• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Final Calm Before the Storm

A day had come and gone. So much had happened across the dimensions, and many were still not fully recovered, both physically and mentally from what had happened.

Currently Mayday was awake, the girl joined by Trixie and Starlight at the table. This morning, they had another guest, that being Autumn Blaze, who had slept over the previous night, similar to Shining Armor, Cadance and Flurry Heart, all of whom were still not fully ready for the day ahead.

Rumble had also stayed the night with Apple Bloom. The boy was still healing from his wing, and of course accommodations were made for he and his wife to sleep over. In addition, Thunderlane slept in the same room alongside his own girlfriend, Lightning Dust.

Both kids from the two couples were there alongside their parents, just for this night at least.

Aunt May was in the kitchen, cooking some breakfast for everyone, and from how many there were in the house, she had a lot of work ahead of her. Not that she minded.

"That smells really good, Mrs. Parker," Autumn Blaze said.

"Thanks dear," May replied, the woman working on some French Toast with a side of grains.

"One of my favorite things since living here is still May Parker's cooking," Starlight said. "Even after such a hectic day yesterday, good food can cleanse the soul."

"Yesterday was too hectic for my liking," Trixie said. "To think some ruffians attempted to pick a fight with me."

"Yeah, what a bunch of jerks," Autumn Blaze said. "They even had the nerve to blame Peter. He's a superhero, they shouldn't be mad at him. He's the one fighting to save their lives."

"Peter's always been the subject of slander I'm afraid," Aunt May said. "Ever since he was a young boy, the news media loved calling him a menace. Especially The Daily Bugle."

"Oh yeah, didn't Peter work there?" Starlight asked. "Imagine working for a place that constantly shames you."

"It's horrible, to think my poor Peter put himself through that," Aunt May said, the woman feeling a bit hurt by the memories. "So soon after he lost his Uncle too, if I only knew at the time."

"Why did Peter work for a place like that?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Money was tight after I lost my husband, it got to a point where I had to pawn off some of my valuables just to make ends meet," Aunt May explained. "Peter must have felt terrible, to this day he still blames himself for what happened to Ben."

"It wasn't daddy's fault, was it?" Mayday asked, getting the older woman's attention.

"No, Peter thinks it is, but the only person at fault that night was the mugger who took my husband from me," Aunt May said. "If anything, I'm angrier at Ben than Peter."

"Why Ben?" Trixie asked.

"Sometimes I feel like if he only just cooperated with that mugger, he'd still be alive," Aunt May said. "Stolen objects are replaceable, but my husband was not. I don't blame Ben, he's not one to go down without a fight. It's why I admired him, and its why Peter works so hard. He wants to be the man his uncle was, even if it means shouldering so much heartache."

"That's a lot of pressure," Trixie said.

"It's too much," Aunt May said. "The problem is that Peter has a lot of Ben's flaws. They're both so stubborn and refuse to accept they're anything less than human. Both men have that Parker Pride."

"Parker Pride?" Mayday asked.

"That's a first, I've only heard of 'Parker Luck'," Trixie said.

"I don't want to criticize that side of them too much, Peter has always had strong determination, and it's something I am so proud of," Aunt May said. "But, he needs to stop shutting people out. The poor boy thinks he's burdening everyone. It's not a burden if there's love. I love Peter enough to want to help him ease his burdens. The poor boy worked hard to ease mine, he deserves the same."

"Everyone here knows that all too well," Trixie said. "The real challenge is getting through to Peter. But as things get worse, he's just going to worry more. And we all know he won't want us to worry about him."

"But, we can't help but worry, can we?" Starlight asked.

"That about sums it up," Autumn Blaze said.

"Aunt May, is Parker Pride hereditary?" Mayday asked.

Aunt May glanced in curiosity for a second, before chuckling a bit. "I'm sorry dear, I don't mean to laugh. That was just such a cute and innocent question."

"But I'm serious," Mayday said. "Is it hereditary?"

"I wouldn't say that it is," Aunt May said. "Peter learned it because he emulates his uncle. He remembers just how strong of a person that Ben was, and Peter wants to be just like that. I tell you, there's no one in the world Peter admired more than his uncle."

"Even more than Tony Stark?" Mayday asked. "Or Captain America?"

"Peter admires them too, but his uncle was always his biggest hero," Aunt May said. "Just like your daddy is your biggest hero."

"Can't argue with that," Mayday said. "Not just because of Spider-Man either."

"Any reason you're wondering if Parker Pride is hereditary?" Trixie asked.

"I just wanted to know if that's why I'm so different from other ponies," Mayday said. "Because I'm too stubborn to change."

"You shouldn't have to though," Starlight said. "Remember what Johnny Storm said yesterday?"

"Preferably without a certain choice work he used," Trixie said.

"Yeah, he said that I'm Mayday Parker-Sparkle, and ponies need to deal with it," Mayday said.

"Exactly," Trixie said. "I'm not normal by pony standards, and I couldn't care less."

"Same here, thanks to your parents, I learned that everypony being the same is far from ideal, and that's not a life I want to live," Starlight said.

"Wasn't that lesson only learned because you stole the Cutie Marks of everyone in a village and tried to turn them into equals?" Trixie asked, earning a glare from Starlight.

"Yes, Trixie, thank you for being so openly honest about my troubled past," Starlight bitterly responded.

"You are quite welcome," Trixie said, earning a deadpanned gaze from Starlight.

"Speaking from personal experience, I've always felt a bit different than other Kirin," Autumn Blaze said. "For a while, I was the only one willing to talk about my feelings when everyone else shut down out of fear of hurting another person."

"Oh yeah, daddy is the one who helped with that too, wasn't he?" Mayday asked.

"Yes, along with your mom and her friends," Autumn Blaze said. "Your dad just helped me on a personal level."

"This was the story you mentioned yesterday," Trixie said. "How Peter was an ear when you needed one. Something I relate to."

"Same," Starlight said. "Peter's stubbornness to help others is a blessing and a curse. But that's why we need to help make sure he doesn't steer out of control."

"Am I stubborn too?" Mayday asked.

"Uh...that depends," Trixie said. "I would say you're...determined."

"Yeah, you set your mind to something, and you don't let anypony tell you otherwise," Starlight said.

"Not many have that type of determination, so be proud," Autumn Blaze said.

"So...I'm not stubborn?" Mayday asked.

"If I'm being honest Mayday," Aunt May began. "You can be a little stubborn sometimes. It's not always a bad thing though. It just means you stick to your beliefs, like the girls here said. Just be responsible about it."

"How do I do that?" Mayday asked.

"Trust your heart," Aunt May said. "It won't be easy, life is full of hard trials. Sometimes we have to hurt a bit before we get to our goal. But you have plenty of people who want to help you. Just make sure you listen."

"Please, don't be like your father and shut people out when they want to help," Trixie said.

"That was a bit harsh, Trixie," Starlight said.

"I'm serious, that's one stubborn nature Peter has that annoys me to no end," Trixie said.

"Peter just doesn't like burdening others with his problems," Starlight said. "I can relate to that honestly."

"I don't think I want to burden anyone either, otherwise more ponies will hate me," Mayday said.

The heartbreak among these mares was quite visible, many of them wondering just how cruel some ponies could be to a filly.

"Anyone who doesn't like you just because you're yourself is not worth the attention," Trixie said.

"They just want you to feel bad because they're terrible individuals," Autumn Blaze said.

"Selfish too, all because of some school," Starlight said, a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"I'm almost starting to see why Peter finds so many flaws with it," Trixie said. "On paper, that school seemed like a good idea. Who wouldn't want a school where everypony can learn to be friendlier?"

"It was even working well at first," Starlight said. "Somewhere down the line, it seems like things just fell apart."

"I've heard some ponies blame the Superhero Civil War for that," Autumn Blaze said.

"I won't deny that was a big part of why the school was shut down," Trixie said. "But honestly, that wasn't a bad thing. It was a blessing in disguise."

"Because it managed to expose just how poor the education of that school was," Starlight said. "I feel terrible saying it since Twilight and her friends did put the best effort they could into it, but Friendship just can't be taught like a curriculum in a school."

"Well, maybe it could have," Autumn Blaze said. "The school probably just needed a little more time."

"You can't be serious, that place was doomed from the start," Trixie said. "If ponies needed a school to learn how to be friendly, I say it just proves how poor of a society this is. Ponies are all the same, always quick to judge while hiding behind a wall of fake friendliness."

"Ponies do hold a grudge for sure, I'm lucky the ponies in my village forgave me for what I did," Starlight said, the mare suddenly feeling worried. "At least, I hope they did. What if they still hold it against me?"

"You could ask them," Autumn Blaze suggested.

"Even if she did, she may not get a straight answer," Trixie said. "They might dance around it, but still show their disdain through their actions. Like, when was the last time any of them reached out to you, Starlight?"

"Well, I do talk to Sugar Belle and Double Diamond at times," Starlight said. "Party Favor and Night Glider seem friendly too, but everypony else, I'm honestly not sure."

"Didn't you have another friend?" Mayday asked. "The one from the Crystal Empire that sometimes foalsits Flurry?"

"You mean Sunburst?" Starlight asked. "That's a tricky subject for me. I did want to talk to him more, but keep in mind that for a while, I wasn't allowed to leave Ponyville due to my association with Loki. Tony Stark has since lifted that probation for me, but even with my Freedom, I just don't know how to rekindle my old bond. Sometimes I just feel like Sunburst is better off without me being there."

"You shouldn't say that," Autumn Blaze said. "It might make him happy to see you again."

"I can ask Flurry when she wakes up, she might be able to help," Mayday said.

"That's very kind of you to offer, Mayday," Aunt May said.

"I do appreciate it, but right now, I think it's better to focus on the larger problem at hoof," Starlight said. "Ponyville is falling apart because everyone's afraid of this villain invasion. We got hit badly yesterday, and from what Peter's said, other worlds got hit hard too."

"I do hope everyone's alright," Trixie said. "Though Janet did not seem to be in a good mood yesterday."

"She barely said a word, but I think something bad happened in Peter's world," Starlight said. "I hope we get more details now that everyone's gotten a chance to take it all in."

"If they even could have," Trixie said. "Some things just don't get better with so little time."

"Yeah, they don't," Came a voice. Coming into the kitchen was Janet. The first noticeable thing on the mare were her red eyes, the heroic pony looking tired and irritated.

"Oh, um...good morning Janet, how was your night?" Starlight asked, almost regretting it.

"I've had better," Janet said.

"I have food ready if you want," Aunt May said. "Is Spike awake too?"

"He's getting Hope ready for the day, he'll be down in a second," Janet said.

"That's good..." Starlight again wasn't sure how to respond. "We also need to wait for Peter and Twilight."

"They're awake, but from the look and sound of things, they're in no better mood than I am," Janet said. "Given what happened to Twilight yesterday, I can't say I'm surprised."

"I hope Peter's handling it well," Trixie said. "But then again, it is Peter. He takes everything so seriously."

"He should, this is a serious situation," Starlight said.

"I know, but Peter gets so frantic when things like this happens," Trixie said. "It's like he wants to fix everything at once, and make everything better. He doesn't realize that he can't fix all the problems in the world."

"I think he does know that," Autumn Blaze said. "That's why he's so stressed, because no matter how much he does, he feels it's never enough."

"Doesn't help that ponies are making it feel like it's never enough," Starlight said. "They were all so cruel yesterday."

"Those brutes tried picking a fight with us too, if Celestia hadn't shown up, Ponyville Hospital may have had a few more patients," Trixie said. "And I certainly am not referring to any of us, or the heroes."

"Let's be glad it didn't come to that," Autumn Blaze said. "Violence is never going to solve anything."

"They tried picking a fight with you, and you looked ready to act on that," Trixie pointed out.

"Yes, I admit that I was, and I know that would have been wrong of me," Autumn Blaze said. "Evidently, I still struggle with some anger issues."

"Which is weird, you're usually so sweet and kind," Mayday said.

"Aw, thanks, you're too sweet," Autumn Blaze said, rubbing Mayday's head.

"Unfortunately, even the nicest ponies have an angry side to them," Starlight said. "Which is fine, it makes us individuals."

"Like I always say, it's important to manage that anger, and not use it as an excuse to be mean to others," Autumn Blaze said. "Unfortunately I nearly fell into that anger."

"It happens," Starlight said, looking to the side. "Aynway, we should check on Peter, see how he's doing."

"You go on ahead," Aunt May said. "I'll get his food ready."

"Mayday, you stay here for a second, we'll get your daddy," Starlight said, standing up. "Janet, are you coming with us?"

"I'm good, I'll just stay and keep my niece here company," Janet said, sitting next to Mayday. "Plus I need a bite."

"It's freshly cooked, so eat up," Aunt May said.

"Thanks May," Janet said, taking a quick bite. She looked to the side, spotting her niece. The same niece who's been the subject of a lot of drama among Ponyville. It infuriated her to know that some ponies have been cruel to her over the simplest things in her mind. "So, Mayday..."

"Yeah Auntie?" Mayday replied.

"I hope you know that, no matter how much ponies want you to change, that it's important to be yourself," Janet said. "If people conformed to what others wanted, there'd be no originality."

"Miss Starlight told me that, it's why she regrets some things she did," Mayday said.

"I'll tell you one other thing," Janet said, taking a moment to swallow some lingering sadness before speaking. "I knew a man, who if you told him that he couldn't do something, he'd do it anyway, just to spite you. He was different, but he embraced it and used his unique nature to create some of the greatest things."

"Wow really?" Mayday asked. "Was he really that great?"

"Yeah, he was a wizard when it came to inventing," Janet said, a small tear escaping her eye, the mare doing her best not to let Mayday see. "One day, I think that could be you too. Just be yourself."

"Okay Auntie," Mayday said. "Who was this man anyway?"

"A friend, you may have seen him once or twice," Janet said, taking a bite out of her food. "Tell you more, later."

"Okay," Mayday said, eating up as well.

Meanwhile Starlight, Trixie and Autumn Blaze were heading upstairs, and as they got close to the shared room of Peter and Twilight, they could hear the two discussing something inside.

"Why would she even do something like that? She's our friend," Twilight said, the mare sounding incredibly heartbroken and disappointed."

"I really don't know, it's been bugging me all night, I've almost been too afraid to go back to sleep," a distraught and empty Peter said.

"I knew Luna had feelings for you, but I didn't think they'd overpower her logic," Twilight said. "She knows you and I are married, she's the Godmother of our daughter. What could have driven her to do such a thing?"

"I can't even...I don't even..." Peter groaned in frustration.

"Peter..." Twilight sympathized with her husband's frustration.

This was concerning to the trio of mares outside the room, with Starlight hesitantly knocking on the door. "Peter? Twilight?"

The door opened, courtesy of Twilight's magic, the mare waving to her friends. "Good morning. If this is about breakfast, we'll be down soon."

"Uh, okay," Starlight replied. Of course one thing that caught her mind was Peter, and from what she could tell, he was very tired and stressed out. While she's seen Peter busy, she's never seen him at the point of near exhaustion. "Hey, Peter, are you doing okay?"

"Huh?" Peter glanced over at Starlight, noticing how worried his friend looked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just, had a really bad dream. Like I always do."

"...You say it so casually," Trixie said.

"Yeah, it's kind of concerning," Autumn Blaze said. "Twilight did mention that you were going through a lot."

"It's nothing, maybe I have too much ice cream before bed or something," Peter nervously insisted. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Starlight furrowed her brow in annoyance. As expected, and as Trixie said prior, Peter once again refused to express his emotions, and it bothered the mare to an extent.

"I know you're strong, Peter," Starlight began. "But, you don't need to be strong all the time."

"...Right," Peter awkwardly rubbed his head. "Guess they're going to find out sooner or later."

"We'll be down shortly," Twilight reassured. "Peter will talk to you after a good breakfast."

"We'll be seeing you downstairs then," Trixie said, making her leave with her friends as Peter remained behind for the moment.

Off in the Capcom Portal Room, a bored looking Sunset Shimmer was seen laying against a chair while generating a ball of light in her hand.

Nearby Chun-Li was talking things over with Spencer, Strider, Donnie and Trunks, all five of them currently making a few plans.

As the woman made her plans, she turned around to see Sunset sitting around and bored, curiosity in her mind. "Sunset?"

"Huh?" Sunset turned to Chun-Li. "Need something?"

"Any reason you're just sitting around?" Chun-Li asked. "Usually you're off training or exploring."

"Well exploring is out of the question, there's villains in almost every dimension now," Sunset said. "And right now, I'm too pumped to train. I want to be the first one here when you declare a plan of action."

"That might be a while," Chun-Li said. "We need to coordinate our attacks."

"Come on, by the time we figure something out, the villains will strike again," Sunset said, standing up, off the chair. "Quite frankly, I'm tired of just waiting, I want to go and bust some heads."

"That's understandable, but if we go in blind, it will be a disadvantage for us all," Strider said.

"These bastards snuck up on us pretty good," Spencer said. "A lot of people already got hurt or killed."

"A good chunk of the Square fighters are unable to fight," Chun-Li said.

"Some of Terry's buddies took some blows too," Spencer said. "But then again, they're tough, so they'll probably just brush it off."

"Some worlds already got hit quite badly," Strider said. "Including the Sega Zone, along with Marvel Earth."

"Specifically the one our Peter is from," Chun-Li reminded.

"Yeah, that I'm aware of," Sunset solemnly stated.

"We still have that girl who's being treated after that sneak attack Bison led," Chun-Li said. "Fortunately she's recovering just fine, thanks to Jude Mathis. But it's a firm reminder of how bad things have gotten."

"These enemies are dangerous," Donnie said. "That Wesker guy is a whole other level. Whatever mutated him was incredible science."

"You also don't want to deal with Black," Trunks pointed out. "Chun-Li told me about her friend Ryu fighting my father, and how this Spider-Man friend of yours fought Goku. I hate to say this, but given how much those two struggled, that shows at least me that even they may not be enough."

"Don't underestimate Peter or Ryu," Sunset said. "Peter's a smart boy who knows how to adapt. Just last year he fought and defeated a Cosmic Powered Warrior. Ryu never stops training, fighting Vegeta just gave him more motivation to get stronger. They can catch up to Goku Black."

"Besides, if worse comes to worse, we have Thor," Chun-Li said. "He was strong enough to handle Lord Beerus with no trouble."

"Who's Thor?" Trunks asked. "Also who's Beerus?"

"Beerus is some Destruction God from your side of the multiverse," Spencer said. "Ask your pops about it."

"And Thor is the King of Asgard, and the God of Thunder," Chun-Li said, the woman beginning to blush. "He's got big strong muscles, and gorgeous blonde hair."

Strider furrowed his brow in annoyance, "He also talks too loud."

"He's just confident," Chun-Li insisted. "Nothing wrong with that."

"Well then let's teach him this valuable life lesson," Strider began. "Confidence, is silent!"

"That why you almost never talk?" Spencer asked, much to Strider's annoyance.

"To be fair, a lot of guys are like that," Sunset said. "Many warriors are the strong, silent type. Then there's Mayday, the cute, silent type."

"Who's Mayday?" Trunks asked.

"Spider-Man's daughter, damn cute girl too," Spencer said.

"She is quite adorable, and has such a big interest in science from what I've gathered," Donnie said. "A young mind like hers must be molded well. She could be a star in the field of science!"

"Got that right," Spencer said. "She just needs to build her confidence more, which she can't do if she's being bullied like she is."

"Unfortunately, that's inevitable," Chun-Li said. "Bullying is part of life, it's nearly hard to avoid. That's when it's important for her to learn self-confidence and proper assertiveness."

"Very important life lessons," Donatello said. "I know what it's like to stand out as an outcast. While I mostly stick to the shadows, I do so because my society isn't always too keen on guys like me."

"I get that too," Spencer, gesturing to his bionic arm. "Guys like me were treated like heroes during a war. Once that ended, we were nothing but a bunch of freaks."

"If you're a hero from a war, why would you be outcasted?" Donatello asked.

"You'd be surprised how quickly people turn on others, for simple reasons too," Spencer said. "You can do so many amazing things, but the moment you're useless in someone's eyes, you get cast aside."

"I think that's what Peter's going through right now," Sunset said. "You know, I feel like I should do something. Or say something. It's not fair for Peter to put up with this nonsense."

"Damn right it isn't," Spencer said.

"How will you advocate for him?" Strider asked.

"I don't know, I'll figure something out," Sunset said. She then noticed a new entry into the room. "Oh, Jude!"

Everyone turned to see the Namco Healer from the Talim Medical School making his way over. "Hi."

"Jude, how is Presea?" Chun-Li asked.

"She'll live, but I have to say, that was one very deadly injury," Jude said.

"I wish we knew more about this woman," Chun-Li said. "According to Iceman, it was a woman with a lab coat, glasses and messy brown hair."

"Definitely not from our world, no way someone like that would evade our sight," Spencer said.

"Did he mention anything else important?" Sunset asked. "Like her style?"

"I remember Genis saying she had a red and blue pattern on her clothes," Jude said. "And her lab coat had some type of ribbon on it."

"Ribbon? That's fancy," Chun-Li said.

Trunks rubbed his chin in curiosity, "I wonder..."

"Something up, Trunks?" Spencer asked.

Trunks shook his head, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Well, thank you for your assistance Jude," Chun-Li said. "Do you need help getting back to your world?"

"I can find my way around," Jude said, taking a look around the room, feeling a bit confused. "Or not."

"I got you covered," Sunset said, pressing a button and messing with some controls. "Namco...Rieze Maxia..."

"Actually, I need to go to Sylverant to let Lloyd and his friends know," Jude said.

"Oh right, that makes sense," Sunset said, recalibrating. "Alright, directing route to Slyverant and...there...You should end up in Iselia."

"Make sure you navigate that well," Spencer warned as Sunset opened the portal. "Last time you tried opening something to the Sanctum Sanctorum, and you ended up in the one in Beijing rather than the one in New York."

"It should work out," Sunset said, allowing Jude through.

"It worked! Thanks!" Jude called.

"No problem," Sunset said, closing the portal. "I should let Lloyd and Genis know about Presea."

"I can handle that," Strider said. "We also should check in with our other allies."

"Many of them went back to their own worlds for a bit to recon damage," Chun-Li said. "Sonic may be gone for a bit, and I think Jin has to make sure everyone in his building is recovering alright."

"I can go and get everyone," Sunset said.

"Wait on that," Spencer said. "Give them time to catch their breath."

"Besides, you tend to get sidetracked when exploring the multiverse," Chun-Li pointed out.

"Huh? No I don't!" Sunset insisted.

"So you didn't run off to try and get Lara Croft to sign a Daring Do book?" Spencer sarcastically asked.

"One time! I did that one time! Three months ago!" Sunset said. "It was a present for Rainbow Dash! She's fond of those explorer types!"

"You went into a dangerous temple and nearly set off some traps that Lara was specifically trying to avoid," Spencer said. "If Strange hadn't spotted you-"

"Then I would have been fine," Sunset said. "I'm a Unicorn with powerful magic, a silly dart won't stop me."

"You'd be amazed what can bring down a powerful person," Trunks said. "In my timeline, Goku died of a Heart Virus."

"I heard Kratos's second wife died due to an illness as well," Strider said.

"How do you know that?" Spencer asked. "No way he told you, that guy doesn't seem like the type to open up about his private life."

"I overheard his son once," Strider said. "That talking head mentioned wishing that the lady in question were here to help fight, and the son mentioned an illness."

"Shame what can bring down such power," Donnie said. "Instead of dying out in battle, you just die normally."

"Honestly, that's not too bad," Chun-Li said. "Does every warrior want to die in the battlefield? Some may want to die in peace."

"Well we don't get a say in how we die, so it's pointless to speculate the pros and cons of it all," Spencer said. "Right now, if we're not careful, all of us could end up dying sooner than we planned. We already have casualties all across the multiverse. We lost several in Ragnarök after all."

"I'm aware of our fallen allies, Spencer," Chun-Li said. "Not a day goes by that I forget about any of them. Of course, I am grateful that I no longer have to count Cammy among them."

"I still can't believe she survived," Spencer said. "It's great and all, but it makes that memorial service we did feel a bit awkward now."

"Spencer!" Chun-Li scolded. "How could you say that!?"

"Yeah, I know, that was dumb of me to say," Spencer admitted. "Sorry, I'm still trying to process this. I really am grateful she's alive, and in a perfect world, our other friends survived too."

"There probably is a timeline like that," Sunset said.

"That's great for them, but it doesn't do crap for us," Spencer said. "Even with the multiverse, it's not like we can just pull in another Guile, or another Carlos."

"Even if we could, we'd just be taking from that timeline," Chun-Li said. "Not that they could replace our friends."

"Far as I'm concerned, if you're another version of our friend, you might as well be a stranger," Spencer said. "Even if we met another Guile, he's not our Guile."

"I'm willing to bet that Rita Mordio's friends would feel the same," Chun-Li said.

"You know, that does make me wonder," Sunset said. "How does Sally Acorn feel about this Sonic? Or how does Miles Morales feel about the Peter I know? Or that Sora boy with our Cloud?"

"You should ask them," Spencer said. "Actually, we can ask you. Didn't you meet other versions of Twilight and her friends?"

"Right, I will admit that despite the familiarity being there, they just weren't the same as the ones I already knew," Sunset said.

"You summed it up well," Chun-Li said.

"...Well, I should check on Peter," Sunset said.

"Mind if I go too?" Trunks asked. "I'm kind of curious about who this Peter is. I've only been here a day, but I've heard his name get thrown around a lot."

"I'd introduce you to him as well," Chun-Li said. "But my presence is required here."

"I can take over the planning with Spencer," Donnie said. "I can even call over my brothers and my friend April."

"I can call over Viper and Doctor Light," Spencer said. "Maybe Miguel can stop by too."

"Well, alright," Chun-Li said. "I guess I'm going to Equestria."

"I can get us there," Sunset said, using her magic. "Without the fancy gadget this time."

"Come to think of it, why didn't you use magic when you were helping Jude?" Chun-Li asked.

"I just wanted some practice with the machines," Sunset said. "Like Spencer said, I messed up before, and I want a backup just in case I can't use magic for some reason."

"That makes sense," Trunks said.

"Plus I have an easier time making a portal to Equestria than Namco," Sunset said. "Less strain."

"That makes sense as well," Chun-Li said. "Well Sunset, lead the way."

"I'll send over anyone who wants to come," Spencer said.

"Catch you later then," Sunset said, leading herself along with Chun-Li and Trunks through a portal to Equestria, leaving the others behind for the moment.

Back in Ponyville, after having had his breakfast, Peter was seen sitting in the living room, still with a lot on his mind. Twilight was right beside him, keeping his hoof held and hoping to comfort him in any way she could.

The rest of the family were all gathered nearby, both those who resided in the home, and the ones from the Crystal Empire. Plus the close friends that were already present, as well as a recovering Rumble with his wife Apple Bloom, along with Thunderlane and Lightning Dust.

The kids were sitting around Peter as well, Mayday and Flurry both looking worried for Peter while Hope held Benjy close, feeling just as worried for her uncle while comforting a son who had no comprehension of what was happening. Felicity sat close to Cumulon, the girl looking worried for Peter and Twilight.

"Well, I think I can speak for everypony when I say that we're glad you're doing well, Twilight," Starlight began. "You went through a lot yesterday with that Plunderseed situation."

"How are you feeling after that?" Trixie asked.

"I'm still feeling a bit exhausted," Twilight admitted. "That whole ordeal was both physically and mentally draining."

"Do you have any memory of it?" Autumn Blaze asked.

Twilight nodded in confirmation, looking very remorseful. "I do, I'm not proud of anything I have done, or said."

"We're just glad you're alright," Shining Armor said.

"What about the ponies I hurt?" Twilight asked. "Or the town? Everypony was still recovering from the Plunderseed vines."

"It's not your fault," Trixie said. "The fault lies within Mr. Negative and those Sirens. They're the ones who controlled you into doing what you did."

"Not like you wanted to hurt anyone, you were just as affected as anyone else," Thunderlane said.

"I don't know if I am completely without blame. All those four did was manipulate some negative emotions that were already there," Twilight said. "If I didn't have any, this could have been avoided."

"Everyone has negative emotions, dear," Aunt May said. "We all have things that we're angry about, that's why self-control is important."

"Exactly, remember my village Twilight," Autumn Blaze said. "Things got bad because not only did Kirins have a lot of anger, we never knew how to manage those emotions. If there's stuff you're still angry about, you should tell us so it doesn't have such power over you."

"I know I should do that, I guess I can be a bit stubborn myself," Twilight said.

"A bit?" Shining Armor commented. "Sorry to say Twiley, but you're very stubborn. It's one of the reasons you're a perfect match for Peter."

"Okay fine, I'm very stubborn," Twilight said, gentling rubbing Peter's back. "Which is why I'm grateful I found a stallion who puts up with it."

"I should be the one that's grateful, your flaws are minimal to non-existent," Peter said. "My flaws however-"

"Peter, you're sweet, but I'm nowhere near flawless," Twilight interrupted. "I doubt you could have been so easily controlled."

"Remember the symbiote suit, Twilight," Peter said. "That thing controlled me, it took all my anger and manifested it into something all too real."

"That was a long time ago, I believe you've grown so much after that," Twilight said. "Regardless, I am glad you and all of our friends were able to snap me out of that. That was a far from pleasant experience."

"It was scary too," Mayday said.

Hearing that hurt Twilight's heart a little, knowing she had made her own daughter feel so frightened. "I'm sorry if I did anything that scared you, honey."

"It's alright, you didn't mean to," Mayday said, trotting toward her mother. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Aw, my little sweetheart," Twilight used her magic to levitate her daughter toward her, bringing her into a gentle hug. "You were a big part of that, thank you."

Mayday was quick to return the hug, wanting to feel nothing more than the warmth of her mother's love and embrace. Seeing this helped to put even Peter's mind at ease, if even a little. It reminded him of what he was so grateful to have, but it also served to remind even more what he could lose.

"Wow, this is cute," Thunderlane said. "At least there's a happy ending here."

"It's happy yes, but definitely not an ending," Trixie pointed out. "Remember, things are still pretty bad. We have to find those villains."

"The multiverse did get hit, Equestria isn't the only place that suffered," Starlight reminded.

"That's an understatement," Janet said, the girl immediately comforted by Spike.

"We're going to have to get our friends to come by and fully explain what happened to Twilight," Peter said. "It wasn't easy though."

"It was very stressful," Janet said. "Especially after what happened on Earth. The same Earth Peter and I came from."

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"New York got turned into a wasteland. All thanks to Doctor Doom, Sigma, Queen Chrysalis and..." Janet had to remember kids were nearby, so she minded her choice of words. "That monster, Ultron."

"...I can't believe it," Twilight said. "Chrysalis destroyed Earth? With those villains?"

"Lots of heroes died, including Hank," Janet said.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear about Hank Pym," Twilight said. "I know you two were obviously close, and were trying to make amends."

"Yeah, we were," Janet said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Feeling sympathetic, Mayday flew over to hug her aunt. "I'm here for you."

"Aw, thanks kiddo," Janet said, returning the hug. "You're sweet, just like your parents."

"Hugs!" Hope said, hugging Benjy.

"Yes dear, hugs," Janet said, stroking Mayday's head. "Mayday's as smart as she is kind, just like Hank was."

"Is he the scientist you mentioned earlier?" Mayday asked.

"Totally, a great mind to emulate," Janet said. "Remember, if you're told you can't do something, be like Hank, and prove everyone wrong."

"I will," Mayday said.

"But don't build anything like Ultron," Janet said. "At least not with the same functions."

"Ultron..." Peter lamented. "I won't lie, he's one of the reasons I was afraid of seeing technology in Equestria."

"Technology isn't scary daddy," Mayday said. "It's only scary if used for evil, like magic."

"Huh, my own daughter used fair logic against me," Peter rubbed her head. "Already showing your great wisdom, Mayday?"

"Uh, maybe..." Mayday shyly stated.

"You're too dang adorable," Peter said, just as Mayday shifted from her aunt's embrace toward her father's. "And huggable, that's a plus."

"She is definitely huggable," Lightning Dust said.

"You bet," Rumble said. "A hug from Mayday is like a hug from a bundle of warmth."

"How's your wing by the way?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Still hurts like crazy," Rumble said, glancing back. "Stupid villains, what I wouldn't give for a chance to get them back for this!"

Rumble again winced in pain after his outburst, Apple Bloom being quick to comfort him, "Hey, don't overexert yerself."

"Sorry, I'm just so ticked off," Rumble said. "My Wonderbolt career is down the drain."

"You don't know that, bro," Thunderlane said. "Your wing could get better."

"Don't give me that false hope, my wing's totally mangled," Rumble said.

"Did you see a doctor yet?" Peter asked.

"Nurse Redheart checked on me after checking on some other ponies," Rumble said. "She gave me some treatment at least."

"You need to see a doctor again," Peter said. "Your wing should be able to heal if you treat it well. Don't give up hope just yet."

"I'll try not to," Rumble said.

"Poor boy," Cadance said.

"He'll be fine, he seems tougher than he's acting," Shining Armor commented.

Mayday got off Peter and trotted over to Rumble to give him a hug, "You'll feel better soon."

"Heh, how cute," Rumble returned the hug. "As expected from my precious little sister."

"Wow, Mayday's in a hugging mood today," Peter said.

"Given everything she's gone through, it makes sense," Starlight said.

"Uncle!" Felicity trotted over to hug Rumble as well. "Want hug too!"

"Sure, I got room for two precious girls," Rumble said, hugging Mayday and Felicity.

"Always popular with the girls, aren't you little bro?" Lightning Dust said, rubbing Rumble's mane.

"Hey, make room for me," Flurry said, trotting over for a hug, Rumble doing his best to make room for her.

"Yeah, I guess I am..." Rumble said, earning a chuckle from Lightning Dust.

"Careful Felicity, you got some competition," Lightning Dust teased.

"I win, mama," Felicity said. "I winner, like you."

"Smart girl," Lightning Dust boasted. "You know, Thunder? I bet that our kid can be a Wonderbolt one day with this type of determination."

"It definitely runs in the family," Thunderlane said.

"I hope I can teach her some stuff," Rumble said. "Might be hard without the use of my wings."

"Have faith, little bro," Lightning Dust said. "You'll get better, then you can teach my little filly here how to wreck the skies in your own way. Just like her parents."

"Someone sounds like a proud mother," Peter said, then heard a knock on the door. "Wonder who that could be?"

"I'll get it," Twilight trotted over to answer. She was almost surprised by the amount of guests at the door. All of her Element Friends, plus Susan Storm, Franklin and Silverstream, as well as the hero husbands and the duo of Miles and Gwen. "Oh my."

"Twilight! You're alright!" Johnny said, giving the mare a quick hug. "Damn, you really had me worried."

"Oh, thanks Johnny," Twilight said, returning the hug.

"You had all of us worried," Logan said, trotting over as Johnny pulled away. "We're glad yer safe."

"I'm fine, but there's a lot more we each need to discuss," Twilight said.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," Bobby said. "The sooner we recap the situation, the sooner we can get a little payback."

"Come on in," Twilight said, letting everyone into her home as she closed the door behind her.

Meanwhile in Castle Doom, Wesker had his plans laid out with Juri, Vergil and Tron each beside him and looking things over.

"When does the next part of the plan start?" Juri asked.

"With any luck, tomorrow," Wesker said.

"Tomorrow?" Juri asked. "Shouldn't we go in again today? We got some good hits in, gotta keep up the momentum, otherwise the heroes will recover."

"I must agree with Juri, I feel like we barely made a dent in that world we went to," Vergil said. "It didn't help that those other Spiders showed up."

"Oh yeah, guess they want revenge," Juri said. "Still, we need to go in again, maybe at least try attacking the multiverse around Equestria once more."

"Normally I would agree with you," Wesker said. "Even I admit I could have done a bit more, shameful as it is to say. I underestimated Chun-Li's leadership, as well as those Ninja Turtles. However, Victor believes that our priority should be Equestria right now."

"Since when do we take orders from Victor Von Doom?" Juri asked. "We never agreed to follow him, only cooperate."

"And that is what we're doing," Wesker said. "Besides, this break has given me time to think about our next course of action, especially with our new foes in the mix."

"What will you do regarding those....Ninja Turtles?" Vergil asked. "Honestly, how can that be a thing?"

"It's the multiverse, Vergil," Tron said. "Anything's possible."

"You are correct Tron," Wesker said, elating the girl with happiness. "But this can work to our advantage. Those turtles could have enemies of their own, ones that could make formidable allies. Of course, that is only a theory."

"Have you looked into it?" Juri asked. "What world did they come from?"

"I am not sure, I have run this by Victor, and he said he will figure it out," Wesker said. "But when you travel the multiverse, you do hear a lot of whispers. So I would not be surprised if someone found out any needed information regarding our turtle friends."

"More allies is always good," Juri said. "Vergil and I thought about recruiting some allies from SNK. I'm thinking Iori Yagami. He's one of the strongest guys there, and he has some lovely allies who can help."

"Iori contains the power of the Orochi," Vergil said. "A power up like that could be beneficial, but concerning."

"Doesn't Leona Heidern also have the Orochi?" Juri asked.

"She does, but I do not believe she will join us," Vergil said.

"Hey come on, she's not exactly a woman of morals," Juri said.

"Her ideals of justice may differ from others, but do not mistake that for an easy ally," Vergil said. "She could just as easily deem us as untrustworthy."

"You know quite a bit," Tron said.

"I did a little recon before my mission, plus SNK has crossed paths with Capcom, it was a good opportunity to learn more," Vergil said. "The power of Orochi was intriguing to me, and we at least know of two powerful beings capable of using it at will. But only Iori may join us."

"What if we persuade Leona?" Juri asked. "Give her a reason to side with us?"

"I must say, you are quite adamant about this," Vergil said. "But I suppose she would make for a great ally."

"That's the spirit, Vergy," Juri said.

Vergil glared at the woman, "I have asked you many times to refrain from calling me that!"

"But it's funny," Juri insisted.

"I hardly see the humor in it!" Vergil said.

"Enough," Wesker said. "Vergil, she only uses that nickname because she knows it irritates you, stop giving in to her irritating nature."

"Me? Irritating?" Juri teased. "That's mean."

"As for you, Juri," Wesker turned to the woman beside him. "It would be wise if you did not cause your teammates any unneeded drama."

"But that's half the fun," Juri insisted.

Wesker groaned in annoyance, "You are something else."

"Still, I do stand by what I said before, waiting may not work out well for us," Juri said. "Many of those heroes are still able to fight."

"Victor led a successful attack on Marvel's Earth, while Goku Black led a successful attack on Sega," Wesker said. "Even Sephiroth managed to weaken many fighters from his home world. Even if the plan didn't seem well from any of our ends, it still had some success."

"Bison had a bit of success too," Tron said. "He fatally injured a powerful fighter, probably killed him, and thanks to Vomi showing up and taking someone down, Tirek had time to steal some of that world's magic."

"Seems minimal, but whatever," Juri said.

"We'll be fine, I'll make sure of it," Wesker said, then pulled out a vial. "Of course, who's to say we can't throw a little more chaos into these realms?"

"See, that idea I like," Juri said.

"We will conquer Equestria, then the multiverse around it," Wesker said. "It feels fitting in a way. Many of us were gathered because of our rivalry with Spider-Man in Equestria. What better way to truly start our invasion than with the destruction of Equestria?"

"It's definitely poetic," Juri said. "The best part is that they don't even know everyone that's going to be part of this invasion."

"Yes, we have plenty of surprises in store," Wesker said. "For now, we start at it's core. Tomorrow, we strike."

"Sounds fun to me," Juri said. "How do we go about it?"

"By remembering one key fact about this world," Wesker said. "Ponies are not the only inhabitants. We must be prepared for everything."

"Go on..." Juri said, her interest piqued.

Meanwhile Shocker and Electro are seen conversing with Rolento, Poison and members of the Mad Gear Gang. Not too far away were The Dazzlings and Cozy Glow, the two looking very curious by their new allies.

"Still can't believe they found a gang to join us," Aria said.

"Honestly, they don't look like much, just a bunch of street hoodlums," Adagio said.

"The way I see it, it's more friends to have," Sonata said. "That lady with the pink hair is really cute."

"Is she a lady?" Cozy Glow asked. "I thought I heard Juri last night saying that she might not be a lady at all."

"Sure looks like a chick," Aria said. "She's got boobs and everything, no guy has that."

"Hm...maybe we should pull her pants down at some point," Cozy Glow said.

"Cozy!" Sonata scolded.

"What about that other guy?" Aria asked, gesturing to Rolento. "The one with the beret, what do you make of him?"

"Nothing too impressive," Adagio said.

"...Yeah, you're right," Aria said. "At the very least, they make for good fodder."

"Send them into the front lines, and let them take the hits," Adagio said. "Genius move."

"What a bunch of losers," Cozy Glow said. "This is why we're the alpha, because we're clearly more important."

"Well we Sirens are," Aria said. "You're just as much fodder as that Mad Gear Gang."

"Huh?" Cozy Glow asked, this also earning Sonata's annoyance.

"You're not exactly useful kid, so I'd drop that high and mighty attitude of yours," Aria said.

"Aria, be nice!" Sonata said, placing her hands on Cozy's shoulders. "You're going to hurt her feelings."

"To be fair, she broke down all because she got her eye scratched out," Adagio said, glaring down at the girl. "She's lucky Martin healed her, but it just shows that she's not ready for it."

"I am too ready! That stupid Griffon just got lucky!" Cozy Glow said. "I can so be useful!"

"Really? How?" Adagio asked.

"For starters, I'll destroy that ugly bird myself!" Cozy Glow said.

"How is that useful? Any of us can kill him," Aria said. "Martin already killed his stupid dragon friend."

"Then...afterwards....I'll destroy Princess Twilight!" Cozy Glow declared.

"Right, you're going to take down an Equestrian Princess," Adagio teased.

"We have Grogar's Bell, it will make us all stronger!" Cozy Glow said.

"What makes you think you're getting any power?" Adagio asked. "It will be wasted on you."

"Nuh-uh!" Cozy Glow replied. "I am so capable of its strength!"

"I think you can do it," Sonata encouraged.

"See? Sonata's smart, clearly smarter than you two," Cozy Glow said.

"Aw, you're sweet," Sonata said, hugging Cozy Glow.

"What a kiss-up," Aria said. "I will never understand your fascination with that girl."

"She's cute, and she needs a family," Sonata said, pressing her cheek against Cozy's. "She can be our precious little sister."

"Yeah, no," Adagio said. "I am not playing big sister duties for another brat. Bad enough I have to do it for two of you."

"Hey, don't lump me in with Sonata and Cozy Glow," Aria scolded. "She's the one trying to adopt some little imp."

"Don't call me an 'imp'!" Cozy Glow shouted.

"Yeah, she's way too cute for that," Sonata said, kissing Cozy Glow's cheek. "Cutest little girl in existence."

Cozy Glow giggled at the affection, "Golly Sonata, you're making me blush. But you're right, I am the cutest little girl in existence."

"Someone's vain," Aria said.

"Ahem," Shocker had made his way over to the girls. "Hey, everything all calm here?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Aria said.

"Just making sure, you seemed kind of annoyed, and everyone started feeling unusual," Shocker said. "Mind your magic."

"Sorry, we'll try not to be a burden," Sonata said.

Shocker glanced down at Cozy Glow, "How's your eye?"

"Much better, it's like I never got hurt at all," Cozy Glow said.

"Be careful next time," Shocker said. "I'd rather we get through this in one piece. Taking over the multiverse is a big job, so we need all the help we can get."

"Which is why Cozy Glow should stay behind," Aria said.

"I'm not! I'm helping too!" Cozy Glow said. "I know all about Ponyville, and the Princesses, and the School of Friendship, and even those six students!"

"What students?" Shocker asked.

"Her old classmates, most of them are kind of useless though," Aria said.

"Not exactly," Cozy Glow said. "Ocellus is a shapeshifting Changeling, just like Chrysalis. She can be very dangerous if she wants to be."

"...Yeah, good point," Aria reluctantly admitted.

"Then there's Silverstream, she's a Wonderbolt, the first Hippogriff to be one, and Rumble's partner," Cozy Glow said. "The same Rumble that Spider-Man and Twilight treat like one of their own. Their skills together are top notch."

"Rumble's that gray Pegasus, right?" Sonata asked.

"You mean that same Pegasus who's wings Martin and I totally messed up?" Aria asked. "He's no threat, and we can easily do the same to that Hippogriff girl."

"What about the others?" Adagio asked.

"There's also Smolder, who's big brother Marty did away with," Cozy Glow said.

"Well if 'Marty' can do away with that big dope, I think his little sister is easy pickings," Aria said.

"What about the others?" Shocker asked.

"Uh...honestly, two of them are just really lame and plain," Cozy Glow said. "A dumb Yak and an annoying Griffon."

"That same Griffon that nearly blinded your left eye," Aria pointed out, much to Cozy's annoyance.

"That's why I plan to destroy him," Cozy Glow said. "But, one that I don't want destroyed is Sandbar. He's my true love after all."

"Isn't he dating that Changeling?" Aria asked.

"I know that!" Cozy Glow shouted. "But I still want Sandy for myself! Now, Ocellus was my friend and I'd rather not hurt her after all the nice things she did for me. But, if she chooses to make herself my enemy, then I will do away with her too. Sandy's mine, and I am not going to give up on that."

"You're one determined kid," Shocker said.

"This is so dumb, we should be planning the destruction of Peter Parker, not some useless kids," Aria said.

"Don't worry, Spider-Man will fall by our might," Shocker said. "Hopefully Doom and Wesker finish their planning soon, I'm itching to get back out there."

"Soldiers!" Rolento said, making his way over.

"What do you want?" Shocker asked.

"I'm here to check on our recruits," Rolento said, turning to Cozy and the Sirens. "Quite a colorful bunch."

"You should see us in Canterlot High, we're much more colorful," Sonata said.

"What do you bring to the table in this upcoming war?" Rolento asked.

"Well, we're sirens," Adagio said. "Not someone you want to mess with. Our singing alone can hypnotize any man, no matter how strong."

"Of course our singing did take a bad hit, thanks to Sunset Shimmer," Aria said. "But we have ways of returning to power."

"...So you're going to sing and tap dance your way to victory?" Rolento asked. "Not very productive."

"Hey, don't you know anything about Sirens!?" Adagio shouted. "Do you want us to test our abilities on you!? We don't need to sing to manipulate your energy, you have plenty of your own negativity after all."

"Hey, come on, we're on the same side here," Shocker said. "Rolento, trust these girls, they can get the job done."

"Very well," Rolento said, the man turning around. "Well, I shall rendezvous with our Mad Gear Soldiers. If you do well enough, perhaps you can earn a spot in our army!"

"Yeah, sure dude," Aria said as Rolento left. "Weirdo."

"Hey, securing a spot in the Mad Gear Gang won't be so bad," Cozy Glow said.

"And why do you say that?" Aria asked.

"It makes it easier to pull down Poison's pants," Cozy Glow said, earning a confused reaction from everyone.

"Did I miss something?" Shocker asked.

"She thinks Poison's a guy," Aria asked.

Shocker looked back at the woman in question, "Yeah, no way that's a dude, it's impossible to fake."

"Just make sure, imagine if Max there falls for her, and gets an unwelcome surprise down the line," Aria said. "That'd be an unfortunate trap to fall into."

"Not my problem," Shocker said. "I don't care what Poison is, so long as she's on our side, I'm good."

"I just hope she and the Mad Gear Gang pull their weight," Adagio said.

"Let's hope so," Shocker said.

Back in Equestria, Sunset had arrived through the portal with Trunks and Chun-Li, the three taking a look around the town, noticing the destruction.

"This place looks like a mess," Sunset said. "The villains really struck hard."

"It's such a shame," Chun-Li said. "If we don't stop them, things are going to get worse."

Trunks looked momentarily confused, while he still had his humanoid appearance, the girls beside him transformed. "What's going on?"

"Huh?" Sunset gazed at Trunks. "Oh right, you need time to adjust to this world's magic. You should be turning into a pony soon."

"A what!?" Trunks asked in disbelief.

"You'll get used to it," Chun-Li said. "But that's how this world's magic works. Outsiders who come here transform, while anyone who leaves here turns human."

"You might not even turn into a pony, you could end up as a dragon, or a hippogriff," Sunset said. "It's rare, but it happens."

"The unknown is making me worried," Trunks said. "What if I-"

Suddenly light took over Trunks's body as the Half-Saiyan began to transform. Seconds later, the sword wielding hero had turned into a Pegasus Pony with gray fur and a bluish-purple mane.

"Wow, you look great," Sunset said.

"I do?" Trunks asked. "Is there a mirror?"

Sunset used her magic to summon a mirror, showing it off to Trunks, "See?"

Trunks checked his face, seemingly satisfied with how he looked, "I suppose it's not too bad, but it definitely will take some getting used to."

"You'll get there," Chun-Li said.

"Yeah, it took me a while to get used to being human, it'll be fine," Sunset insisted.

"Sunset?" Came Sweetie Belle's voice, the mare walking over with Smolder and Scootaloo.

"Hi girls," Sunset said. "We just came to see Peter."

"Good timing, we're on our way to see him too," Scootaloo said, taking note of the others. "Hey Chun-Li, how's it going?"

"Going well, thank you," Chun-Li said.

Scootaloo glanced at Trunks, "Who's he?"

"Me?" Trunks asked. "Uh, my name is Trunks, I'm from...Chun-Li, what'd you call my world again?"

"Dragon World," Chun-Li said.

"Right, I'm from Dragon World, rather I'm from an alternate future of that world," Trunks explained.

"Ooh! A Time Traveler?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I know a Time Traveler too! She's actually myself from the future!"

"Oh, you met a future version of yourself?" Trunks asked.

"Uh-huh," Sweetie Belle nodded. "She's so cool, she knows martial arts and taught me something very important about my future."

"Really? What's what?" Trunks asked.

Sweetie Belle gestured to her symbiote suit, "Black is very sexy."

"Uh...sure," Trunks said, feeling mixed about that statement.

"You're bold," Sunset said. "How is that Symbiote treating you?"

"Just fine, we're getting along well, right Serum?" Sweetie Belle asked, no audible answer. "He's a bit shy, but he's fine too."

"I rarely trust others," Serum said to Sweetie Belle.

"Point is, he's helping me be a hero, just like Peter," Sweetie Belle said. "One day, when he retires and finally gets the rest that he's earned, I'll be ready to step up with my friends to protect Equestria in his place. I'll make sure he can take it easy for the future."

"That's very admirable, it's great knowing that there's some next gen who are capable and respectful," Chun-Li said, then took note of Smolder. "You seem familiar."

"I doubt you know me, but I know you, rather I know your kind," Smolder said.

"Uh, my kind?" Chun-Li asked.

"You're from Capcom, and just so you know, I don't trust you," Smolder said.

"Smolder, be nice," Sweetie Belle scolded.

"It's alright Sweetie Belle," Chun-Li said, focusing on Smolder. "Is there any reason you don't trust us?"

"Three of your guys beat up my brother a few years ago!" Smolder shouted. "He was so humiliated afterwards! That just made him more determined to stroke his ego to earn back respect. It led him to do stupid things, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason he got himself killed!"

"Whoa! Easy Smolder," Scootaloo said. "You're indirectly blaming Chun-Li for your brother's death, that's not okay."

"But it's true!" Smolder said.

"Smolder, we both know your brother always had an ego," Sweetie Belle said. "He needed to learn humility, and unfortunately he didn't learn it soon enough."

"Still though...it just shows the trouble that Capcom causes us," Smolder said. "Everyone blames Peter for our problems, but it started with Capcom showing up years ago."

"To be fair, you weren't even there at the time," Sunset said. "It's hardly their fault your brother died."

"Well someone has to be responsible!" Smolder said.

"Blame the ones who killed your brother! Not Chun-Li or Capcom!" Sunset scolded. "Seriously, they're here to help now, don't treat them like nuisances."

"Sunset, it's fine," Chun-Li said. "If my men did wrong by her, then I will take responsibility."

"You can't be serious," Sunset said. "Ryu, Chris and Dante were just protecting Doc and Derpy."

"Regardless, I will make things right," Chun-Li bowed to Smolder. "You have my word."

"Tch, whatever," Smolder said.

"We'll work this out," Chun-Li said. "For now, let's go find Peter."

At the Parker-Sparkle Home, the heroes were each explaining their situation to Twilight.

"So the world I went to, Namco..." Bobby began. "Bison was there along with some chick in a lab coat. Now Bison was dangerous, but that lab coat girl, something was definitely off about her."

"A lab coat?" Twilight asked. "So, a scientist? Where is she from?"

"I'm not sure, for all I know, she could be native to Namco," Bobby said. "Or she's a member of Shadoloo. Point is she showed up and injured some girl. Hopefully she's fine but that is one dangerous lady."

"Fluttershy, did Discord mention anything about this girl?" Peter asked.

"He did mention that Wesker had a lab assistant, but I don't think he knew too much about her," Fluttershy said.

"Bison and that lady weren't the only ones there," Bobby said. "Some guy who called himself 'Lord Tirek' was too. He said he knew Princess Celestia."

"Tirek...that name I've heard before," Twilight said. "I read about it in a book. A Centaur who came to Equestria a thousand years ago with his brother, Scorpan. They intended to conquer this land, but Scorpan turned against Tirek when he befriended Starswirl the Bearded. Afterwards, Tirek was imprisoned in Tartarus."

"So Starlight's explanation checks out," Logan said.

"So, an old baddie rears his ugly head," Bobby said. "Honestly, that dude seemed dangerous, he was stealing magic for himself. If he does that here, he's going to be unstoppable."

"We can't let that happen," Twilight said. "I will personally warn Celestia about Tirek."

"Are you going to see her? Or do you need me to send a letter?" Spike asked.

"Actually, a letter might be good for now, but I still want to talk to her later," Twilight said. "For now, does anyone else want to share their experiences?"

"I'll go next," Johnny said. "So I went to Sega with Rainbow Dash. I checked Earth while she checked Sonic's world."

"Sonic's world took a beating," Rainbow Dash said. "He and his friends fought hard against Doctor Eggman at least, and even Annihilus. But the true monsters were Goku Black and Zamasu."

"You met Goku Black?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, and he is nothing like Goku," Rainbow Dash said. "He had that sinister look in his eyes. I didn't really get to fight him, he bailed the moment I showed up."

"He probably knew you would beat him up," Mayday said.

"Heh, thanks for that kid, honestly I wish I could say it's true," Rainbow Dash said. "But I couldn't even handle the real Goku, I don't think I would have lasted against Goku Black. Especially after how badly he destroyed that world. He even killed some of Sonic's friends."

"Wait, does that include that fox, hedgehog or echidna?" Twilight asked.

"Different group," Peter confirmed. "Johnny and Dash already confirmed it."

"My old enemy Super Skrull was there too, he took out part of the planet," Johnny said. "I scared him off though."

"Super Skrull, I haven't heard that name since the initial Capcom Invasion," Twilight said.

"On the plus, I did run into a group of Japanese Heroes," Johnny said. "They call themselves the Phantom Thieves, which sounds badass. I relayed the situation to them. They're going to help however they can."

"Oh good, you found more allies," Twilight said. "Still, Phantom Thieves, interesting name."

"They make their living getting people to see the error of their ways, and reforming," Johnny said. "Their leader calls himself 'Joker'. Not to be confused with that creep from Gotham City."

"Did you tell him that he shares a name with a villain?" Trixie asked.

"I did actually, he just shrugged it off," Johnny said. "He knows who he is, and I respect that. Funny though, there's a girl who's dressed like a cat. She's clearly trying to be sexy about it too, she even has a whip."

"Great, more cats, I just hope she's nothing like Felicia," Twilight said, then turned to Thunderlane. "No offense."

"None taken," Thunderlane said. "She's no longer my responsibility anyway."

"Yeah, she snoozes, she loses," Lightning Dust said, rubbing the head of Felicity. "And she lost big time."

"Right..." Twilight almost felt sympathy for Felicia at this moment, but she didn't want to dwell on it. "Let's move on, anyone else?"

"I ran into Sephiroth," Wade said. "And he took a cheap shot against me! Like a typical final boss would."

"Which one's Sephiroth again?" Twilight asked.

"Long silver hair, longer sword, probably to compensate for something," Wade said, then chuckled a bit, much to everyone's annoyance. "And has only one wing."

"Come to think of it, I do remember a One-Winged Pegasus," Twilight said, recalling the villain's eyes, the mare shuddering. "He was such a creep."

"He along with Tempest Shadow and Doctor Octopus were taking down Square, including many of Cloud Strife's buddies," Wade said.

"Doc Ock?" Twilight asked. "Peter, you told me he was dead."

"I thought so too, but he's alive," Peter said. "And with Wesker and Doom."

"Well, how are Cloud's friends?" Twilight asked.

"They're fine, some group from Erdrea came to help," Wade said. "They were led by someone who calls himself 'The Luminary'."

"Ah yes, the 'JRPG' group," Bobby said.

"Hey it works," Wade said.

"I can verify that Vergil's back too," Miles confirmed. "He showed up with a lady named Juri Han, who is also from Capcom."

"Vergil huh? Well with Wesker comes Vergil," Twilight said. "Did anyone run into Wesker?"

"I didn't, but I did show up after the fact," Logan said. "I can confirm that Wesker was working with Tron Bonne and The Prowler."

"The Prowler? You mean Miles's uncle?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid so," Miles said. "Sucks, but what can I do?"

"I ran into Venom," Remy confirmed. "And some guy named Kazuya Mishima."

"Venom I obviously know, can you explain this Kazuya fellow?" Twilight asked.

"Only thing Remy can say is that he and his boy got some family issues to work out," Remy said. "Hopefully soon, I know his pals said otherwise, but Remy got a bad feeling about Jin Kazama."

"He did seem unfriendly when we last met, but that girl Ling Xiaoyu seems to believe in him," Twilight said.

"Sometimes dat's all a person needs," Remy said.

"I agree," Twilight said. "So, Is that everything?"

"I overheard Chun-Li mention that Spencer ran into Shocker, Electro and Mysterio," Bobby said. "And that Capcom recruited some gang members from their world."

"So, more trouble, that's great," Twilight lamented, then heard a knock. "Who could that be this time?"

Aunt May answered the door, revealing Sunset and her friends. "Hello dears."

"Hi May, can we come in?" Sunset asked

"Sure," Aunt May gestured them inside to the large group.

"Whoa, looks like everyone's here," Sunset said, then saw the Princess of Friendship. "Twilight! You're okay."

"We're so happy!" Sweetie Belle said, trotting over to the Princess. "You had us worried."

"Glad you made a good recovery," Scootaloo said.

"I have, thank you. Right now, everyone was catching me up on things," Twilight said. "Stuff about Wesker, Doctor Doom and those other villains."

"So we're in time, good," Sunset gestured to the Half-Saiyan beside her. "This is Trunks by the way."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Trunks said, bowing to Twilight.

"The pleasure is all mine, Trunks," Twilight said. "Are you new?"

"I'm from an alternate future of Dragon World," Trunks explained. "You may have met my father, Vegeta."

"Vegeta? He's a Saiyan," Peter said. "So that means you're a Saiyan too."

"Yes, well half Saiyan, my mother is a human from Earth," Trunks explained.

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Peter Parker," the hero said.

"So you're Peter, everyone at Capcom seems to admire you," Trunks said.

Peter awkwardly rubbed his head, "Wow, really? That's a surprise."

"He's modest," Chun-Li said. "Too modest, it's honestly kind of irritating."

"Hey!" Peter said.

"I respect humility," Trunks said. "But I suppose I should explain something. I'm here because of an enemy that might be your enemy now. Goku Black."

"You know Goku Black?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Who is he anyway? Why does he look like Goku?"

"I don't know, I just know he showed up in my timeline one day, claiming to be Goku," Trunks said. "The Goku of my timeline is dead however. Come to think of it, so should the Goku of the other timeline."

"The main one?" Chun-Li asked. "The one we know?"

"Yeah, he died fighting a monster named Cell, I never got to ask how he's back," Trunks said. "Unless he changed his mind about whether or not he wanted to be revived by The Dragon Balls."

"You can ask him later," Twilight said. "For now, is there anything else you can tell us about Black? I know you mentioned that he can't be your Goku, but given your experiences with Time Travel, could he be a time traveling Goku from another dimension?"

"That could be possible, but somehow, I just don't think it is him," Trunks said. "Even though he looks like Goku, the way he acts is too unlike Goku. If anything he acts a lot like his partner Zamasu."

"Maybe he was created by that Zamasu guy?" Johnny theorized.

"It's hard to say," Trunks replied. "I've been fighting him for over a year now, I was alone for a while until help came. Not from my world, all the warriors were already dead."

"Did Black kill them?" Johnny asked.

"No, they were killed by Androids, or rather Cyborgs," Trunks explained.

"Oh yeah, Goku mentioned something like that," Peter said. "Actually, you sound much more familiar to me now. The time traveling swordsman who gave Goku a cure for his Heart Virus, who had to save his timeline from evil cybernetic beings."

"Yes, I'm the only warrior in my world," Trunks said. "My allies came from another world, specifically Marvel."

"My world?" Peter asked.

"A group called the X-Force," Trunks said. "Led by a guy named Cable."

"No freaking way! You met Cable!?" Wade asked. "How's the big lunk doing?"

"He's fine, he's been a big help," Trunks said. "There's other allies. Two girls, named Domino and Psylocke."

"Wow, good allies to have, kid," Logan said.

"Thanks, they're great to have around," Trunks said. "There's also a guy named Bishop, and another guy named Forge."

"Forge is da man," Remy said. "He came through big time for us as well."

"Same with Bishop," Bobby said. "Thanks to those guys, we didn't have to worry about our own mechanical troubles."

"Does this have to do with the Sentinels?" Trunks asked.

"They tell you that story, kid?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, I heard about the Sentinels that were designed to wipe out mutants," Trunks said. "How Forge went to warn the X-Men about it. From the sounds of things, I take it some of you are from the X-Men?"

"Yeah, me, Remy and Logan are," Bobby said.

"And me too!" Wade said.

"...Wade, you're not a mutant!" Bobby said. "The X-Men consists of mutants!"

"Bullshit! You're fine with Chun-Li being a member!" Wade said, gesturing to the girl. "She's not a mutant either!"

"He's got a point," Logan said.

"Fine, but Chun-Li got in because she was a totally hot chick, which the X-Men needed more of," Bobby said.

"Uh...excuse me?" Chun-Li asked.

"He's joking," Remy said.

"We made an exception for Chun-Li because she helped us out big time back when Marvel and Capcom first crossed paths," Logan explained. "Mutant or not, she earned her spot."

"I really appreciate that too," Chun-Li said, bowing to the X-Men.

"Point is kid, we're members of the X-Men, and friends of Forge and the other fine fighters you listed," Logan said. "You got yerself good allies."

"That's good to know," Trunks said. "So, if I may ask, which one are you?"

"They call me Wolverine," Logan said.

"Oh wow, you're Wolverine?" Trunks asked. "I hear you're one of the best."

"You heard right. I'm the best there is at what I do, bub," Logan said, showing off his claws with a Snikt.

"Someone's not very humble," Gwen teased, annoying Logan.

"Dey call me, Gambit," Remy introduced, showing off his cards.

"And I'm Iceman," Bobby turned himself into ice. "Name speaks for itself."

"I heard about both of you as well," Trunks said. "Iceman, you fought that scientist woman. She seems to be one of the biggest mysteries."

"Yeah, only thing I remember is a Lab Coat and glasses," Bobby said.

"Did you say anything about a ribbon?" Trunks asked.

"A ribbon?" Bobby asked. "I think so, but I was too busy focusing on her, so I barely noticed a ribbon."

"I see," Trunks said. "Anyway, if you need help with Goku Black or any of these villains, let me know. One of them did come to terrorize my world a bit, he called himself, Annihilus."

"Damn, you ran into him too?" Johnny asked. "That guy's dangerous, no one calls him 'Living Death Who Walks' for nothing."

"That's an ominous name," Trunks said. "Still, it sounds like you have a history with him."

"He's an old enemy of mine, I'm sorry you had to deal with him," Johnny said.

"I'm sorry you're dealing with my enemies," Trunks said.

"Let's not be sorry, let's just help each other out," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, at least we're all aware," Gwen said. "We just need to relay this to Miguel when we get the chance."

"We will," Twilight said.

"Just so you all know," Chun-Li began. "We also got reports of Dormammu causing trouble. Ken mentioned how dangerous he was."

"Noted on that," Peter said.

"We'll work together to defeat our foes," Trunks said. "For now, let's come up with some plans."

"Take the kids upstairs first," Peter said.

"Aw, why?" Mayday asked. "We want to hear."

"Mayday, let us make our plans," Peter said. "Meanwhile, why don't you play with your friends?"

"Can I invite Luster Dawn?" Mayday asked.

"Sure," Peter said. "You want to go get her?"

"Okay, oh and can we see if Miss Mary Jane is available?" Mayday asked. "She's really nice."

Peter glanced at Twilight, the mare not even bothered by this before focusing back on his daughter. "Sure. Wherever she is."

"MJ mentioned wanting to check on some ponies with Flash," Gwen said.

"What about Harry?" Peter asked.

"He went home, he got tired of being in this world," Gwen said.

"Oof, alright then," Peter said, sympathizing with his old friend.

"Fine by us, he wasn't pleasant to be around anyway," Johnny said.

"Johnny, I don't think that's helping much," Rainbow Dash scolded. "Even if you do have a point."

"Alright Mayday, wanna come with me?" Gwen asked. "I think MJ's at the Friendship Center."

"Okay, let's...wait, Friendship Center?" Mayday asked. "Where those ponies are?"

"...Right, those ponies gave Mayday a hard time yesterday," Spike said.

"Hard time? What ponies?" Twilight asked.

"I can explain," Shining Armor said, finally speaking up. "Twiley, your old students...how can I say this?"

"They're a pile of scum," Cadance finished.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Shining Armor said.

"Whoa, big statement from the Princess of Love," Bobby said.

"They were absolutely abhorrent to Mayday, saying so many terrible things, all over the school closing," Shining Armor said.

"Which it didn't, it came back, but those ponies are too stupid to realize it," Bobby said.

"Is this about the School of Friendship?" Sunset asked. "Are ponies actually whining about it?"

"Sadly yes," Spike said.

"Wow, sorry Twilight but you really screwed up with that one," Sunset said.

"Hey, I did my best with the school," Twilight said. "It could have worked."

"How? What was the exact curriculum? How do you graduate? What happens when there aren't enough ponies attending?" Sunset asked. "Did you even think this school through?"

"Of course I did, I had plenty of plans for it," Twilight said.

"Even so, I still don't know why you made a school to teach Friendship," Sunset said. "That's not something you learn in a curriculum."

"Ugh, I've been told this way too many times already," Twilight said. "Can we move on from this?"

"Sorry, but if ponies are still going to throw a fit over something this stupid, there hardly is any chance to move on," Sunset said. "And given that Mayday's not comfortable even going near there now, I say the damage was done."

"Lets not get into this, I'll go pick up MJ," Gwen said. "On my own too."

"Alright, fine," Twilight said as Gwen made her leave. "Still, I should have a word with these students."

"Do so soon, there was almost a big fight yesterday, Celestia had to break it up," Trixie said.

"What fight?" Twilight asked.

"Some ponies tried physically engaging us," Bobby said. "Ungrateful bunch of assholes those ponies are."

"Hey, language, the kids are still here," Peter said.

"Bobby tends to forget that, and now Snow Gem has quite the colorful vocabulary," Rarity said.

"I taught her one word by mistake," Bobby said.

"One?" Rarity asked.

"...Okay, maybe four," Bobby said. "She doesn't say them much."

"The other day, she said 'Bitch' in front of my mother," Rarity said. "It nearly gave her a heart attack."

"This is bullshit," Bobby said. "No way I'm the one who-"

"What does 'bullshit' mean?" Hope asked, which earned Bobby a glare from Janet and Spike.

"Son of a bitch," Bobby said.

"Bitch?" Felicity said, now with Thunderlane and Lightning Dust glaring at him.

"Seriously? How come she only asked after I said it? And not Rarity!" Bobby said.

"Don't you blame this on me! I am not potty mouthed!" Rarity said.

Bobby groaned in annoyance, "Seriously, what the fu-"

"Bobby!" Peter called. "You're going to make a swear word Benjy's first word at this rate."

"I'm getting blamed for this? Logan and Wade use worse language than I do," Bobby said.

"Yeah, I already taught the Cake Twins all the swears," Wade said. "Not purposefully mind you, but things slip."

"You're lucky their parents haven't kicked you out," Pinkie said.

"That's because they love me," Wade said.

"Listen, I'm going to bounce while Bobby here explains what certain words mean and why they shouldn't be used," Gwen said, making his leave.

"Better explain soon Bobby, or this whole situation will bite you in the ass," Wade said.

"Ass?" Felicity asked, the glares directed toward Deadpool.

"You know, I would bet a Million Bits that Lightning Dust says worse on a regular basis!" Wade said.

"Well I'm smart enough to say it away from my daughter," Lightning Dust said.

"Glad Oliver and Becca are still at the farm," Applejack said.

"Too late for Oliver, Granny Smith taught him a few words too," Remy said.

"...Wait, what words?" Applejack asked, to which Remy whispered them, irritating the mare. "Dagnabbit!"

"Weird how this conversation turned out," Peter said.

"Yeah, seriously, my language isn't the point here, it's the fact that Twilight's old students are bullying a little girl," Bobby said.

"Honestly that pisses me off," Sunset said, focusing on the door. "I'm going to check this out myself."

Twilight shook her head, "What a day." She turned to her dragon assistant. "Spike, mind sending that letter?"

"Sure," Spike said, using his fire to send the letter. "Done."

"I'll be by the castle later, I have a few words to say after all," Twilight said.

Back in the Portal Room, Jude had returned with Genis and Elize, passing by the growing team near the desk. Spencer was standing beside Doctor Light, with Mega Man, Roll and Auto as his assistant, alongside Donnie, his brothers and April O'Neil.

Sitting nearby were the trio of Sakura, Ibuki and Makoto, not working on anything, just observing the situation.

Also nearby was Reeve Tuesti, a former Shinra Agent and ally to Cloud Strife.

"Things certainly have gotten busier here," Jude said.

"That's an understatement," Spencer said.

"So one idea I have is finding their base of operations and striking there," Donnie said. "It's our best chance to take down the enemy in one fell swoop."

"Great idea Donnie, one problem though," Raph said. "We don't know where the base of operations is."

"Well let's brainstorm, what locations would they have?" Donnie asked. "Spencer, where would Albert Wesker be?"

"I know he worked for this organization after Umbrella, but we don't know a lot about it," Spencer said.

"Well what about Shadoloo?" Donnie asked.

"I think they had a base in Thailand, but it got destroyed by Chun-Li, Cammy and Guile, with Ryu and Ken helping out," Spencer said. "There's also S.I.N. but if they have a new base, we never found it."

"Let's move on," Leo said. "What about Tron Bonne?"

"She and her brothers used a flying fortress called the Gesellschaft," Spencer said. "Keyword, it flies. So it's not in one location."

"That might be tricky to pinpoint," Donnie said. "Let's try Marvel, any bases there?"

"Doctor Doom has a Castle in Doomstadt, Latveria," Spencer explained. "Getting into that country will be a pain from what I hear. It's not even Doom we need to worry about, it's his Prime Minister, Lucia Von Bardas."

"Is she part of this in any way?" Leo asked.

"She might be, granted she hasn't shown up at any point," Spencer said. "From some reports I've seen, she's very much capable of fighting, and has abilities that include flight and a type of energy field."

"Getting into Doomstadt Castle may be tough," Donnie said.

"We could sneak in, we're ninjas," Mikey said. "Sneaking is kind of our stye, dude."

"I know Mikey, but we don't know what to expect," Donnie said.

"Hey I'm good with doing Recon if I need to," Spencer said. "If one or all of you want to come, that's fine with me too."

"I'll go!" Roll said.

"Roll, it's dangerous," Mega Man warned.

"I still wanna go," Roll said. "I want to fight too."

"You're brave Roll, but pick your battles wisely," Spencer said.

"What about anyone else?" April asked. "Who's another major player?"

"Sephiroth, but I have no way of finding him," Spencer said.

"It will be difficult either way," Reeve added. "He is hardly ever stationary."

"This is quite a predicament," Doctor Light said.

"Hey, what about Wily?" Spencer asked. "Did you find out if he built a new castle?"

"Not since the last one I wrecked," Mega Man said. "Unfortunately that last one got engulfed in an explosion that he caused in a last desperate attempt to destroy me."

"Yeah, it's gone without a trace," Roll said.

"And no sign of anything being built," Auto said.

"Wily may have settled going where the other villains went, or sought refuge with Doctor Eggman," Light said.

"This isn't going anywhere," Leo said. "Maybe we should focus on defense. No doubt they'll be back."

"Where though?" Mikey asked. "They struck all over the multiverse."

"Then let's set up defenses at places they may strike," Leo said. "Some place probably didn't get hit too hard, so they might try again. Or we find other key locations."

"Like what?" Raph asked. "What does that even mean?"

"Do they know where this base is?" April asked.

"I doubt it, we keep this place hidden well," Spencer said.

"What about Equestria itself?" Roll asked. "That's where the villains once were, and that might be their goal."

"We should run this by Celestia," Spencer said. "Still, given that they wanted all the worlds, I can't imagine they'll stick to one, unless they're distracting us from another major target."

"Like where? Superman's world?" Mikey asked.

"I doubt they'd be that stupid, but then again they might know some guys there," Spencer said.

Genis scratched his head in wonder, "Seems like they're just talking. Shouldn't they go out and do something?"

"Rushing into a fight could get you killed," Jude said. "It's good to have a plan of action."

"I just hope they don't take too long," Genis said. "Personally, I want revenge for what they did to Presea."

"Give it time," Jude said.

Sakura began yawning, the girl itching for a fight, "This is taking too long, let's just go find the villains ourselves."

"We might get in trouble, let's just wait," Ibuki said.

"...Boring," Makoto stated.

Even nearby, Leon, Viper and Sally were searching through the worlds via a monitor, hoping to find the villains.

"Nothing there, or there," Leon noted, checking the screen. "Damn, it's like they all disappeared."

"There's a large multiverse out there, so obvious this is like finding a needle in a haystack," Viper said.

"Only on a larger scale," Sally said.

Leon grumbled in annoyance, "I really hate this."

"Maybe we should contact Miguel," Sally suggested.

"In a minute, I want to double check everything," Viper said.

Nearby, Ryu, Chris and Dante were passing through, along with Goku, Sonic and Cloud.

"Hey, anyone seen Sunset?" Dante asked.

"She's in Equestria with Trunks and Chun-Li," Spencer explained. "Did Strider send you guys?"

"He ran into us and directed us this way," Dante said. "Right now, I think he went to check in with Kratos."

"You guys working on plans?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, wanna join?" Mega Man asked. "We could use your smarts."

"You want smarts, go find Tails," Sonic said.

"He and Peni Parker are working on something together," Mega Man said. "Plus you're plenty smart yourself, aren't you a hacker?"

"I hack when I need to," Sonic said.

"That's a useful skill," Spencer said. "Speaking from personal experience here."

"Sonic, stick around and help, the rest of us will find Sunset," Ryu said.

"Sounds good to me," Sonic said. "Alright, everyone, let's figure something out."

"I should check on Presea," Jude said.

"Yeah, I hope she's doing better," Genis said.

The Half-Elf then felt Elize grab his hand, the girl offering a gentle smile, "She'll be fine. Come on."

"Yeah, sure," Genis said, blushing a bit from the contact as he was led away, he and Elize following Jude.

Unknown to all, a Mouser Robot was seen in the facility, having recently followed the Turtles into the Portal Room. Their progress was observed by The Shredder.

"How careless, you should be more aware of your surroundings," Shredder said, standing up. "Perhaps I shall look for these gentlemen myself. This Doctor Doom and Albert Wesker. They could benefit from my services."

Nothing was heard but a loud cackle as lightning flashed over a building with a Foot Insignia flashing in the center.

In town, Gwen was walking MJ back to the Parker-Sparkle Residence, the mare noticing a few glares from the ponies around.

"Geez, it's like walking on eggshells," Gwen said. "No one's calmed down since yesterday."

"It might take a while," MJ said. "Flash is doing his best to help too."

"Yeah, I can see others putting up an effort," Gwen turned to Doc and Derpy, who were conversing with the Flower Ponies.

"Hopefully it won't take long," MJ said as they kept moving.

"I just hope they leave Mayday alone for once," Luster Dawn muttered to herself.

As they got to the house, they could spot some ponies outside, calling out to the heroes within.

"Hey! Don't think we forgot about yesterday! Our problems are still unresolved!" Caramel called.

"You still owe us an explanation!" Shoeshine said.

"Are you fucking serious?" Gwen lamented.

"...I swear if they're bothering Mayday, I'm going to zap some ponies," Luster Dawn said, readying her magic.

The ponies kept rallying until Peter opened the door, the hero not in the mood. "Wow, it's not even lunchtime yet, and there's already an angry mob."

"You and your hero buddies better be planning to keep us safe!" Caramel warned.

"Yeah, we are, you're welcome," Peter said.

"If more trouble arises, we'll know it's your fault!" Strawberry Scoop said.

"Remember Spider-Man, we all have friends and families to think about," came the voice of Spoiled Rich, the mare also in the crowd.

"Oh, Spoiled Rich, how nice of you to engage with the community," Peter said. "Listen, I have had a really rough night, and I don't have a lot of patience, can you all please take a hike?"

"Once all your friends make a promise to us!" Caramel said.

"Great...they're all turning into that scumbag Griffon," Gwen lamented as she called to them. "Hey! Ponies! Beat it!"

"You can't tell us what to do!" Citrine Spark said. "We're rightfully concerned citizens!"

This caught the attention of Lyra and Bon Bon, the two mares happening to pass by.

"Are they being stupid again?" Lyra asked.

"Geez, I gotta call S.M.I.L.E. and see if they can find some way to promise extra security," Bon Bon said, grabbing her watch. "Hopefully they'll leave Peter alone."

"Watch them complain regardless," Lyra said. "Especially if it's the Patroller Robots."

"Those things are a work of genius from Reed and Doc, they just needed some tweaks, which they got," Bon Bon said. "Absolutely horseapples that they believed those robots were spying on them and gathering data."

"Not to agree with them, but I don't blame them, they did kind of follow you around," Lyra said.

"I know, they were too cautious, but we dialed it back," Bon Bon said. "Still, now I'm not sure what will keep them feeling safe. I just hope another fight doesn't break out."

Thunderlane stepped out the house to greet the ponies, "Hey! Listen up! You all need to chill! Peter's doing his best in here!"

"Traitor!" Caramel accused.

"Loser! Thunderlane insulted. "Yeah, I can shout things too! Does it make it true? Hopefully not! I imagine you don't want to be losers!"

"Hey! Stop trying to confuse us!" Goldylinks said.

"Then stop being so damn annoying," Thunderlane said. "Just let Peter do what he needs to do! He won't let anyone get hurt! And if someone does get hurt, well don't blame Peter, blame the villains!"

"But, it's his job-" Caramel tried arguing.

"There is...no...JOB!" Thunderlane said. "If one of you wants to give this guy a paycheck for saving you so often, then do so! Only then should you complain if he's not 'earning' his paycheck, which he does! So kindly take a hike!"

"...We still want results!" Strawberry Scoop said.

"For heaven's sake," Sunset stepped outside, her horn glowing and startling everyone. "If you stupid ponies don't leave, I will make you leave!"

"Hey, you can't threaten us like that!" Caramel said.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want to do!" Sunset warned. "Seriously, you ponies are a bunch of bullies! What did you learn at Twilight's school other than how to belittle a child for being an introvert!"

"Hey, the school could have cured her introversion!" Caramel said.

Sunset's eyes widened in disbelief, "You...what...?" Her face twisted into anger again, "You can't cure introversion! What are you fucking stupid or something!? Twilight didn't need a School of Friendship! She needed a school period! God you ponies are worse than some of the elite dumbasses on many of the different Earths I've been to!"

"Hey that's mean!" Citrine Spark said.

"Between the likes of America Chavez, Luke Sullivan, Gallus, and you dumbasses, the multiverse is going to shit long before the so-called Armageddon even happens!" Sunset said. "Curing introversion? That's so unbelievably stupid! There's nothing to cure! Only in Equestria because God forbid someone's a little reserved in this damn country! Why would Mayday want to be around anyone who's going to make her feel like shit!?"

"...We just wanted to help," Goldylinks said.

"How the hell is that...?" Sunset huffed in anger. "You all need to leave."

"But..." Caramel tried saying.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Sunset shot at them with her magic, startling the crowd. "GO AWAY! NOW!"

"Whoa! Take it easy!" Peter urged, calming Sunset down, the girl still very much mad.

"Stupid morons! You ponies haven't changed a bit!" Sunset shouted. "None of you will ever change! No matter what!"

"Sunset!" Chun-Li ran outside to calm the mare. "You need to settle down! Now!"

Despite her frustrations, Sunset managed to take a second to calm her nerves. "Sorry..."

Peter was concerned for Sunset, though he wasn't the only one. Everyone inside overheard her, Trunks and Twilight looking the most worried as they stepped outside.

It was even at this point that Ryu and the others had arrived, just in time to see Sunset telling off the ponies of Equestria.

"While I don't blame her...holy shit..." Dante said.

"She's angry," Ryu said. "That's not good for her state of mind."

Sunset took a few more breaths, Trunks trying to calm her while noticing the other arrivals. "Here come your friends. Goku too."

"Huh?" Sunset noticed the incomers. "Oh, hey guys. I don't suppose-"

"We saw," Chris said. "You need to not do that."

"I know," Sunset said.

"We get being angry but if you let it take over you like this, then that's just not going to end well," Dante said. "Take it from experience."

"Yeah, sure..." Sunset said.

"Do you need water or anything?" Cloud asked.

"No, I'm fine," Sunset said.

"At least take a moment to sit down," Goku said. "That was a lot of magic you just fired off."

"Yes sir," Sunset said, trotting back inside to take a seat.

"Gwen, MJ, Luster Dawn, Mayday's waiting inside," Peter called.

"Mayday!" Luster Dawn ran inside, getting the girls's attention.

"Oh Luster, you made-" Mayday was interrupted when Luster Dawn pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry Mayday, I'm here for you!" Luster Dawn kissed Mayday on the muzzle and pulled her back into a hug as she gently stroked her mane.

"This is weird, but she sounds worried so I'll let it slide," Mayday mentally noted.

Franklin could not believe his eyes, part of him was jealous too.

Even Peter couldn't believe it, "Well...at least Luster Dawn is a good friend. Even better that no one here directly bothered Mayday."

"What happened exactly?" Chris asked.

"Ponies were giving us a hard time," Peter said. "Then they got Sunset mad about some comments regarding my daughter. I appreciate Sunset standing up for her but that was not the way to do it."

"Are ponies giving you crap again?" Dante asked.

"Kind of," Peter said. "It's frustrating I'll admit."

"Don't let it get to you," Chris said. "Why don't you tell us what's going on."

"Alright, I'll start from the beginning, one more time," Peter said.

Inside, Rumble is still nursing his wing, with help from Apple Bloom and Silverstream. Sweetie Belle had gone over to check on him, offering him a glass of milk. "Here."

"Thanks," Rumble said, taking the drink.

"We really need to get you to a doctor," Apple Bloom said. "Stay here, I'll go to the hospital."

"Okay," Rumble dejectedly said.

"I'll join you, Apple Bloom," Silverstream said.

"I appreciate that," Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie Belle, watch over Rumble."

"Of course," Sweetie Belle said, sitting down beside Rumble and checking his wing. "My poor Rumble."

"I feel like crap, Sweetie Belle," Rumble said, sadly looking to the ceiling. "What am I without my wings?"

"You'll be fine, I have faith that you will," Sweetie Belle said.

"I love your optimism," Rumble said, checking his wing. "I just hope it pays off."

"You'll be fine," Sweetie Belle gently nuzzled Rumble. "We're here for you. I'm here for you."

"Thanks," Rumble said.

"Is this the stallion you choose?" Serum asked.

"Not now," Sweetie Belle argued back.

As Rumble thought things over, he heard someone walk near him. He looked to see Miles Morales, the spider waving at the Pegasus. "Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Rumble said.

"Sorry about your wing," Miles said. "Fighting villains is tough."

"Tell me about it," Rumble said. "So, you're the other Spider-Man."

"Names Miles," the boy said. "You seem to know Peter well, you even called his daughter your little sister. What's the deal there?"

"Ten years ago, my parents died in an accident," Rumble said. "Since then, Peter and Twilight have raised me, they stepped in as my parents and treated me like one of their own."

"Sounds like something Peter would do," Miles said. "When I became Spider-Man, the Peter from my world helped me out big time. Without him, I don't think I'd be who I am."

"What's that Peter like? Any difference between the two?" Rumble asked.

"Different wife for starters, he married Mary Jane Watson," Miles said.

"Oh, wow...that could justify Twilight's jealousy," Rumble said.

"One other difference, and it might suck to say but, my Peter did kind of lose his edge," Miles said. "I think he doubted himself as Spider-Man, and as a person. This one has some doubts but he also seems more confident in himself, even if he doesn't always act like it."

"I can't see Peter as anything less than what he is now," Rumble said. "One way or another, I guess he looks after the little guy."

"Sure does," Miles said. "Hey, whatever happens with your wing, I think you'll be fine."

"That's nice of you to say, Miles," Rumble said. "But, I need my wings. See, I want to be a hero, just like Peter. I can't do that if I can't fly."

"You don't need to fly to be a hero, Peter and I swing around on a web," Miles said.

"I don't have webs," Rumble said. "Wait, how did you get the webs? Does your Peter make them for you?"

"No, I had to learn to make it myself," Miles said. "But don't worry about how I did it, figure out something from your end. When there's a will, there's a way. And I think you have the will."

"I hope so," Rumble said, glancing back at his wing. "More than anything, I just want to get back out there. Trouble's coming, and I want to keep Peter and his family safe, just like they've done for me. I just don't know if I can do it."

"You shouldn't doubt yourself so much," Sweetie Belle said. "Have faith."

"Your friend here is right," Miles said, sitting before Rumble. "Listen, I know it's scary. I've been there, I've doubted myself. But, I'm here now, I'm not the best hero in my world, but I'm the best I can be, and I'll continue to grow. I think you got it in you to be one of the best in this world too. Give it time. One day, I know you'll pull it off."

"But, when will that be?" Rumble asked. "How did you know when you're ready?"

"That's the thing, you probably won't know," Miles said. "Sometimes, it's just about taking a Leap of Faith."

"Huh?" Rumble asked.

"You'll figure it out," Miles said, standing back up. "I gotta go see Gwen about something. Catch you later, Rumble."

Rumble waved good-bye as he turned to his wing, "A Leap of Faith huh? Can't get any vaguer than that."

Upstairs, a worried Mayday was looking down at Rumble, with Franklin right beside her.

"He'll be alright, just be there for him," Franklin said, kissing Mayday on the cheek. "He could use your sweet nature."

"Thanks..." Mayday said, blushing a bit as Franklin wrapped his foreleg around her.

Outside, Trunks had gotten Goku's attention, "By the way, how are you alive? I thought you died fighting Cell?"

"A lot of things happened and I ended up coming back to life," Goku said. "It had to do with a monster called Majin Buu."

"You fought him too?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah, why? Did you?" Goku asked.

"Majin?" Ryu asked, with Dante, Chris and Cloud noticing. "A demon of sorts?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you my story," Trunks said.

"Story!?" Lyra rushed over to Trunks. "Gotta say, you look strong, are you new?"

"Lyra! Don't bother him!" Bon Bon said, then turned to Trunks. "I'm sorry about her, she gets excited."

"It's no trouble," Trunks said.

"So...tell us about this 'Majin'," Lyra said.

"Lyra ,that might be personal," Bon Bon said

"I don't mind sharing," Trunks said.

"As you shouldn't, I am one of Spider-Mane's best friends," Lyra said.

"Spider-Mane? Isn't it 'Spider-Man'?" Trunks asked.

"Long story," Dante said. "And yours comes first."

"Alright then," Trunks said.

The day had gone by, the Ponyville Heroes were done talking, the Capcom Warriors had finished their plans.

Tails and Peni had worked on a lot of different gear to help their allies in their fight against the villains, while Strider and Kratos made some battle plans of their own, alongside Miguel. Thor sat in Asgard, ready and waiting for the future.

But one piece of business still needed to be attended to. Twilight and Peter had gone to Canterlot Castle, the two meeting Steve at the gates.

"Peter, Twilight, good to see you both," Steve said.

"Hi Steve, how are you feeling?" Twilight asked.

"Well, hearing about Elijah does not sit well with me," Steve admitted. "I trust he fought hard to the bitter end, that's all I can ask of him."

"He'll be missed for sure," Peter said. "Right now we need to see Celestia."

"Just in time, we have some interesting guests," Steve said.

"Really?" Peter asked as he and Twilight went inside.

In the Throne Room, Celestia was seen talking to Tony, Clint and Kate, all three trying to explain the situation from their own perspective.

"So, Tony, you wish to return as one of our heroes?" Celestia asked.

"It's not about returning as one of Equestria's heroes, I just need to get justice for what happened to my world, including my best friend," Tony said.

"Of course, my deepest condolences regarding Rhodey," Celestia said. "He was a good man."

"Those bastards will get what's coming to them," Clint said. "It's time for The Avengers to live up to their name."

"Damn right it is," Tony said, then noticed some guests. "Peter! Twilight!"

"Tony!" Peter ran to greet his old friend. "You're back! I'd say I'm surprised, but I think I know why you returned."

"If it has to do with what happened to our world, then yes," Tony said. "They wiped everything out, Peter. They even killed Rhodey."

Peter's eyes widened in disbelief, "Rhodey's dead!?"

"I'm so sorry to hear that," Twilight said.

"So am I," Tony said, focusing on Celestia. "As you can see, I'm ready to fight."

"Good, the more help the better," Celestia said. "Twilight just sent me an interesting list."

"It details our enemy and their current attack plans," Twilight said. "Many worlds suffered attacks, so we need to be ready to fight back."

"Tell me everything," Tony said.

"Before I start from the beginning again..." Peter turned to Celestia. "Do you know where Luna is?"

"No, I haven't seen her all day," Celestia said. "Truth be told, I am a little concerned."

"I see..." Peter said, feeling some anger and resentment. "Guess she couldn't face me after what she's done."

"Luna..." Twilight furrowed her brow in annoyance, "Don't think I'm letting this slide, I'll get you to explain yourself one way or another."

"...Is something wrong?" Celestia asked.

Peter shook his head, "No...let's just do what we need to do."

Plans were made at Celestia's castle, but the villains were getting ready to strike once more. Calm as it was, the storm is on the way, and it was ready to cover the multiverse.