• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 481 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Into the City

"Now that we're all here, I'm afraid that there's some bad news: there's no way we're getting in undetected." Reggie said, speaking after he and Delsin finished their little conversation, giving the sisters time to study the area in front of them, as it reminded them of what they and Cole experienced during their previous adventures, "The DUP has set up devices that can scan one's DNA, after a person applies their fingerprint and likely get pricked by a needle or something, and will no doubt figure out if one has the ability to become a Bio-terrorist... er, Conduit. Now, I should be able to get inside the city with no problems, and I'm hoping that we can sneak Delsin in, since he didn't his powers the way that a normal Conduit would... you three, however, they're going to fire on you before you even reach the terminals."

"You know, you'd think they would hold off on firing, just in case there was a Conduit who could forcefully transform their victims into new forms." Aria remarked, because if the DUP people were trigger happy, which seemed to be what Reggie was trying to suggest, it would place them in a bad light once all of the evidence was brought against them, plus her comment was due to the fact that they had no idea what other powers there might be in the world now, "If we presented ourselves like that, that we're just victims, we could infiltrate the city and then bust out of whatever holding cell they put us in."

"Don't you get it? You three are the greatest evil in the world right now, far worse than the 'Beast', who destroyed Empire City, and the 'Demon King' Cole MacGrath." Reggie stated, causing the Dazzlings to raise their eyebrows for a moment, as while they knew of Augustine's smear campaign to paint them and Cole in a dark light, making them the ultimate fear for ordinary people, it was amusing to think that they were considered worse than everyone else, "The DUP has made it clear that you are the greatest threat to ordinary people... to civilized people... and they'll stop at nothing to bring a end to the 'Devil's Succubi', monsters that supposedly command the strangest powers in the world and can twist anyone around their fingers with a single word. While I can tell that the tales might be... overly exaggerated... that's not going to stop the DUP from attacking you whenever they see you."

"Then we can be the distraction." Adagio replied, causing her sisters to nod their heads for a moment, because if the DUP was going to label all three of them as enemies so soon, without actually seeing if they were threatening the people of the city, then they were going to give Augustine's forces what they wanted.

Reggie looked at them for a moment before sighing, as he could tell that there was no reasoning with them, before both he and Delsin made their way over to the blockade that was temporarily barring people from entering Seattle, or at least until they went through the DUP's safety measures. Adagio and her sisters stood back, seemingly out of sight until they reached a certain point, allowing them to observe as Reggie opened his jacket and informed the watchers that he was a sheriff, making his weapon a registered firearm, and when they ushered him forward he did so without delay. He passed the barricade without delay and the soldiers beckoned for Delsin to approach the machine, where he did so and pressed his finger against the device, though, due to his nature as a Conduit, it went off and labeled him as a Prime Conduit, but before the soldiers moved the sisters stepped forward. Reggie, seeing them do that, pointed their way and made sure the DUP knew they were coming, causing the soldiers to forget about Delsin as they turned on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, just as the group had planned since it allowed Delsin to slip by them without wasting time.

"By order of Brooke Augustine, Director of the Department of Unified Protection, the three of you are to give yourselves up and come peacefully." one of the soldiers stated, though in that moment the sisters found that each foe happened to have their weapons at the ready, as in they were pointed right at them, showing everyone that the DUP was more than willing to open fire on them while they had done nothing to them, "Surrender and die, for the sake of humanity!"

"You know, you really shouldn't threaten people... you might not like what happens next." Sonata remarked, which was the truth, she and her sisters were probably the strongest Conduits in all of Seattle, given that they had helped take down the Beast back in New Marais, so threatening them in such a way was a bad thing to do.

The sisters had planned on letting the DUP fire the first round, starting the fight while they presented themselves in a more peaceful manner, allowing the people of Seattle to see that they were fired on for no reason, putting the first of many cracks in the brainwashing Augustine had forced on the people of the world. Once the people saw the scene play out the sisters started to move as Delsin and Reggie departed from the area, as Sonata leapt over the pitiful barricades that were in front of them and struck down a soldier with a single punch to the chest. Aria did the same as her sister, taking down another foe in the process, before she smirked for a moment as she called forth her power and summoned three flame marbles between her fingers, which she tossed at the incoming line of soldiers, blasting them backwards with ease when they made contact with her attack. Adagio dodged a couple of bullets that came at her as she held a hand out towards the bay that they had rushed over a few minutes ago, calling forth some globs of water that were sent flying at her foes, instantly becoming ice as soon as they struck her targets and froze them to the ground.

Sure enough more soldiers came down the path beyond where the station was set up and Reggie disappeared, no doubt to track down his cop buddies so he could figure out something to help Delsin, while his brother charged at some of the DUP and struck them with both his chain and his new smoke powers. While they did that, however, the sisters found that Delsin did pause every now and then to help citizens onto their feet, using his smoke powers to heal them from the inside out by the looks of it, which they approved of, especially since they didn't have powers like that. In addition to that it was easy for them to see that the DUP had set up towers on the corners of certain street crossroads, which had walkways so they could keep an eye on all sides of traffic, though the sisters blasted them down, surprising the soldiers that were on them, as they clearly weren't expecting such a thing to happen. Sonata used her wind powers to make sure the fragments of the towers and walkways didn't fall on anyone, dropping them off on the sides of the street so that cars wouldn't be affected at all, and a benefit of doing that was that it showed everyone that they weren't the monsters Augustine made them out to be, even if it would take a lot of time to undo that damage.

Reggie, likely having made it to the roof of a nearby building, directed Delsin to an area of interest, causing the sisters to follow after him, before they found another tower area where the DUP was actually firing on the innocent people, causing Adagio to rush through the air and punch the walkway, breaking it in seconds. As they went to town on the soldiers, as they stood no chance against both the sisters and Delsin, Reggie informed them of the DUP's Mobile Command Centers, along with the fact that they had eyes and ears everywhere, reminding the sisters of what happened in Empire City, the villains spying on ordinary people. Fortunately everyone was thinking the same thing, take it down and see what sort of damage it did to the DUP, though Sonata mentioned they should be looking for a communication array, that was far more important since smashing that would cripple the DUP somewhat. With that in mind the four Conduits approached the area that their target was resting in, a long black vehicle that seemed to be powered by a well protected and rather large Rayacite Core, a fact that only made the sisters wonder how the DUP was able to recreate the substance since the Ray Sphere was gone and the one who made it was dead.

As soon as the soldiers spotted them the group split up, each one going their own way as they clashed with the soldiers that were trying to gun them down, though while Delsin was having a hard time, since he was fairly new to being a Conduit, he found that the sisters weren't burdened by inexperience. For the most part Delsin found that the majority of the DUP's forces were focused on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, though as they tried to gun the sisters down Adagio smiled for a moment as she manipulated the moisture in the air to make an ice wall between her and their foes. It showed him that Augustine considered them to be far more dangerous than anyone else, especially when he found that the sisters were no longer behind the ice wall, rather they had flown up into the air and were wiping the floor with the soldiers that were all over the area. What was interesting to him was that they even seemed to have precision attacks, like they were snipers in some manner, surprising the soldiers with just how vast their powers were and it even made Delsin wonder how his own powers would develop, once he found more of those Core Relays.

While the sisters dealt with the rest of the soldiers, knocking them to the ground and sending their concrete grenades into the air to make sure they didn't hurt anyone in the surrounding area, Delsin opened the nearby cages and released those who were inside it, eventually leaving him and the sisters in the area near the vehicle.

"Okay, the area's clear. How do we destroy this thing?" Delsin asked, because there was no telling when more of the DUP would arrive to do battle with them, so they had to do something with the Mobile Command Center before they arrived, even though he was looking at some of the panels on the exterior of the vehicle and wondered if he could break them with a few blasts.

Aria answered that question by dropping out of the air as she extended her right arm, the flames forming a blade rather quickly, confirming her level of power to Delsin, and stabbed it into the area that the core was located in, allowing her to channel the power of her attack into the vehicle before backing away, where it exploded and scattered pieces around the area the DUP had set it up in.

"Right... forgot you guys were the right hands of Cole MacGrath." Delsin remarked, where he realized that destroying the Mobile Command Centers would be child's play for the sisters, given the vast power that each of them were supposed to have command over, or at least according to the tales anyway, meaning he could learn from their example, before he found a new vehicle stopping nearby.

As it turned out backup had arrived, for the DUP anyway, in the form of a soldier that had concrete armor on his arms, his legs, part of his chest, and even a collar around his neck, and he was holding a machine gun that was likely ready for the battle he would be entering. Just like before the Rook attacked them, as Adagio heard some of the soldiers talking about how it was here to take over for the fallen 'Pawns', and by that Delsin found that the sisters were his targets, causing them to take to the air and force the Rook to fire into the sky. He knew why they were doing that, to ensure that no one was hurt by any stray bullets, though it also opened a path for him to attack the Rook from behind while it was distracted, but even as he did that Delsin found that the Rook was far more focused on Adagio and her sisters. With his meager powers he couldn't offer them too much in the way of assistance, which they needed to work on immediately since he didn't want to be a burden on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, he was able to decimate the Rook when he crouched low and shielded himself with his power, using his smoke power to take him out.

While they did that Reggie called with an idea he had, that all of the DUP forces were, in some manner, infused with the power that Augustine possessed, so Delsin should, in his mind, be able to drain the power of the Pawns or the Rook to complete their mission, though when he tried it they found that nothing happened.

"Oh crap... ugh, Reggie, we're going to have to nix that..." Delsin started to say, though as he said that he found Adagio and her sisters turning to look at him, where he suspected that they might have known or suspected he might lie to Reggie to stay in Seattle, causing him to sigh for a moment, "Okay, I tried to drain the Rook... it didn't work. Look, before you tell me that we should go home, just remember that I'm not leaving until I have the power to fix what Augustine did to the Tribe... I can't leave without her power."

I was afraid you were going to say that... fine, we'll stick around and see if we can't get close to her. Reggie replied, all while the tone of his voice told the sisters that he was either surprised by Delsin being open with him or he knew that the three of them had convinced him without saying a word, Look, find someplace to hide while I check in with the police of Seattle... I might be able to get some information from them that will help us out.

"Agreed... and ask about the Core Relays, as they'll help Delsin hone his powers and we can deprive the DUP of whatever purpose they provide." Adagio said, because she knew that the new Conduit had to be annoyed by what had happened during their first real fight together, as a team, and suspected that he wanted some power so he could stand with them and actually contribute, instead of relying on them to do everything.

As Reggie confirmed that fact, even though he clearly didn't like the idea of giving his brother more power, the sisters and Delsin walked out of the area so they could find someplace safe to rest and wait, since there was no telling what the city might throw at them, but they knew that the battle for Seattle had just begun and hoped Augustine was ready for the fight of her life.