• Published 21st Oct 2012
  • 24,675 Views, 1,266 Comments

The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Sixteen: Diatheke

Chapter Sixteen: Diatheke

By day three of the journey home Luna had recovered and began to stir in her wagon. Applejack immediately called a halt and instructed Merry May to keep everydromedary (it rolled off the tongue better in Camaltese) away from the wagon. She ducked under the canopy of the wagon and sat patiently beside her fellow goddess. With a slight moan and a jerk she startled awake, staring uncomprehendingly up at AJ.

“Good mornin’ sunshine.” said Applejack with a grin. Luna groaned again and pulled a nearby cushion over her face. “Oh no you don’t. Nope. Ah ain’t the most mystic of ponies, but Ah know enough ta know that what happens in a dream don’t count fer nothin’ ‘less ya do somethin’ about it. Now, didja mean that bit about bein’ sisters?”

“Aaaplejack. It’s the middle of the daaay.” came Luna’s muffled voice.

“Answer mah question then Ah might let’cha get back ta sleep.”

“Yes. I meant it. Yay for sisterhood. Now go away, ruffian.”

Applejack chuckled. “Nah, Ah only said Ah might go away. Now up ‘n’ at ‘em. Y’all can take a turn at cart pullin’. It’s only fair.”

“Why are we traveling by hoof? It’s much faster by air.”

“Well, Ah’m sick ta death of flyin’ and Ah like the company. Y’all can fly ahead… But won’t it look a mite strange fer the princess of the night ta come back alone after chasin’ me off like that?”

Luna gave her a flat look. “Blackmail? I expected more from the element of Honesty.”

“Eeyup, Ah ain’t Kindness.”


With much cajoling and backtalk, Luna was hitched to a wagon, giving a few more camels a chance to switch out and rest as they walked. Merry May was scrupulous to keep on the opposite side of the caravan at all times lest Luna find out what she had done while she was sleeping. Luna, for her part, pulled in silence and haughty dignity, the very picture of affronted royalty. Applejack rolled her eyes. It’d do the princess a bit of good to get dirty.

They made good time. By the end of the next day they were in sight of Dodge Junction and the rail back into Equestria proper. Applejack called a quick halt to discuss strategy. “Ah don’t want ta get mobbed. How’re we gonna get into town?”

Luna shrugged, “I could always do this.” She closed her eyes and summoned a green spark of changeling magic. In a few moments she was transformed into a slightly larger version of Night Glider.

“Ya gotta teach me how ta do that. Alright, Musaafir? Ya got any cloaks in extra-extra large? There’re some ponies in town that might recognize me.”

Musaafir shook his prodigious head. “No, the wagon sheets though…”

“Ah’ll get it back to ya plus interest.”

Musaafir nodded, “Fair as always, noble D’jinn.”

“Thanks again. And, Ah’ll make sure that if y’all’re ever down at Sweet Apple Acres, y’all will get the biggest spread a food y’all have ever laid eyes on.”

Musaafir’s eyes twinkled at the alicorn, “We shell take you up on that.”

“Well, goodbye, Ah’ll see y’all later. If ya do go into town, tell Cherry Jubilee that Ah said hi.”

“Goodbye! We shell meet again, Epplejeck.”

“Come on Merry! Let’s go.”

Merry May nodded and said goodbye to the camel she had been talking with. The camels set up camp for the evening. Applejack, looking rather odd in a sail’s worth of canvas, Luna in disguise as a statuesque, star-spangled pegasus, and Merry May in her turban, set off across the sand and cracked earth towards Dodge Junction.

A sheriff had galloped up to meet them a short ways from town. Luna had beckoned him over and whispered something in his ear. His eyes had widened in surprise and he nodded at the trio. His accent was deep and slow, “Welcome to Dodge Junction. Envoys of thuh Princesses are a rare sight out here. Ah know better than ta ask y’all whah y’all’re here, but our services are at y’alls disposal.”

Luna smiled at him. “A set of train tickets will suffice.”

The sheriff nodded, “Ah figure Ah ken do that.” Noticing Merry May for the first time, he pointed out her turban. “Y’all just get out of thuh shower, missy? Ain’t no water ‘round here for miles.”

Merry May glanced side to side nervously. “Uh, no. It… I can take it off.”

“Merry May. You keep that hat on yer head.” Applejack raised her voice for the first time. “First rule. Ah don’t care whut kinda hat yer wearin’, y’all don’t let nopony give ya no guff about it.”

Merry May looked back and forth between the sheriff and her goddess. It took her only a moment to stiffen her spine. “That’s right! You don’t like my hat, Mr. Sheriff, y’all can just deal!”

Applejack smiled under her sheet. Maybe Merry May could learn after all.

The sheriff looked critically at the abnormally large unicorn under the sheet, and decided that there were better fights to pick. “Well, Y’all can head down to thuh depot. They’ll get y’alls tickets and such squared away. Just tell ‘em Sheriff Gunsmoke sent y’all.” With a final nod, he galloped ahead of them into town.


The tickets had been waiting for them as promised. The trio got plenty of odd looks from the townsfolk, but the cowponies mostly lost interest when they saw that the strangers were waiting for the outbound train. Weirdos headed out of town were officially Somepony Else’s Problem. The overnight train to Ponyville arrived without incident and the three of them found themselves in an otherwise unoccupied car. Applejack immediately threw off the canvas. “Whew, Ah can-not believe that some ponies wear clothes ever’ day. Ah’m sweatin’ like a pig.” Merry May chuckled a bit at that, then abruptly caught herself and sat to attention, eyes forward. Applejack sighed. “Merry…”

“Yes milady?”

“If y’all really want the job, Ah need ya ta be more than a good soldier or an obedient servant. Ah need a friend. Ah have the girls ‘n’ mah family back home fer emotional support, but if yer gonna be spendin’ yer days at mah beck and call, which Ah ain’t totally comfortable with, Ah need ya ta be somepony that Ah can laugh ‘n’ carry on with too.”

Merry May fidgeted a bit. “But, aren’t I supposed to show you respect? I mean… If I don’t treat you like you deserve to be treated, aren’t other ponies not going to?”

Applejack glanced at Luna. The erstwhile pegasus was studiously examining the passing landscape. “Ah don’t think…”

“She’s correct, you know.” said Luna. She was still facing away from them, her gaze focused on the distance. Slowly, deliberately, she turned to Applejack. “This is the reality of thy life. Thou art a goddess, ponies will look up to you, some will pray to you even. It matters not that thou art uncomfortable with the praise and expectation. To be less than you are is to hurt the ones who look up to you. Tia and I have learned this lesson over many years, at great cost.”

“But, ta be what Ah ain’t. Won’t that hurt them more?”

“What, then, art thou? Nopony is knowable, not really. We are each ineffable things, unsure of ourselves and unsure of those around us. Appearance is as good as a fact.”

“Ah don’t buy it. Truth is truth. Some things are so and some ain’t. It don’t matter if y’all are unsure, the fact remains with or without yer say-so.”

“Fine, then look at thyself and ask, what should Applejack, who is a goddess, do?”

Applejack sat back and fumed. Luna had a way of twisting words around as if they were something they weren’t. Timidly, Merry May spoke, “What if I called you Ma’am?”

AJ quirked an eyebrow at May, “That… Ah can deal with that. And y’all will loosen up a bit?”

Merry May stuck out a hoof, “Deal.”

Laughing, AJ met Merry’s hoof with her own. “Deal.”


The rest of the train ride passed peacefully. Occasionally one of them would pipe up with a comment or a story and the other two would listen, but for the most part a comfortable silence reigned. As evening wound into night and on towards morning, the dusty hills of the San Palomino Desert slowly gave way to the greener fields and trees of Everfree County. Something in the air changed subtly as well. Applejack felt suddenly at peace as she caught the faint scent of apple trees growing and ripening. Off in the distance was the south orchard, just coming into view. Apparently somepony had taken care of the thorns already. As the train passed acre after acre of the old family farm, Applejack wished she could just leap from the car and run off into the fields, reveling in the familiar glory of it.

All too soon, the fields passed from view as they came within sight of the Ponyville train station. There was something going on in town. Tents and pavilions littered the empty pastures near town and something was going on at the station itself.

Luna perked up, with a burst of magic she reverted to her normal form. “I believe Tia has come to meet us!”