• Published 21st Oct 2012
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The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Six: Dunamis

Chapter Six: Dunamis

It had taken the loving sympathy of her entire family and a massive bowl of fried apples in brown sugar to calm Applejack down. Finally she was able to talk about it rationally to her siblings and grandmother. “Ah don’t get it. Ah’m the same mare they always seen in tha market, who always helped around town, competed in rodeos… They never acted like this when the girls and Ah used the Elements on Discord or Luna. Ah mean, yeah, there was a party, but only because Pinkie wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Well,” said Apple Bloom, “It ain’t ever’ day that royalty comes an’ visits.”

AJ glumly stared at her empty bowl. “But Ah ain’t royalty!”

“But yeh look like royalty. Ah wonder, is that why Princess Celestia always has so many guards? So ponies cain’t mob her like that?” said Apple Bloom.

“Ah dunno. Hay, Blooms, ain’t you supposed ta be at school bah now?”

“Nah, it’s a late-start t’day.”

AJ shrugged at that and turned to her brother, “Can, can y’all get tha cart fer me? Ah don’t think they’re like ta let me back inta town tha way things are. They’re probably gonna arrest me or throw a parade, Ah don’t care ta find out which.”


Granny Smith, busy frying up more apples to try and sate her daughter’s now prodigious appetite, frowned in intense thought before speaking up. “Now, ain’tchu got some fancy unicorn friends? Mebby they ken teach ya howta disguise yerself as a reg’lar earth pony. With magic. Now ya got a horn.”

AJ sighed, “Yep, Ah been puttin’ off Twilight fer days now. Ah should go see her t’day.”

Big Mac nodded his approval of the plan before heading out to meet a group of pegasus couriers who were coming to pick up a pallet of apple crates headed for Cloudsdale.


Half an hour later, after her second generous helping of fried apples, she was in the upper air on her way to Twilight’s place. A couple of pegasi followed her curiously at a fair distance behind and below. It was odd really, she had never really given any thought to flying before the change, but now she was coming to rely on it. She was right over the library now, but she needed to lose her two tails before descending to more hospitable altitudes. Spotting a solitary cirrus cloud nearby, she flapped up to it and landed, determined to wait out her stalkers. The thin, wispy cloud trembled and wobbled under her weight, but held. Smiling at the new sensation, she carefully settled down for a power nap, Rainbow-style. It was a little cold, but her fur repelled the mist gently, keeping her dry. Sighing in contentment, she wondered if she had ever felt something so soft.

Several minutes passed in which nothing happened. Eventually one of the pegasi decided to try reaching her perch. AJ just gathered in her high-altitude cloud, leaving no place for the other pony to land. Now that the pegasus was closer, AJ thought she recognized her from the market.

“Hay!” Some huffing and puffing. “Applejack, right?”

Applejack kept her silence, pretending to sleep.

“My name’s Merry…” Gasp, pant. “Merry May, and I just wanted to know if you gave out…” Wheezing. “Autographs?” A good minute passed with nothing but the sound of Merry’s labored breathing and flapping. “N-no?” She was starting to look distinctly blue around the gills by this point. “Maybe later then…” the green pegasus finally went into a half-dive half-faint, gulping at the richer air below.

When Applejack was finally sure they had lost interest and gone, she kicked off her cloud and dove for the library, intent on getting there before any others spotted her. Halfway through the dive she remembered why this wasn’t a good idea. Back-flapping madly she managed to control her crash into Twilight’s balcony. It left her dazed, but at least she hadn’t broken anything. Before she could collect herself Spike had opened the balcony door. “Oh! Hay AJ, uh, wanna come in?”

“Ugh, thanks Spike.”

“No problem. That was a pretty loud crash. You need some frozen peas or something?”

“Ah’ll be fine. Is Twi in?”

“Yeah, I’ll go get her.”


Twilight had immediately closed and locked the library upon hearing what had happened earlier that day. She had agreed to a magic lesson, but told AJ she should rest for a bit while she went out to get Rarity. A little while later both unicorns came in, furtively locking the door behind them.

“Alright,” Twilight said, “Magic. Your first lesson is going to be simple telekinesis, just like a foal learning for the first time. Telekinesis is fundamental to many of the more complex spells in a unicorn’s arsenal. Some ponies teach their children light first, but that’s mostly useless in my opinion.”

Rarity raised a hoof. “Ah, Twilight, why am I here? I should think you would be the obvious choice in teaching Applejack. I’m not sure what I can add where the Element of Magic herself couldn’t do better.”

Twilight glanced back at her. “Don’t sell yourself short Rarity, you’re amazing at fine manipulation and multi-tasking. I’ve seen you managing more than a dozen needles and swaths of fabric at a time. That takes skill. Also, you aren’t as…” Twilight searched for a kind term, “bookish as I am. I can be pretty bad at explaining these things to a beginner.”

AJ nodded firmly at that. “Now, ya said that telekin-whatsis is fundamental ta other magic. What about changin’ yer shape?”

Twilight frowned at Applejack, “That’s a whole different kettle of kelp, Applejack. Transmogrification is fairly dangerous. Maintaining the extra mass is very magic intensive. You remember the Best Young Flyers competition? Even that simple wing spell I cast on Rarity uses gossamer and dew from the surrounding air rather than form the film from pure energy. Using it to reduce your size, like I think you’re wanting, is even worse. Some portion of the matter that makes up you has to go away somehow. You could end up changing back missing part of your leg or mane, or worse.”

“So, yer sayin’ that it’s impossible fer me ta disguise what Ah am.”


Rarity interjected again. “What about illusions?”

Twilight sighed again. “You’d have to use a tactile illusion spell, and those are even harder to pull off, though not as dangerous.”

“A tacky what now? Ah can see Ah’m not gonna get most of this, am Ah?”

Twilight gave a sideways smile at AJ, “Sorry, here, I’ll show you.” With a flash, a door and frame appeared in front of Applejack. “Now, open it, slam it, kick it.”

Applejack obliged, surprised when it resisted her kick. “Ah thought y’all said makin’ stuff from nothin’ was hard? This door seems solid as anythin’.”

Twilight giggled a bit. “Now, close your eyes.”

Applejack did so, trotting forward carefully when she felt Twilight pushing her from behind. “Now whut?”

“Open ‘em!”

Applejack opened her eyes to find herself stuck halfway through the door. She panicked, trying to gallop free, but only managed to swing around on the hinges. “What did you do ta me!”

“Whoa, Whoa, calm down. I didn’t do anything. Here.” With a flash, the door was gone. “It was just an illusion, there was never any door. A tactile illusion confuses your mind into acting like it’s interacting with a solid object and making up details when something doesn’t match reality.”

“That don’t sound half dishonest. Ah don’t like it.”

Twilight sighed, “Yeah, I didn’t think you would. And, besides, it takes a lot of training to do right.”

Glumly, Applejack hung her head. “A’right. Ah guess we can start on telekismesis.”

“Hay, cheer up, this stuff is fun, I swear.”

“It’s true, darling, there are few finer feelings than a well-crafted spell coming together.”

Applejack managed a grin. “Okay, what do Ah do first?”

Twilight nodded. “Well, first of all, have you experienced any magical surges from your horn lately? Ponies generate magic constantly, and if that energy isn’t used, it tends to burst out all on its own. That generally helps a foal get used to the feel of using magic.”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah, it ain’t done nothin’ since day one.”

Twilight frowned. “That’s not normal, you should be bursting with mana right now.”

Rarity touched the scholar’s shoulder. “Don’t forget dear, this isn’t a normal case. Applejack. You’ve been flying around a bit, that’s got to account for some mana. Have you been doing much of… Whatever it is earth ponies do?”

Applejack rolled her eyes, unicorns. “A’course Ah been doin’ a lot a ‘whatever it is we earth ponies do.’ Ah do work on a farm.”

“Of course, Applejack, I meant out of the ordinary.” said Rarity.

Applejack thought back over the last couple of days. “Well, Ah did uproot an old-growth oak tree an’ transplant it. And Ah cleared ‘n’ planted an acre of forest land by hoof… An’ then Ah, uh, chatted with the seedlings an’ convinced ‘em ta sprout an extra couple a inches. Oh! and that oak, Ah rearranged its roots ‘r somethin’.

Twilight and Rarity both stared at Applejack. “That would explain it then,” said Twilight. “You aren’t going to have a surge naturally, doing that sort of thing.” Twilight paced a bit. “Well, I read a little about this in preparation. There is one method I’ve heard about that might work. It’s not pleasant though. Are you willing to do what it takes AJ?”

“Uh, Ah guess?”


Several hectic minutes later, Applejack found herself trussed up and strait-jacketed in the middle of the floor. Twilight nodded in satisfaction. “Rarity, you’re sure the fabric will hold?”

“Yes, I layered on every anti-rip enchantment I could think of. Applejack, are you sure you are ok with this arrangement?” Said Rarity.

“Well, Ah did say Ah would do what it takes. If this is whut y’all say it takes, then Ah trust ya. Pinkie Promise.” Applejack rustled about a bit. “Y’all will have to imagine the hoof-motions.”

“Ok,” said Twilight, “Then here is your motivation.” From the fridge, she levitated out a perfect, ripe apple. The succulent fruit was briefly waved under AJ’s nose and then placed just out of reach on a shelf.

The light dawned on Applejack. “Ah see. Y’all realize Ah just ate, right?”

Twilight indulged in a slightly sinister grin. “But you also just went flying, and I know firsthand how quick alicorn metabolisms are. You should see the way Celestia will just wolf down cake at any time of the day. She’d give Pinkie a run for her money.”

Rarity glanced sideways at Twilight, “Doesn’t this seem a bit excessive? I thought you studied on how to teach a foal to use magic. What book did you get this from?” Twilight levitated the book over to her friend. Rarity flipped open the cover. “Twiii-liiight, this book was printed in the 950’s. By a pony named Harsh Discipline no less. Ah, and based on the portrait I believe his cutie mark was a willow cane and a bruise.”

Twilight glanced back at the book. “Huh, I didn’t actually notice that. Now that you mention it though, it kinda does look like that.” Twilight glanced back at Applejack who was gazing blankly at the apple. “Hay, AJ?”


“One more chance to back out.”


“Ok, you’re stuck like that then until you can take a bite of the apple.”

“Eeyup.” Applejack still hadn’t glanced away from the apple.


The afternoon passed without much event aside from some rather odd faces and the occasional colorful outburst from Applejack. To pass the time, Rarity had taken to teaching Twilight how to knit. “Nononono darling, it is a repetitive sequence, but you cannot simply automate the spell without considering tension.”

“Consarn you, you moldy, rotten excuse fer a crabapple!”

Picking out the last five rows of her scarf, Twilight sighed. “It just seems like there’s a better way to do this.”

“Yer mother was a stunted an’ confused pear tree!”

“Certainly so, but until you have a feel for how the material reacts, you are simply better off taking it one step at a time.” said Rarity.

“Y’all’s branch was so bent y’all were pollinated by a dung beetle!”

“Well, isn’t there a spell out there by somepony who knew what they were doing? Some kind of insta-scarf spell?” Twilight moaned.

“Ah bet yer so mushy mah Gran wouldn’t even haveta get her dentures ta chomp ya right in half!”

“Oh, Twilight, that would never do. Each skein of yarn has different properties that affect construction. Besides, who would want a spell that could only make a single type of scarf? How utterly drab that would be if there was only a single template to work from.”

“Yer all smug now, but jest you wait until Ah get mah hooves on ya. Y’all will reee-gret th’ day you budded.”

“Let’s think about this though. Every scarf has a repeating pattern longitudinally as well as laterally. What if there was a spell that analyzed the pattern that you already started and just repeated it all the way down while scanning the yarn continuously for tension and elasticity and so forth? Infinite variety, and a minimum of work!” The librarian’s grin was quite smug.

Rarity simply chuckled, “Absolutely darling, I know a spell like that myself. However, you still have to be able to start the scarf, and to start the scarf you have to practice doing the whole process step by step. There is no royal road to knitting, Twilight.”

“Fine. I guess I’m just really impatient with these sorts of applied knowl-“


Both unicorns jumped at the sudden noise. As they looked towards the source they were greeted by the sight of an extremely smug alicorn grinning while apple juice dripped off of her chin and a bitten apple plunked to the floor. “Aha! Hahahaha! Ah done it! Woo! HahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!