• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 474 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Tracking the Sniper

After taking a few moments to rest and recover, mostly to let Delsin rest since he was still getting used to his powers, the sisters departed from the area that they had stopped in and followed the coordinates that Reggie had sent them, since he was in the middle of his work. Adagio knew that he was going to ask them for help in some manner, no doubt in tracking down and dealing with one of the Conduits who had been released into Seattle due to Augustine wanting to prove that her kind were nothing but monsters to the public. Delsin, on the other hand, was pleased with the people who had come out to cheer them on in clearing out the DUP, as many informed him that they also agreed on his opinion on the name that the DUP gave him, the 'Banner Man' when addressing him as a singular person. Once more the sisters really didn't care about all of the names that were being thrown around, since they were mostly worthless and were falling apart in the eyes of those they saved from Augustine's people, so the sisters focused on their mission and nothing else.

One thing Sonata noted was the fact that part of the area that Reggie sent them to happened to be on the outskirts of the jamming area they had taken out, meaning it had been under it's effect for some time and was only now getting back to how things were supposed to be.

"Gah, the television's on the stupid 'Banner Men' article again." Delsin remarked, as the coordinates brought them to one of the stores that happened to have a television in the window, allowing him to watch a reporter talk about the news that the DUP gave him, so they could push his untrue stories upon the masses until Augustine told him to stop.

The sisters paid more attention to the story that came after theirs, as it was about the Bio-terrorist sniper they happened to be seeking right now, even though none of them knew the figure was a sniper, and that the person had killed at least twenty-one people since their arrival in the city.

Hey, Delsin, I wanted to tell you and the sisters that I got hung up and that I won't be able to meet you. Reggie said, as the sisters heard the phone ring before Delsin did and managed to get him to answer it so they could figure out what his brother wanted from them, I just found out about this Bio-terrorist maniac...

"Hey, off topic, but... do you think we need some PR people?" Delsin remarked, reminding them that he liked his art and that he was still easily annoyed by the fact that Augustine had labeled him as the 'Banner Man', though in that moment he found the sisters raising their eyebrows at him in a disapproving manner, "Okay, fine, we'll focus on the Conduit... would it kill you to stop using the word that Augustine came up with to make sure people would be afraid of innocent people?"

Look, I don't care what you call him, we just need to find him before Augustine does. Reggie stated, something that all four of them agreed with, since the sisters wanted to know what was going on while Delsin wanted whatever powers the figure had, since it would help him deal with his true target, before they heard a beep in the background, It seems that there's another body at 5th and Briar, but for now you should stay away from the cops and everyone else... we might be able to figure this out before anyone else if you get there fast.

"We'll try, but you never know... we might have some fans at the crime scene." Sonata said, as she knew that there were a few cops who had come to see what was going on when they and Delsin were visited by the other artists, who were chill with a couple of Conduits running around, fighting the DUP as they retook Seattle from Augustine, so there was a chance they might run into them again.

While Reggie was thinking about her statement, or whatever it was that was going through his mind at the moment, the group departed from the area that he sent them to and started to zero in on the new location he was sending them to this time around, where Adagio and her sisters kept an eye out for the DUP. Since it wasn't too far from the store they were able to reach the alley he had sent them to, where some of the cops greeted them with open arms and asked Adagio if all of them were here to deal with the Conduit who was was responsible for the recent murders. When she told him that they were, since they were able to do something about it, he turned and pointed down the way for a moment, revealing a track of light energy that matched what they had seen when Delsin started uncovering his powers, a purplish light that was like the neon in the signs. With that information in hand they continued down the path, heading into the alley behind most of the buildings in the area, following the neon markings that seemed to be leading somewhere important, at least to the one who did all of this, before everyone came to a stop a few moments later.

What they discovered was an art scene made of neon, of what looked like a skull and drugs, plus writing some words on a wall, something that caused Reggie to ask his brother to take a few pictures as the sisters studied the area in question, as it seemed random in the grand scheme of things. Delsin openly wondered what sort of power did this, since he didn't buy the idea that this was some sort of neon power, though the sisters felt that they were right, given their own experience traveling with Cole, as he did what his brother wanted. Of course Reggie told them that there was a chance that Delsin's power might not work again, as if he thought it might be a one usage type of thing, but Aria told him it wouldn't make any sense at all, especially since the user didn't seem to know they had their power until they absorbed a bit of someone's power. In the end they agreed to disagree, allowing the other to have their own opinion on the matter, before they heard a few sirens nearby and Reggie informed them that the DUP was going to seal the area for now as they investigated, not to mention another murder had been reported, so part of the team was heading to this location and another was heading for another one.

This time around the group decided not to blow away the DUP, choosing to let them waste time hunting for a Conduit that didn't want to be found by them, even though Adagio was sure that they were doing this intentionally to ensure that their boss' plan succeeded with flying colors.

When they reached the area just outside where the second body had been discovered Delsin found the DUP were nearby and wasted no time in launching what he called an Orbital Drop on the vehicles that were outside their destination, which just destroyed all of them and downed the DUP. With that done, and Sonata called on the cops to deal with them, Delsin and the others entered the area and found that it was identical to the first, a person done up with neon markings nearby, though this time around Reggie had news for them as he got a picture of the newcomer. Apparently this was a drug dealer and that seemed to be the reason behind why he was targeted, causing Adagio to recall that there had been a destroyed stash of drugs near the first figure they had found not that long ago, who Reggie confirmed was the same as this one, a fact that interested them. When Delsin discovered the stash of drugs behind the stairs, however, Aria pulled him back as a beam of energy rushed at him, hitting the drugs and destroying them, though she spotted something interesting, there was a neon sign not too far away from this area that had dimmed, the hideout of their target no doubt.

It took them a few moments to reach the sign, one that was actually wide enough for someone to live in, and discovered that there were a few bits of clothing, including a bra and some panties, along with a few other feminine items that told them that the sniper was a girl, not a boy like the media claimed, and there was a faded image of some person carved into both the ground and part of the edge.

Adagio took note of the neon trail that went off into the distance, the sniper had noticed them coming and fled before she could be seen by them, which was fine since she had left a lot of information for them to use to track her down later, as it seemed like they would run into her later on. As Delsin took pictures they discovered the name 'Brent' burnt into the walls, someone of importance to the girl before she was captured by the DUP, Reggie used the marking they had seen, which he ran through facial recognition, and discovered that it was no other than Brent Walker, who died with a wound through his chest that was identical to the neon wounds. Since there was a report on it and everything Reggie was able to track down where he had died and directed them there by sending over the coordinates, though along the way they found a drug deal going down and surprised the dealers, knocking them down and chaining them to the ground so the cops could arrest all of them. After that they found a locked door that lead to Brent's resting place and Delsin slipped through it with his smoke powers, causing him to chuckle as he realized Adagio, Aria, and Sonata didn't have any powers to get under the door or go through it, only for Adagio to prove him wrong as she surrounded her and her sisters in water before moving them under the door and appeared on the other side.

As Delsin took in that fact, that Adagio could basically trap them inside the air bubbles in water, they discovered that there was a shrine to Brent inside the small passage, like someone was mourning his passing, and it wasn't hard to put together that the Conduit was behind it. In fact the sisters wondered if the Conduit was a member of Brent's family, it made sense if they were attacking drug dealers and destroying drugs, meaning Augustine's people were lying to the people to bring fear to their hearts so they would hate Conduits. Reggie took a look at the pictures that Delsin provided him with and told the group that there was an Olaf's not too far from their location, as it looked like the sniper had left her food container when she left to go take down more drug dealers and it gave them an idea where they might find her. With that in mind, and the shrine had nothing left to offer them, the group departed from the shrine and made their way towards the location that Reggie gave them the coordinates to, discovering people who were supporting the DUP's efforts to expel the various Bio-terrorists that were in Seattle.

They ignored the group, allowing them the freedom of speech, while discovering that part of the roof would serve as a good hiding place, as there were some boxes for Delsin to hide in as the sisters remained on a higher level behind the signs, but as it turned out to be a long wait as day turned to night... and, sure enough, the sniper returned for some food.

"Man that smells good... I should have taken some money from those dealers." the lady said, who turned out to be around Delsin's age, in fact Adagio was sure they were the same age, who wore a white shirt with a green jacket over it, plus a pair of black pants that had many rips in the leggings.

"Abigail Walker?" Adagio inquired, as while they were waiting for her to arrive Reggie informed them of everything he could find on Brent's case, including the one who had been captured after the hole had been blasted in him, his own sister no less, and the sisters suspected that there was more to the story, causing her to raise her arms to show that they weren't here to do harm as the girl turned towards them, "Relax, we're just here to..."

"No way... you guys are the Angels of New Marais!" Abigail replied, where she sounded excited by the idea of meeting them, no doubt because they had used their powers for the good of the people, like she might be doing, and because they might be her idols in some manner, "Honestly, I prefer to be called 'Fetch' these days. So, um, what can I do for you three?"

"We're here to take down Augustine and help Delsin save his people, and to do that he wants to increase the powers he has by absorbing a little from you and the other Conduit in Seattle." Aria said, something that immediately caused Fetch to raise an eyebrow for a moment, especially since their companion revealed himself to her, before she wondered if there was some sort of task they could help her with to convince her that they were telling the truth.

"Okay, that sounds... interesting... sure, why not." Fetch said, where she raised her arm towards him as she focused on the sisters, showing that she was more interested in them and their forms, instead of someone who could copy powers into himself, not that they were surprised by her reaction, "I've got something I want to do later and could use some extra hands in pulling it off... you game?"

The sisters agreed, as they had a feeling that they could put Fetch on the right path, and were glad that they were able to talk with Fetch, instead of her attacking and running off, and knew that things were going to change once Delsin had access to a whole new set of powers, which made them interested in what the next few hours held in store for them.