• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...


Inside her house, Twilight was laid comfortably on her bed. She had lost a lot of energy from her emotions having been negatively tampered with, something Peter was visibly concerned about.

That wasn't all of course, he was of course concerned about the sudden arrival of Mr. Negative, Cozy Glow and The Dazzlings. The five did quite a bit of damage in a short amount of time.

What's worse is some of the damage that was done. The homes that were under construction from a day prior had all their work undone, at least for a few.

That damage can be fixed, but there has been other damage done that cannot be reversed, including loss of life. While not Twilight's fault, he did feel guilty about anyone who had gotten hurt, or in this situation, killed.

With that taken care of, Peter had returned to the main lobby of the family library. Unsurprisingly, he was met with an audience, specifically The Elements, his fellow Ponyville Heroes as well as Rumble's group.

Gwen and Miles were also present, both likely just as confused as Peter was feeling, and worried for the safety of the town.

Rumble had it bad, the boy's wing was notably damaged. Apple Bloom was comforting him of course, but the boy was clearly distressed, and while he appreciated his wife's concern, it just made him feel worse.

Peter took a quick breath, ready to face what could likely be an awkward conversation. "So...first and foremost, I'm glad everyone's alive, that's important of course."

"Probably shouldn't bring that topic up right now," Scootaloo said, gesturing out the window to a depressed Smolder, the dragon currently being tended to by Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah...true," Peter said.

"Plus, we don't know if there were other possible casualties," Johnny said. "Scott's checking the town along with Spike, Shining Armor, Cadance, Cap, Bon Bon and those four ponies."

“Trixie, Starlight and Lightning Dust went to help,” Applejack said. “With any luck, maybe Sam and Bucky can come by soon to assist.”

"I really hope there weren't any casualties," Peter said, the hero looking back upstairs. "I don't think Twilight's conscious could handle that."

"Whatever happened was not Twilight's fault," Gwen said.

"Yeah, that falls on Martin Li, Cozy Glow and those sirens," Bobby said. "They're the ones who got Twilight all nutty."

"Twilight is still going to feel terrible," Peter said. "Keep in mind, Martin Li doesn't turn you evil, he takes existing feelings that were already inside you and twists them around. A lot of Twilight's feelings during that fight were pretty genuine."

"That aside, Martin Li still put her in that condition," Johnny said. "Same with those sirens of course, given what we know about them at least."

"Was it only those six baddies in town?" Pinkie asked. "No one else?"

"So far no," Peter said. "But this does support the fact that the villains have begun their invasion. According to what Discord told me, a large group of these villains formed an alliance. Wesker, Vergil, Green Goblin, Doctor Doom, Loki and Chrysalis have formed an alliance, and are planning to wipe out the multiverse."

"You think any other spot in Equestria could be in danger?" Applejack asked.

"It's not just Equestria I'm worried about," Peter said. "There's also the other realms and dimensions. Earlier Sunset had to leave with Ryu, Chris and Dante because of something that Doctor Strange said, that other areas were under attack."

"Should we do something?" Bobby asked.

"I want to, but I wouldn't even know where to start, the multiverse is massive," Peter said, thoughts of uncertainty flashing through his head. "But...I just get the feeling that things are going badly right now. I'm really worried."

"I can get into contact with Miguel, maybe he knows what's happening," Gwen suggested. "Or I can call Julia."

"I'm here actually," Julia said, popping in and startling everyone in the room.

"Can you not do that!?" Miles shouted. "You're gonna give everyone a heart attack!"

"Don't be so dramatic," Julia said, then focused on the others. "I already sensed trouble in the other dimensions. Miguel went to one in particular, a place I am a bit unfamiliar with, but he did seem to recognize one of the villains attacking."

"Do you know who was there?" Peter asked.

"I'm not sure, I do remember seeing a glimpse of a muscular blonde hair man," Julia said.

"Ken?" Bobby asked.

"He wore a hat," Julia said, earning an eyebrow raise from Rarity.

"...Ken with a hat?" Bobby asked, earning everyone's confusion.

"What the hell dude? That sounded so dumb," Johnny said.

"Hey give me a break, I don't know a blonde hair muscular guy with a hat," Bobby said.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure she's describing Terry Bogard," Peter said.

Bobby scratched his head, "And he is...?"

"Wait, I recognize that name," Rainbow Dash said. "Wasn't he the one who fought Rarity in that big fight before the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament?"

Rarity's eyes widened in realization, "That's right, I knew Julia's description seemed familiar! Quite the trickster that one was."

"Trickster? How?" Peter asked.

"First he asked if I was okay, which I thought was sweet, a man should check on a lady, even during a martial arts fight," Rarity said. "Then he shouted 'Buster Wolf' and tried to cheap shot me!"

"Oh yeah, that scumbag," Bobby said.

"I don't know that guy personally, so I can't explain why he would do that," Peter said. "Still, his world might be in danger, it's only right that we go to help if we can."

"I don't suppose you caught glimpses of the other worlds, have you?" Johnny asked.

"I've seen a few, including Capcom," Julia said. "It was a lot to keep track of, even for me. But there is definitely trouble brewing."

"We gotta do something," Peter said. "I say we round everyone up and-"

"Slow down, Peter," Logan said. "I know yer worried about the others, but let's make sure everyone here is safe. We don't know if those villains are really gone."

"Then I'll go on my own just to make sure everyone's alright," Peter said.

"You just had to rescue your wife from some evil mind control, dial it back dude," Johnny urged.

"But Johnny," Peter insisted.

"Look, just let us handle it," Johnny said, then turned to Julia. "Think you can find spots for us to handle?"

"I will do my best," Julia said. "Anyone who wishes to help, come with me."

"Fluttershy, you stay and help," Logan said. "Yer friends should do the same, Ponyville needs you."

"Of course," Fluttershy said.

"Pfft, forget that, I want to be out in the multiverse too!" Rainbow Dash boasted.

"This ain't a game, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said. "Keep that ego of yers in check."

"What ego!?" Rainbow Dash shouted in disbelief. "If there's trouble, I need to be out there and stopping it! Out of all of us, I am the most qualified to handle a threat after all."

"She's not wrong," Rarity said. "She has remarkable combat experience."

"Well she needs to remember, she's going out there as a human," Applejack said. "A form she ain't exactly used to."

"Hey, I fought while in a human body," Rainbow Dash said. "Remember my tournament match against Sonic?"

"Yeah, you lost," Applejack said.

"I did my best, besides you lost too!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, ah ain't the one itching to go out there," Applejack pointed out.

"Enough!" Logan interrupted. "Rainbow Dash, if you want to help, that's fine. Just stick with yer husband."

"Hey I'm totally good with that," Rainbow Dash said.

"Everyone, come with me then," Julia said, leading the volunteers out of the house. "Gwen, Miles, are you two coming as well?"

"Um..." Gwen turned her attention to Peter. "I'll stay behind for now."

"I can go then," Miles said, following the others. "We'll be back soon."

Peter waved them off, the hero still lamenting the situation, to which Gwen trotted over to pat his back, "Hey, it'll be alright, you got friends with you."

"Yeah, just tell us what we need to do," Applejack offered.

"Uh, for now, go help Cap and see if anyone's gotten hurt. You too Gwen, I got something to take care of," Peter said, focusing his attention on Rumble and the others.

"If you want me to," Gwen said, slowly making her way outside as Peter turned his attention to the younger heroes. "Don't take on too much by yourself, Peter."

Bobby was the last to leave, the hero trotting over to Peter to whisper something in his friend's ear, "We have a lot to talk about later, regarding some things that Twilight said."

Peter grew worried, knowing that Twilight did reveal a lot of hidden secrets. "Yeah, of course."

Bobby wasted no time catching up with his allies. With the heroes out and about, Peter trotted over to Rumble, the boy still in pain from what had happened to him, courtesy of Martin Li and Aria Blaze.

"Rumble..." Peter said, getting his attention. "How's your wing?"

"Come on Peter, you don't need me to tell you..." Rumble said, unable to flutter his wings. Doing so caused him pain, a feeling visibly demonstrated through his face as several sharp pains flowed through. "My wing's a wreck. There's no way I'll be able to fly after this."

"Hey come on, you're just hurt," Peter said.

"Half of my wing is barely attached to my body, Peter!" Rumble shouted in frustration, gesturing to the terrible cut that Martin Li gave him. The wing was partially detached from his body. "My other wing is crushed too, I can't use either!"

"It will heal," Peter said. "You just need a little time to recover. Things will be alright."

Rumble shook his head in frustration, "Peter, you're not getting it! I can't fly! My wings are totally busted! Do you have any idea what it's like being a Pegasus who can't fly!?"

Peter briefly glanced at Scootaloo, the girl looking a little bothered, but not enough to speak up about it.

"Rumble, listen..." Peter said, though Rumble was still too frustrated to pay attention.

"What am I without my wings!? My whole life all I've done was try to be the best at flying as possible!" Rumble continued. "Now look at me! I'm practically crippled!"

"Rumble..." Peter again tried to get his attention.

"I'm screwed, like I'm totally screwed," Rumble lamented, tears coming to the boy's eyes. "If I can't fly, how can I be a Wonderbolt? I trained so long and so hard for it! Being a Wonderbolt didn't just mean flying with the best, it was my chance to be a hero. I was living my dream." Rumble wiped the tears from his eyes. "I wasn't ready to give that all up."

"Rumble, you need to listen," Peter again tried to say.

"How am I going to continue my career now? How am I going to be a leader?" Rumble asked, gesturing to his friends. "I just formed this team. We were going to be the best heroes of Equestria! We were going to keep everyone safe! And what happened? I get injured. Just soon after I get my big start as a leader, my big chance, and I get injured! How am I going to prove myself to everyone if I can't-"

"RUMBLE!" Peter shouted, startling the boy. "That's enough of the self-pity!"

Despite his frustrations still lingering, Rumble did his best to calm himself down, "I'm sorry..."

"Rumble, listen," Peter said, making the boy face him. "I'm sorry this happened, but you need to stop being so hard on yourself. I know this isn't what you wanted, and I know you feel like you messed up. I know that feeling well. Please, don't wallow in self-pity, it's not worth it."

"But Peter...without my wings, how will I keep my job?" Rumble asked. "It's not even just about being a Wonderbolt or being a hero. I've got a wife and kid now; I have to be the one to provide for them."

Peter of course empathized with Rumble, being a father and husband himself, he knows the importance of providing for a family. "I get your frustrations, but you're not alone here. Twilight and I will be there to help you. It's not like you're going to get fired over an injury. You got that injury fending off some villains."

"Barely, I couldn't do anything against them, just like before..." Rumble lamented. "Every time I go to fight, I end up getting hurt. I train to get better, but no matter what I do, it's never enough! For Celestia's sake, I couldn't even..." Rumble glanced over at his dragon ally, who was currently sitting in the corner as tears stained her face all the while Sweetie Belle did her best to comfort the dragon. "I couldn't protect Smolder's brother."

Peter glanced at the young girl as well. Despite his issues with Garble, he wouldn't wish the loss of a family member on anyone else. "Rumble, why don't you take some alone time. Try to clear your head. We'll talk more later."

"Alright..." Rumble said.

Peter turned to the boy's friends, "Can at least one of you go with Rumble?"

"I'll go," Silverstream immediately said, going over to assist the boy. "I got you, buddy."

The Hippogriff led Rumble upstairs, leaving Peter with the others. "How are the rest of you?"

"We're fine, a few bumps and bruises, but nothing we can't handle," Scootaloo bragged. "We're pretty badass after all."

"I really don't think now is a good time to brag," Gabby said.

"Hey I'm trying to maintain positive energy, something you yourself excel at," Scootaloo pointed out.

"I know, but there's a time and place for something like that," Gabby said. "I don't think this is either."

"I'm with Gabby on this one," Ocellus said, "From where I'm standing, I don't think we have much to be proud of."

"You girls faced danger without a second thought to keep others safe, that is something to be proud of," Peter said. "No one starts off great. Sometimes you'll take a few losses. I've gotten smacked around a few times, but the important thing is getting back up and learning from your mistakes. Sometimes what we perceive as failure is just another life lesson. I know the cost was high, but instead of feeling like you're useless, let it motivate you to be better."

"Hey, if anyone knows what it's like to turn sadness into motivation, it's this flightless Pegasus standing in front of you," Scootaloo said, gesturing to herself.

"If you can, try to see if you can transfer that positive energy onto Rumble," Peter said.

"Uh, I doubt it will work," Scootaloo said. "I'm used to not flying, but Rumble isn't. What I never had in the first place was taken by force from Rumble."

"Still, just give it a shot, he'll at least appreciate the gesture," Peter said, taking another look around. "Also, where's Laura?"

"She went to join the other heroes in checking out the town," Scootaloo said. "Maybe we should do that too."

"Check on the Friendship Center," Peter said. "Make sure everyone is safe."

"On it," Scootaloo said, turning to her friends. "Alright Scooters, let's get moving!"

"Uh...Scooters?" Ocellus asked. "I thought we were The Rumblers?"

"Didn't we dislike the name though?" Gabby asked. "Well personally I don't mind it but-"

"Girls, figure the name thing out later," Peter said.

"Right, sorry," Scootaloo said, turning back to her friends. "Let's just go do what we gotta do."

As the girls left, Peter trotted over to Smolder, who was still being comforted by Sweetie Belle.

"I'm here for you," Sweetie Belle reassured, hugging her friend while gently rubbing her head.

"Girls," Peter said, getting their attention.

"Oh hi Peter, how's Twilight doing?" Sweetie Belle asked, her symbiote suit briefly feeling irritation.

"She's getting some rest," Peter said, kneeling beside the dragon. "Smolder?"

Smolder did not face Peter, the girl did her best to keep her face obscured, not wanting the hero to see her so emotionally vulnerable. "Uh, hi Spider-Man."

"I suppose I don't need to ask how you're feeling," Peter said, gently placing his hoof on her back. "I already know that feeling."

Smolder peeked her head up, glancing at Peter. "What's that supposed to mean? I'm fine, I don't need to be coddled."

"Come on Smolder, open up a little," Sweetie Belle said. "You do it for me."

"You're the exception, not that I need it anyway," Smolder said, her sobbing betraying her words.

"Smolder, I know your pain. I've lost people close to me too," Peter said. "I know that's not really something you want to empathize with. I personally hate that you lost your brother. I know he didn't really like me, but I'm sure he loved you."

"Garble...he wasn't perfect," Smolder said, turning her head away to hide her tears from Peter. "But he was my brother. And...and I..."

Peter brought Smolder in for a hug, hoping to calm her down a bit. Despite seemingly disliking the contact, Smolder couldn't deny how nice it felt. "I know, you loved him too. But losing someone doesn't mean the love is gone."

"Yeah, the last thing Garble did before he died was keep you safe after all," Sweetie Belle said, gently caressing Smolder's wrist. "If anything, we could have done more to protect him. But those villains were tougher than we thought."

"I don't blame you, I blame my brother for rushing in without a plan," Smolder's bitterness started taking over. "I don't understand why he has to be such an idiot sometimes! All because Gallus got in his head!" The girl held her claws out in frustration. "I just want to find that jerk and...and..." Smolder shut her eyes, trying to stop the tears. "I just..."

"Smolder, come on," Sweetie Belle said. "Don't be like this, now isn't the time to start getting angry."

"No, let her," Peter said, gently caressing the girl. "Smolder shouldn't be holding anything in right now, it's not healthy for her."

"But Peter..." Sweetie Belle said.

Peter turned Smolder to face him, "Listen, take all the time you need to process this. My door's open if you need someone to talk to. If for whatever reason I can't, then talk to your friends. They love you as well." He gestured to the nearby unicorn, "Especially Sweetie Belle. I know she loves you very much."

"Yeah, Smolder means everything to me after all," Sweetie Belle said. "Just like anyone I call a friend."

That did put Smolder at ease for a bit. It did not erase the pain but having Sweetie Belle around was oddly reassuring. "Uh, thanks."

"Anything for you, bestie," Sweetie Belle said, nuzzling Smolder's cheek, getting a blush from the dragon.

"Hey, ease up on the physical affection, I don't want to look all girly," Smolder said.

"What's wrong with looking girly?" Peter asked. "A pretty dragon like you shouldn't be ashamed."

Smolder's face turned ten times redder hearing that, "H-hey, knock it off! I'm not pretty! Dragons aren't supposed to be pretty!"

"Well, you just broke a few rules then," Peter said, winking at the girl.

Smolder turned away in annoyance, "Whatever, if that's all you have to say then take a hike."

"Alright, I'll leave you be," Peter said, standing up. "Seriously, come to us if you need anything. My door is always open."

"Uh, yeah, thanks I guess," Smolder said as Peter trotted off.

"Peter's such a sweetheart," Sweetie Belle said.

"Is he really?" Serum asked.

"Oh hush!" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Ugh, damn spider. He got me all flustered," Smolder said, still feeling overwhelmed by Peter's kindness. "How can a pony be that charming?"

"I've been asking myself that for years," Sweetie Belle said. "Aside from Rumble, no other pony got me feeling that way."

"What about First Base?" Smolder asked.

"Yes, what of him?" Serum added.

Sweetie Belle grumbled in annoyance at her suit, but chose to answer her friend, "I will admit that First Base is very attractive. I just don't feel strongly for him yet. I don't want to lead him on if I feel like it's going to go nowhere."

"I don't know much about romance, but isn't this why ponies date?" Smolder asked. "It's not really leading him on if you date, you're taking time to get to know each other. Leading him on is you acting like you like him when you don't."

"Guess I'm too nervous," Sweetie Belle said. "I hate to say it, but I really envy Apple Bloom. She married a great stallion, and sometimes I do wish it were me instead that Rumble picked. I tried to be supportive of them because that's what friends do, but my mind is stuck on 'What-ifs'."

"Have you ever talked to your sister about this?" Smolder asked.

"No, I thought it would make me seem immature in her eyes," Sweetie Belle said. "But, I suppose I should try. I don't like feeling like this."

"I hope you figure this out soon, I hate knowing you're feeling like this," Smolder said.

"Hey, I'm more worried about you," Sweetie Belle said. "My problems are nothing compared to yours."

"Still, I want to help you as well, might be a good distraction from...you know," Smolder said.

"I might know a way to help," Serum said.

"Not now," Sweetie Belle replied.

"You'll want to hear this, it will satisfy any curious urges you may have," Serum said.

"I said, not now," Sweetie Belle replied, glaring down at her suit.

"Hey, you alright?" Smolder asked. "You look irritated."

"It's my suit, he's trying to talk to me," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh right, I keep forgetting that thing is alive," Smolder said.

The suit generated a head to speak to Smolder, "Please refrain from calling us, 'A thing'. We are Venom...I mean, Serum."

"Hey, go easy on Smolder, she just lost her brother," Sweetie Belle said.

"It doesn't excuse rudeness," Serum said.

Sweetie Belle groaned in annoyance, "Can you give me five minutes? I will be right back, hopefully alone."

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Smolder reassured. "Dragons are made of sturdy stuff after all. But I do like seeing your pretty face, so don't keep me waiting too long."

Sweetie Belle giggled to herself, "The feeling's mutual." She stood up and left, "Be right back."

Smolder waved her friend off, before feeling sorrow once again, "Ugh, I still feel like crap. Probably should take Peter's advice. But I hate having to open up to others, aside from Sweetie Belle. Well, I can probably talk to Sandbar, or Ocellus. They're very good listeners. I just gotta take a chance."

Outside Sweetie Belle had her chance to speak to her suit, but not without some frustration, "Okay, what is so dang important that you're bugging me about dumb stuff?"

"You desire Rumble, do you not?" Serum asked. "If so, why don't you just be with him?"

"He's married, doofus, I can't date a married stallion, it's not socially acceptable," Sweetie Belle said. "Plus, it's rude to my friend."

"Hey if she's your friend, she should be willing to share," Serum said. "Why should she have that boy all to herself?"

"I don't know how things work on your planet, but in Equestria, and Earth for that matter, ponies and people don't typically share their husbands or wives," Sweetie Belle said. "I'm not asking Apple Bloom for a spare dress or some extra ingredients to make a meal. That's her husband. She's not going to share."

"Fine, then don't tell her," Serum said. "Just have your time with Rumble, no one else needs to know."

"Serum! That is NOT okay!" Sweetie Belle said. "I would never even dream of doing that to our friends."

"Are you quite certain of that?" Serum asked. "Remember, you and I share a bond. I have a very good idea of what you truly want."

"Watch it, if you're going to be a problem, I will get rid of you right now!" Sweetie Belle warned. "Remember my terms for letting me be your host. You can stick around, but only if it benefits my friends, not to hurt any of them. So drop it!"

"...Very well, but you will need to figure this out," Serum said. "Remember, I want what's best for you. It is my duty to keep my host happy."

"Think of a better idea then, I am not sleeping with Rumble," Sweetie Belle said.

"Funny, I never said anything specific about what to do with Rumble," Serum said.

"SERUM!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Okay, I'll cease my chatter," Serum said, returning to his suit form.

Sweetie Belle groaned in annoyance, "Maybe I need a break from this suit."

"We're linked, remember?" Serum replied.

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened in anger, "SERUM!"

All across the multiverse, the damage had been done by the villains, with cities and towns in ruins, and heroes fallen.

A portal opened in the Marvel world, Janet having stepped through, immediately taking in the sight of New York City, or rather what was left of it. "No..."

Many of the buildings were destroyed, the town was a wreck. Fires were everywhere, streets were cracked. It was a nightmare to behold.

"It's like hell on Earth..." Janet commented.

"Janet?" Came Clint's voice, the man limping over while assisted by Kate.

"Clint? Kate?" Janet checked on the two archers. "What's going on? Who did this!? What did this!?"

"We got a nice little visit from Doctor Doom," Clint confirmed. "He wasn't alone, he had some friends too. I doubt they were from this world."

"One of them called himself Sigma," Kate said. "The other Clint said was some Changeling Queen."

"Chrysalis?" Janet asked.

"That's her, the one Spider-Man tried making friends with," Clint said. "Guess she's definitely not interested in that."

Janet looked around some more, the damage looking worse and worse by the second, "My God..."

"You think seeing the aftermath is bad, be glad you weren't here to see it actually happening," Clint said. "There must be hundreds if not thousands of casualties. Including some allies."

"Allies?" Janet asked.

"We lost Echo," Clint confirmed. "Not just her, we lost Hulkling and Patriot as well."

"Eli's gone? But, wasn't he that boy Cap was training?" Janet asked.

"Yeah, and I know he's not going to like this," Clint said, the man holding his sides.

Janet noticed something concerning Clint's physical health, "You're bleeding!"

"Just a scratch," Clint insisted.

"That does not look like a scratch!" Janet checked on her friend. "God, you need an ambulance."

"I'm fine, worry about the others!" Clint shouted, the man still in visible pain.

"Please Clint, just get yourself patched up," Kate pleaded.

"I'll patch myself up after I make sure everyone else is safe," Clint said.

"Clint, you're a strong guy, but you're only human, don't push yourself too hard," Janet said, going to check on her friend. "Please, at least do it for Kate, she looks really worried."

"I do not want to have to tell your family you died out here," Kate said. "Please, we need you, but you need to take care of yourself. I don't want to lose you either."

"...I hate being useless," Clint said.

"You worked your ass off fighting those guys, if anyone calls you useless, I'll shoot an arrow up their ass," Kate reassured.

"Heh, you're feisty," Clint joked. His expression soured when he saw some paramedics with another deceased hero, one he hadn't mentioned yet. "Janet...there was one other casualty."

"Huh?" Janet turned around, immediately spotting who Clint was talking about. Being strapped for transport was the recently deceased Hank Pym, tears welling in Janet's eyes. "Hank?"

"I know this is hard," Clint said. "But you need to-"

"HANK!" Janet ran over to the man she was one married to, startling the paramedics near her. Despite their split, Janet at least still considered Hank a good friend. "Hank! Wake up! Please!"

"Janet!" Clint went to walk over but he keeled over in pain. "Son of a bitch..."

"Just stay there, please," Kate urged as she went to check on the grieving hero. "Janet! Get a hold of yourself."

"No! I can't lose him! I just...we just made amends!" Janet cried as she was still desperately trying to wake the fallen hero. "We were going to start over as friends! We were..."

"Janet!" Kate hugged the grieving hero, while also tearing up. "I'm sorry, he's gone."

"NO! I can't just give up!" Janet angrily punched the ground. "Hank! You promised me things would get better! Why did you leave me again!?"

"He didn't mean to," Kate said, still calming Janet down. "Things just happened..."

Janet wiped away her tears, nothing but rage in her eyes. "Who did this!? Was it Doom!? Chrysalis!? That Sigma creep!? Who!?"

"There was...a fourth villain here," Clint said, getting Janet's attention. "Someone you both know well."

"Skip the fucking dramatics, Clint," Janet snapped. "Who did this!?"

"Ultron...he was here too, and he was fighting Hank," Clint confirmed.

Janet's eyes widened in disbelief before fury took over her being, "Ultron..." She angrily blasted the side of a wall, again startling the Paramedics. "Ultron!"

"Hey easy," Kate urged. "I know you're mad but don't cause more unnecessary damage."

"Fine...I'll save it for that failure of a robot then," Janet said, angrily standing up. "Listen, this world wasn't the only one attacked. We just had a problem in Equestria, and chances are other worlds are in danger."

"Wait, what's happening?" Kate asked. "Other worlds?"

"Clint, did you tell Kate about Equestria? And Capcom?" Janet asked.

"A little, I don't think she fully understood the concept," Clint said.

"Fine, guess we're going to have to show her," Janet said. "Kate, let's go."

"Uh, where?" Kate asked.

"To Equestria, we're going to have a word with Spider-Man," Janet said.

"Wait, now?" Kate asked. "What about Clint? I can't leave him behind."

"I'll catch up," Clint reassured. "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone on this."

"...Alright, just promise me you'll patch yourself up," Kate said. "I'll never forgive you if you die on me."

"Noted," Clint said.

"Let's go, newbie," Janet said, leading Kate away as some paramedics went to check on Clint.

Elsewhere in town, Tony was checking the ruined streets of the city, seeing many civilians being checked up by paramedics, a few grieving over the loss of a friend or family member. The destruction was immense, and he was fortunate that he along with his wife and daughter were able to escape.

As of now, the two were with some paramedics as well, giving Tony a chance to check out the damage for himself. He could see other Avengers and Heroes in general around, such as Darkhawk, Quake, Kamala and Natasha checking the damage.

As he traveled, he spotted two more familiar people, that being Doctor Strange and America Chavez. They seemed to be checking on someone, and Tony curiously went to approach them.

"He's gone..." Strange lamented. "That final attack got him."

"At least he saved those people," Chavez said. "Still, big loss for the hero world."

"Stephen," Tony said, greeting the doctor.

"Ahem..." Chavez said.

"And...uh...America right?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, not hard to forget, it's the same name as your country," Chavez said.

"America, enough!" Strange scolded. Chavez was about to argue back, but Strange wasn't having it, the man's patience finally wearing thin. "Don't argue with me! Just keep your mouth, shut!"

She wouldn't admit it, but Chavez was slightly intimidated by Strange. She knew he was stronger and truthfully, did not want to upset him, so kept her comments to herself.

"Sorry about that," Strange said, regaining his composure as he focused on Tony.

"I've got a daughter, I know how kids can be," Tony said. "How bad is the damage?"

"Very bad...um..." Strange began to feel awkward. "Tony, there's something you need to see."

Strange stepped aside to reveal a terrible sight to Tony. Lying on the ground before him was his best friend and hero partner, Rhodey.

"No..." Tony fell to his knees, checking on the hero known as War Machine. Tony could not believe his eyes, his best friend for many years was laying dead right before him. Tears welled up on Ton's face, the man angrily clenching his fist. "Rhodey..."

"I'm sorry Tony, I know you two were close," Strange said. "He gave his life to protect everyone."

"I should have been here..." Tony stood up, anger still building inside him. "Rhodey...I'm sorry."

"These things happen, I know that's a harsh reality, and I really do pity your loss, but you must not blame yourself," Strange said.

"No, I have no excuse," Tony said. "Ever since the Civil War incident in Equestria, instead of owning up to my mistakes, I chose to give up being Iron Man. I thought I had lost the right to be a hero the moment my damn laws caused so much infighting. It took a little girl's tears to make me realize what a fool I've become. I shouldn't have stopped though, I needed to make it better."

"You didn't abandon your responsibilities, you fixed your mistakes, did you not?" Strange pointed out.

"That's not enough..." Tony checked his wrist, seeing part of his hand blaster. "A hero doesn't just give up. Peter wouldn't."

"Peter?" Strange asked.

"That boy could have his ass kicked, both physically by villains, and verbally by by the press, and he still gets up and keeps fighting," Tony said. "Growing up, he followed the example I had to set as a hero. Guess now it's my turn."

"We're right there with you," Strange said.

"What do you mean-" Chavez again shut her mouth the moment Strange glared at her. "I mean...yeah, sure."

"Come on," Tony said, leading the two away.

In front of the Daily Bugle, or what was left of it, an irritated J Jonah Jameson looked to be in a foul mood. "Well crap..."

"I'm so sorry about this sir," one of his attendants Betty Brant said.

"Eh, given what just happened, what matters is that we're still alive," Jameson said. "But damn, this would have been a great story."

"What should we do now?" Betty asked.

"What else? We adapt to the new trends!" Jameson said. "Now I have more of a reason to start that podcast."

"Podcast sir?" Betty asked.

"Why yes, I'll call it 'Just the Facts' with J Jonah Jameson," the man said. "It's going to be a hit! It's mostly audio, but in time, I'll do that thing that youngsters are doing nowadays. What's it called again? Sounds like a river."

"You mean streaming?" Betty asked.

"Yeah that! Most youngsters waste their time streaming those damn video games, wasting their lives away," Jameson said. "But me, I'll show the world what it should be used for. Spreading cold, hard facts! Oho, I'm going to make a fortune off this! Best part is that I don't have to hire that many employees, if any at all! Just think of how much I'll be saving compared to how much I'll be making! God I love this country!"

"Uh, that's great sir," Betty said.

"Well, let's hop to it! We need details on what happened," Jameson said. "Maybe as a bonus, we can find out if Spider-Man had anything to do with this."

"Sir, he moved, he doesn't live in this dimension," Betty said. "Also, I thought you were past slandering Peter?"

"Sorry, that's a force of habit, but hey, who says I'll slander him?" Jameson asked. "For all I know, he can be this big hero! You know, I kind of miss the kid. I should go say 'hello'. Where does he live again?"

"I think it's called Equestria," Betty said.

"Right, where that weirdo girlfriend of his was from," Jameson said.

"Actually, I think they're married now, at least according to what Mary Jane Watson said when she visited," Betty said.

"Mary Jane Watson? She's been there? Why wasn't I told about this?" Jameson asked.

"You were too busy working, sir," Betty said.

"Well make time for this stuff!" Jameson shouted, grabbing a cigar. "I need a smoke."

"Didn't you quit?" Betty asked.

"...Dammit!" Jameson shouted, throwing his cigar away. "I'll just grab some pretzels."

"What about your sugar levels?" Betty asked.

"Dammit Betty, I don't want to hear problems! Give me solutions!" Jameson shouted. "Ugh, never mind, I'll ask Robby."

"He retired," Betty said, again irritating Jameson.

"For crying out loud!"

In the world of Sega, Goku Black was seen terrorizing Green Hill, blasting as many creatures as possible. This did not come without resistance as a few began to fight back, firing blasters at the villain.

"You all seemed rather prepared, used to war, are you?" Black asked, obliterating a group of Mobians in his path. "Fools."

"Something about these creatures remind me of the mortals from Universe Nine," Zamasu said. "Only much shorter."

"But just as irritating, just like any other mortal," Black said, blasting some more.

"Be careful not to damage the scenery, this planet does look rather beautiful after all," Zamasu said. "It just may make for a good vacation spot."

"Of course," Black said.

"And remember to keep some of those creatures alive, we could use a few servants," Zamasu said.

"Of course my brother," Black said, destroying more of the planet.

Once they were finished with Green Hill, they flew to find more places to eradicate. However Black sensed oncoming danger and saw the ninja detective Espio the Chameleon coming towards him with a kick.

Black was quick to block, knocking the Chameleon back as he landed alongside his allies Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee.

"Evil scum, why are you terrorizing our planet?" Espio asked.

"It's nothing personal, I just wish to give it a new makeover," Black said.

"Who are you to decide something like that?" Espio asked.

"Consider us your new Gods," Zamasu said. "We will deem who is worthy to remain in our good grace, and who will be given the mercy of death."

"Funny, I don't recall anyone agreeing to having new Gods," Vector said.

"Yeah, go find another planet to destroy!" Charmy shouted.

"Better yet, surrender your evil days now, and I won't have to exterminate you," Espio said, bringing out some shuriken.

"Someone's cocky," Black said. "Do the three of you truly believe you can stop us?"

"We didn't come alone," Vector said, gesturing to some more rebels, including the rookie hero, Gadget the Wolf, along with Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel.

"Well this should be interesting," Black said. "Something tells me you will put up more of a fight. Of course your powers pale in comparison to that blue hedgehog."

"He met Sonic?" Charmy asked. "Did he beat him?"

"Right now, the one you call Doctor Eggman is getting reacquainted with that hedgehog Sonic," Black said. "Which means you're on your own against me."

"Sonic can handle Eggman, he's done so before," Mighty said. "Right now, you're the one in danger, so prepare yourself."

"Such arrogance," Black said, powering up yet again. "Fall by my hand!"

Black and Zamasu clashed with the Mobians, a fight being put up on both sides.

Meanwhile on Angel Island, Annihilus was still doing battle against his foes, keeping the martial artists back, but barely holding off Bayonetta.

"If only your fighting skills matched how hideous you look," Bayonetta said, kicking the monster back. "Then you might actually have a chance against me."

"I won't let you get the upper hand!" Eggman said, about to blast Bayonetta when Sonic hit him with a homing attack.

"That's no way to treat a lady," Sonic taunted, the hero still in his super form.

"You blue rat!" Eggman sent some blasts at Sonic, with the blue hedgehog effortlessly dodging, then blasting Eggman with a Homing Shot to severely damage the mech.

"My turn!" Knuckles rushed in to punch the mech into the air, sending Eggman flying, much to the doctor's annoyance.

"I won't give up so easily!" Eggman said. Suddenly a portal nearly opened, confusing the doctor. "Huh? What's this?"

Emerging from the portal was Rainbow Dash, the girl flying in and kicking the mech, nearly sending it spiraling.

"What in the world!?" Eggman shouted, glaring at the girl. "Wait, who is this!?"

"Rainbow Dash?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow Dash glanced at Sonic, the girl raising her eyebrow. "Sonic? Wait aren't you normally blue?"

"I had a power boost," Sonic said.

"Is it like that Super Saiyan form that Goku has?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Close," Sonic said.

"This is proving to be trouble, might be better to retreat," Eggman dropped the excess gear as he opened a portal with a ring. "Annihilus, let's go!"

"Annihilus!?" Rainbow Dash glared at the monster from the Negative Zone. "You!"

The beast knocked Bayonetta, then blocked an oncoming strike from Rainbow Dash. "I know you, the girl that The Human Torch is quite fond of."

"I'm his wife!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Cute, I'd love to kill you, if to bring him pain, but I'm on a tight schedule," Annihilus grabbed Rainbow Dash by the leg and used her to whack Bayonetta.

This stunned both girls long enough to fly through the portal, despite Tails firing at the two with an arm cannon.

"Great, they got away," Tails lamented.

"We'll get them next time," Sonic said, then turned to Rainbow Dash. "You alright?"

"I'm fine," Rainbow Dash said.

"Who was that guy, he seemed to know you," Tails said.

"Annihilus, leader of the Negative Zone, a very dangerous place," Rainbow Dash said. "He is not an easy foe; it took me and Johnny teaming up to stop him."

"Glad we fended him off, but things are getting worse," Sonic said. "Right now, I think we should meet up with Sally and let her know what happened."

"Yeah let's...wait, something feels wrong," Amy said, looking down at the planet.

"I can feel it too, I don't think our fight is over," Knuckles said.

"I'll check it out, "Sonic said, flying down below.

"Sonic, wait!" Amy called.

"Too late, he's off," Knuckles said.

"I'll go with him," Rainbow Dash said, following Sonic, to the protest of a few.

"She's fast," Jacky commented.

"Well, what should we do?" Tails asked. "Should we go talk to Sally?"

"I'll go with Sonic, the rest of you head to that portal room," Knuckles said, running and flying off Angel Island.

"I hope they'll be alright," Sarah said.

"They'll be fine, Sonic and Knuckles are two of the strongest guys on the planet," Amy said. "And that Rainbow Dash girl looks pretty tough too."

"Still, perhaps I should check in on those boys, and that young lady as well," Bayonetta said, sprouting butterfly wings and flying off.

"I'll go with her, the rest of you go talk to Sally," Rouge ordered, following Bayonetta.

"Well, you heard the lady," Jacky said. "Tails, got the ring?"

"Yeah," Tails said, using the warp ring to open the portal. "Come on."

Everyone followed Tails through, hoping to explain the situation.

Down below, Black and Zamasu were triumphing over their foes, leaving nothing but destruction along their path. The rebels fought hard, but one by one, they fell to the might of the two Gods.

"I had hoped for a better fight, a lot of them didn't even last long," Black said.

One rebel tried standing, then took a blast from Zamasu, ending his existence, "Such a pitiful shame."

Nearby Charmy was coughing up smoke, holding his sides in pain, "How are they so strong?"

"One more it seems..." Black said, aiming his palm. "Time to die."

Fortunately for Charmy, a hedgehog had arrived and kicked Black away, taking Zamasu by surprise. "What is the meaning of-"

The hedgehog kicked him away as well, Black looking surprised. "Sonic?" Upon shaking the cobwebs, he noticed something different. "No, you're not Sonic."

Standing before them was Shadow the Hedgehog, "I don't know who you are, but you picked the wrong planet to destroy."

"Interesting, your power rivals that of Sonic," Black observed. "You must be one powerful little hedgehog."

"Nothing we cannot handle," Zamasu said. "So I suggest-"

Suddenly he took a blast to the face, courtesy of E-123 Omega. "Must eradicate enemy forces."

"He brought a friend?" Black asked. "No matter, I shall-"

Shadow pulled out a Green Chaos Emerald, "Chaos, Control!" He stopped time for a moment and kicked Black in the head, sending him flying as he charged another attack. "Chaos Spear!"

He sent some projectiles toward Black, piercing through his foe, much to his irritation, "Not bad. You're quite powerful." Black flew in to clash with Shadow, the two seemingly matched. "Something tells me, you have a lot more power stored away."

"I can say the same about you, but you won't live to show it," Shadow said, punching Black. He went for another strike, but Black blocked the attack and kicked Shadow away.

Just as he was going to attack again, Sonic reappeared, kicking Black into Zamasu, knocking them both over. "That's enough out of you."

Rainbow Dash landed as well, immediately noticing Black, "Who's that guy? He looks like Goku."

"It's Sonic again, he may have gotten past Eggman," Black said.

"Or that so-called Doctor gave up too easily," Zamasu said. "Though, I do believe this means we should retreat ourselves. He seems to have brought another ally."

"I sense high energy from her as well. Very well, we shall retreat for now," Black placed his fingers on his head, all while glaring at Sonic. "I will be back for this world. Soon everyone will end up like your friends."

Sonic flew to stop them but the two had already left via Instant Transmission, with Sonic grumbling in annoyance, "Damn."

"And they got away," Rainbow Dash lamented. "Guess they knew I'd beat the tar out of them."

Knuckles had landed, with Bayonetta and Rouge not too far away as The Echidna took in the damage, "That's not good."

"Sonic?" Came Charmy's voice, getting Sonic's attention.

"Charmy!" Sonic powered out of his super form and checked on the bee. "Hey, are you alright little buddy?"

"I am...but Vector, and Espio..." Charmy gestured nearby.

Sonic could see it clear as day. Many had fallen against Goku Black and Zamasu, and among them he could see what were shuriken, a golden necklace, and a wispon.

"No..." Sonic lamented.

Rainbow Dash looked remorseful herself. Seeing this damage reminded her of the damage she's seen in her world. "I don't know what's happening, but we gotta fix this."

Rouge checked on Mighty and Ray, both of them were miraculously still moving, "We got more survivors, let's get them some medical treatment."

Even Bayonetta looked remorseful of what had happened, "How terrible."

"These guys weren't kidding about a Multiversal Armageddon," Sonic said. "We're in for a big fight now."

"...No use standing around and regretting what happened when we can still do something to rectify this," Knuckles said.

"You're right, right now let's just help our friend, then we'll meet up with Sally," Sonic said.

In Sega's Japan, Super Skrull had led his invasion, completely decimating the city. Some of course fought back against The Skrulls, such as Ryo and Kiyru, though the fight was far from easy.

A group of Skrulls were at one point seen chasing some civilians, then found themselves beings transported to a weird dimension.

"What is happening?" a skrull asked.

"Phantom Thieves!" Came the voice of Morgana, the cat seen alongside his allies. "Show them some brutality!"

Joker led his allies of Skull, Panther, Fox and Noir to completely destroy his foes.

"Great work everyone!" Came the voice of their support, Oracle. "The fight's not over yet, keep it going!"

"Phantom Thieves, with me!" Joker said, leading his allies to find more Skrulls.

From his ship, Super Skrull was commanding the assault, seeing his allies fight all over the world, going against the vigilantes of Wood Oak City, the heroes of Basel City, and the Sky Pirate Vyse.

"There's a lot more resistance than I expected," Super Skrull noted.

Appearing in front of his ship, was a surprise appearance from Johnny Storm. "Yo! Super Skrull!"

"Huh?" Super Skrull looked down, spotting the Human Torch, "What in the galaxies is he doing here!?"

"Got tired of getting your ass kicked on my Earth, did you?" Johnny asked. "Thought you could just terrorize another dimension? No way dude, I'm not letting you hurt anyone!"

"Little miscreant!" Super Skrull sent some blasters at Johnny, the hero avoiding them and blasting his ships, destroying a few as he began working his way to the main one.

"Impudent pest!" Super Skrull attacked again but Johnny hit his ship with a direct blast, damaging the engines. "Didn't take long for that fool to ruin my plans!"

Suddenly, Black appeared in the ship with Zamasu. "Kl'rt, how are things?"

"Bad, one of the heroes from my world showed up," Super Skrull said. "I Will destroy him, just-"

"No, let us regroup for now," Black said. "We came to deal damage but there is only so much any of us can do alone. We were to weaken the foundation after all, not quite destroy it yet."

"Precisely, our foes' allies are handicapped, send one final coup de grace on this world and make your exit," Zamasu said.

"Very well then," Super Skrull said, pressing a button that fired several missiles at the cities across Japan.

As he left, Johnny frantically went to destroy as many bombs as he could, but unfortunately, he missed a couple, and the impact was devastating. "NO!"

One missile hit a region in Tokyo, completely devastating it, to the dismay of many citizens, including the Graffiti Gang.

"Oh damn..." Beat lamented. "What just happened?"

Joker and his allies had to take cover as the blast was not too far from their current location. Joker peaked his head out, spotting the destruction caused. "That's not good."

Morgana also peaked his head out, the cat in disbelief, "How could this happen?"

Johnny landed nearby, the hero dreading the situation, "Crap, I wasn't fast enough..."

"Wow, he's cute, wonder who that is?" Ann asked.

"I'm not sure, he doesn't seem to be from Japan though, I think he's American" Ryuji said. "Yo Ann, you speak English better than any of us, do you wanna talk to him?"

"Yeah, sure," Ann said, getting his attention. "Excuse me?"

"Huh?" Johnny noticed the group of kids, each of them wearing their Phantom Thieves clothing. "Damn, nice gear. Are you local superheroes?"

"Uh, sort of," Ann said. "Do you know what happened?"

"Yeah, sit back and I'll tell you," Johnny said.

In South Town in the SNK Dimension, while Terry continued fighting The Wizard, Miguel kept up his clash with Vergil.

"Didn't think I'd meet a Spider-Man more irritating than Peter Parker," Vergil said.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not as nice as him either," Miguel said, clawing Vergil across the face, drawing some blood from the half-demon."

"Fool..." Vergil said, figuring his plan out. "I hate to admit it, but he's quite powerful. His suit can even take the impact of my sword. I can't lose to a human though, even if he is superpowered."

"Struggling, Vergy?" Juri taunted.

"Do NOT call me that!" Vergil shouted as another portal opened. "What now!?"

Emerging from the portal was Miles Morales, the boy looking a bit amazed by the fighting. "Whoa, big battle here."

"It's that other spider," Vergil commented.

Miles recognized Vergil, "Oh hey, I know you. You're that edgy anime looking guy."

"And you look like a Comic Book character parody!" Vergil insulted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Miles asked, then blocked a strike from Juri. "Whoa!"

"I hope a skinny kid like you can put up a fight," Juri said.

"Oh come on! Why does everyone keep calling me 'skinny'!?" Miles shouted, throwing a punch at Juri.

Urien and Rashid continued to do battle, the latter doing his best to keep up, "You're stronger than I expected, I can only imagine how much more powerful Gill must be."

"Are you implying that I am second to my brother!?" Urien shouted, punching Rashid hard in the stomach.

"Oof, sore spot," Rashid commented, then continued his fight.

"POWER GEYSER!" Terry punched the ground hard enough to cause an eruption of energy that knocked The Wizard back.

"You are much stronger than I expected," Wizard said, clashing again with Terry.

"I got some tricks up my sleeve," Terry said. "Plus, I gotta pay you and your buddies back for what you did to my brother and his girl!"

Miguel went for another attack on Vergil, but he side stepped and kicked the Spider toward Terry. "I'm done with this!" Vergil activated his Devil Trigger and sent a barrage of Spiral Swords to attack everyone.

While many of them were able to avoid a fatal injury, some like Terry took some bad hits that left parts of his body covered in cuts, blood already seeping out.

"This is taking too long," Juri said, kicking Miles away. "We told Wesker we'd be in and out."

"That we did, and truth be told, I grow bored of this," Vergil said. turning to open a portal. "You'll be happy to know that you get to live. For now."

"Hey, where are you going!? You still gotta answer for what Mr. Negative and those Sirens did to Twilight Sparkle!" Miles went to attack but Vergil cut him across his chest, injuring the boy. "Damn!"

"Sounds like Martin Li and those girls had fun," Juri said. "Let's meet up with them."

"What a shame, I had only just arrived," Urien said. "But, I will comply, for now at least."

"No!" Terry went to stop them, despite his bleeding, but they got away. "Of course..."

Rashid stumbled over to Miles, "Hey, um...Spider-Man looking guy, what's happening?"

"I'm not a Spider-Man looking guy, I am Spider-Man, at least in my world," Miles said. "But besides that, the villains are attacking the multiverse, including Equestria."

"I heard them mention Martin Li, I take it he was just there?" Miguel asked.

"I'll explain it more in the portal room, but first, let's get you all patched up," Miles said.

"What about you?" Rashid asked. "You took a really bad hit."

"Nothing I can't handle," Miles said. "I got accelerated healing, because you know, I'm Spider-Man."

"No one likes a show-off kid, just get your ass in gear," Miguel said, activating a portal. "Come on."

Miles groaned in annoyance, "Always something with him."

In Namco, Kazuya was feeling a bit exhausted from his fight, as was Jin, the two nearly at the end all while Venom fought away Paul, Law and Xiaoyu.

"You guys are getting worn out," Venom taunted. "Meanwhile we still have plenty of fight left."

"What's this 'we' stuff anyway? You're only one person!" Paul shouted.

"So it seems," Venom said, punching Paul through a door. "Who's next?"

"You," coming from the side was Remy, the Cajun whacking Venom in the head. "Should have expected to see you here."

Venom shook off the attack, glaring at Remy. "We know you, that shady X-Men guy."

"Me? Shady? How hurtful," Remy taunted, holding out a card. "I'd like to think I'm bursting with excitement."

Remy threw a card that knocked Venom back, the anti-hero looking irritated. "Wow, and we thought Spider-Man had bad quips. Of course you regularly hang out with that menace from what we've heard."

"Peter is close to my wife's family, he's practically a brother to them," Remy said, holding out more cards. "So I would appreciate it if you cease the slander. He gets enough of that 'menace' talk from The Daily Bugle."

"Hey make no mistake, Jameson runs his mouth too much," Venom said. "But he's not far off about Spider-Man. That guy's much more selfish than he acts. He's not even here to stop us himself, he sent you to do his dirty work."

"No my friend, I am here to help out a brother," Remy said. "That includes keeping him and his family safe from the likes of you!"

As Remy and Venom clashed again, Kazuya kicked Jin toward his friends, the man looking very irritated. "This isn't going like planned."

Emerging from another nearby portal was the villain Scorpion, "Hey, that Researcher Lady sent me. How are things here?"

"About as well as you can imagine," Kazuya said. "I may need to retreat."

"Can't win them all," Scorpion said, taking note of a beaten Jin. "Still, looks like you put up quite a fight. That guy can barely stand."

"It should not have taken this long, I expect this challenge from my disgrace of a father, not my failure of a son!" Kazuya said.

"...You got issues," Scorpion said.

Jin ran to attack, kicking Scorpion out the way, and turning to strike Kazuya, but he took a demon blast that sent him flying out of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

"Brock! We're leaving!" Kazuya called.

"Give us a sec, we gotta deal with this thug," Venom said, knocking Remy back.

"Ex-thug to you," Remy said.

"Pfft, once a crook, always a crook, anyone who runs with Spider-Man is nothing but trouble!" Venom shouted, punching Remy into Paul, Law and Xiaoyu.

"Let's go!" Kazuya ordered, heading through the portal.

"Yeah, yeah," Venom passed Scorpion. "Get your ass up, Gargan."

"Don't you boss me around, Brock," Scorpion said, following his allies as they escaped.

"Damn, they got away," Remy lamented, as he helped everyone up. "You all okay?"

"I'm fine, but Jin..." Xiaoyu said.

"Hey if we know Jin, he'll be up and about again," Paul said. "But for now, we should go and check on him."

"You two go ahead, I'll talk to our friend here," Law said. Paul and Xiaoyu went to find Jin as Law turned to get some answers. "So, what's going on exactly?"

"A lot of trouble, mon ami," Remy said.

In another part of Namco, Lloyd Irving and his team of Genis, Colette, Raine, Zelos, Sheena, Regal and Presea were fending off Bison's Dolls, led by the villainous Decapre.

"Come on now, is this the best you can do?" The woman taunted, kicking Sheena back.

The ninja girl rolled through, pulling out some cards, "I'm not ready to give up!"

She attacked using Earth style, Decapre dodging the strikes, but left open for a Fireball attack from Genis.

"Got you!" Genis taunted. A doll tried to attack from behind but Presea was quick to whack her away using her axe. "Wow, thanks Presea."

"Please stay focused, you don't want to get hurt," Presea urged.

Regal kicked away all who came at him, then came face to face with Bison. "Those who threaten our world, do not deserve any mercy!"

"Those are some powerful kicks you have, you would do well as one of those Street Fighters," Bison taunted.

"Allow me to demonstrate my abilities!" Regal rushed in, throwing a flurry of kicks at his opponent.

Zelos continued to fight th dolls, the man feeling some degree of regret, "Damn, so many cute hunnies. Fighting them kind of hurts."

"Are you serious right now!?" Sheena shouted, freaking Zelos out.

"But they're nothing compared to your beauty," Zelos insisted.

"Oh save it," Sheena said, placing a card on a doll's face and electrocuting her. "Where are these freaks even coming from?"

"They might be with Loki," Lloyd said, fighting one off.

"Revenge for Ragnarök, perhaps?" Raine asked, then blocked a strike from Decapre.

"I would focus if I were you," the woman said as a portal opened behind her. "What is this?"

Suddenly she was frozen in ice, courtesy of Bobby, "Lady, you need to chill."

"Huh?" Colette took notice of Bobby. "Who are you?"

"Bobby Drake, I'm a friend of Sunset Shimmer," Bobby introduced.

"Oh, you're one of those heroes, like that Spider-Man guy," Lloyd said.

"Yeah, he's my bro," Bobby said, then turned to Bison. "Yo, blank eyes, remember me?"

"Unfortunately," Bison said, charging up some power. "PSYCHO CRUSHER!"

Bison immediately knocked Bobby back, just as Regal ran to attack.

"That's enough of your villainy!" Regal tried for a kick, but Bison punched him hard in the stomach, then sent another strike to his chest, damaging his internals before whacking him away, sending him miles across the fields of Sylverant.

"Regal!" Lloyd ran to impale Bison with his swords, landing a direct hit. "Got you!"

Bison looked astounded, but slowly began to smile despite what happened, "You have spirit, young man." He then kicked Lloyd away and pulled both swords out.

"This guy's unstoppable," Genis said.

"No, he can be brought down, just think of the days where we fought Cruxius," Presea said.

"This guy's about as strong as their elites, that's for sure," Genis said. "I just hope he's not stronger than Yggdrasil."

"Let's hope that...Genis, watch out!" Presea moved the boy out the way just as a laser pierced through her.

"Presea!" Colette shouted, getting everyone's attention as Vomi stepped into view.

"Bison, are you done yet? It shouldn't have taken you this long," Vomi said. "At this point, you probably could have gone to Terca Lumireis or Rieze Maxia."

"That's Yuri's dimension and Jude's dimension," Lloyd said. "Hey! What are you planning!?"

"Quiet," Vomi sent another laser, but fortunately, Lloyd was quick to put up a forcefield of mana, but still got knocked back.

"Whoa, hold on there, hunny, let's not have any pointless battles," Zelos said, slowly approaching Vomi while slowly building up some mana. "After all...THUNDER BLADE!"

An electric sword came down at Vomi, the woman dodging and ready to attack Zelos, but Bobby glided over and blasted the woman. He then blasted Bison and froze the rest of the dolls. "That's enough out of you!"

"Gotta say, those powers are handy," Zelos said, the man feeling uncertain. "I'm not too crazy about it being ice though, but so long as he's here to help, I can't complain."

"Let's help him stop those...those..." Sheena fell over. "My mana...what's happening?"

"Hey ,you alright babe?" Zelos asked, then felt his mana starting to drain. "What's...going on?"

Everyone else began to feel their power diminishing, including Bobby as Tirek made his presence known.

"Ah yes, perfect," Tirek said, absorbing the power as his muscles began to grow. "So much energy."

"Who the hell?" Bobby asked, quickly blasting Tirek, ceasing his magic stealing. "That ain't happening pal! Just who the hell are you anyway!?"

"Call me, Lord Tirek, and when you get back to Equestria, tell Princess Celestia that I look forward to meeting her again!" Tirek said, the centaur sinisterly cackling.

"Tell her yourself! I'm taking you-" Bobby quickly erected an ice wall just as Vomi blasted him, shielding him from the attack, but barely.

"Come on, we're on a schedule," Vomi said, leaving with Bison and Tirek, who used his magic to grab Decapre and a handful of the Dolls.

"Shit, they got away," Bobby lamented, taking a look around. "Hey, is anyone hurt? Any civilians?"

"We're miles away from our hometown," Colette reassured, then turned to where Presea was. "But...one of our friends looks hurt."

Presea laid on the ground, the girl bleeding from the attack as Genis checked on her. "Come on Presea, you gotta shake this off!"

"Sorry, she got me good," Presea said, checking her wound.

"Uh...Zelos! Sis! One of you use First Aid!" Genis urged.

"That guy took my mana, I can't even cast a Fireball," Zelos lamented.

"I'm afraid he's drained me as well," Raine said. "But, I think she can still be saved. We just need to act fast."

"Please, we can't let Presea die," Genis urged, tearfully checking on the girl. "Rita already died for me, I can't lose another friend because I was careless!"

"It's fine Genis, even if I die, I won't blame you, after all, you're worth saving," Presea said, the girl gently caressing Genis's face. "Besides, I'll at least be able to see my sister again."

"Sorry Presea, but we're not giving up on you," Lloyd said.

Sheena took a look around, "Where's Regal?"

Lloyd's eyes widened in worry, "Crap! That's right! We gotta find him!"

Bobby picked Presea up, "I think I can get this girl some medical help, but we gotta move fast."

"We can find Jude, he's not in this dimension but we have Rheairds," Genis said. "He's good with medicine, he can cure Presea."

"Alright, lead the way," Bobby said.

The Square Dimension faired no better. In the midst of everyone fighting the Storm Guards, Sephiroth was overpowering Cloud, even with Dante's help, he proved to be too much just as Sunset struggled against Tempest.

"I expected more out of you, I'm disappointed," Tempest taunted.

"I'm not done yet!" Sunset rushed in, throwing strike after strike, trying to mix up different styles from her teachers, from Chun-Li's kicks, to Guile's knees, to Knuckles's punches, even the magic she learned from Sylverant.

Tempest however proved to be very quick and agile, avoiding Sunset's attacks and taking her down quickly.

"You know a lot of styles, but that doesn't mean much if you can't connect them well enough. Your style is too sloppy," Tempest said. "If your plan was to throw me off through confusion, then I'm sorry, but you failed."

"I'm not done yet!" Sunset went for another attack, but Tempest grabbed her arm and flipped her over.

"You're too predictable, you still have a long way to go," Tempest said. "I've been training from a very young age, and I've only gotten better thanks to Master Sephiroth. My advice, focus less on Quantity, and more on Quality."

"I got your back!" Zell ran over and went for some martial arts strikes of his own. "Want a master, you can face-"

Tempest blasted him with electricity and then kicked him aside. "You still gotta be strong enough to fight me."

Tifa ran in for a punch herself, but Tempest was quick to elbow her stomach and then knee her in the face.

Ignis rushed in for an attack himself with his daggers, but Tempest was quick to disarm him and kick him aside.

"My, she is quite talented," Doc Ock said.

"Your fight's right us!" Gladious ran at Doc, striking with his Giant Sword, but Doc Ock was quick to knock it away, then knocked back an oncoming Yuna.

"How bothersome," Doc Ock then blocked an oncoming strike from Noctis, the force knocking him back a little.

"You're not so tough," Noctis then sent out a magical fireball that Octavius barely dodged.

"Not bad boy, but not enough!" Doc Ock whacked Noctis away, continuing his assault.

Dante and Cloud got knocked toward Sunset, the girl still recovering from Tempest's attacks.

"This isn't going so well," Dante said. "That guy definitely got stronger."

"Sephiroth has a way of coming back even stronger than before, the guy just doesn't want to stay dead," Cloud said.

"He's damn determined, that's for sure," Dante commented.

"Figuring that out now?" Sephiroth asked, charging some power. "I had hoped to drag things out a little longer, but I suppose I do have a plan to not stray from. So I will end this now, once and for all."

"I don't freaking think so!" Came the voice of Deadpool, the man stepping through a portal. "Sephiroth!"

Sephiroth looked momentarily confused, "Do I know you?"

"You should, we met once before," Wade said. "Remember, you were descending from the sky while I was desperately trying to get back home?"

"...I do not recall," Sephiroth said.

"Oh, I get it, you think you're too cool to remember me, huh?" Wade asked. "That's just like you types, you have no sense of decency!"

"Pardon me?" Sephiroth asked.

"You're the type of guy who spends most of the time all mysterious like, then when we actually do get to fight, you pull out this random transformation that makes so little sense, but hey, gotta get that 'This isn't even my final form' crap out of the way!" Wade ranted. "Then, despite your broken mechanics of having a health bar for each part of your body that you can heal and restore at will, we manage to finally beat you, only for boss music to still be playing, making everyone wonder why as you descend even stronger than last time and realizing you're screwed because you used all your healing items in the last fight, then you pull off this bullshit final attack that takes like five minutes to connect, and even if you survive, you end up with this weird effect making the fight harder than it needs to be as you constantly spam that same overpowered attack and making people rage quit at the very end of the game! Then even if we just miraculously win, you still have the nerve to come back for more after barely getting out of the arena where we fought and finally ending it for good, just for you to keep coming back in later sequels and spin-offs! That's the type of guy that you are, Sephiroth!"

Everyone present just stared in disbelief, unable to make out what Wade just ranted about. Even the other villains present found this very strange and slightly concerning, including Sephiroth himself.

"Are you done?" Sephiroth asked, barely in the mood.

"Oh I have plenty more to rant about, but right now..." Wade pulled his gun out, about to shoot when Sephiroth blasted him with a light Flare attack.

"We're done here, let's go," Sephiroth ordered.

"Think again," Came another voice. Emerging from a portal was a young girl with a red hat and a staff.

"Veronica?" Sunset asked. "This isn't your part of Square."

"No, but some lady with red hair warned me and my friends, apparently she wasn't fond of the assistance she sent," Veronica said.

"Well screw her too!" Deadpool said.

"So, she called for The Luminary and his allies," Veronica said, gesturing to Eleven, Erik, Sareena, Sylvando and Jade. "Well most of them. Business in Heliador took priority."

"That's fine, so long as we get a little payback for Ragnarök," Erik said, readying his blade.

"Guards, destroy them!" Tempest ordered, sending the Storm Guards at the Luminary's companions.

While this was happening, Sephiroth noticed a new companion to the sinister group, known only as the Cloud of Darkness. "Have you decided to join us?"

"For now, if it means ruling the domain, I suppose I can put up with a little teamwork," CoD said. "Besides, I trust you at least."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Sephiroth teased.

Tempest seemed a bit unhappy by this exchange, "Master, who is this?"

"A friend," Sephiroth said. "Just before Loki decided to trust Discord, I reached out to this world, should he need more allies. Seems like we're all part of something bigger."

"Kefka and Seifer have offered to join too," CoD said.

"Still alive, are they?" Sephiroth asked. "Or perhaps, it is the advantage of the multiverse? Though, I suppose it hardly matters. Let us be off."

Tempest still didn't trust the Cloud of Darkness, but withheld her opinion, "Octavius, let's go!"

Doc Ock joined in the exit, leaving a handful of guards to keep fighting, but they would soon be overwhelmed.

As the final Storm Guard tried to attack Cloud, it took a gunshot from behind. "That was close." He looked ahead, expecting to find someone like Barret, Prompto, or even Sazh, but found someone even more surprising. "Vincent!?"

Standing across was the warrior thought to be dead, Vincent Valentine, "Greetings Cloud."

"No way!" Tifa ran over to the man. "Vincent, is it really you!?"

"Vincent?" Lightning turned her attention to Barrett. "I thought he died in Ragnarök?"

"So did I," Barrett said.

"Wow...glad an ally of ours is as good at escaping death as Sephiroth," Cloud said.

"By pure luck," Vincent said. "Loki was powerful, but what he did was not enough to kill me."

"How did you escape?" Tifa asked. "Were you the only one?"

"Any chance Cid or Yuffie survived?" Cloud asked.

Vincent shook his head, "No, they're gone."

Cloud sighed in disappointment, "Figures."

Sunset also lamented the situation, still regretful of what had happened. She's glad that Vincent was alive, but that's only one of many. "Were there any other survivors? Any at all."

"Just one...she's on her way to the Capcom world," Vincent said.

"Wait really?" Sunset asked. "Who is it!?"

Lastly The Green Goblin continued attacking the downtown area, keeping his opponents at bay.

"It's hard getting a shot in on the guy," Raphael said, clutching his sais. "You get close and he throws one of those freaking bombs!"

Chris opened fire, but Goblin moved around too much, "I can't even land a clean shot!"

"You fools are no match for the Green Goblin!" The villain continued to rain down attacks. "You will all die by my hands!"

"Does Spider-Man really deal with this guy on a daily basis!?" Michaelangelo asked.

"Unfortunately, he does," Ryu said. "But, we can take him too!"

Ryu stepped out and fired a Hadouken that destroyed the glider as the Goblin landed on his feet.

"Nice one, but it's hard to fight and rescue!" Goblin started destroying buildings, the fire and collapsing rubble endangering some nearby civilians.

"He's insane!" Donatello shouted.

"Quick, we must save them!" Peni said, rushing to the rescue.

"AHAHAHA! Hurry now, don't want to 'crush' the hopes of these innocent people!" Goblin shouted as some debris fell toward a group of civilians. Fortunately Chun-Li shielded them with a Kikoken attack on the Debris while Jill escorted them to safety. "Wow, you move fast, don't you?"

"That's enough!" Leonardo went to attack but he took a punch from the Goblin that knocked him away. "Anyone else!?"

Ryu was about to attack when a mysterious stranger in a cloak showed up in front of him. "Allow me my friend."

This was a woman who spoke in a way familiar to Ryu, "Wait, do I know you?"

"Perhaps," the woman said. "I hope you haven't forgotten, a year isn't that long to lose memory, something I myself had dealt with."

Ryu's eyes widened as he now knew who this woman was, "It can't be..."

The woman dashed at Goblin, ready to strike, "LOCK ON!" She dashed in and hit a powerful Drill Kick to Goblin, knocking him through a nearby wall. The woman then tossed off her cloak, taking everyone present by surprise, especially Chun-LI.

"It's...it's you!" Chun-Li said, tears of relief coming to her eyes as the familiar blonde woman stood nearby. "Cammy!"

Indeed it was Cammy White, wearing a tank top and black jeans, as opposed to her usual green leotard.

Goblin stood up, glancing at the woman, analyzing her, "You seem familiar. But the woman I may be thinking off should have died a year ago."

"I've always been a cat person, and like cats, I guess you can say that I have nine lives," Cammy taunted.

"Bison will want to know about this," Goblin said, pulling out some bombs. "Time for me to go out, with a bang!"

As he leapt into a portal, he tossed two more bombs that Cammy kicked into the air, keeping the explosion away.

"Not quite," Cammy said, then turned to face the others. "Is everyone alright?"

Before they could answer, Chun-Li ran over and pulled her friend into a hug, "Cammy! It's really you! You're alive!"

"Uh..." Cammy's face started to turn red. "Chun-Li?"

"It's a miracle, I really thought you were gone forever! I've missed you so much," Chun-Li said, the woman in tears. "You can't imagine how I feel right now, I never want to let you go!"

"Uh, Chun-Li?" Chris said.

"How did you even survive!? Sunset made it seem like you were gone for good," Chun-Li said. "Then Asgard exploded and-"

"Chun-Li!" Ryu shouted, startling the woman. "Get a hold of yourself!"

Chun-Li realized she was hugging Cammy really hard, the woman getting more and more embarrassed as she was quick to let go. "Sorry about that."

"Wow, you're usually never like that," Cammy said. "Been hanging around those ponies a lot?"

Chun-Li sheepishly rubbed her head as she nervously chuckled, "I suppose Equestria has rubbed off on me a little."

"Still, we do share her excitement and curiosity," Chris said. "Sunset told us that Loki stabbed you with a dagger."

"Yes," Cammy lifted her shirt up to show the scar. "He got me good too."

"How did you survive?" Jill asked.

"Luck," Cammy said. "Fortunately he missed any vital organs. Of course I thought I was doomed when that fire monster showed up. Thankfully I ran into Vincent Valentine and by some miracle, we found a leftover portal that Sunset Shimmer opened."

"Where did it take you?" Ryu asked.

"Believe it or not, we ended up in Metropolis," Cammy said.

"Metropolis?" Michaelangelo asked. "You mean where Superman's from!?"

"That same one," Cammy said. "I went to a nearby hospital where they patched me up."

"But why were you gone for so long?" Chun-Li asked. "Why didn't you come back right away?"

"I wanted to, but I personally got distracted," Cammy said. "When I fully healed, it just so happened that there was a robbery of sorts. I couldn't ignore it, so I leapt into action with Vincent. Superman noticed, he seemed to recognize us."

"Come to think of it, we haven't seen Superman since Ragnarök," Chris said.

"Yes, so you would not have known either of us survived," Cammy said. "It was quite exciting, I was made an honorary member of The Justice League, and I assisted them in many dangerous missions. It really helped me grow as a fighter and a person."

"That sounds fun," Leonardo said.

"During our travels, we heard about some multiverse trouble, and thanks to some assistance from Batman, we were able to return to our own dimensions," Cammy said. "It sounds like Doctor Doom and Albert Wesker are at it again."

"Which means we need to get back to HQ," Chun-Li said, taking a look around. "After we clean this all up."

Seconds later, another portal opened, with Logan stepping through, "Huh, am I too late?"

"Wolverine?" Chun-Li asked.

"The one and only," Logan said, gesturing to the damage. "Who did this?"

"The Green Goblin," Chun-Li explained.

"Figures," Logan lamented, then took note of Cammy. "You look familiar."

"It's me, Cammy White," the girl said.

"Thought I recognized yer scent," Logan said, that phrasing freaking Cammy out a bit.

"My scent?" Cammy asked.

"Never mind that, last I heard, you were dead," Logan said.

"Everyone did, I'll explain everything," Cammy said.

In the villain HQ, everyone had returned to the Castle, some later than others. Wesker was waiting at a table with Tron and Prowler.

Doom was standing somewhat patiently near an archway while Chrysalis leaned against a wall.

Bit by bit, the villains began to gather, including the team that was just recently in Equestria. Vergil was quick to notice Cozy's condition. "What happened to her?"

"Some scumbag Griffon tried to blind her," Sonata said, comforting Cozy.

"She probably lost an eye," Aria said.

"ARIA!" Sonata shouted.

"...Is she crying?" Vergil asked.

"Hey, it hurts, don't be too hard on her," Sonata said.

"No, unacceptable," Vergil said. "If she's going to cry over something as miniscule as that-"

"How the hell is that miniscule!? Are you stupid or something!?" Sonata asked.

Vergil unsheathed his sword, "Watch your tongue, or you'll lose more than an eye."

"Enough, we cannot start infighting, not when our ball is rolling," Wesker said. "I do concur with Vergil, if Cozy Glow cannot handle this, then she does not belong with us."

"Just...let me take care of her," Sonata said.

"Actually, allow me to tend to her," Martin said, kneeling in front of Cozy Glow. "May I see your eye?"

"...I...it hurts," Cozy Glow whimpered.

Vergil sighed in irritation, joined by Ultron and Chrysalis.

"This is ridiculous," Akuma said.

"Hey, I don't want to hear crap from someone who didn't even do much during this plan!" Sonata said.

"Dial it back, will you?" Electro said. "You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep running your mouth in front of these lunatics."

"Lunatics!?" Juri shouted, freaking Electro out.

"Now who ran his mouth?" Mysterio asked.

"Oh shut up," Electro said.

"Ignore them. Now, please, show me your eye," Martin said, showing less of his negative side and more of his human side. "You can trust me."

Hesitantly, Cozy took her hand off her eye. It was badly damaged, and she was likely going to be blind out of that eye. Fortunately Martin began using his light powers to heal the girl, completely restoring her eye and removing the pain.

"How do you feel?" Martin asked.

"I feel...great!" Cozy blinked her eyes. "I can see! It's a miracle!"

"I'm happy to hear," Martin said, then felt a hug from the girl.

"Thank you so much, Marty!" Cozy said.

"It's nothing, truly," Martin said, releasing the hug. "Just be careful next time."

"Okie dokie," Cozy Glow said.

"Okie dokie, she says..." Shocker lamented.

"Hermie, be nice!" Sonata warned.

"Hermie?" Poison asked.

"Do NOT call me 'Hermie'!" Shocker demanded.

"Wow, this is quite a group I stepped into," Poison said.

"It is rather unorthodox," Rolento said.

"And just who are they?" Adagio asked.

"Some allies from Metro City," Shocker said. "They want in on our plan."

"That's fine, we could use a few more recruits," Wesker said.

"Indeed, Sephiroth has done some incredible recruiting as well," Loki said, gesturing to the three Square villains beside Sephiroth.

"It was not difficult," Sephiroth said as he stood by Siefer and Cloud of Darkness while Kefka excitedly hopped around. "Sometimes you just have to know what to say."

"Should we try for more?" CoD asked.

"We should be good for now, but I won't turn down future recruits," Sephiroth said.

"With that settled, tell us your progress, and spare no detail," Doom said.

Within the Throne Room of Asgard, Kratos had begun explaining the situation to Thor. "Your brother had contacted my son. From what Atreus has said, he attempted to play to his sympathies, and insisting that all he is doing currently is for the betterment of the world, rather than its destruction."

"I am sorry to hear that, I do not wish for your son, or anyone for that matter, to be in potential danger because of my brother," Thor said. "What exactly has my brother said? Has your son gone into detail?"

"Only that his behavior is a result of his father's parenting," Kratos said.

"He insists that Odin of this world was as cruel as the one we knew," Mimir asked. "Given that he is your father, could you shed some light?"

Thor took a moment to recollect everything, "My father was...not always the best example of what a man, or a God could be. But, despite that, he always did the best he could for me and my brothers. My brother Loki is a Frost Giant who was taken from Jotunheim as an infant, but that was because he was abandoned by his father, Laufey."

"...Did you say 'father'?" Mimir asked. "The Laufey we knew was a woman."

"And my wife," Kratos said.

"I cannot explain that, I can only explain what had happened," Thor said. "But, differences across dimensions do exist."

"Still, Odin adopting a Frost Giant? Our Odin would never consider such a thing," Mimir said.

"My father did play favorites, and I admit it attributed to an ego I once had," Thor said. "I do feel some responsibility for how my brother turned out. I never once wanted Loki to feel left out though. Truth be told, I wish we could have rekindled our old bond."

"I know the pain of being at odds with your brother," Kratos said. "I lost mine long ago."

"My condolences, and while Loki may not be dead, the brother I had might as well be," Thor said.

"You have another brother, do you not?" Mimir asked.

"Had, he perished in Ragnarök," Thor said.

"Oh right, my apologies, that slipped my mind," Mimir said. "Um, how is the Winter in the other realms if I may ask?"

"Do not worry about Fimbulwinter, it took my best efforts, but I was able to at least stave it off," Thor said. "Some realms took longer than others."

"That's good," Mimir said. "I trust this world's Baldur was a good man."

"Yes, a very brave warrior, and I miss him dearly," Thor said, standing up. "Now is not the time for grieving. It seems like my brother is ready to cause trouble. I shall greet him part way then."

"What will you do?" Mimir asked.

"What I always do, fight for my world, and for the safety of others," Thor said.

"We will help," Kratos said.

"Good, come with me then," Thor said, leading Kratos away.

In the Dimension Room within Capcom, the heroes had reunited, but not all of them under the best conditions.

Janet was still upset about Hank, Tony was still upset about Rhodey, Presea still had a fatal injury that an ally named Jude was attending to, and many of the warriors had come back injured.

"How the hell did we survive that guy?" Ken said, the man nursing his injuries from Dormammu.

"Not sure, but he really kicked our asses," Nero said. "Pisses me off too."

"We'll get him next time," Trish said.

Jin had also recovered from his attack, but refused to talk to anyone, concerning Xiaoyu.

"Not a talkative guy, is he?" Remy asked.

"It's just pride, that's all," Paul said.

Sunset was waiting near Vincent, the girl excited about what she had been told, knowing who could be coming back.

Seconds later, Chun-Li came back with some allies, including the returning Street Fighter.

"Cammy!" Sunset ran to the girl, hearing her name surprising a few. "Vincent was right! You're really alive!"

"Hello Sunset, it's good to see you again," Cammy greeted.

"Cammy?" Spencer walked over with Strider. "Holy shit! I can't believe this."

"Whoa!" Ken limped over to the girl. "Damn am I happy to see you."

"Same to you...but what happened?" Cammy asked.

"Dormammu happened," Ken said.

"Dormammu?" Strange asked, appearing beside Ken.

"Where'd you come from?" Ken asked. "Man this place is crowded, hard to keep track of everyone."

"Everyone, try to stay organized, we don't want to lose track of who's here," Chun-Li said.

"We'll do our best," Nero said. "Won't be easy. Most of Square came back."

"It wasn't that much," Cloud said, turning to his plethora of allies. "Okay, maybe a little."

"We're still missing 2B," Tifa said. "Wait, did she come with us? Should someone get her?"

"Later, focus on what's happening now," Chun-Li said.

During all this, Sonic had reunited with Sally, explaining the situation to her, "The Chaotix is gone, Charmy was the only survivor."

"That's horrible..." Sally lamented. "How bad were these guys?"

"Real bad, Goku Black fellow, really dangerous," Sonic said.

"You met Black?" Trunks asked, making his presence known to everyone.

"Who is this guy?" Ken asked.

"He's with us," Goku said, making his way over with Vegeta and the X-Force.

"This is my son Trunks, or rather, a version from my world's future," Vegeta said.

"Uh, hi everyone, I'm Trunks," the boy greeted. "I'm the one who's been fighting Goku Black."

"Goku Black?" Johnny asked, his presence now made known.

"Where'd The Human Torch come from?" Dante asked.

"This place is way too crowded," Spencer said.

"How many people are in here anyway?" Mark asked. "This feels like a fire hazard."

"Especially with The Human Torch here," Mega Man said.

"Oh hey Rock, where'd you come from?" Spencer asked.

"A fight with Wily," Mega Man said, recalling nearly having the scientist in his grip, but made a lucky escape with Alastor. "He got away though."

"Lucky," Viewtiful Joe said.

"Well you can't win them all," All Might said.

"We really need details, but there's way too many people," Ken said. "At this rate, how are we going to-"

Chun-Li used her hands to do a loud whistle, "Okay, I think it might be better if everyone who's not from Capcom or Square to wait outside. Actually, from Square, just members of AVALANCHE. Miguel can stay too, along with Trunks and his friends. Right now it's getting claustrophobic, and we need to focus. Detail what happened in a document and I will get to you in an orderly fashion."

"That sounds reasonable," Sally said. "I'll help them line up; you get to the bottom of everything."

"Much appreciated, Princess Sally," Chun-Li said.

"Just Sally is fine, no need for formalities," Sally said, then turned to everyone. "Alright, all of you get moving! Hurry along now."

"Wow, for someone who said no formalities about being Princess, she's being quite bossy," Bobby joked.

"I heard that!" Sally shouted.

"Let's head back to Equestria," Miles said. "Yo! Anyone from Equestria, with me!"

"That's our ticket, catch you all later," Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends went through a portal.

With the room less compact, Chun-Li took a breath and spoke, "Now then...what is it you had to say about Goku Black, Trunks?"

Back in Equestria, Gwen was helping in checking in on the citizens in the Friendship Center, including Mayday.

"Your mother's fine, she just had a bad day," Gwen said. "She's cured and resting. Soon she'll be back to her old self."

"Um, okay, thanks Gwen," Mayday said.

"No trouble," Gwen said, then saw MJ with Benjy while an irritated Harry looked on. All the while, Flash was also assisting ponies, doing his part to help. "Big place."

"I hate it, I don't like large crowds," Mayday said. "Also, some ponies are glaring at me."

"What for?" Gwen asked.

"They don't like me because they think I'm not friendly," Mayday said. "I can't help it though, I'm too shy to talk to people sometimes."

"There's nothing wrong with being shy, but that is not very friendly of ponies, they should be ashamed," Gwen said.

"They see me and remember that this place used to be a school, one that got shut down," Mayday said. "Me and daddy got blamed for it."

"Which is dumb," Luster Dawn interjected. "The school sucked and no one learned anything. They were still a bunch of jerks who ganged up on you if you were the least bit different."

"Those ponies have a hive mind," Franklin said. "They outcast anyone who thinks differently. If this is how they were going to act, they didn't deserve this school."

"I'm willing to bet Peter feels the same way, which is why they hate him," Gwen said.

"Sounds like the majority seem to hate those who think differently," Luster Dawn.

"More like, the loud minority think is making it seem that way," Gwen said. "No matter how outnumbered, any group determined enough will shout loud enough to make themselves be heard. It can be good, to bring down oppression. Or it can be bad, to make you feel like an outcast."

"Well screw that loud minority, if they're going to be mean to me, Mayday and Peter just because their Friendship School sucked, then who needs them?" Luster Dawn said.

"Don't say it too loud, ponies are starting to stare," Mayday said, gesturing behind her.

"Screw them, I don't give a crap about any of them," Luster Dawn said. "Let them whine, losers!"

"Whoa, you're feisty," Gwen said. "Uh...were you hit with some negativity or something?"

"No, I just...I thought this place could be cool, but it's the same nonsense, just under a different name," Luster Dawn said.

"Sorry to hear," Gwen said.

Outside Peter looked up at the Friendship Center, feeling nothing but disdain for the building. "Even now this stupid place is causing grief for my wife. I knew that she still wanted that damn school. What was it going to accomplish? The concept wasn't going to work, it's just...ugh. Twilight deserves a better legacy than this place. She doesn't need this school to teach Friendship, she's Twilight Sparkle, her beautiful smile does more to teach Friendship than this ugly piece of garbage! I just...ugh!"

"Whoa there," Applejack said, getting Peter's attention. "You seem angry."

"A lot of my wife's comments were about this school, she's still mad that it's not a school, even though it should not have been," Peter said. "Why is my wife so concerned about the school?"

"Well, Twilight wants to feel like something she did mattered," Applejack said. "The school was meant to be just that."

"But it was a bad idea! I don't want my wife associated with that!" Peter said. "Twilight has already accomplished a lot. She's Princess of Friendship, she's a hero who's saved Equestria, she's an inspiration to so many ponies. On top of that...she's a librarian!"

"Uh...what?" Applejack asked.

"Twilight loves books, she has one of the best libraries in town, and everyone says she's very friendly, which likely encourages them to be friendly," Peter said. "Screw the school, she was spreading Friendship without it, doing what she loves."

"Ah guess," Applejack said.

"Hey, you like being a farmer right?" Peter asked.

"Of course, I'm proud of it," Applejack said.

"Suppose someone said that's not enough and you need to think bigger, how would you feel?" Peter asked.

"Well, ah ain't gonna let someone tell me how to think, ah know what ah do is good stuff," Applejack said.

"Well Twilight needs to adapt that mindset too," Peter said. "To me, she's already accomplished a lot of great things, and I say the best thing is that she's a wonderful wife and a terrific mother. If I myself accomplish nothing more in life, if I can't be Spider-Man, then I am happy that I at least got to marry Twilight. Being her husband and the father of Mayday and Benjy means more to me than being Spider-Man."

"Heh, once again I'm reminded why Twilight fell in love with you," Applejack said.

"Seems selfish to me," Came the voice of Gallus, both Peter and Applejack rolling their eyes. "Ever think that maybe Twilight cares more about the school than being a librarian?"

"You don't know her well, do ya?" Applejack asked. "Twilight loves her library, maybe she forgot because of this silly place but-"

"Silly!? And you call yourself a teacher!?" Gallus asked.

"Ah ain't a teacher, I'm a farmer, and dang proud of it," Applejack said. "Don't you ever forget that."

"Yeah seriously dude, why are you even here?" Peter asked.

"Just to remind you that while you were fixing marriage problems that were clearly YOUR fault, a friend of mine just lost her brother," Gallus said, this immediately irritating Peter and Applejack. "This is why I don't like you. In the end you're just causing grief and turmoil for everyone, and now the ultimate price was paid. How many more innocents need to die before-"

"That's it!" Applejack was about to lunge at Gallus but Peter held her back.

"AJ! Don't! It's not worth it!" Peter urged.

"What's wrong? Mad because you found out your sister married a loser who can't make it as a hero!?" Gallus shouted.

Peter glared back at Gallus, "Making it really hard for me to protect you kid. If I were you I'd shut your mouth before you start pissing ME off!"

"Go ahead, do something, that would be the end of your career," Gallus said, then felt some heat. "Why is it so hot?"

Gallus turned around to face the Nirik form of Autmn Blaze. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

Gallus panicked and flew away, Autumn taking a breath and turning back into her Kirin form. "I really hate that guy, I hate him so much."

"Autumn Blaze?" Peter asked.

"Hi, just came to check on you, then saw that jerk running his mouth," Autumn Blaze said

"He really says things that can really tick a pony off," Applejack said. "What he said about Rumble just crossed the line."

"He crossed the line the moment he brought up Garble," Peter said. "Still...that comment about Rumble. I just spoke to Rumble, he's already upset because he can't fly and now he's worried about being able to provide for Apple Bloom."

"He don't gotta worry, he's got us," Applejack said. "He's an Apple now, and Apples look after one another."

"This whole thing...these damn villains...My poor wife..." Peter groaned, the hero nearly on the verge of tears. "I honestly don't know what to do."

"Hey, easy now, don't stress yerself out," Applejack said.

"We'll figure it out," Autumn Blaze said, nuzzling Peter. "I will stay right by your side until we do so."

"You don't have to," Peter said.

"Well I want to, Peter," Autumn Blaze said. "You always help me when I need it, and you help everyone. It's our turn to help you."

"She's right, time someone gave back to you fer a change," Applejack said.

"Thanks girls..." Peter said, the boy still feeling worried. "I can't risk them getting hurt though, I gotta figure out how to do this alone. No one else is getting hurt or dying because of me."

"Peter, you need some rest, we can figure this out tomorrow," Applejack said.

"Okay," Peter said, trotting back home with Applejack and Autumn Blaze.

The first strike from the villains hit critical points, the heroes have a lot to bounce back from.