• Published 8th Oct 2022
  • 4,349 Views, 1,124 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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Author's Note:

I know the chapter is being posted a little late but I want to try to get this story done before Christmas this year so that myself and my administration can enjoy the holidays. As for my commentators, you can wait to do your stuff until tomorrow if you’d like.

Wayne Manor

All the collective eyes of the Mane Six and Spike snapped open all at once. Unanimously, they sat straight up in the beds they were laying in. They were all back in their normal forms; their costumes taken elsewhere. Looking around, they noticed the familiar sightings of their room at Wayne Manor, which caused them to release a breath of sweet relief. Suddenly, they were all overcome by massive headaches and nausea, as if they were experiencing a hangover… at the same time.

“Ah man!” Rainbow groaned. “Did anyone get the numbers on that train that hit us last night?”

“Ah feel like that time Big Mac used expired milk tah make apple flapjacks,” Applejack cringed. “Ah was hurlin’ more stuff than a waterfall?”

“Ugh… if I didn’t feel as bad as I do, I’d scold you for that image,” Rarity complained.

All of a sudden, the doors swung opened and everyone turned just as Alfred entered with a single tray in hand.

“Oh good, you’ve awakened,” He sighed with relief. “When I found you outside the manor yesterday, I feared you all wouldn’t make it.”

A wave of confusion spread across Twilight’s face.

“What do you mean, Alfred?” She asked.

“I found you all on the front lawn yesterday in the pouring rain,” Alfred explained. “You were all unconscious and freezing. I had a few other staff members help you all inside and I’ve been caring for all of you and Master Bruce for the past few days.”

“Bruce?” Fluttershy spoke worriedly. “Is something wrong with him too?”

“Indeed, Ms. Fluttershy,” Alfred nodded. “Apparently he was exposed to some type of poison affecting his mind. I drew a sample of his blood and sent it to Mr. Fox for analysis. Should be here with the results soon.”

This was all too much for the Mane Six and Spike to handle at once. First they were unable to process what happened to them the other night other than their face-to-face with the Court of Owls. Now they find out Bruce had been poisoned by some unknown chemical. With so much happening in Gotham City as of now, the team knew they needed to get a handle on it somehow. While they’ve yet to find either Chrysalis or the Dazzlings since arriving in Gotham, they were fighting off all forms of danger which seemed to grow at an alarming rate.

Pulling the covers off herself, Twilight Sparkle proceeded to hop out of bed.

“I must speak to Bruce,” She said determined.

“I should point out Master Bruce has been unconscious for the past few days, Ms. Sparkle,” Alfred informed her.

“Don’t worry, I can help with that,” Twilight assured.

She proceeded to trot out of the room, while the rest of her friends dragged themselves from bed and followed shortly behind her. They proceeded into the master bedroom where they found Bruce Wayne completely knocked out in his bed. Twilight approached his bedside and flared up her horn with her magic. It gave off a sparkling golden aura as she gently touched her horn to his forehead and began using a healing spell to flush anything negative from his system. Eventually, her horn fizzed out and as she backed away Bruce slowly opened his eyes.

“Good morning Bruce,” Twilight greeted with a smile.

Alfred walked in from behind and proceeded to procure a glass of fizzing water.

“How long did I sleep?” Bruce asked groggily, his voice hoarse.

“Two days,” Alfred answered, handing the glass. “It’s your birthday. Many happy returns.”


Everyone turned toward Pinkie Pie, whose eyes went wide, and her mouth nearly touched the floor.

“It’s… your… birthday?” She asked Bruce, slowly.

“Oh boy, here we go,” Spike sighed.

A huge grin slowly worked its way onto Pinkie’s face, as her whole body began to literally shake with excitement. Then she soared straight into the air as confetti exploded everywhere.


Pinkie finally landed back on the ground and dug a whole cake (And a few balloons) out of her mane. She quickly put a bunch of party hats on her friends, even Bruce’s and Alfred’s heads while blowing on a little party horn. Bruce merely looked at the Mane Six and Spike in complete bewilderment.

“Welcome to our world, buddy,” Rainbow sighed.

Bruce merely took the party hat off and took the glass from Alfred. He sipped it, wincing due to the splitting headache.

“I’ve felt these effects before… but this was so potent,” He muttered. “Some kind of weaponized hallucinogen, administered in aerosol form…”

It was in that moment the doors opened again, and everyone turned to see Lucius Fox enter the room.

“You are definitely hanging out at the wrong clubs,” Lucius said.

He stepped up behind the chair Alfred was sitting in while the young man had a ‘Deer in the headlights’ expression on his face.

“I called Lucius when your condition worsened after the first day,” Alfred explained.

While Bruce started to relax (albeit slightly), Lucius turned and made direct eye contact with the Mane Six and Spike. Being this was their first official meeting with the man, they were waiting for the imminent reaction they were likely to receive. Which was a great surprise for the group when he merely smiled upon them.

“I’m glad to see all of you are alright as well,” He said.

To which the Equestrian Heroes performed a double take.

“Wait, you’re not freaked out by the fact we’re talking ponies?” Twilight asked confused.

“And… talking dragon…” Spike emphasized.

“Usually that’s the first things people get weirded out over,” Rainbow added.

“When he came to visit me at the R&D department, Mr. Wayne informed me all about you,” Lucius explained. “At first I didn’t believe him, but the more he explained and in depth he went, the more I started to believe it. After all, if someone wanted to make up a lie, I doubt they’d go to such lengths of making up the story.”

Once again, the Mane Six and Spike breathed a sigh of relief. At least they didn’t have to go into another long winded explanation of their presence. Lucius then turned his attention back to Bruce.

“I analyzed your blood,” Lucius explained. “Isolating the receptor compounds and the protein-based catalyst.”

Bruce raised his eyebrows, the explanation going over his head.

“Am I meant to understand any of that?” He asked.

“No, I just wanted you to know how hard it was,” He countered. “Bottom line, I synthesized an antidote.”

“Could you make more?” Bruce asked. “I’m certain John Wycliffe could use it since he found the same hallucinogenic compound in the drugs from the docks.”

“I can get it to John,” Lucius agreed. “Why? You planning on gassing yourself again?”

“Well, you know how it is, Mr. Fox,” Bruce said lightly. “You’re out on the town, looking for kicks… someone’s passing around the weaponized hallucinogens?”

“I’ll bring you what I have,” Lucius promised. “And I’ll hint to John of what to do. The antidote should serve as inoculation for now. Alfred, always a pleasure.”

He proceeded to walk out of the room when Twilight Sparkle called out to him.

“Mr. Fox, do you think we could talk to you about something?” She asked.

Lucius turned back around and walked over to them.

“Of course,” He answered.

“Well you see, the reason we didn’t come back here to the mansion a few days ago was because we were investigating something serious.”

“Oh? And what might that be?” Lucius asked.

“… the Court of Owls.”

The moment that name was uttered, everyone in the room immediately went stiff. Alfred and Bruce turned their attention to the ponies and dragon as well.

“You’ve been investigating the Court?” Bruce asked. “What did you find?”

“When we left the restaurant the other night, it was because I heard a conversation between a man and a woman talking about ‘the day of reckoning’ and ‘the Grandmaster’,” Twilight explained.

“We followed them to the ballroom, and that’s when we were ambushed,” Rarity added.

“When we woke up, we were surrounded by the entire court and their Grandmaster,” Fluttershy continued.

“Did you see anyone’s face or make out anyone’s voice?” Lucius asked.

The Mane Six and Spike merely shook their heads ‘no’. Twilight’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something.

“Now that you mention it, I was able to record everything!” She realized.

She used her magic to remove the beret from her mane and place it upon Lucius’s hand.

“There’s a microphone in there that recorded everyone from that night,” She told him.

Lucius took the memory card from the microphone in the beret and pulled out a laptop he was carrying. Placing it on a nearby table, he inserted the card into the computer. All eyes gathered around as the different audio files began to appear on the computer.

“Whoever these people are, they’re using a very powerful modulator to disguise their voices,” Lucius explained. “I should be able to bypass the system and hack into the modulator so we can make out the voices.”

Lucius began typing a series of code into the computer. Soon enough, the voices on the computer began to become more clear. First they listened in onto the conversation between the man and woman.

“Hold on, I recognize those voices,” Bruce told everyone. “That’s Joseph and Maria Powers.”

“You know them?” Spike asked.

“Well they own or ‘used’ to own the hotel and restaurant we attended that night,” Bruce replied. “They attended different events and fundraisers with my parents in the past. I don’t know them personally, but my parents used to talk about them all the time.”

As they listened to the remainder of the audio, eventually they got to the ones on the Grandmaster. As they listened, the voice they heard sounded very familiar. Alfred, Bruce, and Lucius all looked at one another as the realization didn’t go unnoticed.

“What is it?” Twilight asked. “Whose voice is that?”

Lucius looked back down at the laptop that still had the audio playing and shook his head.

“Mr. Earle.”


Later that same day, Rachel stopped by the manor, where the main hall was filled with tables of food, decorations placed on the walls, and other things done in preparation for the birthday party that night. Alfred, who wore a blue apron over his usual outfit (Minus the jacket), greeted her at the door and was trying to convince her to stay for the party.

“Are you sure you won’t come in?”

“I have to get back,” Rachel answered regretfully.

Truth be told, Rachel had been looking forward to being inside the manor after seven years. But whatever had just come up, she was not revealing it so easily.

“I just wanted to leave this.”

Rachel handed him a small, gift-wrapped packaged. Just then, Bruce showed up, wearing a robe over his pajamas.


Rachel smiled slightly at his messy hair and red eyes as he came over. Alfred merely walked away, shortly after handing him the gift.

“Looks like someone’s been burning the candle at both ends,” She remarked, chuckling. “Must’ve been quite an occasion.

“Well, it is my birthday,” Bruce said sheepishly.

“I know – I’m sorry, I can’t come tonight,” Rachel admitted. “I was just dropping off your present.”

Then her cellphone began ringing; sighing, she answered it.

“Rachel Dawes.”

Then her expression changed to that of a mix of anger and confusion.

“What?! Who authorized that?! Get Crane there right now, don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Call Dr. Lehmann, we’ll need our own assessment on the judge’s desk by morning, and call John Wycliffe at Wycliffe Industries to have him down there to help with the assessment.”

She closed her phone angrily, which didn’t go unnoticed by a particular group.

“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked, concerned.

“It’s Falcone,” Rachel informed him, frustrated. “Dr. Crane moved him to Arkham Asylum on suicide watch.”

“You’re going to Arkham now?” He questioned. “It’s in the Narrows, Rachel.”

Rachel understood why her friend was voicing his objection.

“You have yourself a great time – some of us have work to do. Happy birthday, Bruce.”

She left to get back to her car to deal with this new crisis.

Bruce opened the present and found a note which said, ‘Finders keepers’. He picked up the note and found the arrowhead underneath it, the very one they found as children.

I need to make sure that Rachel doesn’t get hurt, or worse, killed.

And one look toward Bruce Wayne, the way he looked at the contents in the box, Twilight and her friends shared the same crazy idea.


Soon, Bruce Wayne was hurrying through the main hall with Alfred in pursuit, clutching the open present in one hand.

“But Master Wayne!” Alfred protested. “The guests will be arriving.”

“Keep them happy until I arrive,” Bruce instructed. “Tell them that joke you know.”

Alfred stopped, watching his master depart with exasperation. As Bruce pressed down the hall, he found his path blocked by the Mane Six and Spike.

“We’re going too!” Twilight said determined. “After hearing that Mr. Earle might be the Grandmaster, the next best thing to do is sneak into his office at Wayne Enterprises and gather evidence.”

“No, it’s too dangerous,” Bruce shook his head.

“That wasn’t a request, Bruce,” Rarity added. “We’re going!”

“Look guys, I appreciate you wanting to help me,” Bruce said honestly. “But I think maybe it’s best if you stayed out of it and enjoy the party.”

Bruce was about to make his way past them again, but the girls and Spike refused to leave his path. And ironically enough, even Pinkie Pie stood her ground.

“Look here, Bruce,” Applejack spoke stubbornly. “We promised we’d help y’all bring peace tah Gotham and we darn sure ain’t givin’ up now.”

“The Court of Owls not only threatened this city, but now us as well,” Rarity agreed.

“And when we find them, we’re kicking their flanks back to the underground,” Rainbow declared.

Bruce stared at them for a moment, realizing that arguing with them won’t solve anything. Ultimately, he nodded his head and continued down the hall with the team following behind. Entering the study, Bruce went to the piano, hit four notes, and the bookcase swung open long enough for him and the others to enter. They headed down a wrought iron spiral staircase and stepped onto the working dumbwaiter at its center. Bruce pulled a lever and released the lift, which plummeted vertiginously downward.

Soon, the lift struck the bottom with a great rattle of chains. The group departed and headed toward a padlocked box. Bruce opened it, revealing the bat-suit, which hung there like a phantom. Its black eyes stared back at him, as he reached for it. While doing so, the Mane Six and Spike quickly dressed in their Power Ponies outfits just as Bruce completed his own suit-up.

It was time for the Batman and the Power Ponies…


And Hum Drum… to scour the city streets again.


Meanwhile, at the Applied Sciences Division, Lucius used a mass spectrometer to produce more of the antidote. All while writing down the instructions at the same time.

“Having fun?”

Startled, Lucius swung around in his chair and was surprised to find Earle standing nearby.

“Bill, what’s a big shot like you doing in a place like this?” He asked, removing his glasses.

“Has Wayne been around much?” Earle asked, ignoring the question.

“In and out,” Lucius answered. “Nice kid.”

“Forget about kissing his ass to get back in, Lucius,” Earle advised. “Despite the name, he’s only an employee.”

“You came all the way down here to tell me that?” Lucius raised his eyebrows.

Earle shifted uncomfortably, preferring to change the subject immediately. He pulled out his own glasses and checked his notes.

“Actually, I need information,” He requested. “The Wayne Enterprises 47-B, T-ME.”

Becoming thoughtful, Lucius ran a check on his computer and got a hit.

“It’s a microwave emitter,” He read. “Designed to vaporize an enemy’s water supply.”

“I know all that,” Earle said. “Any other applications?”

Lucius thought for a moment, turning away from his computer.

“Well, as I recall, rumor was they were dispersing water-based chemical agents into the air…” He trailed off, staring at the older man. “But that would be illegal, wouldn’t it?”

“Cut the crap, Fox,” Earle snapped, avoiding the question. “I need everything on the project development up to my office right away.”

Just as Earle started walking away, Lucius started to connect the missing emitter and the weaponized toxin together.

“What happened… you lose one?” Lucius called after him.

I pray that I’m wrong.

Earle paused, turning back to face the black man. His expression turned cold as ice.

“I’m merging Applied Sciences with Archiving,” He announced. “And I’m firing you. Didn’t you get the memo?”

With that, Earle turned quickly and started making his way out. Lucius sat frozen in his seat for a moment, then jumped when the mass spectrometer beeped. Swallowing back his rage, he turned toward the machine to extract the results.

I know that Bill has been wanting to get rid of me… but that’s just low, even for him.


What Earle didn’t know was that while confronting Lucius, the Power Ponies snuck into his office seeking evidence on his involvement with the Court of Owls. The Masked Matterhorn used her magic to transport the entire group into the office the moment Earle left the building. They made sure the coast was clear, that no one would head their way before they got to work with their search.

“Alright every pony, spread out and find whatever you can,” The Masked Matterhorn instructed.

“What exactly are we looking for?” Zapp asked.

“Anything that connects Mr. Earle to the Court of Owls,” Matterhorn replied.

Soon, every pony in the group spread out through the office and began searching for evidence. Radiance and Saddle Rager scoured the room for any hidden doors or switches. Mistress Marvelous and Zapp tore several books off the bookcases, seeking one that could activate a secret passage. Masked Matterhorn used her magic to bypass Earle’s computer, while Filly Second slid into the seat and rapidly pressed some keys to search the files. While scrolling through the files, they found one very odd looking email from Joseph and Maria Powers from years prior.

“Oh my goodness!” Matterhorn exclaimed in shock.

“What is it?” Filly Second asked. “Creepy clowns? Demon nuns? Crying ghosts?”

Masked Matterhorn looked over at her super friend with such confusion due to the ridiculous nature of Pinkie’s words. Shaking her head slightly, the Matterhorn turned back to the screen and studied the email.

“According to this email, the Cout of Owls conspired to have Bruce’s parents killed,” Matterhorn read sadly. “Apparently, the Powers cornered Joe Chill the night of the murder and offered a lot of money if he killed the Wayne’s. After he did the job, they reported his crime to the police and had him locked up. Apparently, he was on drugs that night so even if he did say anything about the Court, the police would just dismiss his word as a hallucination.”

“Dismissing a person over a few flaws while dismissing the bigger picture,” Filly Second surmised. “Hmm… definitely sounds like you’re run-of-the-mill Internet drama. Whatever happened to social interaction?”

The rest of the group gathered around as The Masked Matterhorn read off the chilling details of the email. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. To think the Court planned to kill the Waynes and then covered their tracks. No doubt they had the police in their pocket somehow that night, so nothing would be traced back to them. Whomever this Court was, they were deviously clever.

While looking at the email, Hum Drum leaned against the desk and unknowingly activated a secret switch. On the wall to their left, a giant frame of old Gotham slid to the side revealing a secret compartment. Everyone looked with confusion before Hum Drum crossed over for a quick peek. Inside, sitting on display, was an old mask used by the first ever Court of Owls.

“Guys… you think this is proof enough?” Hum Drum guessed.

He reached in, pulled out the mask, and held it out for all to see. With the incriminating letter in Earle’s computer, Earle’s audio, and now the mask, they certainly had some sufficient evidence.

“Looks like we have our evidence,” Matterhorn declared. “There’s no question now that Mr. Earle is the Grandmaster. We must get this to the police.”

“We should really go and help Bruce at Arkham Asylum first, darling,” Radiance spoke up. “He could be in big trouble.”

All of a sudden, Filly Second started shaking uncontrollably.

“O-O-O-Oh b-b-b-b-b-boy!” She shook.

“Oh great!” Zapp groaned. “Let me guess, there’s a big doozy coming?”


Then, the Masked Matterhorn felt a strange feeling deep within her gut. Her horn started glowing a bright red.

“What’s wrong?” Saddle Rager asked.

“We need to get to Arkham now!” Matterhorn said sternly.

The head Power Pony powered up her horn and transported the entire team out of the office in a flash. Whatever was coming sure wasn’t going to be good, and they needed to be there to stop it.


Night had fallen by the time Rachel arrived at Arkham. She stood outside the room Falcone resides in; through the door window, she watched the older man. Once a menacing figure, now she found him strapped to a bed and heard him mumbling the same room over and over as his eyes stared blankly toward the ceiling.

“Scarecrow… s-scarecrow… s-s…”

Rachel turned when Crane approached her; it was clear he wasn’t thrilled to see her in the slightest. Nevertheless, this suited Rachel just fine.

“Ms. Dawes, this is most irregular,” He protested. “I’ve nothing to add to the report I filed with the judge.”

“Well, I have questions about your report,” Rachel retorted. “Such as, isn’t it convenient for a fifty-two-year-old man with no history of mental illness to have a complete psychotic break just when he’s about to be indicted?”

Sighing, Crane motioned to the cell.

“You can see for yourself, there’s nothing convenient about his symptoms.”

Rachel considered the condition of the crime boss, but there was no way she’d back down.

“What’s ‘Scarecrow’?” She asked.

“Patient’s suffering delusional episodes often focus their paranoia onto an external tormentor, usually one conforming to the Jungian archetypes,” He shrugged. “In this case, a scarecrow.”

Frowning, Rachel turned back toward Falcone, noting the glazed look in the crime boss’s eyes.

“He’s drugged.”

“Psychopharmacology is my primary field,” He explained. “I’m a strong advocate.”

He then faced Falcone.

“Outside he was a giant,” He continued. “In here, only the mind can grant your power.”

“You enjoy the reversal,” Rachel said coldly.

“I respect the mind’s power over the boy,” He spoke confidently. “It’s why I do what I do.”

“And I do what I do to put scum like Falcone behind bars, not in therapy,” Rachel said harshly, hearing enough. “I want my own psychiatric consultant to have full access to Falcone, including blood work to find out exactly what you have him on.”

She walked away towards a nearby elevator with Crane following closely behind. He proceeded to put a key into the panel.

“First thing tomorrow, then,” Crane promised.

Tonight,” Rachel snapped. “I’ve already paged Dr. Lehmann over at County General and Philip Pearson is on his way here to oversee everything personally.”

“As you wish,” Crane said.

He turned the key and the elevator descended. It wasn’t long till the elevator arrived at one of Arkham’s sub-levels, and the doors opened revealing a long, decrepit corridor. Crane stepped out and Rachel followed, perturbed. Soon they entered a vast room, where there were long tables covered in bags of powder, scales, aluminum barrels, and dozens of inmates working on the powder and refining it. Several armed thugs looked up curious, and Crane nodded to the room while Rachel gaped in shock.

“This is where we make the medicine,” Crane explained.

One of the inmates poured a bucket full of a whitish liquid into a large water pipe that had been cracked open. At that moment, Chrysalis made her way alongside them reassuming her original changeling form much to Rachel’s shock.

“Ah, so you’ve finally decided to bring Ms. Dawes down here?” She smirked wickedly. “I was wondering when we would finally get our chance to take care of her.”

“Better late than never, my dear,” Crane smirked at her.

The former changeling Queen smiled viciously, showing off her razor sharp fangs, leaving Rachel more shocked than ever.

“Perhaps you should have some,” Crane suggested. “Clear your head—”

But Rachel immediately bolted out of the room, yet Crane merely smiled. The man was fully aware of just where the young woman was heading.

“Shall I take care of this, or would you?” Crane asked Chrysalis.

“Personally, I cherish the opportunity to consume more fear,” Chrysalis spoke sinisterly.

Crane gave a curt nod of his head, as he grabbed a dispenser of fear toxin and followed after Rachel. The latter fled back toward the elevator and hit the button for the second floor, but nothing happened. The elevator made no movement of a sort, no matter which buttons she pushed (Even the emergency alarm was useless). Just then, the door opened revealing the deadly look of Chrysalis herself.


She stretched out her hood and a puff of white gas shot out. Rachel recoiled, coughing, choking, and screamed when she saw the Changeling Queen morphed into a horribly disfigured, demonic beast before her very eyes.

Rachel screamed in fear, as she fell back into the elevator and Chrysalis took the opportunity to feast upon her fears. As she felt the intoxicating fear enter her body, she quickly became stronger and far more powerful. Soon Rachel, in the grips of a terrifying illusion, was dragged back into the room by some thugs, and the inmates stared blankly, clearly drugged. Craned turned her sweat-covered face to look up at his mask, making her cry out in fear.

Who knows you’re here?” He demanded.

Rachel merely shook her head, trying to turn away since to her that mask was now covered with maggots.

Who knows?!

And she pulled away, burying her head in her arms as she screamed. Just then, the lights went out and the thugs looked around, unnerved. Crane pulled off his mask, smiling slightly as he smoothed his hair.

“He’s here,” He spoke softly, with fascination.

“Who?” One of the thugs asked.

“The Batman,” Crane grinned.

“And if he’s here, those pathetic ponies won’t be far behind,” Chrysalis smiled evilly.

Now the thugs were exchanging glances, having heard about the incident at the docks two nights ago. Crane carefully watched the ceiling, occasionally noting their confused looks.

“What do we do?”

“What anyone does when a prowler comes around,” Crane said. “Call the police.”

“You want the cops here?” The second thug asked, surprised.

“At this point, they can’t stop us,” Crane said confidently. “But the Batman has a talent for disruption. Force him outside, the police will take him down.”

And then, Crane indicated the inmates.

“Get them out of here,” He ordered.

The first thug gestured toward Rachel’s shaking form.

“What about her?”

“She’s gone,” Crane declared. “I gave her a concentrated dose; the mind can only take so much.”

“At least she will finally be out of my mane and the picture entirely,” Chrysalis sighed with relief.

“The things they say about him,” The second thug noted uneasily. “Can he really fly?”

“I heard he can disappear.”

“We’ll find out, won’t we?” Crane smiled, slipping into the shadows.

Nervously, the thugs moved to either side of the door, just as glass smashed across the room and a shadow dropped from the high window. Rachel screamed as two thugs advanced through the darkness. One of them was grabbed, pulled up, screaming into the blackness of the rafters.

The first thug peered into the dark, his gun aimed when a shadow descended toward him, and he fired. He grunted when the shadow collided with him and yelped when he saw it was his fellow thug, now dead thanks to his own gun. Rolling the body off, he scrambled to his feet when Batman struck him from behind, knocking him unconscious. Chrysalis took this opportunity to grab a canister of fear toxin and slipped out of the room.

As the Dark Knight took out the other thugs, a faint sound of sirens bellowed in the distance growing ever closer. He turned toward Rachel when Crane burst from the shadows, his arm reaching out. Batman grabbed his arm, spun Crane around, ripped off the mask, wrenched his arm to his own face, and ripped his jacket open, revealing a canister full of fear toxin.

“Taste of your own medicine, doctor?” Batman offered.

Crane’s eyes went wide as Batman squeeze the trigger and a choking cloud of dust sprayed into his face. Crane fell backward toward the ground, choking and coughing. The Dark Knight grabbed him and pulled him upward. And when Crane looked up toward his face, his eyes found himself staring at death’s head with black eyes and fangs. And Crane himself was the victim, trapped within the illusion. His eyes widened with intense fear.

“Who are you working for?!” Batman demanded.

“Ra’s… Ra’s… al Ghul…” Crane gasped.

Batman was startled when he heard the name and pulled Crane closer with a snarl.

“Ra’s al Ghul is dead, Crane!” He growled. “Who are you really working for? Crane!”

Crane just stared at him; his eyes glazed over. He gave a dazed smile, no longer connected with reality.

“Dr. Crane isn’t here right now,” He chortled. “But if you’d like to make an appointment…”


The Dark Knight knocked him out when the sirens grew louder. Batman tossed the crazed, unconscious doctor upon the floor and turned to Rachel, who screamed and lased out at what she thought to be a towering horned, winged demon. He gently gripped her neck, his fingers pressing a pressure point, and she slipped into a state of unconsciousness.


All this went down as Chrysalis managed to sneak her way out of the area, all while Batman dealt with the thugs and Crane. As far as she was concerned, she’d already gotten what she wanted from Crane and now that he was of no further use to her it was time for her to leave. She’d gained the ability to feast upon fear and now had a canister of fear toxin for her own use. Nothing in this miserable dimension was going to stop her now.

“Hold it right there, Chrysalis!”

The Changeling Queen skid to a halt as the Power Ponies and Humdrum stood before the sinister beast.

“There’s nowhere to run,” The Masked Matterhorn warned.

“Well, well, well, so this is what Equestria’s greatest heroes are reduced to?” Chrysalis questioned, mockingly. “Playing dress up and pretending to be superheroes?”

“We’ve beaten you once before, bug brain!” Zapp remarked, cracking her knuckles. “And we’ll do it over and over for our own enjoyment.”

“Yeah! It works so well for a martial arts wielding platypus to beat up the world’s saddest scientist in every episode and it’s still funny every time!” Filly Second smirked. “Now if we can only get a shoutout from that one guy who supposedly responds to everyone’s comment.”

“Urgh! I don’t have time to deal with you morons tonight!” Chrysalis groaned in annoyance. “I have what I want and I have no desire to stay in this rat nest city anymore.”

“Not on our watch, Chrissie!” Humdrum pointed boldly. “We don’t know what you and the Sirens are up to, but we’re not letting you get away with it!”

“Now drop that there can carefully and put your arms in the air!” Mistress Marevelous instructed. “Y’all come quietly, and we won’t have to go rough on ya!”

“If you please,” Saddle Rager added politely.

“Hah! You think I need this junk and the Three Stoogettes of Equestria to destroy you?” Chrysalis smirked, casually placing the can down. “You’re not taking me down so easily.”

“You mean the last times were supposed to be easy?” Radiance asked, with a smile.

“Oooh!!!” Zapp & Filly Second cheered.

“Hard way it is then!” Masked Matterhorn prepped herself. “C’mon every pony!”

“TIME TO POWER PONY UP!!!” The group chanted.

The Power Ponies and Hum Drum charged toward the Changeling Queen, as Chrysalis cricked her neck to the side and prepared for battle. Mistress Marvelous proceeded to fling a pair of horseshoes toward Chrysalis only for the Changeling Queen to swing both fists so hard the horseshoes flung sideways and embedded themselves against the wall. But this was merely a distraction as Radiance conjured a giant flyswatter and slammed it toward the Changeling Queen. But the strike barely even phased Chrysalis, who just raised her eyebrow toward the mare.

“Really, Radiance?!” Zapp groaned. “You couldn’t conjure something more brutal? Like a mallet or something?”

“It seemed appropriate at the time!” Radiance moaned with frustration. “That usually works!”

“Fools! My power has grown thanks to absorbing the fear in this city!” Chrysalis remarked. “Now… let me show you what fear tastes like!”

The Changeling snarled and charged toward Radiance, aiming a fist toward the marshmallow mare. But fortunately, Humdrum dived in and pushed Radiance out of the way with the Changeling swinging empty air passed the pair. Just then, a pink blur zipped behind Chrysalis and Filly Second proceeded to rapidly punch the changeling. But the changeling merely nodded as she loosened her shoulders a bit.

“If that was supposed to hurt me,” Chrysalis remarked, slowly turning around. “You just spared me some unwanted knots.”

“Ooh! Well… you’re welcome,” Filly Second smiled.

But then Chrysalis merely raised a hoof toward Filly Second’s forehead and flicked the pony so hard she was sent flying backward, screaming until she hit a wall. Just then, she felt a lasso wrap itself around her waist as she turned toward Mistress Marevelous, who pulled as tightly as she could with the rope in her mouth. Chrysalis merely rolled her eyes as she proceeded to grab the rope with her teeth and swing the mare around in the air, above her head as the power pony held on.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Mistress Marevelous shouted.

“Don’t worry! I’ll get her!” Zapp shouted, charging.

But before Zapp could work her own powers, Mistress Marevlous lost her grip and was sent soaring directly into Zapp, sending them crashing toward the floor. And to add insult to injury, they barely even stood up when a black cloud hung over their bodies and…


Electricity surged into their bodies as they plopped back onto the floor, singing a bit from the heat of the lightning. Chrysalis didn’t have time to gloat when beams passed her head. She turned as Radiance, along with the Masked Matterhorn, fired beams from their horns trying to contact the Changeling. Undeterred, the Changeling kicked a nearby cart off the side and used its surface to bounce the Masked Matterhorn’s beam back toward her. Before she could react, the beam struck the mare’s body and sent her backward. Then, Chrysalis hurled the cart toward Radiance who quickly conjured a giant baseball mitten and managed to catch it. But that proved to be a distraction as Chrysalis quickly crashed through Radiance’s powers and delivered a swift round kick knocking her aside.

All that remained were Humdrum and Saddle Rager, the latter shivering with fear over the frightful power of Chrysalis. Before them, a majority of their friends were groaning in pain as Chrysalis slowly stalked toward them.

“S-S-S-She’s stronger than we remember her?” Saddle Rager shivered.

“Yeah… well, I’m not the same dragon who missed out on Spooky Island,” Humdrum replied, winding his arm. “Now it’s Humdrum’s time!”

Humdrum charged toward Chrysalis and attempted to land a barrage of swift martial arts kicks and punches toward Chrysalis. Chrysalis merely blocked every attack thrown at her, not even bothering to dodge a single attack. While Humdrum was really putting in the effort to fight, the changeling queen hardly broke a sweat.

“How many superheroes must I fight that wear capes and Peter Pan shoes?” Chrysalis gloated. “Seems those boyish charms have finally faded off; now you just look like a pervert!”

“If you’re trying to make me mad, it won’t work!” Humdrum gritted his teeth. “My friends say I’m perfect the way I am.”

“You may be tall now, Dragon Boy… but your ‘friends’ still have very low standards about you!”


Rage started to swell within Humdrum as he madly tried to aggressively assault Chrysalis. But not even Humdrum’s hardest blow even phased the Changeling, merely felt like a love tap against her. When Humdrum went in to swing an arm, the changeling grabbed his arm and swung him down hard against the floor, then slammed her foot against his chest knocking the air out of his chest. Humdrum barely gasped with pain as Chrysalis flipped over him, and just as he turned onto his chest, Chrysalis punted the dragon from behind and sent him soaring in the air, skidding hard toward a nervous Saddle Rager.

“Humdrum!” Saddle Rager gasped fearfully.

“Saddle Rager… we need your power!” Humdrum groaned. “Get angry… quick!”

Saddle Rager merely quivered as a shadow loomed over her. Slowly, she turned ahead as Chrysalis loomed over the nervous hero. The Changeling leaned toward Saddle Rager’s face with a malicious smirk on her face, as the latter wondered fearfully of what this stronger being would do. She leaned closer and closer, till their muzzles were mere inches until…


“AHHHHH!!!” Saddle Rager screamed.

She ran toward the side to escape… *BAM!* Saddle Rager crashed herself into a wall, fell backward, and knocked herself out as Humdrum groaned, finally succumbing to his pain and his head fell onto the floor. Chrysalis merely chuckled as she over the fallen Power Ponies and their dragon sidekick, the whole team groaning in pain. They squinted toward the menacing Changeling Queen, as she gazed upon them with the most wicked smile.

“As I told you, Power Fools, my power has grown substantially thanks to feasting upon fear,” She gloated. “Now, I shall return this toxin to the Order, so we can learn to produce it ourselves. And once that inevitably happens, the Dark Order shall spread a new wave of fear across—”


All of a sudden, Chrysalis felt a lump growing on her head and her eyes saw stars. She stumbled back and forth a bit before falling to the floor revealing Dr. Harleen Quinzel behind her with a baseball bat in hand. The Power Ponies looked up toward the psychiatrist, who looked down upon Chrysalis with a look of shock on her face.

“Wow!” She exclaimed in shock. “I have no idea where that came from; I swear this job’s messing my brain up.”

The Masked Matterhorn struggled to her hooves and Dr. Quinzel brandished her bat again, ready for another go. The Matterhorn, however, held up her hooves in defense seeing how wound up this doctor was.

“Take it easy, Dr. Quinzel,” She spoke calmly. “I’m on your side.”

“Okay, how do you know my name?” Dr. Quinzel asked confused.

Masked Matterhorn took a deep breath before flaring her horn to life and transforming back to her human form (With the costume). She removed her mask, so Dr. Quinzel was looking into the eyes of the young girl she ran into on the street a few days prior.

“You—you’re that girl from the sidewalk!” Dr. Quinzel said surprised.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight responded. “My friends and I come from another world called Equestria. We’re here to help save the city from disaster. Yes, I know our presence is probably very strange to you, but I hope you understand we’re the good guys here.”

Dr. Quinzel stared at the group for a few moments, as she tried to process all of this in her head. She slowly loosened her grip on the baseball bat and relaxed a bit.

“If you can, I need you to start evacuating the asylum,” Twilight explained to her. “I can’t explain it but something big is coming soon and neither you nor anyone else want to be around when it comes.”

Dr. Quinzel merely nodded in response before running off to begin the evacuation protocol. When she was out of sight, Twilight regained her pony form and placed her mask back on her face as the rest of her friends regained their stance.

“Removing a mask in front of a civilian,” Humdrum muttered, massaging his head. “Not exactly good form in comic books… unless you have a spider gimmick.”

“Yes, I know it was risky,” The Masked Matterhorn sighed. “I can’t explain it, but I have a feeling we can trust her. She won’t rat out on us.”

“Would she agree with that?” Saddle Rager pointed to Chrysalis.

It was in that moment when Chrysalis got back up shakily after the blow she took to the head. Every pony, and Hum Drum, faced her with aggressive looks.

"Seems you broke the number one rule with superheroes and villains," Filly Second pointed out. "Never monologue until your enemies are truly down."

“It’s over Chrysalis,” Masked Matterhorn declared.

Chrysalis merely shook the dizziness out of her head before releasing a laugh.

“Oh no, Twilight Sparkle,” Chrysalis grinned. “This is only the beginning.”

Then, in a swirl of green smoke, Chrysalis disappeared from the area.


Outside, the cops pulled up and surrounded the Asylum as more cars arrived, killing the sirens. The cops emerged from their cars and assumed their positions as one of them spoke through a bullhorn.

“Batman! Put down your weapons and surrender! You are surrounded!”

Inside the Asylum, Batman gently scooped Rachel’s unconscious form into his arms, straightened up, and headed deeper into the building. Meanwhile, as more and more police cars arrived, the cops aimed their guns at the building as the staff emerged, their eyesight in complete darkness. They were soon escorted away the moment Flass and Gordon arrived.

“What’re you waiting for?!” Flass demanded the nearest officer.

“Backup,” The cop answered.

“Backup?!” Flass repeated.

“The Batman’s in there,” The cop explained.

Flass’s face paled slightly at the mention of ‘Batman’. Even with dozens of police cars already outside the building and their force armed to the teeth… their own arsenal would be no match against the Batman.

“SWAT’s on the way, but if you want to go in now…” He smiled. “I’m right behind you, sir.”

Flass recalled his own encounter with the dark knight and turned to Gordon, shrugging.

“SWAT’s on the way.”

Gordon ignored him, drew his gun, and headed inside, ignoring the protests of the other cops. Once inside, Gordon moved through the darkness, his eyes flicking to the terrified nurses making their way to the front door. Finding that the elevators weren’t working, Gordon made his way up the stairs just as the SWAT team entered the building. He was halfway up the spiral stairwell when Batman suddenly dropped out of nowhere, grabbed him, and they both rocketed upward.

“What--!” Gordon began.

The Dark Knight quickly covered his mouth until they reached an open attic while the SWAT teams entered the main hall. When Batman released him, Gordon was immediately distracted by the sight of Rachel, who was sweating, moaning, and twitching, and he knelt next to her.

“What happened to her?” He whispered.

“Crane poisoned her with a psychotropic hallucinogen,” Batman explained to the confused cop. “A panic-inducing toxin.”

Recalling Wycliffe’s theory about the chemical compound, Gordon slipped his gun away.

“Let me take her down to the medics,” He requested.

“They can’t help her,” Batman informed him. “But I can.”

Just then, the lights were turned back on, bleaching the stairwell in darkness. The dark knight reached down to his boot and pressed a switch in the hell, which began producing a barely audible high-frequency whine.

“I need to get her the antidote before the damage becomes permanent.”

“How long does she have?” Gordon asked, concerned.

“Not long.”

Outside, the cops were distracted by a strange squealing sound heading toward them. Flass looked around curiously, until he saw a strange dark cloud crossing the moon.

What the hell…?

“Get her downstairs,” Batman instructed, lifting Rachel into Gordon’s arms. “Meet me in the alley on the Narrows’ side.”

“How will you get out?” Gordon asked.

“I called for backup,” The dark knight said, indicating the glowing device. “Crane’s been refining his toxin, stockpiling it, and he was pouring it into the water supply.”

“What was he planning?” Gordon inquired. “And why put it in the water supply?”

“I don’t know, but he’s been working for someone else… someone worse than Falcone.”

Grodon frowned, as the loud squealing noise drew ever closer.

“What is that?”


Outside, Flass screamed as he and the other cops dove for cover as thousands upon thousands of bats descended onto the Asylum. The swarm headed for the windows, which shattered inwards as bats poured into the building, scaring the living daylights out of the SWAT teams. Gordon covered Rachel the best he could as he carried her down the steps.

The bats flooded into the stairwell, soaring past the cowering SWATs, a black mass rising and darkening the stairwell. Batman calmly knelt among the cloud of bats, removed the signal out of his heel, leaned over the stairwell, and dropped it. Immediately, the bats cyclone downward, following the signal.

The dark knight leapt out in the midst of the cyclone and fell toward the floor below, hidden by the bats. He opened his cloak, which slowed his descent, and landed with barely a sound. Still using the bats as cover, Batman calmly slipped past the cowering SWATs and cell doors. The inmates stared, wide-eyed from their windows as he passed. Reaching a particular door, the dark knight pulled out a mini bomb and triggered it.

The two inmates in the cell flinched when the door lock was blasted apart, and the door kicked open. They gaped when Batman strode in, used another mini bomb to blast open the window of their cell, and nodded to them before leaving.

“Excuse me.”

When the Dark Knight was gone, one inmate turned to the other.

“What’d I tell ya?”


Having reached the side street, Gordon lowered Rachel to the asphalt as she moaned, still caught in terrifying illusions. It wasn’t long until Batman appeared at his side.

“How is she?” Batman asked.

“She’s getting worse,” Gordon answered.

A searchlight from a chopper swept over them, and Gordon turned toward the end of the side street while the dark knight scooped the young woman into his arms.

“I’ll get my car.”

“I brought mine.”

“Yours?” Gordon asked.

Gordon then turned to find they both disappeared into the darkness and jumped when the blinding headlights flared, followed by a massive engine roaring. He dove out of the way as the newly painted Batmobile came flying out of the darkness and blew past him. Gordon gaped after it, clearly impressed.

“I gotta get me one of those.”

As the Batmobile drove off and the police sealing off the area, none were aware of one particular group. A group consisting of the Sirens, Poison Ivy, and Black Mask making their way towards the asylum. Black Mask brandished two guns in his hands, Poison Ivy had the vial of chemicals in one hand, and the four Sirens ready to hypnotize the mass of lunatics.

“Time for Gotham to see who’s truly in power,” Black Mask declared.

Little did this motley of villainy knew, a houseful of inmates and the police taskforce were the least of their concerns…