• Published 8th Oct 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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Moral Decision

After an entire year spent training alongside Duscan and Ducard, the time finally came for Bruce Wayne and the Equestrian heroes at long last. Having learned all they could in the art of combat, both physical and mental, one final test still awaited. Bruce and the Equestrians sat in the throne room, dressed in black ninja armor, along with Henri Ducard. In his hand he held the blue flowers Bruce and the others carried up the mountain. Now dried and shriveled, Henri dropped the dead flower into a bowl, and used a pestle to grind it into a fine powder.

“A criminal isn’t complicated, and what you really fear is inside yourself,” He explained. “You fear your own power. Your own anger. The drive to do great or terrible things… you must journey inwards.”

“Pardon me for asking Mr. Ducard, but what does that have to do with us?” Twilight asked. “We don’t fear power or anger.”

“Well… we try not to…” Fluttershy admitted meekly.

“From what Duscan told me from watching your training, what holds you back is your inability to do whatever it takes to achieve your ends,” Ducard answered. “That is the fear you must be willing to overcome to become more than what you are.”

He soon began pouring hot water onto the powder, which instantly dissolved into a steaming boil. He proceeded to hand the bowl to Bruce.

“Drink in your fears,” He commanded. “Face them. You are ready.”

Bruce accepted the bowl, breathing in the smoke, and his began spinning instantly. Images of bats, the opera, himself falling, and the night his parents died flashed through his mind. While this went on, Duscan approached with a large goblet in hand. He walked over and handed the goblet to Ducard, who turned toward Twilight Sparkle, along with the remainder of the Mane Six and Spike.

“Are you all ready for your final challenge?” He asked them.

“Yes, we are,” Twilight nodded.

“Ya got that right,” Applejack agreed.

“Been ready since day one,” Rainbow commented. “Why we had to do all the toner stuff…”

A quick jab in the ribs, courtesy of Applejack, promptly silenced Rainbow. Looking inside the goblet, Twilight’s eyes widened at the glowing substance inside.

“What exactly is our final task?” She asked nervously.

“Duscan told me he offered you the opportunity to partake in the wonders of the Lazarus Pit,” Ducard answered. “You refused.”

“We meant no offense by it, Mr. Ducard,” Rarity responded.

“We truly didn’t,” Fluttershy nodded.

Ducard merely held up a hand for silence, to which they complied.

“Worry not, acolytes,” Ducard assured. “I understand the Pit’s powers seem unnatural and archaic. But once you partake in them, only then shall you understand what you are meant to be. This is why I made this your final test. Each of you must drink from the goblet filled with the waters of the Lazarus itself.”

The Mane Six and Spike turned wide-eyed and nervous, looking at the goblet in Ducard’s hands then back at Ducard.

“Uh—and w-what h-happens to us when we d-do?” Spike stuttered nervously.

“Even a small amount you ingest will not entirely alter your being to incredible extents,” Duscan assured. “This is but a temporary dose; however, it will grant you a small amount of the power it wields.”

Ducard proceeded to hand the goblet to Twilight Sparkle, who hesitantly took it in her hands. The rest of her friends and Spike looked inside the goblet with the glowing liquid with serious hesitation.

“Are we really doing this?” Rarity asked.

“We ain’t got any other choice, sugar cube,” Applejack responded.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted before about the Pit,” Spike said honestly.

“I’m actually super-duper excited to find out what it tastes like!” Pinkie smiled. “Is it sweet? Spicy? Sour? Ooh, I REALLY want to know!”

“I’m guessing it won’t be any good, Pinkster,” Rainbow commented.

Twilight looked amongst her friends before staring down into the goblet. So many doubts swam through her head. The princess was clearly skeptical, even after watching Duscan show them its abilities. Then again, the power of this water was clearly very powerful and beneficial. If it can heal a man on the brink of death, she could only imagine how it could benefit to all the ponies of Equestria… or even the other tribes.

With great hesitation, Twilight slowly lifted the goblet to her lips and drank the liquid within. Almost instantly, Twilight coughed and sputtered from the horrible taste of the water. It tasted like a combination of sea water and gasoline. However, what it lacked in taste, it made up for with a powerful force coursing through her.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked concerned.

Twilight could feel each of her senses and every muscle in her body growing stronger. Looking down at her arms, she noticed she had gained more muscle mass and she could actually hear the fresh falling snow hit the ground from the bottom of the mountain. And to her surprise, when she felt her back, no longer did she feel the strain she had endured from a previous adventure.

“I’m… I’m alright!” Twilight nodded. “I feel great! I haven’t felt this powerful since we discovered the Elements. You need to try this.”

The rest of the Mane Six and Spike looked at Twilight, then amongst each other nervously before eyeing the goblet. Rainbow was next to pick it up as she looked amongst the others. Shrugging to herself, she herself took a drink. Eventually, one by one, the remainder of the Equestrians partook in the Lazarus waters and each one felt themselves growing stronger. Once it was all said and done, the entire group found themselves feeling better than when they landed upon this world.

“Can you feel the power of the Lazarus flowing through your veins?” Duscan asked.

To which the Equestrians merely nodded as they admired their newfound power.

“How does it feel?” Ducard asked as well.

“It’s awesome!” Rainbow said excitedly. “I feel even better than when I first became a Wonderbolt!”

“I haven’t felt this good since the day I got married!” Rarity agreed.

“Wowie-wow-wow!” Pinkie grinned widely. “It’s like a really, really, REALLY big sugar rush!”

“For once in my entire life, I don’t feel afraid of anything,” Fluttershy spoke.

Ducard smirked at them as he pulled a mask over his own head. He motioned for Bruce to do the same.

“Why the masks?” Bruce asked.

Henri’s eyes started to glow an eerie blue color; instead of answering, dozens of ninjas emerged from the shadows into several long lines. In the meantime, the older man melted into the lines.

Great, I have to do this drugged out of my mind!” Bruce thought.

The room itself was distorted as he moved through the lines of ninjas, searching while the older man’s distorted voice seemed to be coming from everywhere.

“To conquer fear, you must become fear,” Ducard said. “You must bask in the fear of other men… and men fear most what they cannot see.”

Henri emerged from the lines and attacked Bruce, who parried and spun, only to have the ninjas move and the older man disappeared once again. One ninja among many, and he began speaking as Bruce searched.

“It is not enough to be a man… you have to become an idea… a terrible thought… a wrath.”

Ducard attacked from behind and the young man barely avoided it as the ninjas moved once again, hiding his target among their ranks. God, this was getting annoying! He resumed searching and spun when the ninjas shifted again, revealing a wooden box.

“Embrace your worst fear,” Henri instructed.

Bruce cautiously approached the box, slowly lifting the lid to peer inside. Bats exploded from the box, startling him so bad he dove to the ground as they flew around him, clawing at his armor. After a few seconds, they were gone, and Bruce, breathing heavily, got to his feet returning to the line of ninjas – only for Ducard to attack from behind, this time slashing his arm before disappearing again.

Bruce suppressed a curse, realizing this would make it easier for the older man to find him. Suddenly, he got an idea. Staying low, he sliced the arms of two different ninjas, and neither of them winced.

This better work or else all this training will have been for nothing.


While this went on, Duscan remained with the Mane Six and Spike. They were still admiring their strength and the great feeling it gave them.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind feeling like this every single day of my life,” Spike commented. “Would make me look forward to getting up in the morning.”

“I hear ya, little dude,” Rainbow agreed.

“I am glad you all admire the power, but it’s high time to put it to the test,” Duscan spoke up. “Your final test.”

With a snap of his fingers, a large number of assassins circled the Mane Six and Spike. All of them were armed with swords, guns, and all assortments of weaponry. This left the group basically defenseless as they had nothing to defend themselves with.

“Use the power of the Lazarus to defeat your enemies,” Duscan instructed. “You must do whatever it takes to secure your victory… or die.”

“Wow, comforting!” Rainbow said sarcastically.

The Mane Six and Spike assumed their defensive stances, as the assassins closed in upon them. Then, in a single instant, mayhem and bedlam broke out as the assassins leapt into action and the Equestrians braced themselves. This fight was definitely more intense than their prior training, for these assassins were actually trying to kill them. Either they were going to win this fight, or they’d die at this very moment.

Twilight dodged sword strokes from the blade of one assassins and threw off blows and swift kicks like a true ninja. However, the assassin managed to gain the upper hand with a swift kick that sent her backwards, slamming her against a column. Taking one look toward Duscan, Twilight noticed him giving her that same look he gave her during the entire training.

Do whatever it takes to win…

Closing her eyes, Twilight allowed the Lazarus’s power to take over and she snapped her eyes back open as the assassin raced toward her with the sword ready for the kill. The power within allowed her to leap with a flip over the assassin and grab onto his back. She threw him with such force that he actually went straight through the stone wall and out of sight. Her eyes widened as she stood for a good minute, looking toward the hole where the assassin crashed through. She didn’t have time to contemplate, however, as another assassin charged toward her sending her back into the fight.

Rainbow and Applejack were both dueling a barrage of assassins like a cohesive unit. For the most part, the girls held their own. Eventually, the assassins overwhelmed the pair and had them on the ground, kicking their sides without mercy. Reaching deep inside, they both looked at one another and allowed themselves to tap into the power of the Lazarus. Using their immense strength, they pushed the assassins off them and sent them flying around the room. They pressed on with the attack against the assassin group, and with every swipe of their fists and a stiff kick thy could hear bones breaking with every attack.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both tapped into the power of the Lazarus, and neither of them were the same super-excited or shy ponies they once were. Now within their eyes were stone-cold killers on a violent, vicious assault upon their enemies. Rarity no longer cared about anything other than violence and pain as the Lazarus effect took hold of her. Being a dragon, Spike was already a force of nature. But now with the Lazarus’s strain coursing through him, he became a true fighting beast.

Meanwhile, Duscan watched with a smirk as his new weapons dismantled and destroyed his own assassins one-by-one…


Ducard moved through the lines, stalking the young man as he resumed speaking, mildly disappointed that the bats hadn’t worked.

“Become one with the darkness…” He whispered.

Fighting back a sigh, he saw a ninja with a familiar injury. He shoved the man to his knees, pressed his sword against his neck, and removed his own mask.

“You cannot leave any sign,” Ducard scolded, disappointed.

All of a sudden, he felt the cold steel of a blade held against the back of his neck. A masked assassin stood behind him.

“I haven’t.”

Ducard smirked as Bruce removed his mask, revealing himself as the one holding the blade. Ducard glanced around at the ninjas nearest them and saw that they had slashed sleeves. The remaining ninjas sat on the floor, revealing Ra’s Al Ghul, who sat upon his throne clapping. To the side, the Mane Six and Spike continued to dismantle the League’s assassins until they heard the clapping.

“Impressive,” The old Asian man spoke, in perfect English.

Judging by the tone, this man clearly approved of Bruce’s idea and success. Putting away their blades, Henri led the entire group toward the throne and stood before him. Duscan made way to the side of the elder Asian man. Ra’s stood, moved to a nearby brazier with a branding iron sticking out, and two ninjas brought the murderer from the other day to the throne room. Soon Ra’s began to speak…

“’We have purged your fear’,” Ducard translated with pride. “’You are ready to lead these men. You are ready to become a member of the League of Shadows’.”

“About time,” Rainbow commented.

“That felt so good!” Spike smiled. “I’ve never noticed before, but nothing seems to beat the feeling of cracking bones!”

“I admit it did feel satisfying to make someone else feel weak and pathetic for a change,” Fluttershy agreed. “I don’t want it to end!”

All this talk made Twilight freeze in place, actually contemplating what she was hearing. It was one thing to hear this kind of talk from her more bolder friends, but hearing her usually shy and gently friend, even her little dragon brother, speak such venomous thoughts… it was disturbing. She turned back toward them, displaying concern in her eyes.

“Guys, do you even hear what you’re just saying?” She asked. “This isn’t like you at all; this isn’t like any of us! You’re talking about brutality and violence. We’re meant to be agents of Harmony and Peace, not rushing into damage and destruction.”

Hearing Twilight talk made everyone look amongst each other, as if recognizing she was making a point.

“She’s right…” Applejack spoke, removing her hat. “Wut’s become of us?”

“I-I-I-I don’t really know,” Pinkie said, worriedly. “One moment I have this rush of energy and an insatiable need to beat something… but now I feel worse than the time I had that food coma at the Las Pegasus buffet.”

As reality started to dawn upon the group, Ra’s Al Ghul gestured to the bound man.

“First, you must demonstrate your commitment to justice.”

Bruce frowned the moment Henri handed his sword to him.

“No, I’m no executioner,” He shook his head.

“Your compassion is a weakness your enemies won’t share,” Ducard warned him.

“That’s why it’s so important,” Bruce countered, refusing the sword. “It separates me from them.”

“You want to fight criminals,” Ducard reminded Bruce. “This man is a murderer.”

“This man should be tried!” Bruce argued.

“By whom?” Henri snorted. “Corrupt bureaucrats? Criminals mock society’s law. You know this better than most.”

“You’re wrong!”

It was then that Henri and Bruce turned toward Twilight, who finally decided to speak up.

“You’re talking about killing a man in cold blood!” Twilight interjected. “You call that true justice for the world?”

“That’s because it is the only true justice,” Duscan said, beside Ra’s. “Think to yourself, princess. How many times have you defeated the same villains and locked them away thinking they’ll repent for their crimes? They’ll just escape, causing more chaos and misery to others… endangering the lives of those you swore to protect. There’s no redemption for evil; evil must be destroyed at all costs. That’s how you become more than what you once were, it is the only way to evolve.”

It was then Ra’s al Ghul’s turn to speak, in an accented English.

“You cannot lead these men unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil.”

“Where will I be leading these men?” Bruce asked, surprised.

“Gotham,” Ra’s responded. “As Gotham’s favored son, you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality.”

Though uncertain if he truly wanted to know, even with the concern of the Equestrians, this was one mystery Bruce couldn’t ignore.

“How?” Bruce asked uneasily.

“Gotham’s time has come,” Ra’s al Ghul answered. “Like Constantinople or Rome before it… the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice… it is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. It is one we have performed for centuries. Gotham must be destroyed.

“What?!” Bruce and the Equestrians yelped, alarmed.

Hearing those words made Twilight fully realize what exactly they’ve been training for all this time.

“You were never training us to save the world at all,” Twilight spoke, shocked. “This whole time you were intending to use us as weapons! To destroy any and everything you deem ‘beyond saving’… that’s why you wanted us to use the Lazarus Pit so much…”

Not only did Twilight realize it, but so did the remainder of her friends. How they all felt such a small amount they ingested altering their minds during that fight with the assassins. It made them violent, destructive, and willing to kill. And to hear it all from a man no longer needing anyone to translate for him, it only proved how serious this circumstance truly was.

“When Gotham falls, the other cities will follow in short order,” Ra’s explained. “Nature’s balance will be restored, and Man will finally return to solitude.”

Neither Bruce nor the Equestrians could believe what they heard. The young man turned toward Ducard.

“You can’t believe in this!” He hissed.

“It’s not true…” Fluttershy shook her head, tearfully. “Tell us it’s not true…”

Henri merely shot a warning look in response.

“Ra’s al Ghul has rescued us from the darkest corners of our own hearts,” He whispered quickly. “What he asks in return is obedience and the courage to do what is necessary.”

“So you’d willingly sell your soul for justice?” Rarity asked appalled.

“I know my place in this world!” Ducard hissed. “It is time you learned yours…”

It took a moment for Bruce to gather his thoughts in place, before turning toward the bound man who knelt before them.

“I’ll go back to Gotham,” Bruce vowed. “And I’ll fight men like this! But I won’t be an executioner.”

“And we won’t become your weapons of mass destruction!” Rainbow spoke determined. “We are the Guardians of Harmony; we will do things our way!”

“Bruce, please, for your own sake,” Henri whispered emphatically. “There is no turning back…”

“Don’t listen to him, Bruce!” Fluttershy pleaded. “You’re better than that!”

Bruce turned toward his friends for a moment, then back to his mentor before taking the sword. He slowly raised the blade, preparing to strike while the murderer bowed his head and trembled at his feet.

“Bruce, please!” Twilight whispered. “Is this really what your parents would’ve wanted? They believed that you would grow to be a great man. You do this, you’d be turning your back on that faith in you… forever.”

Bruce froze over her words, allowing them to course through his head. He then swung down, narrowly missing the murderer’s neck by inches. Instead, he struck the white-hot branding iron, flipping it through the air and into the mezzanine where all the explosives were stored.

“What are you doing?” Ducard asked, startled.

“What’s necessary, my friend,” Bruce answered.


One hit toward the older man in the head and he was knocked out instantaneously. A howl of rage drew Bruce’s attention, as Ra’s al Ghul leapt forward and slashed toward the younger man with his sword. Bruce managed to block the incoming attack and a fight ensued between the two men. The league scattered about, fleeing for their lives as the storage area exploded, destroying the building in the process.

“Come on, we must help Bruce!” Twilight called out.

As the group raced toward Bruce, Duscan leapt before them with a look of pure hatred upon his face.

“You truly are weak and pretentious, princess!” He spat. “We give you the chance to become something greater than you were and you toss it away like a child’s plaything!”

“We are not killers, Duscan!” Twilight argued. “What you ask of us is not something we condone or would ever contemplate. We will never be like you!”

Duscan reached behind him and grabbed his dual katanas in hand.

“Mark my words, you won’t have a choice in the matter,” He growled. “Either you kill me here and now… or burn with us all!”

Duscan lunged toward the Equestrians, his swords ready to slice their targets in half. Quick as whips, the Equestrians split off as the blades struck the ground from whence they stood. The girls, along with Spike, grabbed for any weapons scattered around to use from katanas to staves, few of which Twilight and Rarity lifted with their magic. Rainbow Dash, without a weapon, lunged forward with a roar and a fist ready to strike, to which Duscan delivered a swift kick in the air and sent the Pegasus girl flying back.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity charged toward Duscan, who blocked a kick from Rarity and countered with a kick to the chest. Simultaneously, Duscan sent Pinkie back with a back kick with the other leg. Applejack swung with a katana, which Duscan blocked with one of his own, while Fluttershy tried to swing a wooden broom at his head. But Duscan sliced off the head with his other sword and shoved her back with one foot. Then Duscan quickly swung an elbow to Applejack’s forehead, sending her back a few paces.

Twirling a staff around with his hands, Spike swung and missed Duscan who dodged smoothly like a snake. Spike attempted to thrust the wooden staff toward his head, only for Duscan to block with both katanas, then swung a left leg to Spike’s stomach, then a swift right kick to the back knocking him down. Twilight and Rarity raced to take down Duscan, who leapt in the air and delivered two kicks, one to each chest, sending them flying back and reeling with pain.

A wild scream caught Duscan’s attention as Rainbow Dash came swinging with nunchaku twirling around her head. She swung madly toward Duscan who merely ducked and leaned away, as Rainbow madly tried to hit her target. But after one failed swing, Duscan leaned back and slammed his head against hers. The impact made Rainbow’s eyes roll, as she felt a dizzying sensation from the blow, until she slowly fell backwards onto the ground.

Duscan turned only to quickly dodge as Twilight returned to battle and swung her sword against her former master, who dodged with ease. The strike of their blades caused sparks to fly away as the student and master sparred at one another with blades. Twilight found herself working up a sweat trying to keep up with Duscan, who parried and swung without a single hint of strain upon him. Twilight quickly retreated as Duscan pursued her with blades ready to pierce. And then, just as she reached a corner, she ran up the surface and flipped over Duscan, just as one of his blades pierced through the stone leaving it embedded against the wall. Duscan quickly turned and blocked her sword, both pressing their blades against each other, grunting, and groaning for control.

“Give it up, Princess!” Duscan snarled. “I taught you every move you’ve ever learned here; I know what you’ll do before you can even strike.”

“You may have taught me to fight, Duscan,” Twilight frowned. “But not… everything.”

Then suddenly, Twilight quickly swung a foot below the belt, and Duscan cringed and gasped with pain as he felt a burning sensation between his legs. But Duscan hadn’t long to recover when Rainbow flew forward and delivered a round house kick to the head. Duscan stumbled to the side, right toward Applejack and Rarity, who both delivered swift kicks to his face, turning him towards Pinkie Pie, who smashed a nearby vase at the top of the man’s head.

Duscan stood struggling to keep his balance when he saw Fluttershy charged forward. Fluttershy raised her own fist and Duscan found he hadn’t the strength to block, waiting for the incoming blow. But all of a sudden, Fluttershy’s fist stopped inches from his face, much to the man’s own confusion. Before he could speak, Fluttershy dropped, and Spike leapt onto and hopped off her back delivering a stunning crane kick under the man’s chin, a kick so hard that a tooth flew out of his mouth. Finally, Duscan couldn’t take it anymore as he ultimately collapsed onto the ground. The Equestrians gathered around Duscan, who laid upon the floor in a state of unconsciousness.

“This much I learned from you, Duscan,” Twilight spoke. “Being immortal does not make you indestructible.”

Suddenly, a cracking noise from above drew their attention, as the burning ceiling started to fall apart right where Bruce and Ra’s al Ghul were fighting. Thinking quickly, Twilight conjured her magic to drive Bruce out of the way as the ceiling ultimately collapsed atop of Ra’s, killing him instantly. Getting up, Bruce spotted Ducard’s unconscious form, made his way over and swung the older man over his shoulders as explosions continued to rip the place apart.

Grunting with strain, Bruce staggered toward the front of the building as it continued to collapse around them. Another explosion knocked them both through an ornate screen. The two men tumbled through the air and onto the snowy slopes of the mountain. Bruce grunted upon landing, spotting the still unconscious Ducard and slid down the slope toward the edge of a cliff. Bruce launched himself down the icy slope headfirst.

When they were mere feet from the cliff edge, Bruce grabbed the older man’s arm and used his other gauntlets to smash into the ground. The blades dug deep into the ground, stopping them near the ledge where Henri now dangled over as Bruce struggled to lift him back up.

Amidst all the chaos, the Mane Six and Spike raced down the hill and grabbed hold of Bruce, pulling him (And even Ducard) to safety. Once they were safe, Bruce carried the older man over his shoulders fire-man style down the mountain to the tiny hamlet. The Mane Six and Spike followed closely behind, Twilight Sparkle dragging an equally unconscious Duscan within her magical grasp. Soon as they reached the village, the people actually watched as they headed for a certain hut and kicked the door open, surprising its owner, an old man.

The old man stared at the group and their burden for a moment before motioning to some mats. The young man gently laid Ducard onto the mats, while the Equestrians did the same for Duscan. The old man used a wet cloth to carefully wipe away the blood from the men before glancing at Bruce, who headed for the door.

“I will tell them you saved their lives,” He promised.

“I only hope they will appreciate it,” Rarity wondered.

“I seriously doubt that!” Rainbow responded.

“What are we to do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“The Dazzlings and Chrysalis are still out there,” Twilight answered. “We must leave this place and track them down. Granted, I have no idea what plans they’re concocting right now, but I do know we must stop them at all costs.”

Bruce paused and turned back, looking at Henri’s unconscious from.

“Tell him… I have an ailing ancestor who needs me,” He requested.

He placed his hands together, then performed a formal bow before leaving the hut. He knew he had a job to do, and he needed to get home first and foremost. With his intent in mind, he turned back to his new friends, who all waited to hear his instructions.

“Come… we need to get to Gotham.”

“Best idea I’ve heard since we got here,” Spike sighed, massaging his head.