• Published 8th Oct 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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Dangerous New Allies

A billowing wind whisked through the air as a green spinning portal opened from out of nowhere. From that very portal, three sinister sirens and vengeful Changeling Queen emerged. The Dazzlings… Chrysalis… stepping out into the evening breeze as the portal closed behind them. As they adjusted to their surroundings, their eyes gazed toward the bustling metropolis around them known as ‘Gotham City’.

On the outside, Gotham looked like a wonderful place to live. Skyscrapers so tall they’d reach the clouds and all assortment of vehicles traversed in every direction around the busy streets. However, the city itself was anything but paradise. Deep within its core, Gotham was perhaps one of the most rotten cities in the entire world. Crime ran rampant through the streets like a sickness infecting the soul of the city. From robbery to murder, there was no shortage of horrible things that happen within this city.

This was made abundantly evident as the four saw a speeding car racing down the street. A police car, its sirens wailing loudly, followed closely behind. Two criminals hung out the windows, firing machine guns toward the police car as both vehicles sped off. Chrysalis and the Dazzlings merely looked on with confusion upon their faces.

“So… this is Gotham City?” Adagio questioned.

“What a dump!” Aria cringed.

“I like it!” Sonata smiled. “Reminds me of Cnaterlot City… if it was a melting cesspool of crime and punishment.”

“Sonata… shut… up!” Aria snapped.

“Actually… I agree with the dummy,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Thank you…” Sonata nodded, then pouted. “HEY!!!”

“Just visualize it ladies. A city filled with fear, crime, and all assortment of chaos. No heroes… no justice… and no happy endings. Hmm… I could actually learn to feast on fear; it’s much easier to fear than love.”

The Dazzlings glanced toward the changeling Queen for a moment, as though trying to figure out exactly what she meant. Then they remembered that there were more pressing matters which required their immediate attention.

“Great, you work on that, while we see someone about an offer,” Adagio spoke up. “Here’s hoping we never come across one another again for the rest of this venture.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Chrysalis retorted.

And so, the two different evil forced turned heel and made their way towards their separate objectives. Chrysalis brushed her way towards the slums of Gotham whereas the Dazzlings made their way toward the direction of the ports. No one could say for sure what they were looking for, but one thing was absolutely certain. Whatever or whoever they were looking for, it could only bode ill for this world.

“If it’s going to be a long walk, you think we could stop for lunch?” Sonata asked.

“If we find the next taco stand, will that shut you up?” Adagio grumbled.

“… Yes.”

“This is going to end badly…” Aria muttered.


With the most rundown and decrepit regions of Gotham City, there stood a massive building surrounded by a high barbed-wire fence. This building existed long since the very creation of the city itself. Built to house the most dangerous and most insane people that ever walked God’s green earth. A facility of which strikes fear in the hearts of the severely weak-minded. A place called…

Arkham Asylum.

Founded by Dr. Amadeus Arkham in the early 1900’s, this very asylum had since housed the most dangerous minds of Gotham City. Even the architect that built the asylum suffered an incurable mental illness. An illness so severe that the last they’ve heard of him, he eventually hacked his co-workers to death with an axe. All to prove that there’s no place in city as feared more than Arkham Asylum and its sadistic history.

Such was the very place that Chrysalis herself sought for. Having traveled a long, lonely road until she stopped right outside the heavy iron gates of the asylum. One look towards the building, and a wicked smile spread across her face.

“Aah… I can smell the chaos and anarchy emanating from this place,” She sighed, smiling evilly. “It’s perfect!”

Chrysalis pushed open the iron gates with ease as she made her way to the front doors of the asylum. Strolling inside the giant building, she immediately approached the front reception desk. Behind the desk was a woman dressed in a nurse’s outfit, who greeted her with a welcoming smile. The very sight of a changeling would normally freak out any human being… had it not been for Chrysalis’s shapeshifting abilities. In which case, reverting herself into a human woman in a business suit.

“How can I help you today ma’am?” She asked. “Are you visiting a patient?”

“Hardly,” Chrysalis scoffed. “I have an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Crane; we spoke over the phone an hour ago.”

The receptionist proceeded to type a few keys on the computer, before nodding in approval.

“Ah yes, you must be Ms. Chrysalis.”

“Indeed…” Chrysalis nodded.

The receptionist proceeded to push a button on her desk, which emitted a buzzing noise. A mere moment after, another door opened and a young blonde woman, wearing a black pant suit and glasses, emerged.

The woman turned toward the receptionist, who smiled at the former’s arrival.

“Sorry for the interruption doctor, but would you mind escorting this woman to Dr. Crane’s office?” She asked.

“Of course!” The woman replied kindly. “If you’ll just follow me miss, I will lead the way.”

Chrysalis gave no response and merely followed the woman through the door into the asylum. As they walked, the women passed numerous different cells all ranging from general population to solitary confinement. Inside these very cells were a number of dangerous, delirious looking individuals. Chrysalis merely smirked as they passed by, as one criminal panted heavily with his pierced tongue hanging out.

“First time at Arkham Asylum?” The doctor asked, mid-walk.

“Indeed it is,” Chrysalis nodded. “I must say this is quite fascinating. All these deranged minds, so different and yet so similar.”

“I agree with you on that,” The doctor nodded. “It’s why I decided to become a psychiatrist here. I’ve always had a thing for extreme personalities; you can’t deny there’s an element of glamour to these super criminals.”

“No you cannot,” Chrysalis agreed. “You have quite the mind yourself doctor.”

“Please, no need for formalities,” The doctor chuckled. “My name is Harleen Quinzel. But you can call me Harley, everyone does.”

After a period of walking, the two found themselves in the office region of the asylum. The ladies passed several offices, each bearing the names of the many different doctors who operate in this very facility. The one they sought for was at the very end of a winding hall. Dr. Quinzel knocked on the door and seconds later, a man in a suit, with shaggy brown hair and wearing rectangular glasses, opened the door.

“Can I help you?” He asked.

“I believe this woman made an appointment with you, Dr. Crane?” Dr. Quinzel replied.

“Ah yes, Ms. Chrysalis,” Dr. Crane greeted. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a while now.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Chrysalis agreed.

“Thank you for bringing her, Dr. Quinzel,” Crane thanked the female doctor.

“No problem!” Harleen smiled. “If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to call.”

The young blonde doctor soon walked back down the hall leaving Chrysalis and Dr. Crane to look at one another.

“Would you care to come in?” Crane asked. “We have much to discuss.”

With a nod and a wicked smirk, Chrysalis entered the doctor’s office. Crane took a quick look around before closing the door behind him and locking it. Whatever it was those two were up to, it certainly couldn’t be good.


As night fell upon the city of Gotham, the Dazzlings found themselves wandering about the docks surrounding the city. All day they searched for one particular location but so far, they’ve been unsuccessful tracking it down. And due to the sketchy nature of the city’s citizens, even the Dazzlings didn’t bother to ask. They had no idea where they were going, but one thing was utterly certain: The whole trip began to take its toll on Adagio’s last nerve.

“Ugh! I’m sick and tired of walking around this city!” She groaned. “We’ve been at this all day and haven’t found a thing.”

“I told you it was a bad idea to let Sonata stop at that taco stand!” Aria grumbled, walking alongside her. “You know when she stops at one taco place, she has to stop at all of them!”

Coming up behind them, Sonata Dusk walked with a smile on her face. In her hands, she carried several bags each containing a variety of tacos. Tacos which she indeed bought from several stands around the city.

“I can’t believe how many places around here sell tacos!” She replied happily. “We should’ve been banished here a long time ago.”

She quickly raced up alongside the other sirens, shoving the bags right in their faces.

“You guys want any?” She offered. “I’ve got plenty to spare; they’re totes amazing!”

A smirk spread across Aria’s face, as she turned toward her younger sibling with a smile.

“You know what?” She smirked. “I would actually love a taco right now. Mind if I see those bags and pick one out?”

“Absolutely!” Sonata giggled.

She handed the bags to her sister, as Aria eyed the contents within each bag.

“Let’s see…” Aria observed casually. “You’ve got your standards… chicken, carnitas, barbacoa, steak… is this one carne asada?”

“Uh huh! With extra guacamole!” Sonata replied. “A bit expensive, but extremely delicious!”

“Hmm… what a pity…”

With a sarcastic chuckle, Aria hurled the bags over her head sending them plummeting into the dark waters of the harbor.

“NOOOOOOO!!!” Sonata screamed. “NOT THE TACOS!!!”


Sonata’s head snapped to the side, as a stinging sensation formed along her left cheek after Aria viciously slapped her across the face. Tears started to well up in her eyes, as she slowly reached up to feel her stinging cheek.

“Where is your killer instinct, bubble butt?!” Aria asked angrily. “You are an absolute embarrassment as a siren! Why were we cursed with a sister like you, I’ll never know—”

“ENOUGH!” Adagio snapped. “Either you girls keep moving or, so help me, I’ll leave you both behind and I won’t apologize!”

Aria groaned with frustration but kept close to Adagio as they continued down the docks. Sonata stood frozen in place for a moment, tears rolled down her face. Her cheek still stung fiercely from the slap’s impact of which she just received. She took a look toward the water, seeing all her tacos sinking below the depths. She couldn’t believe her sister had done something like that to her; nonetheless, she slowly followed behind her sisters.

After a period of walking, eventually the sirens noticed something coming up in the distance. The closer they got to it, the clearer the view became. What their eyes spotted was a large building made entirely of glass sitting upon a rocky hill with a stone staircase leading up to it.

The three sirens walked closer toward the large glass building, their eyes catching the sign formed along an archway at the bottom of the stairs.

Gotham Botanical Gardens

“A garden?” Aria grumbled. “A garden?! We’ve been walking all around the city just to find a garden?!”

“Relax Aria, looks can be deceiving,” Adagio assured her. “Once inside, everything will be worth it.”

“It better be…”

Sonata remained silent under the threat of being struck across the face again. With no input on her part, she followed her sisters up the stone steps toward the front door of the Botanical Gardens. Pushing the front door open, the three sirens were immediately swept away by an overabundance of foliage. There were plants and flowers as far as the eye could see. The air smelled of Earth and the intoxicating aroma of floral fauna. No sooner did they take but one step inside, when the door slammed shut with a powerful *BANG!*.

Who dares enter my domain?!

“W-W-W-W-What was that?” Sonata asked trembling.

“Let go of my leg you big baby!” Aria snipped.

“But… but… I’m not even near you!”

Aria looked over, noticing that Sonata was indeed a good distance away from her. Which begged one question: ‘What was touching her leg?’. Peering down slowly, she noticed a vine quickly wrapping around her leg. Before she could reach out and stop it, another vine shot out from nowhere and tied her wrists together. The same thing happened to Adagio and Sonata; soon enough, the Dazzlings found themselves completely trapped.

“What’s going on here?!” Adagio struggled.

“I don’t know,” Sonata squeaked. “But this situation always leads to something… uncomfortable.”

Foolish mortals!” The voice spoke again. “Thinking you can trespass on my hallowed ground unpunished? Don’t you know?

The Dazzlings turned toward a giant flower, the bud blossomed up from the ground and began to bloom. Once it was completely opened, the Dazzlings were surprised to discover someone sitting within the flower. It was a woman with forest green skin and flaming red hair. She appeared to wear an outfit made entire of fauna and leaves, her lips red as a rose.

“It’s unwise to fool with Mother Nature,” The woman smirked.

She emerged from the giant flower, which proceeded to recede back through the garden floors. Slowly she approached the sirens with what could only be described as a seductive walk. So alluring in appearance, in fact, the girls couldn’t keep their own cheeks from flushing red. The mysterious woman circled the three slowly, studying their appearances with keen interest.

“What brings such young souls into my realm?” She asked curiously.

“Lady, I swear if you don’t release me right now…” Aria began.

However, her words were shortly cut off the moment a vine quickly wrapped around her mouth silencing her emphatically. The plant woman merely chuckled as she walked toward the defiant Dazzling caressing one finger under the siren’s chin.

“I don’t think you’re in any position for threats,” She spoke. “My babies are only harmless so long as I tell them to be. Should I desire it, they could crush you like a bug right where you stand.”


The woman quickly snapped her head in the direction the voice came from. Her eyes locked with those of a very nervous Sonata.

“Please don’t kill us miss evil plant lady ma’am,” She pleaded. “We were sent here to find people with unique abilities to join our order!”

This information seemed to gain the woman’s attention as she slowly walked in front of Sonata.

“Is that so?” She asked. “Why should I believe you?”

“Because the Dark One sent us,” Adagio responded.

This caused the lady’s eyes to widen almost in realization before a small smile made its way to her face. She gave a small wave of her hand and all the vines receded away. Now free, the Dazzlings stretched their limbs to get them back in working order. Adagio locked eyes with the plant lady and soon there was an immediate connection between them.

“So I presume the Dark One has already spoken with you?” Adagio questioned.

“I was approached some time ago by a being dressed in robes black as night,” The lady responded. “He offered me the opportunity to bring Gotham back to the weeds.”

“What he offers is true,” Adagio confirmed. “However, there are those who stand in our way. If you want what you seek, you would be wise to help us kill them… before they harm all the gifts of nature.”

The plant lady gave a small smirk as she reached out. As if by command, a small vine wrapped lovingly around her arm, and she began to brush it affectionately as if it were a pet.

“The fools you speak of will make wonderful appetizers for my babies.”

This caused Adagio to smile with wicked satisfaction. Clearly, this woman was powerful enough to influence fauna and plant life at will. And this was only a fraction of what the Sirens were able to see. Just who knows what else this woman was capable of?”

“If we’re going to work together, we should at least be on a first name basis,” The lead siren suggested. “My name is Adagio, Adagio Dazzle. These are my sisters: Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.”

Sonata merely gave a small nervous wave behind Aria, who merely rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“So… what might we call you?” Adagio asked.

To which the plant lady gave another evil smirk, as she reached out to extend a hand…

Poison… Poison Ivy.”