• Published 8th Oct 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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Return to Gotham

*Gotham Botanical Gardens*

Inside the run down and now foliage-overgrown gardens, Adagio Dazzling paced the crumbled floors of the lair they currently occupied alongside Poison Ivy. Having arrived upon this world merely a few days prior, they still had little-to-no idea of what exactly they were meant to do in this world.

Wait a minute!


How can they have only been in Gotham for a few days when clearly the Mane Six and Spike have been training with the League for a whole year?

We never ‘specified’ they arrived in Gotham at the same time the others arrived in the Himalayas, now did we?

We probably should have.

Moving on…

*Clears throat* Anyway… the Dazzlings haven’t made any progress in their assignment upon this world just yet. They had no idea exactly as far as ‘what’ their mission even was. This frustrated them to no end because they refused to be stuck in this place forever. They needed to find something to present for the Order, but this task proved most difficult seeing as how they had no clue what to find.

The yellow-skinned siren found her thoughts interrupted by growing footsteps. She turned around and spotted Aria Blaze walking toward her.

“Where’s Sonata?” Adagio asked curiously.

“I don’t know, and I really don’t care,” Aria replied. “Honestly, we’d get more accomplished with her gone.”

“We won’t get anything accomplished at all if we can’t find something of value to bring to the Order. You know what will happen if we fail!”

“Well so far, all this city has to offer is crime, pollution, and way too many taco stands,” Aria sighed. “Now that I mention it, that probably explains where Sonata is. I swear that siren is as dumb as a sack of hammers.”

“At least hammers serve a purpose,” Adagio spoke, with an eye roll. “And unless something happens to her, two Sirens is not going to be enough.”

Suddenly, the doors to the Botanical Gardens opened causing both girls to look in their direction. They both anticipated their dim-witted sister making her way inside with more tacos. However, it wasn’t Sonata Dusk at all. Instead, in walked another teenage girl with fair-pink skin and dark hair with a single pink streak. She was dressed in a punk-rocker outfit with a leather jacket, dark grey corset top, shorts, stockings, and combat boots.

“Ivy!” The girl called out. “Where are you?!”

“Who are you?” Adagio asked the girl.

The girl turned toward the two sirens with a look of surprise that they were even there.

“I think the better question is: Who are you?” The girl retorted.

At that moment, a giant flower emerged from the ground and opened up to reveal none other than Poison Ivy herself. The plant lady stepped out of the flower, which receded back into the Earth and approached the pink girl.

“Ah Zoe, my flower,” She greeted, smiling. “How did you fare at the Star Lab Bio Facility?”

The girl, Zoe by name, reached behind her and pulled out a dull backpack from behind her. Unzipping the bag, she pulled out a vial of some strange green liquid and handed it to the plant lady. Ivy took the vial and examined it with such fascination.

“This what you’re looking for?” Zoe asked.

“That’s exactly what I was looking for,” Ivy nodded. “However did you manage to get it from the scientists?”

“Being a siren has its perks,” Zoe smirked.

This made Adagio and Aria stare at the pink girl with wide eyes.

“Siren?!” They exclaimed with shock.

The pink girl and plant lady both turned toward the two sirens.

“You’re a Siren?” Adagio asked curiously.

“I know what I am,” Zoe nodded. “The name’s Zoe Pink Star. Been living here with Ivy since she found me wandering the streets of Gotham years ago. Didn’t pay me much mind, until she found out I could woo a construction team from harming a tree. Next thing I know, she brought me in.”

“And she’s been a loyal little flower ever since,” Ivy nodded.

“It’s just… I didn’t think there any other sirens anywhere,” Aria spoke amazed.

“Wait… you guys are sirens too?” Zoe asked.

Both Adagio and Aria nodded their heads, to which Zoe merely released a sarcastic chuckle.

“Right!” She snorted. “And I’m the Queen of England; I charge extra for a dance.”

“You don’t believe us?” Aria asked offended. “We can prove it to you right here and now.”

“Bring it on!” Zoe retorted.

Ivy waved her hand, and her plants began to slither toward another room in the gardens. When they came back, they dragged what resembled a man tied up with wiring, and his mouth gagged shut with a cloth. The plants set the man beside their mistress, and she released the gag. The poor man took deep breaths before bursting with pleas.

“Please let me go!” He begged. “I promise I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Ivy merely looked away from the man, then back toward Adagio and Aria. The two sirens cleared their throats and released a few soft notes. The man found himself entranced by the lovely voices of the two beautiful young ladies. Zoe watched from the sidelines as the two sirens captivated the poor man. Soon as they finished, the man had such a cheeky grin on his face, as if he seemed so far out of it. Adagio and Aria turned back toward Zoe with smirks and cocked eyebrows.

“What do you think of that?” Aria asked cockily.

Zoe gave a little smirk and a now of the head.

“Seems you guys are real sirens after all,” She said. “I suppose that practically makes us sisters.”

Ivy then walked toward the man and helped him to his feet. She undid the wiring that secured him and looked back at him with a bright smile.

“Thank you my dear, you served your purpose well,” She said seductively.

She then placed a kiss upon his lips and when she pulled away, the man’s eyes went wide. He suddenly started choking and clawing his throat, before falling back to the ground. Before long, he went completely limp as his face changed to a sickly green color and dark black veins formed around his mouth. He was dead on the spot due to an intense measure of poisoning. All three sirens watched from the sidelines with wicked smirks on their faces.

At that moment, the door burst open again just as Sonata arrived with bags in her hands.

“Hiya girls!” She exclaimed excitedly. “Sorry I’m late, but I met this really nice guy at a taco stand. He was like the nicest person I’ve met and…”

The blue siren quickly snapped her mouth shut upon seeing the poisoned dead man on the ground and the new girl in the room with everyone.

“What did I miss?” She asked curiously.


Later that same day, following the defeat of Ra’s Al Ghul and Duscan, the Equestrians and Bruce Wayne made their way down the mountain back to the tiny village. To say it had been a very rough day would be a massive understatement. Having trained with the League a full year, they had no idea things would turn out the way they had. Originally, they believed their cause to be just, only to discover the League were just as corrupt as the evil they sought to destroy. Thankfully, they saw through their façade and managed to bring a halt to their plans. For now, their main concern was getting to Gotham City.

Wearing clothes provided by the people of the hamlet, even bandaging the cut on his arm, Bruce and the Equestrians finally arrived at a smoky inn at the bottom of the mountain. The inn was filled with locals and climbers upon entry, but they didn’t get far when the crowd stopped and stared at them for a moment… then resumed their daily activities.

“So… what exactly is the plan here?” Rainbow asked.

“First things first,” Bruce answered. “I need to get in touch with my butler, Alfred.”

“You have a butler?” Spike asked.

“Yes Spike, I explained all of this on the way down the mountain,” Twilight sighed. “Remember the visions I told you I’ve been having; the reason why I’ve been feeling weird as of late?”

“A close friend of the group experiencing something weird yet being vague about it,” Spike feigned wondering. “Nope… I can’t imagine that feeling at all.”

True to her word, throughout the entire journey down the mountain, Twilight decided to enlighten her friends and Bruce about her visions. She even told them all about Bruce’s past, which Bruce was able to confirm.

“Sorry Twi,” Spike apologized. “All joking aside, everything’s been such a huge blue for me since we left that burning house.”

“I must agree with you there, Spikey,” Rarity agreed.

“Besides, even if we get to this Gotham City, how’re we even supposed to find the Dazzlings and Chrysalis anyway?” Rainbow questioned.

“Mah guess is tah find where the most chaos is comin’ from,” Applejack suggested. “Shouldn’t be too hard.”

Ignoring the comments, Bruce walked toward the bar and used the phone to dial a number. He waited as the phone rang several times until a familiar voice answered it.

Wayne Residence.

Bruce smiled sadly upon hearing the older man’s voice after seven years.


Master Wayne? It’s been some time.

“Yes. Yes it has,” Bruce chuckled. “I need a ride.”

And where are we, sir?

Bruce looked around, hoping for a clue to his current location.

“Bhutan, I think,” He guessed, as a nearby man nodded. “Yes, I’m in Bhutan.”

Am I to assume that you’re without money and passport?

“I’m traveling a bit light, yes,” Bruce admitted.

“Traveling light is definitely putting it mildly,” Rainbow pointed at his clothes.

To which Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but giggle over the joke, as Bruce stared with annoyance over the remark.

I believe there’s an airstrip at Khatmandu long enough for a G5. Make your way there, I’ll have the jet down in fifteen hours.

“Very good,” Bruce said relieved. “Oh, and Alfred?”

Yes, sir?

“We’re going to be having a few guests staying for a while,” Bruce informed. “Be sure to make up a few of the guest rooms. Also, if it’s not too much trouble, bring some painkllers.”

I’ll get right on that, sir.


A few hours later…

Bruce and the Equestrians arrived in Katandu, approaching the awaiting G5 plane. Afred, who waited in the doorway at the top of the steps, spotted his master and the group following beside him.

“You look rather fashionable,” He commented. “Apart from the dried blood.”

To which the young man merely shrugged.

“What can I say?” He replied jokingly. “I’ve always been fashionable.”

As Bruce stepped aside, Alfred got a good look at the Mane Six and Spike.

“I trust these are the guests you were referring to?” Alfred asked.

“Indeed they are,” Bruce nodded. “This is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike.”

The Mane Six and Spike all gave small waves in response and Alfred approached to offer a shake to all their hands.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintances,” Alfred greeted kindly. “Alfred Pennyworth.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Pennyworth,” Twilight greeted.

“Please Miss, just Alfred will do,” The old butler smiled.

Bruce led the group up the stairs into his private jet. After a few moments, the plane took off from the landing strip and proceeded to make its way towards Gotham City.


Fifteen hours later…

Bruce Wayne emerged from the washroom of the jet all cleaned up and dressed in clean tailored clothes. The rest of the Equestrians too were given clean attire and were seated alongside Alfred and Bruce. Pinkie was so excited she was literally bouncing in her seat.

“Ooh, this is super-duper exciting!” She exclaimed gleefully. “We’re actually on a private jet! I wonder if they have really nice meals or even those little bags of peanuts? I do love those bits of honey-roasted goodness!”

Alfred and Bruce both looked toward the rest of the group, who merely shrugged with a look that said, ‘Don’t ask.’. Just as the jet broke through the cloud cover, it revealed a beautiful sunrise and Gotham far below.

“So that’s Gotham huh?” Rainbow asked, peeking out the window. “Kinda reminds me of Manehatten or Baltimare back home.”

“I beg your pardon, miss?” Alfred asked confused.

Before Rainbow could respond, Twilight quickly put a hand over her mouth.

“What my friend means to say Alfred is that we had no idea Gotham would look like this,” Twilight replied.

Taking a brief look at the view, Bruce sat down across from Alfred.

“Have you told anyone I’m coming home?” Bruce asked.

He was already imagining how the tabloids would explode with stories of what he must’ve been doing for the past seven years. ‘They’re gonna have a field day,’ Alfred shook his head.

“I thought you might like to surprise a few people,” He offered. “Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir?”

Bruce was relieved by his friend’s smart thinking and began planning aloud.

“As long as it takes,” He insisted. “I’m going to show the people of Gotham that the city doesn’t belong to the criminals and the corrupt. I’ll need everything in the company shareholders’ reports, holdings, everything. Plus anything you can obtain about Rachel, the police force, news reports, and even everything on the Pearsons’ and their company.”

“Dang Bruce, right tah business ain’t ya?” Applejack smirked.

Alfred nodded, smiled, and closed his eyes again.

“You sound like a man with purpose,” He commented. “You know, during the depression your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises combating poverty… he believed that his example would inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city.”

“Did it?” Bruce asked.

Alfred opened his eyes and nodded sadly.

“In a way… their murder shocked the wealthy and powerful into action.”

Bruce nodded in deep thought.

“People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy,” He agreed. “I can’t do this as Bruce Wayne. A man is just flesh and blood and can be ignored or destroyed. But a symbol… as a symbol I can be incorruptible, everlasting.”

“What symbol, sir?” Alfred asked curiously.

Bruce shrugged, merely staring out the window again.

“I’m not sure yet,” He admitted, thinking. “Something elemental; something terrifying.”

“I beg your pardon for interrupting darling,” Rarity interrupted. “But what kind of symbol would scare the corrupt?”

“Considering what we just went through, it’s hard to imagine what other corruption we’ll face,” Fluttershy spoke up.

“I assume, sir, that since you’re taking on the underworld, this ‘symbol’ is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals?” Alfred guessed.

“You’re thinking about Rachel?” Bruce questioned.

“Actually, sir, I was thinking about myself,” Alfred admitted.

“And you’re sure that no one knows that I’m coming back?” Bruce chuckled.

“I haven’t figured out the legal ramifications of raising you from the dead,” Alfred sighed.

“Dead?” Everyone questioned.

“What do you mean by ‘dead’, Alfred?” Spike asked.

“It’s been seven years since anyone has seen Mr. Wayne,” Alfred responded.

“You had me declared dead?” Bruce asked in shock.

“Actually, it was Mr. Earle,” Alfred corrected. “He wanted to liquidate your majority shareholding. He’s taking the company public. Your shares brought in an enormous amount of capital.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair at all,” Rarity pointed out.

Bruce rolled his eyes, having forgotten about Earle.

“Good thing I left everything to you, then.”

“Quite so, sir,” Alfred agreed, closing his eyes. “You’re welcome to borrow the Rolls, by the way. Just bring it back with a full tank.”


Sometime later, the whole group made their way back to Wayne Manor. At first, the girls and Spike were amazed at the sheer size and look of the giant mansion (Except Twilight, who remembered it exactly from her visions). After that had gotten settled in, Bruce sat cross-legged on the floor of the library and went through all sorts of reports. They ranged from everything including family business, new articles, reports about Philip and Julia Pearson and their company, Pearson Pharmaceuticals, reports of the local police force, photos of Rachel, an older Jim Gordon, the Pearsons, and made notes in a notebook while circling the important parts on each report or news item.


In the kitchen, Alfred prepared some tea while listening to the local news on the T.V.

Lots of interest in new directions Wayne Industries has been taking…

Alfred looked up at this, seeing William Earle being interviewed… again. ‘What has that bloody idiot done this time?’, he thought.

… couple big defense contracts in the bag… as well as rumors that the board is petitioning to have Bruce Wayne, missing for seven years now, declared officially dead.

Earle smiled thinly toward the reporter.

Our operating assumption is always the hopeful one that Bruce’ll resurface sometime soon.

Liar,’ Alfred thought sourly. ‘You’d rather have Master Bruce remain missing forever.

“You alright, Alfred?”

The old butler turned to see the Mane Six and Spike making their way into the kitchen.

“You seem to be quite distressed,” Rarity added.

“Nothing that need worry you, Miss Rarity,” Alfred assured. “Is there anything I may assist you with?”

The group looked amongst themselves for a moment before looking back at the old butler.

“Well, we just felt we should be honest with you about ourselves while we’re staying here,” Twilight toll him. “It just wouldn’t be right to lie about who we are since you and Bruce kindly allowed us to stay.”

This seemed to get Alfred’s curiosity going.

“Oh? And what might I ask do you mean?”

The group joined hands and Twilight used her magic to transform them back into their usual pony and dragon appearances. Alfred seemed quite shocked for a moment upon seeing this, not unless Bruce when he first saw it, but ultimately he remained calm.

“I know you probably have questions,” Twilight continued. “But please… let us explain.”

“… And that’s pretty much the whole story,” Twilight concluded.

Alfred sat at the dining table as the Mane Six and Spike had been telling him their story. To say he was both floored and amazed at the same time was perhaps the understatement of the century. Nonetheless, he listened intently and with conviction.

“Well, that is certainly quite the tale,” Alfred replied.

“At least you and Bruce took it way better than a lot of other people have,” Rainbow commented. “Normally when most people find out, they either faint, scream, or run. Or if we’re lucky, sometimes a weird combination of the three.”

“Anytime someone just learns to accept it, we consider it a blessing,” Spike added.

“Well, I for one don’t have any problem with what you all are,” Alfred said honestly. “Aside from being different, you all seem like proper ladies and a fine young gentleman to me.”

This caused all the rest of the Mane Six and Spike to smile appreciatively.

“Thank you, Alfred,” Twilight smiled. “That means a lot.”

“It’s so nice to meet good people who accept us as we are,” Fluttershy grinned.

Alfred smiled in return before picking up a tray with an assortment of tear supplies on it.

“Now then, I believe it’s high time we go find Master Bruce.”

He soon proceeded to walk off with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike following closely behind.


Meanwhile, Bruce was still hard at work in the library. A squeaking sound soon reached his ears, and he looked up. Not seeing anything, he resumed working when the same noise reached his ears for a second time. Getting up to investigate, he stepped out into the main hall. He looked around and then up toward the vaulted ceiling, where he saw a bat flapping against it. As he stared up at it, a familiar fear stirred a bit. By then, Alfred walked towards him with a tray filled with tea items.

“A blasted bat again, sir,” Alfred said. “They nest somewhere on the grounds.”

He glanced up at the bat while making a mental note to get out of there before it hurt itself or one of them.

“Oh the poor little creature,” Fluttershy frowned. “He must be frightened to death being trapped in here. Don’t worry, I’ll get him down.”

The small yellow Pegasus tensely floated up toward where the bear was flapping about and hovered in mid-air alongside it. Eventually, the bat stopped flapping and landed gracefully on her outstretched hoof.

“There, there, little friend,” Fluttershy spoke sweetly. “I’ll get you out of here.”

She floated back down to the ground and trotted toward a nearby window. Thankfully the window was open and she reached out with her hoof upwards allowing the bat to fly out the window and into the night.

“Goodbye, little friend!” She called after it. “Stay safe!”

“Well, Miss Fluttershy, you certainly have a way with animals,” Alfred commented.

“That there’s Fluttershy for ya,” Applejack nodded. “She loves critters of all kind. Why it was her idea to construct a fancy sanctuary for all them vampire fruit bats, so they can have their share of the apples in our farm.”

“And if I recall correctly, you weren’t initially on board with that plan,” Rainbow smirked.

“I make mistakes too, hon…”

Bruce watched the bat as it flew away, impressed by how its shadow flicked in the night. All the while, a single thought raced through his head.

Bats… I wonder…


Pulling on a long black coat and having dug out his father’s old climbing gear, Bruce headed out toward the backyard, past the disused green house, and over the abandoned well, which by now had grown over with plant life. Pulling the overgrowth away, Bruce lowered himself into the darkness below.

Reaching the bottom, Bruce knelt and looked around, recalling his one-time down there, and then saw the dark crevice the bats came out from that very day. Grabbing the coil of rope, he pulled himself into the crevice, following the sounds of dripping water while a cold breeze hit him in the face.

Using the rope, Bruce carefully climbed down the jagged rock crevice and into a large cavern, where he could hear the rush of water in the distance as he landed on the damp ground. Straightening up, he looked around as his breath breezed in the cold air, noting a waterfall off to his right, and he walked forward until he reached the edge of a river.

Bruce could hear the quiet screeching of bats but couldn’t see any in the darkness. He pulled a white neon light out of his coat, turned it on, and held it above his head. Moments later, thousands upon thousands of bats exploded from everywhere in the cave and flew straight toward the young man, attracted by the light, screeching loudly. Bruce instinctively ducked down at first, but after a few seconds, he slowly stood up and, with his eyes shut, held out his arms, allowing the bats to engulf him completely.

He knew just the symbol he was going to use.


The following morning, Alfred drove Bruce and the Equestrians through the streets of Gotham City. The young man was shocked and dismayed by the overall state of the city, including the state of Wayne plaza and the station, which was deserted and in such a state of disrepair he was worried it was going to collapse any second. He got out of the Rolls and stared, stunned.

“Is it closed?”

To which Alfred nodded sadly as his master was back in the car, and he in turn resumed driving.

“They still run a token service out of respect for your father,” He answered.

“On one hand, it’s generous of them to run it in honor of Bruce’s father,” Rarity said. “But to let it go so far into disarray… oh, what a travesty!”

“But why would Earle go through all this trouble of destroying the Wayne family legacy?” Twilight asked.

“That is what we’re going to find out,” Bruce declared.


In the outer office of Wayne Tower, a young and beautiful assistant was at her desk, taking calls when Bruce entered.

“Good morning,” He greeted pleasantly. “I’m here to see Mr. Earle.”

“Name?” She asked, not looking up.

“Bruce Wayne,” Bruce responded, grinning.

It was then she looked up at the mere mention of the name, a shocked expression spreading across her face.


In the boardroom, Earle presided over a meeting and arguing with a board member, Fredericks, who had been a long-time friend of the Wayne family.

“… but we’re showing very healthy growth in these sectors—” Earle began.

“I don’t think that Thomas Wayne would have viewed heavy arms manufacture as a suitable cornerstone of our business—” Fredericks cut in.

“I think, Fredericks, that after twenty years, we ought to be at a point where we stop asking ourselves what Thomas Wayne would have done,” Earle agreed. “True, Thomas Wayne wouldn’t have wanted to take the company public, either, but that’s what, as responsible managers, we’re going to do.”

He then hit the intercom.

“Jessica, get me that prospectus,” He requested, waiting a moment. “Jessica?”

Frowning, Earle opened the doors and found himself facing the back of a young man, who had his arms wrapped around the woman’s hips while showing her how to gold.

“Jessica, who’s answering the phones!?” He demanded.

“It’s Wayne Enterprises, Mr. Earle,” Bruce smirked. “I’m sure they’ll call back.”

Good, Philip Pearson is still on the board,’ He thought.

He was relieved to see the silver-haired man seated at the long table, who was looking both stunned and relieved to see him. Not only him, but Jonathan Wycliffe was also on the board as well. Who better to have on board than the Wayne family’s closest friend. A stunned silence fell over the room and Earle approached the young man and shook his hand while clapping his other hand on Bruce’s shoulder.

“Bruce?” He said, masking his disappointment. ‘We thought… you were dead.”

“Sorry to disappoint,” Bruce shrugged.

A short while later, Bruce was seated in Earle’s office, accepting a cup of coffee from the older man.

“You realize, Bruce, that it’s too late to stop the public offering,” Earle informed him, sipping his own cup.

“I understand,” Bruce smiled. “I’ll be handsomely rewarded for me shares. I’m not here to interfere – I’m looking for a job.”

He took a moment to enjoy Earle’s surprised look, the second one within a single day.

“I just want to get to know the company that my family built.”

“Any idea where you’d start?”

“Applied sciences caught my eye,” Bruce answered.

“Mr. Fox’s department?” He raised his eyebrows, shrugging. “I’ll make a call.”

He reached for his phone as the young man stood up.

“Oh, and Bruce?” He added. “Some of the secretaries and so on… because of your name they may assume…”

“I’ll be absolutely clear with everyone that I’m just another humble employee,” Bruce promised.


It wasn’t long before Bruce left the office. He was just on his way to the elevators when someone called out his name.

“Bruce, hold up!”

The young man turned to face Jonathan Wycliffe, who strode toward him.

“Mr. Wycliffe!” He greeted smiling.

“John, please,” John corrected, grasping Bruce’s hand. “Contrary to whatever you may have ben told by Earle, I was against declaring you dead without any physical proof, and I’m glad that you’re still alive, son.”

“Thank you for having faith in me, John,” Bruce smiled. “How’s your family?”

“Well, my wife is finding new ways to drive me over the edge with her controlling manners,” He admitted. “And failing since I haven’t gone mental… yet. My daughter Katherine, she actually took a leaf out of your book, and ran away twenty years ago, joining the circus, is married, and has two grand kids that I literally have to sneak out of the city to see without my wife’s knowledge.”

Bruce nodded, understanding the older man’s frustration since he had a few memories of how strict Julia Wycliffe could be, and the scandal it caused when their only child ran away shortly after graduating high school at eighteen.

“I understand, John, your wife is a force to be reckoned with.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” John agreed. “Anyway, if you and Alfred need anything—”

“I’ll let you know,” Bruce promised.

He then left while John just smiled and headed back to the boardroom, where he was probably going to get an earful from Earle for rushing off. But he didn’t care, the heir to Wayne Enterprises was back, and that was all that mattered. Plus the only thing Earle could do was kick him off the board, and that hardly mattered since he had his ‘own’ company to run.


Meanwhile, at the DA’s office, Rachel Dawes entered the office of her boss, Finch, and handed him some paperwork on one of the many cases they were working on.

“Have you seen him yet?” Finch asked, studying her.

“Who?” Rachel asked.

Finch blinked, surprised that she didn’t even know.


“Bruce?” She repeated, confused. “What do you mean?”

“You haven’t heard?” Finch asked. “It’s been all over the news today. He’s back.”

And it was clear that this was news to Rachel, who hurried away to find a television to check the news.


In the high-rise district of Gotham City, a lone figure watched the city down below from the window of an office atop one of the tall skyscrapers. The city reeked of corruption, crime, and decay that only seemed to intensify with every passing day. Gotham was a shell of what it had been hundreds of years ago; frankly, it was time for it to change.

Another figure walked into the office wearing a white porcelain mask.

“You called for me, Grandmaster,” He said.

The individual standing by the window looked toward the city as he responded.

“400 years ago, this city was founded by the wealthiest men the world had ever known,” The ‘Grandmaster’ spoke. “The Wayne’s, the Cobblepotts, the Elliots, the St. Dumats. It used to be when you looked out upon this city, you would see a metropolis that inspired all. Now when you look out, all you cans ee is a rotten cesspool.”

“And why is it you called for me, Grandmaster?” The other man asked.

The Grandmaster stood still for a few moments before finally facing the other man.

“It has come to my attention that Bruce Wayne has returned to Gotham,” The Grandmaster responded. “With his return, all our plans are in jeopardy. The Waynes tried to halt our progress all those years ago, and we saw to it that they did not live up to see it through.”

“Would you like for me to alert the other members of the Court?” The other man asked.

“Indeed,” The Grandmaster responded. “The time has come for Gotham to face judgement. The Court of Owls will see to it.”

The Grandmaster reached down to open a drawer on the desk in the office and pulled out a golden owl mask he put onto his face before following the other individual out of the office. It was unknown what’s to come of all this, but one thing was absolutely certain:

Gotham will never be the same again.