• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 474 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Communication Destruction

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata spent about an hour with Delsin, making sure he was fine after awakening three new powers in rapid succession, especially after what happened when Cole awakened his powers in the past, but found that he was totally fine, he just needed time to come to terms with what he was capable of.

Okay, I've made some progress and I've discovered the location of the DUP's Central Communications Array. Reggie said, something that caused them to stop what they were doing as everyone listened to what he had to say, especially since this would be a crippling blow to their enemies if they could take it out, Now Delsin, don't get too excited, but... well, you did say you wanted to see it while we were here.

"Shut up. the Space Needle?!" Delsin remarked, more in the sense that he was getting his wish after all, to visit the icon of the city before dealing with Augustine's forces, though now it was a two for one special, he could still visit it and he could deal a heavy blow to the DUP.

Indeed. Now, it's going to be heavily guarded, so be careful. Reggie stated, as while he knew that his brother was safe in the hands of the Dazzlings, given what he had seen from them in the short period of time they had spent together, he felt better saying that, even if he knew his brother would ignore his comment anyway, While you do that, I'm going to follow up on a few leads... I might be able to find one of the two Bio-terrorists that were let loose into the city.

"Conduits. They're Conduits... never forget that fact." Adagio said, because that fact annoyed her the most, that the DUP and Augustine called people who awakened their powers criminals, even if they did nothing at all, more than then fact that she and her sisters had been demonized by the leader of their.

Reggie said nothing to that as the line went dead, allowing them to go about planning how to get around the enemies that were no doubt guarding the Space Needle, because the sisters agreed with Reggie, it was going to be a heavily guarded area, both on the ground and up at the peak, and they needed a plan. With how important a communications array was, a fact the sisters had learned during their time on Equus before the start of the Tournament of Power, a small force had to be guarding it, because without it Augustine would have a hard time commanding her forces. That was why they wanted to take it down as soon as possible, before she had a chance to actually react to the fact that the sisters were here, as all of them had thought an army would be after them at this point and it meant someone was keeping their arrival a secret, or at least for the time being. Adagio assumed that it was Zeke's team of hackers, keeping the fact that they had arrived in Seattle a secret from Augustine, and if that was the case she was grateful for his assistance, allowing them to focus on the task at hand.

Once the group had a plan in mind, even if it just seemed to be the usual attack and neutralize the enemy plan that Cole had used in the past, the group moved out without delay, only to pause a few moments later when Delsin found one of the Mobile Command Centers in a white walls plaza area.

"Well, we're definitely close to the Space Needle... can't believe all the ugly junk they put on her." Delsin said, because he was looking up at the pieces of metal and devices that were linked to something that seemed to be at the highest point of the entire structure, before he glanced at the enemy camp that was in front of them, "We should take them out, before they get in our..."

Adagio grinned as she floated down into the area in question, as there were a number of fountains for her to work with, so while the Pawns turned their weapons on her, after finding out that she had gotten by all of them with ease, she drew on her power as the water vibrated. The Pawns watched as bits of water floated out of the various fountains, like some sort of being was calling on them or manipulating them in some manner, and the moment they lowered their guards, all to look at her creations, Adagio spun around as she activated her trap. In that instant the watery spheres rushed at each of the Pawns and struck them in their chests, expanding outwards as she nailed her targets to the walls, where Delsin and her sisters watched as her attacks froze the Pawns to the walls, making it so they couldn't move at all. She didn't stop with that as she raised a hand into the air for a moment, causing Delsin to watch as she formed a large fist made out of ice and sent it down into the vehicle, crushing it in a matter of seconds.

The resulting explosion tore the vehicle apart and destroyed it, scattering pieces all over the place and opening the way for Delsin to gather a few more Blast Shards for himself, even though he stood there with a look on his face that told them that he was stunned by her move.

"Okay, never mind... this place wasn't even a threat." Delsin remarked, where he took a few moments to siphon the rest of the energy that resided in the couple of shards that had been scattered around the area, noting just how powerful Adagio was as he realized that the sisters were stronger than the stories claimed.

"Still, we just cut off one head... and opened the way for us to take the communications array." Sonata said, reminding him of the reason they had come here in the first place, while referring to the DUP camps like they were the heads of a hydra, which in a way all of them kind of were, before they turned towards the Space Needle.

"Besides this command center, there's no one down here." Aria added, which worried her to some degree, since they had been expecting a number of soldiers guarding the area around the building and, as they walked over to it, she found that there was no one guarding the base, which seemed to be a mistake in her books.

"Save for a bunch of electrical junk that's likely being hauled to the top." Delsin stated, gesturing to the piles that were off to the side, some of the final components that they either had too many of or didn't get around to installing before it was time to go to war with whoever had been released in Seattle, "So, is there a reason why I can't drain the power off of the enemies we've encountered and defeated so far?"

"You probably have to come into contact with a Prime Conduit, like Augustine, the ones that escaped, Cole, Kessler, Nix, Kuo... the list goes on." Adagio replied, because that seemed to be the case when they considered his powers, meaning it would be a long time before Delsin was able to get the power he was after, the one that would make him go home as soon as he got it.

"Cole's dead, everyone knows that... as for the others, I have no idea who they are." Delsin said, where he figured that the ones that weren't Augustine were Conduits that the sisters had faced at some point during their previous adventures, but at the same time he knew they had to focus and didn't pry for information.

In that moment he started to climb up the side of the Space Needle, using the ladders and items the DUP had added so they could work on adding their junk to it, to the point he was able to reach where one of the elevators were located and found that it can unlocked before rushing down towards him, only to stop on it's own... which was when he heard a huff behind him and turned his head, only to discover that the sisters were floating in the air behind him.

"Wait... you can FLY?!" Delsin asked, as he had turned around so he could look at what was going on and was stunned to see that the sisters were just floating there, with what looked like a faint blue aura around them that seemed to let them float in the air like it was nothing, "Why didn't you say so sooner?"

"First, you didn't ask. Second, we're trying to stay under the radar." Aria replied, where she grabbed onto his arm and just pulled him up to the observation deck, cutting out the majority of the trek so he could get ready for the main reason they were here, especially since there were Pawns waiting for them.

Sure enough the sisters lashed out at the Pawns that were in the area, as they were on the roof of the building, and Delsin joined them without delay, finding that there were at least ten of them and that none of them really stood a chance when Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were involved. As that happened, however, he found a trench coat wearing soldier that had to be a Bishop, making him wonder where the Knight class enemies were hiding, though as he expected the figure targeted the sisters while they were distracted, confirming that they were a greater threat than him. Delsin was actually fine with that, as it meant he could slip around their foes and attack them while they were distracted, though the Bishop seemed to keep an eye on him, no doubt reporting to his superiors before Adagio froze him in a block of ice that went sliding off the edge, landing on the ring below them. While they did that, however, Delsin found something he wasn't expecting to find, one of the Core Relays, which caused him to tear the thing apart with his own powers, so when the rest of their enemies were no longer moving he could tap into a brand new power.

Once everything was said and done he made sure the sisters were standing back before he crouched down a little as he readied his new power, something that propelled him up into the sky as three bolts of smoke, before merging into his body in the air as he rushed down with the full power of his elemental power, allowing him to smash the winch that held up all of the metal, freeing the Space Needle from the DUP's hold.

"Wow... impressive." Adagio said, as there was nothing else for them to say, that was an impressive move for someone of this world to pull off with their powers, though at the same time she found that Delsin was pulling out his materials so he could tag the flag that was above the Space Needle.

At first Delsin had resisted their ideas, but in the end they were able to convince him to paint over the DUP flag with the symbols that were associated with the three of them, the very symbols of their musical talent, and he even added in their faces behind them, a warning to Augustine that they were here and that they were going to take her down when the time was right.

Things had been going well for Augustine, as the time she had spent in Seattle had born good fruit with the officials of the government, as they could see the terror that two of the three 'escaped' Bio-terrorists were causing, since Hank had been of no real help since he was safely behind bars once more. Abigail Walker, for Fetch as she preferred to be called, was on her mad quest to destroy every drug dealer that existed in Seattle, in fact the DUP had secretly found a way to pull in all sorts of people like that for her to pick off, and she was doing a good job scaring everyone. Eugene Sims, who was hiding somewhere in the area that Augustine's main headquarters was located in, was kidnapping suspected Bio-terrorists right off the streets and stashing them away in a private place that she and the DUP couldn't get to. That was fine, because as far as the people of Seattle were aware they were dealing with a mass murderer who killed anyone and a kidnapper who took anyone who struck his fancy, as there was no reason for the public to know the truth, only the lies that would ensure the DUP's continued existence for the foreseeable future.

Her thoughts were interrupted as her workers started to report that they were no longer able to communicate with each other, meaning someone had attacked the Space Needle and took out the array, though as they locked onto the building in question her blood ran cold as she stared at the screen.

"No way... are those...?" one of the workers asked, staring at the figures on the screen, three girls who fit the descriptions of Cole MacGrath's infamous companions, ones that everyone thought had gone missing after the event in New Marais all those years ago.

"The Devil's Succubi." Augustine said, though she did her best to keep the fear out of her voice, as there were countless accounts of what the sisters were capable of, from enticing their foes with their voices, like the Sirens of Empire City that Moya Jones once called them, to their brutality towards those who stood in their path as they used what seemed to be the forces of air, wind, and water against their targets, "Do whatever you can to get reinforcements as soon as possible... if these three are here, well, you know what they'll do."

It was the total destruction of the DUP if they were left to their own devices, so Augustine could only pray that her workers were able to call in more of their forces, to deal with the threat that was going to be knocking on their doorstep if they weren't stopped, making her wonder what the future held for her and her forces.