• Published 8th Oct 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

  • ...

The Past Returns

Shortly after saving Rachel, Bruce Wayne emerged from the bookcase and the noise of the party could be heard through the door. Alfred was waiting, a dinner jacket over his arm, frowning while the young man finished buttoning his shirt and tied on his bowtie. The Mane Six and Spike soon followed behind him, having used magic to assume their human forms again. The girls wore their party dresses, while Spike wore his suit. They could clearly see that Alfred was not very happy with Bruce at the moment.

“When you told me your grand plan to save Gotham, one thing stopped me calling the men in white coats,” Alfred spoke sharply. “You said it wasn’t about thrill-seeking.”

“It’s not,” Bruce responded.

“Granted, driving that awesome tank was a thrill ride, but we weren’t doing any of this for fun,” Rainbow added. “We’ve all been saving this city since the moment we got here.”

“So, we got involved in a few car chases,” Spike replied. “It’s not like that’s big news; I bet nobody was even watching.”

Alfred pointed to a nearby T.V., which was on the news channel, and currently it was showing the chase footage from earlier.

“Well, what do you call that?” He asked.

Bruce glanced at the news and smirked.

“Damn good television,” He responded.

“A promotional vignette for a Batman inspired video game?” Pinkie added hopefully.

“It’s a miracle no one was injured,” The butler objected.

“We know and we feel bad for causing any damages,” Twilight responded. “But we didn’t really have much of a choice. Bruce’s friend Rachel, even though my friends and I didn’t really get to know her well, was poisoned by Dr. Crane’s fear toxin. And because she’s Bruce’s friend, we needed to get her back so we could administer the antidote.”

“I didn’t have time to observe the highway code, Alfred,” The young man added.

“You’re getting lost in this creature of yours,” Alfred spoke honestly.

“I’m using this creature to help people like my father did—” Bruce began.

“For Thomas Wayne, helping others was never about proving anything to anyone,” The older man interrupted. “Including himself.”

“It’s Rachel, Alfred,” Bruce explained. “She was dying. She’s downstairs, sedated. I need you to take her home.”

Hearing this made Alfred gasp.

“Oh, so it’s surprising when he says it,” Rainbow remarked.

Regardless, knowing that Rachel was on the verge of death and Bruce merely tried to save her, it helped him understand his methods… a little. With a nod, Alfred started for the bookcase but then paused.

“We both care about Rachel, sir,” He said gently. “But what you’re doing has to be beyond that. It can’t be personal. Or you’re a vigilante.”

Bruce understood this, having been told the same thing during training with the League of Shadows. His eyes glanced toward the door.

“Is Fox still here?”

To which Alfred gave a confirming nod.

“We need to send these people away,” Bruce declared.

“Bruce is right, Alfred,” Twilight nodded. “From what we gathered on our escapade, something even worse is coming.”

“The Court of Owls, Crane, the Dazzlings, Chrysalis, apparently they lack in comparison to what’s on its way to Gotham,” Spike interjected.

“Those are Bruce Wayne’s guests out there,” Alfred protested. “You have a name to maintain—”

“I don’t care about my name,” Bruce interrupted, heading out the door.

But Alfred refused to let this one go.

“It’s not just your name, it’s your father’s. And it’s all that’s left of him. Don’t destroy it.”

Alfred headed for the Batman while Bruce paused to consider his words for a moment. The girls and Spike stepped alongside him, yet they could only look at him with concern.

“Y’all alright there, Bruce?” Applejack asked.

Bruce took a moment to recollect himself before answering.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” He nodded. “We just need to focus on getting these people out of here and fast.”

“No sweat there,” Rainbow smirked. “I could clear this entire place—”

“In ten seconds flat, we know!” The group finished.

Rainbow quickly shut her mouth, pouting her lips over having her thunder stolen. Applejack gave her mare-friend a pat on the back before the group made their way into the main hall. Once they entered the hall, they noticed that hundreds of guests were gathered. Music was playing, the tables groaned under the weight of all the food. Pinkie’s eyes widened as a huge smile formed along her face.

“Oh… my… Faust!” She grinned. “It’s finally time to PARTY!!!”

The sound of the pink party girl’s screaming that last word caused the entire ensemble in the hall to turn toward Bruce and the others.

“There he is!” One female guest exclaimed.

Upon seeing him, the band began playing ‘Happy Birthday’ as the other guests clapped and started making their way toward Bruce.

“Ugh, nice one Pinkie,” Spike groaned. “Get the attention of every single person in the room on us.”

Spike turned but realized his words fell on deaf ears, or rather thin air. For Pinkie Pie already made a mad dash for the food table and started stuffing her face of anything sweet she could pick up. The group groaned in frustration as they made their way over to retrieve their friend.

Bruce smiled sheepishly as the guests began singing along, accepting a glass from one of the servers, and moved amongst the throng. He spotted Lucius, who was currently at the buffet. But it was also in that moment Mr. Earle came up alongside Bruce, who recalled the former’s intent to take the company public.

“Happy birthday, Bruce,” Earle said, getting his attention.

“Mr. Earle, how did the stock offering go?” Bruce asked.

Won’t he be surprised tomorrow?

“Very well – the price soared,” Earle responded.

“Who was buying?” Bruce asked.

“A variety of funds and brokerages… it’s all a bit technical,” Earle responded. “The key thing is our company’s future is secure.”


Meanwhile, Alfred snuck the sleeping Rachel out the side entrance and gently arranged her on the rear seat of the car. He frowned when he realized her legs were stuck. As he tried to get them in, he looked up and saw a party guest, who stepped out for a smoke. The guest was watching Alfred, curiously.

“A little worse for wear,” Alfred lied, with an embarrassed smile. “I’m afraid.”

The party guest nodded, believing the lie and went back to his smoke. Alfred fought back a sigh, as he yanked Bruce’s golf clubs to one side and got the young woman settled.

I am going to ask for a raise after this,’ He thought to himself.


After cutting the cake, Bruce worked the room with a charming smile. But with time running out, he needed to reach Lucius before his worst fears came true. He took one glance toward the other side of the table only to find the Mane Six and Spike struggling to pry Pinkie Pie away from a chocolate fountain.

“Pinkie, leave it alone!” Rarity ordered loudly.

“Must… have… chocolate!” Pinkie groaned in a deep guttural voice.

Finally, Bruce reached the elder man after exchanging a few kind words with Julia Pearson, who apologized for John not being there. Apparently, he was needed to help the police with something important in the Narrows.

“Thank you for that… item,” Bruce told the older man.

“I’m sure you’ll find a use for it,” Lucius responded with a nod.

“I already have,” The young man assured.

The wheels were turning in the man’s head, thoughts of what was going to happen in the near future.

“How long would it take to manufacture on a large scale?”

“Weeks,” The older man thought. “Why?”

“Someone’s been planning to disperse it using the water supply,” Bruce answered.

“The water supply isn’t going to help you disperse an inhalant… unless…” Lucius trailed off, worried.

Oh God.

“What?” Bruce asked.

“Unless you have access to a microwave emitter powerful enough to vaporize the water in the mains,” The older man explained. “The kind of microwave emitter that Wayne Enterprises has recently misplaced.”

“Misplaced?” The young man echoed.

“Earle just fired me for asking too many questions about it,” Lucius explained.

“I need you to go back to Wayne Enterprises and start making more of the antidote,” Bruce ordered. “And get a copy of your notes over to Pearson Pharmaceuticals so that they can start mass production.”

“My security access has been revoked,” Lucius pointed out.

“That wouldn’t stop a man like you, would it?” Bruce inquired, smirking.

“No, it probably wouldn’t,” Lucius smiled.


Meanwhile, at Arkham Asylum, Gordon and a few other cops looked up at the giant plant that sprouted from beneath the Earth. Its giant stalks rose high into the sky, where it nearly reached the top of the tallest skyscraper in Gotham.

“What the hell is it?” One cop wondered.

“I don’t know,” Gordon responded. “But nobody gets near it, understand? We’re closing the bridges, locking down the whole island.”

On his way back into the asylum itself, Gordon passed Dr. Quinzel and the rest of the Arkham staff, doctors and patients. By now, they were just recovering from the Dazzlings’ mind control.

“Are you all alright?” He asked.

“I believe so,” Dr. Quinzel responded. “Boy… that felt weird. But right now, we need to get everyone as far away from here as possible. All hell’s about to break loose.”

That said, Dr. Quinzel led the group of doctors and inmates away from the area as Gordon worked his way into the asylum. While running through the cell block, he caught the faint sound of weeping. Slowly he moved toward the source until he stumbled upon a cell holding a crying Sonata Dusk huddled in a corner within. Gordon gazed at the poor crying girl, her head down on the floor. What shocked him most was how a girl like her even ended up in Arkham in the first place; to him, she seemed as though she didn’t belong there.

“Are you okay?” He asked her.

The poor blue siren paused for a moment to look up toward the police offer looking down at her outside the cell. Her eyes were red from crying; her face stained with tears. She quickly went back to her wallowing.

“P-Please, leave me alone!” She wept. “I look horrible!”

“What are you doing in here?” Gordon asked her.

Recalling exactly ‘why’ she was in the cell only made Sonata cry harder. Gordon just couldn’t stand to see the poor girl locked up in this cell. Especially since he had a slight soft spot for children, even young and scared teens. Quickly, he raced around to the nearest office and snatched up a chain of keys which sat on the desk. Racing back toward the cell, Gordon shuffled through the keys before he placed on into the lock. It turned out to be the right key and he opened the door. Stepping inside, he tried to help the poor girl to her feet, but she resisted as best as she could.

“What part of ‘leave me alone’ don’t you humans understand?!” She yelled tearfully.

“I don’t know what you’ve done, but you can’t stay here,” Gordon told her. “I’m sure your family misses you; let me help you get back to them.”

But hearing this only made Sonata cry heavily. Gordon gently reached down, once more trying to help the poor girl off the floor. All of a sudden, she quickly threw her arms around him and cried into his chest. Gordon, a bit taken aback, gently placed a comforting hand along the girl’s back.

“My family? They’re the reason I’m in this cell,” Sonata cried. “They don’t care about me at all. I did everything I could; I really wanted to be the best sister I could be. I thought if I really wanted it, then I could show the girls that Sonata Dusk can be reliable. But just when I thought I was gaining another sister, it turned out she only came into our lives to replace me… they stabbed me in the back in favor for her! A girl who’s bigger than me… smarter than me… meaner than me… and the worst part of it? She’s better than me… she’s better than me…”

Gordon stood silent, listening to the girl explain while he tried to offer as much comfort as possible.

“The truth is… it’s my own fault this happened,” Sonata wept. “I knew they always thought I was a burden and a screw-up, but I went along ‘anyway’ out of loyalty. Yes, I made mistakes… yes, I get easily distracted… but at least I tried, I really tried for them. But no matter how hard I worked to impress them, no matter how much effort I made to prove I was worthy of their love, it was never enough! I’m so sick of trying to be perfect! I’ll never be good enough for my family… or anyone…”

Eventually, the poor girl cried herself out and pulled away as she wiped the tears along her face. Once more, a gentle hand touched her shoulder and she turned till her eyes looked toward Jim Gordon, who returned her gaze with a comforting smile.

“It sounds to me you’ve been around the wrong people long enough,” He told her. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”

Sonata sniffed as she slowly shook her head.

“I see a girl willing to do anything for those she loves,” Gordon continued. “Someone who will stop at nothing to do what she believes is right. Someone who is good enough.”

Hearing such comforting words, from a human of all beings, Sonata felt new tears building in her eyes. Except they weren’t tears of sorrow, but instead tears of ‘joy’. A small smile formed along her face as she allowed the tears to fall, and she hugged Gordon once more. When she finally pulled away, Gordon removed his hand from her shoulder and the smile still remained.

“Never let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough,” He told her. “Can you do that?”

Sonata gave a nod of her head as she kept smiling.

“We should really get going,” Gordon informed her. “Things are about to go bad around here and neither of us want to be around when it happens. Stick close to me, I’ll take you somewhere safe.”

Gordon proceeded to lead Sonata through the halls as they traveled to the lower parts of the asylum. Once they reached the cell blocks marked ‘Maximum Security’, they stopped.

“Stay here,” Gordon instructed Sonata.

Sonata nodded silently and held her ground as Gordon approached one of the cells. Inside, Crane sat inside wrapped in a straitjacket, his eyes glazed over.

“Crane, I know that you weaponizing a hallucinogenic chemical compound,” Gordon told the mumbling young man. “And that you were putting it into the water supply. What I want to know is what kind of compound were you weaponizing and why?”

“Scarecrow…” Crane mumbled. “Scarecrow… Scarecrow…”

“Crane, who are you working for?” He asked. “Why are you doing this?”

This time, Crane actually locked eyes with him.

“It doesn’t matter,” He smiled vaguely. “It’s… too late.”

A grim look formed on Gordon’s face; it was plain to see he didn’t like the sound of that. He proceeded to quickly leave the cell, handing a nearby guard Crane’s mask before he took Sonata’s hand and led her toward the emergency exit.


Meanwhile, back at Wayne Manor, the girls and Spike finally got Pinkie Pie away from the buffet table. Granted, they had to hold her down and practically tied her to a chair until she calmed down. Currently, they stood before Pinkie Pie, who casually sat about tied to the chair without a fuss.

“Now Pinkie darling, if we untie you, do you promise to remain calm?” Rarity asked slowly.

“I promise,” Pinkie nodded rapidly.

“And you won’t go cuckoo in the coconut again?” Rainbow asked.

“Nnnnope!” Pinkie shook her head.

“Y’all Pinkie Promise yer gonna behave?” Applejack asked.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Pinkie recited her pledge.

“Alright, untie her,” Twilight instructed.

The girls proceeded to undo the knots along the ropes holding Pinkie in place. When they finally came off, Pinkie stood from the chair and stretched her limbs as she could hear her bones crack.

“Wowie! I haven’t been tied up like that since Cheesy and I—uh, never mind.”

Twilight took a step back but accidentally bumped into someone standing behind her.

“Oops! I’m really sorry—”

She found her words quickly cut off the moment she turned around and discovered just who she bumped into. Her eyes went wide; her mouth dropped in shock.

“You!” She exclaimed in shock.

Before her very eyes, dressed in a fancy three-piece suit, stood someone she never thought she’d see again… Duscan Al Ghul himself. A sinister smirk was held in place along his face.

“Hello Princess,” He spoke lowly. “Long time, no see.”

Bruce moved through the party, working his way toward the study. When suddenly, an elderly woman, Mrs. Delane by name, grabbed his arm and pulled him in a different direction.

“Bruce, there’s somebody here you simply must meet…”

“Not now, Mrs. Delane—” Bruce began.

Mrs. Delane turned him to face an Asian man in his fifties.

“Now, am I pronouncing it right?” She asked. “Mr. Ra’s al Ghul?”

Bruce turned towards the man with a shocked expression on his face. The bald Asian man in question gave a curt nod before slowly turning around. Bruce was actually to see that it was not actually Ra’s al Ghul at all. Bruce’s blood ran cold, the expression on his face made Mrs. Delane laugh nervously in confusion.

“You’re not Ra’s al Ghul,” Bruce spoke bluntly. “I watched him die.”

“But is Ra’s al Ghul immortal?”

The young man turned to the source of the familiar voice, discovering Henri Ducard standing beside him with a smile and a black cane in one hand.

“Are his methods supernatural?” Henri asked.

“Or cheap parlor tricks to conceal your true identity… Ra’s?” Bruce suggested, with new understanding.

Henri, no… Ra’s al Ghul smiled as he stared Bruce straight in the eye.

“Surely a man who spends his nights scrambling over the rooftops of Gotham wouldn’t begrudge me dual identities?” He inquired, walking the young man through the party.

“I saved you from the fire,” Bruce said, disgusted with himself.

“I warned you about compassion, Bruce,” Ra’s warned.

As they walked, Bruce noticed certain guests staring intensely at him. It wasn’t difficult to guess they were all members of the League of Shadows.

“Your quarrel is with me,” He hissed at his former mentor. “Let these people go.”

“You’re welcome to explain the situation to them,” Ra’s offered, amused.

No one will believe me if I tell them the truth,’ Bruce thought.

Suddenly, another idea came to Bruce’s mind. He grabbed a glass from the tray and tapped on it.

“Everyone! Everyone!”

All the guests in the room, including the Mane Six, Spike, and a smirking Duscan turned their attention toward Bruce.

“I just want to thank you all for coming here tonight and drinking my booze.”

This caused the guests to laugh.

“No, really, the thing about being a Wayne is you’re never short of a few freeloaders to fill up your mansion…”

Then the laughter stopped, and all the guests now looked confused.

“So, here’s to you people,” Bruce announced, as he drank.

Many people turned away embarrassed while Fredericks took the young man by the elbow and Julia took away the nearly empty glass.

“That’s enough, Bruce.”

Bruce pulled his arm away as people started heading for the doors. He got himself a new glass, despite Julia’s attempt to stop him.

“I’m not finished,” He said, raising the new glass. “To you false friends… and pathetic suck-ups who smile through your teeth at me… you had your fill, now leave me in peace! Get out. Everybody. Out!”

Ra’s watched with amusement as the people left, some of them whispering their disapproval while others were more vocal. Knowing he would probably regret this later in tomorrow’s news, he turned toward Fredericks and Julia, who stared at him with both disappointment and disapproval.

“The apple has fallen very far from the tree, Mr. Wayne,” The older man spoke coldly, walking away.

“If your father was still alive, young man,” Julia said icily. “He would disown you on the spot.”

Ra’s chuckled as the last of the angry guests left. This left the Equestrians and Bruce alone in the house as the Al Ghul’s and the League of Shadows circled around them.

“Amusing,” Ra’s commented. “But pointless. None of these people have long to live – your antics at the Asylum have forced my hand.”

“Crane was working for you,” Bruce realized.

“His toxin is derived from the organic compound in our blue poppies,” Ra’s explained. “He was able to weaponize it.”

“He’s not a member of the League of Shadows,” Bruce pointed out.

“Of course not,” Ra’s confirmed. “He thought our plan was to hold the city to ransom.”

“But really you’re going to unleash Crane’s poison on the entire city,” Twilight concluded.

“Then watch Gotham tear itself apart through fear,” Duscan nodded.

“You guys are really sick and twisted,” Rainbow commented.

“You do realize what you’re talking about is committing mass genocide of an entire city,” Rarity said in shock.

“You’re going to destroy millions of lives,” Bruce protested.

“Only a cynical man would call what these people have ‘lives’, Wayne,” Ra’s stated.

Then he stepped out of the main hall and into a corridor, with his former students following behind.

“People stacked like boxes. Families sleeping in garbage. Crime. Despair. This is not how man was supposed to live.”

He paused next to a window, gesturing to the distant glow of Gotham.

“The League of Shadows have been in check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome. Loaded trade ships with plague rats. Burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.”

“Gotham isn’t beyond saving,” Bruce protested. “There are good people here, people who—”

“You’re defending a city so corrupt we infiltrated every level of its infrastructure,” Ra’s interrupted.

And so, a newsflash was presented toward the young man and his allies.


At Arkham Asylum, a man in a SWAT uniform entered the cell Crane was in. He dropped the burlap mask in his lap; the former doctor blinked and looked up at the SWAT officer and his partner, who stood in the doorway of the cell.

“Time to play.”


In the control room, the guard on duty looked around when the SWATs entered, grabbed him… and killed him. Then, they pushed the button which unlocked all the cells; onscreen, they watched as a rogue’s gallery of criminal lunatics, including Zsaz, cautiously leaving their cells and strolling the hallways.


On the monorail, the driver checked his watch and hit the intercom.

This train is no longer in service.

The passengers groaned and got to their feet, not looking forward to the long walk ahead of them.


Back at Wayne Manor, Ra’s and Bruce faced each other in the corridor of the manor.

“You have no illusions about the world, Bruce,” Ra’s reminded him. “When I found you in that jail you were lost. But I believed in you. I took away your fear and showed you a path. You were my greatest student… it should be you standing at my side, saving the world.”

“I’ll be standing right where I am now,” Bruce said firmly. “Between you and the people of Gotham.”

The Mane Six and Spike came to Bruce’s side and Twilight used her magic to convert her friends back into their original pony and dragon forms. They all assumed a fighting stance, ready for a war.

“So will we,” Twilight said determined. “We saved you both from falling off that mountain all those weeks ago. It looks like that was a huge mistake. Well, we won’t make any mistakes this time and we will save this city from you.”

“I highly doubt that.”

The presence of a new voice caused the Equestrians and Bruce to turn to their side. From the shadows, members of the Court of Owls stepped forward and stood alongside the representatives of the League of Shadows. The Grandmaster then came forward and stood alongside Ra’s and Duscan.

“As I stated before: Judgment has come to Gotham at last,” The Grandmaster declared.

The group looked in shock toward the League of Shadows and the Court of Owls, two factions standing side-by-side as one collective unit.

“So, it all comes together now,” Twilight realized. “You’ve been working together since this began.”

“But I always thought the League and the Court were bitter rivals,” Pinkie said confused. ‘I mean from all the different comics, the movies, and video games in the D.C. universe, that fact’s pretty clear.”

“True… our goals may not always align, there is one thing upon which we can agree,” The Grandmaster spoke.

“No one can save Gotham,” Ra’s stated. “When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable, and natural.”

He soon nodded to his men, who began knocking over the bookshelves in the region, pouring gasoline over everything, and started fires. Soon the flames rose around them, the smoke gathered about at the ceiling.

“Tomorrow the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself,” He continued. “The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time.”

“You’ve tried to attack Gotham before?” Bruce asked, surprised.

“Of course,” Ra’s replied, stating the obvious. “Over the ages our weapons have grown more sophisticated… with Gotham we tried a new one… economics.

“We inflated the system, decreased productivity…” Duscan added.

The young man stared at him, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. Frankly, he didn’t like the picture that was forming.

“You created the depression twenty years ago,” Bruce realized.

“Create enough hunger, and everyone becomes a criminal,” The Grandmaster nodded. “But we underestimated certain members of Gotham’s citizens… your parents included.”

This earned him a glare from Bruce and the Equestrians.

“But you didn’t just underestimate them,” Twilight said bitterly. “You realized they were working to undermine the damage you’ve done to this city. You knew that your plans were in jeopardy, so you conspired to murder them by paying a desperate man to commit a heinous crime. Then you covered your tracks by locking him away in an asylum, declaring him insane.”

“Unfortunate casualties in our fight for justice,” The Grandmaster added, with a grim smile beneath his mask.

“Gunned down by one of the very people they tried to help,” Duscan smirked. “Their deaths galvanized the city into saving itself, and Gotham has limped on ever since. Now we’re back to finish the job.”


Meanwhile, the inmates headed toward the exercise yard of the asylum, where the two SWATs set charged along the back wall and hurried away.

Inside, Gordon and Sonata searched the hydrotherapy room, having just learned the officers guarding the emitter had been killed and said item was now missing. They jumped when an explosion rocketed and echoed throughout the area. Racing through the corridors, they soon reached the exercise yard along with another detective. Soon they found Flass examining a massive hole in the wall. Through the hole, they could see the Narrows, and it was obvious where the inmates disappeared to.

“How many were in maximum security?” Gordon questioned, heading out.

“Dozens… serial killers, rapists, assorted sociopaths,” Flass answered.

“Is… that all?” Sonata asked anxiously.

“You wish that was ‘all’…”

“Get ‘em to raise the bridges, we don’t want any getting off the island,” Gordon ordered.

“Sure, I’ll raise the bridges,” Flass said sarcastically. “As soon as we get every available unit over here to help us find the homicidal maniacs running loose out there.”

Gordon rolled his eyes as they headed out into the Narrows to begin the search.


Back at the manor, Bruce and Ra’s still had their little stare down.

“And this time,” Ra’s said firmly. “No misguided idealists will be allowed to stand in the way. Like your father, you lack the courage to do all that is necessary. If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind him and stab him in the heart.”

At that moment, a shadow dropped down behind Bruce, and choked when the young man suddenly spun around and grabbed the ninja by the throat. Ra’s drew a sword from his cane and struck, only to have Bruce spin again and block the blow with his side. Despite getting cut in the process, Bruce fought against the pain while dropping the unconscious ninja to the floor while retaining his grip along the sword.

“Perhaps you taught me too well,” Bruce hissed.

“Or perhaps you’ll never learn,” Ra’s commented.

He slammed his cane against a column, and there was a loud cracking sound high above them. Bruce looked up, just as a burning ceiling beam crashed down onto the young man, knocking him out in the process.

“To mind your surroundings as well as your opponent,” He concluded.

He then retrieved his sword and put it back in his cane.

“Justice is balance,” He said coldly. “You burned down my house and left me for dead. Consider us even.”

Ra’s and a number of assassins walked towards the front door of the manor, only for the Mane Six and Spike to jump right in front of them.

“We’re not letting you just walk out of here!” Rainbow declared determinedly.

“Ya’ll bout tah get the worse whoopin’ than all our foes combined,” Applejack said.

“Oh, I think not,” Ra’s smirked.

With a quick snap at his fingers, Duscan and a bunch of assassins dropped on top of the group. With a heavy metal net in their grasp, held down by large heavy iron blocks, they kept the heroes down. The ponies and their dragon friend struggled, trying to fight their way out of this trap. Unfortunately, they found themselves unable to accomplish this feat.

“Struggle all you like, it won’t save you,” Duscan mocked. “I believe you are familiar with these metals.”

“Seriously!” Spike groaned, mid-struggle. “Where’s everyone getting this anti-magic metal?”

“Where we get it doesn’t concern you,” Duscan responded. “All you need to know is that you have no power to escape from its hold. Now as you all wait to be burned alive, I leave you with this final thought.”

He knelt down to the point where he eyed the struggling ponies and dragon.

“Why fight to bring harmony and magic to a world that has already given up on it long ago?”

A question of which Duscan al Ghul waits for no response. He left the Equestrian Heroes to meet their fate, to join his father to ensure their final act of justice upon Gotham City reached full swing.

“No one comes out,” He ordered. “Make sure of that.”

And just like that, he walked toward a waiting SWAT van, climbed inside, and it drove away leaving the heroes to their doom.


In her apartment, Rachel woke from her bed and laid there for several seconds. She tried to recall exactly how she ended up there in the first place. It was then she saw vials of antidote sitting on her bedside table and quickly sat up, remembering just what needed to be done.

She quickly snatched up the antidotes and made her way out of the apartment. There was a job that needed to be done, and Rachel was determined to succeed at all costs.


Meanwhile, the fire quickly worked its way through Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne himself was lying along the floor, pinned by the burning timber unconscious. The ninja Ra’s al Ghul and his son left behind stood guard at the side door, staring into the flames to make sure the sole surviving member of the Wayne family, along with some meddling ponies and dragon, never saw the light of day.


The ninja dropped to the floor like a ton of bricks. Alfred stood over the unconscious man, armed with a nine iron.

“I sincerely hope you’re not from the fire department,” The butler muttered.

Running into the burning house, it didn’t take very long to find his master. He immediately dropped the golf club as he tried shifting the burning wood from his young charge’s chest. Breathing heavily and coughing due to the heat and smoke, Alread reached across the timber and slapped the young man’s face… hard.

“Master Wayne! Master Wayne!”

With a groan, Bruce’s eyes flickered open, spotting Alfred, and he tried to move the beam without much luck.

“Sir,” Alfred groaned, exasperated. “Whatever is the point of all those push-ups if you can’t even move a bloody log!”

Unbeknownst to the two, a member of the Court of Owls snuck behind them with a knife in hand. He raised the knife high above his head, ready to bring it down upon the old butler.


The sound of a loud gunshot caused everyone to jump, and the Court member ran for his life as John Wycliffe raced into the manor with a gun in hand. He saw the member running off around the corner and fired off a few more rounds as he disappeared. John then looked over toward Bruce and quickly raced to help Alfred lift the beam off of Bruce. Eventually, the three men finally lifted the beam off and Bruce sat up. He looked at his old friends with a look of relief upon his face.

“Thank you,” He said breathlessly.

“I was hoping I wasn’t too late to attend your party,” John chuckled. “From the looks of things, it was certainly quite the ordeal.”

“You could say that…” Bruce chuckled weakly. “But you need to get as far away from Gotham as possible. This whole city is about to become a war zone and I don’t want to see you caught up in the middle of it.”

“Let me help you, Bruce,” John urged. “You need a doctor.”

“I’ll be fine,” Bruce replied stubbornly. “I’m more worried about you and your family. Aside from Alfred, you’re the closest thing to a father I have left. I can’t lose anyone else.”

John wanted to protest his desire to help. Ultimately though, he understood where Bruce was coming from.

“I’m going to call the fire department and then I’ll get my family out of here as soon as possible,” John told him.

He gave a nod of his head and quickly made his way out the front door of the mansion to retrieve the police. Meanwhile, Alfred helped Bruce off the ground. The sound of clanking metal drew their immediate attention, and the pair spotted the Equestrians trapped beneath the metal netting.

“Hey guys, mind helping us out of here?!” Rainbow yelled.

“I may be a dragon and have no problem with fire, but I have no desire to be stuck in this house when it comes crashing down!” Spike said urgently.

Bruce and Alfred hurried toward them as fast as they possibly could, helping them lift the heavy metal netting off of them. Eventually they all made their way through the burning house. Staggering through the smoke and flames, Alfred supported Bruce into the study, which was also burning around. He stabbed at the correct piano keys so they the bookcase swung open, and then hauled the young man into the lift while the house collapsed. The Mane Six and Spike quickly followed them inside, as Alfred yanked the lever causing them to drop just as smoke and flames exploded through the passage.

With a resounding crash, the lift landed hard inside the Batcave. Everyone looked up to catch huge flames exploding as the mansion finally collapsed.

“Thank Celestia we got out of there!” Twilight gasped loudly.

“T-T-Too close for comfort if you ask me,” Fluttershy sighed heavily.

Bruce stared back up the shaft with a devastated expression. Over the sounds of the crumbling manor in the distance, tears began to run down his face. For as the older man began checking his master’s legs for any sign of injury, he could feel Bruce’s pain.

“What have I done, Alfred?” He whispered. “Everything my family… everything my father built…”

Alfred winced when he found a gash along Bruce’s side, having lifted the tux only to find blood on the shirt beneath it.

“The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir,” He said hoarsely.

Bruce kept staring toward the flames high above, lost in his own despair.

“I thought I could…” He whispered. “… Help Gotham… but I’ve failed.”

The Equestrians turned toward Bruce with seriousness burning in their eyes.

“You’ve failed no one, Bruce,” Rarity assured him. “You fought tooth and nail for this city and all its people when they needed you most.”

“That takes a hay load ah bravery and determination,” Applejack added.

“Sure, it hasn’t been easy,” Spike admitted. “But just because things look bleak right now, that doesn’t mean it's over just yet. We can still get out there and save this city.”

“And no one, not the League of Shadows, the Court of Owls, the Dazzlings, nor anyone else will stand in our way,” Twilight encouraged. “We’re going to fight just the way we’ve done everything so far… together.”

“And why do we fall, sir?” Alfred echoed the words of Thomas Wayne. “So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.”

To which Bruce weakly smiled to everyone, from his faithful butler to a group of strangers who stood beside him.

“Still haven’t given up on me?” He asked.

Never,” They said in unison.

Fluttershy reached her hand toward Bruce, to which he took, and he stood up on his feet. There was much work left to do in Gotham City, a city they were determined to save at all costs.