• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 474 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Flight of Angels

Upon their return to Eugene's lair he informed the group of his plan, where they were, as Delsin put it, going to 'rock and roll' while he stuck to the shadows and coordinated everything that would happen, because if he got taken out his angels would disappear and they would lose their advantage over the DUP. Eugene informed them that more of the suspected Conduits, those who have triggered the DUP's machines recently and 'escaped' on their own, have been rounded up by the Akurans and were currently being held inside the construction site they had passed by earlier. Apparently their plan was to collect all of the missing suspected Conduits and sell them back to Augustine, why he had no idea and he quite honestly didn't care, as it just showed them that the Akurans were willing to add human trafficking to their long list of crimes. With all the evidence he had collected so far, all of which he was more than willing to hand over to Reggie if he wanted to get the cops involved, Eugene was convinced that the gang could be brought down at long last, though right now he really wanted to save the rest of the suspected Conduits first.

Reggie, despite his attitude towards Conduits, sighed and accepted the information that Eugene was willing to hand over to him, so while they got to work on freeing the rest of the suspected Conduits he would work the cops and see if they could put some pressure on the DUP.

When they reached the construction site the sisters found a shipping container on the highest level, which seemed to be what was being used to contain the suspected Conduits, though Eugene quickly informed them that his angels didn't do well in interior spaces. With that in mind it was up to them to push the Akurans to the level that was open to the rest of the city, at which point the angels would arrive to do battle with their enemies and liberate all of the prisoners, and with a few new pictures taken before their venture he was sure the cops would move against the Akurans. There was the fact that the gang might call in the DUP for assistance, Eugene wasn't too sure since no one had said anything about it since Adagio got everyone across the river between the two islands, but that didn't stop him from listening in on Augustine's calls or the communications of her forces. Even with that possibility in mind the group split up and landed in front of each of the openings on the lower level, something that surprised the Akurans when they noticed that they were there, though it was the presence of the Dazzlings that forced them to retreat without firing a single bullet.

What was interesting was that the Akurans fell back to the roof to protect the shipping containers they had seen, where a number of DUP helicopters were starting to fly off with some of them, where Adagio beckoned for her sisters, Delsin, and Fetch to take flight as she dealt with the group of enemies in front of her. Thanks to their position on top of the building she was able to call forth the moisture in the air and first formed an ice wall in front of her, stopping the bullets before any of her foes had a chance to harm her, and once they were done she made her move, transforming the wall into bits that let her freeze their bodies where they stood. Aria, Delsin, and Fetch landed on the tops of the containers that were on the move and shattered the connectors that allowed the helicopters to move them in the first place, where Eugene had all of his angels grab onto each one and carefully lower them onto the ground. Sonata, on the other hand, used her own power over the wind to create a cushion below the one she landed on and did the same thing, before turning on the helicopters and slashed them to bits, all while pushing out the pilots so they didn't die, despite the fact that they'd be caught by the authorities.

Eugene made sure that he was at each container when they were opened, ushering the suspected Conduits into what looked like a portal to another dimension, which was accurate given his powers, where he promised them they would be safe from the Akurans and the DUP, and that once Seattle was safe he'd let them out, only to discover that there was a fifth container and that it was somewhere dangerous.

Guys, there's a fifth container that's being set down in Denny Park... and the DUP are converging on it! Eugene said, allowing everyone to hear that other suspected Conduits were in danger of being caught by the DUP, though even he was surprised by the numbers he was seeing, his scanners were going off the charts, meaning either Augustine wanted these particular suspected Conduits or she was hoping they walked into her trap.

"We see them. Let's take them down." Adagio remarked, where she landed on the central fountain and summoned her power as she zeroed in on some of the stronger foes that happened to be here, Pawns that were reinforced with far more concrete than the ones they were used to, Rooks that were the same way, and even ones who floated while having shields around them, like the Kings of the DUP chessboard.

As Delsin and Fetch blasted their targets, the former having picked neon for his power since it seemed more suits for the battle that was going on, Aria coated herself in flames as she kicked one of the Super Pawns in the chest and roared as her power surged through him, knocking him down while striking down those behind him. Sonata switched things up as she rushed around the Super Rooks, channeling her wind into spiraling spheres just above her palms, which tore through all of the concrete defending her targets and knocked them out, just to even out the playing field. Adagio targeted the Kings, who seemed to be more interested in her than anyone else right now, though she knew they would fail as she moved her hands and summoned serpent dragons made out of water, which was only possible since this fountain had water coming out of it. With her creations ready she struck at the Kings before they had a chance to realize what was going on, where the serpents crashed into them and instantly froze into solid chunks of ice, keeping the strong DUP agents contained for the foreseeable future, and once that was done she moved onto their other enemies.

While they were doing that more helicopters came in, an attempt to fire at them while they were distracted, and Eugene came through for them, as there was a massive archangel, who seemed to speak with his voice, only distorted for some odd reason, floating in the air above them and he used beams of blue energy to strike down those who dared to challenge him... something that caused their enemies to flee, allowing him to revert to his base form as he landed nearby.

"Damn man, I had no idea you had such a power... let me guess, that's your super move?" Delsin commented, though as he said that Eugene had the sisters open the container as he opened the way to his safe haven, allowing those that were inside the container to flee to safety.

"You mean He Who Dwells? Yeah, I guess he is." Eugene said, where it was clear he had never considered it in such a light before, even though now that he was familiar with the sisters and their actions it made a lot more sense, though in that moment he chuckled for a moment as he faced them, "And before you ask... yeah, I'm in the real world, instead of hiding in my lair all the time. Figured I'd give people one more chance."

"That's good to hear. We need to stand together, a united front against Augustine." Adagio stated, causing the others to turn towards her for a moment, where she gestured to the Command Center that was resting near their current position, something that had to go before they dealt with the main tower, "However, before we do that, we should liberate the rest of the island and show the people that the DUP are lying to them about everything."

"Go on a rampage of sorts... I like it." Fetch said, as this interested her greatly, because she had been itching to teach the DUP a lesson, or more of one anyway, for slandering her name and making her out to be a murderer, just like how they were doing the same with Eugene's name right now, "Hey, maybe we'll end up with blue auras when we're done."

Adagio knew what Fetch was talking about, because as they traveled with Delsin his clothing had turned light blue, while the image on his back transformed into a blue bird with it's wings spread out, the red one having been extinguished over the course of their adventure. It was similar to what happened to her and her sisters during their journey with Cole, whose clothing had changed as they did more and more good deeds for the people, and now it had happened to Delsin as well, showing anyone who looked at him that he was a paragon of justice. So much had occurred since the first instance of his clothing changing that they hadn't kept track of his changes, rather they focused on tearing down Augustine's forces and her plans for Seattle, but now she and her sisters knew that he was serious about being a hero, either because of what the three of them had done in the past or because it was in his nature. She wasn't sure if such a thing would affect Fetch or Eugene, as in would their clothing or powers change, but it was interesting to think about as Fetch kissed Delsin right on his cheek before rushing off to go deal with some DUP agents, causing Eugene to depart as well, before they found that he used his angel form to fly away.

They, on the other hand, started to tear down the Command Centers and Jammer Stations that were positioned around the rest of this portion of the city, where Delsin watched as Adagio's serpents surrounded the ones that rested off in the water and crushed them.

While they did that, however, Reggie called and informed them that the DUP was mobilizing in another portion of the city, ones that were far away from where Eugene and Fetch decided to hit, and, interestingly enough, the Conduit they were in the middle of chasing had smoke powers. Delsin was surprised, as he had been sure that Augustine had killed Hank after he chased him out of the factory, but now he knew that the lady had captured him with the purpose of bringing him back to Curden Cay, though at the same time the sisters realized that something was up. He had been captured, which was part of what the DUP was supposed to do and had been trying to do since coming to Seattle, so it made them wonder why she would let him out of his concrete prison, especially since Delsin and Reggie informed them that he was a criminal that had used his powers for crime. If Hank had gotten out of the main tower, Augustine's personal compound, Adagio was sure it was for a very specific reason and not because he was skilled enough to escape her grasp, meaning he could be a trap she wanted them to walk into to bring them down, but there was a chance that he could have escaped on his own and if that was true they might have a way to gain an advantage over Augustine.

Either way the sisters decided to investigate and found the man that Delsin had described to them in no time, because he was being very flashy as he tore the DUP to pieces, though when they caught up with him Adagio made sure he stayed still for a moment by icing his feet.

"Ah, damn it Ice Queen. That's cheating." Hank said, though in that moment he found that the sisters and Delsin were in front of him, something that caused him to reconsider what he had been thinking of doing when someone found him, all while Aria and Sonata kept an eye out for any additional intruders.

"Given your history, this was the only way for us to talk without you running off." Adagio replied, which was the truth, the man in front of them was a runner and used his powers to escape, though he also seemed smart enough to know that it was a bad idea to try and flee from her and her sisters, "We're going to bring Augustine down, and you seem like the best bet to get her out of her tower. Why don't we help each other out? You can help us get her out of her tower, maybe to that strange concrete structure she made in the water, and we can help you with your little... problem."

Delsin, while confused as to what was going on right now, found that Hank was willing to agree with Adagio, like he knew what she was talking about, and decided that he'd just go along with whatever happened next, since it seemed like their adventure was going to come to an end sooner, rather than later, and he was eager to see what might happen next.