• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 481 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Power Problems

Eugene, while slightly bothered by the fact that the sisters, Delsin, and Fetch were able to find him, remained true to his word and welcomed them into his lair, which appeared to be the basement of a larger building, while Reggie left to unlock the harness he had put on and to get some rest. The young Conduit, who was definitely around the same age as both Delsin and Fetch, wore a hoodie over his head that was open in the front, revealing his gamer shirt to everyone around him, and he wore glasses over his eyes, though he was nervous about actually meeting them. He explained that he played a game called Heaven's Hellfire, which was where he drew inspiration from when creating both his angels and demons, the former being used to protect the weak while the latter punished the bullies, something that became more real when he manifested his powers for the first time. After that he went on to say that he was just like Fetch, they were trained to use their powers to further Augustine's agenda, which the sisters confirmed since the reporters claimed she was a murderer and Eugene was a kidnapper, where he informed them that those he saved were in one of the worlds his power created, safe and sound until their foe was taken care of.

When he went into explaining his powers, however, he offered Delsin his arm and allowed him to what he did to Fetch not that long ago, granting him access to some of his video powers, reminding the sisters of the Conduit back on the Isle of Thunder, before eventually allowing them to leave so Delsin could learn his brand new powers.

"Okay, time to see what sort of powers Eugene added to my arsenal." Delsin said, where he thought about what sort of powers he had learned from the last two Conduits, which gave him his smoke and neon powers, as he raised his right hand for a moment, but when he tried to do something nothing came out of his hand, "Oh that's not good... should we be worried about what this means? Have I lost my powers?"

"You didn't lose your powers... if this is like what happened to us years ago, some stimulation would be helpful." Adagio replied, though she wasn't too surprised by the fact that Delsin was having trouble with his new powers, because she and her sisters had seen the same thing back when he gained Fetch's neon power and suspected it was true when he gained his smoke powers, "Which means we need to find you a Core Relay. Reggie, you there?"

Yeah, I heard. Reggie answered, as Adagio had called him after telling Delsin that he hadn't lost his powers, though she could tell that the cop was hoping something would come along and take away his brother's powers so they could go home, even if Delsin would keep up the fight no matter what, I know the location of two Core Relays, but the rest are outside my search net. Hey, out of curiosity, do you really have to do this?

"Bro, I know you mean well, but even if the sisters are wrong, and I have lost my powers, I'm going to take the fight all the way to Augustine... even if I have to throw rocks to do so." Delsin stated, showing that it didn't matter right now, his desire to see the leader of the DUP brought to justice was far stronger than his desire to preserve himself, to the point where he'd do anything and everything to bring her down.

Reggie said nothing to that as he sent over the information he had, causing Delsin to jog off towards the first Core Relay as the sisters and Fetch followed after him, though their mere presence stopped some of the Akurans from beating up those who were wearing the DUP's vests. Of course they weren't alone in that regard, as there were more angels in the sky to save the suspected Conduits while some of the Akurans were scared off by the demons that followed, showing them that Eugene was serious about keeping the people safe, regardless of how the rest of Seattle saw him. Their target was in an alley, just a short jog away from where Eugene's lair was located, though this time around Sonata slashed into it with her wind blades, breaking parts of it off so Delsin could get at the energy that was resting inside it, which he did without delay. Once he was done Delsin showed off his new power, where it looked like he emitted a ring of energy for a few seconds before simply disappearing, though while he left no trace of his existence, since there was no sound coming from him, the sisters were able to track him down with ease.

"An invisibility power! That's awesome!" Delsin said, though at the same time he glanced over at the sisters for a moment as he reappeared nearby, showing everyone that his new power was on a short timer that would no doubt change the more time he spent learning his new video powers, "How did you know where I was?"

"We can sense your Ki. You can erase your presence and sounds, but not your Ki." Aria stated, which was the truth, though at the same time she knew that the only way for him to actually hide himself from them would be to learn how to actually use and control the energy she was talking about, just like they had learned how to do so from their friends after Discord brought them back to Equus, "I mean, you could do so if you knew how, but it takes some time to figure that out."

Delsin looked at Fetch for a moment, as they were confused by what the sisters had done to track him down, before they decided to focus on tracking down the other Core Relay, which just so happened to be on the nearby dock and was easy to break open with a simple blast from Adagio. With that done she, her sisters, and Fetch stood guard as he started to take in the power of the Core Relay, though this time around more DUP soldiers arrived to stop him in his tracks, only to find that he had claimed it's power and had gained a physical attack in the form of a blue sword, similar to the one that they found on the way to the destroyed bridge. He was now able to melee his foes with his new weapon, which used his chains as it's base, and now, when he used his invisibility power, he could summon miniature swords that pinned his foes to the ground before they had a chance to fight him. Between the five of them the DUP soldiers didn't stand much of a chance, not that it mattered too much since it was just a pack of Pawns based on what Adagio could see, though since this seemed to be the last of the Core Relays that Reggie knew about, causing Delsin to call Eugene to see if he had any information.

Sure enough he sent them the location of a Core Relay he knew about, though when Delsin asked if he wanted to help out with the suspected Conduits being harassed in the streets the other Conduit informed them that there were level eleven angels waiting for him in the Valley of Death.

"Told you he's weird." Fetch remarked, though at the very least they got some coordinates from Eugene, so it wasn't a loss for them, since it meant Delsin could grow his powers even more than before, allowing him to become more ready for the fight with Augustine, something they all knew was coming in due time.

"He's probably stressed out and that game is his only form of escape." Delsin said, which made sense to him, since part of his tagging had to do with relieving some of the stress he felt in his life, though these days it was because it was fun and it allowed him to mock both Augustine and the DUP that followed her, "Come on, he'll call us when he's ready to enact his plan against the DUP and the Akurans."

Fetch said nothing to that as she and the sisters followed Delsin towards the next Core Relay, scaring off the Akurans that were on the way while releasing the suspected Conduits into the custody of a couple of angels that were watching them, a fact that meant Eugene was paying attention to their actions. As it turned out the next one happened to be near a couple of Akurans who were bullying a poor man, who, once more, ran when the Dazzlings got near them, which wasn't even a surprise at this point, allowing Delsin to free him before focusing on his main target. A few moments later he emerged from his little power trip and informed them that he could now glide over distances and even up the sides of walls, plus he could use the various satellite dishes to aid him, all due to his new video wings, a copy of what the angels had. With this one taken care of Delsin called Eugene as the others dealt with the couple of snipers in the area, mostly to get the position of the other Core Relays so he could be ready for whatever plan their new friend was preparing for them.

Eugene did ask about Hank, since the man who caused the accident that allowed them to escape had talked about his daughter during the trip to Seattle, something the sisters made note of as Adagio sent a message to Zeke, since this just seemed like the perfect ammunition that could be used against Hank, as they were sure he was being imprisoned by their foe, somewhere in her tower.

The next Core Relay was located deeper in the DUP's ever shrinking territory, though for the time being Delsin figured that getting his powers, and he meant all of them, was far more important than messing with all of the remaining command centers that were around this portion of the island. With that in mind they followed the angels up to the next Core Relay and let Delsin tap into a new power, though as he finished the group found two helicopters coming their way, where they let him take one with his missile based power, which was him firing off multiple large swords at a target. As one helicopter exploded, the pilot jumping out as he realized the attack would have killed him, Sonata wasted no time in cutting the other one apart with her wind blades, something that impressed Fetch and would likely impress Eugene as well. His next power came from a Core Relay that was located near the western edge of the island, which gave him his main projectile skill, as he was now able to fire out bolts of video energy at his foes, something that allowed Delsin to fight like he did in the past, just with a new arsenal.

Of course Eugene thought that this was enough before Delsin convinced him to give him one more, the finisher, and the group found it without delay, located near another command center, though this power allowed him to summon a whole lot of angels that bombarded the immediate area in front of him.

"Oh yeah. Here comes Heaven, Hell, and Delsin!" Delsin remarked, where they watched as the attack decimated all of the DUP that happened to be in that direction, wiping out their vehicles and even part of their structure, showing them that it was, in fact, the video finishing move that rounded out his skills.

Hey Delsin, here's a thought: maybe 'Heaven, Hell, Delsin, Eugene, Fetch, and the Dazzlings'? Eugene stated, though based on his tone the sisters could tell that he was just a little annoyed with Delsin, which was understandable since Fetch had been the same way when she found Delsin rapidly gaining powers that she had spent years mastering, even though his were less than theirs.

"No, that's a mouthful. At that point you might as well say 'Heaven, Hell, and the Conduits'." Adagio commented, which was the truth, Eugene's just seemed like too much for someone to say if they wanted to be epic about it, though due to the fact that Delsin hated to repeat epic things, and had a lot to say at any given time, she suspected that it didn't matter to him in the long run, "So, how's the plan coming along?"

Good. I think I'm ready to move... the Akurans are up to something and I mean to stop them. Eugene said, though this wasn't a surprise to the group, as each of them knew that he wanted to protect the innocent and that the Akurans needed to be taught a lesson, so it made them eager to see what sort of plan he had in mind.

With Delsin done with the Core Relays, and they were sure of that, they told Eugene that they would swing by the lair and listen to his plan, as it was time to deal with the bullies that were on this island and maybe set things right before dealing with the DUP and finally bringing Augustine down.