• Published 21st Oct 2012
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The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Fifteen: Barbarizein

Chapter Fifteen: Barbarízein

Applejack stirred before opening her eyes. She was under some sort of blanket. Snuffling her way out from underneath, she stretched her neck out and slowly opened her eyes. The drenched and shattered wasteland she had fallen asleep in was gone. In its place was a massive and richly embroidered tent, floored with sweet grass. She was lying on a canvas cot. Across the room sat Merry May, snoozing gently and wearing a turban. Applejack brought a hoof to the bridge of her nose and let out a deep breath. “Merry…”

The little pegasus startled awake. She looked at Applejack with glittering eyes and let out a loud whistle towards the tent flap. Standing up, she trotted over to Applejack and curtsied. “How are you, mistress?”

“Ah’m fine. Where did y’all get tha tent? An’ don’t call me mistress.”

Before Merry could answer, a gangly camel nudged the tent flap aside. In his mouth was a large platter with several pieces of some kind of bread, stuffed with piping hot vegetables and a pungent sauce. He set the platter on a low table, bowed deeply, and left again. Merry giggled, turning back to her idol. “That’s where! I ran into a herd of camels traveling the southern deserts and convinced them to follow the spots of greenery that you left behind. I don’t know if we would have ever caught up to you if it weren’t for the explosion.”

Applejack, still groggy and willing to humor the mare, asked, “Explosion?”

“There was a massive explosion of water and rock and fire! It came from the opposite direction we were following, but I said to myself, ‘self, that’s probably her!’ So we switched course and found you in some kind of swampy jungle. The camels were really impressed. They said that this place used to be completely dead. Now they want to follow you too! Isn’t it wonderful?” Merry smiled, fit to burst.

“Merry, Ah don’t need followers. And whut happened ta Luna?”

A confused look washed over Merry’s face before answering with venom in her voice. “Luna… We put her somewhere where you could deal with her. She tried to hurt you!”

Applejack sprang fully upright at that. “Whut. Did. You. Do. Take me ta her now.”

Merry skittered back at the sudden intensity in AJ’s voice. “Y-yes milady.” She dashed out of the tent, AJ hard on her heels. Outside Applejack could see that they were in a large grassy plain. In front of them the land sloped down into a shallow tree-filled basin where the water from her fight had collected. Merry May immediately took wing and swooped towards the little grove. Applejack kept to the ground, easily keeping pace. Through the little stand of trees there was a large boulder wrapped in chains. Strapped to the top was Luna, looking very uncomfortable in her sleep.

Wasting no time, Applejack bit down on one of the chains and ripped it free. Spitting out the metal, she turned on Merry May. “Luna’s far more of a goddess than Ah am. Y’all will get her over to tha camp right now an’ do fer her whatever ya did fer me, y’hear?” The little pony trembled and dashed off towards the camp, yelling at the milling camels.

In the meantime, Applejack gently lowered the mishandled princess down from the stone and started hauling her out of the little swamp. She was met halfway by a couple of camels carrying a stretcher. One of them nodded graciously to her and said, “We shell take her, lady D’jinn.” His accent was quite strong, but understandable.

Applejack nodded back, “Thank yeh kindly.” She rolled Luna gently off her back and onto the stretcher. “But mah name ain’t Gin, though Ah guess y’all are close in a way… It’s Applejack.”

The camel stared at AJ for a minute before tossing his head dismissively. “Very well, lady Epplejeck.” They trotted back to the camp in companionable silence. Luna was carefully placed in a corner where several of the she-camels tended her and brushed her fur. Merry May hovered nervously at AJ’s side. Applejack watched them care for Luna until she was satisfied that they would treat her gently. Turning to Merry, she said, “Have y’all had lunch yet? Ah think Ah can spare one a them funny sandwiches.”


The meal had passed in silence. Merry had been too nervous to speak, while Applejack had been far too hungry. Finally sated, she turned to her erstwhile disciple and asked, “So, Merry. Why, ex-actly do ya wanna follow me?”

Merry looked shocked. “Uh, I, you’re beautiful and powerful and strong and you are… I mean, why wouldn’t I?”

“Sapphire Shores is all a those, and a sight prettier ‘n’ better at singin’ to boot. Why not drool over her like tha rest a her fans?”

Merry quirked her mouth to the side and shook her head. “But, she doesn’t matter like you do.”

“Ah ain’t no better than anypony else. Besides, if yer lookin fer a goddess, Luna an’ Celestia have tons more experience than Ah do.”

“They have other ponies to look after them. And, if you aren’t any better than anypony else, how come you can make the world wake up?”

Applejack sat for a minute. “Well, Ah don’t rightly know.”

Merry May smirked, then frowned, not quite sure how to take having bested her goddess in a battle of wits.


The trip back to Equestria was going to take the better part of a week on hoof, even with Applejack pulling the largest wagon solo. The camels were quite convivial despite the obvious deference they showed her. They were nomads and explorers, like most of their kind. Their clan hadn’t been back to their homeland across the seas in nearly a decade, and the stories they had to tell stretched imagination. At the moment though, Applejack was busy trying to read, pull a cart and use magic all at once. A second letter had arrived on the second day of their return journey. It contained little, loving notes from her family and friends, and a letter from Celestia.

Dear Applejack,

I know that this letter will find you well. Luna visited me in a dream and has filled me in on what has transpired between you, in addition to my own ways of gathering information. I’m glad you are on better terms and I hope to call you sister as well. On the other hoof, that leads to certain complications of a legal nature. Whether or not you choose to invoke the title, you are by right a sovereign, reigning princess of Equestria with all the rights thereunto pertaining. The foremost of your rights as such is to form an honor-guard or similar organization under your exclusive command of whatsoever volunteers you desire. Their salaries are to be paid directly from the national treasury. Before you dismiss this as being needless and pretentious, consider your current situation carefully. Other duties and responsibilities you should wish to perform can be discussed at another date.

Your sister in harmony,


Applejack furled the scroll and tucked it into her harness for safekeeping. She frowned for a while in thought, her eyes occasionally darting over to Merry May. She was currently helping to pull a small cart and chatting animatedly with one of the camels, no doubt extolling Applejack’s virtues and power. A royal guard did not sound like something AJ wanted. What would she do with a contingent of soldiers? On the other hand, the letter had specified that the particulars of the organization were up to her. Celestia had asked her to think about it, so it was obvious she was driving at something.

Her mind wandered back to her experience in the Ponyville market. It’d be impossible to sell apples from behind a barrier of steel and muscle, and something about the thought of hiring royal sales-ponies left a sick taste in her mouth. She’d probably have to hire somepony to keep curious ponies out of the farm… Again, though, that seemed to be missing the point of Celestia’s offer. Grunting, she called out to the camel pulling alongside Merry, “Hay! Musaafir! Can yuh spare Merry fer a bit?”

“Certainly, miss D’jinn! Though I shell miss her company.”

Applejack mentally shrugged at the name they seemed to have given her. “Mah thanks then fer lettin’ me borrow her. Merry? Ah’d like a word with yeh if ya don’t mind.”

Merry hesitated, then slipped free of her harness and trotted over to Applejack. She bobbed her head in an approximation of a walking bow. “What do you need, milady?”

Applejack waited a minute to get her thoughts straight. Looking over at Merry, she said, “Ah’m gonna ask ya agin. Why do y’all want ta follow me?”

Merry sighed, “I-I didn’t really know in the beginning, but now… I wish you would understand… You can do so much and-and bring so much beauty to the world. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen even more how you leave every place you’ve been better. Even where you and Luna fought, the land is alive again. If, um, if there is any way I can help you bring that beauty to other ponies, shouldn’t I do that?”

“Well, Ah can’t say Ah’ve appreciated ever’thing ya’ve done.” Merry’s face fell. “But, Ah do appreciate yeh comin’ after me.” Merry brightened. “If there was a way y’all could help me ‘n’ make ponies’ lives easier, would ya do it?”

“Yes! Anything you like!” Merry skipped along, excited.

“Well, Ah get ta form mah own sorta royal guard, bein’ technically a princess and all. Ah don’t want soldiers, though. Ah suppose that bein’ an alicorn, mah family’s bigger’n Granny, Mac ‘n’ Blooms. Ah should do what Ah can fer the world. Ah think that’s whut mah guard should be. Somethin’ ta help me help others. Ah think, maybe, Ah’d like you be mah first captain.”

Merry May shot into the air with excitement. “Really!?”

“Now hold on jest an apple pickin’ minute, y'all gotta promise ta follow orders and ya gotta pass a test first!”

“I'll do anything!”



Applejack smirked, she had Merry right where she wanted her. “Well, before y’all can join mah guard, ya gotta prove yer country enough.”


“Show me how country ya are and Ah’ll let’cha join.”

“I, uh, Ah ken.. dew thee-at… Uh, yep-howdy.”

“Hmm… Nnope. Not good ‘nuff. Keep tryin’.”