. "Rematch huh? Think it'll be more than just the two worlds? I wouldn't mind getting in on the action myself."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Applejack said. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, fer now, let’s just focus on enjoying the party."

"Yeah, we do hardly have time to-" Chun-Li noticed Tender Taps next to her. "Can I help you?"

"I hear you're good with your hooves, and I'm quite good with mine," Tender Taps said, dancing a bit. "So, how about showing me your moves?"

"Sure, would you like my Kikoken? Or my Spinning Bird Kick?" Chun-Li asked, Strider smirking to himself.

"Uh...never mind," Tender Taps said, then turned to Sunset. "Hey how would you like..." He then felt Ryu's hardened gaze and immediately shifted toward Tifa, "Or maybe you-" Then it was Cloud gazing at him. "You know, I'm just gonna go."

Tender Taps ran out of there in a heartbeat, leaving Dante chuckling to himself, "I don't know Chun-Li, maybe you should have gone with that guy. You might have even gotten laid and with how uptight you are-"

Chun-Li immediately kicked Dante in the face, sending him flying off to the surprise of everyone present."

"Fool," Strider commented.

The Dazzlings were not the only villains at this party, a disguised Mysterio had also attended alongside a disguised Electro, an unmasked Shocker and a sneaky Cozy Glow.

"I can't believe you dragged me into this," Shocker lamented.

"This child really wanted to come, and I'd rather not have to babysit," Mysterio said.

"So I'm a babysitter now?" Shocker asked.

"Nopony's my babysitter," Cozy said, the girl checking her mirror to ensure the illusion machines were working. She now resembled an Earth Pony with light blue fur and blonde hair. "Gotta say though Becky, these machines work really well."

"Of course, they are a result of my genius," Mysterio said. "Also, do not call me 'Becky', that is a woman's name."

"Aw, but it's cute," Cozy Glow said.

"I am not, cute," Mysterio clarified. "Now spread out, and do not bring attention to yourselves. Some of these heroes can potentially see through our disguises, keep your distance."

"Yeah, yeah," Electro said.

"Sure thing, Becky," Cozy Glow said, making her leave.

"And stop calling me...ugh, damn child," Mysterio lamented.

"You get used to it," Shocker said, making his own leave.

Of on their own, Luna had begun speaking to Peter, "How are you feeling lately?"

"Me? Fine I guess," Peter said.

"What about your slumber?" Luna asked.

"My slumber?" Peter couldn't deny that he was having a terrible dream during the night, and he does remember hearing a familiar voice. "Ah, right, you can see into dreams."

"Yes, you were having such a fright," Luna said.

"It's just old memories, nothing I can't handle," Peter said. "You don't need to worry about me."

"Peter, it is my duty as Princess of The Night to ensure ponies enjoy a peaceful slumber," Luna said. "And you are my dearest friend, your plights are the ones I can ignore the least."

"There's other ponies who need your help Luna, I'll be fine," Peter said.

"I cannot accept that, I can make time for others, but your wellbeing is of the utmost importance," Luna said. "I just need you to allow me inside."

"Huh? Allow you?" Peter asked.

"Entering your dream was very difficult, and by the time I got close, you had already woken up," Luna said.

"Yeah, Twilight helped me out with that," Peter said. "She helped me out a lot afterwards."

"She certainly did," a now shy Luna recalled. "Just please be cautious."

"It'll be fine, Luna," Peter said. "Come on, why don't you join me and the family? Well, aside from Mayday but she's with a friend."

"A friend? That one who hated Twilight's school?" Luna asked.

"She didn't hate it..." Peter said. "Alright, she hated it but no, not that one. Franklin."

"Franklin!?" Luna excitedly stated. "Is she going to confess her love to him?"

"She's nine, she's too young to confess anything!" Peter insisted. "Geez, why is everyone all for those two getting together all of a sudden."

"Oh I've been hoping for that for years, personally," Luna said, much to Peter's confusion.

"Alright, really don't want people to start shipping my daughter, that's just uncomfortable," Peter said. "For now, let's just get moving."

Outside on the Balcony, Mayday and Franklin are gazing into the night sky, gazing at the stars and the moon.

"Amazing how many stars there are out there," Mayday said. "Such a big universe."

"Yeah, my universe is big too, and fun to explore," Franklin said.

"Your family goes to space in your world, right?" Mayday asked.

"That's how they got their powers," Franklin said.

"They're lucky, they can explore the cosmos and see so many amazing things," Mayday said. "Maybe one day, I can explore Equerstria's space, see what's out there. There might be aliens in another galaxy."

"Would they be pony like too? Or could they resemble other species?" Franklin wondered.

"The possibilities are exciting," Mayday said. "Who knows, maybe those worlds have tech that far exceeds ours."

"Say...Celestia can raise the sun, right?" Franklin said.

"Yeah, she does it every day," Mayday said.

"Since the sun is a star, does that mean Celestia can maneuver those other stars too?" Franklin asked.

"...Wow, that's a good question," Mayday said. "I mean theoretically, it should be possible, though it could depend on the mass."

"Think those other planets have beings that raise the sun and moon?" Franklin wondered. "I still don't fully understand this world's astronomy, but it seems dependent on the Princesses to raise the sun and moon. Without them, this world could be affected by too much sunlight or too much darkness."

"Really makes the princesses' jobs important," Mayday said. "Celestia wants my mom to take her place, that means mom has to remember to raise the sun each day."

"What about the night?" Franklin asked.

"Aunt Luna would still be in charge," Mayday said. "They would work together and keep balance."

"If your mom became Princess of Equestria, does that mean you'd live in this castle?" Franklin asked.

"Yeah, probably," Mayday said. "I can probably even build a bigger lab, and have more resources at my disposal."

"Would you miss Ponyville?" Franklin asked.

"I mean, kind of," Mayday said. "It would be a bummer to not see my aunts and uncles, but they can visit."

"What about Luster Dawn? It might be harder for her to visit," Franklin said. "I mean, she's not an adult who can come to Canterlot whenever she wants."

"Oh, right," Mayday said. "I would hate it if I couldn't see her. She's the only filly in town I don't dislike. She's one of the few ponies who actually get me. But, honestly I wouldn't mind leaving Ponyville, the ponies there really aren't nice, despite how kind they act."

"Is this related to those students from the school?" Franklin asked.

"Yeah...bunch of snobs those students are," Mayday said. "What exactly did they learn at my mom's school? A lot of them are still mean, the school even started turning into a popularity contest. It didn't teach harmony, just hierarchies. If you had a lot of friends, you were considered the best student. Too little friends, and you were considered an outcast. That's why Luster Dawn hated the school, she saw right through the flaws. I'm glad it shut down, no more poison spread through town. The icing on the cake was seeing my daddy chew those hypocrites out for their lousy behavior."

"What about those six students?" Franklin asked. "Your mom's favorites. They're still at peace with you, right?"

"Yeah, Ocellus and Silverstream are at least," Mayday said. "Smolder keeps to herself, but I respect that. I don't talk to the others much, but one of them did mouth off at my dad recently."

"That bird guy?" Franklin asked.

"I wonder who hurt him in life that he's always so mean?" Mayday asked. "He's mean to daddy, and he's mean to Rumble. He says Rumble started it but it's hard to feel bad for a guy who just doesn't like anyone, aside from the few he hangs out with."

"The irony is that he seems to look down on you and Luster Dawn for your anti-social behavior, yet he doesn't exactly make new friends," Franklin said. "How many ponies at your mom's school even genuinely tried to make new friends? How many friendships even lasted after the school fell apart?"

"All the more reason that school was a sham," Mayday said. "It's coming back soon, just without the bogus lessons. Maybe my mom can finally understand what daddy's been trying to explain to her. But even now she still doesn't fully get me. My own mother looks at me like she failed me. Just because I don't have a million friends. She doesn't even ask what makes me happy, she just does what Princess Celestia tells her too. At least that's what daddy says. My mom's really smart, she shouldn't have to put up with dumb ideas. But it feels like she's under the most social pressure of all. I hope my daddy can snap her out of it one day."

"Uncle Johnny can help," Franklin said. "If anyone knows about fake friends, it's him. Your dad is the type of guy who knows the value of friends."

"Quality over quantity," Mayday said. "It makes him happy, and me too. If you and Luster Dawn are my only friends, then that's fine. If I didn't have either of you, well I guess I'd just be alone, because you two are irreplaceable."

"So are you," Franklin said, gently stroking her mane. "There will never be another you, and that's what makes you special to me."

Mayday blushed again, feeling strange but happy inside. "Thanks, Frankie."

She leaned in and quickly kissed him on the cheek, shyly turning away, Franklin doing the same, both with red on their face.

Observing the two was the dancing pony, Tender Taps. "Even foals are having better luck than me."

Meanwhile Cozy Glow was walking by, frantically trying to find a certain someone, "Come on Sandy, where are you?"

"Ahem," Tender Taps said, getting her attention. "My lovely lady, would you do me the honor of-"

"Take a hike," Cozy Glow said, moving on with her search.

"Wow, alright then," Tender Taps made his leave.

Meanwhile Sugar Belle was seen at the party alongside one of her friends from her village, "Thanks for coming with me, Double Diamond. Sure wish Night Glider and Party Favor could come too."

"It's cool," Double Diamond said. "Maybe they'll come next time."

"I hope so," Sugar Belle said. "One year has come and gone, and I still feel awkward around Night Glider. I mean, I thought we all made peace after what happened."

"It's confusing, isn't it?" Double Diamond said. "But it's not too bad, is it?"

"Sure feels bad," Sugar Belle said. "I wish I never considered joining The Accords."

"Hey think of it this way, if it weren't for The Accords, you never would have befriended The Apples," Double Diamond said. "You're practically family to them now."

"Yeah, it is nice," Sugar Belle said. "But I still feel like I made a mistake somewhere along the line."

"We all made mistakes, that's life," Double Diamond said, then spotted some familiar faces. "Check it out, it's the Princess, and some old friends."

Sugar Belle looked ahead to spot Celestia alongside Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and her crush, Bucky Barnes. "Oh, I didn't know he would be here too!"

"You mean Bucky, right?" Double Diamond asked. "Weren't you two dating?"

"It's complicated," Sugar Belle said. "Anytime we're alone, I just feel nervous and he seems just as bad."

"Well maybe today will be better," Double Diamond said. "It's a big Gala, you can be alone but with others so to speak."

"Oh...I don't know if I'm ready this time though," Sugar Belle said.

Meanwhile, Sam gestured to Bucky, "Aren't those two of the ponies you used to train?"

"Huh?" Bucky turned to Double Diamond and Sugar Belle. "Oh, hello you two!"

"Sup Bucky!" Double Diamond said, then turned to Sugar Belle. "Say 'hi', this is your chance."

"H-hi Bucky..." Sugar Belle waved.

Before more dialogue could continue, a few rich ponies led by Fancy Pants had gotten their attention. Bucky had tried to maneuver out of the conversation but noticed that Sugar Belle was gone, even Double Diamond, who was just standing next to her seemed confused.

"I'll go find her," Double Diamond said, trotting off, leaving Bucky confused.

"Things just don't go smoothly with me and Sugar Belle," Bucky said.

"Suck at romance?" Sam asked, annoying Bucky.

"Didn't ask for your input," Bucky warned.

"Look, she clearly likes you and you do talk about her a lot, just go do something," Sam said.

"I...don't know, I mean she's great but I don't think I'm a match for her," Bucky said.

"You won't know unless you try," Sam said. "You can be just like Cap and Celestia here, except you don't want to leave those two alone."

"I heard that," Steve said.

"You know it's true, Cap," Sam teased.

Bucky thought it over a bit, focusing back toward Sugar Belle, "If only it were that easy."

Double Diamond ran until he spotted Sugar Belle hiding behind a pillar, "Seriously? You talk non-stop about wanting a chance with him, and when it arrives, you run?"

"I wasn't really prepared," Sugar Belle said. "Everything I wanted to tell him just left my brain and I panicked."

"Sugar Belle, you gotta be braver than this," Double Diamond said.

"Well what about you? I mean, don't you like Starlight? You don't talk to her," Sugar Belle said.

"Things are complicated with that, plus I think she likes someone else and I don't want to get in the middle," Double Diamond said. "Just focus on your chance with Bucky."

"I...I really can't," Sugar Belle said.

Double Diamond looked worried, not sure how to help his friend when he spotted someone. "Can I help you?"

Sugar Belle turned to see that Tender Taps had just arrived, "Hi, I noticed you were looking sad and lonely, and I was wondering if you would be my date tonight."

"Oh, um...I'm really flattered," Sugar Belle said. "But sorry, I'm not in a dating mood tonight."

Tender Taps sighed in frustration, "I am not having luck tonight."

"Keep trying, you'll find someone," Sugar Belle said.

"Hope so," Tender Taps said, making his leave.

"Almost feel bad for him," Double Diamond said. "Anyway Sugar Belle, we need to get you back to Bucky. Just believe in yourself."

"I'll...do my best," Sugar Belle said, following Double Diamond.

Spike and Janet were both seen chatting with Ember and Thorax, the two Royalty having received an invitation to the party as well. They were both joined by Scott Lang, who had brought his young daughter as a guest.

"You know, when I imagined a party for ponies, I thought it'd be more sparkly and stuff," Cassie said. "With pretty music and fairy dust."

"You would think that, but it's just a bunch of upper crust ponies who probably think they're better than everyone," Scott said. "Looks like a party that Tony Stark would host."

"Tempted to agree with the ant guy here," Ember said. "Now I can see why I avoided this place for years."

"Come on Ember, it doesn't hurt to try and have a little fun," Thorax said.

"Fun is smashing boulders and diving head first into lava off a giant cliff, not prancing around all dainty like," Ember said.

"No one's prancing dainty like," Spike said. "I admit the Gala can be slow but sometimes fun things happen. I mean, you should have seen what happened the first time Twilight and her friends came here. Fluttershy accidentally caused an animal stampede, Pinkie Pie took over the music and things went crazy, and Rarity got food all over Prince Blueblood."

"So you're saying something exciting could still happen?" Ember asked.

"Just give it a chance, and if not well, that's life," Janet said. "Things won't always be zany."

"Hey at the very least, I enjoy any chance I get to come here, because I get to come here with my wife," Spike said.

"Aw, you flatter me," Janet said, rubbing his head. "You've brought me five years of happiness Spike, and I really appreciate that."

"I still find it interesting that you two got together," Ember said. "And yes, I've heard the story about it many times but, what's gonna happen once Spike grows?"

"Grows?" Janet asked.

"Oh yeah, he's a dragon, they grow big," Thorax said.

"Honestly Spike should be a little bigger than he is right now," Ember said.

"Twilight did point that out, her theory is that me living in Ponyville and my exposure to pony magic is affecting me somehow," Spike said.

"How is that possible?" Ember asked.

"I don't know, like I said, it's Twilight's theory, she hasn't found concrete evidence to support that claim," Spike said. "Honestly I'm fine being small, it'd be hard to show love to my wife if I'm the size of a castle."

"Maybe not, I mean worse comes to worse, I can lend you some Pym technology," Scott said. "You can shrink down anytime you want to be close to Janet."

"I wonder how Hank is?" Janet said, thinking back to her first husband. "I haven't seen him since the conflict with The Accords."

"He's probably fine, but maybe you can go visit him sometime," Scott said. "You have the time, don't you?"

"Honestly it's hard to make the time, I do have to watch over Hope," Janet said.

"You should go see him, I mean Peter and Twilight can watch Hope, or even Aunt May," Spike said.

"Maybe, but I haven't been to Earth in forever and even if I see Hank I wouldn't even know what to say to him," Janet said.

"Just start small, you're good at breaking the ice," Spike said. "Plus, I don't think you two ever really settled your own conflict, and I can see how much it nags at you."

"Heh, you know me well," Janet said. "I suppose I should try to make contact."

"That would be great," Spike said.

"I can be there to help you out too," Scott said.

"Thanks boys," Janet said, then noticed an oncoming Tender Taps. "Hey it’s that dancing pony."

"Hello, any chance one of you ladies want to be my date?" Tender Taps greeted.

"Wow straight to the point," Janet said. "Unfortunately for you, I'm a married mare."

"I'm plain not interested," Ember said.

"I'm single," Cassie said.

"You're also a preteen," Scott said, much to Cassie's annoyance as he then turned to Tender Taps. "I see some single mares over there, go try them."

"Sure, thanks," Tender Taps said, trotting off yet again.

"Really wanted to date a pony," Cassie said.

"Cassie, you got plenty of time to date, don't rush it," Scott said. "Otherwise you'll end up like me."

"You're fine, so you got divorced, you're still friends with your ex-wife and you have a great relationship with your daughter," Janet said.

"Well I'd rather Cassie have that without the divorce part," Scott said. "A parent wants better for their child."

"Sounds like great parenting," Thorax said.

Nearby Laura was chatting with Lightning Dust and Thunderlane, "So...Thunder, finally got yourself a sister-in-law."

"Yeah, weird that I'm an indirect member of The Apple Family," Thunderlane said. "Nice group though, Rumble chose well when he went with Apple Bloom."

"He's so happy, really proud of the kid," Lightning Dust said.

"They do go well together, they have one cute baby too," Laura said. "What about you two? Gonna tie the knot?"

"Well I am focused on my career right now but I wouldn't mind making it official sooner or later," Lightning Dust said. "Who knows, might even grow our family, give Felicity a little brother or sister."

"I wouldn't mind being a dad again," Thunderlane said. "Especially with a mare who won't ditch me after the baby is born."

"You'd think giving birth to a kid would form an instant bond, but you ended up raising her by yourself while Black Cat didn't do shit to help," Laura said.

"Well she tried but she's just not good at being a mother," Thunderlane said. "I do want Felicity to have a bond with her though, I feel like she should be close to her birth mother."

"What for? Lightning Dust has been more of a mother to her this last year than Black Cat the last three years," Laura said.

"She actually called me 'mama' the other day, it was really cute," Lightning Dust said.

"Dust is a great mother for Felicity but, it just feels odd for Felicia to not be in her life," Thunderlane said. "She's still family."

"Why? Because she's related by blood?" Laura asked. "That doesn't mean shit Thunder. Just because someone's blood doesn't mean they’re family. I have a brother that I freaking hate, hell I used to hate Logan. I'm cool with him nowadays but blood relation doesn't mean a damn thing if nothing comes of it. I feel more attached to Fluttershy than Logan, and Fluttershy isn't even my birth mother."

"Is your birth mother around by any chance?" Thunderlane asked.

"I'd...rather not get into that, my life has not been pleasant," Laura said, Thunderlane grimacing from that. "There were times that I wished I was dead. Thankfully I got Fluttershy in my life, then a little sister, and a best friend in Lightning Dust, so I'm good with life."

"That's a relief..." Thunderlane said. "Still, that's a big reason why I want Felicity to have a healthy relationship with her birth mother."

"She doesn't need Black Cat, she just needs you and Dust," Laura said. "Give her that and she's fine, don't make things complicated."

Lightning Dust grew worried at how personal things seemed to be getting, when she noticed a new face, "Tender Taps?"

"Huh?" Laura turned to face the nervous stallion.

"Hey Laura, I saw you were here, without a date, and I was wondering if you'd like to fix that," Tender Taps said.

"Appreciate the offer, but I don't think you can handle dating me, I come with a lot of emotional baggage and I'm not comfortable dumping that on a guy like you," Laura said.

"Hey come on, he's cute, you should give him a chance," Lightning Dust said.

"He is cute but...I'm just not ready," Laura said. "You need to look elsewhere."

"Wow it's hard getting a date," Tender Taps said.

"I've been there, it gets better," Thunderlane said. "Even if you don't get anyone tonight, there's always the future."

"Plus, anyone who said 'no' might give you another chance later," Lightning Dust said. "For now, don't give up."

"Night's still young I guess," Tender Taps said, then trotted off.

"You should have totally gone with him, bet he's great in bed," Lightning Dust said.

"...Aw dammit, you're right, I could have gotten laid," Laura said.

"That's a bit of a shallow reason to date someone," Thunderlane said.

"Have you two done it at any point?" Laura asked.

"Oh yeah, totally," Lightning Dust said, much to Thunderlane's embarrassment. "You would not believe his stamina; we don't sleep much those nights."

"Why? Why would you tell her?" Thunderlane asked.

"Honestly I kind of already knew, I can smell it on you," Laura said. "You did it before you came here."

"Good nose," Lightning Dust said. "Hey Thunder, wanna find a room and do it again?"

"Don't say that in front of Laura!" Thunderlane said.

"It's cool with me," Laura said. "Hey, any chance I can join in?"

"Oh, can she?" Lightning Dust asked. "We can make it really entertaining for you."

Thunderlane was at a loss for words and began to weigh the morality of the situation. "Let's...just focus on the Gala for now."

"Fine by me," Lightning Dust said.

"Same here, handsome," Laura said, grinning at a now nervous Thunderlane.

Meanwhile Starlight and Trixie were still chatting by the punch table, the latter focusing a lot on the snacks.

"Uh, Trixie, kind of moving fast on the chips there," Starlight said.

"It's fine, I can handle it," Trixie said, taking a few munches. "So, enjoying the Gala?"

"So far, though parties like these do feel a bit overhyped, there isn't much to do," Staright said.

"Well you can mingle with others," Trixie said.

"I'm not good at mingling though, I get so awkward," Starlight said.

"Haven't learned much at Twilight's school?" Trixie asked. "Or from Twilight herself?"

"It's not that, I mean...it's really hard finding an ice breaker," Starlight said. "I can talk to with others, I hit it off with Maud Pie pretty well."

"Oh right, shame she couldn't come," Trixie said. "Rock convention."

"Peter thought for a moment it was a rock and roll thing," Starlight said, chuckling a bit. "He makes me laugh at times."

"You actually enjoy his sense of humor?" Trixie asked. "I thought Autumn Blaze was the only one."

"Peter's weird sometimes, but so am I, so I feel connected to him," Starlight said. "Honestly I learn a lot from him in different ways. He's always positive, he cares about other people, he puts the needs of others before him, gotta like that in a guy."

"His selfless nature has been of help," Trixie said.

"He willingly fought to bring an end to the Accords, even going against his own mentor, Tony Stark," Starlight said. "Those Accords nearly tore this world apart, something I myself could have done with Loki if it wasn't for Peter's kindness."

"True, your Accords were similar to your old village's rules," Trixie said. "No freedom, just everything done your way."

"Wow, that's a blunt way to put it," Starlight said. "But you're not wrong. I owe so much to Peter, and I would always stand by him for that."

"Seems like you learned more about Friendship from Peter than from Twilight," Trixie said.

"Twilight's great too but I just like Peter's ideals," Starlight said. "I mean, and I never told anyone this but, I secretly agreed with how he felt about the school. It didn't seem like it taught true Friendship, just that more is better. The ponies' friendships just came across as a bit superficial. Sad to say that if Peter hadn't pointed it out, I don't think I would have known, even though it makes sense from a personal standpoint."

"Personal huh?" Trixie asked.

"Even when I took over that village, all of those ponies did not make up for the one friend I lost contact with," Starlight said. "When Peter reunited us, I felt at whole again, but ashamed. It's ironic, now I feel silly about facing him at times because of my mistakes."

"You still talk to him though," Trixie said.

"Yeah, I mean he's busy a lot so I can't spend a lot of time with him but I'm happy I made peace, I just hope I could fully come to terms with my mistakes," Starlight said. "But Peter's there to help me at least."

"Peter himself has old friends he hasn't seen in a while himself," Trixie said. "He seems to put off seeing them, probably because he feels just as silly as you do."

"That could be my way to make it up to him then," Starlight said. "I can find them and bring them here."

"Twilight's tried that, she doesn't know where they are," Trixie said. "For all she knows, they moved out of New York."

"I have to try," Starlight said. "I owe it to Peter after all."

"Well, if you're gonna do this, I'll help," Trixie said. "But I doubt we'd have any better luck than Twilight did."

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Starlight said.

"You're quite determined," Trixie said, then took notice of Tender Taps. "Oh, it's you."

"Hi, sorry to bother you but um...I was wondering if either of you ladies were interested in a date tonight?" Tender Taps asked.

"How old are you?" Trixie asked.

"Me? I'm nineteen, why?" Tender Taps asked.

"Eh, you might be too young for me," Trixie said. "Go find someone your own age."

"Age doesn't bother me, I mean I know you're close to your forties but I still think you're pretty," Tender Taps said.

"Well, I'm glad you think I'm pretty, but I am nowhere near my forties," Trixie said, her eye slightly twitching.

"Uh...sorry, I guess I got confused, you did seem so much older when I was a foal," Tender Taps said.

"...You need to go," Trixie said.

"Can I at least ask Starlight?" Tender Taps asked.

"No! Go!" Trixie shouted, scaring Tender Taps off.

"That was really mean Trixie, I know he said it weirdly but he found you attractive and was willing to date you," Starlight said.

"Honestly, being attracted to me is not enough, I want someone to like me for my personality, not my looks," Trixie said. "I hate to say it, but my looks will not stay the same years from now, and a young stallion like that probably won't want to be with an older looking mare when he's so young and handsome."

"He is very handsome, if I weren't too nervous dating, I might have let him ask me out," Starlight said.

"We'll find romance elsewhere," Trixie said. "And if not, well I have no regrets."

"I hope I won't," Starlight said.

Tender Taps kept going until he ran into a familiar Pegasus, "Oh hey, Scootaloo, want to be my date tonight?"

"Sorry, but I'm not really ready for a date," Scootaloo said, making her leave. "Appreciate the thought though."

"Well so much for her," Tender Taps looked around the Gala, hoping to find someone to date when he came across a familiar filly, "Perfect."

The filly who caught his eye was Sweetie Belle, who was seen chatting with Smolder, the latter seeming kind of bored.

"I still don't get what's so great about this thing," Smolder said. "It's kind of boring."

"It's not that bad, plus it's a great social thing," Sweetie Belle said. "Plus you like settings like these, with the excuse to dress pretty."

"Please don't say that out loud," Smolder said. "Anyway, let’s say I did enjoy that stuff, I'd still like to do something somewhat entertaining."

"We can, there should be stuff to do," Sweetie Belle said.

"Ahem, excuse me," Tender Taps said, getting their attention. "Sweetie Belle, I couldn't help but notice you from afar and I wanted to know if you'd be willing to be my date for tonight."

"Oh...well," Sweetie Belle began to blush. "I actually wouldn't mind but...I am here with a friend."

"A friend?" Tender Taps took notice of Smolder. "Oh wow, you look really pretty."

"Didn't ask your opinion," Smolder said.

"Come on, he's just being nice," Sweetie Belle said. "Actually, maybe you should take Smolder on that date, it'd probably mean more to her."

"Huh!?" Smolder shouted. "Hey don't just set me up on a date! Besides he asked you, not me."

"I mean, I don't mind dating you," Tender Taps said. "You're both pretty, if I could I'd take you both."

"You're daring," Sweetie Belle said. "Still, you'd have a better time with Smolder than me."

"No, you're better with Sweetie Belle," Smolder said.

"But you're prettier," Sweetie Belle said.

"Me!? You're a unicorn! You're born pretty," Smolder said.

"But you're strong too, that's an attractive quality," Sweetie Belle said.

"You're kind, much more appealing," Smolder said.

"Uh, what's going on?" Came Diamond Tiara's voice as she trotted over.

"They're both trying to figure out who's a better date for me," Tender Taps said.

"Oh, allow me to fix that," Diamond Tiara said, grabbing the boy by his foreleg. "You can date me instead."

"Uh...that's great actually," Tender Taps said, facing the two girls. "I'll catch you both later then."

"Have fun," Sweetie Belle said.

"You just lost a chance for a date," Smolder said.

"Yeah, but I'm happy spending this evening with you," Sweetie Belle said, nuzzling against Smolder. "Spending the evening with a friend is just as nice."

"Yeah, I guess," a now shy Smolder said. "Appreciate you sticking by me."

"Of course, you're my dear sweet, Smoldey-Woldey," Sweetie Belle teased.

"Don't call me that," Smolder said.

"Yo! Grand Galloping Gala!" Vinyl Scratch said, getting everyone's attention. "Slow dance is coming up, find your date and get on the dancefloor!"

"Vinyl, I told you to be a bit more formal when speaking to everyone!" Octavia warned.

"It's all good, Tavi," Vinyl said, putting on a record. "To all of you with that special pony in your life, the dance floor is all yours."

"A slow dance!" Sweetie Belle shouted in glee then remembered something. "Aw, but I don't have a date."

"Neither do I, so my suggestion, lets ditch the party for now and come back when it gets good again," Smolder suggested.

"Wait, where would we go?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I think I saw Big Macintosh and Cheerilee running a stand outside, let’s go hang out there," Smolder said.

"Fine by me," Sweetie Belle said, following Smolder outside.

"Huh, slow dance time," Peter said. "Better go find Twilight."

"Right, of course," Luna said. "Go and be with her then, I should return to my own business."

"Catch you later, Luna," Peter said, trotting off to find Twilight, leaving the mare a bit dejected.

"Twilight Sparkle is a lucky mare..." Luna sighed in frustration. "If only I had confessed sooner. All these years and I still regret missing my chance. My one chance at happiness."

"Slow dance!" Apple Bloom said. "Let’s go Rumble."

"Eh, I'm not sure if that's my style," Rumble said.

"Come on, do it fer me, yer lovely wife," Apple Bloom said, nuzzling against his cheek. "It would make me so happy to be on the dance floor with ya."

"Sure, use your adorableness to your advantage," Rumble teased. "Anything for you though."

"Great, lets go," Apple Bloom said, leading Rumble into the dancefloor.

Coming in from the sides were Sandbar and Ocellus, the two trotting toward the dancefloor with the others.

"This is going to be so romantic," Ocellus said.

"Don't get your hopes up, I am not the best dancer," Sandbar said.

"Just do your best, that's all I want," Ocellus said. "All that matters out there is us."

While the ponies were enjoying their dance, Cozy Glow was attempting to navigate through the crowd to find whom she considers her true love.

"Where are you Sandy..." Cozy Glow said, doing her best not to draw attention to herself.

The filly unknowingly passed by Peter and Twilight, the couple enjoying their little moment together.

"Reminds me of the first time we danced together," Twilight said.

"Ten years ago," Peter said. "Somehow, it still feels like yesterday."

"Did you think we would have been together?" Twilight asked.

"It never crossed my mind, not because of you but because of me," Peter said.

"Yeah, you were going through a lot, I just hope that I was able to help mend the pain a little," Twilight said.

"You did, or at least I appreciated the effort," Peter said. "And hey, it was a steppingstone toward our marriage, so great things came out of that dance."

"Ten years ago, my friends were all hoping we'd end up together, the ones who weren't crushing on you that is," Twilight teased, then looked around herself and Peter. "And now they're all enjoying their night together."

Peter looked around himself, seeing all of his superhero buddies dancing with the mares of their dreams. Some handled it well like Remy and Logan, the latter looking a bit embarrassed but willing to put it aside for his wife. Others like Wade and Bobby looked awkward, though Pinkie was just as awkward as her own husband.

Then there was Johnny and Rainbow Dash, the two did not seem to understand slow, if anything they seemed to be doing the tango, much to the annoyance of a few nearby couples.

"Guess all your friends found their perfect match from my world," Peter said. "Even Spike ended up with Janet."

"That took me by surprise for sure," Peter said. "Spike landed a woman who's not only much older but one who's already been married."

"Janet's a good lady, so I'm glad she makes Spike happy," Twilight said.

"Wow, different attitude than the first time around," Peter joked.

"Well she needed to grow on me," Twilight said. "Thankfully she did."

"It's nice that you're such a protective older sister," Peter said. "Translated well into being a mother."

"It helps having a great husband," Twilight said, bringing Peter in for a kiss. "Thank you for always being there for me."

Nearby Rumble and Apple Bloom were dancing themselves, for them it was almost as special as their wedding dance, just because they were with each other. Being in a Canterlot Castle really brought out a Fairy Tale aesthetic for the two, both felt like a Prince and Princess, and in a way, that's how they saw each other.

"Feels like a set up for what our Honeymoon will be like," Rumble said.

"Everyday is a Honeymoon with you, Sugar Pie," Apple Bloom said.

"Got that right," Rumble said, twirling Apple Bloom for a second and then pulling her in close. "It still feels like a dream that we got married."

"Ah know the feeling," Apple Bloom said, nuzzling her muzzle against his. "Even as a filly ah never expected the day to come."

"For a while being a Wonderbolt was my top dream, and I cherish the day that I got accepted into The Academy," Rumble said. "It was bitter at first because I got paired with Silverstream, but now she's my best friend, which made it even more special that I got in. The only things that surpass my excitement for that day are the birth of our son and being married to you."

"Marrying you and being a mama are my greatest accomplishments too," Apple Bloom said. "Ah dare say it surpasses getting mah Cutie Mark."

"Wow, that's big coming from you," Rumble said. "You were already special Apple Bloom, you did not need a mark to prove that. But I'm happy you achieved that goal, you deserved it. Hard work pays off, something you and I both learned from Peter."

"Thanks mah sweet," Apple Bloom said, bringing her husband in for a kiss.

Flurry Heart noticed nearby, the filly once again feeling the emotion of their wedding day. To her, weddings signify true love and unity, and she hoped that this love, like many others, would last forever.

"~Love is in Bloom...a Beautiful Bride, a Handsome Groom...Two Hearts, becoming one...A bond that cannot be undone~" Flurry's magic emanated from her horn, as if channeling all the love in the room. "~Love's...in...Bloom...a Beautiful Bride, a Handsome Groom. I said Love's in Bloom...You're starting a life and making room for us~"

A nearby Luster Dawn admired Flurry Heart, sparkles emanating in her eyes, "She's got such a pretty voice."

Flurry continued singing to herself, unknowingly bring about happy feelings in many of the couples, a smile to Logan's face, slowing down Johnny and Rainbow Dash to just enjoy each other's company, bringing confidence in for Wade and Bobby, bringing out Applejack's sentimentality.

Many other couples benefitted, from Soain and Spitfire, to Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis, to Doctor Hooves and Derpy, Lyra and Bon Bon, even Steve and Celestia started to feel special next to one another, something Bucky noticed and inched away to give the two some privacy.

Reed managed to spend some time with Susan, time he wishes he could give more of, and is thankful to have such an understanding wife. Shining Armor danced with his wife, Cadance herself sensing the magic emanating from her daughter, and quite proud of how far she's come, the living proof of her love for her husband.

Mayday could almost feel it outside, the girl happily glancing at Franklin, feeling emotions normally foreign to her, she could not understand them but she wanted to cherish them, and wanted Franklin to be part of that.

Sunset herself felt this, she may not have been slow dancing but she did feel special admiration for the martial artist beside her.

"Kind of wish Jill were here," Chris said.

Dante checked the time, "Oh right, I had to go meet Nero for something. Hey, Sunset..."

Nearby Strider himself seemed to have something on his mind. "I can never do well in places like these."

"What's with you?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing, just a strange urge," Strider said.

"Is it the romance?" Spencer asked. "I get it, we're tough guys, romance isn't seen as common for us. But, that doesn't mean we can't experience it, like I did with Emily."

"I am long lived, romance is pointless," Strider said.

"That doesn't mean you can't try, and I know you've had your eye on a certain girl," Spencer said. "Wolverine is long lived too, and he found someone, no reason you can't."

Strider briefly glanced at Chun-Li, the ninja shaking his head. "I just can't see it working."

"Hey man, you do you," Spencer said.

Seconds later, a portal reopened, a new person stepped through and greeted Chris, "Hey."

Chris turned to see his wife, "Jill? When did you get here?"

"Dante told me you were feeling lonely," Jill said. "So he asked Sunset to bring me here, he'll hold down the fort at home."

"But he said..." Chris's eyes widened as he slowly grinned. "That sneaky devil."

"Half at least," Jill joked. "So, want to show me your moves?"

"I'll do my best," Chris said.

"All I want," Jill replied.

At a nearby table, Goku was still helping himself to some food, though seemed to finally be at his limit, "Man, I'm stuffed. Equestria has some really great food."

"Goku!" Strange said, getting his attention. "Tell me you did not eat this entire buffet table by yourself."

"Oh did I? Sorry, I really got hungry," Goku said.

"I asked you to pace yourself when you did," Strange said. "Last thing you want are the Princesses mad at you."

While the two seemed to argue, a nearby Shocker had gotten a glimpse of them, "It's that Saiyan, and Doctor Strange. Wow, they really are chummy with the residents of this world, kind of worrying."

Goku slowly turned to Herman's direction, the villain quickly making his leave.

"What's wrong?" Strange asked.

"For some reason, I thought someone was looking our way," Goku said.

"Come to think of it, I had that feeling too," Strange said, feeling suspicious. "I can't help but shake the feeling that something bad could happen."

Also nearby, Mega Man was taking a break from the dancing, he felt weird doing the slow dance with what was technically his sister, though she may not see it that way.

"This is too weird for me," Mega Man then noticed a ring portal beside him. "Sonic?"

"Oh, you are here," Sonic said, stepping through. "I went to your world, but Proto Man said you were at a party in Equestria."

"Yeah, a fancy party with slow dancing," Mega Man said. "Not a fan of it."

"Hey nothing wrong with taking things slow once in a while," Sonic said.

"Fine, then how about we call Amy and you can slow dance with her out there then," Mega Man teased.

Sonic awkwardly rubbed his head, "Dude, not funny."

"Anyway, is there a reason you're here?" Mega Man asked.

"Tails has been trying to track Eggman and Wily, but he doesn't have the tech that Capcom does to really pull it off," Sonic said. "He's been trying to build it, even using Chaos Emeralds to help with the power. He doesn't have any advanced tech to really know for sure."

"Doesn't it exist in other dimensions?" Mega Man asked. "Like, have you tried asking Sally Acorn?"

"We brought her over too, she seems just as confused," Sonic said. "Maybe this is something both my world and yours should figure out before anyone gets hurt. Sunset Shimmer might be able to help too."

"I'll run this by Chun-Li, right now she's busy trying to track down some other villains, including Loki," Mega Man said. "But there might be room for Eggman and Wily."

While the two conversed, Electro had been listening in, raising his eyebrow, "What could be going on there? Who are Eggman and Wily?"

Cozy Glow continued her search for Sandbar, becoming increasingly frustrated with each failure. "I gotta find him." As she continued, she saw what may have looked like him in the distance, "There he is! Sandy!"

Sandbar and Ocellus were indeed dancing with one another, the latter seemingly glowing, the power of love emanating through her body, a combination of her own love for Sandbar mixed with Flurry's magic in the air.

"Sandbar...you mean the world to me," Ocellus said. "And I love you."

"I love you too," Sandbar said.

Just as Cozy Glow dropped her disguise, what she saw wasn't something to make her heart go aflutter, but rather something that completely broke her heart.

Right before her eyes, she could see Sandbar and Ocellus sharing a kiss, which to them was them a unity of their love, but for Cozy Glow, was proof of her lost love. "Sandy..."

Heartbroken, Cozy Glow took a few steps back, still processing what she was seeing until it really settled in, along with full on agony. It didn't take long for tears to emerge from her eyes as she immediately ran off, the girl crying to herself.

Peter's ears perked when he heard crying, spotting the filly running, "Cozy Glow?"

"Huh?" Twilight said. "Cozy Glow?"

"I thought I saw her, but something's wrong," Peter quickly ran in her direction.

"Peter, wait up," Twilight said, following her husband.

Cozy Glow continued running and crying, trying to fight the pain of her broken heart, but it was a losing battle. "Sandy..."

As she ran, she bumped into Sonata and fell over, worrying the siren, "Cozy? When did you get here?" She helped Cozy Glow up, seeing the tears in her eyes, "Oh no, what's wrong?"

"Sandy...Ocellus...they..." Cozy Glow could barely get her words through. Sonata quickly brought the filly in for a hug.

"It's alright, I got you," Sonata said, rubbing her mane. "She shouldn't be here; someone could recognize her."

Sonata's worries were proven true when she heard Peter's voice, "Cozy Glow!?"

"Yikes, not good," Sonata gestured the girl away. "Come on sweetheart, we gotta go."

"Cozy Glow!" Peter again called, this getting the attention of a lot of his friends and allies, as well as his enemies.

"Shit...Cozy got herself spotted," Shocker had to find her before Peter did, otherwise the entire plan could be in jeopardy.

"Cozy Glow!" Peter called.

"Huh?" Apple Bloom turned toward Peter's direction. "Did he just say 'Cozy Glow'?"

"Is she here?" Rumble asked.

"Cozy Glow! Wait up!" Peter called, getting closer as the filly ran outside with Sonata.

"Peter!" Silverstream said, getting his attention. "Did you just mention Cozy Glow?"

"Yeah, I think I spotted her, she's going outside," Peter said, resuming chase. "Cozy Glow! Come back! It's me! Peter!"

"I gotta let the others know," Silverstream said.

Outside while Big Macintosh and Cheerilee ran their stand, with Sweetie Belle and Smolder nearby, Cozy Glow and Sonata had rushed outside, the four hearing Peter calling for her. "Cozy Glow! Stop running!"

"Cozy Glow!?" Smolder said.

"Is she here?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We haven't seen her since she teamed up with Mr. Negative."

"Something might be wrong," Big Mac said. "Watch the stand ladies, I'm gonna help Peter."

"Be careful," Cheerilee urged as her husband ran off.

Outside, Sonata had seen that not only was Peter getting closer with Twilight not far behind, but Big Mac was closing in too. "Not good, if Discord's watching, now would be a good time for a portal."

Twilight used her magic to create a barrier to stop Sonata and Cozy Glow in place, letting Peter catch up.

"At least I didn't have to go super speed in this suit, might have torn it," Peter said, focused on the filly. "Cozy Glow, it's me, Peter."

"What do you want?" a crying Cozy Glow asked.

"Hey what's wrong?" Peter asked, stepping over when Sonata blocked his path.

"You're not coming anywhere near her," Sonata said. "Not after all you've done!"

"All I've done?" Peter asked. "Who are you anyway? Are you her new guardian?"

"You could say that, I've been the one taking care of her this past year," Sonata said.

"When that grump Luna left me in that terrible place!" Cozy Glow said.

"Terrible place?" Peter asked. "Wait, where did she send you?"

"Huh? Don't you know?" Sonata asked.

"No, Luna never told me," Peter said. "Is there something I should know? I want to be able to help."

"You? Help her? How can I trust you?" Sonata asked. "I'm not going to let you hurt her!"

"I promise I wouldn't do that," Peter said. "If something went wrong, then tell me, I'll do my best to get it fixed."

From the distance, Sonata could see more of Peter's allies coming, including Rumble, Silversteam, Starlight, Logan, Johnny, Rainbow Dash, Ryu, Cloud and even Sunset Shimmer.

This worried Sonata, now she has more to deal with, and eagerly awaited for a chance to escape. Though she could also see that Adagio, Aria, Electro, Shocker and Mysterio were making their way down, hoping one of them had a plan.

"Who are you anyway?" Twilight asked, stepping forward. "Where are you from?"

As everyone else got close, Peter's senses went off a quick second before the entire place was surrounded by a strange green aura, one very familiar to Peter.

"This looks like one of Mysterio's illusions," Peter quickly looked around, hoping to find any sign of the villain when he was distracted by loud screeching, courtesy of the sirens, with Shocker using soundwaves from his hidden gauntlets to add to the audio discomfort. "Ugh, my ears are ringing!"

"What is that sound!?" Twilight shouted, covering her ears, everyone else doing the same.

As Peter fought through the discomfort, ready to bring the fight to those responsible, getting a glimpse of the Dazzlings along with a few mysterious ponies, one of them helping. In the midst of this, he could see a portal opening, and Discord trying to urge everyone inside. "Discord!?"

"Oh boy," without a second thought, Discord himself jumped through the portal, the screeching and soundwaves finally dissipating.

"That was unpleasant," Peter said, then took note of everyone else. "You all alright?"

"I'm good," Johnny said.

"Same," Sunset added.

Logan took a bit longer to recover, though he seemed angrier than hurt, "The hell was that?"

"No idea, but I did see Discord," Peter said. "Something weird is going on, that looked like Mysterio's illusions, but he wouldn't be here, and he wouldn't be able to make that noise."

"It might have been something else," Twilight said.

"Peter!" Luna called, the mare rushing over with Celestia and Steve. "What happened?"

"I'll be happy to explain, but you need to explain something for me first," Peter said. "You need to tell me what happened to Cozy Glow."

"This again?" Luna asked. "Peter, what does Cozy Glow have to do with this?"

"Because she was here," Twilight said. "She was with this mare with blue streaks."

"She was shouting pretty loud too, she had two other girls helping, a pink girl with purple hair and a yellow one with orange puffy hair," Peter said. "They were joined by some other ponies, and I swear those guys looked familiar too."

"Peter thinks one of them was Mysterio," Johnny said.

"...Oh no..." Celestia feared for the worst.

"Luna, Celestia, I need to know what happened with Cozy Glow, and why she was connected to those other ponies, and Discord!" Peter said. "Where did you send her!?"

"...I suppose I should tell you everything," Celestia said. "Including the origin of who those girls might be."

"Perhaps Starswirl should help explain to, he was the one who banished them," Luna said.

"Banished?" Peter asked.

"First thing's first, let us calm the situation at the Gala," Celestia said, leading everyone inside. "There, I will tell you what you need to know.

Peter wasn't sure what to expect, but he figured something big was gonna go down. He would go along with this for now, but he expected answers, and expected them soon.

Author's Note:

Geez, I gotta stop making these chapters so long. :applejackconfused: